cgprsCgEnable |
. |
This object is used to enable/disable the charging
transaction feature on the GGSN. When the object is
set to 'true', charging processing is enabled on the GGSN.
cgprsCgCdrLocalSeqNumEnable |
. |
This object is used to enable/disable the feature of using
the local record sequence number field in G-CDRs on the GGSN.
When the object is set to 'true', the G-CDRs contain the local
record sequence number in the CDR.
cgprsCgCdrNodeIdEnable |
. |
This object is used to enable/disable the feature of using
the NodeID field in G-CDRs on the GGSN. When the object is
set to 'true', the G-CDRs include the NodeID field.
cgprsCgFlowControlEcho |
. |
This object is used to enable/disable flow control
between the GGSN and CG.
When the object is set to 'true', the GGSN enables private
extension information element in the echo request. This is
used for maintaining flow control on packets transmitted
to the CG.
cgprsCgCdrPktsStatEnable |
. |
This object is used to enable/disable G-CDR packet statistics
collection. When the object is set to 'true', the G-CDR is
enabled to collect the packet statistics from
cgprsGtpChargingPktsUplink and cgprsGtpChargingPktsDownlink
cgprsCgCdrNonPrimaryEnable |
. |
This object controls the generation of non-primary
partial CDRs on GGSN as follows:
'true(1)' - the generation of non-primary partial CDRs
is enabled.
'false(2)'- the generation of non-primary partial CDRs is
disabled and all partial CDRs have the same
content of primary partial CDRs.
cgprsCgCdrAggreLimit |
. |
The Maximum number of G-CDRs that can be aggregated in a
charging data transfer message to a CG.
cgprsCgTransInterval |
. |
Specifies the time interval between transfers of
GPRS charging data for a PDP context (user session)
between the GGSN and the charging gateway.
cgprsCgPktsQSize |
. |
The maximum size of the GGSN's queue of outstanding charging
data transfer requests.
cgprsCgPathRequest |
. |
The time interval between two TCP connection establishment
retry attempts if the TCP connection can't be established
for the communication with CG.
cgprsCgContainerVolThresh |
. |
The traffic volume threshold that triggers addition of a
container and closing the G-CDR.
cgprsCgMapDataTos |
. |
Specifies a IP Type of Service (TOS) mapping for GPRS
charging data packets transmitted by the GGSN. A higher
TOS mapping value indicates a higher service priority.
The values '6' and '7' are not used in the mapping.
cgprsCgPathProtocol |
. |
Specifies the transport protocol used by the GGSN to transmit
and receive charging data to and from a CG.
udp - use UDP for charging data transfers.
tcp - use TCP for charging data transfers.
cgprsCgServerSwitchTimeout |
. |
A timeout value that determines when the GGSN attempts to
switch over to an alternate CG after a destination CG cannot
be located or becomes unusable. Setting value 0 disables this
cgprsCgConditionLimit |
. |
The maximum number of charging condition changes to
trigger closure of a G-CDR partial record. When the
maximum number is reached, the G-CDR is closed and
a new partial G-CDR is opened.
cgprsCgGtpPrimePort |
. |
The destination port for transferring G-CDR between GGSN
and CG. The port number is used for both UDP and TCP.
cgprsCgN3BufferSize |
. |
The transmit buffer size for sending GTP' PDU.
cgprsCgChargeForRoamersOnly |
. |
This object is used to indicate to the GGSN that it needs to
generate CDRs only for roamers. When the object is set
to 'false' GGSN will generate CDRs for non-roamers also.
This option only affects new PDP contexts while the ones
that have already been created are not affected.
cgprsCgTariffTimeMaxEntries |
. |
Indicates the upper limit on the number of entries that the
cgprsCgTariffTimeTable may contain.
cgprsCgTariffTimeNextIndex |
. |
This object contains an appropriate value to
be used for cgprsCgTariffTimeIndex when creating
entries in the cgprsCgTariffTimeTable. The value 0
indicates that no new rows can be created. Otherwise,
it is recommended that values are assigned contiguously,
starting from 1.
