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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Cisco » CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB » Objects

CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB.mib object view, vendor Cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB file content

Object view of CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB:

Scalar Object
cCdmaSessionTotal .
The total number of sessions currently established with this system.
cCdmaSessionMaxAllowed .
The maximum number of sessions allowed by this system.
cCdmaPcfTotal .
The total number of PCF currently interacting with this system.
cCdmaPcfMaxAllowed .
The maximum number of PCF allowed by this system.
cCdmaSimpleIpFlowTotal .
The total number of flows currently using simple IP service.
cCdmaMobileIpFlowTotal .
The total number of flows currently using MoIP services.
cCdmaProxyMobileIpFlowTotal .
The total number of flows currently using proxy MoIP service.
cCdmaSessionFailTotal .
The number of A10/A11 session failures occuring since PDSN agent restarted. sysUpTime can be polled to determine if the agent has been restarted.
cCdmaServingPdsnHostname .
Hostname of the serving PDSN.
cCdmaSessionPdsnAuthenTimer .
Timer (measured in hundredths of a second) for MoIP users not using PPP authentication. After PPP session establishment, the session will be terminated if the MoIP user is not authenticated via MoIP for a period longer than this timer.
cCdmaSessionPdsnMaxFailHistory .
Maximum number of entries in the user failure information table.
cCdmaSessionMaxNotifEnabled .
'true' indicates failure notification will be sent out when the maximum number of sessions has been reached.
cCdmaPcfMaxAllowedNotifEnabled .
'true' indicates failure notification will be sent out when the maximum number of interconnected PCF has been reached.
cCdmaFormatErrorNotifEnabled .
'true' indicates failure notification will be sent out when invalid arguments are received from PCF leading to session termination.
cCdmaRegReqFailedNotifEnabled .
'true' indicates failure notification will be sent out when registration request fails termination.
cCdmaSystemVersion .
CISCO PDSN Release Version, example output: 1.1.
cCdmaSystemStatus .
PDSN subsystem operational status.
cCdmaActiveSessions .
The total number of sessions in active state.
cCdmaDormantSessions .
The total number of sessions in dormant state.
cCdmaSrEnabled .
An indication of whether session redundancy feature is enabled.
cCdmaPcfEntry .
A conceptual row in the PCF table.
cCdmaSessionEntry .
A conceptual row in the PDSN session table.
cCdmaSessionFlowEntry .
A conceptual row in the PDSN IP flow table.
cCdmaFailHistInfoEntry .
A conceptual row in the PDSN Failure table.
cCdmaRPRegValidRequests .
The number of valid Registration Requests Received since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPRegAcceptedReplies .
The number of registration replies accepted since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPRegLifeTimeZeroRequests .
The number of valid registration requests received with life time zero since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPDeRegAcceptedReplies .
The number of valid registration requests with life time zero accepted since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPRegReasonUnSpecFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because PCF address not in PDSN's list of configured PCFs for unspecified reason since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPRegAdminProhibFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because PCF address is not in PDSN's list of configured PCFs since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPRegInsuffResFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because of insufficient resources since the system was last restarted. Factors causing insuffient resources may be due to the max number of PCFs, the max number of sessions reached, or exhaustion of other system resources.
cCdmaRPRegMNAuthenFailures .
The number of registration requests failed due to MN authentication failure since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPRegIdentMismatchFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because of identification mismatch since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPRegBadRequestFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because of badly formed request since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPRegUnknownHAAddrFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because of unknown Home Agent Address since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPRegNoRevTunnelFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because FA to HA tunnel setup failed since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPRegTBitNotSetFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because Reverse Tunnel bit Not set since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPRegBadCVSEFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because of unsupported vendor codes in CVSE since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPUpdValidRequests .
The number of valid update registration requests received since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPUpdAcceptedReplies .
The number of valid update registration replies accepted since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPUpdReasonUnSpecFailures .
The number of update registrations failed for unspecified reason since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPUpdAdminProhibFailures .
The number of update registrations failed due to administrative prohibition since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPUpdMNAuthenFailures .
The number of update registrations failed due to MN authentication failure since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPUpdIdentMismatchFailures .
The number of registrations failed due to registration identity mismatch since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRPUpdBadRequestFailures .
The number of update registrations failed due to poorly formed request since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpRegReceivedReqs .
Total number of A11 Registration Requests received since the system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpRegAcceptedReqs .
Total number of A11 Registration Requests accepted since the system was last restarted. The Code field in the corresponding Registration Reply message, is set to zero.
cCdmaRpRegDeniedReqs .
Total number of A11 Registration Requests denied since the system was last restarted. The Code field in the corresponding Registration Reply message is set to non-zero.
cCdmaRpRegDiscardedReqs .
Total number of A11 Registration Requests silently discarded since the system was last restarted. A corresponding Registration Reply message is not returned for these A11 Registration Requests.
cCdmaRpInitRegAcceptedReqs .
Total number of accepted A11 Registration Requests meant for establishing new R-P connections or Registration Requests with GRE key different from that of already existing session, since the system was last restarted. These A11 Registration Requests contain the Connection Setup Airlink Record. The Code field in the corresponding Registration Reply message is set to zero.
cCdmaRpInitRegDeniedReqs .
Total number of denied A11 Registration Requests meant for establishing new R-P connections or Registration Requests with GRE key different from that of already existing session, since the system was last restarted. These A11 Registration Requests contain the Connection Setup Airlink Record. The Code field in the corresponding Registration Reply message is set to zero.
cCdmaRpReRegAcceptedReqs .
Total number of accepted A11 Registration Requests meant for refreshing the already established R-P connections, since the system was last restarted. The Code field in the corresponding Registration Reply message is set to zero.
cCdmaRpReRegDeniedReqs .
Total number of denied A11 Registration Requests meant for refreshing the already established R-P connections, since the system was last restarted. The Code field in the corresponding Registration Reply message is set to non-zero.
cCdmaRpDeRegAcceptedReqs .
Total number of accepted A11 Registration Requests meant for de-establishing the already established R-P connections, since the system was last restarted. The Code field in the corresponding Registration Reply message is set to zero.
cCdmaRpDeRegDeniedReqs .
