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ITIL Problem Management

ITIL defines a 'problem' as the cause of one or more incidents.

Problem Management includes the activities required to diagnose the root cause of incidents and to determine the resolution to those problems. It is also responsible for ensuring that the resolution is implemented through the appropriate control procedures, especially Change Management and Release Management.

Problem Management will also maintain information about problems and the appropriate workarounds and resolutions, so that the organization is able to reduce the number and impact of incidents over time. In this respect, Problem Management has a strong interface with Knowledge Management, and tools such as the Known Error Database will be used for both.

Although Incident and Problem Management are separate processes, they are closely related and will typically use the same tools, and may use similar categorization, impact and priority coding systems. This will ensure effective communication when dealing with related incidents and problems.

More on Problem Management

Read more on Problem Management here:


Problem Management - Problem detection

It is likely that multiple ways of detecting problems will exist in all organizations. These will include:

Frequent and regular analysis of incident and problem data must be performed to identify any trends as they become discernible. This will require meaningful and detailed categorization of incidents/problems and regular reporting of patterns and areas of high occurrence. 'Top ten' reporting, with drill-down capabilities to lower levels, is useful in identifying trends.

Further details of how detected trends should be handled are included in the Continual Service Improvement publication.


Problem Management - Problem logging

Regardless of the detection method, all the relevant details of the problem must be recorded so that a full historic record exists. This must be date and time stamped to allow suitable control and escalation.

A cross-reference must be made to the incident(s) which initiated the Problem Record and all relevant details must be copied from the Incident Record(s) to the Problem Record. It is difficult to be exact, as cases may vary, but typically this will include details such as:

Problem Categorization

Problems must be categorized in the same way as incidents (and it is advisable to use the same coding system) so that the true nature of the problem can be easily traced in the future and meaningful management information can be obtained.

Problem Prioritization

Problems must be prioritized in the same way and for the same reasons as incidents - but the frequency and impact of related incidents must also be taken into account. The coding system described earlier in Table 4.1 (which combines impact with urgency to give an overall priority level) can be used to prioritize problems in the same way that it might be used for incidents, though the definitions and guidance to support staff on what constitutes a problem, and the related service targets at each level, must obviously be devised separately. Problem prioritization should also take into account the severity of the problems. Severity in this context refers to how serious the problem is from an infrastructure perspective, for example:


Problem Management - Problem resolution

Ideally, as soon as a solution has been found, it should be applied to resolve the problem - but in reality safeguards may be needed to ensure that this does not cause further difficulties. If any change in functionality is required this will require an RFC to be raised and approved before the resolution can be applied. If the problem is very serious and an urgent fix is needed for business reasons, then an Emergency RFC should be handled by the Emergency Change Advisory Board (ECAB). Otherwise, the RFC should follow the established Change Management process for that type of change - and the resolution should be applied only when the change has been approved and scheduled for release. In the meantime, the KEDB should be used to help resolve quickly any further occurrences of the incidents/problems that occur.

Note: There may be some problems for which a Business Case for resolution cannot be justified (e.g. where the impact is limited but the cost of resolution would be extremely high). In such cases a decision may be taken to leave the Problem Record open but to use a workaround description in the Known Error Record to detect and resolve any recurrences quickly. Care should be taken to use the appropriate code to flag the open Problem Record so that it does not count against the performance of the team performing the process and so that unauthorized rework does not take place.

Problem Closure

When any change has been completed (and successfully reviewed), and the resolution has been applied, the Problem Record should be formally closed - as should any related Incident Records that are still open. A check should be performed at this time to ensure that the record contains a full historical description of all events - and if not, the record should be updated.

The status of any related Known Error Record should be updated to shown that the resolution has been applied.


Problem Management - Problem Investigation and Diagnosis

An investigation should be conducted to try to diagnose the root cause of the problem - the speed and nature of this investigation will vary depending upon the impact, severity and urgency of the problem - but the appropriate level of resources and expertise should be applied to finding a resolution commensurate with the priority code allocated and the service target in place for that priority level.

There are a number of useful problem solving techniques that can be used to help diagnose and resolve problems - and these should be used as appropriate. Such techniques are described in more detail later in this section.

The CMS must be used to help determine the level of impact and to assist in pinpointing and diagnosing the exact point of failure. The Know Error Database (KEDB) should also be accessed and problem-matching techniques (such as key word searches) should be used to see if the problem has occurred before and, if so, to find the resolution.

It is often valuable to try to recreate the failure, so as to understand what has gone wrong, and then to try various ways of finding the most appropriate and cost-effective resolution to the problem. To do this effectively without causing further disruption to the users, a test system will be necessary that mirrors the production environment.

There are many problem analysis, diagnosis and solving techniques available and much research has been done in this area. Some of the most useful and frequently used techniques include:

  Network failures    
Causes Percentage of total Computation Cumulative %
Network Controller 35 0+35% 35
File corruption 26 35%+26% 61
Addressing conflicts 19 61%+19% 80
Server OS 6 80%+6% 86
Scripting error 5 86%+5% 91
Untested change 3 91%+3% 94
Operator error 2 94%+2% 96
Backup failure 2 96%+2% 98
Intrusion attempts 1 98%+1% 99
Disk failure 1 99%+1% 100

From this chart it is clear to see that there are three primary causes for network failure in the organization. These should therefore be targeted first.