Algorithm for Tariff Time creation by a Manager:
done = false
while done == false
index = GET (cgprsCgTariffTimeNextIndex.0)
if ( index == 0 ) break;
SET (cgprsCgTariffTimeNextIndex.0=index) &&
if (set failed)
done = false
done = true
cgprsCgTariffTimeEntry |
. |
A description of a tariff time entry. An entry is created
whenever a tariff time is configured. When the GPRS tariffs
time is reached, a container will be attached to the G-CDR
for the user. A new entry cannot be created in this table
when the table is full.
cgprsCgGatewayEntry |
. |
A conceptual row in the cgprsCgGatewayTable.
cgprsCgClearCdrPartialCdr |
. |
This object is used to close all existing CDRs, transfer them
to the CG and open new partial CDRs for any existing PDP
closeCdr - close all existing CDRs.
canCloseCdr - CDRs can be closed. This object can be set
to 'closeCdr' only when it is in 'canCloseCdr' state.
cannotCloseCdr - CDRs cannot be closed.
closingCdr - CDRs are being closed.
cgprsCgSgsnChangeLimit |
. |
This object denotes the maximum number of SGSN changes that
will trigger the closure of G-CDR or partial record. When the
maximum number is reached, the record is closed and a new
partial record is opened. When the value is zero, then for
every SGSN change, the G-CDR or partial record is closed.
This object is deprecated by cgprsCgCdrSgsnChangeLimit.
cgprsCgCdrSgsnChangeLimit |
. |
This object denotes the maximum number of SGSN changes that
will trigger the closure of G-CDR or partial record. When the
maximum number is reached, the record is closed and a new
partial record is opened. When the value is zero, then for
every SGSN change, the G-CDR or partial record is closed.
If the value of object is set to '-1', then the number of
SGSN changes is not associated with the closure of G-CDR
or creation/closure of partial record.
cgprsCgRelease |
. |
This object specifies the release specific parameters that
needs to be used when communicating with the CG. for eg:
Qos Profile Info, Charging Characteristics field, etc.,
This object also defines the charging release to enable the
CRs implemented in GGSN version 5.0 (GGSN version is
defined in cGgsnVersion in CISCO-GGSN-MIB, which is out of
scope of this MIB).
'release98' - No behavior change in GGSN 5.0.
'release99' - From the baseline support of R99 that we
already have in GGSN4.0, add support of 32.015
CR 032 with the latest (Data Record Format
Version) of 32.015 v3.10.0.
'release4' or 'release5' - From the baseline support of R99
in GGSN 5.0, add 32.215 CR 002 and Charging
Characteristics Selection Mode.
cgprsCgGtpShortHeaderEnable |
. |
This object enables the GGSN to use the 6-byte GTP short
header for charging transactions. This object cannot be
toggled when there are pending CDR's.
cgprsCgTransFormNumRespEnable |
. |
When this object is set to 'true', the data record transfer
response IE uses the one octet format which contains the
number of records responded. When set to 'false', it uses the
2-octet format and it contains the length of this IE. This
object cannot be toggled when there are active MS sessions on
the GGSN.
cgprsCgContainerTimeLimit |
. |
A G-CDR is used to collect charging information related
to the packet data information for a GPRS mobile in the
GGSN.The List of Traffic Data Volumes attribute of the
G-CDR consists of a set of containers, that can be closed
on certain trigers conditions like,
- Data volume limit
- Time duration limit
- Maximum number of change condition limit
This object when set to some non-zero time value, enables
the G-CDR updation when the time limit is reached.
cgprsCgProfileEntry |
. |
An entry is created for each charging profile, with the
characteristics of the charging being configured, it has
some default characteristics when not configured.
cgprsCgProfileMapEntry |
. |
Entry for each category (all, home, visiting and roamer)
exists, which has the profile number and override
cgprsCgChargingCharReject |
. |
This object defines whether the incoming PDP create
request has to be rejected or accepted depending on
the charging profile match.
If in case a PDP create request comes in and if there
is no matching profile configured and there is no
overriding profile set, then if this object is set to
'false', the PDP will be accepted and the default
profile will be applied to it. If this object is set
to 'true', the PDP will be rejected if no matching
profile in the create request or overriding profile is
cgprsCgServiceMode |
. |
This object specifies the service mode for charging. The
charging functions in the GGSN involve mainly
collection/accumulation of CDRs and transmitting CDRs to the
Charging Gateways. The charging service-mode function has no
impact to the collection/accumulation of CDRs. The charging
service mode function only involves the transmission of CDRs
to the charging gateways. The charging service-mode has the
following two states:
'operational' : Normal operation.
