cipSecMibLevel |
. |
The level of the IPsec MIB.
cikeGlobalActiveTunnels |
. |
The number of currently active IPsec
Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalPreviousTunnels |
. |
The total number of previously active
IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalInOctets |
. |
The total number of octets received by all currently
and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalInPkts |
. |
The total number of packets received by all
currently and previously active IPsec
Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalInDropPkts |
. |
The total number of packets which were
dropped during receive processing by all
currently and previously
active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalInNotifys |
. |
The total number of notifys received by
all currently and previously active IPsec
Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalInP2Exchgs |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges
received by all currently and previously
active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalInP2ExchgInvalids |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges
which were received and found to be invalid
by all currently and previously active IPsec
Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalInP2ExchgRejects |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges
which were received and rejected by all
currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalInP2SaDelRequests |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 security
association delete requests received by all
currently and previously
active and IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalOutOctets |
. |
The total number of octets sent by all currently
and previously active and IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalOutPkts |
. |
The total number of packets sent by all currently
and previously active and IPsec Phase-1
cikeGlobalOutDropPkts |
. |
The total number of packets which were dropped
during send processing by all currently
and previously
active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalOutNotifys |
. |
The total number of notifys sent by all currently
and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalOutP2Exchgs |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges
which were sent by all currently and previously
active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalOutP2ExchgInvalids |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges
which were sent and found to be invalid by
all currently and previously active IPsec Phase-1
cikeGlobalOutP2ExchgRejects |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges
which were sent and rejected by all currently and
previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalOutP2SaDelRequests |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 SA
delete requests sent by all currently and
previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalInitTunnels |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-1 IKE
Tunnels which were locally initiated.
cikeGlobalInitTunnelFails |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels
which were locally initiated and failed to activate.
cikeGlobalRespTunnelFails |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels
which were remotely initiated and failed to activate.
cikeGlobalSysCapFails |
. |
The total number of system capcity failures
which occurred during processing of all current
and previously active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalAuthFails |
. |
The total number of authentications which ended
in failure by all current and previous IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalDecryptFails |
. |
The total number of decryptions which ended
in failure by all current and previous IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalHashValidFails |
. |
The total number of hash validations which ended
in failure by all current and previous IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnels.
cikeGlobalNoSaFails |
. |
The total number of non-existent Security Association
in failures which occurred during processing of
all current and previous IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnels.
cikePeerEntry |
. |
Each entry contains the attributes associated
with an IPsec Phase-1 IKE peer association.
cikeTunnelEntry |
. |
Each entry contains the attributes associated with
an active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikePeerCorrEntry |
. |
Each entry contains the attributes of an
IPsec Phase-1 IKE Peer Association to IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnel Correlation.
cipSecGlobalActiveTunnels |
. |
The total number of currently active
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalPreviousTunnels |
. |
The total number of previously active
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalInOctets |
. |
The total number of octets received by all
current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
This value is
accumulated BEFORE determining whether or not
the packet should be decompressed. See also
cipSecGlobalInOctWraps for the number of times
this counter has wrapped.
cipSecGlobalHcInOctets |
. |
A high capacity count of the total number of
octets received by all current and previous
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. This value is accumulated
BEFORE determining whether or not the packet
should be decompressed.
cipSecGlobalInOctWraps |
. |
The number of times the global octets received
counter (cipSecGlobalInOctets) has wrapped.
cipSecGlobalInDecompOctets |
. |
The total number of decompressed octets received
by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
This value is accumulated AFTER the packet is
decompressed. If compression is not being used,
this value will match the value of cipSecGlobalInOctets.
See also cipSecGlobalInDecompOctWraps
for the number of times this counter has wrapped.
cipSecGlobalHcInDecompOctets |
. |
A high capacity count of the total number
of decompressed octets received by all current
and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. This value
is accumulated AFTER the packet is decompressed.
If compression is not being used, this value
will match the value of cipSecGlobalHcInOctets.
cipSecGlobalInDecompOctWraps |
. |
The number of times the global decompressed
octets received counter
(cipSecGlobalInDecompOctets) has wrapped.
cipSecGlobalInPkts |
. |
The total number of packets received
by all current and previous
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalInDrops |
. |
The total number of packets dropped
during receive processing by all current and previous
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. This count does
NOT include packets dropped due to
Anti-Replay processing.
cipSecGlobalInReplayDrops |
. |
The total number of packets dropped during
receive processing due to Anti-Replay
processing by all current and previous IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalInAuths |
. |
The total number of inbound authentication's
performed by all current and previous IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalInAuthFails |
. |
The total number of inbound authentication's
which ended in failure by all current and previous
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalInDecrypts |
. |
The total number of inbound decryption's
performed by all current and previous IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalInDecryptFails |
. |
The total number of inbound decryption's
which ended in failure by all current and
previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalOutOctets |
. |
The total number of octets sent by all
current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
This value is accumulated AFTER determining
whether or not the packet should be compressed.
See also cipSecGlobalOutOctWraps for the
number of times this counter has wrapped.
cipSecGlobalHcOutOctets |
. |
A high capacity count of the total number
of octets sent by all current and previous
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. This value is accumulated
AFTER determining whether or not the packet should
be compressed.
cipSecGlobalOutOctWraps |
. |
The number of times the global octets sent counter
(cipSecGlobalOutOctets) has wrapped.
cipSecGlobalOutUncompOctets |
. |
The total number of uncompressed octets sent
by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
This value is accumulated BEFORE the packet is
compressed. If compression is not being used, this
value will match the value of cipSecGlobalOutOctets.