Total number of denied A11 Registration Requests meant for de-establishing the already established R-P connections, since the system was last restarted. The Code field in the corresponding Registration Reply message is set to non-zero.
cCdmaRpRegReasonlUnSpecFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because PCF address not in PDSN's list of configured PCFs for unspecified reason since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpRegAdminProhibFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because PCF address is not in PDSN's list of configured PCFs since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpRegInsuffResFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because max number of PCFs or max number of sessions reached or out of system resources since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpRegMNAuthFailures .
The number of registration requests failed due to MN authentication failure since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpRegIdMismatchFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because of identification mismatch since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpRegBadReqFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because of badly formed request since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpRegUnknownPdsnFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because of unknown PDSN/HA Address since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpRegNoRevTunnelFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because FA to HA reverse tunnel setup failed since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpRegTBitNotSetFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because reverse tunnel is required,but T bit is not set since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpRegBadCVSEFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because of unsupported vendor codes in CVSE since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpRegReasonUnSpecFailures .
The number of registration requests failed because PCF address not in PDSN's list of configured PCFs for unspecified reason since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpDeRegHandoffAcceptedReqs .
Total number of accepted A11 Registration Requests meant for de-establishing the already established R-P connections with the PCF from which the MN was handed off, since the system was last restarted. The Code field in the corresponding Registration Reply message is set to zero.
cCdmaRpDeRegHandoffDeniedReqs .
Total number of denied A11 Registration Requests meant for de-establishing the already established R-P connections with the PCF from which the MN was handed off, since the system was last restarted. The Code field in the corresponding Registration Reply message is set to non-zero.
cCdmaRpUpdTransmittedReqs .
Total number of A11 Registration Updates transmitted since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdAcceptedReqs .
Total number of A11 Registration Acknowledgements received with the Status field set to zero (indicating that the corresponding Registration Update was accepted), since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdDeniedReqs .
Total number of A11 Registration Acknowledgements received with the Status field set to non-zero indicating that the corresponding Registration Update was denied, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdNotAckedReqs .
Total number of A11 Registration Updates sent, for which no corresponding A11 Registration Acknowledgements received, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdInitTransmittedReqs .
Total number of initial A11 Registration Updates sent, excluding the re-transmitted A11 Registration Updates, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdReTransmittedReqs .
Total number of re-transmitted A11 Registration Updates, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdReceivedAcks .
Total number of A11 Registration Acknowledgements received, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdDiscardedAcks .
Total number of A11 Registration Acknowledgements discarded, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdRpLifeExpReqs .
Total number of initial A11 Registration Updates sent due to RP lifetime expiry since system was last restarted. Note that this count does not include any retransmissions.
cCdmaRpUpdPPPtermReqs .
Total number of initial A11 Registration Updates sent as a result of PPP termination, since system was last restarted. Note that this count does not include any retransmissions.
cCdmaRpUpdOtherReasonReqs .
Total number of initial A11 Registration Updates sent due to reasons other than RP lifetime expiry, or PPP termination, since system was last restarted. Note that this count does not include any retransmissions.
cCdmaRpUpdReasonUnSpecFailures .
The number of update registrations failed for unspecified reason since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdAdminProhibFailures .
The number of update registrations failed due to administrative prohibition since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdMNAuthenFailures .
The number of update registrations failed due to MN authentication failure since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdIdentMismatchFailures .
The number of registrations failed due to registration identity mismatch since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdBadReqFailures .
The number of update registrations failed due to poorly formed request since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdPcfHandoffs .
The number of update registrations sent as a result of inter pcf handoffs, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdHandoffNotAckedReqs .
Total number of A11 Registration Updates (sent as the result of inter PCF handoffs), for which no corresponding A11 Registration Acknowledgements received, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdHandoffReceivedAcks .
Total number of A11 Registration Acknowledgements received for the A11 Registration Updates sent as the result of inter PCF handoffs, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdHandoffAcceptedReqs .
Total number of A11 Registration Acknowledgements received with the Status field set to zero (indicating that the corresponding Registration Update was accepted), since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdHandoffDeniedReqs .
Total number of A11 Registration Acknowledgements received with the Status field set to non-zero indicating that the corresponding Registration Update was denied, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdHandoffDiscardedAcks .
Total number of A11 Registration Acknowledgements discarded, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdHandoffInitTxdReqs .
Total number of initial A11 Registration Updates sent as the result of inter PCF handoffs, excluding the re-transmitted A11 Registration Updates, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdHandoffReTxdReqs .
Total number of re-transmitted A11 Registration Updates as the initial Registration Update (sent as a result of inter PCF handoffs) was not acked or denied, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaRpUpdHandoffReaUnSpecFails .
The number of update registrations failed for unspecified reason since system was last restarted. The update is sent as a result of inter PCF handoff.
cCdmaRpUpdHandoffAdmProhibFails .
The number of update registrations failed due to administrative prohibition since system was last restarted. The update is sent as a result of inter PCF handoff.
cCdmaRpUpdHandoffMNAuthenFails .
The number of update registrations failed due to MN authentication failure since system was last restarted. The update is sent as a result of inter PCF handoff.
cCdmaRpUpdHandoffIdMismatchFails .
The number of registrations failed due to registration identity mismatch since system was last restarted. The update is sent as a result of inter PCF handoff.
cCdmaRpUpdHandoffBadReqFails .
The number of update registrations failed due to poorly formed request since system was last restarted. The update is sent as a result of inter PCF handoff.
cCdmaPppCurrentConnections .
Total number of currently active PPP connections
cCdmaPppConnectionInitiateReqs .
Total number of PPP connection initiate requests sent out since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppConnectionSuccesses .
Total number of PPP connections that have been successfully brought to active state since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppConnectionFailures .
The number of PPP connection setup request failed since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppLcpFailures .
Total number of PPP connection request that failed at LCP stage since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthFailures .
Total number of PPP Setup connections that failed at authentication stage since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppIpcpFailures .
Total number of PPP Setup connections that failed at IPCP stage since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppEnterLcpNums .
Total number of PPP connections entering LCP stage since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppEnterAuthNums .
Total number of PPP connections entering authentication stage since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppEnterIpcpNums .
Total number of PPP connections entering IPCP stage since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppLcpFailuresMaxRetrans .
Total number of PPP connection requests that failed at LCP stage after max number of retransmissions since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppLcpFailuresUnknown .
Total number of PPP connection requests that failed at LCP stage due to an unknown reason since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppIpcpFailuresMaxRetrans .
Total number of PPP connection request that failed at IPCP stage after max number of retransmissions since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppIpcpFailuresUnknown .
Total number of PPP connection requests that failed at IPCP stage due to an unknown reason since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppConnectionsAborted .
Total number of PPP negotiations terminated prematurely due to reasons such as MN poweroff since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppRenegTotalReqs .
Total number of PPP connections renegotiated by either PDSN or mobile node since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppRenegByPdsnReqs .
Total number of PPP connection renegotiation requests initiated by PDSN since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppRenegByMobileReqs .
Total number of PPP connection renegotiations requests initiated by mobile node since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppRenegLcpIpcpReqs .
Total Number of PPP connection renegotiate request sent during setup (LCP and IPCP stages) since PDSN was last restarted.
cCdmaPppRenegAddrMismatchReqs .
Total number of PPP connections renegotiated due to ip address mismatch since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppRenegOtherReasonReqs .
Total number of PPP connections renegotiated due to reasons other than IP address mismatch since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppRenegSuccesses .
Total number of PPP re-negotiations that have been successfully brought to active state since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppRenegFailures .
Total number of PPP re-negotiations failed since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppRenegConnectionsAborted .
Total number of PPP re-negotiations terminated prematurely due to reasons such as MN poweroff etc.
cCdmaPppAuthChapAttempts .
Total number of PPP CHAP authentication requests sent out since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthChapSuccesses .
Total number of PPP CHAP authentication successes since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthChapFailures .
Total number of PPP CHAP authentication failures since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthPapAttempts .
Total number of PPP PAP authentication requests sent out since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthPapSuccesses .
Total number of PPP PAP authentication successes since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthPapFailures .
Total number of PPP PAP authentication failures since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthMschapAttempts .
Total number of PPP MSCHAP authentication requests sent out since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthMschapSuccesses .
Total number of PPP MSCHAP authentication successes since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthMschapFailures .
Total number of PPP MSCHAP authentication failures since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthEapAttempts .
Total number of PPP EAP authentication requests sent out since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthEapSuccesses .
Total number of PPP EAP authentication successes since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthEapFailures .
Total number of PPP EAP authentication failures since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthMsidAttempts .
Total number of PPP MSID authentication requests tried since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthMsidSuccesses .
Total number of PPP MSID authentication successes since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthMsidFailures .
Total number of PPP MSID authentication failures since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAuthAAATimeouts .
Total number of PPP authentication failures due to AAA timeouts, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppTotalReleases .
Total number of active PPP connections released by either PDSN or mobile node since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppPdsnReleases .
Total number of active PPP connection release request initiated by the PDSN since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppMobileReleases .
Total number of active PPP connection release request initiated by mobile node since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAddrFilterReleases .
Total number of PPP connection release due to ingress address filering since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppAdminReleases .
Total number of PPP connections released due to administrative command since system was last restarted
cCdmaPppLcpTermReleases .
Total number of PPP connections released due to LCP Term REQ since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppIdleTimeoutReleases .
Total number of PPP connections released because of PPP idle timeout since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppL2tpTunnelReleases .
Total number of PPP connections released due to L2TP tunnel release since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppInsufResReleases .
Total number of PPP connections released due to insufficient resources since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppSessTimeoutReleases .
Total number of PPP connections released due to session timeout since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppSrvIntReleases .
Total number of PPP connections released due to service interruption since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppSrvUnavailReleases .
Total number of PPP connections released due to service unavailable since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppMissEchoReleases .
Total number of PPP connections released as peer did not send echo reply to echo requests since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppOtherReasonReleases .
Total number of PPP connections released due to unknown reasons since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppCompressNegoCons .
Total number of PPP connections that negotiated compression since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppCompressMsftCons .
Total number of PPP connections that use Microsoft compression since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppCompressAscendCons .
Total number of PPP connections that use Ascend compression since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppCompressStackCons .
Total number of PPP connections that use stack compression since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppCompressDeflateCons .
Total number of PPP connections that use deflate compression since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppCompressOtherCons .
Total number of PPP connections that use compression type other than above since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppNegoMrruCons .
Total number of PPP connections that have negotiated MRRU since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppNegoIpxCons .
Total number of PPP connections that have negotiated IPX protocol since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppNegoIpCons .
Total number of PPP connections that have negotiated IP protocol since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppNegoVjCompCons .
Total number of PPP connections that have negotiated header VJ-Compression since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppNegoBapCons .
Total number of PPP connections that negotiated BAP (Bandwidth Allocation protocol, RFC 2125) since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPppConFormedBundles .
Total number of PPP bundles formed since system was last restarted.
cCdmaTransmittedSipKiloOctets .
Total number of simple IP data octets (in unit of 1024 octets) sent to mobile stations from PDSN since system was last restarted.
cCdmaReceivedSipKiloOctets .
Total number of simple IP data octets (in unit of 1024 octets) received from mobile stations by PDSN since system was last restarted.
cCdmaTransmittedSipPkts .
Total number of simple IP data packets sent to mobile stations since system was last restarted.
cCdmaReceivedSipPkts .
Total number of simple IP data packets received from mobile stations since system was last restarted.
cCdmaTransmittedMipKiloOctets .
Total number of mobile IP data octets (in unit of 1024 octets) sent to mobile stations from PDSN since system was last restarted.
cCdmaReceivedMipKiloOctets .
Total number of mobile IP data octets (in unit of 1024 octets) received from mobile stations by PDSN since system was last restarted.
cCdmaTransmittedMipPkts .
Total number of mobile IP data packets sent to mobile stations from PDSN since system was last restarted.
cCdmaReceivedMipPkts .
Total number of mobile IP data packets received from mobile stations since system was last restarted.
cCdmaTransmittedPmipKiloOctets .
