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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Cisco » CISCO-OPTICAL-MONITOR-MIB

CISCO-OPTICAL-MONITOR-MIB device MIB details by Cisco


The SNMP protocol is used to for conveying information and commands between agents and managing entities. SNMP uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the transport protocol for passing data between managers and agents. The reasons for using UDP for SNMP are, firstly it has low overheads in comparison to TCP, which uses a 3-way hand shake for connection. Secondly, in congested networks, SNMP over TCP is a bad idea because TCP in order to maintain reliability will flood the network with retransmissions.

Management information (MIB) is represented as a collection of managed objects. These objects together form a virtual information base called MIB. An agent may implement many MIBs, but all agents must implement a particular MIB called MIB-II [16]. This standard defines variables for things such as interface statistics (interface speeds, MTU, octets sent, octets received, etc.) as well as various other things pertaining to the system itself (system location, system contact, etc.). The main goal of MIB-II is to provide general TCP/IP management information.

Use ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 to import vendor-specific MIB files, inclusing CISCO-OPTICAL-MONITOR-MIB.

Vendor: Cisco
Mib: CISCO-OPTICAL-MONITOR-MIB  [download]  [view objects]
Tool: ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 [download]    (ships with advanced SNMP/MIB tools)
-- *****************************************************************
-- May 2002, Sonal Maheshwari, Mickey Spiegel
-- Copyright (c) 2002 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- *****************************************************************


    Integer32, Unsigned32,
    OBJECT-TYPE                         FROM SNMPv2-SMI
    TimeStamp                           FROM SNMPv2-TC
    OBJECT-GROUP                        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
    ifIndex                             FROM IF-MIB
    ciscoMgmt                           FROM CISCO-SMI

ciscoOpticalMonitorMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
    LAST-UPDATED   "200205100000Z"
    ORGANIZATION   "Cisco Systems, Inc."
    CONTACT-INFO   "Cisco Systems
                    Customer Service

                    Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
                    San Jose, CA 95134

                    Tel: +1 800 553-NETS

        "This MIB module defines objects to monitor optical
        characteristics and set corresponding thresholds on the
        optical interfaces in a network element.
        REVISION   "200205100000Z"
            "The initial revision of this MIB."
        ::={ ciscoMgmt 264 }

-- Textual Conventions

OpticalParameterType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS    current
        "This value indicates the optical parameter that is
        being monitored. Valid values are -

        power (1)          : Optical Power (AC + DC) in 1/10ths of dBm
        acPower (2)        : Optical AC Power in 1/10ths of dBm
        ambientTemp (3)    : Ambient Temperature in 1/10ths of degrees
        laserTemp (4)      : Laser Temperature in 1/10ths of degrees
        biasCurrent (5)    : Laser bias current in 100s of microamperes
        peltierCurrent (6) : Laser peltier current in milliamperes
        xcvrVoltage (7)    : Transceiver voltage in millivolts

OpticalParameterValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS    current
        "The value of the optical parameter that is being monitored.

        The range of values varies depending on the type of optical
        parameter being monitored, as identified by a corresponding
        object with syntax OpticalParameterType.

        When the optical parameter being monitored is 'power' or
        'acPower', the supported range is from -400 to 250, in
        1/10ths of dBm.
        Example: A value of -300 represents a power level of -30.0 dBm.

        When the optical parameter being monitored is 'laserTemp' or
        'ambientTemp', the supported range is from -500 to 850, in
        1/10ths of degrees centigrade.
        Example: A value of 235 represents a temperature reading of
        23.5 degrees C.

        When the optical parameter being monitored is 'biasCurrent',
        the supported range is from 0 to 10000, in 100s of
        Example: A value of 500 represents a bias current reading of
        50,000 microamperes.

        When the optical parameter being monitored is 'peltierCurrent',
        the supported range is from -10000 to 10000, in milliamperes.

        When the optical parameter being monitored is 'xcvrVoltage',
        the supported range is from 0 to 10000, in millivolts.

