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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Cable-Television-Laboratories-Inc » PKTC-MTA-MIB » Objects

PKTC-MTA-MIB.mib object view, vendor Cable-Television-Laboratories-Inc


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file PKTC-MTA-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

PKTC-MTA-MIB file content

Object view of PKTC-MTA-MIB:

Scalar Object
pktcMtaDevResetNow .
Setting this object to true(1) causes the device to reset. Reading this object always returns false(2).
pktcMtaDevSerialNumber .
The manufacturer's serial number for this MTA.
pktcMtaDevHardwareVersion .
The manufacturer's hardware version for this MTA.
pktcMtaDevMacAddress .
The telephony MAC address for this device.
pktcMtaDevFQDN .
The Fully Qualified Domain Name for this MTA.
pktcMtaDevEndPntCount .
The physical end points for this MTA.
pktcMtaDevEnabled .
The MTA Admin Status of this device, where True(1) means the voice feature is enabled and false(2) indicates that it is disabled.
pktcMtaDevTypeIdentifier .
This is a copy of the device type identifier used in the DHCP option 60 exchanged between the MTA and the DHCP server.
pktcMtaDevProvisioningState .
This object indicates the completion state of the provisioning process. Pass or Fail states occur after processing of the config file is completed. InProgress occurs from boot time until config file processing is complete. Fail state requires manual intervention.
pktcMtaDevHttpAccess .
This indicates whether HTTP file access is supported for MTA configuration file transfer.
pktcMtaDevManufacturerCertificate .
ASN.1 DER encoding of the MTA Manufacturer's X.509 public-key certificate, called MTA Manufacturer Certificate. It is issued to each MTA manufacturer and is installed into each MTA either in the factory or with a code download. The provisioning server cannot update this certificate.
pktcMtaDevCertificate .
ASN.1 DER encoding of the MTA's X.509 public-key certificate issued by the manufacturer and installed into the embedded-MTA in the factory. This certificate, called MTA Device Certificate, contains the MTA's MAC address. It cannot be updated by the provisioning server.
pktcMtaDevSignature .
A unique signature created by the MTA for each SNMP Inform or SNMP Trap or SNMP GetResponse message exchanged prior to enabling SNMPv3 security ASN.1 encoded Digital signature in the Cryptographic message syntax (includes nonce).
pktcMtaDevCorrelationId .
Random value generated by the MTA for use in registration authorization. It is for use only in the MTA initialization messages and for MTA configuration file download.
pktcMtaDevSecurityEntry .
List of security attributes for a single IPCablecom endpoint interface associated with ifType(104).
pktcMtaDevTgsEntry .
List of Tgs attributes for a single IPCablecom endpoint interface associated with ifType(104).
pktcMtaDevServerBootState .
If operational(1), the device has completed loading and processing of configuration parameters and the Access Node has completed the Registration exchange. If disabled(2) then the device was administratively disabled, possibly by being refused network access in the configuration file. If waitingForDhcpOffer(3) then a DHCP Discover has been transmitted and no offer has yet been received. If waitingForDhcpResponse(4) then a DHCP Request has been transmitted and no response has yet been received. If waitingForConfig(5) then a request to the config parameter server has been made and no response received. If refusedByCmts(6) then the Registration Request/Response exchange with the Access Node failed.
pktcMtaDevServerDhcp .
The IP address or FQDN of the DHCP server that assigned an IP address to this device. Returns if DHCP was not used for IP address assignment.
pktcMtaDevServerDns1 .
The IP address or FQDN of the primary DNS server that resolved an IP address for this device.
pktcMtaDevServerDns2 .
The IP address or FQDN of the secondary DNS server that resolved an IP address for this device.
pktcMtaDevConfigFile .
The URL of the TFTP/HTTP file for downloading provisioning and configuration parameters to this device. Returns NULL if the server address is unknown. Supports both TFTP and HTTP
pktcMtaDevSnmpEntity .
The IP address or FQDN of the SNMP entity for provisioning trap handling that assigned an IP address to this device. Returns if DHCP was not used for IP address assignment.
pktcMtaDevEvControl .
