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CISCO-RTTMON-MIB.mib object view, vendor Cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-RTTMON-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

CISCO-RTTMON-MIB file content

Object view of CISCO-RTTMON-MIB:

Scalar Object
rttMonApplVersion .
Round Trip Time monitoring application version string. The format will be: 'Version.Release.Patch-Level: Textual-Description' For example: '1.0.0: Initial RTT Application'
rttMonApplMaxPacketDataSize .
The maximum size of the data portion an echo packet supported by this RTT application. This is the maximum value that can be specified by (rttMonEchoAdminPktDataRequestSize + ARR Header) or (rttMonEchoAdminPktDataResponseSize + ARR Header) in the rttMonCtrlAdminTable. This object is undefined for conceptual RTT control rows when the RttMonRttType object is set to 'fileIO' or 'script'.
rttMonApplTimeOfLastSet .
The last time at which a set operation occurred on any of the objects in this MIB. The managing application can inspect this value in order to determine whether changes have been made without retrieving the entire Administration portion of this MIB. This object applies to all settable objects in this MIB, including the 'Reset' objects that could clear saved history/statistics.
rttMonApplNumCtrlAdminEntry .
This object defines the maximum number of entries that can be added to the rttMonCtrlAdminTable. It is calculated at the system init time. The value is impacted when rttMonApplFreeMemLowWaterMark is changed.
rttMonApplReset .
When set to 'reset' the entire RTT application goes through a reset sequence, making a best effort to revert to its startup condition. Any and all rows in the Overall Control Group will be immediately deleted, together with any associated rows in the Statistics Collection Group, and History Collection Group. All open connections will also be closed. Finally the rttMonApplPreConfigedTable will reset (see rttMonApplPreConfigedReset).
rttMonApplPreConfigedReset .
When set to 'reset' the RTT application will reset the Application Preconfigured MIB section. This will force the RTT application to delete all entries in the rttMonApplPreConfigedTable and then to repopulate the table with the current configuration. This provides a mechanism to load and unload user scripts and file paths.
rttMonApplSupportedRttTypesEntry .
A list that presents the valid Rtt Monitor Types.
rttMonApplSupportedProtocolsEntry .
A list that presents the valid Rtt Monitor Protocols.
rttMonApplPreConfigedEntry .
A list of objects that describe the previously configured Script Names and File IO targets.
rttMonApplProbeCapacity .
This object defines the number of probes that can be configured on a router. The number depends on the value of rttMonApplFreeMemLowWaterMark & free bytes available on the router or the system configured rttMonCtrlAdminEntry number.
rttMonApplFreeMemLowWaterMark .
This object defines the amount of free memory a router must have in order to configure RTR. If RTR found out that the memory is falling below this mark, it will not allow new probes to be configured. This value should not be set higher (or very close to) than the free bytes available on the router.
rttMonApplLatestSetError .
An error description for the last error message caused by set. Currently, it includes set error caused due to setting rttMonApplFreeMemLowWaterMark greater than the available free memory on the router or not enough memory left to create new probes.
rttMonCtrlAdminEntry .
A base list of objects that define a conceptual RTT control row.
rttMonEchoAdminEntry .
A list of objects that define specific configuration for RttMonRttType conceptual Rtt control rows.
rttMonFileIOAdminEntry .
A list of objects that define specific configuration for 'fileIO' RttMonRttType conceptual Rtt control rows.
rttMonScriptAdminEntry .
A list of objects that define specific configuration for 'script' RttMonRttType conceptual Rtt control rows.
rttMonScheduleAdminEntry .
A list of objects that define specific configuration for the scheduling of RTT operations.
rttMonReactAdminEntry .
A list of objects that define RTT reaction operations.
rttMonStatisticsAdminEntry .
A list of objects that define RTT statistics capture operations.
rttMonHistoryAdminEntry .
A list of objects that define RTT history collection operations.
rttMonCtrlOperEntry .
A list of objects that describe the current state of probe, and the conceptual RTT control row.
rttMonLatestRttOperEntry .
A list of objects that record the latest RTT operation.
rttMonLatestHTTPOperEntry .
A list of objects that record the latest HTTP RTT operation. This entry is created automatically after the rttMonCtrlAdminEntry is created. Also the entry is automatically deleted when rttMonCtrlAdminEntry is deleted.
rttMonLatestJitterOperEntry .
A list of objects that record the latest Jitter operation.
rttMonReactTriggerAdminEntry .
A list of objects that will be triggered when a reaction condition is violated.
rttMonReactTriggerOperEntry .
A list of state objects for the rttMonReactTriggerAdminTable.
rttMonEchoPathAdminEntry .
A list of objects that define intermediate hop's IP Address. This entry can be added only if the rttMonCtrlAdminRttType is 'echo'. The entry gets deleted when the corresponding RTR entry, which has an index of rttMonCtrlAdminIndex, is deleted.
rttMonStatsCaptureEntry .
A list of objects which accumulate the results of a series of RTT operations over a 60 minute time period. The statistics capture table is a rollover table. When rttMonStatsCaptureStartTimeIndex groups exceeds the rttMonStatisticsAdminNumHourGroups value, the oldest corresponding hourly group will be deleted and will be replaced with the new rttMonStatsCaptureStartTimeIndex hourly group. All other indices will fill to there maximum size. The statistics capture table has five indices. Each described as follows: - The first index correlates its entries to a conceptual RTT control row via the rttMonCtrlAdminIndex object. - The second index is a rollover group and it uniquely identifies a 60 minute group. (The rttMonStatsCaptureStartTimeIndex object is used to make this value unique.) - When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', the third index uniquely identifies the paths in a statistics period. (The period is 60 minutes.) A path will be created for each unique path through the network. Note: A path that does not contain the target is considered a different path than one which uses the exact same path, but does contain the target. For all other values of RttMonRttType this index will be one. - When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', the fourth index uniquely identifies the hops in each path, as grouped by the third index. This index does imply the order of the hops along the path to a target. For all other values of RttMonRttType this index will be one. - The fifth index uniquely creates a statistical distribution bucket.
rttMonStatsCollectEntry .
A list of objects which accumulate the results of a series of RTT operations over a 60 minute time period. This entry has the exact same behavior as the rttMonStatsCaptureEntry, except it does not keep statistical distribution information. For a complete entry description see the rttMonStatsCaptureEntry object.
rttMonStatsTotalsEntry .
A list of objects which accumulate the results of a series of RTT operations over a 60 minute time period. This entry has the exact same behavior as the rttMonStatsCaptureEntry, except it only keeps 60 minute group values. For a complete entry description see the rttMonStatsCaptureEntry object.
rttMonHTTPStatsEntry .
A list of objects which accumulate the results of a series of RTT operations over a 60 minute time period. This entry is created only if the rttMonCtrlAdminRttType is http. The operation of this table is same as that of rttMonStatsCaptureTable.
rttMonJitterStatsEntry .
A list of objects which accumulate the results of a series of RTT operations over a 60 minute time period. This entry is created only if the rttMonCtrlAdminRttType is jitter. The operation of this table is same as that of rttMonStatsCaptureTable.
rttMonHistoryCollectionEntry .
A list of history objects that are recorded for each RTT operation. The history collection table has four indices. Each described as follows: - The first index correlates its entries to a conceptual RTT control row via the rttMonCtrlAdminIndex object. - The second index uniquely identifies the results of each 'life' as defined by the rttMonCtrlOperRttLife object. - The third index uniquely identifies the number of buckets in a life. A bucket will contain one sample per bucket if the rttMonCtrlAdminRttType object is set to any value other than 'pathEcho'. If the rttMonCtrlAdminRttType object is set to 'pathEcho', a bucket will contain one sample per hop along a path to the target (including the target). - The fourth index uniquely identifies the number of samples in a bucket. Again, if the rttMonCtrlAdminRttType object is set to 'pathEcho', this value is associated with each hop in an ascending order, thus for the first hop on a path, this index will be 1, the second will be 2 and so on. For all other values of rttMonCtrlAdminRttType this will be 1.
Tabular Object
rttMonApplSupportedRttTypes .
This object indexes the supported 'RttMonRttType' types.
rttMonApplSupportedRttTypesValid .
This object defines the supported 'RttMonRttType' types.
rttMonApplSupportedProtocols .
This object indexes the supported 'RttMonProtocol' protocols.
rttMonApplSupportedProtocolsValid .
This object defines the supported 'RttMonProtocol' protocols.
rttMonApplPreConfigedType .
This is the type of value being stored in the rttMonApplPreConfigedName object.
rttMonApplPreConfigedName .
This is either one of the following depending on the value of the rttMonApplPreConfigedType object: - The file path to a server. One of these file paths must be used when defining an entry in the rttMonFileIOAdminTable table with 'fileIO' as the value of the rttMonCtrlAdminRttType object. - The script name to be used when generating RTT operations. One of these script names must be used when defining an entry in the rttMonScriptAdminTable table with 'script' as the value of the rttMonCtrlAdminRttType object. NOTE: For script names, command line parameters can follow these names in the rttMonScriptAdminTable table.
rttMonApplPreConfigedValid .
When this row exists, this value will be 'true'. This object exists only to create a valid row in this table.
rttMonCtrlAdminIndex .
Uniquely identifies a row in the rttMonCtrlAdminTable. This is a pseudo-random number selected by the management station when creating a row via the rttMonCtrlAdminStatus object. If the pseudo-random number is already in use an 'inconsistentValue' return code will be returned when set operation is attempted.
rttMonCtrlAdminOwner .
Identifies the entity that created this table row.
rttMonCtrlAdminTag .
A string which is used by a managing application to identify the RTT target. This string is inserted into trap notifications, but has no other significance to the agent.
rttMonCtrlAdminRttType .
