cifIkeGlobalInP2Exchgs |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges
received by all currently and previously
active Phase-1 Tunnels.
cifIkeGlobalInP2ExchgInvalids |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges which were
received and found to be invalid by all currently and
previously active Phase-1 Tunnels.
cifIkeGlobalInP2ExchgRejects |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges
which were received and rejected by all
currently and previously active Phase-1 Tunnels.
cifIkeGlobalOutP2Exchgs |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges which were
sent by all currently and previously active IPsec
Phase-1 Tunnels.
cifIkeGlobalOutP2ExchgInvalids |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges which were
sent and found to be invalid by all currently and
previously active Phase-1 Tunnels.
cifIkeGlobalOutP2ExchgRejects |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges
which were sent and rejected by all currently and
previously active Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cifIkeGlobalInXauths |
. |
The number of times the extended authentication
requests was received by the managed entity
from a peer.
cifIkeGlobalInXauthFailures |
. |
The number of times the extended authentication
information supplied by an IKE peer was found
to be invalid by the local entity.
cifIkeGlobalOutXauthFailures |
. |
The number of times the extended authentication
information supplied by the managed entity to an
IKE peer was found to be invalid by the remote peer.
cifIkeGlobalInNewGrpReqs |
. |
The total number of New Group exchanges initiated
cifIkeGlobalOutNewGrpReqs |
. |
The total number of New Group exchanges initiated
cifIkeGlobalInNewGrpRejectReqs |
. |
The total number of New Group exchanges initiated
remotely that ended in reject.
cifIkeGlobalOutNewGrpRejectReqs |
. |
The total number of New Group exchanges initiated
locally that ended in reject.
cifIkeTunNegoMode |
. |
The negotiation mode of the Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cifIkeTunDHGrp |
. |
The Diffie Hellman Group used in Phase-1 IKE
cifIkeTunSaRefreshThreshold |
. |
The security association refresh threshold in seconds.
If the tunnel does not refresh its security associations,
the value of this MIB object is zero.
cifIkeTunTotalRefreshes |
. |
The total number of security associations refreshes
performed. If the tunnel does not refresh its security
associations, the value of this MIB object is never
cifIkeTunInP2Exchgs |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges received by
this Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cifIkeTunInP2ExchgInvalids |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges received and
found to be invalid by this Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cifIkeTunInP2ExchgRejects |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges received and
rejected by this Phase-1 Tunnel.
cifIkeTunInP2SaDelRequests |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 security association
delete requests received by this Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cifIkeTunOutP2Exchgs |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges sent by
this Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cifIkeTunOutP2ExchgInvalids |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges sent and
found to be invalid by this Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cifIkeTunOutP2ExchgRejects |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges sent and
rejected by this Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cifIkeTunInNewGrpReqs |
. |
The total number of New Group exchanges initiated
remotely using this IKE tunnel.
cifIkeTunOutNewGrpReqs |
. |
The total number of New Group exchanges initiated
locally using this IKE tunnel.
cifIkeTunInNewGrpRejectedReqs |
. |
The total number of New Group exchanges initiated
remotely using this IKE tunnel that ended in reject.
cifIkeTunOutNewGrpRejectedReqs |
. |
The total number of New Group exchanges initiated
locally using this IKE tunnel that ended in reject.
cifIkeTunInConfigs |
. |
The total number of Mode Configuration settings
received (either CFG_REPLY or CFG_SET payloads)
by the local entity on the ISAKMP SA represented by
this IKE tunnel.
cifIkeTunOutConfigs |
. |
The total number of Mode Configuration settings
dispatched (either CFG_REPLY or CFG_SET payloads)
by the local entity on the ISAKMP SA represented by
this IKE tunnel.
cifIkeTunInConfigRejects |
. |
The total number of Mode Configuration settings
which were received (either CFG_REPLY or CFG_SET
payloads) and rejected by this entity using the ISAKMP
SA represented by this IKE tunnel.
cifIkeTunOutConfigRejects |
. |
The total number of Mode Configuration settings
which were dispatched (either CFG_REPLY or CFG_SET
payloads) by this entity and were rejected by the
peer (client) using the ISAKMP SA represented by
this IKE tunnel.
cifIkeTunHistNegoMode |
. |
The negotiation mode of the Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cifIkeTunHistDHGrp |
. |
The Diffie Hellman Group used in Phase-1 IKE
cifIkeTunHistTotalRefreshes |
. |
The total number of security associations
refreshes performed.
cifIkeTunHistTotalSas |
. |
The total number of security associations used
during the life of the Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cifIkeTunHistInP2Exchgs |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges received
by this Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cifIkeTunHistInP2ExchgInvalids |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges
received on this tunnel that were found to
contain references to unrecognized security
cifIkeTunHistInP2ExchgRejects |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges
received on this tunnel that were validated but were
rejected by the local policy.
cifIkeTunHistOutP2Exchgs |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 security association
delete requests received by this Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cifIkeTunHistOutP2ExchgInvalids |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges sent by
this Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cifIkeTunHistOutP2ExchgRejects |
. |
The total number of Phase-2 exchanges
sent on this tunnel that were rejected by the
peer, because it contained references to security
parameters not recognized by the peer.
cifIkeTunHistInNewGrpReqs |
. |
The total number of New Group exchanges initiated
remotely using this IKE tunnel during its lifetime.
cifIkeTunHistOutNewGrpReqs |
. |
The total number of New Group exchanges initiated
locally using this IKE tunnel during its lifetime.
cifIkeTunHistInNewGrpRejectReqs |
. |
The total number of New Group exchanges initiated
remotely using this IKE tunnel during its lifetime
that ended in reject.
cifIkeTunHistOutNewGrpRejectReqs |
. |
The total number of New Group exchanges initiated
locally using this IKE tunnel during its lifetime
that ended in reject.
cifIkeTunHistInConfigs |
. |
The total number of Mode Configuration settings
received (either CFG_REPLY or CFG_SET payloads)
by the local entity on the ISAKMP SA represented by this
IKE tunnel.
cifIkeTunHistOutConfigs |
. |
The total number of Mode Configuration settings
dispatched (either CFG_REPLY or CFG_SET payloads)
by the local entity on the ISAKMP SA represented by this
IKE tunnel.
cifIkeTunHistInConfigsRejects |
. |
The total number of Mode Configuration settings
which were received (either CFG_REPLY or CFG_SET
payloads) and rejected by this entity using the ISAKMP
SA represented by this IKE tunnel.
cifIkeTunHistOutConfigsRejects |
. |
The total number of Mode Configuration settings
which were dispatched (either CFG_REPLY or CFG_SET
payloads) by this entity and were rejected by the
peer (client) using the ISAKMP SA represented by this
IKE tunnel.