cipCardCsnaAdminPath |
. |
The Channel Path for this Channel Systems
Network Architecture table entry.
For more information see the
textual convention ChannelPath.
cipCardCsnaAdminDevice |
. |
Two octet hex device address for the device the
SNA host will use to communicate with the CSNA
feature on the CMCC card.
For more information see the
textual convention ChannelDevice.
cipCardCsnaAdminBlockDelayTime |
. |
The Block Delay Time is the maximum amount of time
the CSNA feature can hold a set of requests
before it must transmit the block to the host.
The Block must be sent when this time has expired,
even if the block has not reached the suggested
Block Delay Length.
cipCardCsnaAdminBlockDelayLength |
. |
The Block Delay Length is the suggested size of
a block before it is transmitted to the host.
The Block Delay Length is used to force a transmit of
a block when all information currently being processed
has been placed in the block and the real block size
exceeds this Block Delay Length size. The size of the
block can grow larger than the Block Delay Length size,
but must never exceed the Maximum Block Length before
being transmitted.
cipCardCsnaAdminMaxBlockLength |
. |
The Maximum block length is the maximum size
that an inbound channel I/O block my attain
before being sent to the host. The block must
be smaller or equal to this value.
cipCardCsnaAdminRowStatus |
. |
This object is used by a Management Station to create
or delete the row entry in the cipCardCsnaAdminTable
following the the RowStatus textual convention.
Upon successful creation of the row, an Agent
automatically creates a corresponding entry in
the cipCardCsnaOperTable with the cipCardCsnaOperState
equal to 'inactive (1)'.
The Management Station can initiate row deletion, by
setting this value to 'destroy (6)'. The Agent will
then delete the rows corresponding to this CSNA
instance from both the cipCardCsnaAdminTable and
cipCardCsnaOperState |
. |
The current state of the CSNA entry.
The values have the following meanings:
closed - Link is closed.
pendingOpen - An Open Subchannel command has
been received from the host.
open - Subchannel is open.
pendingSetup - Host has queried for LAN info.
setupComplete - LAN info has been sent to the host.
pendingClose - A Close Subchannel command has
been received from the host.
cipCardCsnaOperSlowDownState |
. |
The current state of the CSNA slow down
condition. A channel device will turn on
the slow down bit whenever insufficient
buffering is available to receive data
from the adjacent channel device.
The values have the following meanings:
normal - Link is normal.
slowDownSent - The router has put VTAM into
a slow down state.
slowDownReceived - VTAM has put the router into
a slow down state.
slowDownSentReceived - Both VTAM and the router
are in a slow down state.
cipCardCsnaOperBlockDelayTime |
. |
The current Block Delay Time value being
used by this instance of CSNA path/device
cipCardCsnaOperBlockDelayLength |
. |
The current Block Delay Length being
used by this instance of CSNA path/device
cipCardCsnaOperMaxBlockLength |
. |
The current Maximum block length
being used by this instance of CSNA
path/device (subchannel).
cipCardCsnaStatsBlocksTxd |
. |
The number of Blocks Transmitted.
cipCardCsnaStatsBlocksRxd |
. |
The number of Blocks Received.
cipCardCsnaStatsBytesTxd |
. |
The number of Bytes Transmitted.
NOTE: To support SNMP Version 1
Managers, this variable is
supplied as a 32 bit value
which can wrap very
cipCardCsnaStatsHCBytesTxd |
. |
The number of Bytes Transmitted.
NOTE: This is a 64 bit (High Capacity)
version of the cipCardCsnaStatsBytesTxd
counter for use with SNMP Version 2
cipCardCsnaStatsBytesRxd |
. |
The number of Bytes Received.
NOTE: To support SNMP Version 1
Managers, this variable is
supplied as a 32 bit value
which can wrap very
cipCardCsnaStatsHCBytesRxd |
. |
The number of Bytes Received.
NOTE: This is a 64 bit (High Capacity)
version of the cipCardCsnaStatsBytesRxd
counter for use with SNMP Version 2
cipCardCsnaStatsBlocksTxByBlockDelayTime |
. |
The number of Blocks Transmitted when the
Block Delay Time has been exceeded.
cipCardCsnaStatsBytesTxByBlockDelayTime |
. |
The number of Bytes Transmitted when the
Block Delay Time has been exceeded.
cipCardCsnaStatsHCBytesTxByBlockDelayTime |
. |
The number of Bytes Transmitted when the
Block Delay Time has been exceeded.