The type of RTT operation to be performed. This value must be set in the same PDU or before setting any type specific configuration.
rttMonCtrlAdminThreshold .
This object defines an administrative threshold limit. If the RTT operation time exceeds this limit and if the conditions specified in rttMonReactAdminThresholdType or rttMonHistoryAdminFilter are satisfied, a threshold is generated.
rttMonCtrlAdminFrequency .
Specifies the duration between initiating each RTT operation. This object cannot be set to a value which would be a shorter duration than rttMonCtrlAdminTimeout. When the RttMonRttType specifies an operation that is synchronous in nature, it may happen that the next RTT operation is blocked by a RTT operation which has not yet completed. In this case, the value of a counter (rttMonStatsCollectBusies) in rttMonStatsCaptureTable is incremented in lieu of initiating a RTT operation, and the next attempt will occur at the next rttMonCtrlAdminFrequency expiration. NOTE: When the rttMonCtrlAdminRttType object is defined to be 'pathEcho', setting this value to a small value for your network size may cause an operation attempt (or multiple attempts) to be started before the previous operation has finished. In this situation the rttMonStatsCollectBusies object will be incremented in lieu of initiating a new RTT operation, and the next attempt will occur at the next rttMonCtrlAdminFrequency expiration. When the rttMonCtrlAdminRttType object is defined to be 'pathEcho', the suggested value for this object is greater than rttMonCtrlAdminTimeout times the maximum number of expected hops to the target. NOTE: When the rttMonCtrlAdminRttType object is defined to be 'dhcp', the minimum allowed value for this object is 10 seconds. This restriction is due to protocol limitations described in RFC 2131.
rttMonCtrlAdminTimeout .
Specifies the duration to wait for a RTT operation completion. The value of this object cannot be set to a value which would specify a duration exceeding rttMonCtrlAdminFrequency. For connection oriented protocols, this may cause the connection to be closed by the probe. Once closed, it will be assumed that the connection reestablishment will be performed. To prevent unwanted closure of connections, be sure to set this value to a realistic connection timeout.
rttMonCtrlAdminVerifyData .
When set to true, the resulting data in each RTT operation is compared with the expected data. This includes checking header information (if possible) and exact packet size. Any mismatch will be recorded in the rttMonStatsCollectVerifyErrors object. Some RttMonRttTypes may not support this option. When a type does not support this option, the agent will transition this object to false. It is the management applications responsibility to check for this transition. This object is only applicable to SNA protocols.
rttMonCtrlAdminStatus .
The status of the conceptual RTT control row. In order for this object to become active, the following row objects must be defined: - rttMonCtrlAdminRttType Additionally: - for echo, pathEcho and dlsw probes rttMonEchoAdminProtocol and rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress; - for udpEcho, tcpConnect and jitter probes rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress and rttMonEchoAdminTargetPort - for http probe rttMonEchoAdminURL - for dns probe rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddressString rttMonEchoAdminNameServer - dhcp probe doesn't require any additional objects All other objects can assume default values. The conceptual Rtt control row will be placed into a 'pending' state (via the rttMonCtrlOperState object) if rttMonScheduleAdminRttStartTime is not specified. Most conceptual Rtt control row objects cannot be modified once this conceptual Rtt control row has been created. The objects that can change are the following: - Objects in the rttMonReactAdminTable can be modified as needed without setting this object to 'notInService'. - Objects in the rttMonScheduleAdminTable can be modified only when this object has the value of 'notInService'. - The rttMonCtrlOperState can be modified to control the state of the probe. Once this object is in 'active' status, it cannot be set to 'notInService' while the rttMonCtrlOperState is in 'active' state. Thus the rttMonCtrlOperState object must be transitioned first. This object can be set to 'destroy' from any value at any time.
rttMonCtrlAdminNvgen .
When set to true, this entry will be shown in 'show running' command and can be saved into Non-volatile memory.
rttMonEchoAdminProtocol .
Specifies the protocol to be used to perform the RTT operation. The following list defines what protocol should be used for each probe type: echo, pathEcho - ipIcmpEcho udpEcho - ipUdpEchoAppl tcpConnect - ipTcpConn http - httpAppl jitter - jitterAppl dlsw - dlswAppl dhcp - dhcpAppl When this protocol does not support the type, a 'badValue' error will be returned.
rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress .
A string which specifies the address of the target.
rttMonEchoAdminPktDataRequestSize .
This object represents the number of octets to be placed into the ARR Data portion of the request message, when using SNA protocols. For non-ARR protocols' RTT request/responses, this value represents the native payload size. REMEMBER: The ARR Header overhead is not included in this value. For echo probes the total packet size = (IP header(20) + ICMP header(8) + 8 (internal timestamps) + request size). For echo and pathEcho default request size is 28. For udp probe, default request size is 16 and for jitter probe it is 32. For dlsw probes default request size is 0. The minimum request size for echo and pathEcho is 28 bytes, for udp it is 4 and for jitter it is 16. For udp and jitter probes the maximum request size is 1500.
rttMonEchoAdminPktDataResponseSize .
This object represents the number of octets to be placed into the ARR Data portion of the response message. This value is passed to the RTT Echo Server via a field in the ARR Header. For non-ARR RTT request/response (i.e. ipIcmpecho) this value will be set by the agent to match the size of rttMonEchoAdminPktDataRequestSize, when native payloads are supported. REMEMBER: The ARR Header overhead is not included in this value. This object is only supported by SNA protocols.
rttMonEchoAdminTargetPort .
This object represents the target's port number. This object is applicable to udpEcho, tcpConnect and jitter probes.
rttMonEchoAdminSourceAddress .
A string which specifies the IP address of the source. This object is applicable to all probes except dns, dlsw and sna.
rttMonEchoAdminSourcePort .
This object represents the source's port number. If this object is not specified, the application will get a port allocated by the system. This object is applicable to all probes except dns, dlsw and sna.
rttMonEchoAdminControlEnable .
If this object is enabled, then the RTR application will send control messages to a responder, residing on the target router to respond to the data request packets being sent by the source router. This object is not applicable to echo, pathEcho, dns and http probes.
rttMonEchoAdminTOS .
This object represents the type of service octet in an IP header. This object is not applicable to dhcp and dns.
rttMonEchoAdminLSREnable .
If this object is enabled then it means that the application calculates response time for a specific path, defined in rttMonEchoPathAdminEntry. This object is applicable to echo probe only.
rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddressString .
A string which specifies the address of the target. This string can be in IP address format or a hostname. This object is applicable to dns probe only.
rttMonEchoAdminNameServer .
A string which specifies the ip address of the name-server. This object is applicable to dns probe only.
rttMonEchoAdminOperation .
A code that represents the specific type of RTT operation. This object is applicable to http probe only.
rttMonEchoAdminHTTPVersion .
A string which specifies the version number of the HTTP Server. The syntax for the version string is <major number>.<minor number> An example would be 1.0, 1.1 etc.,. This object is applicable to http probe only.
rttMonEchoAdminURL .
A string which represents the URL to which a HTTP probe should communicate with. This object is applicable to http probe only.
rttMonEchoAdminCache .
If this object is false then it means that HTTP request should not download cached pages. This means that the request should be forwarded to the origin server. This object is applicable to http probe only.
rttMonEchoAdminInterval .
This value represents the inter-packet delay between packets and is in milliseconds. This value is currently used for Jitter probe. This object is applicable to jitter probe only.
rttMonEchoAdminNumPackets .
This value represents the number of packets that need to be transmitted. This value is currently used for Jitter probe. This object is applicable to jitter probe only.
rttMonEchoAdminProxy .
This string represents the proxy server information. This object is applicable to http probe only.
rttMonEchoAdminString1 .
This string stores the content of HTTP raw request. If the request cannot fit into String1 then it should be split and put in Strings 1 through 5. This object is applicable to http probe only.
rttMonEchoAdminString2 .
This string stores the content of HTTP raw request. rttMonEchoAdminString1-5 are concatenated to form the HTTP raw request used in the RTT operation. This object is applicable to http probe only.
rttMonEchoAdminString3 .
This string stores the content of HTTP raw request. rttMonEchoAdminString1-5 are concatenated to form the HTTP raw request used in the RTT operation. This object is applicable to http probe only.
rttMonEchoAdminString4 .
This string stores the content of HTTP raw request. rttMonEchoAdminString1-5 are concatenated to form the HTTP raw request used in the RTT operation. This object is applicable to http probe only.
rttMonEchoAdminString5 .
This string stores the content of HTTP raw request. rttMonEchoAdminString1-5 are concatenated to form the HTTP raw request used in the RTT operation. This object is applicable to http probe only.
rttMonFileIOAdminFilePath .
The fully qualified file path that will be the target of the RTT operation. This value must match one of the rttMonApplPreConfigedName entries.
rttMonFileIOAdminSize .
The size of the file to write/read from the File Server.
rttMonFileIOAdminAction .
The File I/O action to be performed.
rttMonScriptAdminName .
This will be the Name of the Script that will be used to generate RTT operations. This object must match one of the rttMonApplPreConfigedName entries.
rttMonScriptAdminCmdLineParams .
This will be the actual command line parameters passed to the rttMonScriptAdminName when being executed.
rttMonScheduleAdminRttLife .
This object value will be placed into the rttMonCtrlOperRttLife object when the rttMonCtrlOperState object transitions to 'active' or 'pending'. The value 2147483647 has a special meaning. When this object is set to 2147483647, the rttMonCtrlOperRttLife object will not decrement. And thus the life time will never end.
rttMonScheduleAdminRttStartTime .