        The distinguished value of '-1000000' indicates that the object
        has not yet been initialized or does not apply.
    SYNTAX    Integer32 ( -1000000..1000000 )

OpticalIfDirection ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS      current
        "This value indicates the direction being monitored at
        the optical interface.

OpticalIfMonLocation ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS      current
        "This value applies when there are multiple points
        at which optical characteristics can be measured, in the
        given direction, at an interface. It indicates whether the
        optical characteristics are measured before or after
        adjustment (e.g. optical amplification or attenuation).

        The codepoint 'notApplicable' should be used if no
        amplifier/attenuator exists at an interface.

OpticalAlarmStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS      current
        "A bitmap that indicates the current status of thresholds
        on an interface. The bit is set to 1 if the threshold is
        currently being exceeded on the interface and will be set to 0

        (MSB)                (LSB)
          7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
         |                      |
                      |  |  |  |
                      |  |  |  +-- High alarm threshold
                      |  |  +----- High warning threshold
                      |  +-------- Low alarm threshold
                      +----------- Low warning threshold

        To minimize the probability of prematurely reacting to
        momentary signal variations, a soak time may be incorporated
        into the status indications in the following manner.
        The indication is set when the threshold violation persists
        for a period of time that exceeds the set soak interval.
        The indication is cleared  when no threshold violation occurs
        for a period of time which exceeds the clear soak interval.
        In GR-2918-CORE, the recommended set soak interval is 2.5
        seconds (plus/minus 0.5 seconds), and the recommended clear
        soak interval is 10 seconds (plus/minus 0.5 seconds).
    REFERENCE   "Telcordia Technologies Generic Requirements
                GR-2918-CORE, Issue 4, December 1999, Section 8.11"

OpticalAlarmSeverity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS      current
        "The severity of a trouble condition. A smaller enumerated
        integer value indicates that the condition is more severe.

        The severities are defined as follows:

        'critical'    An alarm used to indicate a severe,
                      service-affecting condition has occurred and that
                      immediate corrective action is imperative,
                      regardless of the time of day or day of the week.

        'major'       An alarm used for hardware or software conditions
                      that indicate a serious disruption of service or
                      malfunctioning or failure of important hardware.
                      These troubles require the immediate attention and
                      response of a technician to restore or maintain
                      system capability. The urgency is less than in
                      critical situations because of a lesser immediate
                      or impending effect on service or system

        'minor'       An alarm used for troubles that do not have a
                      serious effect on service to customers or for
                      troubles in hardware that are not essential to
                      the operation of the system.

        'notAlarmed'  An event used for troubles that do not require
                      action, for troubles that are reported as a
                      result of manually initiated diagnostics, or for
                      transient events such as crossing warning
                      thresholds.  This event can also be used to
                      raise attention to a condition that could
                      possibly be an impending problem.

        'notReported' An event used for troubles similar to those
                      described under 'notAlarmed', and that
                      do not cause notifications to be generated. The
                      information for these events is retrievable from
                      the network element.

        'cleared'     This value indicates that a previously
                      occuring alarm condition has been cleared, or
                      that no trouble condition is present.

    REFERENCE   "Telcordia Technologies Generic Requirements
                GR-474-CORE, Issue 1, December 1997, Section 2.2"

OpticalAlarmSeverityOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS      current
        "A value of either '0' or a valid optical alarm severity."
    SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..6)

    STATUS      current
        "This value indicates the time period over which performance
        monitoring data has been collected."

-- MIB Object Definitions

cOpticalMonitorMIBObjects        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                        {ciscoOpticalMonitorMIB 1 }

-- groups in this MIB module

cOpticalMonGroup                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                        {cOpticalMonitorMIBObjects 1 }

cOpticalPMGroup                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                        {cOpticalMonitorMIBObjects 2 }

-- cOpticalMonTable

cOpticalMonTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF COpticalMonEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "This table provides objects to monitor optical
        parameters in a network element. It also provides
        objects for setting high and low threshold levels, with
        configurable severities, on these monitored parameters."
    ::={ cOpticalMonGroup 1 }

cOpticalMonEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      COpticalMonEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "An entry in the cOpticalMonTable provides objects to
        monitor an optical parameter and set threshold levels
        on that parameter, at an optical interface.

