caqVccParamsType |
. |
The service category of this virtual circuit connection.
caqVccParamsPcrIn0 |
. |
Input Peak Cell Rate (PCR) in kbps with
Cell Loss Priority bit set to 0 (clp0).
caqVccParamsPcrIn01 |
. |
Number of OAM F5 end to end loopback cells sent through
the VCC.
caqVccParamsPcrOut0 |
. |
Output Peak Cell Rate (PCR) in kbps with
Cell Loss Priority bit set to 0 (clp0).
caqVccParamsPcrOut01 |
. |
Output Peak Cell Rate (PCR) in kbps with
Cell Loss Priority bit set to 1 (clp01).
caqVccParamsScrIn0 |
. |
Input Sustained Cell Rate (SCR) in kbps
for connection with VBR type of QoS and
Cell Loss Priority bit set to 0 (clp0).
caqVccParamsScrIn01 |
. |
Input Sustained Cell Rate (SCR) in kbps
for connection with VBR type of QoS and
Cell Loss Priority bit set to 1 (clp01).
caqVccParamsScrOut0 |
. |
Output Sustained Cell Rate (SCR) in kbps
for connection with VBR type of QoS and
Cell Loss Priority bit set to 0 (clp0).
caqVccParamsScrOut01 |
. |
Output Sustained Cell Rate (SCR) in kbps
for connection with VBR type of QoS and
Cell Loss Priority bit set to 1 (clp01).
caqVccParamsBcsIn0 |
. |
Input Burst Cell Size (BCS) for connection
with VBR type of QoS and
Cell Loss Priority bit set to 0 (clp0).
caqVccParamsBcsIn01 |
. |
Input Burst Cell Size (BCS) for connection
with VBR type of QoS and
Cell Loss Priority bit set to 1 (clp01).
caqVccParamsBcsOut0 |
. |
Output Burst Cell Size (BCS) for connection
with VBR type of QoS and
Cell Loss Priority bit set to 0 (clp0).
caqVccParamsBcsOut01 |
. |
Output Burst Cell Size (BCS) for connection
with VBR type of QoS and
Cell Loss Priority bit set to 1 (clp01).
caqVccParamsInheritLevel |
. |
The source of configuration for peak cell rate.
caqVccParamsMcrIn |
. |
Input Minimum Cell Rate (MCR) in kbps for
connection with VBR-nrt or ABR type of QoS.
caqVccParamsMcrOut |
. |
Output Minimum Cell Rate (MCR) in kbps for
connection with VBR-nrt or ABR type of QoS.
caqVccParamsInvRdf |
. |
Inverse of rate decrease factor.
caqVccParamsInvRif |
. |
Inverse of rate increase factor.
caqVccParamsRfl |
. |
The source of configuration for rate factor.
caqVccParamsCdv |
. |
Cell delay variation.
caqVccParamsCdvt |
. |
Cell delay variation tolerance.
caqVccParamsIcr |
. |
Initial cell rate.
caqVccParamsTbe |
. |
Transient buffer exposure.
caqVccParamsFrtt |
. |
Fixed round-trip time.
caqVccParamsNrm |
. |
Maximum number of tx cells for each forward rm cell.
caqVccParamsInvTrm |
. |
Maximum time between forward rm cells.
caqVccParamsInvCdf |
. |
Inverse of cutoff decrease factor.
caqVccParamsAdtf |
. |
Allowed cell rate decrease time factor.
caqVpcParamsVpState |
. |
VP state of the current permanent virtual path.
caqVpcParamsPeakRate |
. |
Maximum rate in kbps at which the associated
permanent virtual path can transmit data.
caqVpcParamsCesRate |
. |
Maximum rate in kbps at which CES VCs can transmit
data with the associated permanent virtual path.
caqVpcParamsDataVcCount |
. |
Number of data VCs currently associated with
the permanent virtual path.
caqVpcParamsCesVcCount |
. |
Number of CES VCs currently associated with
the permanent virtual path.
caqVpcParamsVcdF4Seg |
. |
Vcd for F4 OAM segment processing.
caqVpcParamsVcdF4Ete |
. |
Vcd for F4 OAM end to end processing.
caqVpcParamsScr |
. |
Sustained cell rate associated with the PVP.
caqVpcParamsMbs |
. |
Maximum burst size associated with the PVP.
caqVpcParamsAvailBw |
. |
Bandwidth in Kbps currently currently available
on this PVP.
caqQueuingParamsMeanQDepth |
. |
Mean Queue Depth associated with the vc. This value
is calculated based on the actual queue depth on the
interface and the exponential weighting constant.
caqQueuingParamsClassIndex |
. |
A class index, which associates with an IP precedence
(0 to 8), is defined to reference individual
caqQueuingParamsClassRandDrp |
. |
Number of packets dropped when Mean Queue
Length is between Minimum Threshold and
Maximum Threshold range.
caqQueuingParamsClassTailDrp |
. |
Number of packets dropped because the Mean
Queue Depth exceeds the Maximum Threshold value.
caqQueuingParamsClassMinThre |
. |
Minimum Threshold value in kbps.
caqQueuingParamsClassMaxThre |
. |
Maximum Threshold value in kbps.
caqQueuingParamsClassMrkProb |
. |
Mark probability denominator. This is the value used
in the calculation of a packet being dropped when
the average queue size is between the minimum
threshold and the maximum threshold.