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CISCO-FASTHUB-MIB.mib object view, vendor Cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-FASTHUB-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

CISCO-FASTHUB-MIB file content

Object view of CISCO-FASTHUB-MIB:

Scalar Object
mrStackUnitCapacity .
This object returns the maximum number of repeater units that can be stacked in the system and managed as one repeater.
mrStackNumberOfUnitsPresent .
This object returns the current number of repeater units in the stack.
mrStackSelectPrimarySupervisorUnit .
In a multi-unit FastHub stack with more than one Supervisor management module installed, this object selects which unit and hence, which Supervisor module, should have the primary management role. The value specified is a unit number that corresponds to an integer index into the mrStackUnitTable. Once a primary management unit has been chosen, the remaining management modules, if any, will automatically assume the standby role.
mrStackPOSTSelect .
normal(1), -- standard length test abbreviated(2) -- shortened test This object configures the type of Supervisor Power On Self Test FastHub will run upon power up. The normal(1) setting runs the lengthy and complete version of the self test. The abbreviated(2) setting shortens some of the RAM tests to reduce the start up time.
mrStackReset .
reset(1) -- reset noReset(2), -- do nothing A write to this object with reset(1) causes a complete reset of the repeater hardware and the Supervisor but does not run the POST. All FastHub configuration parameters are retained and all network related statistics in the system are cleared. Setting this object to noReset(2) has no effect. FastHub will always return noReset(2) when this object is read.
mrStackDefaultReset .
reset(1) -- reset noReset(2), -- do nothing A write to this object with reset(1) causes a complete reset of the repeater hardware and the Supervisor but does not run the POST. All FastHub configuration parameters revert to their default factory settings, and all network related statistics in the system are cleared. Setting this object to noReset(2) has no effect. FastHub will always return noReset(2) when this object is read.
mrStackClearStatistics .
clear(1) -- clear interface statistics noClear(2), -- do nothing A write to this object with noClear(2) results in no action. A write of clear(1) will cause FastHub to reset all repeater statistics to zero. FastHub will also update the object rptrGroupLastOperStatusChange for all applicable repeater groups. This object always returns noClear(2) when read.
mrStackShortJabberLoopCorrections .
This object contains a count of the number of times a short event loop or jabber loop condition--caused by loopback cables--was detected and corrected.
mrSupervisorLogTableClear .
clear(1) -- clear current mrSupervisorLogTable noClear(2), -- do nothing A write to this object with noClear(2) results in no action. A write of clear(1) will clear all current entries in the mrSupervisorLogTable. A new entry will then be added to log this clear action. This object always return noClear(2) when read.
mrSupervisorLogEntry .
Supervisor Log entry.
mrStackUnitEntry .
Stack unit table entry.
mrNetMgmtIpAddress .
The FastHub Supervisor IP address. FastHub may automatically discover a value for this object using BOOTP, or DHCP. The object value is also duplicated in the MIB-II ipAddrTable. A write to this object will take effect immediately, replacing the previous address, if any. Default value:, or no address.
mrNetMgmtIpSubnetMask .
The FastHub Supervisor IP subnet mask. The firmware may automatically discover a value for this object using BOOTP, DHCP or RARP. The object value is also duplicated in the MIB-II ipAddrTable. A write to this object will take effect immediately, replacing the previous subnet mask, if any. Default value:, or no mask.
mrNetMgmtDefaultGateway .
The IP address of a default gateway. A write to this object will take effect immediately, replacing the previous address, if any. Default value:, or no gateway address.
mrNetMgmtEnableAuthenTraps .
enabled(1), -- trap generation is enabled disabled(2) -- trap generation is disabled Indicates whether the SNMP Agent is allowed to generate authenticationFailure traps. The value of this object overrides any configuration information; as such, it provides a means whereby all authenticationFailure traps may be disabled(2). This object manipulates the same value for the MIB-II snmpEnableAuthenTraps object instance. The value is duplicated here for convenience. Default value: enabled(1).
mrNetMgmtEnableRIP .
enabled(1), -- RIP listener is enabled disabled(2) -- RIP listener is disabled This object controls whether the FastHub Supervisor will run the Routing Information Protocol listener to automatically discover IP gateways. Default value: enabled(1).
mrNetMgmtConsoleInactTime .
The number of seconds (minimum of 30) of Management Console session inactivity to wait before ending the session. Once a session has ended, the user must resupply the Console password to regain access. A value of zero indicates no timeout. Default value: 0.
mrNetMgmtConsolePasswordThreshold .
The number of consecutive invalid password attempts allowed before the Management Console is shut down for a configured duration. A zero value permits unlimited attempts. Default value: 3.
mrNetMgmtConsoleSilentTime .