Setting this object to resetLog(1) empties the event log. All data is deleted. Setting it to useDefaultReporting(2) returns all event priorities to their factory-default reporting. Reading this object always returns useDefaultReporting(2).
pktcMtaDevEvSyslog .
The IP address or FQDN of the Syslog server. If, syslog transmission is inhibited.
pktcMtaDevEvThrottleAdminStatus .
Controls the transmission of traps and syslog messages with respect to the trap pacing threshold. unconstrained(1) causes traps and syslog messages to be transmitted without regard to the threshold settings. maintainBelowThreshold(2) causes trap transmission and syslog messages to be suppressed if the number of traps would otherwise exceed the threshold. stopAtThreshold(3) causes trap transmission to cease at the threshold, and not resume until directed to do so. inhibited(4) causes all trap transmission and syslog messages to be suppressed. A single event is always treated as a single event for threshold counting. That is, an event causing both a trap and a syslog message is still treated as a single event. Writing to this object resets the thresholding state. At initial startup, this object has a default value of unconstrained(1).
pktcMtaDevEvThrottleInhibited .
If true(1), trap and syslog transmission is currently inhibited due to thresholds and/or the current setting of pktcMtaDevEvThrottleAdminStatus. In addition, this is set to true(1) if transmission is inhibited due to no syslog (pktcMtaDevEvSyslog) or trap (pktcMtaDevNmAccessEntry) destinations having been set.
pktcMtaDevEvThrottleThreshold .
Number of trap/syslog events per pktcMtaDevEvThrottleInterval to be transmitted before throttling. A single event is always treated as a single event for threshold counting. That is, an event causing both a trap and a syslog message is still treated as a single event. At initial startup, this object returns 0.
pktcMtaDevEvThrottleInterval .
The interval over which the trap threshold applies. At initial startup, this object has a value of 1.
pktcMtaDevEvControlEntry .
Allows configuration of the reporting mechanisms for a particular event priority.
pktcMtaDevEventEntry .
Describes a network or device event that may be of interest in fault isolation and troubleshooting. Multiple sequential identical events are represented by incrementing pktcMtaDevEvCounts and setting pktcMtaDevEvLastTime to the current time rather than creating multiple rows. Entries are created with the first occurrance of an event. pktcMtaDevEvControl can be used to clear the table. Individual events can not be deleted.
Tabular Object
pktcMtaDevServProviderCertificate .
ASN.1 DER encoding of the Telephony Service Provider's X.509 public-key certificate, called Service Provider Certificate. It serves as the root of the intra-domain trust hierarchy. Each MTA is configured with this certificate so that it can authenticate KDCs owned by the same service provider. The provisioning server needs the ability to update this certificate in the MTAs via both SNMP and configuration files.
pktcMtaDevTelephonyCertificate .
ASN.1 DER encoding of the MTA's X.509 public-key certificate issued by the Service Provider with either the Service Provider CA or a Local System CA. This certificate, called MTA Telephony Certificate, contains the same public key as the MTA Device Certificate issued by the manufacturer. It is used to authenticate the identity of the MTA to the TGS (during PKINIT exchanges). The provisioning server needs the ability to update this certificate in the MTAs via both SNMP and configuration files.
pktcMtaDevKerberosRealm .
Specifies a Kerberos realm (i.e. administrative domain), required for IPCablecom key management].
pktcMtaDevKerbPrincipalName .
Kerberos principal name for the Call Agent. This information is required in order for the MTA to obtain Call Agent Kerberos tickets. This principal name does not include the realm, which is specified as a separate field in this configuration file. A Single Kerberos principal name MAY be shared among several Call Agents.
pktcMtaDevServGracePeriod .
The MTA MUST obtain a new Kerberos ticket (with a PKINIT exchange) this many minutes before the old ticket expires. The minimum allowable value is 15 mins. The default is 30 mins.
pktcMtaDevLocalSystemCertificate .
Telephony Service Provider CA may delegate the issuance of certificates to a regional Certification Authority called Local System CA (with the corresponding Local System Certificate). This parameter is the ASN.1 DER encoding of the Local System Certificate. It MUST have a non-empty value when the MTA Telephony certificate is signed by a Local System CA. Otherwise, the value MUST be of length 0.