See also cipSecGlobalOutDecompOctWraps for the number
of times this counter has wrapped.
cipSecGlobalHcOutUncompOctets |
. |
A high capacity count of the total number of
uncompressed octets sent by all current and previous
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels. This value is accumulated
BEFORE the packet is compressed. If compression is
not being used, this value will match the
value of cipSecGlobalHcOutOctets.
cipSecGlobalOutUncompOctWraps |
. |
The number of times the global uncompressed
octets sent counter (cipSecGlobalOutUncompOctets)
has wrapped.
cipSecGlobalOutPkts |
. |
The total number of packets sent by all
current and previous
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalOutDrops |
. |
The total number of packets dropped during send
processing by all current and previous IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalOutAuths |
. |
The total number of outbound authentication's
performed by all current and previous IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalOutAuthFails |
. |
The total number of outbound authentication's
which ended in failure
by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalOutEncrypts |
. |
The total number of outbound encryption's performed
by all current and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalOutEncryptFails |
. |
The total number of outbound encryption's
which ended in failure by all current and
previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalProtocolUseFails |
. |
The total number of protocol use failures
which occurred during processing of all current
and previously active IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalNoSaFails |
. |
The total number of non-existent
Security Assocication in failures which occurred
during processing of all current
and previous IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecGlobalSysCapFails |
. |
The total number of system capacity failures
which occurred during processing of all current
and previously active IPsec Phase-2 Tunnels.
cipSecTunnelEntry |
. |
Each entry contains the attributes
associated with an active IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecEndPtEntry |
. |
An IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel Endpoint entry.
cipSecSpiEntry |
. |
Each entry contains the attributes associated with
active and expiring IPsec Phase-2
security associations.
cipSecHistTableSize |
. |
The window size of the IPsec Phase-1 and Phase-2
History Tables.
The IPsec Phase-1 and Phase-2 History Tables are
implemented as a sliding window in which only the
last n entries are maintained. This object is used
specify the number of entries which will be
maintained in the IPsec Phase-1 and
Phase-2 History Tables.
An implementation may choose suitable minimum and
maximum values for this element based on the local
policy and available resources. If an SNMP SET request
specifies a value outside this window for this element,
a BAD VALUE may be returned.
cipSecHistCheckPoint |
. |
The current state of check point processing.
This object will return ready when the agent is
ready to create on-demand history entries for
active IPsec Tunnels or checkPoint when the
agent is currently creating on-demand history
entries for active IPsec Tunnels.
By setting this value to checkPoint, the agent
will create:
a) an entry in the IPsec Phase-1 Tunnel History
for each active IPsec Phase-1 Tunnel and
b) an entry in the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel History
Table and an entry in the IPsec Phase-2
Tunnel EndPoint History Table
for each active IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cikeTunnelHistEntry |
. |
Each entry contains the attributes
associated with a previously active IPsec
Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cipSecTunnelHistEntry |
. |
Each entry contains the attributes associated with
a previously active IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecEndPtHistEntry |
. |
Each entry contains the attributes associated with
a previously active IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel Endpoint.
cipSecFailTableSize |
. |
The window size of the IPsec Phase-1 and Phase-2
Failure Tables.
The IPsec Phase-1 and Phase-2 Failure Tables are
implemented as a sliding window in which only the
last n entries are maintained. This object is used
specify the number of entries which will be
maintained in the IPsec Phase-1 and Phase-2 Failure
An implementation may choose suitable minimum and
maximum values for this element based on the local
policy and available resources. If an SNMP SET request
specifies a value outside this window for this element,
a BAD VALUE may be returned.
cikeFailEntry |
. |
Each entry contains the attributes associated
an IPsec Phase-1 failure.
cipSecFailEntry |
. |
Each entry contains the attributes associated with
an IPsec Phase-1 failure.
cipSecTrapCntlIkeTunnelStart |
. |
This object defines the administrative state of
sending the IPsec IKE Phase-1 Tunnel Start TRAP
cipSecTrapCntlIkeTunnelStop |
. |
This object defines the administrative state
of sending the
IPsec IKE Phase-1 Tunnel Stop TRAP
cipSecTrapCntlIkeSysFailure |
. |
This object defines the administrative state
of sending the
IPsec IKE Phase-1 System Failure TRAP
cipSecTrapCntlIkeCertCrlFailure |
. |
This object defines the administrative
state of sending the
IPsec IKE Phase-1 Certificate/CRL Failure TRAP
cipSecTrapCntlIkeProtocolFail |
. |
This object defines the administrative
state of sending the
IPsec IKE Phase-1 Protocol Failure TRAP
cipSecTrapCntlIkeNoSa |
. |
This object defines the administrative
state of sending the
IPsec IKE Phase-1 No Security Association TRAP
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecTunnelStart |
. |
This object defines the administrative state
of sending the IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnel Start TRAP
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecTunnelStop |
. |
This object defines the administrative
state of sending the IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnel Stop TRAP
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecSysFailure |
. |
This object defines the administrative state
of sending the IPsec
Phase-2 System Failure TRAP
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecSetUpFailure |
. |
This object defines the administrative state
of sending the IPsec
Phase-2 Set Up Failure TRAP
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecEarlyTunTerm |
. |
This object defines the administrative state
of sending the IPsec
Phase-2 Early Tunnel Termination TRAP
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecProtocolFail |
. |
This object defines the administrative state
of sending the IPsec
Phase-2 Protocol Failure TRAP
cipSecTrapCntlIpSecNoSa |
. |
This object defines the administrative state
of sending the IPsec
Phase-2 No Security Association TRAP
cikePeerLocalType |
. |
The type of local peer identity. The local peer
may be identified by:
1. an IP address, or
2. a host name.
cikePeerLocalValue |
. |
The value of the local peer identity.
