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CISCO-FLASH-MIB device MIB details by Cisco

CISCO-FLASH-MIB file content

The SNMP protocol is used to for conveying information and commands between agents and managing entities. SNMP uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the transport protocol for passing data between managers and agents. The reasons for using UDP for SNMP are, firstly it has low overheads in comparison to TCP, which uses a 3-way hand shake for connection. Secondly, in congested networks, SNMP over TCP is a bad idea because TCP in order to maintain reliability will flood the network with retransmissions.

Management information (MIB) is represented as a collection of managed objects. These objects together form a virtual information base called MIB. An agent may implement many MIBs, but all agents must implement a particular MIB called MIB-II [16]. This standard defines variables for things such as interface statistics (interface speeds, MTU, octets sent, octets received, etc.) as well as various other things pertaining to the system itself (system location, system contact, etc.). The main goal of MIB-II is to provide general TCP/IP management information.

Use ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 to import vendor-specific MIB files, inclusing CISCO-FLASH-MIB.

Vendor: Cisco
Mib: CISCO-FLASH-MIB  [download]  [view objects]
Tool: ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 [download]    (ships with advanced SNMP/MIB tools)
-- *****************************************************************
--  Cisco Flash MIB file
-- April 1995, Ashwin Baindur
-- Copyright (c) 1995-1996, 1998, 2002, 2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- *****************************************************************


                FROM SNMPv2-SMI
                FROM SNMPv2-TC
                FROM ENTITY-MIB
                FROM SNMPv2-CONF
                FROM CISCO-SMI;

        LAST-UPDATED    "200304230000Z"
        ORGANIZATION    "Cisco Systems, Inc."
                "       Cisco Systems
                        Customer Service

                Postal: 170 W. Tasman Drive
                        San Jose, CA  95134

                Tel: +1 800 553-NETS

                "This MIB provides for the management of Cisco
                 Flash Devices."
        REVISION        "200304230000Z"
                 "Added ciscoFlashDeviceNameExtended to support upto 
                  255 characters in flash device name.
                  Deprecated ciscoFlashDeviceName. "    
        REVISION        "200301311234Z"
                 "Add ciscoFlashCopyVerify object to
                  CiscoFlashCopyEntry, & ciscoFlashCopyOpGroup.
                  Fix scalability problem for the following tables and 
                  MIB objects: ciscoFlashDevicesSupported, 
                  ciscoFlashDeviceTable, ciscoFlashPhyEntIndex (added),
                  ciscoFlashPartitionTable and ciscoFlashFileTable."
        REVISION        "200204010000Z"
                 "Added Notifications ciscoFlashDeviceInsertedNotif
                  and ciscoFlashDeviceRemovedNotif. Deprecated the
                  Added Scalars ciscoFlashCfgDevInsNotifEnable and
                  ciscoFlashCfgDevRemNotifEnable to control the above
        REVISION        "200201250000Z"
                 "Added object ciscoFlashFileType to 
                  ciscoFlashFileTable and
                  added FlashFileType as a TEXTUAL-CONVENTION."
        REVISION        "200201220000Z"
                "Fixing several problems with the previous 
                 version of the MIB:
                  o Changing MAX-ACCESS of ciscoFlashDeviceIndex
                    back to 'not-accessible'.  The change described
                    below in REVISION '200102211234Z' was not legal.
                  o Changing the definition of the
                    ciscoFlashDeviceChangeTrap notification.
                    The original definition of this notification include
                    a 'not-accessible' object (ciscoFlashDeviceIndex).
                    It will instead include the following objects:
                    Instances of these object will carry the value of 
                    ciscoFlashDeviceIndex implicitly in their object 
                    identifiers.  This change is being made without
                    deprecation of the notification and has the 
                    potential to cause problems with existing 
                    implementations of the notification on the agent 
                    and the manager.
                  o Past versions of the MIB have had a incorrectly 
                    formatted REVISION/DESCRIPTION section.  That will
                    be corrected in this REVISION.
                  o Past versions of the MIB have not defined a
                    NOTIFICATION-GROUP for the notifications defined
                    by this MIB.  That will be corrected in this
                    REVISION by adding ciscoFlashNotifGroup.  This
                    group will be considered optional for 
                  o Gratuitous ranges specified in Entry definitions 
                    have been removed."
        REVISION        "200102211234Z"                    
                "Change MAX-ACCESS of CiscoFlashDeviceIndex
                 from not-accessible to accessible-to-notfiy"
        REVISION        "9808270000Z"
                "Change ciscoFlashChipCode to match implementation,
                and remove FlashChipCode as a TEXTUAL-CONVENTION."
        REVISION        "9604170000Z"
                "Add enumerations to objects in ciscoFlashMiscOpTable
                 to support formatting of flash devices."
        REVISION        "9510180000Z"
                "Add enumerations to a couple objects, and clarify
                several object DESCRIPTIONs."
        REVISION        "9508150000Z"
                "Specify a correct (non-negative) range for several
                index objects."
        REVISION        "9504290000Z"
                "Miscellaneous updates, including updated description of
                ciscoFlashDeviceCard object."
        REVISION        "9501130000Z"
                "Initial version of Flash operations MIB module."
        ::= { ciscoMgmt 10 }

        DISPLAY-HINT "x"
        STATUS  current
                "Represents the checksum of a file.

        STATUS  current
                "File types for files in a flash.
                 unknown        - file type is not one of the following.
                 config         - configuration file like 
                                  startup configuration or 
                                  running configuration.
                 image          - image file.
                 directory      - directory entry.
                 crashinfo      - file containing crashinfo."
        SYNTAX  INTEGER  {

ciscoFlashMIBObjects    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoFlashMIB 1 }

ciscoFlashDevice        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoFlashMIBObjects 1 }
ciscoFlashOps           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoFlashMIBObjects 2 }
ciscoFlashMIBTrapPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoFlashMIBObjects 3 }
ciscoFlashCfg           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoFlashMIBObjects 4 }

--   An overview
--   This MIB is organized hierarchically as follows :
--     Device information :
--       * device level info
--       * chip info
--       * partition info
--         * file info (for files within a partition)
--     Operations :
--       * copy operations
--       * partitioning operations
--       * miscellaneous operations
--     Traps
--       * operation completion traps
--       * device change trap
--   It is organized into the following groups :
--   Information groups :
--     Device info group (mandatory device information)
--     Device optional info group 
--       The optional device information group contains  objects
--       that depend on optional system features, as well as on 
--       features that may be considered optional at the network 
--       management (NM) application level.
--     Partition information group (mandatory)
--       The partition information group contains objects related
--       to a partition. Note that this group is essential since
--       a device without explicit partitioning is considered to
--       be a device with a single partition spanning the entire 
--       device. Such a model simplifies the view of the device
--       and the definition of the objects.
--     File information group (mandatory)
--       This group contains objects that provide information
--       on each file within a partition.
--     Chip information group (mandatory)
--       The chip information group contains objects required for
--       error diagnosis/investigation.
--   Operations groups :
--     File copy operations group (mandatory)
--     Partitioning operations group (optional)
--     Miscellaneous operations group (optional)

--  Flash Device level information

ciscoFlashDevicesSupported   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Number of Flash devices supported by the system.
                If the system does not support any Flash devices, this
                MIB will not be loaded on that system. The value of this
                object will therefore be atleast 1.
        ::= { ciscoFlashDevice 1 }
ciscoFlashDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoFlashDeviceEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "Table of Flash device properties for each initialized 
                Flash device. Each Flash device installed in a system 
                is detected, sized, and initialized when the system 
                image boots up. 
                For removable Flash devices, the device properties
                will be dynamically deleted and recreated as the
                device is removed and inserted. Note that in this 
                case, the newly inserted device may not be the same as 
                the earlier removed one. The ciscoFlashDeviceInitTime
                object is available for a management station to determine
                the time at which a device was initialized, and thereby
                detect the change of a removable device.
                A removable device that has not been installed will
                also have an entry in this table. This is to let a
                management station know about a removable device that 
                has been removed. Since a removed device obviously
                cannot be sized and initialized, the table entry for 
                such a device will have 
                ciscoFlashDeviceSize equal to zero,
                and the following objects will have
                an indeterminate value:
                        ciscoFlashDevicePartitions, and
                ciscoFlashDeviceRemovable will be
                true to indicate it is removable.
        ::= { ciscoFlashDevice 2 }
ciscoFlashDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoFlashDeviceEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "An entry in the table of flash device properties for
                each initialized flash device.
                Each entry can be randomly accessed by using 
                ciscoFlashDeviceIndex as an index into the table.
                Note that removable devices will have an entry in
                the table even when they have been removed. However,
                a non-removable device that has not been installed
                will not have an entry in the table.
        INDEX   { ciscoFlashDeviceIndex }
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceTable 1 }

CiscoFlashDeviceEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
                ciscoFlashDeviceIndex                   Unsigned32,
                ciscoFlashDeviceSize                    Unsigned32,
                ciscoFlashDeviceMinPartitionSize        Unsigned32,
                ciscoFlashDeviceMaxPartitions           Unsigned32,
                ciscoFlashDevicePartitions              Unsigned32,
                ciscoFlashDeviceChipCount               Integer32,
                ciscoFlashDeviceName                    DisplayString,
                -- ciscoFlashDeviceName deprecated      
                ciscoFlashDeviceDescr                   DisplayString,
                ciscoFlashDeviceController              DisplayString,
                ciscoFlashDeviceCard                    InstancePointer,
                -- ciscoFlashDeviceCard deprecated
                ciscoFlashDeviceProgrammingJumper       INTEGER,
                ciscoFlashDeviceInitTime                TimeStamp,
                ciscoFlashDeviceRemovable               TruthValue,
                ciscoFlashPhyEntIndex                   PhysicalIndex,
                ciscoFlashDeviceNameExtended            DisplayString

ciscoFlashDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible  -- See REVISION 200201220000Z
        STATUS  current
                "Flash device sequence number to index within the
                table of initialized flash devices.
                The lowest value should be 1. The highest should be 
                less than or equal to the value of the 
                ciscoFlashDevicesSupported object. 
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceEntry 1 }

ciscoFlashDeviceSize OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
        UNITS      "bytes"
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Total size of the Flash device.
                For a removable device, the size will be zero if
                the device has been removed.
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceEntry 2 }

ciscoFlashDeviceMinPartitionSize OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
        UNITS      "bytes"
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "This object will give the minimum partition size 
                supported for this device. For systems that execute code
                directly out of Flash, the minimum partition size needs
                to be the bank size. (Bank size is equal to the size of a 
                chip multiplied by the width of the device. In most cases, 
                the device width is 4 bytes, and so the bank size would be 
                four times the size of a chip). This has to be so because
                all programming commands affect the operation of an
                entire chip (in our case, an entire bank because all
                operations are done on the entire width of the device)
                even though the actual command may be localized to a small
                portion of each chip. So when executing code out of Flash,
                one needs to be able to write and erase some portion of 
                Flash without affecting the code execution.
                For systems that execute code out of DRAM or ROM, it is
                possible to partition Flash with a finer granularity (for 
                eg., at erase sector boundaries) if the system code supports
                such granularity. 

                This object will let a management entity know the
                minimum partition size as defined by the system.
                If the system does not support partitioning, the value
                will be equal to the device size in ciscoFlashDeviceSize.
                The maximum number of partitions that could be configured
                will be equal to the minimum of 
                (ciscoFlashDeviceSize / ciscoFlashDeviceMinPartitionSize).
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceEntry 3 }

ciscoFlashDeviceMaxPartitions  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Max number of partitions supported by the system for 
                this Flash device. Default will be 1, which actually 
                means that partitioning is not supported. Note that
                this value will be defined by system limitations, not
                by the flash device itself (for eg., the system may 
                impose a limit of 2 partitions even though the device
                may be large enough to be partitioned into 4 based on
                the smallest partition unit supported).
                On systems that execute code out of Flash, partitioning
                is a way of creating multiple file systems in the Flash 
                device so that writing into or erasing of one file system 
                can be done while executing code residing in another file 
                For systems executing code out of DRAM, partitioning
                gives a way of sub-dividing a large Flash device for
                easier management of files. 
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceEntry 4 }
ciscoFlashDevicePartitions OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Flash device partitions actually present. Number of 
                partitions cannot exceed the minimum of
                (ciscoFlashDeviceSize / ciscoFlashDeviceMinPartitionSize).
                Will be equal to at least 1, the case where the partition
                spans the entire device (actually no partitioning).
                A partition will contain one or more minimum partition
                units (where a minimum partition unit is defined by
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceEntry 5 }

ciscoFlashDeviceChipCount OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Integer32  (1..64)
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Total number of chips within the Flash device.
                The purpose of this object is to provide information
                upfront to a management station on how much chip info
                to expect and possibly help double check the chip index
                against an upper limit when randomly retrieving chip
                info for a partition.
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceEntry 6 }

ciscoFlashDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  deprecated
                "Flash device name. This name is used to refer to the
                device within the system. Flash operations get directed 
                to a device based on this name.
                The system has a concept of a default device.
                This would be the primary or most used device in case of 
                multiple devices. The system directs an operation to the 
                default device whenever a device name is not specified.
                The device name is therefore mandatory except when the 
                operation is being done on the default device, or,
                the system supports only a single Flash device.
                The device name will always be available for a 
                removable device, even when the device has been removed.
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceEntry 7 }

ciscoFlashDeviceDescr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Description of a Flash device. The description is meant 
                to explain what the Flash device and its purpose is.
                Current values are:
                  System flash - for the primary Flash used to store full
                                 system images.
                  Boot flash   - for the secondary Flash used to store 
                                 bootstrap images.
                The ciscoFlashDeviceDescr, ciscoFlashDeviceController 
                (if applicable), and ciscoFlashPhyEntIndex objects are 
                expected to collectively give all information about a 
                Flash device.
                The device description will always be available for a 
                removable device, even when the device has been removed.
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceEntry 8 }

ciscoFlashDeviceController OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Flash device controller. The h/w card that actually
                controls Flash read/write/erase. Relevant for the AGS+
                systems where Flash may be controlled by the MC+, STR or 
                the ENVM cards, cards that may not actually contain the
                Flash chips.
                For systems that have removable PCMCIA flash cards that
                are controlled by a PCMCIA controller chip, this object 
                may contain a description of that controller chip.
                Where irrelevant (Flash is a direct memory mapped device
                accessed directly by the main processor), this object will
                have an empty (NULL) string.
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceEntry 9 }

ciscoFlashDeviceCard OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  InstancePointer 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  deprecated
                "This object will point to an instance of a card entry
                in the cardTable. The card entry will give details about
                the card on which the Flash device is actually located.
                For most systems, this is usually the main processor board.
                On the AGS+ systems, Flash is located on a separate multibus
                card such as the MC.
                This object will therefore be used to essentially index 
                into cardTable to retrieve details about the card such as 
                cardDescr, cardSlotNumber, etc.
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceEntry 10 }

ciscoFlashDeviceProgrammingJumper OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "This object gives the state of a jumper (if present and can be
                determined) that controls the programming voltage called Vpp
                to the Flash device. Vpp is required for programming (erasing
                and writing) Flash. For certain older technology chips it is
                also required for identifying the chips (which in turn is
                required to identify which programming algorithms to use;
                different chips require different algorithms and commands).
                The purpose of the jumper, on systems where it is available, 
                is to write protect a Flash device.
                On most of the newer remote access routers, this jumper is 
                unavailable since users are not expected to visit remote sites
                just to install and remove the jumpers when upgrading software
                in the Flash device. The unknown(3) value will be returned for 
                such systems and can be interpreted to mean that a programming
                jumper is not present or not required on those systems.
                On systems where the programming jumper state can be read back
                via a hardware register, the installed(1) or notInstalled(2) 
                value will be returned.
                This object is expected to be used in conjunction with the
                ciscoFlashPartitionStatus object whenever that object has
                the readOnly(1) value. In such a case, this object will 
                indicate whether the programming jumper is a possible reason 
                for the readOnly state.
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceEntry 11 }

ciscoFlashDeviceInitTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  TimeStamp 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "System time at which device was initialized.
                For fixed devices, this will be the system time at 
                boot up.
                For removable devices, it will be the time at which 
                the device was inserted, which may be boot up time, 
                or a later time (if device was inserted later).
                If a device (fixed or removable) was repartitioned,
                it will be the time of repartitioning.
                The purpose of this object is to help a management
                station determine if a removable device has been
                changed. The application should retrieve this
                object prior to any operation and compare with
                the previously retrieved value.
                Note that this time will not be real time but a
                running time maintained by the system. This running
                time starts from zero when the system boots up.
                For a removable device that has been removed, this
                value will be zero.
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceEntry 12 }