        Note that the set of monitored optical parameters may vary
        based on interface type, direction, and monitoring location.

        Examples of interfaces that can have an entry in this table
        include optical transceivers, interfaces before and after
        optical amplifiers, and interfaces before and after optical
    INDEX        { ifIndex, cOpticalMonDirection,
                   cOpticalMonLocation, cOpticalMonParameterType }
    ::={ cOpticalMonTable 1 }

COpticalMonEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    cOpticalMonDirection                OpticalIfDirection,
    cOpticalMonLocation                 OpticalIfMonLocation,
    cOpticalMonParameterType            OpticalParameterType,
    cOpticalParameterValue              OpticalParameterValue,
    cOpticalParamHighAlarmThresh        OpticalParameterValue,
    cOpticalParamHighAlarmSev           OpticalAlarmSeverity,
    cOpticalParamHighWarningThresh      OpticalParameterValue,
    cOpticalParamHighWarningSev         OpticalAlarmSeverity,
    cOpticalParamLowAlarmThresh         OpticalParameterValue,
    cOpticalParamLowAlarmSev            OpticalAlarmSeverity,
    cOpticalParamLowWarningThresh       OpticalParameterValue,
    cOpticalParamLowWarningSev          OpticalAlarmSeverity,
    cOpticalParamAlarmStatus            OpticalAlarmStatus,
    cOpticalParamAlarmCurMaxThresh      OpticalParameterValue,
    cOpticalParamAlarmCurMaxSev         OpticalAlarmSeverity,
    cOpticalParamAlarmLastChange        TimeStamp,
    cOpticalMon15MinValidIntervals      Unsigned32,
    cOpticalMon24HrValidIntervals       Unsigned32

cOpticalMonDirection OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalIfDirection
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "This object indicates the direction monitored for the
        optical interface, in this entry."
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 1 }

cOpticalMonLocation OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalIfMonLocation
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "This object indicates whether the optical characteristics are
        measured before or after adjustment (e.g. optical amplification
        or attenuation), at this interface."
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 2 }

cOpticalMonParameterType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalParameterType
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "This object specifies the optical parameter that is being
        monitored in this entry."
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 3 }

cOpticalParameterValue OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalParameterValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object gives the value measured for the particular
        optical parameter specified by the cOpticalMonParameterType
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 4 }

cOpticalParamHighAlarmThresh OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalParameterValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
        "This object is used to set a high alarm threshold on the
        optical parameter being monitored.

        An alarm condition will be raised if the value given by
        cOpticalParameterValue goes from below the value configured in
        this object to above the value configured in this object, or if
        the initial value of cOpticalParameterValue exceeds the value
        configured in this object. For network elements that
        incorporate a soak time in the status indications, this alarm
        will be indicated in the cOpticalParamAlarmStatus object only
        after it persists for a period of time that equals the set soak

        The severity level of the alarm is specified by the
        cOpticalParamHighAlarmSev object.

        When the cOpticalMonParameterType object is set to 'power'
        for the receive direction at a transceiver, this object
        specifies the receiver saturation level."
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 5 }

cOpticalParamHighAlarmSev OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalAlarmSeverity
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
        "This object is used to specify a severity level associated
        with the high alarm threshold given by the
        cOpticalParamHighAlarmThresh object. The values 'notAlarmed',
        'notReported', and 'cleared' do not apply.

        The severity level configured in this object must be higher
        than the level configured in the cOpticalParamHighWarningSev
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 6 }

cOpticalParamHighWarningThresh OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalParameterValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
        "This object is used to set a high warning threshold on
        the optical parameter being monitored.

        A threshold crossing condition will be indicated if the value
        given by cOpticalParameterValue goes from below the value
        configured in this object to above the value configured in this
        object, or if the initial value of cOpticalParameterValue
        exceeds the value configured in this object. For network
        elements that incorporate a soak time in the status
        indications, this threshold violation will be indicated in the
        cOpticalParamAlarmStatus object only after it persists for
        a period of time that equals the set soak interval.