If the local peer type is an IP Address, then this
is the IP Address used to identify the local peer.
If the local peer type is a host name, then this is
the host name used to identify the local peer.
cikePeerRemoteType |
. |
The type of remote peer identity. The remote peer
may be identified by:
1. an IP address, or
2. a host name.
cikePeerRemoteValue |
. |
The value of the remote peer identity.
If the remote peer type is an IP Address, then this
is the IP Address used to identify the remote peer.
If the remote peer type is a host name, then this is
the host name used to identify the remote peer.
cikePeerIntIndex |
. |
The internal index of the local-remote
peer association. This internal index is used
to uniquely identify multiple associations between
the local and remote peer.
cikePeerLocalAddr |
. |
The IP address of the local peer.
cikePeerRemoteAddr |
. |
The IP address of the remote peer.
cikePeerActiveTime |
. |
The length of time that the peer association has
existed in hundredths of a second.
cikePeerActiveTunnelIndex |
. |
The index of the active IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel
(cikeTunIndex in the cikeTunnelTable) for this peer
association. If an IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel is
not currently active, then the value of this
object will be zero.
cikeTunIndex |
. |
The index of the IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel Table.
The value of the index is a number which begins
at one and is incremented with each tunnel that
is created. The value of this object will
wrap at 2,147,483,647.
cikeTunLocalType |
. |
The type of local peer identity. The local
peer may be identified by:
1. an IP address, or
2. a host name.
cikeTunLocalValue |
. |
The value of the local peer identity.
If the local peer type is an IP Address, then this
is the IP Address used to identify the local peer.
If the local peer type is a host name, then this is
the host name used to identify the local peer.
cikeTunLocalAddr |
. |
The IP address of the local endpoint for the IPsec
Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunLocalName |
. |
The DNS name of the local IP address for
the IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. If the DNS
name associated with the local tunnel endpoint
is not known, then the value of this
object will be a NULL string.
cikeTunRemoteType |
. |
The type of remote peer identity.
The remote peer may be identified by:
1. an IP address, or
2. a host name.
cikeTunRemoteValue |
. |
The value of the remote peer identity.
If the remote peer type is an IP Address, then this
is the IP Address used to identify the remote peer.
If the remote peer type is a host name, then
this is the host name used to identify the
remote peer.
cikeTunRemoteAddr |
. |
The IP address of the remote endpoint for the IPsec
Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunRemoteName |
. |
The DNS name of the remote IP address of IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnel. If the DNS name associated with the remote
tunnel endpoint is not known, then the value of this
object will be a NULL string.
cikeTunNegoMode |
. |
The negotiation mode of the IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunDiffHellmanGrp |
. |
The Diffie Hellman Group used in IPsec Phase-1 IKE
cikeTunEncryptAlgo |
. |
The encryption algorithm used in IPsec Phase-1 IKE
cikeTunHashAlgo |
. |
The hash algorithm used in IPsec Phase-1 IKE
cikeTunAuthMethod |
. |
The authentication method used in IPsec Phase-1 IKE
cikeTunLifeTime |
. |
The negotiated LifeTime of the IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel
in seconds.
cikeTunActiveTime |
. |
The length of time the IPsec Phase-1 IKE tunnel has been
active in hundredths of seconds.
cikeTunSaRefreshThreshold |
. |
The security assoication refresh threshold in seconds.
cikeTunTotalRefreshes |
. |
The total number of security associations
refreshes performed.
cikeTunInOctets |
. |
The total number of octets received by
this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunInPkts |
. |
The total number of packets received by
this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunInDropPkts |
. |
The total number of packets dropped
by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel during
receive processing.
cikeTunInNotifys |
. |
The total number of notifys received by
this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunInP2Exchgs |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2
exchanges received by
this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunInP2ExchgInvalids |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2
exchanges received and found to be invalid
by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunInP2ExchgRejects |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges
received and rejected by this IPsec Phase-1
cikeTunInP2SaDelRequests |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2
security association delete requests received
by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunOutOctets |
. |
The total number of octets sent by this IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunOutPkts |
. |
The total number of packets sent by this IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunOutDropPkts |
. |
The total number of packets dropped by this
IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel during send processing.
cikeTunOutNotifys |
. |
The total number of notifys sent by this
IPsec Phase-1 Tunnel.
cikeTunOutP2Exchgs |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges sent by
this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunOutP2ExchgInvalids |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges sent and
found to be invalid by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunOutP2ExchgRejects |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges sent and
rejected by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunOutP2SaDelRequests |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 security association
delete requests sent by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunStatus |
. |
The status of the MIB table row.