Total number of proxy mobile IP data octets (in unit of 1024 octets) sent to mobile stations from PDSN since system was last restarted.
cCdmaReceivedPmipKiloOctets .
Total number of proxy mobile IP data octets (in unit of 1024 octets) received from mobile stations since system was last restarted.
cCdmaTransmittedPmipPkts .
Total number of proxy mobile IP data packets sent to mobile stations from PDSN since system was last restarted.
cCdmaReceivedPmipPkts .
Total number of proxy mobile IP data packets received from mobile stations by PDSN since system was last restarted.
cCdmaFlowSimpleIpSuccesses .
Total number of Simple IP flow that has been established successfully since system reboot.
cCdmaFlowMobilIpSuccesses .
Total number of mobile IP flow that has been established successfully since system reboot.
cCdmaFlowProxyIpSuccesses .
Total number of proxy mobile IP flow that has been established successfully since system reboot.
cCdmaFlowVpdnSuccesses .
Total number of VPDN flow that has been established successfully since system reboot.
cCdmaFlowSimpleIpFailures .
Total number of simple IP flow setup request failed since last system reboot.
cCdmaFlowMobileIpFailures .
Total number of mobile IP flow setup request failed since last system reboot.
cCdmaFlowProxyIpFailures .
Total number of proxy mobile IP flow setup request failed since last system reboot.
cCdmaFlowVpdnFailures .
Total number of VPDN flow setup request failed since last system reboot.
cCdmaFlowUnknownTypeFailures .
Total number of unknown type flow setup request failed since last system reboot.
cCdmaServiceTotalOptions .
Total number of service options supported by this PDSN.
cCdmaServiceOptionEntry .
A conceptual row in the cCdmaServiceOptionTable table. Each row contains success and failures statistics of a particular service option.
cCdmaInterPcfHandoffs .
Total number of inter PCF handoffs since system last restart.
cCdmaInterPdsnHandoffs .
Total number of inter PDSN handoffs since system last restart.
cCdmaIdChangeHandoffs .
Total number of handoffs due to CANID/PANID change since system last restart.
cCdmaStatusIS2OOSes .
Total number of status changes from IS to OOS.
cCdmaStatusOOS2ISes .
Total number of status changes from OOS to IS.
cCdmaAddressStaticSIPs .
Total number of simple IP calls which negotiated static IP addresses.
cCdmaAddressDynamicSIPs .
Total number of simple IP calls which negotiated dynamic IP addresses.
cCdmaAddressStaticMIPs .
Total number of mobile IP calls which negotiated static IP addresses.
cCdmaAddressDynamicMIPs .
Total number of mobile IP calls which negotiated dynamic IP addresses.
cCdmaAddressStaticPMIPs .
Total number of proxy mobile IP calls which negotiated static IP addresses.
cCdmaAddressDynamicPMIPs .
Total number of proxy mobile IP calls which negotiated dynamic IP addresses.
cCdmaAddressStaticVPDNs .
Total number of VPDN calls which negotiated static IP addresses.
cCdmaAddressDynamicVPDNs .
Total number of VPDN calls which negotiated dynamic IP addresses.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegStatsEntry .
The RP registration statistics pertaining to a unique combination of PCF and service option.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdStatsEntry .
The RP update statistics pertaining to a unique combination of PCF and service option.
cCdmaPcfSoPppSetupStatsEntry .
The PPP negotiation statistics pertaining to a unique combination of PCF and service option.
cCdmaSessionHighThreshold .
A threshold marking the high number of allowed sessions. Agent generates a notification when this threshold is reached during call setup.
cCdmaSessionLowThreshold .
A threshold marking the low number of allowed sessions. Agent generates a notification when this threshold is reached during call release.
cCdmaClusterType .
The type of this PDSN cluster. - 'nonCluster' indicates cluster is not provisioned. - 'peerToPeer' indicates cluster type is peer-to- peer. - 'controllerMember' indicates cluster type is controller-member type.
cCdmaClusterRole .
The role this PDSN plays within a controller-member type of cluster: - 'notApply' indicates this PDSN does not play any cluster role. PDSN has this role if the cCdmaClusterType is not controller-member. - 'controller' indicates this PDSN is the controller of this cluster. - 'member' indicates this PDSN is a member of this cluster.
cCdmaClusterTotalControllers .
The total number of cluster controllers within this cluster.
cCdmaClusterCtrlEntry .
A conceptual row in cluster controller table, which represents a cluster controller of a particular InetAddress type and address.
cCdmaClusterTotalSessions .
The total number of session records in PDSN cluster controller.
cCdmaClusterSessHighThreshold .
A threshold marking the high number of allowed sessions withing a PDSN cluster controller. Notification will be generated when this threshold is reached during call setup.
cCdmaClusterSessLowThreshold .
A threshold marking the low number of allowed sessions withing a PDSN cluster controller. Notification will be generated when this threshold is reached during call release.
cCdmaClusterTotalMembers .
The total number of member records in PDSN cluster controller.
cCdmaClusterMemberEntry .
A conceptual row in cCdmaClusterMemberTable table, which represents a PDSN cluster member of particular InetAddress type and address.
cCdmaNotifSeverityLevel .
This is the configured service affected level. Agent generates notifications only if such notifications' service affected level is higher than this value.
cCdmaServiceAffectedLevel .
This is the severity level of affected service by this event/condition that causes this notification.
cCdmaAffectedAddressType .
This is the IP address type of affeted device that generates this notification.
cCdmaAffectedAddress .
This is the IP address of affeted device that generates this notification.
cCdmaAffectedMemberStatus .
The operational status of affected member PDSN.
cCdmaAffectedCtrlStatus .
The operational status of the affected cluster controller.
Tabular Object
cCdmaPcfIpAddress .
IP address identifying a PCF.
cCdmaPcfSessionTotal .
Total number of sessions currently established with a PCF.
cCdmaPcfSessionMaxTotal .
Historical maximum number of connections that were simultaneously established for a PCF.
cCdmaPcfErrorTotal .
Total number of session errors for a PCF.
cCdmaSessionMsid .
Mobile Station Identifier (MSID) of a MS.
cCdmaSessionMsidType .