This is the time when this conceptional row will activate. This is the value of MIB-II's sysUpTime in the future. When sysUpTime equals this value this object will cause the activation of a conceptual Rtt row. When an agent has the capability to determine date and time, the agent should store this object as DateAndTime. This allows the agent to completely reset (restart) and still be able to start conceptual Rtt rows at the intended time. If the agent cannot keep date and time and the agent resets, all entries should take on one of the special value defined below. The first special value allows this conceptual Rtt control row to immediately transition the rttMonCtrlOperState object into 'active' state when the rttMonCtrlAdminStatus object transitions to active. This special value is defined to be a value of this object that, when initially set, is 1. The second special value allows this conceptual Rtt control row to immediately transition the rttMonCtrlOperState object into 'pending' state when the rttMonCtrlAdminStatus object transitions to active. Also, when the rttMonCtrlOperRttLife counts down to zero (and not when set to zero), this special value causes this conceptual Rtt control row to retransition the rttMonCtrlOperState object into 'pending' state. This special value is defined to be a value of this object that, when initially set, is smaller than the current sysUpTime. (With the exception of one, as defined in the previous paragraph)
rttMonScheduleAdminConceptRowAgeout .
The amount of time this conceptual Rtt control row will exist when not in an 'active' rttMonCtrlOperState. When this conceptual Rtt control row enters an 'active' state, this timer will be reset and suspended. When this conceptual RTT control row enters a state other than 'active', the timer will be restarted. NOTE: When a conceptual Rtt control row ages out, the agent needs to remove the associated entries in the rttMonReactTriggerAdminTable and rttMonReactTriggerOperTable. When this value is set to zero, this entry will never be aged out.
rttMonReactAdminConnectionEnable .
If true, a reaction is generated when a RTT operation to a rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress (echo type) causes rttMonCtrlOperConnectionLostOccurred to change its value. Thus connections to intermediate hops will not cause this value to change.
rttMonReactAdminTimeoutEnable .
If true, a reaction is generated when a RTT operation causes rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred to change its value. When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho' timeouts to intermediate hops will not cause rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred to change its value.
rttMonReactAdminThresholdType .
This object specifies the conditions under which rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred is changed: NOTE: When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho' this objects' value and all associated object values are only valid when RTT 'echo' operations are to the rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress object address. Thus 'pathEcho' operations to intermediate hops will not cause this object to change. never - rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred is never set immediate - rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred is set to true when an operation completion time exceeds rttMonCtrlAdminThreshold; conversely rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred is set to false when an operation completion time falls below rttMonReactAdminThresholdFalling consecutive - rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred is set to true when an operation completion time exceeds rttMonCtrlAdminThreshold on rttMonReactAdminThresholdCount consecutive RTT operations; conversely, rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred is set to false when an operation completion time falls under the rttMonReactAdminThresholdFalling for the same number of consecutive operations xOfy - rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred is set to true when x (as specified by rttMonReactAdminThresholdCount) out of the last y (as specified by rttMonReactAdminThresholdCount2) operation completion time exceeds rttMonCtrlAdminThreshold; conversely, it is set to false when x, out of the last y operation completion time fall below rttMonReactAdminThresholdFalling NOTE: When x > y, the probe will never generate a reaction. average - rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred is set to true when the running average of the previous rttMonReactAdminThresholdCount operation completion times exceed rttMonCtrlAdminThreshold; conversely, it is set to false when the running average falls below the rttMonReactAdminThresholdFalling If this value is changed by a management station, rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred is set to false, but no reaction is generated if the prior value of rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred was true.
rttMonReactAdminThresholdFalling .
This object defines a threshold limit. If the RTT operation time falls below this limit and if the conditions specified in rttMonReactAdminThresholdType are satisfied, an threshold is generated.
rttMonReactAdminThresholdCount .
This object defines the 'x' value of the xOfy condition specified in rttMonReactAdminThresholdType.
rttMonReactAdminThresholdCount2 .
This object defines the 'y' value of the xOfy condition specified in rttMonReactAdminThresholdType.
rttMonReactAdminActionType .
Specifies what type(s), if any, of reaction(s) to generate if an operation violates one of the watched conditions: none - no reaction is generated trapOnly - a trap is generated nmvtOnly - an SNA NMVT is generated triggerOnly - all trigger actions defined for this entry are initiated trapAndNmvt - both a trap and an SNA NMVT are generated trapAndTrigger - both a trap and all trigger actions are initiated nmvtAndTrigger - both a NMVT and all trigger actions are initiated trapNmvtAndTrigger - a NMVT, trap, and all trigger actions are initiated A trigger action is defined via the rttMonReactTriggerAdminTable.
rttMonStatisticsAdminNumHourGroups .
The maximum number of groups of paths to record. Specifically this is the number of hourly groups to keep before rolling over. The value of one is not advisable because the group will close and immediately be deleted before the network management station will have the opportunity to retrieve the statistics. The value used in the rttMonStatsCaptureTable to uniquely identify this group is the rttMonStatsCaptureStartTimeIndex. HTTP and Jitter probes store only two hours of data. When this object is set to the value of zero all rttMonStatsCaptureTable data capturing will be shut off.
rttMonStatisticsAdminNumPaths .
When RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho' this is the maximum number of statistics paths to record per hourly group. This value directly represents the path to a target. For all other RttMonRttTypes this value will be forced to one by the agent. NOTE: For 'pathEcho' a source to target path will be created to to hold all errors that occur when a specific path or connection has not be found/setup. Thus, it is advised to set this value greater than one. Since this index does not rollover, only the first rttMonStatisticsAdminNumPaths will be kept.
rttMonStatisticsAdminNumHops .
When RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho' this is the maximum number of statistics hops to record per path group. This value directly represents the number of hops along a path to a target, thus we can only support 30 hops. For all other RttMonRttTypes this value will be forced to one by the agent. Since this index does not rollover, only the first rttMonStatisticsAdminNumHops will be kept. This object is applicable to pathEcho probes only.
rttMonStatisticsAdminNumDistBuckets .
The maximum number of statistical distribution Buckets to accumulate. Since this index does not rollover, only the first rttMonStatisticsAdminNumDistBuckets will be kept. The last rttMonStatisticsAdminNumDistBucket will contain all entries from its distribution interval start point to infinity. This object is not applicable to http and jitter probes.
rttMonStatisticsAdminDistInterval .
The statistical distribution buckets interval. Distribution Bucket Example: rttMonStatisticsAdminNumDistBuckets = 5 buckets rttMonStatisticsAdminDistInterval = 10 milliseconds | Bucket 1 | Bucket 2 | Bucket 3 | Bucket 4 | Bucket 5 | | 0-9 ms | 10-19 ms | 20-29 ms | 30-39 ms | 40-Inf ms | Odd Example: rttMonStatisticsAdminNumDistBuckets = 1 buckets rttMonStatisticsAdminDistInterval = 10 milliseconds | Bucket 1 | | 0-Inf ms | Thus, this odd example shows that the value of rttMonStatisticsAdminDistInterval does not apply when rttMonStatisticsAdminNumDistBuckets is one. This object is not applicable to http and jitter probes.
rttMonHistoryAdminNumLives .
The maximum number of history lives to record. A life is defined by the countdown (or transition) to zero by the rttMonCtrlOperRttLife object. A new life is created when the same conceptual RTT control row is restarted via the transition of the rttMonCtrlOperRttLife object and its subsequent countdown. The value of zero will shut off all rttMonHistoryAdminTable data collection.
rttMonHistoryAdminNumBuckets .
The maximum number of history buckets to record. When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho' this value directly represents a path to a target. For all other RttMonRttTypes this value should be set to the number of operations to keep per lifetime. After rttMonHistoryAdminNumBuckets are filled, the and the oldest entries are deleted and the most recent rttMonHistoryAdminNumBuckets buckets are retained.
rttMonHistoryAdminNumSamples .
The maximum number of history samples to record per bucket. When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho' this value directly represents the number of hops along a path to a target, thus we can only support 30 hops. For all other RttMonRttTypes this value will be forced to one by the agent.
rttMonHistoryAdminFilter .
Defines a filter for adding RTT results to the history buffer: none - no history is recorded all - the results of all completion times and failed completions are recorded overThreshold - the results of completion times over rttMonCtrlAdminThreshold are recorded. failures - the results of failed operations (only) are recorded.
rttMonCtrlOperModificationTime .
This object is updated whenever an object in the conceptual RTT control row is changed or updated.
rttMonCtrlOperDiagText .
A string which can be used as an aid in tracing problems. The content of this field will depend on the type of target (rttMonEchoAdminProtocol). When rttMonEchoAdminProtocol is one of snaLU0EchoAppl, or snaLU2EchoAppl this object contains the name of the Logical Unit (LU) being used for this RTT session (from the HOST's point of view), once the session has been established; this can then be used to correlate this name to the connection information stored in the Mainframe Host. When rttMonEchoAdminProtocol is snaLU62EchoAppl, this object contains the Logical Unit (LU) name being used for this RTT session, once the session has been established. This name can be used by the management application to correlate this objects value to the connection information stored at this SNMP Agent via the APPC or APPN mib. When rttMonEchoAdminProtocol is not one of the previously mentioned values, this value will be null. It is primarily intended that this object contains information which has significance to a human operator.
rttMonCtrlOperResetTime .
This object is set when the rttMonCtrlOperState is set to reset.
rttMonCtrlOperOctetsInUse .
This object is the number of octets currently in use by this composite conceptual RTT row. A composite conceptual row include the control, statistics, and history conceptual rows combined. (All octets that are addressed via the rttMonCtrlAdminIndex in this mib.)
rttMonCtrlOperConnectionLostOccurred .