'maintenance' : In this state, transmission of CDRs to the
charging gateways will not be performed;
However, collection and accumulation of CDRs
will continue as is done normally.
The default charging service-mode state is 'in-service'(This
mode is set with value as 'operational'). When the GGSN is in
'outOfService' mode set in cGgsnServiceMode, all the charging
configurations will be allowed. In the system-init phase,
the charging service mode CLI configs will not be handled.
The handling of 'Redirecting Request', 'Node Alive' and
charging gateway switchover mechanisms will not be performed
while the charging is in maintenance mode. After the mode is
changed to in-service, the messages in the pending queue will
be sent towards the newly configured active charging gateway
and the normal functions will continue from thereon.
When switching between modes, traps will be generated using
cgprsCgInServiceModeNotif and cgprsCgMaintenanceModeNotif.
cgprsCgPartialCdrGenEnable |
. |
A Primary CDR refers to the first CDR for a PDP. Subsequent
CDR's, called secondary CDR's, will be opened when the primary
CDR is closed by triggers like exceeding data volume limit,
max number of charging condition changes, SGSN change, etc.,
A Partial CDR is such subsequent CDR in which some fields, like
Access Point Name, PDP Type, etc., that cannot change during
the life time of the PDP are not included. This object controls
the generation of partial CDRs on GGSN. When set to 'true',
partial CDR's are generated. When set to 'false', partial CDR's
are not generated i.e., all the fields are sent in the CDR.
cgprsCgSwitchOverPriority |
. |
This object is used to enable the switch over priority
'true' - If a higher priority CG comes up, it becomes the
active CG.
'false' - If a higher priority CG comes up, the existing
active CG continues to be active.
cgprsCgCharSelectionMode |
. |
This object is used to add the charging characteristic
selection mode in the CDR.
'true' - Charging characteristic selection mode will be
added in the CDR.
'false' - Charging characteristic selection mode will not
be added in the CDR.
cgprsCgReconnect |
. |
This object enables the charging reconnect feature.
This feature when enabled, reconnects to the CG that is
unreachable due to some transient network or link failures.
It is only needed for CG using path protocoal as UDP and
when the CG can only respond to echo but cannot send echo
By default this feature is disabled.
cgprsCgPtcEnable |
. |
When this object is set, GGSN sends the Packet Transfer
Command (PTC) IE in the CDR message.
'true' - send PTC IE with the CDR. The value in the
IE will be 'Send Data Record Packet' if the
object cgprsCgPtcPossiblyDupEnable is not set
to 'true' and there is no condition of possibly
duplicate scenario.
'false' - do not send PTC IE with the CDR.
This object cannot be set to 'false' if the object
cgprsCgPtcPossiblyDupEnable is set to 'true'.
cgprsCgPtcPossiblyDupEnable |
. |
This object is used to send possibly duplicated Data Record
Packet. When the CDR packet is directed to a secondary CGF
(by a CDR generating node) because the currently used CGF
is not working or the CDR transfer is not working properly,
then this Packet Transfer Command is used instead of the
normal 'Send Data Record Packet'.
This object has no meaning unless the object cgprsCgPtcEnable
is set to 'true'.
'true' - send PTC IE with 'Possibly Duplicate Record' with
the CDR when the possibly duplicate scenario occurs.
'false' - Do not set the PTC IE with 'Possibly Duplicate
Record' even if possibly duplicate scenario occurs.
cgprsCgDownTimes |
. |
The number of occurrences of cgprsCgAlarmEchoFailure
traps state transitions since system startup.
Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered when
the GGSN detects a CG has gone down.
Condition includes,
a) Link state down.
b) Redirection request.
cgprsCgAccPtNum |
. |
The number of access points for which charging data
is being collected.
Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered when a
CDR is opened for a PDP and that PDP belongs to a new
cgprsCgCdrOpenedNum |
. |
The number of currently opened G-CDRs on the GGSN.
A G-CDR shall be opened for each activated PDP context.
Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered when a new
CDR is opened. This new CDR might be opened initially and
also due to the closure of the existing opened CDR.
cgprsCgCdrClosedNum |
. |
The number of currently closed G-CDRs on the GGSN
which have not been sent to the CG.