Mobile Station Identifier (MSID) format type of a mobile station. Valid choices are: - 'imsi' indicates IMSI format (15 digits max) - 'min' indicates MIN format (10 digits max) - 'irm' indicates IRM (10 digits max) - 'other' in other cases
cCdmaSessionEsn .
Electronic serial number of a MS.
cCdmaSessionPdsnIp .
Serving PDSN IP address.
cCdmaSessionFaIp .
PDSN IP address serving as Foreign Agent to the MS.
cCdmaSessionA11HaIp .
MoIP Home Agent address on the A11 interface. (This is nothing but PDSN IP Address)
cCdmaSessionA11FaIp .
MoIP Foreign Agent address on the A11 interface. (This is nothing but PCF IP Address)
cCdmaSessionKey .
Session identification key used by GRE protocol.
cCdmaSessionConnId .
Connection ID of the IP/GRE session. Consists of 4 octets locally unique within a PDSN session.
cCdmaSessionMoMtInd .
Mobile Originated/Mobile Terminated Indicator. - mobileOriginated, MS initiated the session - mobileTerminated, PDSN initiated the session
cCdmaSessionPppCompressEnabled .
'true' indicates compression of PPP is enabled.
cCdmaSessionVJCompressEnabled .
'true' indicates Van-Jacobson compression of TCP/IP header is enabled.
cCdmaSessionServiceOption .
Defines type of data service and rate set utilized.
cCdmaSessionSentOctets .
The number of data octets sent to the mobile user since session established.
cCdmaSessionRcvdOctets .
The number of data octets received from the mobile user since session established.
cCdmaSessionSentPkts .
The number of data packets sent to the mobile user since session established.
cCdmaSessionRcvdPkts .
The number of data packets received from the mobile since session established.
cCdmaSessionDiscardedOutPkts .
The number of outgoing data packets dropped by PDSN since system was last restarted.
cCdmaSessionDiscardedInPkts .
The number of incoming data packets dropped by PDSN since system was last restarted.
cCdmaSessionConnStartTime .
Indicates starting date and time of a session. This value is provided by the RAN. The agent is only propagating this information.
cCdmaActiveConnTime .
Amount of time while a session was established minus amount of time while the session was inactive on the RAN (no data channel assigned on the RAN).
cCdmaSessionFlowCount .
Number of existing IP flows for an established session.
cCdmaSessionStatus .
Session Status, airlinksetup(2), airlinkstart(3), airlinkstop(4).
cCdmaSessionRegLifeTime .
The amount of time, measured in hundredths of a second, granted before registration is considered expired.
cCdmaSessionRegTimeToExpire .
The amount of time, measured in hundredths of a second, remaining before registration is considered expired.
cCdmaSessionGREFromIPPkts .
Number of GRE encapsulated packets received from IP since system was last restarted.
cCdmaSessionGREToIPPkts .
Number of GRE encapsulated packets delivered to IP for transmission since system was last restarted.
cCdmaSessionUserFlowIpAddress .
User flow Ip address.
cCdmaSessionNai .
Network Acess Identifier of the user. User@domain construct which identifies the home network of the mobile user.
cCdmaSessionAddressingScheme .
Indicates MS IP address type: - 'static' MS has a static IP address configured - 'dynamic' MS is dynamically assigned an IP address - 'other' in other cases
cCdmaSessionFlowTechnology .
Routing technology used by a flow: - 'simpleIp' indicates IP routing - 'mobileIp' indicates MoIP routing - 'proxyMobileIp' indicates MoIP routing with PDSN acting as a proxy MC. - 'other' in other cases
cCdmaSessionHaIpAddress .
MoIP home agent address. Relevant only if MoIP or proxy MoIP are used.
cCdmaSessionTunnelProt .
Tunneling protocol used between MS and PDSN: - 'notunnel' indicates no tunnel encapsulation - 'l2tp' indicates tunnel encapsulation using l2tp protocol - 'l2f' indicates tunnel encapsulation using l2f protocol - 'gre' indicates tunnel encapsulation using GRE protocol for mobileip - 'ip-in-ip' indicates tunnel encapsulation using IP-in-IP protocol for mobile - 'other' in other cases
cCdmaFailSessionIndex .
An arbitrary integer to uniquely identify this entry. Increases monotonically then wrap to zero.
cCdmaFailSessionMsid .
MSID of the mobile station for the failed session.
cCdmaFailSessionMsidType .
MSID format type of a mobile station for the failed session.
cCdmaFailSessionEsn .
Electronic serial number of the mobile user for the failed session.
cCdmaFailSessionA11HaIp .
MoIP Home Agent address on the A11 interface for the failed session.
cCdmaFailSessionA11FaIp .
MoIP Foreign Agent address on the A11 interface for the failed session.
cCdmaFailSessionConnId .
Connection ID of the failed session.
cCdmaFailSessionKey .
GRE session identification key of the failed session.
cCdmaFailHistFailTime .
Date and time of the failure occurence.
cCdmaFailHistFailType .
Type of failure for the current record.
cCdmaFailHistServiceOption .
A Packet Data Service Option, which provides a means between MS and RN to establish and maintain cdma2000 traffic channels for packet data service.
cCdmaFailHistPanId .
The identifier of the previous network equipment that provided data connectivity between PDSN and the MS.
cCdmaFailHistCanId .
The identifier of the current network equipment that provides data connectivity between PDSN and the MS.
cCdmaFailHistBsid .
The identifier of Base Station that enables radio communication with the MS.
cCdmaFailSessionEsn2 .
Electronic serial number of the mobile user for the failed session.
cCdmaServiceOptionIndex .