ciscoFlashDeviceRemovable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Whether Flash device is removable. Generally, only PCMCIA
                Flash cards will be treated as removable. Socketed Flash
                chips and Flash SIMM modules will not be treated as removable.
                Simply put, only those Flash devices that can be inserted 
                or removed without opening the hardware casing will be 
                considered removable. 
                Further, removable Flash devices are expected to have
                the necessary hardware support - 
                  1. on-line removal and insertion
                  2. interrupt generation on removal or insertion.
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceEntry 13 }

ciscoFlashPhyEntIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  PhysicalIndex 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "This object indicates the physical entity index of a 
                physical entity in entPhysicalTable which the flash 
                device actually located.
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceEntry 14 }

ciscoFlashDeviceNameExtended OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Extended Flash device name whose size can be upto
                255 characters. This name is used to refer to the
                device within the system. Flash operations get directed 
                to a device based on this name.
                The system has a concept of a default device.
                This would be the primary or most used device in case 
                of multiple devices. The system directs an operation
                to the default device whenever a device name is not 
                specified. The device name is therefore mandatory 
                except when the operation is being done on the 
                default device, or, the system supports only a single
                Flash device. The device name will always be available
                for a removable device, even when the device has been
        ::= { ciscoFlashDeviceEntry 15 }

--  Flash device sub group : Chip level information

ciscoFlashChips OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoFlashDevice 3 }

ciscoFlashChipTable  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoFlashChipEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "Table of Flash device chip properties for each
                initialized Flash device.
                This table is meant primarily for aiding error
        ::= { ciscoFlashChips 1 }

ciscoFlashChipEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoFlashChipEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "An entry in the table of chip info for each 
                flash device initialized in the system.
                An entry is indexed by two objects - the
                device index and the chip index within that
        INDEX   {  ciscoFlashDeviceIndex,
        ::= { ciscoFlashChipTable 1 }
CiscoFlashChipEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
                ciscoFlashChipIndex             Integer32,
                ciscoFlashChipCode              DisplayString,
                ciscoFlashChipDescr             DisplayString,
                ciscoFlashChipWriteRetries      Counter32,
                ciscoFlashChipEraseRetries      Counter32,
                ciscoFlashChipMaxWriteRetries   Unsigned32,
                ciscoFlashChipMaxEraseRetries   Unsigned32

ciscoFlashChipIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..64)
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "Chip sequence number within selected flash device.
                Used to index within chip info table.
                Value starts from 1 and should not be greater than
                ciscoFlashDeviceChipCount for that device.
                When retrieving chip information for chips within a
                partition, the sequence number should lie between 
                ciscoFlashPartitionStartChip & ciscoFlashPartitionEndChip
                (both inclusive).
        ::= { ciscoFlashChipEntry 1 }

ciscoFlashChipCode OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..5))
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Manufacturer and device code for a chip.
                Lower byte will contain the device code.
                Upper byte will contain the manufacturer code.
                If a chip code is unknown because it could not
                be queried out of the chip, the value of this
                object will be 00:00.
                Since programming algorithms differ from chip type to
                chip type, this chip code should be used to determine 
                which algorithms to use (and thereby whether the chip 
                is supported in the first place).
        ::= { ciscoFlashChipEntry 2 }

ciscoFlashChipDescr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Flash chip name corresponding to the chip code.
                The name will contain the manufacturer and the
                chip type. It will be of the form :
                  Intel 27F008SA.
                In the case where a chip code is unknown, this
                object will be an empty (NULL) string.
                In the case where the chip code is known but the
                chip is not supported by the system, this object
                will be an empty (NULL) string. 
                A management station is therefore expected to use the
                chip code and the chip description in conjunction 
                to provide additional information whenever the
                ciscoFlashPartitionStatus object has the readOnly(1)
        ::= { ciscoFlashChipEntry 3 }

ciscoFlashChipWriteRetries OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter32 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "This object will provide a cumulative count
                (since last system boot up or initialization) of 
                the number of write retries that were done in the chip.
                If no writes have been done to Flash, the count
                will be zero. Typically, a maximum of 25 retries are 
                done on a single location before flagging a write
                A management station is expected to get this object
                for each chip in a partition after a write failure
                in that partition. To keep a track of retries for
                a given write operation, the management station would 
                have to retrieve the values for the concerned chips 
                before and after any write operation.
        ::= { ciscoFlashChipEntry 4 }

ciscoFlashChipEraseRetries OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter32 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "This object will provide a cumulative count
                (since last system boot up or initialization) of 
                the number of erase retries that were done in the chip.
                Typically, a maximum of 2000 retries are done in a 
                single erase zone (which may be a full chip or a 
                portion, depending on the chip technology) before 
                flagging an erase error.
                A management station is expected to get this object
                for each chip in a partition after an erase failure
                in that partition. To keep a track of retries for
                a given erase operation, the management station would 
                have to retrieve the values for the concerned chips 
                before and after any erase operation.
                Note that erase may be done through an independent
                command, or through a copy-to-flash command.
        ::= { ciscoFlashChipEntry 5 }

ciscoFlashChipMaxWriteRetries OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "The maximum number of write retries done at any
                single location before declaring a write failure. 
        ::= { ciscoFlashChipEntry 6 }

ciscoFlashChipMaxEraseRetries OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "The maximum number of erase retries done within
                an erase sector before declaring an erase failure. 
        ::= { ciscoFlashChipEntry 7 }

--  Flash device sub group : Partition level information

--  Flash Partition level information :
--     A flash partition is a logical sub-division of a flash
--     device and may or may not be equal to the entire device
--     itself. When there is no explicit partitioning done,
--     a single partition is assumed to exist, spanning the
--     entire device.
--     Partitioning has some restrictions :
--       * a partition must always start and end at the boundary of 
--         a system defined minimum unit. Therefore a device must 
--         have atleast two such minimum units in order to be 
--         partitioned.
--       * existing files and file systems on a device always
--         override any partitioning commands when it comes to
--         partitioning a Flash device. In other words, the existence
--         or configuration of partitions in a Flash device is always 
--         first determined by the location of existing files in
--         the device.
--       * partitioning of a device cannot be changed if it
--         can cause loss of existing files in a partition.
--         Those files have to be explicitly erased (by erasing the
--         partition containing them).

ciscoFlashPartitions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoFlashDevice 4 }

ciscoFlashPartitionTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoFlashPartitionEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "Table of flash device partition properties for each 
                initialized flash partition. Whenever there is no 
                explicit partitioning done, a single partition spanning
                the entire device will be assumed to exist. There will 
                therefore always be atleast one partition on a device.
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitions 1 }
ciscoFlashPartitionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoFlashPartitionEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "An entry in the table of flash partition properties 
                for each initialized flash partition. Each entry
                will be indexed by a device number and a partition
                number within the device.
        INDEX   { 
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitionTable 1 }

CiscoFlashPartitionEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
                ciscoFlashPartitionIndex                Unsigned32,
                ciscoFlashPartitionStartChip            Integer32,
                ciscoFlashPartitionEndChip              Integer32,
                ciscoFlashPartitionSize                 Unsigned32,
                ciscoFlashPartitionFreeSpace            Gauge32,
                ciscoFlashPartitionFileCount            Gauge32,
                ciscoFlashPartitionChecksumAlgorithm    INTEGER,
                ciscoFlashPartitionStatus               INTEGER,
                ciscoFlashPartitionUpgradeMethod        INTEGER,
                ciscoFlashPartitionName                 DisplayString,
                ciscoFlashPartitionNeedErasure          TruthValue,
                ciscoFlashPartitionFileNameLength       Integer32

ciscoFlashPartitionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "Flash partition sequence number used to index within
                table of initialized flash partitions. 
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitionEntry 1 }

ciscoFlashPartitionStartChip OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..64)
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Chip sequence number of first chip in partition.
                Used as an index into the chip table.
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitionEntry 2 }

ciscoFlashPartitionEndChip OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..64)
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Chip sequence number of last chip in partition.
                Used as an index into the chip table.
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitionEntry 3 }

ciscoFlashPartitionSize OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
        UNITS      "bytes"
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Flash partition size. It should be an integral
                multiple of ciscoFlashDeviceMinPartitionSize.
                If there is a single partition, this size will be equal
                to ciscoFlashDeviceSize. 
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitionEntry 4 }