The number of minutes during which the Management Console will be unavailable after repeated failed attempts to log on. A zero value specifies no silent time. Default value: 0.
mrNetMgmtModemInitString .
A string of up to 48 characters used to configured a modem connected to the RS-232 port. Specify this string if the modem is not Hayes compatible. Only the initialization commands need to be specified (i.e., do not specify any modem prefix string such as the AT attention sequence, or any suffix such as the CR character). This string takes effect after every line hang-up. Default value: string of length 0.
mrNetMgmtModemDialString .
This string of up to 48 characters contains a phone number used to establish a modem connection with a remote site. Only the phone number needs be specified (i.e., do not specify any dial prefix string such as ATDT). Leave this string empty (the default value), if the dial-out capability is not desired. This string takes effect after every line hang-up. Default value: string of length 0.
mrNetMgmtModemDialDelay .
Specifies a delay in seconds between every dial-out failure. The value zero indicates an infinite delay (no retry after the first failure). Normally, FastHub will attempt a dial-out if the mrNetMgmtModemDialString object is non-empty. If the dial-out fails, and auto-answer has been disabled on this system, the firmware will retry the dial-out after this delay has passed. If auto-answer is enabled and the first dial-out attempt fails, the system will immediately go into auto-answer mode. Default value: 300.
mrNetMgmtModemAutoAnswer .
Specifies whether the system should be in auto-answer mode and only accepts incoming calls. Note that the system will always attempt a dial-out first if mrNetMgmtModemDialString is non-empty. Valid values are enabled(1) and disabled(2). Default value: enabled(1).
mrNetMgmtDomainServer1IpAddress .
The IP address of a Domain Name Server (DNS) which FastHub uses to resolve domain names to IP addresses. A set on this object takes effect the next time FastHub has to resolve a domain name. Default value:, or no address.
mrNetMgmtDomainServer2IpAddress .
The IP address of a second Domain Name Server (DNS) which FastHub uses to resolve domain names to IP addresses. A set on this object takes effect the next time FastHub needs to resolve a domain name. Default value:, or no address.
mrNetMgmtDefaultSearchDomain .
A string of up to 63 characters specifying a default domain search path. When FastHub needs to resolve a domain name that is not fully specified, it appends this default domain path to the name and continues the resolution attempt. Default value: string of length 0.
mrNetMgmtSetClientEntry .
A name/IP address of a manager station allowed to issue SET requests to this management agent.
mrNetMgmtTrapClientEntry .
A destination address and community string to a particular trap client.
mrUpgradeFlashSize .
The size in kilobytes of FLASH memory installed in the system. For example: 128 equals 131072 bytes (128 times 1024 bytes). Default value: 1024 (one megabyte).
mrUpgradeLastUpgradeTime .
A string containing the date and time of the last upgrade of the primary Supervisor firmware. The string is in net ASCII and conforms exactly to one of the following format: 'Wed Dec 27 15:19:15 1995' Default value: string of length 0.
mrUpgradeLastUpgradeSource .
The name or IP address of the TFTP node which last sent a Supervisor firmware image to upgrade the FLASH memory contents. If the last upgrade was from the RS-232 console, this object would contain 'console port' or 'diagnostic console port'. Default value: string of length 0.
mrUpgradeLastUpgradeStatus .
Indicates the status of the last upgrade. The object can have one of the following values: none(1), -- no upgrade has been done inProgress(2), -- upgrade still in progress success(3), -- last upgrade was successful failure(4) -- last upgrade failed Default value: none(1).
mrUpgradeTFTPServerAddress .
This object names the TFTP server from which a firmware file can be downloaded using the built-in TFTP protocol. This is the in-band system-directed upgrade method. The download may be initiated by setting the mrUpgradeTFTPInitiate to upgrade(1), or via an out-of-band management action. If the first non-blank character in mrUpgradeTFTPServerAddress is a NetASCII numeral, the name is assumed to be an IP address. Otherwise, the name is assumed to be a fully qualified Domain Name Server name, and the DNS protocol will be used to resolve it to an IP address. Default value: string of length 0.
mrUpgradeTFTPLoadFilename .
The name of the file containing a firmware upgrade image on the host whose address is given by mrUpgradeTFTPServerAddress. Default value: string of length 0.
mrUpgradeTFTPInitiate .
upgrade(1), -- no action noUpgrade(2) -- initiate an upgrade Setting this object to noUpgrade(2) results in no action. When set to upgrade(1), FastHub will attempt to download a firmware file whose name is given by mrUpgradeTFTPLoadFilename, from the server whose address is given by mrUpgradeTFTPServerAddress. Both mrUpgradeTFTPServerAddress and mrUpgradeTFTPLoadFilename must be non-empty for the upgrade to proceed. The object always returns noUpgrade(2) when read. Default value: noUpgrade(2).
mrUpgradeTFTPAccept .
enabled(1), -- accept TFTP upgrade request disabled(2) -- do not accept TFTP upgrade request When set to disabled(2), FastHub will refuse TFTP write requests from workstations. When enabled(1), a user at a workstations may send a firmware file using the TFTP protocol to upgrade the current primary Supervisor firmware. This is the in-band workstation-directed upgrade method. Default value: enabled(1).