This object reflects a service option as defined by IOS 4.1. It is used to uniquely index entries in this table. The following options are defined in 3GPP2 4.1: - smsRate1(6): SMS rate set 1 - loopback13K(9): 13K loopback - asyncDataRate2(12) Asynchronous data rate set 2 - group3FaxRate2(13) Group 3 fax rate set 2 - smsRate2(14) SMS rate set 2 - packetData144k(15) Packet data service: Internet or ISO protocol stack (14.4kbps) - otapaRate1(18): OTAPA rate set 1 - otapaRate2(19): OTAPA rate set 2 - is2000TestData(32): IS-2000 test data - is2000Markov(54): IS-2000 Markov - is2000Loopback(55): IS-2000 loopback - packetDataRs1fRs1r(22): High speed packet data service: internet or ISO protocol stack (RS1 forward, RS1 reverse) - packetDataRs1fRs2r(23): High speed packet data service: internet or ISO protocol stack (RS1 forward, RS2 reverse) - packetDataRs2fRs1r(24): High speed packet data service: internet or ISO protocol stack (RS2 forward, RS1 reverse) - packetDataRs2fRs2(25): High speed packet data service: internet or ISO protocol stack (RS2 forward, RS2 reverse) - packetData3G(33): 3G high speed packet data - isdn64k(37),: ISDN interworking service (64kbps) - packetDataRev1(4103): Packet data service: Internet or ISO protocol stack, revision 1 (9.6 or 14.4kbps)
cCdmaServiceOptionSucesses .
Total number of RP session setup success for a particular service option as defined by IOS 4.1.
cCdmaServiceOptionFailures .
Total number of RP session setup failure for a particular service option as defined by IOS 4.1.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegIpAddrType .
Represents the type of the address specified by cCdmaPcfSoRpRegIpAddress.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegIpAddr .
The IP address of the PCF that serves the mobile node.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegServiceOption .
The service option received as part of the registration request.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegRcvdReqs .
Total number of A11 registration requests received since the system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegAcptdReqs .
Total number of A11 registration requests accepted since the system was last restarted. The code field in the corresponding registration reply message, is set to zero.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegDeniedReqs .
Total number of A11 registration requests denied since the system was last restarted. The code field in the corresponding registration reply message is set to non-zero.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegDiscardedReqs .
Total number of A11 registration requests silently discarded since the system was last restarted. A corresponding registration reply message is not returned for these A11 registration requests.
cCdmaPcfSoRpInitRegAcptdReqs .
Total number of accepted A11 registration requests meant for establishing new R-P connections, since the system was last restarted. These A11 registration requests contain the connection setup airlink record. The code field in the corresponding registration reply message is set to zero.
cCdmaPcfSoRpInitRegDeniedReqs .
Total number of denied A11 registration requests meant for establishing new R-P connections, since the system was last restarted. These A11 registration requests contain the connection setup airlink record. The code field in the corresponding registration reply message set to non-zero.
cCdmaPcfSoRpReRegAcptdReqs .
Total number of accepted A11 registration requests meant for refreshing the already established R-P connections, since the system was last restarted. The Code field in the corresponding registration reply message is set to zero.
cCdmaPcfSoRpReRegDeniedReqs .
Total number of denied A11 registration requests meant for refreshing the already established R-P connections, since the system was last restarted. The Code field in the corresponding registration reply message is set to non-zero.
cCdmaPcfSoRpDeRegAcptdReqs .
Total number of accepted A11 registration requests meant for de-establishing the already established R-P connections, since the system was last restarted. The Code field in the corresponding registration reply message is set to zero.
cCdmaPcfSoRpDeRegDeniedReqs .
Total number of denied A11 registration requests meant for de-establishing the already established R-P connections, since the system was last restarted. The Code field in the corresponding registration reply message is set to non-zero.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegPcfUnknwnFails .
The number of registration requests failed because PCF address is not in PDSN's list of configured PCFs for unspecified reason since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegAdmnFails .
The number of registration requests failed because PCF address is not in PDSN's list of configured PCFs since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegNoRsrcFails .
The number of registration requests failed because max number of PCFs or max number of sessions reached or out of system resources since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegMNAuthFails .
The number of registration requests failed due to MN authentication failure since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegIdMismatFails .
The number of registration requests failed because of identification mismatch since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegBadReqFails .
The number of registration requests failed because of badly formed request since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegUnkPdsnFails .
The number of registration requests failed because of unknown PDSN/HA Address since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegNoRevTunFails .
The number of registration requests failed because FA to HA reverse tunnel setup failed since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegTBitNSetFails .
The number of registration requests failed because reverse tunnel is required, but T bit is not set since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegBadCVSEFails .
The number of registration requests failed because of unsupported vendor codes in CVSE since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdIpAddrType .
Represents the type of the address specified by cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdIpAddr.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdIpAddr .
The IP address of the PCF that serves the mobile node.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdServiceOption .
A packet data service option, specifies a means between MS and RN to establish and maintain cdma2000 traffic channels for packet data service.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdTxdReqs .
Total number of A11 registration updates transmitted since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdAcptdReqs .
Total number of A11 registration acknowledgements received with the Status field set to zero (indicating that the corresponding registration update was accepted), since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdDeniedReqs .
Total number of A11 registration acknowledgements received with the Status field set to non-zero indicating that the corresponding registration update was denied, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdNotAckedReqs .
Total number of A11 registration updates sent, for which no corresponding A11 registration acknowledgements received, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdInitTxdReqs .
Total number of initial A11 registration updates sent, excluding the re-transmitted A11 registration updates, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdReTxdReqs .
Total number of re-transmitted A11 registration updates, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdRcvdAcks .
Total number of A11 registration acknowledgements received, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdDiscardedAcks .
Total number of A11 registration acknowledgements discarded, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdRpLifeExpReqs .
Total number of initial A11 registration updates sent due to RP lifetime expiry since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdPPPtermReqs .
Total number of initial A11 registration updates sent as a result of PPP termination, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdOtherReaReqs .
Total number of initial A11 registration updates sent due to reasons other than RP lifetime expiry, or PPP termination, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdReaUnSpecFails .
The number of update registrations failed for unspecified reason since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdAdmnFails .
The number of update registrations failed due to administrative prohibition since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdMNAuthFails .
The number of update registrations failed due to MN authentication failure since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdIdMismatFails .
The number of registrations failed due to registration identity mismatch since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdBadReqFails .
The number of update registrations failed due to poorly formed request since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoPppSetupIpAddrType .
Represents the type of the address specified by cCdmaPcfSoPppSetupIpAddr.
cCdmaPcfSoPppSetupIpAddr .
The IP address of the PCF that serves the Mobile Node.
cCdmaPcfSoPppServiceOption .