This object can be used to bring the tunnel down
by setting value of this object to destroy(2).
This object cannot be used to create
a MIB table row.
cikePeerCorrLocalType |
. |
The type of local peer identity. The local peer
may be identified by:
1. an IP address, or
2. a host name.
cikePeerCorrLocalValue |
. |
The value of the local peer identity.
If the local peer type is an IP Address, then this
is the IP Address used to identify the local peer.
If the local peer type is a host name, then this is
the host name used to identify the local peer.
cikePeerCorrRemoteType |
. |
The type of remote peer identity. The remote peer
may be identified by:
1. an IP address, or
2. a host name.
cikePeerCorrRemoteValue |
. |
The value of the remote peer identity.
If the remote peer type is an IP Address, then this
is the IP Address used to identify the remote peer.
If the remote peer type is a host name, then this is
the host name used to identify the remote peer.
cikePeerCorrIntIndex |
. |
The internal index of the local-remote
peer association. This internal index is
used to uniquely identify multiple associations
between the local and remote peer.
cikePeerCorrSeqNum |
. |
The sequence number of the local-remote
peer association. This sequence number is
used to uniquely identify multiple instances
of an unique association between
the local and remote peer.
cikePeerCorrIpSecTunIndex |
. |
The index of the active IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel
(cipSecTunIndex in the cipSecTunnelTable) for this
IPsec Phase-1 IKE Peer Association.
cipSecTunIndex |
. |
The index of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel Table.
The value of the index is a number which begins
at one and is incremented with each tunnel that
is created. The value of this object will wrap
at 2,147,483,647.
cipSecTunIkeTunnelIndex |
. |
The index of the associated IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnel.
(cikeTunIndex in the cikeTunnelTable)
cipSecTunIkeTunnelAlive |
. |
An indicator which specifies whether or not the
IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel currently exists.
cipSecTunLocalAddr |
. |
The IP address of the local endpoint for the IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunRemoteAddr |
. |
The IP address of the remote endpoint for the IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunKeyType |
. |
The type of key used by the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunEncapMode |
. |
The encapsulation mode used by the
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunLifeSize |
. |
The negotiated LifeSize of the
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel in kilobytes.
cipSecTunLifeTime |
. |
The negotiated LifeTime of the
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel in seconds.
cipSecTunActiveTime |
. |
The length of time the IPsec Phase-2
Tunnel has been
active in hundredths of seconds.
cipSecTunSaLifeSizeThreshold |
. |
The security association LifeSize refresh
threshold in kilobytes.
cipSecTunSaLifeTimeThreshold |
. |
The security association LifeTime refresh
threshold in seconds.
cipSecTunTotalRefreshes |
. |
The total number of security
association refreshes performed.
cipSecTunExpiredSaInstances |
. |
The total number of security associations
which have expired.
cipSecTunCurrentSaInstances |
. |
The number of security associations
which are currently active or expiring.
cipSecTunInSaDiffHellmanGrp |
. |
The Diffie Hellman Group used
by the inbound security association of the
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunInSaEncryptAlgo |
. |
The encryption algorithm used by the inbound security
association of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunInSaAhAuthAlgo |
. |
The authentication algorithm used by the inbound
authentication header (AH) security association of
the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunInSaEspAuthAlgo |
. |
The authentication algorithm used by the inbound
ecapsulation security protocol (ESP) security
association of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunInSaDecompAlgo |
. |
The decompression algorithm used by the inbound
security association of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunOutSaDiffHellmanGrp |
. |
The Diffie Hellman Group used by the outbound security
association of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunOutSaEncryptAlgo |
. |
The encryption algorithm used by the outbound security
association of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunOutSaAhAuthAlgo |
. |
The authentication algorithm used by the outbound
authentication header (AH) security association of
the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunOutSaEspAuthAlgo |
. |
The authentication algorithm used by the inbound
encapsulation security protocol (ESP)
security association of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunOutSaCompAlgo |
. |
The compression algorithm used by the inbound
security association of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunInOctets |
. |
The total number of octets received by this IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is accumulated
BEFORE determining whether or not the packet should be
decompressed. See also cipSecTunInOctWraps for the
number of times this counter has wrapped.
cipSecTunHcInOctets |
. |
A high capacity count of the total number of octets
received by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is
accumulated BEFORE determining whether or not the packet
should be decompressed.
cipSecTunInOctWraps |
. |
The number of times the octets received counter
(cipSecTunInOctets) has wrapped.
cipSecTunInDecompOctets |
. |
The total number of decompressed octets received
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is
accumulated AFTER the packet is decompressed.
