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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Cable-Television-Laboratories-Inc » CABH-CAP-MIB » Objects

CABH-CAP-MIB.mib object view, vendor Cable-Television-Laboratories-Inc


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CABH-CAP-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

CABH-CAP-MIB file content

Object view of CABH-CAP-MIB:

Scalar Object
cabhCapTcpTimeWait .
This object is the maximum inactivity time to wait before assuming TCP session is terminated. It has no relation to the TCP session TIME_WAIT state referred to in [RFC793]
cabhCapUdpTimeWait .
The inactivity time to wait before destroying CAP mappings for UDP.
cabhCapIcmpTimeWait .
The inactivity time to wait before destroying CAP mappings for ICMP.
cabhCapPrimaryMode .
The Primary Packet Handling Mode to be used.
cabhCapSetToFactory .
Reading this object always returns false(2). When the cabhCapSetToFactory object is set to true(1), the PS must take the following actions: 1. Clear all entries in the cabhCapMappingTable and cabhCapPassthroughTable. 2. Reset the following objects to their factory default values: cabhCapTcpTimeWait, cabhCapUdpTimeWait, cabhCapIcmpTimeWait, cabhCapPrimaryMode
cabhCapMappingEntry .
List of the private IP (LAN) address - to - cable operator assigned IP (WAN) address mappings stored in the PS and used by the PS to make packet forwarding decisions.
cabhCapPassthroughEntry .
List of hardware addresses of LAN IP Devices which are configured for passthrough mode.
Tabular Object
cabhCapMappingIndex .
The Index into the CAP Mapping Table.
cabhCapMappingWanAddrType .
The IP address type assigned on the WAN side
cabhCapMappingWanAddr .
The IP address assigned by the cable operator's address (DHCP) server, and comprising the WAN-side IP address of the CAP Mapping tuple. This object is populated either dynamically by LAN-to-WAN outbound traffic or statically by the cable operator.
cabhCapMappingWanPort .
The TCP/UDP port number or ICMP sequence number on the WAN side. A port number of 0 indicates a NAT mapping. A non-zero port number indicates an NAPT mapping.
cabhCapMappingLanAddrType .
The IP address type assigned on the LAN side.
cabhCapMappingLanAddr .
The IP address assigned by the DHCP server function of the PS (CableHome DHCP Server, CDS), and comprising the LAN-side IP address of the CAP Mapping tuple. This object is populated either dynamically as a result of LAN -to-WAN outbound traffic or statically by the cable operator.
cabhCapMappingLanPort .
The TCP/UDP port number or ICMP sequence number on the LAN side. A port number/sequence number of 0 indicates a NAT mapping. A non-zero port number/sequence number indicates an NAPT mapping.
cabhCapMappingMethod .
Indicates how this mapping was created. Static means that it was provisioned, and dynamic means that it was handled by the PS itself.
cabhCapMappingProtocol .
The protocol for this mapping.
cabhCapMappingRowStatus .
The RowStatus interlock for the creation and deletion of a cabhCapMappingTable entry. Changing the value of the IP address or port number columns of the CAP Mapping Table may have an effect on active traffic, so the PS will prevent modification of this table's columns and return an inconsistentValue error when cabhCapMappingRowStatus object is active(1). The PS must not allow RowStatus to be set to notInService(2) by a manager. A newly created row cannot be set to active(1) until the corresponding instances of cabhCapMappingWanAddrType, cabhCapMappingWanAddr, cabhCapMappingLanAddrType, cabhCapMappingLanAddr, and cabhCapMappingProtocol have been set. If Primary Packet-handling Mode is NAPT (cabhCapPrimaryMode is napt(1)), a newly created row can not be set to active(1) until a non-zero value of cabhCapMappingWanPort and cabhCapMappingLanPort have been set. If Primary Packet-handling Mode is NAT (cabhCapPrimaryMode is nat(2)), a newly created row can not be set to active(1) if a non-zero value of cabhCapMappingWanPort and cabhCapMappingLanPort have been set.
cabhCapPassthroughIndex .
The index into the CAP Passthrough Table.
cabhCapPassthroughMacAddr .
Hardware address of the LAN-IP Device to be configured as passthrough mode.
cabhCapPassthroughRowStatus .
The RowStatus interlock for the creation and deletion of a cabhCapPassthroughTable entry. Any writable object in each row can be modified at any time while the row is active(1).
cabhCapMappingTable .
This table contains IP address mappings between private network addresses, or network addresses and port numbers/ICMP sequence numbers, assigned to devices on the subscriber's home LAN, and network addresses, or network addresses and port numbers/ICMP sequence number, assigned by the cable operator, presumed to be on a separate subnetwork than the private IP addresses. The CAP Mapping Table is used by the CableHome Address Portal (CAP) function of the PS to make packet forwarding decisions.
cabhCapPassthroughTable .
This table contains MAC addresses for LAN-IP Devices which are configured as passthrough mode.
Object Identifier
cabhCapMib .
This MIB module supplies the basic management objects for the CableHome Addressing Portal (CAP) portion of the PS database. Acknowledgements: Roy Spitzer - Consultant to CableLabs Mike Mannette - Consultant to Cable Labs Randy Dunton - Intel Dmitrii Loukianov - Intel Itay Sherman - Texas Instruments Chris Zacker - Broadcom Rick Vetter - Consultant to Cable Labs John Bevilacqua - YAS
cabhCapObjects .
cabhCapBase .
cabhCapMap .
cabhCapNotification .
cabhCapConformance .
cabhCapCompliances .
cabhCapGroups .
cabhCapGroup .
Group of objects for CableHome CAP MIB.