cbTestPattern |
. |
The BERT pattern to be sent and expected to be received.
An implementation may choose to support only selected patterns.
In some implementations, this object can not be modified when
the BERT is running, i.e cbRowStatus is active(1).
cbUserPattern |
. |
The object used for configuring the user defined pattern
for BERT. This is the fixed repeating BERT pattern sent
and expected to be received when the cbTestPattern object is
set to 'userPattern'. The maximum length of this pattern
is 32 bits. Depending on the hardware, the patterns are
transmitted with least significant first or most
significant bit, until pattern length is reached.
This object can not be modified when the BERT is running,
i.e cbRowStatus is active(1).
cbBertTxPatternInv |
. |
This controls inversion of the transmit BERT pattern.
Possible values are :
notInverted(1): Pattern is transmitted normally.
inverted(2): Each Mark is replaced by Space and
vice versa.
For predefined BERT patterns, the value for this Object
may not be modified. An implementation may choose to
ignore the value of this object, for BERT patterns other
than 'userPattern'. When the value is ignored, the
object contains the value chosen by the underlying hardware.
This object can not be modified when the BERT is running
i.e cbRowStatus is active(1).
cbBertRxPatternInv |
. |
This controls inversion of the received BERT pattern.
Possible values are :
notInverted(1) : Pattern received is not inverted.
inverted(2) : each Mark is replaced by Space and
vice versa.
When set to inverted(1), the received data is inverted
before being processed by the pattern detector.
For predefined BERT patterns, the value for this object
may not be modified. An implementation may choose to
ignore the value of this object, for BERT patterns other
than 'userPattern'. When the value is ignored, the
object contains the value chosen by the underlying
This object can not be modified when the BERT is running
i.e cbRowStatus is active(1).
cbLoopback |
. |
This object specifies the type of loopback established.
Possible values are:
farEndLineLoopback(1): This loopback occurs at the CPE upon
receiving a special code from the
device which initiates the loopback.
Upon receiving the loop activation request
code, the CPE enters a Line loop mode in which it
returns the entire line back to the initiator.
The CPE will continue to return the data
back to the initiator until it receives
loopback deactivation request code.
remoteLineLoopback(3): This loopback is established
at the Near-end.
In this loopback the entire line is looped back to the
Far-end with a) bit-sequence integrity maintained,
b) no change in framing, and c) no removal of bi-
polar violations.
localLoopback(3): This is also known as metallic loopback.
This loopback is used for checking the
internal circuitry of the T3/E3, T1/E1 device.
Only for physical lines.
farEndPayloadLoopback(4): This loopback occurs at the
CPE upon receiving a special code from the
device which initiates the loopback.
Upon receiving the loop activation request
code, CPE enters a Payload loop mode in which it
returns the Payload of the received data back
to the initiator.
The CPE will continue to return the data
back to the initiator until it receives
loopback deactivation request code.
remotePayloadLoopback(5): This loopback is established
at the Near-end.
In this loopback the signal that is returned to the
Far-end consists of the payload of the received signal
(with bit sequence integrity retained) and newly
generated framing information.
noLoopback(6): There is no loopback established
on the device.
cbLoopbackCode |
. |
This object specifies the type of the end device and
the type of loopback code used.
Latching Loopback: Latching Loopback is appropriate with
64 kbit/s DS0-A rate. Once invoked by a specific activation
sequence, it typically remains in effect until released by
another specific code sequence.
non-latching loopback: Non latching activation involves
continuous transmission of loopback command codes, followed
by test data interspersed with command codes.
The possible values are:
Note: The values 1 to 14 are for farEndLoopback.
cbLoopback object is farEndLoopback(1) when these values are
nonLatchOCUwithOneDevice(1): Non-latching OCU with one device.
nonLatchOCUwithChainDevices(2): Non-latching OCU with chain
of devices.
nonLatchCSU(3) : Non-latching CSU.
nonLatchDSU(4) : Non-latching DSU.
latchDS0Drop(5) : Latching DS0-DP Drop device.
latchDS0Line(6) : Latching DS0-DP line device.
latchOCU(7) : Latching OCU.
latchCSU(8) : Latching CSU.
latchDSU(9) : Latching DSU.
latchHL96(10) : Latching HL96 device.
v54PN127Polynomial(11) : For fractional T1.