Tabular Object
mrSupervisorLogIndex .
A value identifying a unique entry in the mrSupervisorLogTable.
mrSupervisorLogTime .
Text string containing the date and time this log entry was created.
mrSupervisorLogInfo .
A free formatted display string containing some descriptive text about a certain system state change.
mrSupervisorLogRelativeTime .
The value of sysUpTime when this log entry was created. A value of 0 indicates that the entry was logged before the last reset.
mrStackUnitIndex .
A number identifying a unique FastHub unit. This number corresponds to the physical box unit number in the stack.
mrStackUnitPresent .
This object contains true(1) if the unit identified by mrStackUnitIndex is present in the stack. The object contains false(2) otherwise. Default value: false(2).
mrStackUnitFirstGroupIndex .
This object contains a value which corresponds to an RFC-1516 group index. It identifies the first of the one or more repeater groups present in this unit. All groups belonging to a same FastHub unit are indexed using consecutive integer values.
mrStackUnitLastGroupIndex .
This object contains a value which corresponds to an RFC-1516 group index. It identifies the last of the one or more repeater groups present in this unit. All groups belonging to a same FastHub unit are indexed using consecutive integer values.
mrStackUnitSupervisorPresent .
This object contains true(1) if a Supervisor module is installed in the unit. The object contains false(2) otherwise. Default value: false(2).
mrStackUnitSupervisorMajorVersion .
If a Supervisor module is installed in the unit, this object returns its major firmware version number. This object contains 0 if the unit does not have a Supervisor module installed. Default value: 0.
mrStackUnitSupervisorMinorVersion .
If a Supervisor module is installed in the unit, this object returns its minor firmware version number. This object contains 0 if the unit does not have a Supervisor module installed. Default value: 0.
mrStackUnitSupervisorBootstrapMajorVersion .
If a Supervisor module is installed in the unit, this object returns its major bootstrap version number. This object contains 0 if the unit does not have a Supervisor module installed. Default value: 0.
mrStackUnitSupervisorBootstrapMinorVersion .
If a Supervisor module is installed in the unit, this object returns its minor bootstrap version number. This object contains 0 if the unit does not have a Supervisor module installed. Default value: 0.
mrStackUnitPOSTResult .
A bit array where the presence of a particular bit indicates a failure of a particular Power On Self Test (POST). Each octet within the value of this object specifies a set of 8 POST tests, with the first octet specifying tests 1 through 8, the second octet specifying tests 9 through 16, etc. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the lowest numbered test, and the least significant bit represents the highest numbered test. Thus, each test is represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then that test has failed; the test has passed if its bit has a value of '0'. The defined POST tests are: Number POST Test ------ --------- 1 Supervisor RAM 2 EIA/TIA-232 console port 3 Ethernet address 4 Timer interrupt 5 Real time clock 6 Non-volatile RAM 7 Port loopback Default value: string of length 0.
mrStackUnitSupervisorIsPrimary .
true(1), -- unit contains the primary management module false(2) -- unit has no management module or contains -- a standby management module If the current unit has a management module installed (mrStackUnitSupervisorPresent is true), this object indicates whether the module is acting as the primary management Supervisor. If there is no management module present, this object will return the value false(2). Default value: false(2).
mrStackUnitExpansionModulePresent .
This object contains true(1) if an expansion module is installed in the unit. The object contains false(2) otherwise. Default value: false(2).
mrStackUnitPortVisualIndicatorSelect .
portStatus(1), -- LED shows port link/activity unitNumber(2), -- LED shows unit number utilization(3) -- LED shows utilization This object reflects what is currently selected as the port visual indication mode. The portStatus(1) mode uses the visual LEDs to indicate port link and activity status. The unitNumber(2) mode shows the position of the unit in the stack (the unit number). The utilization(3) mode uses the port visual LEDs to display the repeater backplane bandwidth utilization. Default value: portStatus(1).
mrStackUnitBasePortVisualIndicatorGreenMap .
The current value of the green visual LED map, representing link or activity, for ports on the unit's main board. Default value: string of length 0.
mrStackUnitBasePortVisualIndicatorAmberMap .
The current value of the amber visual LED map, representing disabled status, for ports on the unit's main board. Default value: string of length 0.
mrStackUnitExpansionPortVisualIndicatorGreenMap .