If compression is not being
used, this value will match the value of
cipSecTunInOctets. See also cipSecTunInDecompOctWraps
for the number of times
this counter has wrapped.
cipSecTunHcInDecompOctets |
. |
A high capacity count of the total number of decompressed
octets received by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. This value
is accumulated AFTER the packet is decompressed. If
compression is not being used, this value will match the
value of cipSecTunHcInOctets.
cipSecTunInDecompOctWraps |
. |
The number of times the decompressed
octets received counter
(cipSecTunInDecompOctets) has wrapped.
cipSecTunInPkts |
. |
The total number of packets received
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunInDropPkts |
. |
The total number of packets dropped
during receive processing by this IPsec Phase-2
Tunnel. This count does NOT include
packets dropped due to Anti-Replay processing.
cipSecTunInReplayDropPkts |
. |
The total number of packets dropped during
receive processing due to Anti-Replay processing
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunInAuths |
. |
The total number of inbound
authentication's performed by this
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunInAuthFails |
. |
The total number of inbound authentication's
which ended in
failure by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel .
cipSecTunInDecrypts |
. |
The total number of inbound decryption's performed
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunInDecryptFails |
. |
The total number of inbound decryption's
which ended in failure
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunOutOctets |
. |
The total number of octets sent by this IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is accumulated
AFTER determining whether or not the packet should
be compressed. See also cipSecTunOutOctWraps for
the number of times this counter has wrapped.
cipSecTunHcOutOctets |
. |
A high capacity count of the total number of octets
sent by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is
accumulated AFTER determining whether or not the
should be compressed.
cipSecTunOutOctWraps |
. |
The number of times the out octets counter
(cipSecTunOutOctets) has wrapped.
cipSecTunOutUncompOctets |
. |
The total number of uncompressed octets sent
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. This value
is accumulated BEFORE the packet is compressed.
If compression is not being used, this value
will match the value of cipSecTunOutOctets.
See also cipSecTunOutDecompOctWraps for the
number of times this counter has wrapped.
cipSecTunHcOutUncompOctets |
. |
A high capacity count of the total number
of uncompressed octets sent by this IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is accumulated BEFORE
the packet is compressed. If compression
is not being used, this value will match the value
of cipSecTunHcOutOctets.
cipSecTunOutUncompOctWraps |
. |
The number of times the uncompressed octets sent
counter (cipSecTunOutUncompOctets) has wrapped.
cipSecTunOutPkts |
. |
The total number of packets sent by this
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunOutDropPkts |
. |
The total number of packets dropped during
send processing by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunOutAuths |
. |
The total number of outbound authentication's performed
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunOutAuthFails |
. |
The total number of outbound
authentication's which ended in failure
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunOutEncrypts |
. |
The total number of outbound encryption's performed
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunOutEncryptFails |
. |
The total number of outbound encryption's
which ended in failure by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunStatus |
. |
The status of the MIB table row.
This object can be used to bring the tunnel down
by setting value of this object to destroy(2).
When the value is set to destroy(2), the SA
bundle is destroyed and this row is deleted
from this table.
When this MIB value is queried, the value of
active(1) is always returned, if the instance
This object cannot be used to create a MIB
table row.
cipSecEndPtIndex |
. |
The number of the Endpoint associated with the
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel Table. The value of this
index is a number which begins at one and
is incremented with each Endpoint associated
with an IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
The value of this object will wrap at 2,147,483,647.
cipSecEndPtLocalName |
. |
The DNS name of the local Endpoint.
cipSecEndPtLocalType |
. |
The type of identity for the local Endpoint.
Possible values are:
1) a single IP address, or
2) an IP address range, or
3) an IP subnet.
cipSecEndPtLocalAddr1 |
. |
The local Endpoint's first IP address specification.
If the local Endpoint type is single IP address,
then this is the value of the IP address.
If the local Endpoint type is IP subnet, then this
is the value of the subnet.
If the local Endpoint type is IP address range,
then this is the value of beginning IP address
of the range.
cipSecEndPtLocalAddr2 |
. |
The local Endpoint's second IP address specification.
If the local Endpoint type is single IP address,
then this is the value of the IP address.
If the local Endpoint type is IP subnet, then this
is the value of the subnet mask.
If the local Endpoint type is IP address range,
then this is the value of ending IP address
of the range.
cipSecEndPtLocalProtocol |
. |
The protocol number of the local Endpoint's traffic.
cipSecEndPtLocalPort |
. |
The port number of the local Endpoint's traffic.
cipSecEndPtRemoteName |
. |
The DNS name of the remote Endpoint.
cipSecEndPtRemoteType |
. |
The type of identity for the remote Endpoint.
Possible values are:
1) a single IP address, or
2) an IP address range, or
3) an IP subnet.
cipSecEndPtRemoteAddr1 |
. |
The remote Endpoint's first IP address specification.
If the remote Endpoint type is single IP address,
then this is the value of the IP address.
If the remote Endpoint type is IP subnet, then this
is the value of the subnet.
If the remote Endpoint type is IP address range,
then this is the value of beginning IP address
of the range.
cipSecEndPtRemoteAddr2 |
. |
The remote Endpoint's second IP address specification.
If the remote Endpoint type is single IP address,
then this is the value of the IP address.
If the remote Endpoint type is IP subnet, then this
is the value of the subnet mask.
If the remote Endpoint type is IP address range,
then this is the value of ending IP address of
the range.
cipSecEndPtRemoteProtocol |
. |
The protocol number of the remote Endpoint's traffic.
cipSecEndPtRemotePort |
. |
The port number of the remote Endpoint's traffic.
cipSecSpiIndex |
. |
The number of the SPI associated with the
Phase-2 Tunnel Table. The value of this
index is a number which begins at one and is
incremented with each SPI associated with an
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. The value of this
object will wrap at 2,147,483,647.
cipSecSpiDirection |
. |
The direction of the SPI.
cipSecSpiValue |
. |
The value of the SPI.
cipSecSpiProtocol |
. |
The protocol of the SPI.
cipSecSpiStatus |
. |
The status of the SPI.
cikeTunHistIndex |
. |
The index of the IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel History
Table. The value of the index is a number which
begins at one and is incremented with each
tunnel that ends. The value of this object
will wrap at 2,147,483,647.
cikeTunHistTermReason |
. |
The reason the IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel was terminated.