This loopback is based on
CCITT-ITU V.54 and is being
used to place either a single
DS0 or a DS0 Bundle(N*DS0) in
loopback mode.
lineInband(12) : This is used for loopback the
entire T1 line at the far end.
This is a repeating 5-bit
lineLoopbackESF(13): This loopback result in a full
1.544Mbit/s loopback of the
incoming signal at the far end.
The loopback is activated (latched) and
deactivated by a bit sequence defined in
ANSI T1.403 - 1995.
This corresponds to Facility Data Link
(FDL)loopbacks on a T1 channel.
This causes a repeating,16-bit ESF data
link code word(00001110 11111111) to
the remote end requesting that it
enter into a network line loopback.
localLoopback(14): This is for loop back at the
near end (facility end).
This is used to test the internals of the
device, the interface loops back the
outbound traffic from SRM to SM, back to
the SRM, hence testing the internal device
noLoopbackCode(15): This is for situations, where
no loopback is needed for bert tests.
One example is manual loop back at near or
far end.
payloadLoopbackESF(16): This loopback results
in 1.536 Mbit/s loopback of the payload
of the incoming signal at the far end.
The loopback is activated (latched) and
deactivated by a bit sequence defined in
ANSI T1.403 - 1995.
This corresponds to Facility Data Link
(FDL)loopbacks on a T1 channel.
This causes a repeating, 16-bit ESF data
link code word(00010100 11111111) to
the remote end requesting that it
enter into a network payload loopback.
lineLoopbackFEAC(17): Use the FEAC channel to
establish a line loopback.
smartJackInband(18): Inband loop code for SmartJack (a Telco owned
device that represents the demarcation point of T1 service),
Ref: TR-TSY-000312.
cbSingleBitErrorInsert |
. |
This object is used for inserting single bit error in the
transmitted BERT pattern.
The possible values are:
noError(1) : do not insert single bit errors
insertError(2) : insert single bit errors.
cbErrorInsertionRate |
. |
This object is used for injecting continuous errors into
transmitted BERT pattern. The errors are inserted in a BERT
pattern sent, in order to do sanity check on receive interface
in the event that no bit errors are detected. Injecting errors
allows users to stress communication links and to check the
functionality of error monitoring equipment along the path.
Once set to send continuous errors, errors will be inserted
at the configured rate until set to noError(1).
The possible values are :
noError(1) : no bit errors are inserted.
oneInTen(2) : insert bit errors at the rate of 1 bit
error per 10 bits (10^-1) transmitted.
oneInHundred(3) : insert bit errors at the rate of 1 bit
error per 100 bits (10^-2) transmitted.
oneInThousand(4): insert bit errors at the rate of 1 bit
error per 1000 bits (10^-3) transmitted.
oneIn10Thousand(5): insert bit errors at the rate of 1 bit
error per 10000 (10^-4) bits transmitted.
oneInHundredThousand(6): insert bit errors at the rate of 1 bit
error per 100000 bits (10^-5) transmitted.
oneInMillion(7): insert bit errors at the rate of 1 bit
error per 1000000 bits (10^-6) transmitted.
oneInTenMillion(8): insert bit errors at the rate of 1 bit
error per 10,000,000 (10^-7)bits transmitted.
cbDuration |
. |
This object specifies the duration for which BERT is
to be run.
cbOperStatus |
. |
This object shows the status of BERT in the shelf.
The values for this object are valid only when
cbRowStatus contains active(1).
Possible values for this object:
success(1) : BERT is successfully completed.
inSync(2) : BERT is activated and receive side is
synchronized with the incoming sequence of patterns.
outOfSync(3) : BERT is activated, but receive is out
of synchronization with the incoming
sequence. Criteria for out of
synchronization state is defined in
ITU document O.150.
inLoopback(4): loopback establish or de-establish in
progress. The type of loopback can be
determined by cbLoopback.
clockOutOfSync(5): When the send and receive clocks are not
bertFailed(6): BERT failed. The cbFailedReason object
contains the reason for the failure.
cbFailedReason |
. |
This object contains the reason for the BERT failure.