ciscoFlashPartitionFreeSpace OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Gauge32 
        UNITS      "bytes"
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Free space within a Flash partition.
                Note that the actual size of a file in Flash includes 
                a small overhead that represents the file system's 
                file header. 
                Certain file systems may also have a partition or
                device header overhead to be considered when 
                computing the free space.
                Free space will be computed as total partition size 
                less size of all existing files (valid/invalid/deleted 
                files and including file header of each file),
                less size of any partition header, less size of
                header of next file to be copied in. In short, this
                object will give the size of the largest file that
                can be copied in. The management entity will not be
                expected to know or use any overheads such as file
                and partition header lengths, since such overheads 
                may vary from file system to file system.
                Deleted files in Flash do not free up space.
                A partition may have to be erased in order to reclaim 
                the space occupied by files.
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitionEntry 5 }

ciscoFlashPartitionFileCount OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Gauge32 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Count of all files in a flash partition. Both 
                good and bad (deleted or invalid checksum) files 
                will be included in this count. 
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitionEntry 6 }

ciscoFlashPartitionChecksumAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE
                MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Checksum algorithm identifier for checksum method 
                used by the file system. Normally, this would be
                fixed for a particular file system. When a file
                system writes a file to Flash, it checksums the 
                data written. The checksum then serves as a way
                to validate the data read back whenever the file 
                is opened for reading.
                Since there is no way, when using TFTP, to guarantee
                that a network download has been error free (since
                UDP checksums may not have been enabled), this
                object together with the ciscoFlashFileChecksum
                object provides a method for any management station
                to regenerate the checksum of the original file
                on the server and compare checksums to ensure that 
                the file download to Flash was error free.
                simpleChecksum represents a simple 1s complement
                addition of short word values. Other algorithm
                values will be added as necessary.
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitionEntry 7 }

ciscoFlashPartitionStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Flash partition status can be :

                * readOnly if device is not programmable either because
                chips could not be recognized or an erroneous mismatch
                of chips was detected. Chip recognition may fail either
                because the chips are not supported by the system,
                or because the Vpp voltage required to identify chips
                has been disabled via the programming jumper.
                The ciscoFlashDeviceProgrammingJumper, ciscoFlashChipCode, 
                and ciscoFlashChipDescr objects can be examined to get
                more details on the cause of this status
                * runFromFlash (RFF) if current image is running from 
                this partition.
                The ciscoFlashPartitionUpgradeMethod object will then
                indicate whether the Flash Load Helper can be used
                to write a file to this partition or not.

                * readWrite if partition is programmable.
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitionEntry 8 }

ciscoFlashPartitionUpgradeMethod OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Flash partition upgrade method, ie., method by which
                new files can be downloaded into the partition.
                FLH stands for Flash Load Helper, a feature provided
                on run-from-Flash systems for upgrading Flash. This
                feature uses the bootstrap code in ROMs to help in 
                automatic download.
                This object should be retrieved if the partition 
                status is runFromFlash(2).
                If the partition status is readOnly(1), the upgrade 
                method would depend on the reason for the readOnly 
                status. For eg., it may simply be a matter of installing 
                the programming jumper, or it may require execution of a 
                later version of software that supports the Flash chips.

                unknown      -  the current system image does not know
                                how Flash can be programmed. A possible
                                method would be to reload the ROM image
                                and perform the upgrade manually.
                rxbootFLH    -  the Flash Load Helper is available to
                                download files to Flash. A copy-to-flash
                                command can be used and this system image
                                will automatically reload the Rxboot image
                                in ROM and direct it to carry out the 
                                download request.
                direct       -  will be done directly by this image.
                ::= { ciscoFlashPartitionEntry 9 }

ciscoFlashPartitionName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Flash partition name used to refer to a partition
                by the system. This can be any alpha-numeric character 
                string of the form AAAAAAAAnn, where A represents an 
                optional alpha character and n a numeric character. 
                Any numeric characters must always form the trailing 
                part of the string. The system will strip off the alpha 
                characters and use the numeric portion to map to a 
                partition index.
                Flash operations get directed to a device partition
                based on this name. 
                The system has a concept of a default partition. This 
                would be the first partition in the device. The system 
                directs an operation to the default partition whenever 
                a partition name is not specified.
                The partition name is therefore mandatory except when 
                the operation is being done on the default partition, or
                the device has just one partition (is not partitioned).
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitionEntry 10 }

ciscoFlashPartitionNeedErasure OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  TruthValue 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "This object indicates whether a partition requires
                erasure before any write operations can be done in it.
                A management station should therefore retrieve this
                object prior to attempting any write operation.
                A partition requires erasure after it becomes full
                free space left is less than or equal to the
                (filesystem file header size).
                A partition also requires erasure if the system does
                not find the existence of any file system when it
                boots up.
                The partition may be erased explicitly through the 
                erase(5) command, or by using the copyToFlashWithErase(1)
                If a copyToFlashWithoutErase(2) command is issued
                when this object has the TRUE value, the command
                will fail.
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitionEntry 11 }

ciscoFlashPartitionFileNameLength OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..256)
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Maximum file name length supported by the file
                Max file name length will depend on the file
                system implemented. Today, all file systems
                support a max length of at least 48 bytes.
                A management entity must use this object when
                prompting a user for, or deriving the Flash file 
                name length.
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitionEntry 12 }

--  Flash partition sub group : File level information

ciscoFlashFiles OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoFlashPartitions 2 }

ciscoFlashFileTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoFlashFileEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "Table of information for files in a Flash partition.
        ::= { ciscoFlashFiles 1 }
ciscoFlashFileEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoFlashFileEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "An entry in the table of Flash file properties 
                for each initialized Flash partition. Each entry
                represents a file and gives details about the file.
                An entry is indexed using the device number,
                partition number within the device, and file 
                number within the partition.
        ::= { ciscoFlashFileTable 1 }

CiscoFlashFileEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
                ciscoFlashFileIndex             Unsigned32,
                ciscoFlashFileSize              Unsigned32,
                ciscoFlashFileChecksum          ChecksumString,
                ciscoFlashFileStatus            INTEGER,
                ciscoFlashFileName              DisplayString,
                ciscoFlashFileType              FlashFileType

ciscoFlashFileIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "Flash file sequence number used to index within
                a Flash partition directory table. 
        ::= { ciscoFlashFileEntry 1 }

ciscoFlashFileSize OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Unsigned32 
        UNITS   "bytes"
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Size of the file in bytes. Note that this size does 
                not include the size of the filesystem file header.
                File size will always be non-zero. 
        ::= { ciscoFlashFileEntry 2 }

ciscoFlashFileChecksum OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  ChecksumString 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "File checksum stored in the file header. This 
                checksum is computed and stored when the file is 
                written into Flash. It serves to validate the data 
                written into Flash.
                Whereas the system will generate and store the checksum
                internally in hexadecimal form, this object will
                provide the checksum in a string form.
                The checksum will be available for all valid and
                invalid-checksum files. 
        ::= { ciscoFlashFileEntry 3 }

ciscoFlashFileStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Status of a file. 
                A file could be explicitly deleted if the file system 
                supports such a user command facility. Alternately, 
                an existing good file would be automatically deleted 
                if another good file with the same name were copied in.
                Note that deleted files continue to occupy prime 
                Flash real estate.

                A file is marked as having an invalid checksum if any 
                checksum mismatch was detected while writing or reading 
                the file. Incomplete files (files truncated either
                because of lack of free space, or a network download
                failure) are also written with a bad checksum and
                marked as invalid.
        ::= { ciscoFlashFileEntry 4 }

ciscoFlashFileName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (1..255)) 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Flash file name as specified by the user copying in 
                the file. The name should not include the colon (:)
                character as it is a special separator character used
                to delineate the device name, partition name, and the
                file name.
        ::= { ciscoFlashFileEntry 5 }

ciscoFlashFileType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          FlashFileType
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS          current
                "Type of the file."
        ::= { ciscoFlashFileEntry 6 }

--  End of Flash information
--  Start of Flash operations
--     Operations are for
--         copying to/from flash
--         partitioning
--         misc (erasing, file verification, ...)

ciscoFlashCopyTable  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoFlashCopyEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "A table of Flash copy operation entries. Each
                entry represents a Flash copy operation (to or 
                from Flash) that has been initiated.
        ::= { ciscoFlashOps 1 }

ciscoFlashCopyEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoFlashCopyEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "A Flash copy operation entry. Each entry consists 
                of a command, a source, and optional parameters such
                as protocol to be used, a destination, a server address,

                A management station wishing to create an entry should
                first generate a pseudo-random serial number to be used
                as the index to this sparse table.  The station should
                then create the associated instance of the row status
                object. It must also, either in the same or in successive 
                PDUs, create the associated instance of the command and
                parameter objects. It should also modify the default values 
                for any of the parameter objects if the defaults are not 

                Once the appropriate instances of all the command
                objects have been created, either by an explicit SNMP
                set request or by default, the row status should be set
                to active to initiate the operation. Note that this entire
                procedure may be initiated via a single set request which
                specifies a row status  of createAndGo as well as specifies
                valid values for the non-defaulted parameter objects.

