ccmGroupEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the CallManager Group table,
containing the information about a CallManager group in a
call manager cluster. An entry is created to represent a
CallManager Group. New entries to the CallManager Group table
in the database are created when the User inserts a new
CallManager Group via the CallManager Web Admin pages.
This entry is subsequently picked up by the CCM SNMP Agent.
ccmEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the CallManager table,
containing the information about a CallManager.
ccmGroupMappingEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the CallManager group
Mapping table, containing the information about a
mapping between a CallManager and a CallManager group.
ccmRegionEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the Region Table,
containing the information about a region.
ccmRegionPairEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the Region Pair Table,
containing the information about bandwidth restrictions
when communicating between the two specified regions.
ccmTimeZoneEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the time zone Table,
containing the information about a particular time
zone group.
ccmDevicePoolEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the device pool Table,
containing the information about a particular device
ccmProductTypeEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the ccmProductTypeTable,
containing the information about a product type
supported in a call manager cluster. An entry is created
to represent a product type.
ccmPhoneEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the phone Table,
containing information about a particular phone device.
ccmPhoneExtensionEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the phone extension Table,
containing the information about a particular phone
ccmPhoneFailedEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the PhoneFailed Table,
one for each phone failure in the CCM.
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the PhoneStatusUpdate Table,
one for each phone status update in the CCM.
ccmPhoneExtnEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the phone extension Table,
containing the information about a particular phone
ccmGatewayEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the gateway Table, one
for each gateway device in the CCM.
ccmGatewayTrunkEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the gateway trunk table,
one for each gateway trunk in a CCN system.
ccmActivePhones |
. |
The number of phones connected to this CM and actively
in communication (via keepalives) with this CallManager.
ccmInActivePhones |
. |
The number of phones that are registered with the Call
Manager but have lost contact with the CallManager. The
phones are said to have lost contact with the CallManager
if the CallManager does not receive any keepalives.
ccmActiveGateways |
. |
The number of gateways configured with this CallManager
and actively in communication (via keepalives) with the Call
ccmInActiveGateways |
. |
The number of gateways that are registered with the Call
Manager but have lost contact with the CallManager. The
gateways are said to have lost contact with the CallManager
if the CallManager does not receive any keepalives.
ccmRegisteredPhones |
. |
The number of phones that are registered and actively in
communication with the local call manager.
ccmUnregisteredPhones |
. |
The number of phone that are unregistered or have lost
contact with the local call manager.
ccmRejectedPhones |
. |
The number of phones whose registration requests were
rejected by the local call manager.
ccmRegisteredGateways |
. |
The number of gateways that are registered and actively in
communication with the local call manager.
ccmUnregisteredGateways |
. |
The number of gateways that are unregistered or have lost
contact with the local call manager.
ccmRejectedGateways |
. |
The number of gateways whose registration requests were
rejected by the local call manager.
ccmRegisteredMediaDevices |
. |
The number of media devices that are registered and actively
in communication with the local call manager.
ccmUnregisteredMediaDevices |
. |
The number of media devices that are unregistered or have
lost contact with the local call manager.
ccmRejectedMediaDevices |
. |
The number of media devices whose registration requests were
rejected by the local call manager.
ccmRegisteredCTIDevices |
. |
The number of CTI devices that are registered and actively
in communication with the local call manager.
ccmUnregisteredCTIDevices |
. |
The number of CTI devices that are unregistered or have
lost contact with the local call manager.
ccmRejectedCTIDevices |
. |
The number of CTI devices whose registration requests were
rejected by the local call manager.
ccmRegisteredVoiceMailDevices |
. |
The number of voice messaging devices that are registered and
actively in communication with the local call manager.
ccmUnregisteredVoiceMailDevices |
. |
The number of voice messaging devices that are unregistered or
have lost contact with the local call manager.
ccmRejectedVoiceMailDevices |
. |
The number of voice messaging devices whose registration
requests were rejected by the local call manager.
ccmCallManagerStartTime |
. |
The last time the local call manager service started. This is
available only when the local call manager is up and running.
ccmPhoneTableStateId |
. |
The current state of ccmPhoneTable. The initial value of this
object is 0 and it will be incremented everytime when there is
a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the ccmPhoneTable.
This value and ccmCallManagerStartTime should be used together
to find if the table has changed or not. When the call manager
is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
ccmPhoneExtensionTableStateId |
. |
The current state of ccmPhoneExtensionTable. The initial value
of this object is 0 and it will be incremented everytime when
there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the
ccmPhoneExtensionTable. This value and ccmCallManagerStartTime
should be used together to find if the table has changed or not.
When the call manager is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTableStateId |
. |
The current state of ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable. The initial
value of this object is 0 and it will be incremented everytime
when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable. This value and sysUpTime should be
used together to find if the table has changed or not. When
the SNMP service is restarted this value will be reset to 0.
ccmGatewayTableStateId |
. |
The current state of ccmGatewayTable. The initial value of
this object is 0 and it will be incremented everytime when
there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the
ccmGatewayTable. This value and ccmCallManagerStartTime should
be used together to find if the table has changed or not.
