cfmFcipEntityId |
. |
The FCIP entity identifier.
cfmFcipEntityAddressType |
. |
The type of Internet address by which the entity is
cfmFcipEntityAddress |
. |
The Internet address for this entity.
cfmFcipEntityTcpConnPort |
. |
A TCP port other than the FCIP Well-Known port on which the
FCIP entity listens for new TCP connection requests. It
contains the value zero (0) if the FCIP Entity only listens on
the Well-Known port.
cfmFcipEntitySACKOption |
. |
An indication of whether the TCP Selective Acknowledgement
Option is enabled to allow the receiver end to acknowledge
multiple lost packets in a singel ACK, enabling faster
enabled(1) - acknowledge option is enabled.
disabled(2) - acknowledge option is disabled.
cfmFcipEntitySeqNumWrap |
. |
An indication of whether the FCIP Entity supports the
protection against sequence number wrap.
If true(1), the FCIP Entity supports protection against
sequence number wrap. If false(2), the FCIP Entity does not
support protection against sequence number wrap.
cfmFcipEntityPHBSupport |
. |
An indication of whether the FCIP Entity supports PHB IP
cfmFcipEntityStatus |
. |
The status of this conceptual row.
cfmFcipLinkIndex |
. |
An arbitrary integer which uniquely identifies one FCIP link
within a FCIP entity.
cfmFcipLinkIfIndex |
. |
A unique value that identifies the interface on this FCIP
device to which this link pertains. The interface identified
by a particular value of this object is the same interface as
identified by the same value of the ifIndex object, defined
in IF-MIB.
cfmFcipLinkCost |
. |
The cost associated with this FCIP Link. The link cost is
used to select lowest cost route.
cfmFcipLinkLocalFcipEntityMode |
. |
The mode of the local FCIP Entity to which this FCIP Link
cfmFcipLinkRemFcipEntityWWN |
. |
The World Wide Name of the remote FC Fabric Entity. If this
is a zero length string then this link would accept
connections from any remote entity. If a WWN is specified
then this link would accept connections from a remote entity
with this WWN.
cfmFcipLinkRemFcipEntityId |
. |
The remote FCIP entity's identifier.
cfmFcipLinkRemFcipEntityAddrType |
. |
The type of Internet address by which the remote FCIP entity
is reachable.
cfmFcipLinkRemFcipEntityAddress |
. |
The Internet address for the remote FCIP entity.
cfmFcipLinkRemFcipEntityMode |
. |
The mode of the remote FCIP Entity to which this FCIP Link
cfmFcipLinkStatus |
. |
The status of this conceptual row.
cfmFcipTcpConnLocalPort |
. |
The local port number for this TCP connection.
cfmFcipTcpConnRemPort |
. |
The remote port number for this TCP connection.
cfmFcipTcpConnPurpose |
. |
The nature of messages that get transmitted on this TCP
control(1) - TCP connection is for control purpose.
data(2) - TCP connection is for data purpose.
both(3) - TCP connection is for control and data
cfmFcipTcpConnRWSize |
. |
The default maximum TCP Receiver Window size for this TCP
cfmFcipTcpConnMSS |
. |
The TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS) for this TCP connection.
cfmFcipTcpConnTimeOut |
. |
The timeout value for this TCP connection.
cfmFcipDynamicRouteDID |
. |
The 8 bit ID of a Fibre Channel Domain that is reachable from
this FCIP device.
cfmFcipDynamicRouteIndex |
. |
An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the FCIP dynamic
Route table.
cfmFcipDynamicRouteLinkIndex |
. |
The FCIP Link that is represented by this value in the FCIP
Link table used to reach this domain (specified by the
previous object 'cfmFcipDynamicRouteDID') on the remote FCIP
cfmFcipStaRtDID |
. |
The 8 bit ID of a Fibre Channel Domain that is reachable from
this FCIP device.
cfmFcipStaRtIndex |
. |
An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the FCIP static
Route table.
