cpmCPUTotalIndex |
. |
An index that uniquely represents a CPU (or group of CPUs)
whose CPU load information is reported by a row in this table.
This index is assigned arbitrarily by the engine
and is not saved over reboots.
cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex |
. |
The entPhysicalIndex of the physical entity for which
the CPU statistics in this entry are maintained.
The physical entity can be a CPU chip, a group of CPUs,
a CPU card etc. The exact type of this entity is described by
its entPhysicalVendorType value. If the CPU statistics
in this entry correspond to more than one physical entity
(or to no physical entity), or if the entPhysicalTable is
not supported on the SNMP agent, the value of this object
must be zero.
cpmCPUTotal5sec |
. |
The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 5 second
period. This object obsoletes the busyPer object from
the OLD-CISCO-SYSTEM-MIB. This object is deprecated
by cpmCPUTotal5secRev which has the changed range of
value (0..100).
cpmCPUTotal1min |
. |
The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 1 minute
period. This object obsoletes the avgBusy1 object from
the OLD-CISCO-SYSTEM-MIB. This object is deprecated
by cpmCPUTotal1minRev which has the changed range
of value (0..100).
cpmCPUTotal5min |
. |
The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 5 minute
period. This object deprecates the avgBusy5 object from
the OLD-CISCO-SYSTEM-MIB. This object is deprecated
by cpmCPUTotal5minRev which has the changed range
of value (0..100).
cpmCPUTotal5secRev |
. |
The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 5 second
period. This object deprecates the object cpmCPUTotal5sec
and increases the value range to (0..100). This object
is deprecated by cpmCPUTotalMonInterval
cpmCPUTotal1minRev |
. |
The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 1 minute
period. This object deprecates the object cpmCPUTotal1min
and increases the value range to (0..100).
cpmCPUTotal5minRev |
. |
The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 5 minute
period. This object deprecates the object cpmCPUTotal5min
and increases the value range to (0..100).
cpmCPUMonInterval |
. |
CPU usage monitoring interval. The value of this
object in seconds indicates the how often the
CPU utilization is calculated and monitored.
cpmCPUTotalMonIntervalValue |
. |
The overall CPU busy percentage in the last
cpmCPUMonInterval period.
This object deprecates the object cpmCPUTotal5secRev.
cpmCPUInterruptMonIntervalValue |
. |
The overall CPU busy percentage in the
interrupt context in the last cpmCPUMonInterval
cpmProcessPID |
. |
This object contains the process ID. cpmTimeCreated
should be checked against the last time it was polled,
and if it has changed the PID has been reused and the
entire entry should be polled again.
cpmProcessName |
. |
The name associated with this process. If the name is
longer than 32 characters, it will be truncated to the first
31 characters, and a `*' will be appended as the last
character to imply this is a truncated process name.
cpmProcessuSecs |
. |
Average elapsed CPU time in microseconds when the
process was active. This object is deprecated
by cpmProcessAverageUSecs.
cpmProcessTimeCreated |
. |
The time when the process was created. The process ID
and the time when the process was created, uniquely
identifies a process.
cpmProcessAverageUSecs |
. |
Average elapsed CPU time in microseconds when the
process was active. This object deprecates the
object cpmProcessuSecs.
cpmProcExtMemAllocated |
. |
The sum of all the dynamically allocated memory that
this process has received from the system. This includes
memory that may have been returned. The sum of freed
memory is provided by cpmProcExtMemFreed. This object
is deprecated by cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRev.
cpmProcExtMemFreed |
. |
The sum of all memory that this process has returned
to the system. This object is deprecated by
cpmProcExtInvoked |
. |
The number of times since cpmTimeCreated that
the process has been invoked. This object is
deprecated by cpmProcExtInvokedRev.