Possible reasons include:
1 = other
2 = normal termination
3 = operator request
4 = peer delete request was received
5 = contact with peer was lost
6 = local failure occurred.
7 = operator initiated check point request
cikeTunHistActiveIndex |
. |
The index of the previously active IPsec
Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistPeerLocalType |
. |
The type of local peer identity. The local peer
may be indentified by:
1. an IP address, or
2. a host name.
cikeTunHistPeerLocalValue |
. |
The value of the local peer identity.
If the local peer type is an IP Address, then this
is the IP Address used to identify the local peer.
If the local peer type is a host name, then this is
the host name used to identify the local peer.
cikeTunHistPeerIntIndex |
. |
The internal index of the local-remote peer
association. This internal index is used to
uniquely identify multiple associations between
the local and remote peer.
cikeTunHistPeerRemoteType |
. |
The type of remote peer identity. The remote
peer may be indentified by:
1. an IP address, or
2. a host name.
cikeTunHistPeerRemoteValue |
. |
The value of the remote peer identity.
If the remote peer type is an IP Address, then this
is the IP Address used to identify the remote peer.
If the remote peer type is a host name, then this is
the host name used to identify the remote peer.
cikeTunHistLocalAddr |
. |
The IP address of the local endpoint for the IPsec
Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistLocalName |
. |
The DNS name of the local IP address for
the IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel. If the DNS
name associated with the local tunnel endpoint
is not known, then the value of this
object will be a NULL string.
cikeTunHistRemoteAddr |
. |
The IP address of the remote endpoint for the IPsec
Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistRemoteName |
. |
The DNS name of the remote IP address of IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnel. If the DNS name associated with the remote
tunnel endpoint is not known, then the value of this
object will be a NULL string.
cikeTunHistNegoMode |
. |
The negotiation mode of the IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistDiffHellmanGrp |
. |
The Diffie Hellman Group used in IPsec Phase-1 IKE
cikeTunHistEncryptAlgo |
. |
The encryption algorithm used in IPsec Phase-1 IKE
cikeTunHistHashAlgo |
. |
The hash algorithm used in IPsec Phase-1 IKE
cikeTunHistAuthMethod |
. |
The authentication method used in IPsec Phase-1 IKE
cikeTunHistLifeTime |
. |
The negotiated LifeTime of the IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel
in seconds.
cikeTunHistStartTime |
. |
The value of sysUpTime in hundredths of seconds
when the IPsec Phase-1 IKE tunnel was started.
cikeTunHistActiveTime |
. |
The length of time the IPsec Phase-1 IKE tunnel was been
active in hundredths of seconds.
cikeTunHistTotalRefreshes |
. |
The total number of security associations
refreshes performed.
cikeTunHistTotalSas |
. |
The total number of security associations
used during the
life of the IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistInOctets |
. |
The total number of octets
received by this IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistInPkts |
. |
The total number of packets received
by this IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistInDropPkts |
. |
The total number of packets dropped
by this IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnel during receive processing.
cikeTunHistInNotifys |
. |
The total number of notifys received
by this IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistInP2Exchgs |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2
exchanges received by
this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistInP2ExchgInvalids |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2
exchanges received and
found to be invalid by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistInP2ExchgRejects |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2
exchanges received and
rejected by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistInP2SaDelRequests |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 security association
delete requests received by this IPsec
Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistOutOctets |
. |
The total number of octets sent by this IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistOutPkts |
. |
The total number of packets sent by this IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistOutDropPkts |
. |
The total number of packets dropped
by this IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnel during send processing.
cikeTunHistOutNotifys |
. |
The total number of notifys sent by this IPsec Phase-1
IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistOutP2Exchgs |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges sent by
this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistOutP2ExchgInvalids |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges sent and
found to be invalid by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistOutP2ExchgRejects |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 exchanges sent and
rejected by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cikeTunHistOutP2SaDelRequests |
. |
The total number of IPsec Phase-2 security association
delete requests sent by this IPsec Phase-1 IKE Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistIndex |
. |
The index of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel History Table.
The value of the index is a number which
begins at one and is incremented with each tunnel
that ends. The value
of this object will wrap at 2,147,483,647.
cipSecTunHistTermReason |
. |
The reason the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel was terminated.