This object gives the additional information when
cbOperStatus is set to bertFailed(6).
The possible values are :
aborted(1) : BERT test is completed as
a result of a user request.
loopbackFailed(2) : loop up operation failed.
interfaceStateChange(3) : interface State changed due to
module state change.
processorModuleStateChange(4) : Processor module
changed state.
unknown(5) : Failure Reason Unknown.
cbStartDateAndTime |
. |
The Date and Time when the last BERT testing is started
on the interface. This object is valid only when
cbRowStatus is active(1).
cbDS0DPCodeIteration |
. |
Valid only with cbLoopbackCode = latchDS0Drop.
DSP-OP devices can be cross connected in the central
office in a daisy chain. By this, the user has
capability to put any of the devices in the chain in
loopback mode. A value of 1 results in no iteration
and will cause the very first device in chain to go
into loop back. A value of 2 will result into one
iteration and will cause the second device to
go into loopback and so on. This tests the channels
across multiple devices connected in a chain.
cbRowStatus |
. |
The status of this conceptual row. This object is used for
create or modify or deleting an entry from this table.
To create a row in this table, a manager must set this
object to either createAndGo(4) or createAndWait(5).
Until instances of all corresponding columns are appropriately
configured, the value of the corresponding instance of the
cbRowStatus is notReady(3).
An entry can be deleted by setting this object to destroy(6).
STARTING BERT: Two approaches:
1. set this object to createAndGo(4) with all the mandatory
objects set to valid values.
2. Set this object to createAndWait(4). Reading this object
at this stage returns notReady(3).
Set all the other required objects with valid values.
Set this object to active(1).
The BERT can be stopped by setting this object to
notInService(2). After setting it to notInService(2),
some parameters can be modified and BERT can be started
by setting this object to active(1).
An entry can be deleted by setting this object
to destroy(6).
Deleting an entry stops the BERT test.
cbDs0BitMap |
. |
This object is only used IF the interface type is DS1
(ifType is 18 on ifTable).
This object is used to indicate which DS0 is involved
on the BERT.
The defualt value (DEFVAL) is valid and should be used
for implementation purposes. But the DEFVAL is commented
out due to known mib compiler problems associated with
DEFVAL clauses in objects using BITS SYNTAX.
cbTxBitCountLower |
. |
The total number of bits transmitted.
cbTxBitCountUpper |
. |
The number of times the associated cbTxBitCountLower object has
wrapped (i.e. restarted from zero).
cbHCTxBitCounts |
. |
The total number of bits transmitted. This object is
a 64-bit version of cbTxBitCounts.
cbRxBitCountLower |
. |
The total number of bits received.
cbRxBitCountUpper |
. |
The number of times the associated cbRxBitCountLower counter has
wrapped (i.e. restarted from zero).
cbHCRxBitCounts |
. |
The total number of bits received. This object is
64-bit version of cbRxBitCounts.
cbRxBitErrCountLower |
. |
The total number of bit errors detected in the received
cbRxBitErrCountUpper |
. |
The number of times the associated cbRxBitErrCountLower counter has
wrapped (i.e. restarted from zero).
cbHCRxBitErrCounts |
. |
The number of bit errors detected in the received pattern.
This is the 64-bit version of cbRxBitErrCounts.
cbSyncLossCounts |
. |
This is the count of number of times that synchronization has
been lost since the BERT was started or restarted.
cbPatternLossCounts |
. |
The number of 1 second intervals during the BER test in
which pattern synchronization was not maintained for the
entire second.
cbFrameLossCounts |
. |
The number of 1 second intervals during the BER test in
which frame synchronization was not maintained for the
entire second.
cbESsCounts |
. |
Number of 1 second interval during the BER test that at least
one bit error was detected in the received data pattern.
cbSESsCounts |
. |
The number of 1 second intervals during the BER test that
the Bit Error Rate was greater than 10^-3.
cbEFSsCounts |
. |
The number of 1 second intervals during the BER test that
there were not errors detected and pattern synchronization
was maintained.
cbErrorInjectCounts |
. |
This object contains the number of times error was injected.