This object will only change its value when the RttMonRttType is 'echo' or 'pathEcho'. This object is set to true when the RTT connection fails to be established or is lost, and set to false when a connection is reestablished. When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', connection loss applies only to the rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress and not to intermediate hops to the Target. When this value changes and rttMonReactAdminConnectionEnable is true, a reaction will occur. If a trap is sent it is a rttMonConnectionChangeNotification.
rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred .
This object will change its value for all RttMonRttTypes. This object is set to true when an operation times out, and set to false when an operation completes under rttMonCtrlAdminTimeout. When this value changes, a reaction may occur, as defined by rttMonReactAdminTimeoutEnable. When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', this timeout applies only to the rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress and not to intermediate hops to the Target. If a trap is sent it is a rttMonTimeoutNotification.
rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred .
This object will change its value for all RttMonRttTypes. This object is changed by operation completion times over threshold, as defined by rttMonReactAdminThresholdType. When this value changes, a reaction may occur, as defined by rttMonReactAdminThresholdType. If a trap is sent it is a rttMonThresholdNotification.
rttMonCtrlOperNumRtts .
This is the total number of probe operations that have been attempted. This value is incremented for each start of an RTT operation. Thus when rttMonCtrlAdminRttType is set to 'pathEcho' this value will be incremented by one and not for very every hop along the path. This object has the special behavior as defined by the ROLLOVER NOTE in the DESCRIPTION of the ciscoRttMonMIB object. This value is not effected by the rollover of a statistics hourly group.
rttMonCtrlOperRttLife .
This object is decremented every second, until it reaches zero. When the value of this object is zero RTT operations for this row are suspended. This object will either reach zero by a countdown or it will transition to zero via setting the rttMonCtrlOperState. When this object reaches zero the agent needs to transition the rttMonCtrlOperState to 'inactive'. REMEMBER: The value 2147483647 has a special meaning. When this object has the value 2147483647, this object will not decrement. And thus the life time will never. When the rttMonCtrlOperState object is 'active' and the rttMonReactTriggerOperState object transitions to 'active' this object will not be updated with the current value of rttMonCrtlAdminRttLife object.
rttMonCtrlOperState .
The RttMonOperStatus object is used to manage the 'state' of the probe that is implementing conceptual RTT control row. This status object has six defined values: reset(1) - reset this entry, transition to 'pending' orderlyStop(2) - shutdown this entry at the end of the next RTT operation attempt, transition to 'inactive' immediateStop(3) - shutdown this entry immediately (if possible), transition to 'inactive' pending(4) - this value is not settable and this conceptual RTT control row is waiting for further control either via the rttMonScheduleAdminTable or the rttMonReactAdminTable/ rttMonReactTriggerAdminTable; This object can transition to this value via two mechanisms, first by reseting this object, and second by creating a conceptual Rtt control row with the rttMonScheduleAdminRttStartTime object with the its special value inactive(5) - this value is not settable and this conceptual RTT control row is waiting for further control via the rttMonScheduleAdminTable; This object can transition to this value via two mechanisms, first by setting this object to 'orderlyStop' or 'immediateStop', second by the rttMonCtrlOperRttLife object reaching zero active(6) - this value is not settable and this conceptual RTT control row is currently active restart(7) - this value is only settable when the state is active. It clears the data of this entry and remain on active state. The probes action when this object is set to 'reset': - all rows in rttMonStatsCaptureTable that relate to this conceptual RTT control row are destroyed and the indices are set to 1 - if rttMonStatisticsAdminNumHourGroups is not zero, a single new rttMonStatsCaptureTable row is created - all rows in rttMonHistoryCaptureTable that relate to this RTT definition are destroyed and the indices are set to 1 - implied history used for timeout or threshold notification (see rttMonReactAdminThresholdType) is purged - rttMonCtrlOperRttLife is set to rttMonScheduleAdminRttLife - rttMonCtrlOperNumRtts is set to zero - rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred, rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred, and rttMonCtrlOperConnectionLostOccurred are set to false; if this causes a change in the value of either of these objects, resolution notifications will not occur - the next RTT operation is controlled by the objects in the rttMonScheduleAdminTable or the rttMonReactAdminTable/rttMonReactTriggerAdminTable - if the rttMonReactTriggerOperState is 'active', it will transition to 'pending' - all rttMonReactTriggerAdminEntries pointing to this conceptual entry with their rttMonReactTriggerOperState object 'active', will transition their OperState to 'pending' - all open connections must be maintained This can be used to synchronize various RTT definitions, so that the RTT requests occur simultaneously, or as simultaneously as possible. The probes action when this object transitions to 'inactive' (via setting this object to 'orderlyStop' or 'immediateStop' or by rttMonCtrlOperRttLife reaching zero): - all statistics and history collection information table entries will be closed and kept - implied history used for timeout or threshold notification (see rttMonReactAdminThresholdType) is purged - rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred, rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred, and rttMonCtrlOperConnectionLostOccurred are set to false; if this causes a change in the value of either of these objects, resolution notifications will not occur. - the next RTT request is controlled by the objects in the rttMonScheduleAdminTable - if the rttMonReactTriggerOperState is 'active', it will transition to 'pending' (this denotes that the Trigger will be ready the next time this object goes active) - all rttMonReactTriggerAdminEntries pointing to this conceptual entry with their rttMonReactTriggerOperState object 'active', will transition their OperState to 'pending' - all open connections are to be closed and cleanup. rttMonCtrlOperState STATE +-------------------------------------------+ | A | B | C | ACTION | 'pending' | 'inactive' | 'active' | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | OperState set | noError |inconsistent- | noError | | to 'reset' | | Value | | | | -> A | | -> A | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | OperState set | noError | noError | noError | |to 'orderlyStop'| -> B | -> B | -> B | | or to | | | | |'immediateStop' | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | Event causes | -> C | -> B | -> C | | Trigger State | | | see (3) | | to transition | | | | | to 'active' | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | AdminStatus | -> C | -> C | see (1) | | transitions to | | | | | 'active' & | | | | | RttStartTime is| | | | | special value | | | | | of one. | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | AdminStatus | -> A | -> A | see (1) | | transitions to | | | | | 'active' & | | | | | RttStartTime is| | | | | special value | | | | | of less than | | | | | current time, | | | | | excluding one. | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | AdminStatus | -> A | -> B | see (2) | | transitions to | | | | | 'notInService' | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | AdminStatus | -> B | -> B | -> B | | transitions to | | | | | 'delete' | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | AdminStatus is | -> C | -> C | -> C | | 'active' & the | | | see (3) | | RttStartTime | | | | | arrives | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | RowAgeout | -> B | -> B | -> B | | expires | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ | OperRttLife | N/A | N/A | -> B | | counts down to | | | | | zero | | | | +----------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ (1) - rttMonCtrlOperState must have transitioned to 'inactive' or 'pending' before the rttMonCtrlAdminStatus can transition to 'active'. See (2). (2) - rttMonCtrlAdminStatus cannot transition to 'notInService' unless rttMonCtrlOperState has been previously forced to 'inactive' or 'pending'. (3) - when this happens the rttMonCtrlOperRttLife will not be updated with the rttMonCtrlAdminRttLife. NOTE: In order for all objects in a PDU to be set at the same time, this object can not be part of a multi-bound PDU.
rttMonLatestRttOperCompletionTime .
The completion time of the latest RTT operation successfully completed.
rttMonLatestRttOperSense .
A sense code for the completion status of the latest RTT operation.
rttMonLatestRttOperApplSpecificSense .
An application specific sense code for the completion status of the latest RTT operation. This object will only be valid when the rttMonLatestRttOperSense object is set to 'applicationSpecific'. Otherwise, this object's value is not valid.
rttMonLatestRttOperSenseDescription .
A sense description for the completion status of the latest RTT operation when the rttMonLatestRttOperSense object is set to 'applicationSpecific'.
rttMonLatestRttOperTime .
The value of the agent system time at the time of the latest RTT operation.
rttMonLatestRttOperAddress .
When the RttMonRttType is 'echo', 'pathEcho', 'udpEcho', 'tcpConnect', 'dns' and 'dlsw' this is a string which specifies the address of the target for this RTT operation. When the RttMonRttType is not one of these types this object will be null. This address will be the address of the hop along the path to the rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress address, including rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress address, or just the rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress address, when the path information is not collected. This behavior is defined by the rttMonCtrlAdminRttType object. The interpretation of this string depends on the type of RTT operation selected, as specified by the rttMonEchoAdminProtocol object. See rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress for a complete description.
rttMonLatestHTTPOperRTT .
Round Trip Time taken to perform HTTP operation. This value is the sum of DNSRTT, TCPConnectRTT and TransactionRTT.
rttMonLatestHTTPOperDNSRTT .
Round Trip Time taken to perform DNS query within the HTTP operation. If an IP Address is specified in the URL, then DNSRTT is 0.
rttMonLatestHTTPOperTCPConnectRTT .
Round Trip Time taken to connect to the HTTP server.
rttMonLatestHTTPOperTransactionRTT .
Round Trip Time taken to download the object specified by the URL.
rttMonLatestHTTPOperMessageBodyOctets .
The size of the message body received as a response to the HTTP request.
rttMonLatestHTTPOperSense .
An application specific sense code for the completion status of the latest RTT operation.
rttMonLatestHTTPErrorSenseDescription .
An sense description for the completion status of the latest RTT operation.
rttMonLatestJitterOperNumOfRTT .
The number of RTT's that were successfully measured.
rttMonLatestJitterOperRTTSum .
The sum of Jitter RTT's that are successfully measured.
rttMonLatestJitterOperRTTSum2 .
The sum of squares of RTT's that are successfully measured.
rttMonLatestJitterOperRTTMin .