cpmProcExtRuntime |
. |
The amount of CPU time the process has used, in
microseconds. This object is deprecated by
cpmProcExtUtil5Sec |
. |
This object provides a general idea of how busy
a process caused the processor to be over a 5
second period. It is determined as a weighted
decaying average of the current idle time over
the longest idle time. Note that this information
should be used as an estimate only. This object is
deprecated by cpmProcExtUtil5SecRev which has the
changed range of value (0..100).
cpmProcExtUtil1Min |
. |
This object provides a general idea of how busy
a process caused the processor to be over a 1
minute period. It is determined as a weighted
decaying average of the current idle time over the
longest idle time. Note that this information
should be used as an estimate only. This object is
deprecated by cpmProcExtUtil1MinRev which has
the changed range of value (0..100).
cpmProcExtUtil5Min |
. |
This object provides a general idea of how busy
a process caused the processor to be over a 5
minute period. It is determined as a weighted
decaying average of the current idle time over
the longest idle time. Note that this information
should be used as an estimate only. This object
is deprecated by cpmProcExtUtil5MinRev which
has the changed range of value (0..100).
cpmProcExtPriority |
. |
The priority level at which the process is
running. This object is deprecated by
cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRev |
. |
The sum of all the dynamically allocated memory that
this process has received from the system. This includes
memory that may have been returned. The sum of freed
memory is provided by cpmProcExtMemFreedRev. This object
deprecates cpmProcExtMemAllocated.
cpmProcExtMemFreedRev |
. |
The sum of all memory that this process has returned
to the system. This object deprecates
cpmProcExtInvokedRev |
. |
The number of times since cpmTimeCreated that
the process has been invoked. This object
deprecates cpmProcExtInvoked.
cpmProcExtRuntimeRev |
. |
The amount of CPU time the process has used, in
microseconds. This object deprecates
cpmProcExtUtil5SecRev |
. |
This object provides a general idea of how busy
a process caused the processor to be over a 5
second period. It is determined as a weighted
decaying average of the current idle time over
the longest idle time. Note that this information
should be used as an estimate only. This object
deprecates cpmProcExtUtil5Sec and increases the
value range to (0..100).
cpmProcExtUtil1MinRev |
. |
This object provides a general idea of how busy
a process caused the processor to be over a 1
minute period. It is determined as a weighted
decaying average of the current idle time over the
longest idle time. Note that this information
should be used as an estimate only. This object
deprecates cpmProcExtUtil1Min and increases the value
range to (0..100).
cpmProcExtUtil5MinRev |
. |
This object provides a general idea of how busy
a process caused the processor to be over a 5
minute period. It is determined as a weighted
decaying average of the current idle time over
the longest idle time. Note that this information
should be used as an estimate only. This object
deprecates cpmProcExtUtil5Min and increases the
value range to (0..100).
cpmProcExtPriorityRev |
. |
The priority level at which the process is
running. This object deprecates
cpmCPUThresholdClass |
. |
Value of this object indicates the type of
utilization, which is monitored. The total(1) indicates
the total CPU utilization, interrupt(2) indicates the
the CPU utilization in interrupt context and process(3)
indicates the CPU utilization in the process level
execution context.
cpmCPURisingThresholdValue |
. |
The percentage rising threshold value configured by
the user. The value indicates,
if the percentage CPU utilization is equal to or above
this value for cpmCPURisingThresholdPeriod duration
then send a cpmCPURisingThreshold notification to
the NMS.
cpmCPURisingThresholdPeriod |
. |
This is an observation interval.