        This threshold crossing may or may not be alarmed or
        reported, based on the severity level specified by the
        cOpticalParamHighWarningSev object."
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 7 }

cOpticalParamHighWarningSev OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalAlarmSeverity
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
        "This object is used to specify a severity level associated
        with the high warning threshold given by the
        cOpticalParamHighWarningThresh object. The values 'critical',
        'major', and 'cleared' do not apply.

        The severity level configured in this object must be lower
        than the level configured in the cOpticalParamHighAlarmSev

        If this object is set to 'notReported', no notifications will
        be generated when this threshold is exceeded, irrespective
        of the value configured in the cOpticalNotifyEnable object."
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 8 }

cOpticalParamLowAlarmThresh OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalParameterValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
        "This object is used to set a low alarm threshold on the
        optical parameter being monitored.

        An alarm condition will be raised if the value given by
        cOpticalParameterValue goes from above the value configured in
        this object to below the value configured in this object, or if
        the initial value of cOpticalParameterValue is lower than the
        value configured in this object. For network elements that
        incorporate a soak time in the status indications, this alarm
        will be indicated in the cOpticalParamAlarmStatus object only
        after it persists for a period of time that equals the set soak

        The severity level of this alarm is specified by the
        cOpticalParamLowAlarmSev object.

        When the cOpticalMonParameterType object is set to 'power'
        for the receive direction and when the interface supports
        alarms based on loss of light, this object specifies the
        optical power threshold for declaring loss of light. Also,
        when optical amplifiers are present in the network, in the
        receive direction, this value may need to be configured,
        since the noise floor may be higher than the minimum
        sensitivity of the receiver."
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 9 }

cOpticalParamLowAlarmSev OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalAlarmSeverity
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
        "This object is used to specify a severity level associated
        with the low alarm threshold given by the
        cOpticalParamLowAlarmThresh object. The values 'notAlarmed',
        'notReported', and 'cleared' do not apply.

        The severity level configured in this object must be higher
        than the level configured in the cOpticalParamLowWarningSev
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 10 }

cOpticalParamLowWarningThresh OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalParameterValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
        "This object is used to set a low warning threshold on
        the optical parameter being monitored.

        A threshold crossing condition will be indicated if the value
        given by cOpticalParameterValue goes from above the value
        configured in this object to below the value configured in this
        object, or if the initial value of cOpticalParameterValue
        object is lower than the value configured in this object. For
        network elements that incorporate a soak time in the status
        indications, this threshold violation will be indicated in the
        cOpticalParamAlarmStatus object only after it persists for
        a period of time that equals the set soak interval.

        This threshold crossing may or may not be alarmed or
        reported, based on the severity level specified by the
        cOpticalParamLowWarningSev object."
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 11 }

cOpticalParamLowWarningSev OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalAlarmSeverity
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
        "This object is used to specify a severity level associated
        with the low warning threshold given by the
        cOpticalParamLowWarningThresh object. The values 'critical',
        'major', and 'cleared' do not apply.

        The severity level configured in this object must be lower
        than the level configured in the cOpticalParamLowAlarmSev

        If this object is set to 'notReported', no notifications will
        be generated when this threshold is exceeded, irrespective
        of the value configured in the cOpticalNotifyEnable object."
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 12 }

cOpticalParamAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalAlarmStatus
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object is used to indicate the current status of
        the thresholds for the monitored optical parameter
        on the interface.

        If a threshold is currently being exceeded on the
        interface, the corresponding bit in this object will be set
        to 1. Otherwise, the bit will be set to 0."
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 13 }

cOpticalParamAlarmCurMaxThresh OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalParameterValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object indicates the threshold value of the highest
        severity threshold that is currently being exceeded
        on the interface, for the optical parameter.
        If no threshold value is currently being
        exceeded, then the value '-1000000' is returned."
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 14 }

cOpticalParamAlarmCurMaxSev OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalAlarmSeverity
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object indicates the maximum severity of any thresholds
        that are currently being exceeded on the interface, for the
        optical parameter."
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 15 }

cOpticalParamAlarmLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object specifies the value of sysUpTime at the last time
        a threshold related to a particular optical parameter was
        exceeded or cleared on the interface."
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 16 }

cOpticalMon15MinValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..96)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object gives the number of previous 15 minute
        intervals for which valid performance monitoring data
        has been stored on the interface.