The G-CDR shall be closed on encountering some trigger
conditions. In the event that the G-CDR is closed and the
PDP remains active, a new G-CDR will be opened for the PDP.
Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered when the CDR
is closed. The closure might be due to different trigger
a) Clearing of the CDR using CLI.
b) Tigger conditions like vloume limit, time limit,
sgsn change limit, container change limit
set with configuration objects.
c) CDR size reaches maximum.
cgprsCgContainerNum |
. |
The number of currently open or closed charging containers.
Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered when the CDR
is closed or the CDR is updated.
cgprsCgPendingMsgNum |
. |
The number of currently pending G-CDR output messages.
Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered when the CDR
is sent to the CG and the response from the CG failed.
cgprsCgSentMsgNum |
. |
The number of transmitted G-CDR output messages since
the charging service is enabled. The sent G-CDR is
the CDR that was sent to the CG for which the GGSN
got a response back from the CG.
Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered when a CDR
is sent to the CG and got a positive response.
cgprsCgTotalCdrOpened |
. |
This object gives the total number of CDRs opened on the
GGSN, either since system startup or since the last time the
charging statistics was cleared.
Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered when a new CDR
is opened. This new CDR might be opened initially and also
due to the closure of the existing opened CDR.
cgprsCgTotalContainerCreated |
. |
This object gives the total number of containers created on
the GGSN, either since system startup or since the last time
the charging statistics was cleared.
Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered when the CDR is
closed or the CDR is updated.
cgprsCgActiveChgGatewayAddrType |
. |
This object specifies the address type of the active
charging gateway.
cgprsCgActiveChgGatewayAddress |
. |
This object specifies the address of the active charging
The type of address will be represented by
cgprsCgOldChgGatewayAddress |
. |
This object specifies the address of the previous active
charging gateway.
The type of address will same as the one present in
cgprsCgAlarmEnable |
. |
The object controls the generation of
cgprsCgAlarmNotif as follows:
'true(1)' - the generation of cgprsCgAlarmNotif
notifications is enabled.
'false(2)' - the generation of cgprsCgAlarmNotif
notifications is disabled.
cgprsCgAlarmHistTableMax |
. |
Specifies the upper limit on the number of entries
that the cgprsCgAlarmHistTable may contain.
cgprsCgAlarmHistEntry |
. |
The information regarding a CG alarm.
An entry, the oldest entry, is removed if the
table is full and a new entry is created
in the table to accommodate a new alarm.
cgprsCgAlarmHistLatestIndex |
. |
The value of cgprsCgAlarmHistIndex for the most recently
created entry in cgprsCgAlarmHistTable.
cgprsCgTariffTimeIndex |
. |
An arbitrary non-zero integer value uniquely identifying
each charging tariff time.
cgprsCgTariffTimeRowStatus |
. |
This object is used to create a new row or delete an
existing row in this table.
The objects in this table can't be modified if the value
of this object is 'active'.RowStatus options 'notInService'
and 'createAndWait' are not supported.
cgprsCgTariffTimeHour |
. |
Specifies the hours part of GPRS tariffs time.
cgprsCgTariffTimeMin |
. |
Specifies the minutes part of GPRS tariffs time.
cgprsCgTariffTimeSec |
. |
Specifies the seconds part of GPRS tariffs time.
cgprsCgGatewayIndex |
. |
An unique identifier for the CG.
cgprsCgGatewayAddrType |
. |
This object indicates the type of Internet address
given in cgprsCgGatewayAddr.
cgprsCgGatewayAddr |
. |
The IP address that is used to uniquely identify the CG.
cgprsCgGatewayRowStatus |
. |
This object is used to create a new row or delete an
existing row in this table.
To create a row, set this object to 'createAndGo'.
cgprsCgGatewayAddrType and cgprsCgGatewayAddr are the
mandatory objects in a create request.
To delete a row, set this object to 'destroy'.
cgprsCgOperStatus |
. |
This object is used to indicate whether the configured CG
is active(2) or standby(3).The object will return undefined(1)
when its not used either as active(2) or standby(3).
cgprsCgLinkState |
. |
This object is used to indicate the reachability of the CG.
If the CG is reachable then this object is set to 'on'. When
the CG is not reachable but the GGSN tries to establish a
connection then the object will be set to 'pending' state.