When the call manager is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
ccmCTIDeviceTableStateId |
. |
The current state of ccmCTIDeviceTable. The initial value of
this object is 0 and it will be incremented everytime when
there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the
ccmCTIDeviceTable. This value and ccmCallManagerStartTime
should be used together to find if the table has changed or
not. When the call manager is restarted, this will be reset
to 0.
ccmCTIDeviceDirNumTableStateId |
. |
The current state of ccmCTIDeviceDirNumTable. The initial
value of this object is 0 and it will be incremented everytime
when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the
ccmCTIDeviceDirNumTable. This value and ccmCallManagerStartTime
should be used together to find if the table has changed or not.
When the call manager is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
ccmPhStatUpdtTblLastAddedIndex |
. |
The ccmPhoneStatusUpdateIndex value of the last entry that
was added to the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable. This value
together with sysUpTime can be used by the manager
applications to identify the new entries in the
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable since their last poll. This
value need not be the same as the highest index in the
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable as the index could have wrapped
around. The initial value of this object is 0 which
indicates that there has been no entries added to this
table. When the SNMP service is restarted this value will
be reset to 0.
ccmPhFailedTblLastAddedIndex |
. |
The ccmPhoneFailedIndex value of the last entry that
was added to the ccmPhoneFailedTable. This value
together with sysUpTime can be used by the manager
applications to identify the new entries in the
ccmPhoneFailedTable since their last poll. This
value need not be the same as the highest index in the
ccmPhoneFailedTable as the index could have wrapped
around. The initial value of this object is 0 which
indicates that there has been no entries added to this
table. When the SNMP service is restarted this value will
be reset to 0.
ccmSystemVersion |
. |
The installed version of the local call manager system.
ccmInstallationId |
. |
The installation component identifier of the local call
manager component(ccm.exe).
ccmMediaDeviceEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the MediaDevice Table,
containing the information about a particular Media
Resource device.
ccmGatekeeperEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the Gatekeeper Table,
containing the information about a particular Gatekeeper
that the local call manager tried to register with.
ccmCTIDeviceEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the CTIDevice Table,
containing the information about a particular CTI
ccmCTIDeviceDirNumEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the CTIDeviceDirNum Table,
containing the information about a particular CTI
Device extension.
ccmCallManagerAlarmEnable |
. |
Allows the generation of Alarms in response to
CallManager general failures.
true(1): Enabling this object will allow the CCM
agent to generate the following alarms -
ccmMediaResourceListExhausted, and
ccmRouteListExhausted. This is the
default value.
false(2): Disabling this object will stop the
generation of the following alarms
by the CCM agent -
ccmMediaResourceListExhausted and
ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval |
. |
The minimum interval between sending of the ccmPhoneFailed
notification in seconds. The ccmPhoneFailed notification is
only sent when there is at least one entry in the
ccmPhoneFailedTable and the notification has not been sent
for the last ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval defined in this
object. A value of 0 indicates that the alarm notification
is disabled.
ccmPhoneFailedStorePeriod |
. |
The time duration for storing each entry in the
ccmPhoneFailedTable. The entries which have not been
updated and kept at least this period will be deleted.
This value should ideally be set to a higher value than
the ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval object.
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateAlarmInterv |
. |
The minimum interval between sending of the
ccmPhoneStatusUpdate notification in seconds.
The ccmPhoneStatusUpdate notification is only sent when
there is at least one entry in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable
and the notification has not been sent for the last
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateAlarmInterv defined in this object.
A value of 0 indicates that the alarm notification is
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateStorePeriod |
. |
The time duration for storing each entry in the
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable. The entries which have been
kept at least this period will be deleted. This value
should ideally be set to a higher value than the
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateAlarmInterv object.
ccmGatewayAlarmEnable |
. |
Allows the generation of Alarms in response to Gateway
general failures that the CallManager is aware of.
true(1): Enabling this object will allow the CCM
agent to generate the following alarms -
ccmGatewayFailed and
ccmGatewayLayer2Change notifications.