A packet data service option, specifies a means between MS and RN to establish and maintain cdma2000 traffic channels for packet data service.
cCdmaPcfSoPppCurrentConns .
Total number of currently active PPP connections.
cCdmaPcfSoPppConnInitiateReqs .
Total number of PPP connection initiate requests sent out since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoPppConnSuccesses .
Total number of PPP connections that have been successfully brought to active state since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoPppConnFails .
The number of PPP connection setup request failed since system was last restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoPppConnAborts .
Total number of PPP negotiations terminated prematurely, due to reasons such as MN poweroff, since system was last restarted.
cCdmaClusterCtrlAddressType .
This is the IP address type of a particular controller and is used as index (combine with cCdmaClusterCtrlAddress) to identify a unique cluster controller entry.
cCdmaClusterCtrlAddress .
This is the IP address of a particular controller and is used as index (combine with cCdmaCluster- CtrlAddressType) to identify a unique cluster controller entry.
cCdmaClusterCtrlStatus .
The operational status of the cluster controller maintained by the member.
cCdmaClusterMemberAddressType .
This is IP address type of this PDSN cluster member, which is used as index (combine with cCdmaClusterMemberAddress) to identify a unique cluster member entry.
cCdmaClusterMemberAddress .
This is IP address of this PDSN cluster member, which is used as index (combine with cCdmaClusterMemberAddressType) to identify a unique cluster member entry.
cCdmaClusterMemberStatus .
The operational status of this PDSN: - 'unknown' indicates cluster controller doesn't know this member's status. - 'ready' indicates this member is ready to serve call setup request. - 'adminProhibit' indicates this member will not new call setup request, but will maintain existing calls.
cCdmaClusterMemberLoad .
PDSN cluster member load as an aggregate percentage of the maximum load that can be serviced.
cCdmaPcfTable .
PDSN PCF table. Contains the reference about PCF in the RAN currently interacting with the PDSN. An entry is created for every session opened by a PCF not recorded in this table. An entry is deleted when all session initiated by a PCF are dismantled.
cCdmaSessionTable .
PDSN Session table. Contains the parameters and statistics related to a session. An entry is created for every PPP connection opened by a PCF. An entry is deleted when the session is dismantled, either by PDSN or PCF.
cCdmaSessionFlowTable .
PDSN IP flows table. Each entry is created when a new conversation is initiated between a MS and a HA. A flow is linked to a PDSN session. An IP flow is deleted when the conversation or the PDSN session is dismantled.
cCdmaFailHistInfoTable .
Session failures table. An entry is created for every failed session. cCdmaSessionPdsnMaxFailHistory determines the maximum number of entries kept in this table. Once the table reaches the limit set, the oldest entries will be discarded to allow new entries to be recorded.
cCdmaServiceOptionTable .
This is an independent table maintained by PDSN node. Each entry in this table is created when a new non-zero service option is processed during call setup. An existing entry is not expected to be deleted unless system is restarted.
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegStatsTable .
A table containing RP registration statistics, such as number of registration requests, registration Replies etc., grouped and indexed on the basis of PCF's IP address and the service option.
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdStatsTable .
A table containing RP update statistics such as RP updates sent, acks received etc., grouped and index on the basis of PCF's IP address and the service option.
cCdmaPcfSoPppSetupStatsTable .
A table containing PPP negotiation statistics such as PPP negotiations initiated, negotiation successes etc., grouped and index on the basis of PCF's IP address and the service option.
cCdmaClusterCtrlTable .
A list of cluster controllers maintained by a PDSN cluster member. An entry is created when a cluster controller is added through provisioning command. An entry is deleted when a cluster controller is removed through provisioning command.
cCdmaClusterMemberTable .
A list of cluster members maintained by a PDSN cluster controller. An entry is created when a cluster member is added through provisioning command or auto-discovered. An entry is deleted when a cluster member is removed through provisioning command or found dead by auto-discovering.
cCdmaSessionMaxAllowedNotif .
This notification indicates PDSN has reached the maximum number of sessions the system can handle. In this state new session request will be rejected. Service affected level: critical
cCdmaPcfMaxAllowedNotif .
This notification indicates PDSN has reached the maximum number of allowed PCF. In this state request from new PCF will be rejected. Service affected level: critical
cCdmaSessionFormatErrorNotif .
This notification indicates PDSN received invalid arguments from PCF leading to session termination. The agent should not generate more than 1 trap of this type per second to minimize the level of management traffic on the network
cCdmaSessionRegReqFailedNotif .
This notification indicates a Registration Request received has failed which may be due to one of the following reasons: insufficient resource, Administrative prohibition, MN authentication failure, registration id mismatch, bad request, unknown HA address or T bit not set or unsupported VID. The agent should not generate more than 1 trap of same type per second to minimize the level of management traffic on the network. Service affected level: minor
cCdmaPdsnStatusChange .
This notification indicates status change of PDSN.
cCdmaSessionHighReached .
This notification indicates a session high threshold has been has been reached.
cCdmaSessionLowReached .
This notification indicates a session low threshold has been has been reached.
cCdmaClusterSessionHighReached .
This notification indicates a cluster session high threshold has been reached by PDSN cluster controller.
cCdmaClusterSessionLowReached .
This notification indicates a cluster session low threshold has been reached by PDSN cluster controller. Service affected level: Major/Warning
cCdmaClusterMemberStatusChange .
Cluster controller detects member PDSN status change
cCdmaClusterCtrlStatusChange .
Cluster member PDSN detects controller PDSN status change
cCdmaClusterMemberStatusChange2 .
Cluster controller detects member PDSN status change
cCdmaClusterCtrlStatusChange2 .
Cluster member PDSN detects controller PDSN status change
cCdmaSessionLowReached2 .
This notification indicates a session low threshold has been has been reached.
Object Identifier
ciscoCdmaPdsnMIB .