cfmFcipStaRtRemFcipEntWWN |
. |
The World Wide Name of the remote FC Entity to which this
route applies.
cfmFcipStaRtRemFcipEntId |
. |
The identifier of the remote FCIP entity to which this route
cfmFcipStaRtRemFcipEntAddrType |
. |
The type of Internet address used by the remote FCIP entity
to which this route pertains.
cfmFcipStaRtRemFcipEntAddr |
. |
The Internet address for the remote FCIP entity.
cfmFcipStaRtStatus |
. |
The status of this conceptual row.
cfmFcipLinkFcipLossofFcSynchs |
. |
The number of times FC synchronization lost on this FCIP
cfmFcipLinkFcipSfNotRcv |
. |
The number of times FCIP Special Frame not received on
this FCIP Link.
cfmFcipLinkFcipSfRespNotRcv |
. |
The number of times FCIP Special Frame Response not
received on this FCIP Link.
cfmFcipLinkFcipSfRespMismatch |
. |
The number of times FCIP Special Frame Bytes mismatch
happened on this FCIP Link.
cfmFcipLinkFcipSfInvalidNonce |
. |
The number of times FCIP Special Frame Invalid connections
once happened on this FCIP Link.
cfmFcipLinkFcipDuplicateSfRcv |
. |
The number of times duplicate FCIP Special Frames received
on this FCIP Link.
cfmFcipLinkFcipSfInvalidWWN |
. |
The number of times FCIP Special Frames with invalid
destination FC Fabric Entity WWN received on this FCIP Link.
cfmFcipLinkFcipBB2LkaTimeOut |
. |
The number of times B_Access Link Keep Alive Time out
happened on this FCIP Link.
cfmFcipLinkFcipSntpTimeStampExp |
. |
The number of times SNTP Time Stamp expired on this FCIP
cfmFcipLinkTcpTooManyErrors |
. |
The number of times TCP connections with too many errors
closed down on this FCIP Link.
cfmFcipLinkTcpKeepAliveTimeOut |
. |
The number of times TCP connections that experienced TCP
Keep Alive Time outs closed down on this FCIP Link.
cfmFcipLinkTcpExDatagramsDropped |
. |
The number of times TCP connections that dropped excessive
number of datagrams closed down on this FCIP Link.
cfmFcipLinkTcpSaParamMismatch |
. |
The number of times TCP connections with SA parameter
mismatches closed down on this FCIP Link.
cfmFcipEntityInstanceTable |
. |
A table containing FCIP entity specific information.
cfmFcipLinkTable |
. |
A table containing FCIP link specific information.
cfmFcipTcpConnTable |
. |
A table containing FCIP specific information about this FCIP
device's existing TCP connections. The FCIP TCP Connection
table contains information about existing TCP connections.
Each FCIP link within a FCIP entity manages one or more TCP
connections. The FCIP entity employs a Data Engine for each
TCP connection for handling FC frame encapsulation,
de-encapsulation and transmission of FCIP frames on the
cfmFcipDynamicRouteTable |
. |
A table containing FCIP Route specific information.
The FCIP dynamic route table contains information about this
FCIP device's routing information that is dynamically
discovered. The FCIP device may use SLPv2 protocol in
conjunction with other protocols, say FSPF, for dynamically
discovering other FCIP entities, and populate this table for
Destination Address Identifier to connecting FCIP link
cfmFcipStaticRouteTable |
. |
A table containing FCIP Route specific information.
The FCIP static route table contains information about this
FCIP device's routing information that is created by the
Network Admin. In the absence of dynamic discovery of remote
FCIP entities, the Network Manager will figure out all the
remote FCIP devices that are reachable from this device, and
populate this table with FCIP link information for each
Domain Id.
cfmFcipLinkErrorsTable |
. |
A table containing error counters for FCIP Links.
The FCIP Link Errors Table contains counters that indicate the
number of times each error case happened that caused closing
down a TCP connection.