The minimum of RTT's that were successfully measured.
rttMonLatestJitterOperRTTMax .
The maximum of RTT's that were successfully measured.
rttMonLatestJitterOperMinOfPositivesSD .
The minimum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonLatestJitterOperMaxOfPositivesSD .
The maximum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonLatestJitterOperNumOfPositivesSD .
The sum of number of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonLatestJitterOperSumOfPositivesSD .
The sum of RTT's of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonLatestJitterOperSum2PositivesSD .
The sum of square of RTT's of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonLatestJitterOperMinOfNegativesSD .
The minimum of absolute values of all negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonLatestJitterOperMaxOfNegativesSD .
The maximum of absolute values of all negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonLatestJitterOperNumOfNegativesSD .
The sum of number of all negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonLatestJitterOperSumOfNegativesSD .
The sum of all negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonLatestJitterOperSum2NegativesSD .
The sum of square of RTT's of all negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonLatestJitterOperMinOfPositivesDS .
The minimum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonLatestJitterOperMaxOfPositivesDS .
The maximum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonLatestJitterOperNumOfPositivesDS .
The sum of number of all positive jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonLatestJitterOperSumOfPositivesDS .
The sum of RTT's of all positive jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonLatestJitterOperSum2PositivesDS .
The sum of squares of RTT's of all positive jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonLatestJitterOperMinOfNegativesDS .
The minimum of all negative jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonLatestJitterOperMaxOfNegativesDS .
The maximum of all negative jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonLatestJitterOperNumOfNegativesDS .
The sum of number of all negative jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonLatestJitterOperSumOfNegativesDS .
The sum of RTT's of all negative jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonLatestJitterOperSum2NegativesDS .
The sum of squares of RTT's of all negative jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonLatestJitterOperPacketLossSD .
The number of packets lost when sent from source to destination.
rttMonLatestJitterOperPacketLossDS .
The number of packets lost when sent from destination to source.
rttMonLatestJitterOperPacketOutOfSequence .
The number of packets arrived out of sequence.
rttMonLatestJitterOperPacketMIA .
The number of packets that are lost for which we cannot determine the direction.
rttMonLatestJitterOperPacketLateArrival .
The number of packets that arrived after the timeout.
rttMonLatestJitterOperSense .
An application specific sense code for the completion status of the latest Jitter RTT operation.
rttMonLatestJitterErrorSenseDescription .
An sense description for the completion status of the latest Jitter RTT operation.
rttMonReactTriggerAdminRttMonCtrlAdminIndex .
This object points to a single conceptual Rtt control row. If this row does not exist and this value is triggered no action will result. The conceptual Rtt control row will be triggered for the rttMonCtrlOperRttLife length. If this conceptual Rtt control row is already active, rttMonCtrlOperRttLife will not be updated, and its life will continue as previously defined.
rttMonReactTriggerAdminStatus .
This object is used to create Trigger entries.
rttMonReactTriggerOperState .
This object takes on the value active when its associated entry in the rttMonReactTriggerAdminTable has been triggered. When the associated entry in the rttMonReactTriggerAdminTable is not under a trigger state, this object will be pending. When this object is in the active state this entry can not be retriggered.
rttMonEchoPathAdminHopIndex .
Uniquely identifies a row in the rttMonEchoPathAdminTable. This number represents the hop address number in a specific ping path. All the indicies should start from 1 and must be contiguous ie., entries should be (say rttMonCtrlAdminIndex = 1) 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, they cannot be 1.1, 1.2, 1.4
rttMonEchoPathAdminHopAddress .
A string which specifies the address of an intermediate hop's IP Address for a RTT 'echo' operation
rttMonStatsCaptureStartTimeIndex .
The time when this row was created. This object is the second index of the rttMonStatsCaptureTable Table. The the number of rttMonStatsCaptureStartTimeIndex groups exceeds the rttMonStatisticsAdminNumHourGroups value, the oldest rttMonStatsCaptureStartTimeIndex group will be removed and replaced with the new entry. When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', this object also uniquely defines a group of paths. See the rttMonStatsCaptureEntry object.
rttMonStatsCapturePathIndex .
When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', this object uniquely defines a path for a given value of rttMonStatsCaptureStartTimeIndex. For all other values of RttMonRttType, this object will be one. For a particular value of rttMonStatsCaptureStartTimeIndex, the agent assigns the first instance of a path a value of 1, then second instance a value of 2, and so on. The sequence keeps incrementing until the number of paths equals rttMonStatisticsAdminNumPaths value, then no new paths are kept for the current rttMonStatsCaptureStartTimeIndex group. NOTE: A source to target rttMonStatsCapturePathIndex path will be created for each rttMonStatsCaptureStartTimeIndex to hold all errors that occur when a specific path or connection has not be setup. This value directly represents the path to a target. We can only support 128 paths.
rttMonStatsCaptureHopIndex .
When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', this object uniquely defines a hop for a given value of rttMonStatsCapturePathIndex. For all other values of RttMonRttType, this object will be one. For a particular value of rttMonStatsCapturePathIndex, the agent assigns the first instance of a hop a value of 1, then second instance a value of 2, and so on. The sequence keeps incrementing until the number of hops equals rttMonStatisticsAdminNumHops value, then no new hops are kept for the current rttMonStatsCapturePathIndex. This value directly represents a hop along the path to a target, thus we can only support 30 hops. This value shows the order along the path to a target.
rttMonStatsCaptureDistIndex .
This object uniquely defines a statistical distribution bucket for a given value of rttMonStatsCaptureHopIndex. For a particular value of rttMonStatsCaptureHopIndex, the agent assigns the first instance of a distribution a value of 1, then second instance a value of 2, and so on. The sequence keeps incrementing until the number of statistics distribution intervals equals rttMonStatisticsAdminNumDistBuckets value, then all values that fall above the last interval will be placed into the last interval. Each of these Statistics Distribution Buckets contain the results of each completion as defined by rttMonStatisticsAdminDistInterval object.
rttMonStatsCaptureCompletions .
The number of RTT operations that have completed without an error and without timing out. This object has the special behavior as defined by the ROLLOVER NOTE in the DESCRIPTION of the ciscoRttMonMIB object.
rttMonStatsCaptureOverThresholds .
The number of RTT operations successfully completed, but in excess of rttMonCtrlAdminThreshold. This number is a subset of the accumulation of all rttMonStatsCaptureCompletions. The operation time of these completed operations will be accumulated. This object has the special behavior as defined by the ROLLOVER NOTE in the DESCRIPTION of the ciscoRttMonMIB object.
rttMonStatsCaptureSumCompletionTime .
The accumulated completion time of RTT operations which complete successfully.
rttMonStatsCaptureSumCompletionTime2Low .
The low order 32 bits of the accumulated squares of completion times (in milliseconds) of RTT operations which complete successfully. Low/High order is defined where the binary number will look as follows: ------------------------------------------------- | High order 32 bits | Low order 32 bits | ------------------------------------------------- For example the number 4294967296 would have all Low order bits as '0' and the rightmost High order bit will be 1 (zeros,1).
rttMonStatsCaptureSumCompletionTime2High .
The high order 32 bits of the accumulated squares of completion times (in milliseconds) of RTT operations which complete successfully. See the rttMonStatsCaptureSumCompletionTime2Low object for a definition of Low/High Order.
rttMonStatsCaptureCompletionTimeMax .
The maximum completion time of any RTT operation which completes successfully.
rttMonStatsCaptureCompletionTimeMin .
The minimum completion time of any RTT operation which completes successfully.
rttMonStatsCollectNumDisconnects .
When the RttMonRttType is 'echo' or pathEcho', this object represents the number of times that the target or hop along the path to a target became disconnected. For all other values of RttMonRttType, this object will remain zero. For connectionless protocols this has no meaning, and will consequently remain 0. When rttMonEchoAdminProtocol is one of snaRUEcho, this is the number of times that an LU-SSCP session was lost, for snaLU0EchoAppl, snaLU2EchoAppl, snaLu62Echo, and for snaLU62EchoAppl, this is the number of times that LU-LU session was lost. Since this error does not indicate any information about the failure of an RTT operation, no response time information for this instance will be recorded in the appropriate objects. If this error occurs and the rttMonStatsCapturePathIndex cannot be determined, this error will be accumulated in the source to target path, that will always exist. This object has the special behavior as defined by the ROLLOVER NOTE in the DESCRIPTION of the ciscoRttMonMIB object.
rttMonStatsCollectTimeouts .
The number of occasions when a RTT operation was not completed before a timeout occurred, i.e. rttMonCtrlAdminTimeout was exceeded. Since the RTT operation was never completed, the completion time of these operations are not accumulated, nor do they increment rttMonStatsCaptureCompletions (in any of the statistics distribution buckets). This object has the special behavior as defined by the ROLLOVER NOTE in the DESCRIPTION of the ciscoRttMonMIB object.
rttMonStatsCollectBusies .
The number of occasions when a RTT operation could not be initiated because a previous RTT operation has not been completed. When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho' this can occur for both connection oriented protocols and connectionless protocols. When the RttMonRttType is 'echo' this can only occur for connection oriented protocols such as SNA. When the initiation of a new operation cannot be started, this object will be incremented and the operation will be omitted. (The next operation will start at the next Frequency). Since, a RTT operation was never initiated, the completion time of these operations is not accumulated, nor do they increment rttMonStatsCaptureCompletions. When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', and this error occurs and the rttMonStatsCapturePathIndex cannot be determined, this error will be accumulated in the source to target path, that will always exist. This object has the special behavior as defined by the ROLLOVER NOTE in the DESCRIPTION of the ciscoRttMonMIB object.
rttMonStatsCollectNoConnections .