                Once an operation has been activated, it cannot be

                Once the operation completes, the management station should
                retrieve the value of the status object (and time if
                desired), and delete the entry.  In order to prevent old
                entries from clogging the table, entries will be aged out,
                but an entry will never be deleted within 5 minutes of

        INDEX   { ciscoFlashCopySerialNumber }
        ::= { ciscoFlashCopyTable 1 }

CiscoFlashCopyEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
                ciscoFlashCopySerialNumber      Integer32,
                ciscoFlashCopyCommand           INTEGER,
                ciscoFlashCopyProtocol          INTEGER,
                ciscoFlashCopyServerAddress     IpAddress,
                ciscoFlashCopySourceName        DisplayString,
                ciscoFlashCopyDestinationName   DisplayString,
                ciscoFlashCopyRemoteUserName    DisplayString,
                ciscoFlashCopyStatus            INTEGER,
                ciscoFlashCopyNotifyOnCompletion TruthValue,
                ciscoFlashCopyTime              TimeTicks,
                ciscoFlashCopyEntryStatus       RowStatus,
                ciscoFlashCopyVerify            TruthValue

ciscoFlashCopySerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Integer32 (0..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "Object which specifies a unique entry in the 
                table. A management station wishing to initiate a 
                copy operation should use a pseudo-random value for
                this object when creating or modifying an instance of
                a ciscoFlashCopyEntry.
        ::=   { ciscoFlashCopyEntry 1 }

ciscoFlashCopyCommand OBJECT-TYPE
                copyToFlashWithErase(1),    -- copy {tftp|rcp} flash
                copyToFlashWithoutErase(2), -- copy {tftp|rcp} flash
                copyFromFlash(3),           -- copy flash {tftp|rcp|lex}
                copyFromFlhLog(4)           -- copy flhlog tftp
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "The copy command to be executed. Mandatory.
                Note that it is possible for a system to support
                multiple file systems (different file systems on
                different Flash devices, or different file systems
                on different partitions within a device). Each such
                file system may support only a subset of these commands.
                If a command is unsupported, the invalidOperation(3)
                error will be reported in the operation status.

                Command                 Remarks
                copyToFlashWithErase    Copy a file to flash; erase
                                        flash before copy.
                                        Use the TFTP or rcp protocol.
                copyToFlashWithoutErase Copy a file to flash; do not
                                        Note that this command will fail
                                        if the PartitionNeedErasure
                                        object specifies that the
                                        partition being copied to needs
                                        Use the TFTP or rcp protocol.
                copyFromFlash           Copy a file from flash using
                                        the TFTP, rcp or lex protocol.
                                        Note that the lex protocol
                                        can only be used to copy to a
                                        lex device.
                copyFromFlhLog          Copy contents of FLH log to 
                                        server using TFTP protocol.

                Command table           Parameters
                copyToFlashWithErase    CopyProtocol
                                        CopyDestinationName (opt)
                                        CopyRemoteUserName (opt)
                                        CopyNotifyOnCompletion (opt)
                copyToFlashWithoutErase CopyProtocol
                                        CopyDestinationName (opt)
                                        CopyRemoteUserName (opt)
                                        CopyNotifyOnCompletion (opt)
                copyFromFlash           CopyProtocol
                                        CopyDestinationName (opt)
                                        CopyRemoteUserName (opt)
                                        CopyNotifyOnCompletion (opt)
                copyFromFlhLog          CopyProtocol
                                        CopyNotifyOnCompletion (opt)

        ::= { ciscoFlashCopyEntry 2 }
ciscoFlashCopyProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "The protocol to be used for any copy. Optional.
                Will default to tftp if not specified.

                Since feature support depends on a software release,
                version number within the release, platform, and 
                maybe the image type (subset type), a management
                station would be expected to somehow determine
                the protocol support for a command.
        DEFVAL  { tftp }
        ::= { ciscoFlashCopyEntry 3 }

ciscoFlashCopyServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "The server address to be used for any copy. Optional.
                Will default to 'FFFFFFFF'H  (or
        DEFVAL  { 'FFFFFFFF'H }
        ::= { ciscoFlashCopyEntry 4 }

ciscoFlashCopySourceName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (1..255))
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "Source file name, either in Flash or on a server,
                depending on the type of copy command. Mandatory.

                For a copy from Flash:
                File name must be of the form 
                where <device> is a value obtained from FlashDeviceName,
                        <partition> is obtained from FlashPartitionName
                    and <file> is the name of a file in Flash.
                A management station could derive its own partition name
                as per the description for the ciscoFlashPartitionName
                If <device> is not specified, the default Flash device
                will be assumed.
                If <partition> is not specified, the default partition
                will be assumed. If a device is not partitioned into 2 
                or more partitions, this value may be left out.

                For a copy to Flash, the file name will be as per 
                the file naming conventions and path to the file on
                the server. 
        ::= { ciscoFlashCopyEntry 5 }

ciscoFlashCopyDestinationName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "Destination file name. 

                For a copy to Flash:
                File name must be of the form 
                where <device> is a value obtained from FlashDeviceName,
                      <partition> is obtained from FlashPartitionName
                  and <file> is any character string that does not have
                embedded colon characters.
                A management station could derive its own partition name
                as per the description for the ciscoFlashPartitionName
                If <device> is not specified, the default Flash device
                will be assumed.
                If <partition> is not specified, the default partition
                will be assumed. If a device is not partitioned into 2 
                or more partitions, this value may be left out.
                If <file> is not specified, it will default to <file>
                specified in ciscoFlashCopySourceName.

                For a copy from Flash via tftp or rcp, the file name will be  
                as per the file naming conventions and destination sub-directory 
                on the server. If not specified, <file> from the source 
                file name will be used. 
                For a copy from Flash via lex, this string will consist
                of numeric characters specifying the interface on the 
                lex box that will receive the source flash image.
        DEFVAL  { ''B }
        ::= { ciscoFlashCopyEntry 6 }

ciscoFlashCopyRemoteUserName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (1..255))
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "Remote user name for copy via rcp protocol. Optional.
                This object will be ignored for protocols other than
                If specified, it will override the remote user-name
                configured through the 
                        rcmd remote-username <username>
                configuration command. 
                The remote user-name is sent as the server user-name 
                in an rcp command request sent by the system to a
                remote rcp server.
        ::= { ciscoFlashCopyEntry 7 }

ciscoFlashCopyStatus OBJECT-TYPE
                copyOperationSuccess (2),
                copyInvalidOperation (3),
                copyInvalidProtocol (4),
                copyInvalidSourceName (5),
                copyInvalidDestName (6),
                copyInvalidServerAddress (7),
                copyDeviceBusy (8),
                copyDeviceOpenError (9),
                copyDeviceError (10),
                copyDeviceNotProgrammable (11),
                copyDeviceFull (12),
                copyFileOpenError (13),
                copyNoMemory (16),
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "The status of the specified copy operation.

                copyInProgress : 
                        specified operation is active

                copyOperationSuccess : 
                        specified operation is supported and
                        completed successfully

                copyInvalidOperation : 
                        command invalid or command-protocol-device 
                        combination unsupported

                copyInvalidProtocol :
                        invalid protocol specified

                copyInvalidSourceName :
                        invalid source file name specified
                        For the  copy from flash to lex operation, this
                        error code will be returned when the source file
                        is not a valid lex image.

                copyInvalidDestName :
                        invalid target name (file or partition or 
                        device name) specified
                        For the  copy from flash to lex operation, this
                        error code will be returned when no lex devices 
                        are connected to the router or when an invalid
                        lex interface number has been specified in 
                        the destination string.