Possible reasons include:
1 = other
2 = normal termination
3 = operator request
4 = peer delete request was received
5 = contact with peer was lost
6 = local failure occurred
7 = operator initiated check point request
cipSecTunHistActiveIndex |
. |
The index of the previously active
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistIkeTunnelIndex |
. |
The index of the associated IPsec Phase-1 Tunnel
(cikeTunIndex in the cikeTunnelTable).
cipSecTunHistLocalAddr |
. |
The IP address of the local endpoint for the IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistRemoteAddr |
. |
The IP address of the remote endpoint for the IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistKeyType |
. |
The type of key used by the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistEncapMode |
. |
The encapsulation mode used by the
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistLifeSize |
. |
The negotiated LifeSize of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel in
cipSecTunHistLifeTime |
. |
The negotiated LifeTime of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel in
cipSecTunHistStartTime |
. |
The value of sysUpTime in hundredths of seconds
when the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel was started.
cipSecTunHistActiveTime |
. |
The length of time the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel has been
active in hundredths of seconds.
cipSecTunHistTotalRefreshes |
. |
The total number of security association refreshes
cipSecTunHistTotalSas |
. |
The total number of security associations used
during the
life of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistInSaDiffHellmanGrp |
. |
The Diffie Hellman Group used by the inbound security
association of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistInSaEncryptAlgo |
. |
The encryption algorithm used by the inbound security
association of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistInSaAhAuthAlgo |
. |
The authentication algorithm used by the inbound
authentication header (AH) security association of
the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistInSaEspAuthAlgo |
. |
The authentication algorithm used by the inbound
encapsulation security protocol (ESP)
security association of
the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistInSaDecompAlgo |
. |
The decompression algorithm used by the inbound
security association of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistOutSaDiffHellmanGrp |
. |
The Diffie Hellman Group used by the outbound security
association of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistOutSaEncryptAlgo |
. |
The encryption algorithm used by the outbound security
association of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistOutSaAhAuthAlgo |
. |
The authentication algorithm used by the outbound
authentication header (AH) security association of
the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistOutSaEspAuthAlgo |
. |
The authentication algorithm used by the inbound
ecapsulation security protocol (ESP)
security association of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistOutSaCompAlgo |
. |
The compression algorithm used by the inbound
security association of the IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistInOctets |
. |
The total number of octets received by this IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is accumulated
BEFORE determining whether or not the packet should
be decompressed. See also cipSecTunInOctWraps for
the number of times this counter has wrapped.
cipSecTunHistHcInOctets |
. |
A high capacity count of the total number of octets
received by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is
accumulated BEFORE determining whether or not
the packet should be decompressed.
cipSecTunHistInOctWraps |
. |
The number of times the octets received counter
(cipSecTunInOctets) has wrapped.
cipSecTunHistInDecompOctets |
. |
The total number of decompressed octets received by this
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is accumulated AFTER
the packet is decompressed. If compression is not being
used, this value will match the value of cipSecTunInOctets.
See also cipSecTunInDecompOctWraps for the number of times
this counter has wrapped.
cipSecTunHistHcInDecompOctets |
. |
A high capacity count of the total number of decompressed
octets received by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. This value
is accumulated AFTER the packet is decompressed. If
compression is not being used, this value will match the
value of cipSecTunHcInOctets.
cipSecTunHistInDecompOctWraps |
. |
The number of times the decompressed octets
received counter (cipSecTunInDecompOctets) has wrapped.
cipSecTunHistInPkts |
. |
The total number of packets received by this
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistInDropPkts |
. |
The total number of packets dropped during
receive processing by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
This count does NOT include packets
dropped due to Anti-Replay processing.
cipSecTunHistInReplayDropPkts |
. |
The total number of packets dropped during
receive processing due to Anti-Replay processing
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistInAuths |
. |
The total number of inbound authentication's
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistInAuthFails |
. |
The total number of inbound authentication's
which ended in
failure by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel .
cipSecTunHistInDecrypts |
. |
The total number of inbound decryption's performed
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistInDecryptFails |
. |
The total number of inbound decryption's
which ended in failure
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistOutOctets |
. |
The total number of octets sent by this IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is accumulated
AFTER determining whether or not the
packet should be
compressed. See also cipSecTunOutOctWraps for the
number of times this counter has wrapped.
cipSecTunHistHcOutOctets |
. |
A high capacity count of the total number of octets
sent by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. This value
is accumulated AFTER determining whether or not
the packet should be
cipSecTunHistOutOctWraps |
. |
The number of times the octets sent counter
(cipSecTunOutOctets) has wrapped.
cipSecTunHistOutUncompOctets |
. |
The total number of uncompressed octets sent by this
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is accumulated BEFORE
the packet is compressed. If compression is not being
used, this value will match the value of
cipSecTunOutOctets. See also
cipSecTunOutDecompOctWraps for the number of times
this counter has wrapped.
cipSecTunHistHcOutUncompOctets |
. |
A high capacity count of the total
number of uncompressed octets sent by this
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel. This value is accumulated
BEFORE the packet is compressed. If compression
is not being used, this value will match the value of
cipSecTunHistOutUncompOctWraps |
. |
The number of times the uncompressed octets sent counter
(cipSecTunOutUncompOctets) has wrapped.
cipSecTunHistOutPkts |
. |
The total number of packets sent by this
IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistOutDropPkts |
. |
The total number of packets dropped
during send processing
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistOutAuths |
. |
The total number of outbound authentication's performed
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistOutAuthFails |
. |
The total number of outbound authentication's
which ended in
failure by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistOutEncrypts |
. |
The total number of outbound encryption's performed
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecTunHistOutEncryptFails |
. |
The total number of outbound encryption's
which ended in failure
by this IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
cipSecEndPtHistIndex |
. |
The number of the previously active
Endpoint associated
with a IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel Table. The value
of this index is a number which begins at
one and is incremented with each Endpoint
associated with an IPsec Phase-2 Tunnel.