When the RttMonRttType is 'echo' or 'pathEcho' this is the number of occasions when a RTT operation could not be initiated because the connection to the target has not been established. For all other RttMonRttTypes this object will remain zero. This cannot occur for connectionless protocols, but may occur for connection oriented protocols, such as SNA. Since a RTT operation was never initiated, the completion time of these operations are not accumulated, nor do they increment rttMonStatsCaptureCompletions. If this error occurs and the rttMonStatsCapturePathIndex cannot be determined, this error will be accumulated in the source to target path, that will always exist. This object has the special behavior as defined by the ROLLOVER NOTE in the DESCRIPTION of the ciscoRttMonMIB object.
rttMonStatsCollectDrops .
The number of occasions when a RTT operation could not be initiated because some necessary internal resource (for example memory, or SNA subsystem) was not available, or the operation completion could not be recognized. Since a RTT operation was never initiated or was not recognized, the completion time of these operations are not accumulated, nor do they increment rttMonStatsCaptureCompletions (in the expected Distribution Bucket). When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', and this error occurs and the rttMonStatsCapturePathIndex cannot be determined, this error will be accumulated in the source to target path, that will always exist. This object has the special behavior as defined by the ROLLOVER NOTE in the DESCRIPTION of the ciscoRttMonMIB object.
rttMonStatsCollectSequenceErrors .
When the RttMonRttType is 'echo' of 'pathEcho' this is the number of RTT operation completions received with an unexpected sequence identifier. For all other values of RttMonRttType this object will remain zero. When this has occurred some of the possible reasons may be: - a duplicate packet was received - a response was received after it had timed-out - a corrupted packet was received and was not detected The completion time of these operations are not accumulated, nor do they increment rttMonStatsCaptureCompletions (in the expected Distribution Bucket). This object has the special behavior as defined by the ROLLOVER NOTE in the DESCRIPTION of the ciscoRttMonMIB object.
rttMonStatsCollectVerifyErrors .
The number of RTT operation completions received with data that does not compare with the expected data. The completion time of these operations are not accumulated, nor do they increment rttMonStatsCaptureCompletions (in the expected Distribution Bucket). This object has the special behavior as defined by the ROLLOVER NOTE in the DESCRIPTION of the ciscoRttMonMIB object.
rttMonStatsCollectAddress .
This object only applies when the RttMonRttType is 'echo', 'pathEcho', 'dlsw', 'udpEcho', 'tcpConnect'. For all other values of the RttMonRttType, this will be null. The object is a string which specifies the address of the target for the this RTT operation. This address will be the address of the hop along the path to the rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress address, including rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress address, or just the rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress address, when the path information is not collected. This behavior is defined by the rttMonCtrlAdminRttType object. The interpretation of this string depends on the type of RTT operation selected, as specified by the rttMonEchoAdminProtocol object.
rttMonStatsTotalsElapsedTime .
The length of time since this conceptual statistics row was created.
rttMonStatsTotalsInitiations .
The number of RTT operations that have been initiated. This number includes all RTT operations which succeed or fail for whatever reason. This object has the special behavior as defined by the ROLLOVER NOTE in the DESCRIPTION of the ciscoRttMonMIB object.
rttMonHTTPStatsStartTimeIndex .
This is the time when this row was created. This index uniquely identifies a HTTP Stats row in the rttMonHTTPStatsTable.
rttMonHTTPStatsCompletions .
The number of HTTP operations that have completed successfully.
rttMonHTTPStatsOverThresholds .
The number of HTTP operations that violate threshold.
rttMonHTTPStatsRTTSum .
The sum of HTTP operations that are successfully measured.
rttMonHTTPStatsRTTSum2Low .
The sum of squares of the RTT's that are successfully measured (low order 32 bits).
rttMonHTTPStatsRTTSum2High .
The sum of squares of the RTT's that are successfully measured (high order 32 bits).
rttMonHTTPStatsRTTMin .
The minimum RTT taken to perform HTTP operation.
rttMonHTTPStatsRTTMax .
The minimum RTT taken to perform HTTP operation.
rttMonHTTPStatsDNSRTTSum .
The sum of RTT taken to perform DNS query within the HTTP operation.
rttMonHTTPStatsTCPConnectRTTSum .
The sum of RTT taken to connect to the HTTP server.
rttMonHTTPStatsTransactionRTTSum .
The sum of RTT taken to download the object specified by URL.
rttMonHTTPStatsMessageBodyOctetsSum .
The sum of the size of the message body received as a response to the HTTP request.
rttMonHTTPStatsDNSServerTimeout .
The number of requests that could not connect to the DNS Server.
rttMonHTTPStatsTCPConnectTimeout .
The number of requests that could not connect to the the HTTP Server.
rttMonHTTPStatsTransactionTimeout .
The number of requests that timed out during HTTP transaction.
rttMonHTTPStatsDNSQueryError .
The number of requests that had DNS Query errors.
rttMonHTTPStatsHTTPError .
The number of requests that had HTTP errors while downloading the base page.
rttMonHTTPStatsError .
The number of occasions when a HTTP operation could not be initiated because an internal error
rttMonHTTPStatsBusies .
The number of occasions when an HTTP operation could not be initiated because a previous HTTP operation has not been completed.
rttMonJitterStatsStartTimeIndex .
The time when this row was created.
rttMonJitterStatsCompletions .
The number of jitter operation that have completed successfully.
rttMonJitterStatsOverThresholds .
The number of jitter operations that violate threshold.
rttMonJitterStatsNumOfRTT .
The number of RTT's that are successfully measured.
rttMonJitterStatsRTTSum .
The sum of RTT's that are successfully measured.
rttMonJitterStatsRTTSum2Low .
The sum of squares of RTT's that are successfully measured (low order 32 bits).
rttMonJitterStatsRTTSum2High .
The sum of squares of RTT's that are successfully measured (high order 32 bits).
rttMonJitterStatsRTTMin .
The minimum of RTT's that were successfully measured
rttMonJitterStatsRTTMax .
The maximum of RTT's that were successfully measured
rttMonJitterStatsMinOfPositivesSD .
The minimum of absolute values of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonJitterStatsMaxOfPositivesSD .
The maximum of absolute values of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonJitterStatsNumOfPositivesSD .
The sum of number of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonJitterStatsSumOfPositivesSD .
The sum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonJitterStatsSum2PositivesSDLow .
The sum of square of RTT's of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination (low order 32 bits).
rttMonJitterStatsSum2PositivesSDHigh .
The sum of square of RTT's of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination (high order 32 bits).
rttMonJitterStatsMinOfNegativesSD .
The minimum of all negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonJitterStatsMaxOfNegativesSD .
The maximum of all negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonJitterStatsNumOfNegativesSD .
The sum of number of all negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonJitterStatsSumOfNegativesSD .
The sum of RTT's of all negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination.
rttMonJitterStatsSum2NegativesSDLow .
The sum of square of RTT's of all negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination (low order 32 bits).
rttMonJitterStatsSum2NegativesSDHigh .
The sum of square of RTT's of all negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination (high order 32 bits).
rttMonJitterStatsMinOfPositivesDS .
The minimum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonJitterStatsMaxOfPositivesDS .
The maximum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonJitterStatsNumOfPositivesDS .
The sum of number of all positive jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonJitterStatsSumOfPositivesDS .
The sum of RTT's of all positive jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonJitterStatsSum2PositivesDSLow .
The sum of squares of RTT's of all positive jitter values from packets sent from destination to source (low order 32 bits).
rttMonJitterStatsSum2PositivesDSHigh .
The sum of squares of RTT's of all positive jitter values from packets sent from destination to source (high order 32 bits).
rttMonJitterStatsMinOfNegativesDS .
The minimum of all negative jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonJitterStatsMaxOfNegativesDS .
The maximum of all negative jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonJitterStatsNumOfNegativesDS .
The sum of number of all negative jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonJitterStatsSumOfNegativesDS .
The sum of RTT's of all negative jitter values from packets sent from destination to source.
rttMonJitterStatsSum2NegativesDSLow .
The sum of squares of RTT's of all negative jitter values from packets sent from destination to source (low order 32 bits).
rttMonJitterStatsSum2NegativesDSHigh .
The sum of squares of RTT's of all negative jitter values from packets sent from destination to source (high order 32 bits).
rttMonJitterStatsPacketLossSD .
The number of packets lost when sent from source to destination.
rttMonJitterStatsPacketLossDS .
The number of packets lost when sent from destination to source.
rttMonJitterStatsPacketOutOfSequence .
The number of packets arrived out of sequence.
rttMonJitterStatsPacketMIA .
The number of packets that are lost for which we cannot determine the direction.
rttMonJitterStatsPacketLateArrival .
The number of packets that arrived after the timeout.
rttMonJitterStatsError .
The number of occasions when a jitter operation could not be initiated because an internal error
rttMonJitterStatsBusies .
The number of occasions when a jitter operation could not be initiated because a previous jitter operation has not been completed.
rttMonHistoryCollectionLifeIndex .
This uniquely defines a life for a conceptual history row. For a particular value of rttMonHistoryCollectionLifeIndex, the agent assigns the first value of 1, the second value of 2, and so on. The sequence keeps incrementing, despite older (lower) values being removed from the table.
rttMonHistoryCollectionBucketIndex .
When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', this uniquely defines a bucket for a given value of rttMonHistoryCollectionLifeIndex. For all other RttMonRttType this value will be the number of operations per a lifetime. Thus, this object increments on each operation attempt. For a particular value of rttMonHistoryCollectionLifeIndex, the agent assigns the first value of 1, the second value of 2, and so on. The sequence keeps incrementing until the number of buckets equals rttMonHistoryAdminNumBuckets, after which the most recent rttMonHistoryAdminNumBuckets buckets are retained (the index is incremented though).
rttMonHistoryCollectionSampleIndex .