                copyInvalidServerAddress :
                        invalid server address specified

                copyDeviceBusy :
                        specified device is in use and locked by 
                        another process

                copyDeviceOpenError :
                        invalid device name

                copyDeviceError :
                        device read, write or erase error

                copyDeviceNotProgrammable :
                        device is read-only but a write or erase 
                        operation was specified

                copyDeviceFull :
                        device is filled to capacity

                copyFileOpenError :
                        invalid file name; file not found in partition

                copyFileTransferError :
                        file transfer was unsuccessfull; network failure

                copyFileChecksumError :
                        file checksum in Flash failed

                copyNoMemory :
                        system running low on memory

                copyUnknownFailure :
                        failure unknown
        ::= { ciscoFlashCopyEntry 8 }

ciscoFlashCopyNotifyOnCompletion OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "Specifies whether or not a notification should be 
                generated on the completion of the copy operation.
                If specified, ciscoFlashCopyCompletionTrap
                will be generated. It is the responsibility of the 
                management entity to ensure that the SNMP administrative 
                model is configured in such a way as to allow the 
                notification to be delivered.
        DEFVAL  { false }
        ::= { ciscoFlashCopyEntry 9 }

ciscoFlashCopyTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  TimeTicks
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Time taken for the copy operation. This object will
                be like a stopwatch, starting when the operation
                starts, stopping when the operation completes.
                If a management entity keeps a database of completion
                times for various operations, it can then use the 
                stopwatch capability to display percentage completion
        ::= { ciscoFlashCopyEntry 10 }

ciscoFlashCopyEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  RowStatus
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "The status of this table entry.
        ::= { ciscoFlashCopyEntry 11 }

ciscoFlashCopyVerify OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "Specifies whether the file that is copied need to
                be verified for integrity / authenticity, after
                copy succeeds. If it is set to true, and if the
                file that is copied doesn't have integrity /authenticity
                attachement, or the integrity / authenticity check
                fails, then the command will be aborted, and the file
                that is copied will be deleted from the destination
                file system.
        DEFVAL  { false }
        ::= { ciscoFlashCopyEntry 12 }

ciscoFlashPartitioningTable  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoFlashPartitioningEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "A table of Flash partitioning operation entries. Each
                entry represents a Flash partitioning operation that
                has been initiated.
        ::= { ciscoFlashOps 2 }

ciscoFlashPartitioningEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoFlashPartitioningEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "A Flash partitioning operation entry. Each entry 
                consists of the command, the target device, the
                partition count, and optionally the partition sizes.

                A management station wishing to create an entry should
                first generate a pseudo-random serial number to be used
                as the index to this sparse table.  The station should
                then create the associated instance of the row status
                object. It must also, either in the same or in successive 
                PDUs, create the associated instance of the command and
                parameter objects. It should also modify the default values 
                for any of the parameter objects if the defaults are not 

                Once the appropriate instances of all the command
                objects have been created, either by an explicit SNMP
                set request or by default, the row status should be set
                to active to initiate the operation. Note that this entire
                procedure may be initiated via a single set request which
                specifies a row status of createAndGo as well as specifies
                valid values for the non-defaulted parameter objects.

                Once an operation has been activated, it cannot be

                Once the operation completes, the management station should
                retrieve the value of the status object (and time if
                desired), and delete the entry.  In order to prevent old
                entries from clogging the table, entries will be aged out,
                but an entry will never be deleted within 5 minutes of

        INDEX   { ciscoFlashPartitioningSerialNumber }
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitioningTable 1 }

CiscoFlashPartitioningEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
                ciscoFlashPartitioningSerialNumber      Integer32,
                ciscoFlashPartitioningCommand           INTEGER,
                ciscoFlashPartitioningDestinationName    DisplayString,
                ciscoFlashPartitioningPartitionCount    Unsigned32,
                ciscoFlashPartitioningPartitionSizes    DisplayString,
                ciscoFlashPartitioningStatus            INTEGER,
                ciscoFlashPartitioningNotifyOnCompletion TruthValue,
                ciscoFlashPartitioningTime              TimeTicks,
                ciscoFlashPartitioningEntryStatus       RowStatus

ciscoFlashPartitioningSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Integer32 (0..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "Object which specifies a unique entry in the partitioning
                operations table. A management station wishing to initiate 
                a partitioning operation should use a pseudo-random value 
                for this object when creating or modifying an instance of
                a ciscoFlashPartitioningEntry.
        ::=   { ciscoFlashPartitioningEntry 1 }

ciscoFlashPartitioningCommand OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "The partitioning command to be executed. Mandatory.
                If the command is unsupported, the 
                error will be reported in the operation status.
                Command                 Remarks
                partition               Partition a Flash device.
                                        All the prerequisites for
                                        partitioning must be met for 
                                        this command to succeed.

                Command table           Parameters
                1) partition            PartitioningDestinationName
                                        PartitioningPartitionSizes (opt)
                                        PartitioningNotifyOnCompletion (opt)
        DEFVAL  { partition }
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitioningEntry 2 }
ciscoFlashPartitioningDestinationName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "Destination device name. This name will be the value
                obtained from FlashDeviceName.
                If the name is not specified, the default Flash device
                will be assumed.
        DEFVAL  { ''B }
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitioningEntry 3 }

ciscoFlashPartitioningPartitionCount OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "This object is used to specify the number of
                partitions to be created. Its value cannot exceed
                the value of ciscoFlashDeviceMaxPartitions.

                To undo partitioning (revert to a single partition),
                this object must have the value 1. 
        DEFVAL  { 2 }
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitioningEntry 4 }

ciscoFlashPartitioningPartitionSizes OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString 
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "This object is used to explicitly specify the size 
                of each partition to be created.
                The size of each partition will be in units of 
                The value of this object will be in the form:
                If partition sizes are not specified, the system
                will calculate default sizes based on the partition
                count, the minimum partition size, and the device
                size. Partition size need not be specified when
                undoing partitioning (partition count is 1).
                If partition sizes are specified, the number of
                sizes specified must exactly match the partition
                count. If not, the partitioning command will be
                rejected with the invalidPartitionSizes error .
        DEFVAL  { ''B }
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitioningEntry 5 }

ciscoFlashPartitioningStatus OBJECT-TYPE
                partitioningOperationSuccess (2),
                partitioningInvalidOperation (3),
                partitioningInvalidDestName (4),
                partitioningInvalidPartitionCount (5),
                partitioningInvalidPartitionSizes (6),
                partitioningDeviceBusy (7),
                partitioningDeviceOpenError (8),
                partitioningDeviceError (9),
                partitioningNoMemory (10),
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "The status of the specified partitioning operation.
                partitioningInProgress :
                        specified operation is active

                partitioningOperationSuccess :
                        specified operation is supported and completed 

                partitioningInvalidOperation :
                        command invalid or command-protocol-device 
                        combination unsupported

                partitioningInvalidDestName :
                        invalid target name (file or partition or 
                        device name) specified

                partitioningInvalidPartitionCount :
                        invalid partition count specified for the 
                        partitioning command

                partitioningInvalidPartitionSizes :
                        invalid partition size, or invalid count of 
                        partition sizes

                partitioningDeviceBusy :
                        specified device is in use and locked by 
                        another process

                partitioningDeviceOpenError :
                        invalid device name

                partitioningDeviceError :
                        device read, write or erase error

                partitioningNoMemory :
                        system running low on memory

                partitioningUnknownFailure :
                        failure unknown
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitioningEntry 6 }

ciscoFlashPartitioningNotifyOnCompletion OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "Specifies whether or not a notification should be 
                generated on the completion of the partitioning operation.
                If specified, ciscoFlashPartitioningCompletionTrap
                will be generated. It is the responsibility of the 
                management entity to ensure that the SNMP administrative 
                model is configured in such a way as to allow the
                notification to be delivered.
        DEFVAL  { false }
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitioningEntry 7 }

ciscoFlashPartitioningTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  TimeTicks
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Time taken for the operation. This object will
                be like a stopwatch, starting when the operation
                starts, stopping when the operation completes.
                If a management entity keeps a database of completion
                times for various operations, it can then use the 
                stopwatch capability to display percentage completion
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitioningEntry 8 }

ciscoFlashPartitioningEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  RowStatus
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS    current
                "The status of this table entry.
        ::= { ciscoFlashPartitioningEntry 9 }


ciscoFlashMiscOpTable  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CiscoFlashMiscOpEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "A table of misc Flash operation entries. Each
                entry represents a Flash operation that
                has been initiated.
        ::= { ciscoFlashOps 3 }

ciscoFlashMiscOpEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  CiscoFlashMiscOpEntry
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "A Flash operation entry. Each entry consists of a 
                command, a target, and any optional parameters.