        The value of this object will be n (where n is the maximum
        number of 15 minute intervals supported at this interface),
        unless the measurement was (re-)started within the last
        (nx15) minutes, in which case the value will be the
        number of previous 15 minute intervals for which the agent
        has some data."
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 17 }

cOpticalMon24HrValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..1)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object gives the number of previous 24 hour
        intervals for which valid performance monitoring data
        has been stored on the interface.

        The value of this object will be 0 if the measurement
        was (re-)started within the last 24 hours, or 1 otherwise."
    ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 18 }

-- Notification related objects

cOpticalNotifyEnable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalAlarmSeverityOrZero
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
        "This object specifies the minimum severity threshold governing
        the generation of cOpticalMonParameterStatus notifications.

        For example, if the value of this object is
        set to 'major', then the agent generates these notifications
        if and only if the severity of the alarm being indicated is
        'major' or 'critical'.

        The values of 'notReported', and 'cleared' do not apply.
        The value of '0' disables the generation of notifications."
    DEFVAL { 0 }
    ::={ cOpticalMonGroup 2 }

-- cOpticalPMCurrent Table

cOpticalPMCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF COpticalPMCurrentEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "This table contains performance monitoring data for the
        various optical parameters, collected over the current 15
        minute or the current 24 hour interval."
    ::={ cOpticalPMGroup 1 }

cOpticalPMCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      COpticalPMCurrentEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "An entry in the cOpticalPMCurrentTable. It contains
        performance monitoring data for a monitored optical
        parameter at an interface, collected over the current 15
        minute or the current 24 hour interval.

        Note that the set of monitored optical parameters may vary
        based on interface type, direction, and monitoring location.

        Examples of interfaces that can have an entry in this table
        include optical transceivers, interfaces before and after
        optical amplifiers, and interfaces before and after optical
    INDEX       { cOpticalPMCurrentPeriod,
                  cOpticalPMCurrentParamType }
    ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentTable 1 }

COpticalPMCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    cOpticalPMCurrentPeriod             OpticalPMPeriod,
    cOpticalPMCurrentDirection          OpticalIfDirection,
    cOpticalPMCurrentLocation           OpticalIfMonLocation,
    cOpticalPMCurrentParamType          OpticalParameterType,
    cOpticalPMCurrentMaxParam           OpticalParameterValue,
    cOpticalPMCurrentMinParam           OpticalParameterValue,
    cOpticalPMCurrentMeanParam          OpticalParameterValue,
    cOpticalPMCurrentUnavailSecs        Integer32

cOpticalPMCurrentPeriod OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalPMPeriod
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "This object indicates whether the optical parameter values
        given in this entry are collected over the current 15 minute or
        the current 24 hour interval."
    ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentEntry 1 }

cOpticalPMCurrentDirection OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalIfDirection
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "This object indicates the direction monitored for the optical
        interface, in this entry."
    ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentEntry 2 }

cOpticalPMCurrentLocation OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalIfMonLocation
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "This object indicates whether the optical characteristics are
        measured before or after adjustment (e.g. optical amplification
        or attenuation), at this interface."
    ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentEntry 3 }

cOpticalPMCurrentParamType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalParameterType
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "This object specifies the optical parameter that is being
        monitored, in this entry."
    ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentEntry 4 }

cOpticalPMCurrentMaxParam OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalParameterValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object gives the maximum value measured for the monitored
        optical parameter, in the current 15 minute or the current
        24 hour interval."
    ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentEntry 5 }

cOpticalPMCurrentMinParam OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalParameterValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object gives the minimum value measured for the monitored
        optical parameter, in the current 15 minute or the current
        24 hour interval."
    ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentEntry 6 }

cOpticalPMCurrentMeanParam OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalParameterValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object gives the average value of the monitored
        optical parameter, in the current 15 minute or the current
        24 hour interval."
    ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentEntry 7 }

cOpticalPMCurrentUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..86400)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object is used to indicate the number of seconds,
        in the current 15 minute or the current 24 hour interval, for
        which the optical performance data is not accounted for.