This uniquely defines a row for a given value of rttMonHistoryCollectionBucketIndex. This object represents a hop along a path to the Target. For a particular value of rttMonHistoryCollectionBucketIndex, the agent assigns the first value of 1, the second value of 2, and so on. The sequence keeps incrementing until the number of samples equals rttMonHistoryAdminNumSamples, then no new samples are created for the current rttMonHistoryCollectionBucketIndex. When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', this value directly represents the number of hops along a path to a target, thus we can only support 512 hops. For all other values of RttMonRttType this object will be one.
rttMonHistoryCollectionSampleTime .
The time that the RTT operation was initiated.
rttMonHistoryCollectionAddress .
When the RttMonRttType is 'echo' or 'pathEcho' this is a string which specifies the address of the target for the this RTT operation. For all other values of RttMonRttType this string will be null. This address will be the address of the hop along the path to the rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress address, including rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress address, or just the rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress address, when the path information is not collected. This behavior is defined by the rttMonCtrlAdminRttType object. The interpretation of this string depends on the type of RTT operation selected, as specified by the rttMonEchoAdminProtocol object. See rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress for a complete description.
rttMonHistoryCollectionCompletionTime .
This is the operation completion time of the RTT operation. If the RTT operation fails (rttMonHistoryCollectionSense is any value other than ok), this has a value of 0.
rttMonHistoryCollectionSense .
A sense code for the completion status of the RTT operation.
rttMonHistoryCollectionApplSpecificSense .
An application specific sense code for the completion status of the last RTT operation. This object will only be valid when the rttMonHistoryCollectionSense object is set to 'applicationSpecific'. Otherwise, this object's value is not valid.
rttMonHistoryCollectionSenseDescription .
A sense description for the completion status of the last RTT operation when the rttMonHistoryCollectionSense object is set to 'applicationSpecific'.
rttMonApplSupportedRttTypesTable .
A table of which contains the supported Rtt Monitor Types. See the RttMonRttType textual convention for the definition of each type.
rttMonApplSupportedProtocolsTable .
A table of which contains the supported Rtt Monitor Protocols. See the RttMonProtocol textual convention for the definition of each protocol.
rttMonApplPreConfigedTable .
A table of which contains the previously configured Script Names and File IO targets. These Script Names and File IO targets are installed via a different mechanism than this application, and are specific to each platform.
rttMonCtrlAdminTable .
A table of Round Trip Time (RTT) monitoring definitions. The RTT administration control is in multiple tables. This first table, is used to create a conceptual RTT control row. The following tables contain objects which configure scheduling, information gathering, and notification/trigger generation. All of these tables will create the same conceptual RTT control row as this table using this tables' index as their own index. This table is limited in size by the agent implementation. The object rttMonApplNumCtrlAdminEntry will reflect this tables maximum number of entries.
rttMonEchoAdminTable .
A table that contains Round Trip Time (RTT) specific definitions. This table is controlled via the rttMonCtrlAdminTable. Entries in this table are created via the rttMonCtrlAdminStatus object.
rttMonFileIOAdminTable .
A table of Round Trip Time (RTT) monitoring 'fileIO' specific definitions. When the RttMonRttType is not 'fileIO' this table is not valid. This table is controlled via the rttMonCtrlAdminTable. Entries in this table are created via the rttMonCtrlAdminStatus object.
rttMonScriptAdminTable .
A table of Round Trip Time (RTT) monitoring 'script' specific definitions. When the RttMonRttType is not 'script' this table is not valid. This table is controlled via the rttMonCtrlAdminTable. Entries in this table are created via the rttMonCtrlAdminStatus object.
rttMonScheduleAdminTable .
A table of Round Trip Time (RTT) monitoring scheduling specific definitions. This table is controlled via the rttMonCtrlAdminTable. Entries in this table are created via the rttMonCtrlAdminStatus object.
rttMonReactAdminTable .
A table of Round Trip Time (RTT) monitoring Notification and Trigger definitions. All Notification/Reactions are applied to all RTT End-to-End operations. Thus, they do not apply to hops along a path to the target, when RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho'. The format and content of SNA NMVT's are not defined within this module. It can be noted, however, that there are Alert NMVT's, and traps which are sent when an abnormal condition occurs, i.e. when one of rttMonCtrlOperConnectionLostOccurred, rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred or rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred are changed to true, and Resolution NMVT's, and Resolution traps which are sent when that condition clears, i.e. when one of rttMonCtrlOperConnectionLostOccurred, rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred or rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred is changed back to false. When rttMonReactAdminActionType is set to one of the following: - triggerOnly - trapAndTrigger - nmvtAndTrigger - trapNmvtAndTrigger The corresponding rows in the rttMonReactTriggerAdminTable defined via the rttMonCtrlAdminIndex will become active. This table augments the rttMonCtrlAdminTable.
rttMonStatisticsAdminTable .
A table of Round Trip Time (RTT) monitoring statistics definitions. The definitions in this table control what and how many entries will be placed into the rttMonStatsCaptureTable. The statistics capture table is a rollover table. When the rttMonStatisticsAdminNumHourGroups index value exceeds its value defined in this table, the oldest corresponding group will be deleted and will be replaced with the new group. All other indices will only fill to there maximum size. NOTE: The maximum size of this table is defined to be the product of the rttMonCtrlAdminIndex times rttMonStatisticsAdminNumHourGroups times rttMonStatisticsAdminNumPaths times rttMonStatisticsAdminNumHops times rttMonStatisticsAdminNumDistBuckets. NOTE WELL: Each of the 'Num' objects values in this have a special behavior. When one of the objects is set to a value larger than the Rtt application can support the set will succeed, but the resultant value will be set to the applications maximum value. The setting management station must reread this object to verify the actual value. This table augments the rttMonCtrlAdminTable.
rttMonHistoryAdminTable .
A table of Round Trip Time (RTT) monitoring history definitions. The definitions in this table control what and how many entries will be placed into the rttMonHistoryCollectionTable. The history collection table is a rollover table. When the rttMonHistoryAdminNumLives index value exceeds its value defined in this table, the oldest corresponding 'lives' group will be deleted and will be replaced with the new 'lives' group. All other indices will only fill to their maximum size. NOTE: The maximum size of this table is defined to be the product of the rttMonCtrlAdminIndex times rttMonHistoryAdminNumLives times rttMonHistoryAdminNumBuckets times rttMonHistoryAdminNumSamples. NOTE WELL: Each of the 'Num' objects values in this have a special behavior. When one of the objects is set to a value larger than the Rtt application can support the set will succeed, but the resultant value will be set to the applications maximum value. The setting management station must reread this object to verify the actual value. NOTE: this table is not applicable to http and jitter probes
rttMonCtrlOperTable .
A table of which contains the Operational values for the probe, and the conceptual RTT control row. This table augments the rttMonCtrlAdminTable.
rttMonLatestRttOperTable .
A table of which contains the status of latest RTT operation. When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', operations performed to the hops along the path will be recorded in this table. This table augments the RTT definition table, rttMonCtrlAdminTable.
rttMonLatestHTTPOperTable .
A table which contains the status of latest HTTP RTT operation.
rttMonLatestJitterOperTable .
A table which contains the status of latest Jitter operation.
rttMonReactTriggerAdminTable .
A table of which contains the list of conceptual RTT control rows that will start to collect data when a reaction condition is violated and when rttMonReactAdminActionType is set to one of the following: - triggerOnly - trapAndTrigger - nmvtAndTrigger - trapNmvtAndTrigger The goal of this table is to define one or more additional conceptual RTT control rows that will become active and start to collect additional history and statistics (depending on the rows configuration values), when a problem has been detected. If the conceptual RTT control row is undefined, and a trigger occurs, no action will take place. If the conceptual RTT control row is scheduled to start at a later time, triggering that row will have no effect. If the conceptual RTT control row is currently active, triggering that row will have no effect on that row, but the rttMonReactTriggerOperState object will transition to 'active'. An entry in this table can only be triggered when it is not currently in a triggered state. The object rttMonReactTriggerOperState will reflect the state of each entry in this table.
rttMonReactTriggerOperTable .
A table of which contains the operational state of each entry in the rttMonReactTriggerAdminTable. This table augments the RTT trigger definition table, rttMonReactTriggerAdminTable.
rttMonEchoPathAdminTable .
A table to store the hop addresses in a Loose Source Routing path. Response times are computed along the specified path using ping. This maximum table size is limited by the size of the maximum number of hop addresses that can fit in an IP header, which is 8. The object rttMonEchoPathAdminEntry will reflect this tables maximum number of entries. This table is coupled with rttMonCtrlAdminStatus.
rttMonStatsCaptureTable .
