cIpLocalPoolNotificationsEnable |
. |
An indication of whether the notifications defined by the
ciscoIpLocalPoolNotifGroup are enabled.
cIpLocalPoolConfigEntry |
. |
Each entry provides information about a particular IP local
pool, including the number of free and used addresses.
cIpLocalPoolGroupContainsEntry |
. |
Each entry describes single container/'containee'
Pool names can only be associated with one group. Pools carry
implicit group identifiers because pool names can only be
associated with one group. An entry in this table describes
such an association.
cIpLocalPoolGroupEntry |
. |
Each entry provides information about a particular IP pool
group and the number of free and used addresses in an IP pool
cIpLocalPoolStatsEntry |
. |
Each entry provides statistical information about a particular
IP local pool, and the total number of free and used addresses
of all the ranges in an IP local pool.
cIpLocalPoolAllocEntry |
. |
Each entry refers to conceptual row that associates an IP
addresses with the interface where the request was received, and
the user that requested the address.
cIpLocalPoolName |
. |
An arbitrary non-empty string that uniquely identifies the IP
local pool. This name must be unique among all the local IP
pools even when they belong to different pool groups.
cIpLocalPoolAddrType |
. |
This object specifies the address type of cIpLocalPoolAddressLo
and cIpLocalPoolAddressHi.
cIpLocalPoolAddressLo |
. |
This object specifies the first IP address of the range of IP
addresses contained by this pool entry. The address type of
this object is described by cIpLocalPoolAddrType.
This address must be less than or equal to the address in
cIpLocalPoolAddressHi |
. |
This object specifies the last IP address of the range of IP
addresses mapped by this pool entry. The address type of this
object is described by cIpLocalPoolAddrType. If only a single
address is being mapped, the value of this object is equal to
the value of cIpLocalPoolAddressLo.
cIpLocalPoolFreeAddrs |
. |
The number of IP addresses available for use in the range of
IP addresses.
cIpLocalPoolInUseAddrs |
. |
The number of IP addresses being used in the range of IP
cIpLocalPoolGroupContainedIn |
. |
This object relates an IP local pool to its IP pool group.
A null string indicates this IP local pool is not contained in a
named IP pool group, but that it is contained in the base IP
pool group. An IP local pool can only belong to one IP pool
cIpLocalPoolRowStatus |
. |
This object facilitates the creation, or deletion of a
conceptual row in this table.
cIpLocalPoolGroupName |
. |
A unique group name that identifies the IP pool group. The
null string represents the base IP pool group.
cIpLocalPoolChildIndex |
. |
The value of cIpLocalPoolName for the contained IP local pool.
cIpLocalPoolGroupFreeAddrs |
. |
The number of IP addresses available for use in the IP pool
cIpLocalPoolGroupInUseAddrs |
. |
The number of IP addresses that have been allocated from the
IP pool group.
cIpLocalPoolStatFreeAddrs |
. |
The number of IP addresses available for use in this IP local
cIpLocalPoolStatInUseAddrs |
. |
The number of IP addresses being used in this IP local pool.
cIpLocalPoolStatHiWaterUsedAddrs |
. |
This object contains the high water mark of used addresses
in an IP local pool since pool creation, since the system was
restarted, or since this object was reset, whichever occurred
last. This object can only be set to zero, and by doing so, it
is reset to the value of cIpLocalPoolStatInUseAddrs.
Since the number of addresses in a pool can be reduced (e.g. by
deleting one of its ranges), the value of this object may be
greater than the sum of cIpLocalPoolStatFreeAddrs and
cIpLocalPoolStatInUseAddrThldLo |
. |
When the number of used addresses in an IP local pool falls
below this threshold value, the ciscoIpLocalPoolInUseAddrNoti
notification will be rearmed.
The value of this object should never be greater than the value
of cIpLocalPoolStatInUseAddrThldHi.
cIpLocalPoolStatInUseAddrThldHi |
. |
When the number of used addresses in an IP local pool
is equal or exceeds this threshold value, a
ciscoIpLocalPoolInUseAddrNoti notification will be generated.
Once this notification is generated, it will be disarmed and it
will not be generated again until the number of used address
falls below the value indicated by
The value of this object should never be smaller than the value
of cIpLocalPoolStatInUseAddrThldLo.
cIpLocalPoolAllocAddrType |
. |
This object specifies the address type of
cIpLocalPoolAllocAddr |
. |
This object specifies the allocated IP address. The address
type of this object is described by cIpLocalPoolAllocAddrType.
cIpLocalPoolAllocIfIndex |
. |
This object indicates the interface from which the allocation
message was sent.
In the case that the interface can not be determined, the value
of this object will be zero.
cIpLocalPoolAllocUser |
. |
This object indicates the user name of the person from whom the
allocation message was sent.
In the case that the user name can not be determined, the value
of this object will the null string.
cIpLocalPoolConfigTable |
. |
This table manages the creation, modification, and deletion
of IP local pools using the RowStatus textual convention. An
entry in this table defines an IP address range that is
associated with an IP local pool.
A conceptual row in this table can not be modified while
cIpLocalPoolRowStatus is set to 'active'.
Since IP local pool names are unique even when they belong to
different groups, and addresses within a group can not overlap,
a row in this table is uniquely indexed by the pool name, and by
the low address of the IP local pool together with its address
cIpLocalPoolGroupContainsTable |
. |
A table which exposes the container/'containee' relationships
between local IP pools and IP pool groups.
Entries in this table are created or deleted as a by-product of
creating or deleting entries in the cIpLocalPoolTable.
When an entry is created and activated in the cIpLocalPoolTable
table, an entry in this table will come into existence if it
does not already exist.
When an entry is deleted in the cIpLocalPoolTable table, if
there is no other entry existing in that table with the same
cIpLocalPoolGroupContainedIn and cIpLocalPoolName, the entry in
this table with the respective cIpLocalPoolGroupName and
cIpLocalPoolName indices will be removed.
cIpLocalPoolGroupTable |
. |
This table provides statistics for configured IP pool groups.
Entries in this table are created as the result of adding a new
IP pool group to the cIpLocalPoolConfigTable.
Entries in this table are deleted as the result of removing all
IP local pools that are contained in an IP pool group in the
An entry in this table is uniquely indexed by IP pool group
cIpLocalPoolStatsTable |
. |
A table providing statistics for each IP local pool.
Entries in this table are created as the result of adding a new
IP local pool to the cIpLocalPoolConfigTable.
Entries in this table are deleted as the result of removing all
the address ranges that are contained in an IP local pool in the
Entries in this table are uniquely indexed by the name of the IP
local pool.
cIpLocalPoolAllocTable |
. |
This table lists all addresses that have been allocated out of
an IP local pool.
Entries in this table are created when a remote peer allocates
an address from one of the IP local pools in the
Entries in this table are deleted when a remote peer deallocates
an address from one of the IP local pool in the
Entries in this table are uniquely indexed by the name of the IP
local pool, and the allocated address, together with its address