        In the receive direction, the performance data could be
        unavailable during these periods for multiple reasons
        like the interface being administratively down or if there
        is a Loss of Light alarm on the interface. In the transmit
        direction, performance data could be unavailable when
        the laser is shutdown."
    ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentEntry 8 }

-- cOpticalPMInterval Table

cOpticalPMIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF COpticalPMIntervalEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "This table stores performance monitoring data for the
        various optical parameters, collected over previous

        This table can have entries for one complete 24 hour
        interval and up to 96 complete 15 minute
        intervals. A system is required to store at least
        4 completed 15 minute intervals. The number of valid
        15 minute intervals in this table is indicated by the
        cOpticalMon15MinValidIntervals object and the number of
        valid 24 hour intervals is indicated by the
        cOpticalMon24HrValidIntervals object."
    ::={ cOpticalPMGroup 2 }

cOpticalPMIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      COpticalPMIntervalEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "An entry in the cOpticalPMIntervalTable. It contains
        performance monitoring data for an optical parameter,
        collected over a previous interval.

        Note that the set of monitored optical parameters may vary
        based on interface type, direction, and monitoring location.

        Examples of interfaces that can have an entry in this table
        include optical transceivers, interfaces before and after
        optical amplifiers, and interfaces before and after optical
    INDEX      { cOpticalPMIntervalPeriod,
                 cOpticalPMIntervalParamType }
    ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalTable 1 }

COpticalPMIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    cOpticalPMIntervalPeriod            OpticalPMPeriod,
    cOpticalPMIntervalNumber            Integer32,
    cOpticalPMIntervalDirection         OpticalIfDirection,
    cOpticalPMIntervalLocation          OpticalIfMonLocation,
    cOpticalPMIntervalParamType         OpticalParameterType,
    cOpticalPMIntervalMaxParam          OpticalParameterValue,
    cOpticalPMIntervalMinParam          OpticalParameterValue,
    cOpticalPMIntervalMeanParam         OpticalParameterValue,
    cOpticalPMIntervalUnavailSecs       Integer32

cOpticalPMIntervalPeriod OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalPMPeriod
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "This object indicates whether the optical parameter values,
        given in this entry, are collected over a period of 15 minutes
        or 24 hours."
    ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 1 }

cOpticalPMIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..96)
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "A number between 1 and 96, which identifies the
         interval for which the set of optical parameter values is
         available. The interval identified by 1 is the most recently
         completed 15 minute or 24 hour interval, and the interval
         identified by N is the interval immediately preceding the one
         identified by N-1."
    ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 2 }

cOpticalPMIntervalDirection OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalIfDirection
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "This object indicates the direction monitored for the optical
        interface, in this entry."
    ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 3 }

cOpticalPMIntervalLocation OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalIfMonLocation
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "This object indicates whether the optical characteristics
        are measured before or after adjustment (e.g.
        optical amplification or attenuation), at this interface."
    ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 4 }

cOpticalPMIntervalParamType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalParameterType
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "This object specifies the optical parameter that is being
        monitored, in this entry."
    ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 5 }

cOpticalPMIntervalMaxParam OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalParameterValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object gives the maximum value measured for the optical
        parameter, in a particular 15 minute or 24 hour interval."
    ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 6 }

cOpticalPMIntervalMinParam OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalParameterValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object gives the minimum value measured for the optical
        parameter, in a particular 15 minute or 24 hour interval."
    ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 7 }

cOpticalPMIntervalMeanParam OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OpticalParameterValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object gives the average value of the measured optical
        parameter, in a particular 15 minute or 24 hour interval."
    ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 8 }

cOpticalPMIntervalUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..86400)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object is used to indicate the number of seconds,
        in the particular 15 minute or 24 hour interval, for which the
        optical performance data is not accounted for.