This is the default value.
false(2): Disabling this object will stop the
generation of the following alarms
by the CCM agent -
ccmGatewayFailed and
ccmMaliciousCallAlarmEnable |
. |
Allows the generation of alarms for malicious calls
that the local call manager is aware of.
true(1): Enabling this object will allow the CCM
agent to generate the ccmMaliciousCall
alarm. This is the default value.
false(2): Disabling this object will stop the
generation of the ccmMaliciousCall
ccmAlarmSeverity |
. |
The Alarm Severity code.
emergency: System unusable
alert: Immediate response needed
critical: Critical condition
error: Error condition
warning: Warning condition
notice: Normal but significant condition
informational: Informational situation.
ccmFailCauseCode |
. |
The Cause code of the failure. This cause is derived from a
monitoring thread in the CallManager or from a heartbeat
monitoring process.
unknown: Unknown
heartBeatStopped: The CallManager stops generating
a heartbeat
routerThreadDied: The CallManager detects the death
of the router thread
timerThreadDied: The CallManager detects the death
of the timer thread
criticalThreadDied: The CallManager detects the death
of one of its critical threads
deviceMgrInitFailed: The CallManager fails to start its
device manager subsystem
digitAnalysisInitFailed: The CallManager fails to start its
digit analysis subsystem
callControlInitFailed: The CallManager fails to start its
call control subsystem
linkMgrInitFailed: The CallManager fails to start its
link manager subsystem
dbMgrInitFailed: The CallManager fails to start its
database manager subsystem
msgTranslatorInitFailed: The CallManager fails to start its
message translation manager
suppServicesInitFailed: The CallManager fails to start its
supplementary services subsystem.
ccmPhoneFailures |
. |
The count of the phone initialization or communication
failures that are stored in the ccmPhoneFailedTable object.
ccmPhoneUpdates |
. |
The count of the phone status changes that are stored in
the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable object.
ccmGatewayFailCauseCode |
. |
States the reason for a gateway device communication error.
ccmMediaResourceType |
. |
The type of media resource.
unknown: Unknown resource type
mediaTerminationPoint: Media Termination Point
transcoder: Transcoder
conferenceBridge: Conference Bridge
musicOnHold: Music On Hold.
ccmMediaResourceListName |
. |
The name of a Media Resource List. This name is assigned
when a new Media Resource List is added to the CallManager.
ccmRouteListName |
. |
The name of a Route List. This name is assigned when a new
Route List is added to the CallManager.
ccmGatewayPhysIfIndex |
. |
This object is the identifier of an interface in a
gateway that has registered with the local CallManager.
On a DS1/E1 interface, this should be the same as the
ifIndex value in the gateway.
ccmGatewayPhysIfL2Status |
. |
The layer 2 status of a physical interface in a
gateway that has registered with the local CallManager.
unknown: Unknown status
up: Interface is up
down: Interface is down.
ccmMaliCallCalledPartyName |
. |
The display name of the called party who received
the malicious call.
ccmMaliCallCalledPartyNumber |
. |
The phone number of the device where the
malicious call is received.
ccmMaliCallCalledDeviceName |
. |
The name of the device where the malicious
call is received.
ccmMaliCallCallingPartyName |
. |
The display name of the caller whose call is
registered as malicious with the local call manager.
ccmMaliCallCallingPartyNumber |
. |
The phone number of the caller whose call is registered
as malicious with the local call manager.
ccmMaliCallCallingDeviceName |
. |
The edge device name through which the malicious call
originated or passed through.
ccmMaliCallTime |
. |
The time when the malicious call is detected by the
local call manager.
ccmQualityRprtSourceDevName |
. |
The name of the source device from where the
problem was reported.
ccmQualityRprtClusterId |
. |
The cluster identifier of the source device.
ccmQualityRprtCategory |
. |
The category of the problem reported.
ccmQualityRprtReasonCode |
. |
The description of the problem reported.
ccmQualityRprtTime |
. |
The time when the problem was reported.
ccmH323DeviceEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the H323Device Table,
containing the information about a particular H323 Device.
ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the VoiceMailDevice Table,
containing the information about a particular Voice Messaging
ccmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the VoiceMailDirNum Table,
has the associated directory number for a Voice
Messaging Device.
ccmQualityReportAlarmEnable |
. |
Allows the generation of the quality report alarm.
true(1): Enabling this object will allow the CCM
agent to generate the ccmQualityReport
alarm. This is the default value.
false(2): Disabling this object will stop the
generation of the ccmQualityReport
alarm by the CCM agent.
ccmSIPDeviceEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the SIP Device Table,
containing the information about a particular SIP Device.
ccmGroupIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM
which uniquely identifies a CallManager Group.
ccmGroupName |
. |
The name of the CallManager Group.
ccmGroupTftpDefault |
. |
Whether this is the default TFTP server group or not.
ccmIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which uniquely identifies a CallManager in a call manager
ccmName |
. |
The host name of the CallManager.
ccmDescription |
. |
The description for the CallManager.
ccmVersion |
. |
The version number of the CallManager software.
ccmStatus |
. |
The current status of the CallManager. A CallManager
is up if the SNMP Agent received a system up event
from the local CCM
unknown: Current status of the CallManager is
up: CallManager is running & is able to
communicate with other CallManagers
down: CallManager is down or the Agent is
unable to communicate with the local
ccmInetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in ccmInetAddress.
ccmInetAddress |
. |
The last known IP address of the CallManager.
ccmClusterId |
. |
The unique ID of the Cluster to which this CallManager
belongs. At any point in time, the Cluster Id helps in
associating a CallManager to any given Cluster.