NOTE: This is a 64 bit (High Capacity)
version of the cipCardCsnaStatsBytesTxByBlockDelayTime
counter for use with SNMP Version 2
cipCardCsnaStatsBlocksTxByBlockDelayLength |
. |
The number of Blocks Transmitted when the
suggested Block Delay Length has been
cipCardCsnaStatsBytesTxByBlockDelayLength |
. |
The number of Bytes Transmitted when the
suggested Block Delay Length has been
cipCardCsnaStatsHCBytesTxByBlockDelayLength |
. |
The number of Bytes Transmitted when the
suggested Block Delay Length has been
NOTE: This is a 64 bit (High Capacity)
version of the cipCardCsnaStatsBytesTxByBlockDelayLength
counter for use with SNMP Version 2
cipCardCsnaStatsBlocksTxByMaxBlockLength |
. |
The number of Blocks Transmitted when the
Maximum block length has been exceeded.
cipCardCsnaStatsBytesTxByMaxBlockLength |
. |
The number of Bytes Transmitted when the
Maximum block length has been exceeded.
cipCardCsnaStatsHCBytesTxByMaxBlockLength |
. |
The number of Bytes Transmitted when the
Maximum block length has been exceeded.
NOTE: This is a 64 bit (High Capacity)
version of the cipCardCsnaStatsBytesTxByBlockDelayLength
counter for use with SNMP Version 2
cipCardCsnaStatsSlowDownsReceived |
. |
The number of times the slow down bit was
detected in a channel I/O block received from
VTAM. This condition causes the router to stop
transmitting data to VTAM over the channel until
the slow down condition has been cleared.
cipCardCsnaStatsSlowDownsSent |
. |
The number of times the slow down bit was
set by the router to stop VTAM from sending any
more channel I/O blocks. This condition stays in
effect until the router clears the slow down
cipCardAdminMaxLlc2Sessions |
. |
The configured maximum number of LLC2 sessions
allowed on a CMCC card. A value of zero indicates
that the maximum should only be limited by the
amount of available memory on the CMCC. A value
greater than zero indicates the maximum number
of sessions the CMCC will support given
there is enough memory available on the CMCC card.
This value can be set at any time, however
it will only affect the Maximum number of LLC2
sessions supported on a CIP the first time it
is set and only if the value it is being set to
is greater than the current value for
cipCardOperMaxLlc2Sessions |
. |
This value indicates the current number
of LLC2 sessions that can be supported
on this CMCC card. If this value is
zero, then the limit of LLC2 sessions on
the CMCC card is only limited by the amount of
memory available.
cipCardStatsHiWaterLlc2Sessions |
. |
High water LLC2 sessions count per CMCC card.
If cipCardOperMaxLlc2Sessions is zero (0),
then this value starts at 256 Llc2 sessions
and will be incremented in values of 64 as
more active concurrent LLC2 sessions are
If cipCardOperMaxLlc2Sessions is greater
then zero (0), then this value will either
be equal to the cipCardOperMaxLlc2Sessions
given enough memory is available on the CMCC card
to support that many LLC2 sessions or
the the value will be less than
cipCardOperMaxLlc2Sessions, reflecting the maximum
number of LLC2 sessions the CMCC card can support.
cipCardStatsLlc2SessionAllocationErrs |
. |
This value represents the number of
memory allocation errors that have
occurred when attempting to create a
new block of memory for the LLC2 session
buffer pool.
cipCardCsnaConnActiveSessions |
. |
The Active Sessions in this VTAM to CMCC
LAN Adapter/Mac Address mapping.
cipCardCsnaSlot |
. |
Slot number of the CMCC card that the
Path and Device are configured.
cipCardCsnaPort |
. |
Port number on the CMCC card that the
Path and Device are configured.
cipCardCsnaConnPath |
. |
Hex path identifier used by this instance
of CMCC LAN adapter/SAP to connect
SNA sessions to VTAM.
For more information see the
textual convention ChannelPath.
cipCardCsnaConnDevice |
. |
Two digit hex device address used by this
CMCC LAN adapter/SAP instance to connect
SNA sessions to VTAM.
For more information see the
textual convention ChannelDevice.