The value of this object will wrap at 2,147,483,647.
cipSecEndPtHistTunIndex |
. |
The index of the previously active IPsec
Phase-2 Tunnel Table.
cipSecEndPtHistActiveIndex |
. |
The index of the previously active Endpoint.
cipSecEndPtHistLocalName |
. |
The DNS name of the local Endpoint.
cipSecEndPtHistLocalType |
. |
The type of identity for the local Endpoint.
Possible values are:
1) a single IP address, or
2) an IP address range, or
3) an IP subnet.
cipSecEndPtHistLocalAddr1 |
. |
The local Endpoint's first IP address specification.
If the local Endpoint type is single IP address,
then this is the value of the IP address.
If the local Endpoint type is IP subnet, then this
is the value of the subnet.
If the local Endpoint type is IP address range,
then this is the value of beginning IP address of
the range.
cipSecEndPtHistLocalAddr2 |
. |
The local Endpoint's second IP address specification.
If the local Endpoint type is single IP address,
then this is the value of the IP address.
If the local Endpoint type is IP subnet, then this
is the value of the subnet mask.
If the local Endpoint type is IP address range,
then this
is the value of ending IP address of the range.
cipSecEndPtHistLocalProtocol |
. |
The protocol number of the local Endpoint's traffic.
cipSecEndPtHistLocalPort |
. |
The port number of the local Endpoint's traffic.
cipSecEndPtHistRemoteName |
. |
The DNS name of the remote Endpoint.
cipSecEndPtHistRemoteType |
. |
The type of identity for the remote Endpoint.
Possible values are:
1) a single IP address, or
2) an IP address range, or
3) an IP subnet.
cipSecEndPtHistRemoteAddr1 |
. |
The remote Endpoint's first IP address specification.
If the remote Endpoint type is single IP address,
then this
is the value of the IP address.
If the remote Endpoint type is IP subnet, then this
is the value of the subnet.
If the remote Endpoint type is IP address range,
then this
is the value of beginning IP address of the range.
cipSecEndPtHistRemoteAddr2 |
. |
The remote Endpoint's second IP address specification.
If the remote Endpoint type is single IP address,
then this
is the value of the IP address.
If the remote Endpoint type is IP subnet, then this
is the value of the subnet mask.
If the remote Endpoint type is IP address range,
then this
is the value of ending IP address of the range.
cipSecEndPtHistRemoteProtocol |
. |
The protocol number of the remote Endpoint's traffic.
cipSecEndPtHistRemotePort |
. |
The port number of the remote Endpoint's traffic.
cikeFailIndex |
. |
The IPsec Phase-1 Failure Table index.
The value of the index is a number which
begins at one and is incremented with each
IPsec Phase-1 failure. The value
of this object will wrap at 2,147,483,647.
cikeFailReason |
. |
The reason for the failure. Possible reasons include:
1 = other
2 = peer delete request was received
3 = contact with peer was lost
4 = local failure occurred
5 = authentication failure
6 = hash validation failure
7 = encryption failure
8 = internal error occurred
9 = system capacity failure
10 = proposal failure
11 = peer's certificate is unavailable
12 = peer's certificate was found invalid
13 = local certificate expired
14 = certificate revoke list (crl) failure
15 = peer encoding error
16 = non-existent security association
17 = operator requested termination.
cikeFailTime |
. |
The value of sysUpTime in hundredths of seconds
at the time of the failure.
cikeFailLocalType |
. |
The type of local peer identity. The local peer
may be indentified by:
1. an IP address, or
2. a host name.
cikeFailLocalValue |
. |
The value of the local peer identity.
If the local peer type is an IP Address, then this
is the IP Address used to identify the local peer.
If the local peer type is a host name, then this is
the host name used to identify the local peer.
cikeFailRemoteType |
. |
The type of remote peer identity. The remote
peer may be identified by:
1. an IP address, or
2. a host name.
cikeFailRemoteValue |
. |
The value of the remote peer identity.
If the remote peer type is an IP Address, then this
is the IP Address used to identify the remote peer.
If the remote peer type is a host name, then this is
the host name used to identify the remote peer.
cikeFailLocalAddr |
. |
The IP address of the local peer.
cikeFailRemoteAddr |
. |
The IP address of the remote peer.
cipSecFailIndex |
. |
The IPsec Phase-2 Failure Table index.
The value of the index is a number which
begins at one and is incremented with each
IPsec Phase-1 failure. The value
of this object will wrap at 2,147,483,647.
cipSecFailReason |
. |
The reason for the failure. Possible reasons
1 = other
2 = internal error occurred
3 = peer encoding error
4 = proposal failure
5 = protocol use failure
6 = non-existent security association
7 = decryption failure
8 = encryption failure
9 = inbound authentication failure
10 = outbound authentication failure
11 = compression failure
12 = system capacity failure
13 = peer delete request was received
14 = contact with peer was lost
15 = sequence number rolled over
16 = operator requested termination.
cipSecFailTime |
. |
The value of sysUpTime in hundredths of seconds
at the time of the failure.
cipSecFailTunnelIndex |
. |
The Phase-2 Tunnel index (cipSecTunIndex).
cipSecFailSaSpi |
. |
The security association SPI value.
cipSecFailPktSrcAddr |
. |
The packet's source IP address.
cipSecFailPktDstAddr |
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The packet's destination IP address.