pktcMtaDevKeyMgmtTimeout1 .
This timeout applies only when the MTA initiated key management. It is the period during which the MTA will save a nonce (inside the sequence number field) from the sent out AP Request and wait for the matching AP Reply from the CMS.
pktcMtaDevKeyMgmtTimeout2 .
This timeout applies only when the CMS initiated key management (with a Wake Up or Rekey message). It is the period during which the MTA will save a nonce (inside the sequence number field) from the sent out AP Request and wait for the matching AP Reply from the CMS.
pktcMtaDevTgsIndex .
Index into the TGS table for TGS locations. IfType specifies the endpoint, TgsIndex specifies a TGS.
pktcMtaDevTgsLocation .
Name of the TGS - Ticket Granting Server, which is the Kerberos Server. This parameter is a FQDN or Ipv4 address. There may be multiple entries of this type. The order in which these entries are listed is the priority order in which the MTA will attempt to contact them for this endpoint.
pktcMtaDevTgsStatus .
This object contains the Row Status associated with the pktcMtaDevTgsTable.
pktcMtaDevEvPriority .
The priority level that is controlled by this entry. These are ordered from most (emergency) to least (debug) critical. Each event with a CM or Access Node has a particular priority level associated with it (as defined by the vendor). During normal operation no event more critical than notice(6) should be generated. Events between warning and emergency should be generated at appropriate levels of problems (e.g. emergency when the box is about to crash).
pktcMtaDevEvReporting .
Defines the action to be taken on occurrence of this event class. Implementations may not necessarily support all options for all event classes, but at minimum must allow traps and syslogging to be disabled. If the local(0) bit is set, then log to the internal log, if the traps(1) bit is set, then generate a trap, if the syslog(2) bit is set, then send a syslog message (assuming the syslog address is set).
pktcMtaDevEvIndex .
Provides relative ordering of the objects in the event log. This object will always increase except when (a) the log is reset via pktcMtaDevEvControl, (b) the device reboots and does not implement non-volatile storage for this log, or (c) it reaches the value 2^31. The next entry for all the above cases is 1.
pktcMtaDevEvFirstTime .
The time that this entry was created.
pktcMtaDevEvLastTime .
If multiple events are reported via the same entry, the time that the last event for this entry occurred, otherwise this should have the same value as pktcMtaDevEvFirstTime.
pktcMtaDevEvCounts .
The number of consecutive event instances reported by this entry. This starts at 1 with the creation of this row and increments by 1 for each subsequent duplicate event.
pktcMtaDevEvLevel .
The priority level of this event as defined by the vendor. These are ordered from most serious (critical) to least serious (debug).
pktcMtaDevEvId .
For this product, uniquely identifies the type of event that is reported by this entry.
pktcMtaDevEvText .
Provides a human-readable description of the event, including all relevant context (interface numbers, etc.).
pktcMtaDevSecurityTable .
Contains per endpoint security information.
pktcMtaDevTgsTable .
Contains per endpoint Ticket Granting Server information.
pktcMtaDevEvControlTable .
This table allows control of the reporting of event classes. For each event priority, a combination of logging and reporting mechanisms may be chosen. The mapping of event types to priorities is vendor-dependent. Vendors may also choose to allow the user to control that mapping through proprietary means.
pktcMtaDevEventTable .
Contains a log of network and device events that may be of interest in fault isolation and troubleshooting.
pktcMtaProvisioningEnrollment .
This inform is issued to initiate the IPCablecom process provisioning.
pktcMtaProvisioningStatus .
This inform is issued to confirm completion of the IPCablecom provisioning process, and indicate the completion state.
Object Identifier
pktcMtaMib .
This MIB module supplies the basic management objects for the MTA Device.
pktcMtaMibObjects .
pktcMtaDevBase .
pktcMtaDevServer .
pktcMtaDevSecurity .
pktcMtaDevEvent .
pktcMtaNotification .
pktcMtaConformance .
pktcMtaCompliances .
pktcMtaGroups .
pktcMtaGroup .
Group of objects for IPCablecom MTA MIB.