ccmCMGroupMappingCMPriority |
. |
The priority of the CallManager in the group. Sets
the order of the CallManager in the list.
ccmRegionIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which uniquely identifies a Region Name in the table.
ccmRegionName |
. |
The name of the CallManager region.
ccmRegionSrcIndex |
. |
The index of the Source Region in the Region table.
ccmRegionDestIndex |
. |
The index of the Destination Region in the Region table.
ccmRegionAvailableBandWidth |
. |
The maximum available bandwidth between the two given
unknown: Unknown Bandwidth
other: Unidentified Bandwidth
bwG723: For low bandwidth using G.723 codec
bwG729: For low bandwidth using G.729 codec
bwG711: For high bandwidth using G.711 codec
bwGSM: For GSM bandwidth 13K
bwWideband: For Wideband 256K.
ccmTimeZoneIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which uniquely identifies a Time Zone group entry
in the table.
ccmTimeZoneName |
. |
The name of the time zone group.
ccmTimeZoneOffset |
. |
The offset of the time zone group's time zone from GMT.
ccmTimeZoneOffsetHours |
. |
The offset hours of the time zone group's time zone
from GMT.
ccmTimeZoneOffsetMinutes |
. |
The offset minutes of the time zone group's time zone
from GMT.
ccmDevicePoolIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which uniquely identifies a Device Pool entry in the
table. Each entry contains Region, Date/Time Group
and CallManager Group criteria that will be common
among many devices, for that entry.
ccmDevicePoolName |
. |
The name of the device pool.
ccmDevicePoolRegionIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify
the Region to which this Device Pool entry belongs.
A value of 0 indicates that the index to the Region
table is Unknown.
ccmDevicePoolTimeZoneIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify
the TimeZone to which this Device Pool entry belongs.
A value of 0 indicates that the index to the TimeZone
table is Unknown.
ccmDevicePoolGroupIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify
the CallManager Group to which this Device Pool entry
belongs. A value of 0 indicates that the index to the
CallManager Group table is Unknown.
ccmProductTypeIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which uniquely identifies an entry in the
ccmProductType |
. |
The type of the product as defined in the CCM
ccmProductName |
. |
The name of the product as defined in the CCM
ccmProductCategory |
. |
The category of the product.
unknown: Unknown product category
notApplicable: Not Applicable
phone: Phone
gateway: Gateway
h323Device: H323 Device
ctiDevice: CTI Device
voiceMailDevice: Voice Messaging Device
mediaResourceDevice: Media Resource Device
huntListDevice: Hunt List Device
sipDevice: SIP Device.
ccmPhoneIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which uniquely identifies a Phone within the CallManager.
ccmPhonePhysicalAddress |
. |
The physical address(MAC address) of the IP phone.
ccmPhoneType |
. |
The type of the phone device.
unknown: Unknown phone type
other: Unidentified phone type
cisco30SPplus: IP Phone 30 SP+
cisco12SPplus: IP Phone 12 SP+
cisco12SP: IP Phone 12 SP
cisco12S: IP Phone 12 S
cisco30VIP: IP Phone 30 VIP
ciscoTeleCasterBid: IP Phone Telecaster 7910
ciscoTeleCasterMgr: IP Phone Telecaster 7960
ciscoTeleCasterBusiness: IP Phone Telecaster 7940
ciscoSoftPhone: Softphone
ciscoConferencePhone: IP Conference Station 7935
cisco7902: IP Phone 7902
cisco7905: IP Phone 7905
cisco7912: IP Phone 7912
cisco7970: IP Phone 7970.
ccmPhoneDescription |
. |
The description about the phone itself.
ccmPhoneUserName |
. |
The name of the user of the phone. When the phone
is not in use, the name would refer to the last known
user of the phone.
ccmPhoneIpAddress |
. |
The last known IP address of the phone.
ccmPhoneStatus |
. |
The status of the phone. The status of the Phone changes
from Unknown to registered when it registers itself with
the local CCM.
ccmPhoneTimeLastRegistered |
. |
The time when the phone last registered with the
ccmPhoneE911Location |
. |
The E911 location of the phone.
ccmPhoneLoadID |
. |
The load ID string of the phone.
ccmPhoneLastError |
. |
A positive value or 0 indicates the last error
reported by the phone. A value of -1 indicates
that the last error reported is Unknown.
ccmPhoneTimeLastError |
. |
The amount of time elapsed since the last phone error
occured. The reference point for this time is the time
the last error occured, as reported by the local CCM.
ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify the
Device Pool to which this Phone entry belongs. A value
of 0 indicates that the index to the Device Pool table
is Unknown.
ccmPhoneInetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmPhoneInetAddress |
. |
The last known IP address of the phone.
ccmPhoneStatusReason |
. |
The reason code associated with the phone status change.
ccmPhoneTimeLastStatusUpdt |
. |
The time the status of the phone changed.
ccmPhoneProductTypeIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify the
related product type entry in the ccmProductTypeTable. A value
of 0 indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable
is Unknown.
ccmPhoneExtensionIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which uniquely identifies a Phone Extension within the
ccmPhoneExtension |
. |
The extension number of the extension.
ccmPhoneExtensionIpAddress |
. |
The IP address of the extension.
ccmPhoneExtensionMultiLines |
. |
The number of multiline appearances for each phone extension.
ccmPhoneExtensionInetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmPhoneExtensionInetAddress |
. |
The IP address of the extension.
ccmPhoneFailedIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which is incremented with each new entry in the
ccmPhoneFailedTable. This integer value will wrap
if needed.
ccmPhoneFailedTime |
. |
The time when the phone failed to register with the
ccmPhoneFailedName |
. |
The name assigned to the phone when it is added to
the CallManager. It contains an ASCII form of the phone's
MAC Address.
ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmPhoneFailedInetAddress |
. |
The last known IP address of the phone experiencing
a communication failure. A value of all zeros indicates
that the IP Address of a device is unavailable.
ccmPhoneFailCauseCode |
. |
States the reason for the phone device communication error.
ccmPhoneFailedMacAddress |
. |
The MAC address of the failed phone.
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which is incremented with each new entry in the
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable. This integer value will
wrap if needed.
ccmPhoneStatusPhoneIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify
an entry in the ccmPhoneTable. A value of 0 indicates
that the index to the ccmPhoneTable is Unknown.
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTime |
. |
The time of the phone's registration status change.
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateType |
. |
States the type of phone status change.
unknown: Unknown status
phoneRegistered: Phone has registered with the
phoneUnregistered: Phone is no longer registered
with the callmanager.
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateReason |
. |
The reason code associated with the phone status change.
ccmPhoneExtnIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which uniquely identifies a Phone Extension within the
ccmPhoneExtn |
. |
The extension number of the extension.
ccmPhoneExtnMultiLines |
. |
The number of multiline appearances for each phone extension.
ccmPhoneExtnInetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmPhoneExtnInetAddress |
. |
The IP address of the extension.
ccmGatewayIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which uniquely identifies a Gateway within the scope of
the local call manager.
ccmGatewayName |
. |
This is the Gateway name assigned to the Gateway in
the CallManager. This name is assigned when a new
device of type Gateway is added to the CallManager.
ccmGatewayType |
. |
The type of the gateway device.
unknown(1): Unknown Gateway type
other(2): Unidentified Gateway
ciscoAnalogAccess(3): Analog Access
ciscoDigitalAccessPRI(4): Digital Access PRI
ciscoDigitalAccessT1(5): Digital Access T1
ciscoDigitalAccessPRIPlus(6): Digital Access
PRI Plus
ciscoDigitalAccessWSX6608E1(7): Cat 6000 Digital
Access E1
ciscoDigitalAccessWSX6608T1(8): Cat 6000 Digital
Access T1
ciscoAnalogAccessWSX6624(9): Cat 6000 Analog
Access FXS
ciscoMGCPStation(10): MGCP Gateway
ciscoDigitalAccessE1Plus(11): Digital Access
E1 Plus
ciscoDigitalAccessT1Plus(12): Digital Access
T1 Plus
ciscoDigitalAccessWSX6608PRI(13): Cat 6000 Digital
Access PRI
ciscoAnalogAccessWSX6612(14): Cat 6000 Analog
Access FXO
ciscoMGCPTrunk(15): MGCP Trunk
ciscoVG200(16): VG200
cisco26XX(17): 26XX
cisco362X(18): 362X
cisco364X(19): 364X
cisco366X(20): 366X
ciscoCat4224VoiceGatewaySwitch(21): Cisco Catalyst 4224
Voice Gateway Switch
ciscoCat4000AccessGatewayModule(22): Cisco Catalyst 4000
Access Gateway Module
ciscoIAD2400(23): Cisco IAD2400
ciscoVGCEndPoint(24): Cisco VGC Phone
ciscoVG224VG248Gateway(25): Cisco VGC Gateway
ciscoVGCBox(26): Cisco VGC Box
ciscoATA186(27): Cisco ATA 186
ciscoICS77XXMRP2XX(28): Cisco ICS77XX-MRP2XX
ciscoICS77XXASI81(29): Cisco ICS77XX-ASI81
ciscoICS77XXASI160(30): Cisco ICS77XX-ASI160
ciscoSlotVGCPort(31): Cisco VGC Port
ciscoCat6000AVVIDServModule(32): Cisco Catalyst 6000
AVVID Services Module
ciscoWSX6600(33): WS-X6600
cisco3745(35): Cisco 3745
cisco3725(36): Cisco 3725
ciscoICS77XXMRP3XX(37): Cisco ICS77XX
ciscoICS77XXMRP38FXS(38): Cisco ICS77XX
ciscoICS77XXMRP316FXS(39): Cisco ICS77XX
ciscoICS77XXMRP38FXOM1(40): Cisco ICS77XX
cisco269X(41): Cisco 269X
cisco1760(42): Cisco 1760
cisco1751(43): Cisco 1751
ciscoMGCPBRIPort(44) Cisco MGCP BRI Port.
ccmGatewayDescription |
. |
The description attached to the gateway device.
ccmGatewayStatus |
. |
The status of the gateway. The Gateway status changes from
Unknown to Registered when the Gateway registers itself with
the local CCM.
ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify
the Device Pool to which this Gateway entry belongs.
A value of 0 indicates that the index to the Device
Pool table is Unknown.
ccmGatewayInetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmGatewayInetAddress |
. |
The last known IP Address of the gateway. A value of
all zeros indicates that the IP Address is not available.
ccmGatewayProductId |
. |
The product identifier of the gateway device.
ccmGatewayStatusReason |
. |
The reason code associated with the gateway status change.
ccmGatewayTimeLastStatusUpdt |
. |
The time the status of the gateway changed.
ccmGatewayTimeLastRegistered |
. |
The time the gateway last registered with the call manager.
ccmGatewayDChannelStatus |
. |
The D-Channel status of the gateway.
active(1): The D-Channel is up
inActive(1): The D-Channel is down
unknown(3): The D-Channel status is unknown
notApplicable(4): The D-channel status is not applicable
for this gateway.
ccmGatewayDChannelNumber |
. |
The D-Channel number of the gateway. A value of -1 in this
field indicates that the DChannel number is not applicable
for this gateway.
ccmGatewayProductTypeIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify the
related product type entry in the ccmProductTypeTable. A value
of 0 indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable
is Unknown.
ccmGatewayTrunkIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which uniquely identifies a Gateway trunk within the
scope of a CallManager.
ccmGatewayTrunkType |
. |
The type of the gateway Trunk.
unknown: Unknown Trunk
other: Unidentified Trunk type
trunkGroundStart: Provides Far-End Disconnect Supervision
trunkLoopStart: Provides No Far-End Disconnect Supervision
trunkDID: Direct Inward Dial
trunkPOTS: Plain Old Telephone Service
trunkEM1: E&M Type 1
trunkEM2: E&M Type 2
trunkEM3: E&M Type 3
trunkEM4: E&M Type 4
trunkEM5: E&M Type 5
analog: Analog
pri: PRI
bri: BRI.
ccmGatewayTrunkName |
. |
The name of the trunk.
ccmTrunkGatewayIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify the Gateway
to which this Trunk entry belongs. A value of 0 indicates that
the index to the Gateway table is Unknown.
ccmGatewayTrunkStatus |
. |
The state of the trunk. The Trunk status changes from
Unknown to Up when it registers itself with the local CCM.
unknown: Unknown state of Trunk
up: Up and running, and is Idle with no calls
busy: The trunk is in a Busy state
down: The trunk is Down.
ccmMediaDeviceIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which identifies a Media Device entry in the table.
ccmMediaDeviceName |
. |
This is the device name assigned to the Media Device.
This name is assigned when a new device of this type
is added to the CallManager.
ccmMediaDeviceType |
. |
The type of Media Device.
unknown(1): Unknown Media Device
ciscoMediaTerminPointWSX6608(2): Hardware based
Media Termination Point
ciscoConfBridgeWSX6608(3): Hardware based
Conference Bridge
ciscoSwMediaTerminationPoint(4): Sofware based
Media Termination Point
ciscoSwConfBridge(5): Software based
Conference Bridge
ciscoMusicOnHold(6): Music on Hold Server
ciscoToneAnnouncementPlayer(7): Tone Announcement
ciscoConfBridgeWSSVCCMM(8): Conference Bridge
ciscoMediaServerWSSVCCMMMS(9): Media Server WS-SVC-CMM-MS
ciscoMTPWSSVCCMM(10): Media Termination Point
ciscoIOSSWMTPHDV2(11): IOS Sofware Media
Termination Point HDV2
ciscoIOSConfBridgeHDV2(12): IOS Conference Bridge HDV2
ciscoIOSMTPHDV2(13): IOS Media Termination
Point HDV2
ciscoVCBIPVC35XX(14): Video Conference Bridge
ccmMediaDeviceDescription |
. |
A description of the Media Device. This description
is given when the device is configured in the CCM.
ccmMediaDeviceStatus |
. |
The status of the Media Device. The status changes
from unknown to registered when it registers itself with
the local CCM.
ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify the
Device Pool to which this MediaDevice entry belongs. A
value of 0 indicates that the index to the Device Pool
table is Unknown.
ccmMediaDeviceInetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmMediaDeviceInetAddress |
. |
The last known IP Address of the Media Device.