This MIB is to support the CDMA PDSN (Packet Data Serving Node) feature. A CDMA2000 network supports wireless data communication through 3G CDMA radio access technology and 3G A10/A11 interface. PDSN acts as a foreign agent that establishes, maintains and terminates the link layer to a mobile station. The high level architecture of a third generation CDMA2000 network is shown below: +========+=+ +=========+ +=========+ | RAdio |P| | | Data | Home | | Network|C|==A10/A11==-| PDSN |===Core===| Network | | (RAN) |F| Interface | | Network | | +========+=+ +=========+ (DCN) +=========+ /| Foreign Agent Home Agent | (FA) (HA) | Visited Access | Provider Network | |/ +========+ | Mobile | | Station| | (MS) | +========+ The following diagram illustrates protocols usage by the CDMA2000 network elements: MS ===== RAN ======== PDSN ======== DCN ====== Home Network | | A10/A11 | | | +=signaling==+ | | | | | +...L2TP/L2F tunnelling..+ | | | +======== PPP ========+ | | | | | +..Mobile IP tunnelling..+ | | | | | | +=================Mobile IP====================+ | | | | +======================data====================+ The CDMA PDSN MIB provides operational information for a CDMA PDSN implementation. The following areas are managed: 1) Global PDSN information. This area contains generic information such as the number of active/failed sessions, PDSN hostname. 2) PDSN session information. This area contains details about PPP sessions maintained by the PDSN router and other related information such as flows or PCF. 3) Failure notification. This area contains details of notifications sent to network management applications in case of session failure. Acronyms and terms: CDMA Code Division Multiple Access DCN Data Core Network ESN Electronic Serial Number FA Foreign Agent GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation. Refer to RFC 1701 for more details. HA Home Agent IMSI International Mobile Station Identifier IS In service IRM International Roaming MIN MC Mobile Client MIN Mobile Identifier Number MSID Mobile Station Identifier MS Mobile Station MN Mobile Node MoIP Mobile IP NAI Network Access Identifier OOS Out of service PCF Packet Control Function PDSN Packet Data Serving Node RAN Radio Network RP Radio Packet CANID Current Access Network Identifier PANID Previous Access Network Identifier BSID Base Station Identifier CVSE Customer/Vendor Specific Extension SO/So Service Option. The Service Option is a parameter that specifies the air interface between MS and RN for packet data service. Mobile Station/ A host or router that changes its Mobile Node point of attachment from one network or subnetwork to another. A mobile node may change its location without changing its IP address. Mobile IP Protocol enhancements that allow transparent routing of IP datagrams to mobile nodes. Refer to RFC 2002 for more details. Mobile Client A component which can interact with MoIP entities such as Foreign Agent and Home Agent. Home Agent A router on a mobile node's home network which tunnels datagrams for delivery to the mobile node when it is away from home, and maintains current location information for the mobile node. Refer to RFC 2002 for more details. Foreign Agent A router on a mobile node's visited network which provides routing services to the mobile node while registered. The foreign agent delivers datagrams to the mobile node that were tunneled by the mobile node's home agent. For datagrams sent by a mobile node, the foreign agent may serve as a default router for registered mobile nodes. Refer to RFC 2002 for more details. Proxy Mechanism used by PDSN to provide MoIP mobile IP services to a MS which does not implement a mobile client. PDSN will be the proxy MC for the MS. Simple IP IP routing used by a MS when MoIP services are not needed. PDSN flow A conversation between one user (identified by an IP address) and a HA using a PDSN session. PDSN session A PPP connection between a MS and the PDSN. One session may contain one or multiple PDSN flows. A10/A11 A10 interface is a virtual interface interface used for transporting data between the RAN and the PDSN. A11 interface is the signaling protocol used for maintaining a logical connection between the RAN and PDSN. PCF Physical interface connecting the RAN to a PDSN.
ciscoCdmaPdsnMIBObjects .
cCdmaSystemInfo .
cCdmaPcfInfo .
cCdmaSessionInfo .
cCdmaFailHistInfo .
cCdmaRPRegistrationStats .
cCdmaRPUpdateStats .
cCdmaPerformanceStats .
cCdmaConfig .
cCdmaNotifObjects .
cCdmaRpRegStats .
cCdmaRpUpdStats .
cCdmaPppStats .
cCdmaTrafficStats .
cCdmaFlowTypeStats .
cCdmaServiceOptionStats .
cCdmaHandoffStats .
cCdmaStatusChangeStats .
cCdmaAddressSchemeStats .
cCdmaPcfSoRpRegStats .
cCdmaPcfSoRpUpdStats .
cCdmaPcfSoPppSetupStats .
cCdmaThresholdConfig .
cCdmaPdsnCluster .
cCdmaNotifConfig .
cCdmaClusterCommon .
cCdmaClusterMemberInfo .
cCdmaClusterControllerInfo .
cCdmaPppSetupStats .
cCdmaPppReNegoStats .
cCdmaPppAuthStats .
cCdmaPppReleaseStats .
cCdmaPppMiscStats .
cCdmaPdsnMIBNotifPrefix .
cCdmaPdsnMIBNotifs .
cCdmaPdsnMIBConformance .
cCdmaPdsnMIBCompliances .
cCdmaPdsnMIBGroups .
cCdmaSystemPdsnGroup .
A collection of objects needed for PDSN network management.
cCdmaNotifPdsnGroup .
The notifications related to PDSN network management.
cCdmaSystemPdsnGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects needed for PDSN network management.
cCdmaNotifPdsnGroupRev1 .
The notifications related to PDSN network management.
cCdmaSystemPdsnGroupRev2 .
A collection of objects needed for PDSN R1.1 network management.
cCdmaSystemPdsnGroupRev3 .
A collection of objects needed for PDSN R1.2 network management.
cCdmaNotifPdsnGroupRev2 .
The notifications related to PDSN R1.2 network management.
cCdmaSystemPdsnGroupRev4 .
A collection of objects needed for PDSN R1.2 network management.
cCdmaSystemPdsnGroupRev5 .
A collection of objects needed for PDSN R1.2 network management.
cCdmaNotifPdsnGroupRev3 .
The notifications related to PDSN R1.2 network management.
cCdmaPdsnPcfSoRpRegGroup .
A collection of RP registration statistics MIB objects needed for R2.0 PDSN management.
cCdmaPdsnPcfSoPppGroup .
A collection PPP negotiation statistics MIB objects needs for R2.0 PDSN management.