When the CG is not reachable then the value returned for this
object will be 'off'.
cgprsCgProfileNum |
. |
This object is the charging profile index. This object
represents the 'P' bits in charging characteristics.
cgprsCgProfileRowStatus |
. |
This object is used to create a new row or delete an
existing row in this table.
To create a row, set this object to 'createAndGo'.
To delete a row, set this object to 'destroy'.
Only these two values 'createAndGo' and 'destroy'
will be accepted.
cgprsCgProfileDesc |
. |
This object is used to describe this profile.
cgprsCgProfileCategory |
. |
This object defines the charging profile category.
hotRate(0) - Charging by hot billing.
flat(1) - Flat rate charging.
prepaid(2) - Prepaid charging.
normal(3) - Normal charging.
cgprsCgProfileCdrSuppress |
. |
This object specifies the generation of CDRs.
If set to 'true', there won't be any CDRs generated.
If set to 'false', the CDRs will be generated.
cgprsCgProfileVolumeLimit |
. |
This object specifies the volume limit at which the
CDR updation has to take place.
cgprsCgProfileVolumeLimitReset |
. |
This object is used to reset the duration limit timer. If
set to 'true' the duration limit timer will be reset when
the volume limit reaches the value set in
cgprsCgProfileVolumeLimit. If set to 'false', the
duration limit timer will continue until it reaches the
value set in cgprsCgProfileDurLimit.
cgprsCgProfileDurLimit |
. |
This object specifies the time limit in which the
CDR updation has to take place.
The value '0' means no duration limit.
cgprsCgProfileDurLimitReset |
. |
This object is used to reset the volume limit timer. If
set to 'true' the volume limit timer will be reset when
the duration limit reaches the value set in
cgprsCgProfileDurLimit. If set to 'false', the
duration limit timer will continue until it reaches the
value set in cgprsCgProfileVolumeLimit.
cgprsCgProfileTariffTime |
. |
This object enables the tariff time for this profile.
cgprsCgProfileSgsnChange |
. |
This object denotes the maximum number of SGSN changes that
will trigger the closure of G-CDR or partial record. When the
maximum number is reached, the record is closed and a new
partial record is opened. When the value is zero, then for
every SGSN change, the G-CDR or partial record is closed.
The value '-1' indicates no sgsn change limit.
cgprsCgProfileMapCategory |
. |
This object defines the category in which the MS
falls into.
cgprsCgProfileMapNum |
. |
This object represents the profile number which is
created using cgprsCgProfileTable. This object holds the
valid value represented by cgprsCgProfileNum. The profile
number 0 cannot be created or deleted using
cgprsCgProfileTable. It's created using the other
configuration objects cgprsCgContainerVolThresh,
cgprsCgCdrSgsnChangeLimit, cgprsCgContainerTimeLimit.
cgprsCgProfileMapOverride |
. |
This object defines whether the profile set in
cgprsCgProfileMapNum should override the value received
from SGSN.
cgprsCgProfileMapTrusted |
. |
This object defines whether the profile for 'roaming',
'visitor' is a trusted. This object has no meaning when
the value of the cgprsCgProfileMapCategory is 'all' or
If this object is set to 'true' and cgprsCgProfileMapCategory
is 'roaming', then this profile will be the default profile
for trusted roamer. If set to 'false', then it's just a
If this object is set to 'true' and cgprsCgProfileMapCategory
is 'visitor', then this profile will be the default profile
for trusted visitor. If set to 'false', then it's just a
cgprsCgAlarmHistIndex |
. |
A monotonically increasing integer for the sole purpose
of indexing the charging gateway and charging related alarms.
When the index reaches the maximum value it will wrap around
to one.
cgprsCgAlarmHistType |
. |
Type of the GPRS charging gateway or charging related
cgprsCgAlarmHistAddrType |
. |
This object indicates the type of Internet address
given in cgprsCgAlarmHistAddress.
cgprsCgAlarmHistAddress |
. |
The IP address that is used to uniquely identify the CG.
cgprsCgAlarmHistSeverity |
. |
This object indicates the severity of the alarm.
cgprsCgAlarmHistInfo |
. |
This object provide detailed information when a GPRS
charging gateway or charging related alarm is generated.