A value of all zeros indicates that the IP Address is not
ccmMediaDeviceStatusReason |
. |
The reason code associated with the media device status
ccmMediaDeviceTimeLastStatusUpdt |
. |
The time the status of the media device changed.
ccmMediaDeviceTimeLastRegistered |
. |
The time the media device last registered with the
call manager.
ccmMediaDeviceProductTypeIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify the
related product type entry in the ccmProductTypeTable. A value
of 0 indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable
is Unknown.
ccmGatekeeperIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which identifies a Gatekeeper entry in the table.
ccmGatekeeperName |
. |
This is the Gatekeeper name assigned to the
Gatekeeper. This name is assigned when a new device
of type Gatekeeper is added to the CallManager.
ccmGatekeeperType |
. |
The type of Gatekeeper.
unknown: Unknown Gatekeeper
other: Unidentified Gatekeeper
terminal: Terminal
gateway: Gateway.
ccmGatekeeperDescription |
. |
A description of the Gatekeeper. This description
is given when the Gatekeeper is configured in the CCM.
ccmGatekeeperStatus |
. |
The local call manager registration status with the Gatekeeper.
The status changes from unknown to registered when the local
call manager successfully registers itself with the gatekeeper.
unknown: The registration status of the call manager
with the gatekeeper is unknown
registered: The local call manager has registered with
the gatekeeper successfully
unregistered: The local call manager is no longer
registered with the gatekeeper
rejected: Registration request from the local call
manager was rejected by the gatekeeper.
ccmGatekeeperDevicePoolIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify the
Device Pool to which this Gatekeeper entry belongs. A
value of 0 indicates that the index to the Device Pool
table is Unknown.
ccmGatekeeperInetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmGatekeeperInetAddress |
. |
The last known IP Address of the gatekeeper. A value of
all zeros indicates that the IP Address is not available.
ccmCTIDeviceIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which identifies a CTI Device entry in the table.
ccmCTIDeviceName |
. |
The name of the CTI Device. This name is assigned to the
CTI Device when it is added to the CallManager.
ccmCTIDeviceType |
. |
The type of CTI Device.
unknown: Unknown CTI Device
other: Unidentified CTI Device
ctiRoutePoint: A CTI Route Point
ctiPort: A CTI Port.
ccmCTIDeviceDescription |
. |
A description of the CTI Device. This description is
given when the CTI Device is configured in the CCM.
ccmCTIDeviceStatus |
. |
The status of the CTI Device. The CTI Device status changes
from unknown to registered when it registers itself with
the local CCM.
ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify the
Device Pool to which this CTI Device entry belongs. A
value of 0 indicates that the index to the Device Pool
table is Unknown.
ccmCTIDeviceInetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmCTIDeviceInetAddress |
. |
The IP Address of the host where this CTI Device is
running. A value of all zeros indicates that the IP
Address is unknown.
ccmCTIDeviceAppInfo |
. |
The appinfo string indicates the application name/
type that uses this CTI Device.
ccmCTIDeviceStatusReason |
. |
The reason code associated with the CTI Device status
ccmCTIDeviceTimeLastStatusUpdt |
. |
The time the status of the CTI device changed.
ccmCTIDeviceTimeLastRegistered |
. |
The time the CTI Device last registered with the call
ccmCTIDeviceProductTypeIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify the
related product type entry in the ccmProductTypeTable. A value
of 0 indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable
is Unknown.
ccmCTIDeviceDirNumIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local system,
which identifies a Directory Number of a CTI Device.
ccmCTIDeviceDirNum |
. |
A Directory Number of the CTI Device.
ccmH323DevIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which identifies a H323 Device entry in the table.
ccmH323DevName |
. |
The device name assigned to the H323 Device.
This name is assigned when a new H323 device is added to
the CallManager.
ccmH323DevProductId |
. |
The product identifier of the H323 device.
ccmH323DevDescription |
. |
A description of the H323 device. This description
is given when the H323 device is configured in the CCM.
ccmH323DevInetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmH323DevInetAddress |
. |
The last known IP Address of the H323 device. A value of
all zeros indicates that the IP Address is not available.
ccmH323DevCnfgGKInetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmH323DevCnfgGKInetAddress |
. |
The configured gatekeeper DNS name or ip address for this
H323 device. This is applicable only for H323 devices with
gatekeepers configured. When there is no gatekeeper
configured, this will be NULL.
ccmH323DevAltGK1InetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmH323DevAltGK1InetAddress |
. |
The first alternate gatekeeper DNS name or ip address for
this H323 device. This is applicable only for H323 devices
with gatekeepers configured. When there is no first alternate
gatekeeper, this will be NULL.
ccmH323DevAltGK2InetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmH323DevAltGK2InetAddress |
. |
The second alternate gatekeeper DNS name or ip address for
this H323 device. This is applicable only for H323 devices
with gatekeepers configured. When there is no second alternate
gatekeeper, this will be NULL.