        In the receive direction, the performance data could be
        unavailable during these periods for multiple reasons
        like the interface being administratively down or if there
        is a Loss of Light alarm on the interface. In the transmit
        direction, performance data could be unavailable when
        the laser is shutdown."
    ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 9 }

-- Notifications

cOpticalMonitorMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                 { ciscoOpticalMonitorMIB 2 }

cOpticalMonNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                 { cOpticalMonitorMIBNotifications 0 }

cOpticalMonParameterStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    OBJECTS     { cOpticalParameterValue,
    STATUS      current
        "This notification is sent when any threshold related to an
        optical parameter is exceeded or cleared on an interface.

        This notification may be suppressed under the following
        - depending on the value of the cOpticalNotifyEnable object,
        - if the severity of the threshold as specified by
          the cOpticalParamHighWarningSev or
          cOpticalParamLowWarningSev object is 'notReported'.
    ::={ cOpticalMonNotificationPrefix 1 }

-- MIB Conformance Statements

cOpticalMonitorMIBConformance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                { ciscoOpticalMonitorMIB 3 }

cOpticalMonitorMIBCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                { cOpticalMonitorMIBConformance 1 }

cOpticalMonitorMIBGroups       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                { cOpticalMonitorMIBConformance 2 }

cOpticalMonitorMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS      current
        "The compliance statement for network elements that
        monitor optical characteristics and set thresholds on the
        optical interfaces in a network element."
    MODULE      -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS { cOpticalMIBMonGroup }

    GROUP cOpticalMIBThresholdGroup
        "This group is required for network elements that support
        thresholds on optical parameters."

    GROUP cOpticalMIBSeverityGroup
        "This group is required for network elements that support
        severities for thresholds on optical parameters."

    GROUP cOpticalMIBPMGroup
        "This group is required for network elements that
        support collection of optical performance monitoring
        data for 15 minute or 24 hour intervals."

    GROUP cOpticalMIBNotifyEnableGroup
        "This group is required for network elements that
        support the cOpticalMIBNotifGroup."

    GROUP cOpticalMIBNotifGroup
        "This group is required for network elements that
        generate notifications when a threshold is exceeded or
        cleared on an interface."

    OBJECT     cOpticalParamHighAlarmThresh
    MIN-ACCESS read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT     cOpticalParamHighWarningThresh
    MIN-ACCESS read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT     cOpticalParamLowAlarmThresh
    MIN-ACCESS read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT     cOpticalParamLowWarningThresh
    MIN-ACCESS read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT     cOpticalParamHighAlarmSev
    MIN-ACCESS read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT     cOpticalParamHighWarningSev
    MIN-ACCESS read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT     cOpticalParamLowAlarmSev
    MIN-ACCESS read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT     cOpticalParamLowWarningSev
    MIN-ACCESS read-only
        "Write access is not required."

    ::={ cOpticalMonitorMIBCompliances 1 }

-- Units of Conformance

    STATUS        current
        "A mandatory object that provides monitoring of optical
    ::={ cOpticalMonitorMIBGroups 1 }

cOpticalMIBThresholdGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS        current
        "A collection of objects that support thresholds on optical
        parameters and provide status information when the thresholds
        are exceeded or cleared."
    ::={ cOpticalMonitorMIBGroups 2 }

cOpticalMIBSeverityGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS        current
        "A collection of objects that support severities for thresholds
        on optical parameters."
    ::={ cOpticalMonitorMIBGroups 3 }

    STATUS      current
        "A collection of objects that provide optical performance
        monitoring data for 15 minute and 24 hour intervals."
    ::={ cOpticalMonitorMIBGroups 4 }

cOpticalMIBNotifyEnableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS        current
        "An object to control the generation of notifications."
    ::={ cOpticalMonitorMIBGroups 5 }

    STATUS      current
        "A notification generated when a threshold on an optical
         parameter is exceeded or cleared."
    ::={ cOpticalMonitorMIBGroups 6 }