                A management station wishing to create an entry should
                first generate a pseudo-random serial number to be used
                as the index to this sparse table.  The station should
                then create the associated instance of the row status
                object. It must also, either in the same or in successive 
                PDUs, create the associated instance of the command and
                parameter objects. It should also modify the default values 
                for any of the parameter objects if the defaults are not 

                Once the appropriate instances of all the command
                objects have been created, either by an explicit SNMP
                set request or by default, the row status should be set
                to active to initiate the operation. Note that this entire
                procedure may be initiated via a single set request which
                specifies a row status of createAndGo as well as specifies
                valid values for the non-defaulted parameter objects.

                Once an operation has been activated, it cannot be

                Once the operation completes, the management station should
                retrieve the value of the status object (and time if
                desired), and delete the entry.  In order to prevent old
                entries from clogging the table, entries will be aged out,
                but an entry will never be deleted within 5 minutes of

        INDEX   { ciscoFlashMiscOpSerialNumber }
        ::= { ciscoFlashMiscOpTable 1 }

CiscoFlashMiscOpEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
                ciscoFlashMiscOpSerialNumber            Integer32,
                ciscoFlashMiscOpCommand                 INTEGER,
                ciscoFlashMiscOpDestinationName         DisplayString,
                ciscoFlashMiscOpStatus                  INTEGER,
                ciscoFlashMiscOpNotifyOnCompletion      TruthValue,
                ciscoFlashMiscOpTime                    TimeTicks,
                ciscoFlashMiscOpEntryStatus             RowStatus

ciscoFlashMiscOpSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Integer32 (0..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS  current
                "Object which specifies a unique entry in the
                table. A management station wishing to initiate a 
                flash operation should use a pseudo-random value for
                this object when creating or modifying an instance of
                a ciscoFlashMiscOpEntry.
        ::=   { ciscoFlashMiscOpEntry 1 }

ciscoFlashMiscOpCommand OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "The command to be executed. Mandatory.
                Note that it is possible for a system to support
                multiple file systems (different file systems on
                different Flash devices, or different file systems
                on different partitions within a device). Each such
                file system may support only a subset of these commands.
                If a command is unsupported, the miscOpInvalidOperation(3)
                error will be reported in the operation status.
                Command         Remarks
                erase           Erase flash.
                verify          Verify flash file checksum.
                delete          Delete a file.
                undelete        Revive a deleted file .
                                Note that there are limits on
                                the number of times a file can
                                be deleted and undeleted. When
                                this limit is exceeded, the 
                                system will return the appropriate
                squeeze         Recover space occupied by 
                                deleted files. This command   
                                preserves the good files, erases
                                out the file system, then restores
                                the preserved good files.
                format          Format a flash device.

                Command table   Parameters
                erase           MiscOpDestinationName
                                MiscOpNotifyOnCompletion (opt)
                verify          MiscOpDestinationName
                                MiscOpNotifyOnCompletion (opt)
                delete          MiscOpDestinationName
                                MiscOpNotifyOnCompletion (opt)
                undelete        MiscOpDestinationName
                                MiscOpNotifyOnCompletion (opt)
                squeeze         MiscOpDestinationName
                                MiscOpNotifyOnCompletion (opt)
                format          MiscOpDestinationName
                                MiscOpNotifyOnCompletion (opt)
        ::= { ciscoFlashMiscOpEntry 2 }
ciscoFlashMiscOpDestinationName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "Destination file, or partition name. 
                File name must be of the form 
                where <device> is a value obtained from FlashDeviceName,
                      <partition> is obtained from FlashPartitionName
                  and <file> is the name of a file in Flash.
                While leading and/or trailing whitespaces are acceptable,
                no whitespaces are allowed within the path itself.

                A management station could derive its own partition name
                as per the description for the ciscoFlashPartitionName
                If <device> is not specified, the default Flash device
                will be assumed.
                If <partition> is not specified, the default partition
                will be assumed. If a device is not partitioned into 2 
                or more partitions, this value may be left out.

                For an operation on a partition, eg., the erase
                command, this object would specify the partition name
                in the form:
        DEFVAL  { ''B }
        ::= { ciscoFlashMiscOpEntry 3 }

ciscoFlashMiscOpStatus OBJECT-TYPE
                miscOpOperationSuccess (2),
                miscOpInvalidOperation (3),
                miscOpInvalidDestName (4),
                miscOpDeviceBusy (5),
                miscOpDeviceOpenError (6),
                miscOpDeviceError (7),
                miscOpDeviceNotProgrammable (8),
                miscOpFileOpenError (9),
                miscOpNoMemory (13),
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "The status of the specified operation.
                miscOpInProgress :
                        specified operation is active

                miscOpOperationSuccess :
                        specified operation is supported and completed 

                miscOpInvalidOperation :
                        command invalid or command-protocol-device 
                        combination unsupported

                miscOpInvalidDestName :
                        invalid target name (file or partition or 
                        device name) specified

                miscOpDeviceBusy :
                        specified device is in use and locked by another 

                miscOpDeviceOpenError :
                        invalid device name

                miscOpDeviceError :
                        device read, write or erase error

                miscOpDeviceNotProgrammable :
                        device is read-only but a write or erase 
                        operation was specified

                miscOpFileOpenError :
                        invalid file name; file not found in partition

                miscOpFileDeleteFailure :
                        file could not be deleted; delete count exceeded

                miscOpFileUndeleteFailure :
                        file could not be undeleted; undelete count 

                miscOpFileChecksumError :
                        file has a bad checksum

                miscOpNoMemory :
                        system running low on memory

                miscOpUnknownFailure :
                        failure unknown

                miscOpSqueezeFailure :
                        the squeeze operation failed

                miscOpNoSuchFile :
                        a valid but nonexistent file name was specified

                miscOpFormatFailure :
                        the format operation failed
        ::= { ciscoFlashMiscOpEntry 4 }

ciscoFlashMiscOpNotifyOnCompletion OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "Specifies whether or not a notification should be 
                generated on the completion of an operation.
                If specified, ciscoFlashMiscOpCompletionTrap
                will be generated. It is the responsibility of the 
                management entity to ensure that the SNMP administrative 
                model is configured in such a way as to allow the 
                notification to be delivered.
        DEFVAL  { false }
        ::= { ciscoFlashMiscOpEntry 5 }

ciscoFlashMiscOpTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  TimeTicks
        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS  current
                "Time taken for the operation. This object will
                be like a stopwatch, starting when the operation
                starts, stopping when the operation completes.
                If a management entity keeps a database of completion
                times for various operations, it can then use the 
                stopwatch capability to display percentage completion
        ::= { ciscoFlashMiscOpEntry 6 }

ciscoFlashMiscOpEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  RowStatus
        MAX-ACCESS      read-create
        STATUS  current
                "The status of this table entry.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMiscOpEntry 7 }

-- Configuration 

ciscoFlashCfgDevInsNotifEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
        STATUS  current
                "Specifies whether or not a notification should be 
                generated on the insertion of a Flash device.

                If the value of this object is 'true' then the
                ciscoFlashDeviceInsertedNotif notification
                will be generated. 
                If the value of this object is 'false' then the
                ciscoFlashDeviceInsertedNotif notification
                will not be generated. 
                It is the responsibility of the management entity to 
                ensure that the SNMP administrative model is
                configured in such a way as to allow the 
                notification to be delivered.
        DEFVAL  { false }
        ::= { ciscoFlashCfg 1 }

ciscoFlashCfgDevRemNotifEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
        STATUS  current
                "Specifies whether or not a notification should be 
                generated on the removal of a Flash device.

                If the value of this object is 'true' then the
                ciscoFlashDeviceRemovedNotif notification
                will be generated. 
                If the value of this object is 'false' then the
                ciscoFlashDeviceRemovedNotif notification
                will not be generated. 