The value of this object indicates that
the CPU utilization should be above
cpmCPURisingThresholdValue for this duration to send a
cpmCPURisingThreshold notification to the NMS.
cpmCPUFallingThresholdValue |
. |
The percentage falling threshold value configured by
the user. The value indicates, if the percentage
CPU utilization is equal to or below this value for
cpmCPUFallingThresholdPeriod duration
then send a cpmCPUFallingThreshold notification
to the NMS.
cpmCPUFallingThresholdPeriod |
. |
This is an observation interval. The value of this
object indicates that CPU utilization should be below
cpmCPUFallingThresholdValue for this duration to send a
cpmCPURisingThreshold notification to the NMS.
cpmCPUThresholdEntryStatus |
. |
The status of this table entry.
cpmCPUHistoryReportId |
. |
All the entries which are created at the same time
will have same value for this object. When the
configured threshold for being a part of History table
is reached then the qualified processes become the
part of history table. The entries which became the
part of history table at one instant will have
the same value for this object. When this object
reaches the max index value then it will wrap around.
cpmCPUHistoryReportSize |
. |
The number of process entries in a report.
This object gives information about how many processes
became a part of history table at one instant.
cpmCPUHistoryTotalUtil |
. |
Total percentage of CPU utilization
at cpmCPUHistoryCreated.
cpmCPUHistoryInterruptUtil |
. |
Percentage of CPU utilization in the interrupt context
at cpmCPUHistoryCreated.
cpmCPUHistoryCreatedTime |
. |
Time stamp with respect to sysUpTime indicating
the time at which this report is created.
cpmCPUProcessHistoryIndex |
. |
An index that uniquely identifies an entry in
the cmpCPUProcessHistory table among those in the
same report. This index is between 1 to N,
where N is the cpmCPUHistoryReportSize.
cpmCPUHistoryProcId |
. |
The process Id associated with this entry.
cpmCPUHistoryProcName |
. |
The process name associated with this entry.
cpmCPUHistoryProcCreated |
. |
The time when the process was created. The process ID
and the time when the process was created, uniquely
identifies a process.
cpmCPUHistoryProcUtil |
. |
The percentage CPU utilization of a process at
cpmCPUTotalGroup |
. |
A collection of objects providing CPU load monitoring
information. This group is mandatory for all cisco devices.
This group is deprecated since the objects cpmCPUTotal5sec,
cpmCPUTotal1min and cpmCPUTotal5min are
deprecated. A new object cpmCPUTotalGroupRev is
added in place of it.
cpmProcessGroup |
. |
A collection of objects providing common process
monitoring information. This group is mandatory for
all cisco devices. This object is deprecated
by cpmProcessGroupRev.
cpmProcessExtGroup |
. |
A collection of objects providing additional and
more detailed process monitoring information. This
group is mandatory for all cisco devices that have
the internal capability to keep this information.
This group is deprecated and new group
cpmProcessExtGroupRev is added.
cpmCPUTotalGroupRev |
. |
A collection of objects providing CPU load monitoring
information. This group is mandatory for all cisco
devices. This group deprecates cpmCPUTotalGroup.
This group is deprecated since the object
cpmCPUTotal5secRev is deprecated.
A new object cpmCPUTotalGroupRev1 is
added in place of it.
cpmProcessGroupRev |
. |
A collection of objects providing common process
monitoring information. This group is mandatory for
all cisco devices. This object deprecates
cpmProcessExtGroupRev |
. |
A collection of objects providing additional and
more detailed process monitoring information. This
group is mandatory for all cisco devices that have
the internal capability to keep this information.
This group is formed after deprecating cpmProcessExtGroup.
cpmProcExtMemAllocatedRev, cpmProcExtMemFreedRev,
cpmProcExtInvokedRev, cpmProcExtRuntimeRev,
cpmProcExtUtil5SecRev, cpmProcExtUtil1MinRev and
cpmProcExtUtil5MinRev are the new objects added.
cpmCPUThresholdGroup |
. |
A collection of objects used for configuration
of thresholding.
cpmCPUTotalGroupRev1 |
. |
A collection of objects providing CPU load monitoring
information. This group is mandatory for all cisco
devices. This group deprecates cpmCPUTotalGroupRev.
cpmCPUHistoryGroup |
. |
A collection of objects providing information
about CPU utilization history.
cpmCPUThresholdNotificationGroup |
. |
A group of notifications.