ccmH323DevAltGK3InetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmH323DevAltGK3InetAddress |
. |
The third alternate gatekeeper DNS name or ip address for
this H323 device. This is applicable only for H323 devices
with gatekeepers configured. When there is no third alternate
gatekeeper, this will be NULL.
ccmH323DevAltGK4InetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmH323DevAltGK4InetAddress |
. |
The fourth alternate gatekeeper DNS name or ip address for
this H323 device. This is applicable only for H323 devices
with gatekeepers configured. When there is no fourth alternate
gatekeeper, this will be NULL.
ccmH323DevAltGK5InetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmH323DevAltGK5InetAddress |
. |
The fifth alternate gatekeeper DNS name or ip address for
this H323 device. This is applicable only for H323 devices
with gatekeepers configured. When there is no fifth alternate
gatekeeper, this will be NULL.
ccmH323DevActGKInetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmH323DevActGKInetAddress |
. |
The active gatekeeper DNS name or ip address that the H323
device has last tried to register with. This is applicable only
for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured. When there is no
gatekeeper configured this will be NULL.
ccmH323DevStatus |
. |
The H323 device registration status with the gatekeeper.
The status changes from unknown to registered when the H323
device successfully registers itself with the gatekeeper.
notApplicable: The registration status is not applicable
for this H323 device
unknown: The registration status of the H323 device
with the gatekeeper is unknown
registered: The H323 device has registered with the
gatekeeper successfully
unregistered: The H323 device is no longer registered
with the gatekeeper
rejected: Registration request from the H323 device
was rejected by the gatekeeper.
ccmH323DevStatusReason |
. |
The reason code associated with ccmH233DevStatus change.
This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers
ccmH323DevTimeLastStatusUpdt |
. |
The time the registration status with the gatekeeper changed.
This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers
ccmH323DevTimeLastRegistered |
. |
The time when the H323 device last registered with the
gatekeeper. This is applicable only for H323 devices with
gatekeepers configured.
ccmH323DevRmtCM1InetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmH323DevRmtCM1InetAddress |
. |
The first remote call manager DNS name or ip address
configured for this H323 device. When there is no first
remote call manager configured, this will be NULL.
ccmH323DevRmtCM2InetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmH323DevRmtCM2InetAddress |
. |
The second remote call manager DNS name or ip address
configured for this H323 device. When there is no second
remote call manager configured, this will be NULL.
ccmH323DevRmtCM3InetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmH323DevRmtCM3InetAddress |
. |
The third remote call manager DNS name or ip address
configured for this H323 device. When there is no third
remote call manager configured, this will be NULL.
ccmH323DevProductTypeIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify the
related product type entry in the ccmProductTypeTable. A value
of 0 indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable
is Unknown.
ccmVMailDevIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which identifies a voice messaging device entry in the table.
ccmVMailDevName |
. |
The name of the Voice Messaging Device. This name is assigned
to the Voice Messaging Device when it is added to the
ccmVMailDevProductId |
. |
The product identifier of the Voice Messaging device.
ccmVMailDevDescription |
. |
The description of the Voice Messaging Device. This
description is given when the Voice Messaging Device
is configured in the CCM.
ccmVMailDevStatus |
. |
The status of the Voice Messaging Device. The Voice Messaging
Device status changes from unknown to registered when it
registers itself with the local CCM.
ccmVMailDevInetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmVMailDevInetAddress |
. |
The IP Address of the Voice Messaging Device. A value of all
zeros indicates that the IP Address is unknown.
ccmVMailDevStatusReason |
. |
The reason code associated with the Voice Messaging Device
status change.
ccmVMailDevTimeLastStatusUpdt |
. |
The time the status of the voice messaging device changed.
ccmVMailDevTimeLastRegistered |
. |
The time the Voice Messaging Device has last registered
with the call manager.
ccmVMailDevProductTypeIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify the
related product type entry in the ccmProductTypeTable. A value
of 0 indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable
is Unknown.
ccmVMailDevDirNumIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local system,
which identifies a Directory Number of a Voice
Messaging Device.
ccmVMailDevDirNum |
. |
The Directory Number of the Voice Messaging Device.
ccmSIPDevIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local CCM,
which identifies a SIP Device entry in the table.
ccmSIPDevName |
. |
The device name assigned to the SIP Device.
This name is assigned when a new SIP device is added to
the CallManager.
ccmSIPDevProductTypeIndex |
. |
A positive value of this index is used to identify the
related product type entry in the ccmProductTypeTable. A value
of 0 indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable
is Unknown.
ccmSIPDevDescription |
. |
A description of the SIP device. This description
is given when the SIP device is configured in the CCM.
ccmSIPDevInetAddressType |
. |
Represents the type of address stored in
ccmSIPDevInetAddress |
. |
The last known IP Address of the SIP device.