The statistics capture database. The statistics capture table contains summarized information of the results for a conceptual RTT control row. A rolling accumulated history of this information is maintained in a series of hourly 'group(s)'. Each 'group' contains a series of 'path(s)', each 'path' contains a series of 'hop(s)', each 'hop' contains a series of 'statistics distribution bucket(s)'. Each conceptual statistics row has a current hourly group, into which RTT results are accumulated. At the end of each hour a new hourly group is created which then becomes current. The counters and accumulators in the new group are initialized to zero. The previous group(s) is kept in the table until the table contains rttMonStatisticsAdminNumHourGroups groups for the conceptual statistics row; at this point, the oldest group is discarded and is replaced by the newly created one. The hourly group is uniquely identified by the rttMonStatsCaptureStartTimeIndex object. If the activity for a conceptual RTT control row ceases because the rttMonCtrlOperState object transitions to 'inactive', the corresponding current hourly group in this table is 'frozen', and a new hourly group is created when activity is resumed. If the activity for a conceptual RTT control row ceases because the rttMonCtrlOperState object transitions to 'pending' this whole table will be cleared and reset to its initial state. When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', the path exploration RTT requests' statistics will not be accumulated in this table. NOTE: When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', a source to target rttMonStatsCapturePathIndex path will be created for each rttMonStatsCaptureStartTimeIndex to hold all errors that occur when a specific path had not been found or connection has not be setup. Using this rttMonStatsCaptureTable, a managing application can retrieve summarized data from accurately measured periods, which is synchronized across multiple conceptual RTT control rows. With the new hourly group creation being performed on a 60 minute period, the managing station has plenty of time to collect the data, and need not be concerned with the vagaries of network delays and lost PDU's when trying to get matching data. Also, the managing station can spread the data gathering over a longer period, which removes the need for a flood of get requests in a short period which otherwise would occur.
rttMonStatsCollectTable .
The statistics collection database. This table has the exact same behavior as the rttMonStatsCaptureTable, except it does not keep statistical distribution information. For a complete table description see the rttMonStatsCaptureTable object.
rttMonStatsTotalsTable .
The statistics totals database. This table has the exact same behavior as the rttMonStatsCaptureTable, except it only keeps 60 minute group values. For a complete table description see the rttMonStatsCaptureTable object.
rttMonHTTPStatsTable .
The HTTP statistics collection database. The HTTP statistics table contains summarized information of the results for a conceptual RTT control row. A rolling accumulated history of this information is maintained in a series of hourly 'group(s)'. The operation of this table is same as that of rttMonStatsCaptureTable, except that this table can only store a maximum of 2 hours of data.
rttMonJitterStatsTable .
The Jitter statistics collection database. The Jitter statistics table contains summarized information of the results for a conceptual RTT control row. A rolling accumulated history of this information is maintained in a series of hourly 'group(s)'. The operation of this table is same as that of rttMonStatsCaptureTable, except that this table will store 2 hours of data.
rttMonHistoryCollectionTable .
The history collection database. The history table contains a point by point rolling history of the most recent RTT operations for each conceptual RTT control row. The rolling history of this information is maintained in a series of 'live(s)', each containing a series of 'bucket(s)', each 'bucket' contains a series of 'sample(s)'. Each conceptual history row can have lives. A life is defined by the rttMonCtrlOperRttLife object. A new life will be created when rttMonCtrlOperState transitions 'active'. When the number of lives become greater than rttMonHistoryAdminNumLives the oldest life will be discarded and a new life will be created by incrementing the index. The path exploration RTT operation will be kept as an entry in this table.
rttMonConnectionChangeNotification .
This notification is only valid when the RttMonRttType is 'echo' or 'pathEcho'. A rttMonConnectionChangeNotification indicates that a connection to a target (not to a hop along the path to a target) has either failed on establishment or been lost and when reestablished. Precisely, this has resulted in rttMonCtrlOperConnectionLostOccurred changing value. If History is not being collected, the instance values for the rttMonHistoryCollectionAddress object will not be valid. When RttMonRttType is not 'echo' or 'pathEcho' the rttMonHistoryCollectionAddress object will be null.
rttMonTimeoutNotification .
A rttMonTimeoutNotification indicates the occurrence of a timeout for a RTT operation, and it indicates the clearing of such a condition by a subsequent RTT operation. Precisely, this has resulted in rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred changing value. When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', this notification will only be sent when the timeout occurs during an operation to the target and not to a hop along the path to the target. This also applies to the clearing of the timeout. If History is not being collected, the instance values for the rttMonHistoryCollectionAddress object will not be valid. When RttMonRttType is not 'echo' or 'pathEcho' the rttMonHistoryCollectionAddress object will be null.
rttMonThresholdNotification .
A rttMonThresholdNotification indicates the occurrence of a threshold violation for a RTT operation, and it indicates the previous violation has subsided for a subsequent RTT operation. Precisely, this has resulted in rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred changing value. When the RttMonRttType is 'pathEcho', this notification will only be sent when the threshold violation occurs during an operation to the target and not to a hop along the path to the target. This also applies to the subsiding of a threshold condition. If History is not being collected, the instance values for the rttMonHistoryCollectionAddress object will not be valid. When RttMonRttType is not 'echo' or 'pathEcho' the rttMonHistoryCollectionAddress object will be null.
Object Identifier
ciscoRttMonMIB .
This module defines a MIB for Round Trip Time (RTT) monitoring of a list of targets, using a variety of protocols. The table structure overview is a follows (t: indicates a table, at: indicates an augmented table, and it: indicates table with the same indices/control as parent table): RTTMON MIB |--- Application Group | |--- Application Identity | |--- Application Capabilities | |--- Application Reset | |t-- Supported RTT Types | |--- Truth Value | |t-- Supported Protocols | |--- Truth Value | |t-- Application Preconfigured | |--- Script Names | |--- File Paths | |--- Overall Control Group | |t-- Master Definitions Table | | |--- Global Configuration Definitions | | |--- Config for a single RTT Life | | |it- Echo Specific Configuration | | |it- Echo Path Hop Address Configuration | | |it- File I/O Specific Configuration | | |it- Script Specific Configuration | | |at- Schedule Configuration | | |at- Reaction Specific Config | | |at- Statistics Capture Configuration | | |at- History Collection Configuration | | |at- Monitoring Operational State | | |at- Last RTT operation | | | |t-- Reaction Trigger Table | |at- Reaction Trigger Operational State | |--- Statistics Collection Group | |t-- Statistics Capture Table | |--- Captured Statistics | |--- Path Information | |--- Distribution Capture | |--- Mean and Deviation Capture | |it- Statistics Collection Table | |it- Statistics Totals Table | |t-- HTTP Stats Table | |t-- Jitter Stats Table | |--- History Collection Group | |t-- History Collection Table | |-- Path Information | |-- Completion Information per operation | |--- Latest Operation Group | |t-- Latest HTTP Oper Table | |t-- Latest Jitter Oper Table DEFINITIONS: conceptual RTT control row - This is a row in the 'Overall Control Group'. This row is indexed via the rttMonCtrlAdminIndex object. This row is spread across multiple real tables in the 'Overall Control Group'. probe - This is the entity that executes via a conceptual RTT control row and populates a conceptual statistics row and a conceptual history row. Rtt operation - This is a single operation performed by a probe. This operation can be a single Rtt attempt/completion or a group of Rtt attempts/completions that produce one operation table entry. ARR Protocol Definition: The format of the RTT Asymmetric Request/Responses (ARR) protocol is as follows: The ARR Header (total of 12 octets): 4 octet -> eyecatcher: 'WxYz' 1 octet -> version : 0x01 - protocol version 1 octet -> command : 0x01 - logoff request 0x02 - echo request 0x03 - echo response 0x04 - software version request 0x05 - software version response 2 octet -> sequence number (Network Byte Order) 4 octet -> response data size (Network Byte Order) The ARR Data: n octets -> request/response data : 'AB..ZAB..ZAB..' For software version request/response the protocol version octet will contain the version number of the responder. Thus the sequence number, etc will not be included. For snaLU0EchoAppl and snaLU2EchoAppl all character fields will be in EBCDIC. The response data should be appended to the origin request data. This allows data verification to check the data that flows in both directions. If the response data size is smaller than the request data size the original request data will be truncated. An example would be: Request: / Response: 'WxYz' / 'WxYz' 0x01 / 0x01 0x02 / 0x03 0x0001 / 0x0001 0x00000008 / 0x00000008 'ABCDEF' / 'ABCDEFGH' NOTE: We requested 8 bytes in the response and the response had 8 bytes. The size of the request data has no correlation to the size of the response data. NOTE: For native RTT request/response (i.e. ipIcmpecho) operations both the 'Header' and 'Data' will be included. Only the 'sequence number' in the Header will be valid. NOTE: For non-connection oriented protocol the initial RTT request/response operation will be preceded with an RTT request/response operation to the target address to force path exploration and to prove connectivity. The History collection table will contain these responses, but the Statistics capture table will omit them to prevent skewed results.
ciscoRttMonObjects .
rttMonAppl .
rttMonCtrl .
rttMonStats .
rttMonHistory .
rttMonLatestOper .
rttMonNotificationsPrefix .
rttMonNotifications .
ciscoRttMonMibConformance .
ciscoRttMonMibCompliances .
ciscoRttMonMibGroups .
ciscoApplGroup .
A collection of objects providing the RTT Monitoring Application defaults. This group of information is provided to the agent when the Application starts.
ciscoCtrlGroup .
A collection of objects providing the Administration, Operational, Last Statistical values for the RTT Monitoring Application.
ciscoStatsGroup .
A collection of objects providing accumulated statistical history.
ciscoHistoryGroup .
A collection of objects providing point by point history of each RTT operation.
ciscoCtrlGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects that were added to enhance the functionality of the RTT application.
ciscoCtrlGroupRev2 .
A collection of objects that were added to enhance the functionality of the RTT application to configure HTTP, DNS and Jitter probes.
ciscoLatestOperGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects that were added to store the latest operational results for HTTP, DNS and Jitter probes.
ciscoStatsGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects that were added to enhance the functionality of the RTT application to store 'HTTP' and 'Jitter' probes statistics.
ciscoApplGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects providing the RTT Monitoring Application defaults. This group of information is provided to the agent when the Application starts.
ciscoCtrlGroupRev3 .
A collection of objects providing the Administration, Operational, Last Statistical values for the RTT Monitoring Application.