                It is the responsibility of the management entity to 
                ensure that the SNMP administrative model is
                configured in such a way as to allow the 
                notification to be delivered.
        DEFVAL  { false }
        ::= { ciscoFlashCfg 2 }

-- Traps (or notifications ??)

ciscoFlashMIBTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoFlashMIBTrapPrefix 0 }

ciscoFlashCopyCompletionTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        STATUS  current
                "A ciscoFlashCopyCompletionTrap is sent at the 
                completion of a flash copy operation if such a trap 
                was requested when the operation was initiated.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBTraps 1 }

ciscoFlashPartitioningCompletionTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        STATUS  current
                "A ciscoFlashPartitioningCompletionTrap is sent at the 
                completion of a partitioning operation if such a trap 
                was requested when the operation was initiated.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBTraps 2 }

ciscoFlashMiscOpCompletionTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        STATUS  current
                "A ciscoFlashMiscOpCompletionTrap is sent at the 
                completion of a miscellaneous flash operation 
                (enumerated in ciscoFlashMiscOpCommand) if such a trap 
                was requested when the operation was initiated.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBTraps 3 }

ciscoFlashDeviceChangeTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        STATUS  deprecated
                "A ciscoFlashDeviceChangeTrap is sent whenever a
                removable Flash device is inserted or removed.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBTraps 4 }

ciscoFlashDeviceInsertedNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        STATUS  current
                "A ciscoFlashDeviceInsertedNotif notification is sent 
                whenever a removable Flash device is inserted."
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBTraps 5 }

ciscoFlashDeviceRemovedNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        STATUS  current
                "A ciscoFlashDeviceRemovedNotif notification is sent 
                whenever a removable Flash device is removed."
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBTraps 6 }

-- Conformance information

ciscoFlashMIBConformance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoFlashMIB 2 }
ciscoFlashMIBCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER 
                                 ::= { ciscoFlashMIBConformance 1 }
ciscoFlashMIBGroups       OBJECT IDENTIFIER 
                                 ::= { ciscoFlashMIBConformance 2 }

-- Compliance statements

ciscoFlashMIBCompliance  MODULE-COMPLIANCE
        STATUS  deprecated
                "The compliance statement for entities that support
                the Cisco Flash MIB.
        MODULE  -- compliance to this module
                MANDATORY-GROUPS  {

                GROUP   ciscoFlashDeviceOptionalInfoGroup 
                        "The Flash device optional group contains
                        objects for features that may be optional
                        or not available across all systems.
                        An example is the partitioning feature.

                GROUP   ciscoFlashPartitioningOpGroup
                        "The Flash partitioning operations group is
                        optional. It is intended whenever partitioning
                        is supported.

                GROUP   ciscoFlashMiscOpGroup
                        "The Flash miscellaneous operations group is
                        optional. It contains operations that are not
                        essential or not universally supported across
                        all platforms. 
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBCompliances 1 }

ciscoFlashMIBComplianceRev1  MODULE-COMPLIANCE
        STATUS  deprecated
                "The compliance statement for entities that support
                the Cisco Flash MIB.
        MODULE  -- compliance to this module
                MANDATORY-GROUPS  {

                GROUP   ciscoFlashDeviceOptionalInfoGroup 
                        "The Flash device optional group contains
                        objects for features that may be optional
                        or not available across all systems.
                        An example is the partitioning feature.

                GROUP   ciscoFlashPartitioningOpGroup
                        "The Flash partitioning operations group is
                        optional. It is intended whenever partitioning
                        is supported.

                GROUP   ciscoFlashMiscOpGroup
                        "The Flash miscellaneous operations group is
                        optional. It contains operations that are not
                        essential or not universally supported across
                        all platforms. 
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBCompliances 2 }

ciscoFlashMIBComplianceRev2  MODULE-COMPLIANCE
        STATUS  deprecated
                "The compliance statement for entities that support
                the Cisco Flash MIB.
        MODULE  -- compliance to this module
                MANDATORY-GROUPS  {

                GROUP   ciscoFlashDeviceOptionalInfoGroup 
                        "The Flash device optional group contains
                        objects for features that may be optional
                        or not available across all systems.
                        An example is the partitioning feature.

                GROUP   ciscoFlashPartitioningOpGroup
                        "The Flash partitioning operations group is
                        optional. It is intended whenever partitioning
                        is supported.

                GROUP   ciscoFlashMiscOpGroup
                        "The Flash miscellaneous operations group is
                        optional. It contains operations that are not
                        essential or not universally supported across
                        all platforms. 
                GROUP   ciscoFlashNotifGroupRev1
                        "This group contains Notifications
                        representing flash operations.

        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBCompliances 3 }

ciscoFlashMIBComplianceRev3  MODULE-COMPLIANCE
        STATUS  deprecated
                "The compliance statement for entities that support
                the Cisco Flash MIB.
        MODULE  -- compliance to this module
                MANDATORY-GROUPS  {

                GROUP   ciscoFlashDeviceOptionalInfoGroupRev1 
                        "The Flash device optional group contains
                        objects for features that may be optional
                        or not available across all systems.
                        An example is the partitioning feature.

                GROUP   ciscoFlashPartitioningOpGroup
                        "The Flash partitioning operations group is
                        optional. It is intended whenever partitioning
                        is supported.

                GROUP   ciscoFlashMiscOpGroup
                        "The Flash miscellaneous operations group is
                        optional. It contains operations that are not
                        essential or not universally supported across
                        all platforms. 
                GROUP   ciscoFlashNotifGroupRev1
                        "This group contains Notifications
                        representing flash operations.

        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBCompliances 4 }

ciscoFlashMIBComplianceRev4  MODULE-COMPLIANCE
        STATUS  current
                "The compliance statement for entities that support
                the Cisco Flash MIB.
        MODULE  -- compliance to this module
                MANDATORY-GROUPS  {

                GROUP   ciscoFlashDeviceOptionalInfoGroupRev1 
                        "The Flash device optional group contains
                        objects for features that may be optional
                        or not available across all systems.
                        An example is the partitioning feature.

                GROUP   ciscoFlashPartitioningOpGroup
                        "The Flash partitioning operations group is
                        optional. It is intended whenever partitioning
                        is supported.

                GROUP   ciscoFlashMiscOpGroup
                        "The Flash miscellaneous operations group is
                        optional. It contains operations that are not
                        essential or not universally supported across
                        all platforms. 
                GROUP   ciscoFlashNotifGroupRev1
                        "This group contains Notifications
                        representing flash operations.

        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBCompliances 5 }

-- Units of conformance

ciscoFlashDeviceInfoGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS  {
        STATUS  deprecated
                "A collection of objects providing mandatory Flash
                device level information.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBGroups 1 }

ciscoFlashDeviceInfoGroupRev1  OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS  {
        STATUS  deprecated
                "A collection of objects providing mandatory Flash
                device level information.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBGroups 12 }

ciscoFlashDeviceInfoGroupRev2  OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS  {
        STATUS  current
                "A collection of objects providing mandatory Flash
                device level information.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBGroups 15 }

ciscoFlashDeviceOptionalInfoGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS  {
        STATUS  deprecated
                "A collection of optional objects providing 
                Flash device level information.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBGroups 2 }

ciscoFlashDeviceOptionalInfoGroupRev1  OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS  {
        STATUS  current
                "A collection of optional objects providing 
                Flash device level information. This deprecates
                ciscoFlashDeviceOptionalInfoGroup object group.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBGroups 13 }

ciscoFlashChipInfoGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS  {
        STATUS  current
                "A collection of objects providing Flash
                chip level information.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBGroups 3 }

ciscoFlashPartitionInfoGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS  {
        STATUS  current
                "A collection of objects providing Flash
                partition level information. Where a Flash
                device has not been partitioned or does
                not support partitioning, a partition is
                synonymous with the entire device.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBGroups 4 }

ciscoFlashFileInfoGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS  {
        STATUS  deprecated
                "A collection of objects providing Flash
                file level information.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBGroups 5 }

ciscoFlashFileInfoGroupRev1  OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS  {
        STATUS  current
                "A collection of objects providing Flash
                file level information.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBGroups 10 }

ciscoFlashCopyOpGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS  {
        STATUS  deprecated
                "A collection of objects providing the ability
                to copy files to and from a Flash partition.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBGroups 6 }

ciscoFlashCopyOpGroupRev1  OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS  {
        STATUS  current
                "A collection of objects providing the ability
                to copy files to and from a Flash partition.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBGroups 14 }

ciscoFlashPartitioningOpGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS  {
        STATUS  current
                "A collection of objects providing the ability
                to partition a Flash device.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBGroups 7 }

ciscoFlashMiscOpGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS  {
        STATUS  current
                "A collection of objects providing the ability
                to perform misc operations (erase, file verification,
                etc) in a Flash device.
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBGroups 8 }

ciscoFlashNotifGroup  NOTIFICATION-GROUP
        STATUS  deprecated
                "The set of notification defined by this MIB."
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBGroups 9 }

ciscoFlashNotifGroupRev1  NOTIFICATION-GROUP
        STATUS  current
                "The set of notification defined by this MIB."
        ::= { ciscoFlashMIBGroups 11 }