The current value of the green visual LED map, representing link or activity, for ports on the unit's expansion module. Default value: string of length 0.
mrStackUnitExpansionPortVisualIndicatorAmberMap .
The current value of the amber visual LED map, representing disabled status, for ports on the unit's expansion module. Default value: string of length 0.
mrStackUnitActivityVisualIndicator .
This object has the value true(1) when the unit activity visual LED is lit. Otherwise, it has the value false(2). Initial value: false(2).
mrStackUnitCollisionVisualIndicator .
This object has the value true(1) when the unit collision visual LED is lit. Otherwise, it has the value false(2). Initial value: false(2).
mrStackUnitRPSStatus .
notPresent(1), -- no RPS present connectedFunctional(2), -- both internal and RPS supplying power conectedNotFunctional(3), -- RPS connected but is down functionalPrimaryFailed(4) -- RPS is supplying power This object shows the status of the remote redundant power supply connected to the unit. This MIB object returns notPresent(1) when there is no RPS connected to the unit. This object returns connectedFunctional(2) if there is a RPS and both internal and RPS are supplying power to the unit. It returns connectedNotFunctional(3) if the RPS is connected but down. It returns functionalPrimaryFailed(4) if the internal power supply failed and RPS is supplying power to the unit. Default value: notPresent(1).
mrStackUnitRPSVisualIndicator .
This object has one of the following values: off(1), -- no RPS present green(2), -- RPS healthy amber(3) -- RPS not healthy Initial value: off(1).
mrStackUnitSerialNumber .
This object has the serial number of the unit.
mrNetMgmtSetClientIndex .
Identifier of a particular table entry.
mrNetMgmtSetClientName .
The Set Client's name or IP address. Default value: string of length 0.
mrNetMgmtSetClientStatus .
other(1) -- none of the following invalid(2) -- an invalid entry permanent(3) -- a valid entry that is in use Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry. That is, it effectively disassociates the name/IP address identified with said entry from the table. It is an implementation- specific matter as to whether the agent removes an invalidated entry from the table. Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to receive tabular information from agents that corresponds to entries not currently in use. Default value: permanent(3).
mrNetMgmtTrapClientIndex .
Identifier of a particular table entry.
mrNetMgmtTrapClientName .
The Trap Client's name or IP address. Default value: string of length 0.
mrNetMgmtTrapClientComm .
The community string (up to 32 characters) used for traps sent to this Trap Client. Default value: string of length 0.
mrNetMgmtTrapClientStatus .
other(1) -- none of the following invalid(2) -- an invalid entry permanent(3) -- a valid entry that is in use Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry. That is, it effectively disassociates the name/community string identified with said entry from the table. It is an implementation-specific matter as to whether the agent removes an invalidated entry from the table. Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to receive tabular information from agents that corresponds to entries not currently in use. Default value: permanent(3).
mrSupervisorLogTable .
The mrSupervisorLogTable provides read access to the Supervisor log. Each table entry, identified by a unique index, holds one DisplayString object containing the logged information. The entire table can be retrieved one entry at a time using the get-next operation. The table can be cleared using the object sysConfigClearLogTable.
mrStackUnitTable .
The mrStackUnitTable provides configuration information about hot-insertable enclosures. Each table entry, identified by a unique index, describes one such enclosure (called unit).
mrNetMgmtSetClientTable .
Table (4 entries) containing a list of names/IP addresses of workstations permitted to issue SET requests. Such a workstation is called a Set client. If this table is empty then any SET request with a matching SET community string is allowed. If at least one Set client is specified, then an incoming SET request must have its source IP address matched against an entry in this table before the SET is allowed.
mrNetMgmtTrapClientTable .
Table (4 entries) containing a list of Network Management Stations that are to receive traps generated by this Network Management Agent. Such an NMS is called a Trap client.
logonIntruder 0
A user is repeatedly trying to log on to the Management Console using an invalid password. The number of attempts exceeds the preset limit given in mrNetMgmtConsolePasswordThreshold. Depending on how the object mrNetMgmtConsoleSilentTime is configured, FastHub may shut down the Management Console following the generation of this trap.
hubStackDiagnostic 1
FastHub issues this trap when its Power On Self Test (POST) code does not pass all tests. Some failures are catastrophic and may prevent the generation of this trap.
rpsFailed 2
A redundant power source is connected to FastHub but a failure exists in the power system.
ipAddressChange 3
The ipAddressChange trap is issued when the FastHub Supervisor is unable to complete its DHCPDISCOVER/ DHCPREQUEST process, or when it fails to extend the lease for the current address, or when it accepts an address change from the user.
Object Identifier
ciscoFastHubMIB .
ciscoFastHubMIBObjects .
mrStack .
mrSupervisorLog .
mrStackUnit .
mrNetMgmt .
mrUpgrade .