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CISCO-SYSLOG-EXT-MIB device MIB details by Cisco


The SNMP protocol is used to for conveying information and commands between agents and managing entities. SNMP uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the transport protocol for passing data between managers and agents. The reasons for using UDP for SNMP are, firstly it has low overheads in comparison to TCP, which uses a 3-way hand shake for connection. Secondly, in congested networks, SNMP over TCP is a bad idea because TCP in order to maintain reliability will flood the network with retransmissions.

Management information (MIB) is represented as a collection of managed objects. These objects together form a virtual information base called MIB. An agent may implement many MIBs, but all agents must implement a particular MIB called MIB-II [16]. This standard defines variables for things such as interface statistics (interface speeds, MTU, octets sent, octets received, etc.) as well as various other things pertaining to the system itself (system location, system contact, etc.). The main goal of MIB-II is to provide general TCP/IP management information.

Use ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 to import vendor-specific MIB files, inclusing CISCO-SYSLOG-EXT-MIB.

Vendor: Cisco
Mib: CISCO-SYSLOG-EXT-MIB  [download]  [view objects]
Tool: ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 [download]    (ships with advanced SNMP/MIB tools)
-- *********************************************************************
-- Syslog Extension MIB
-- October 2002, Vinay Gaonkar
-- Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004 by cisco Systems, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- *********************************************************************


     Unsigned32                             FROM SNMPv2-SMI
     TruthValue, RowStatus, 
     TEXTUAL-CONVENTION                     FROM SNMPv2-TC
     SnmpAdminString                        FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB   
     InetAddressType, InetAddress           FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB 
     ciscoMgmt                              FROM CISCO-SMI
     SyslogSeverity                         FROM CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB;

        LAST-UPDATED "200409200000Z"
        ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems Inc." 
                "     Cisco Systems
                      Customer Service
                Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
                      San Jose, CA  95134
                Tel: +1 800 553 -NETS
           "MIB module for configuring and monitoring System Log 
           related management parameters as defined by RFC 3164." 
        REVISION   "200409200000Z"
             "Added new enumerations isns, fccLc, cfs, dstats, ipsec, 
             dpvm, ike, ddas, scheduler, san ExtTuner to 
        REVISION   "200312150000Z"
             "Added new enumerations to SyslogExFacility."
        REVISION   "200211130000Z"
            "Added cseSyslogServerFacility to cseSyslogServerTable.
             Added two TCs SyslogFacility and SyslogExFacility."
        REVISION   "200210040000Z"
            "Initial version of this MIB module."
        ::= { ciscoMgmt 301 }

        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIB 1 }

cseSyslogConfigurationGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
        { ciscoSyslogExtMIBObjects 1 }       
-- Textual Conventions

        STATUS  current
               "The Syslog standard facilities.
                 kernel (0)       - Kernel
                 user (8)         - User Level     
                 mail (16)        - Mail System
                 daemon(24)       - System Daemon
                 auth  (32)       - Security/Authorization
                 syslog (40)      - Internal Syslogd 
                 lpr (48)         - Line Printer subsystem
                 news (56)        - Network New subsystem
                 uucp (64)        - UUCP subsystem
                 cron (72)        - Clock Daemon
                 authPriv (80)    - Security/Auth(private)
                 ftp (88)         - FTP Daemon
                 local0 (128)     - Reserved local use
                 local1 (136)     - Reserved local use
                 local2 (144)     - Reserved local use
                 local3 (152)     - Reserved local use
                 local4 (160)     - Reserved local use
                 local5 (168)     - Reserved local use
                 local6 (176)     - Reserved local use
                 local7 (184)     - Reserved local use."
               "RFC 3164 - The BSD Syslog Protocol, Section 4."
                          kernel (0),        -- Kernel
                          user (8),          -- User Level     
                          mail (16),         -- Mail System
                          daemon(24),        -- System Daemon
                          auth  (32),        -- Security/Authorization
                          syslog (40),       -- Internal Syslogd 
                          lpr (48),          -- Line Printer subsystem
                          news (56),         -- Network New subsystem
                          uucp (64),         -- UUCP subsystem
                          cron (72),         -- Clock Daemon
                          authPriv (80),     -- Security/Auth(private)
                          ftp (88),          -- FTP Daemon
                          local0 (128),      -- Reserved local use
                          local1 (136),      -- Reserved local use
                          local2 (144),      -- Reserved local use
                          local3 (152),      -- Reserved local use
                          local4 (160),      -- Reserved local use
                          local5 (168),      -- Reserved local use
                          local6 (176),      -- Reserved local use
                          local7 (184)       -- Reserved local use

        STATUS   current
                "The Syslog facilities including both standard and
                proprietary facilities.

                 kernel (0)         - Kernel
                 user (8)           - User Level     
                 mail (16)          - Mail System
                 daemon(24)         - System Daemon
                 auth  (32)         - Security/Authorization
                 syslog (40)        - Internal Syslogd 
                 lpr (48)           - Line Printer subsystem
                 news (56)          - Network New subsystem
                 uucp (64)          - UUCP subsystem
                 cron (72)          - Clock Daemon
                 authPriv (80)      - Security/Auth(private)
                 ftp (88)           - FTP Daemon
                 local0 (128)       - Reserved local use
                 local1 (136)       - Reserved local use
                 local2 (144)       - Reserved local use
                 local3 (152)       - Reserved local use
                 local4 (160)       - Reserved local use
                 local5 (168)       - Reserved local use
                 local6 (176)       - Reserved local use
                 local7 (184)       - Reserved local use
                 vsanMgr (200)      - VSAN Manager
                 fspf (208)         - FSPF
                 domainMgr (216)    - Domain Manager
                 mtsDaemon (224)    - MTS Daemon
                 linecardMgr (232)  - Line Card Mgr
                 sysMgr (240)       - System Manager
                 sysMgrLib (248)    - System Mgr Library
                 zoneServer (256)   - Zone Server
                 virtualIfMgr (264) - VirtualInterface Mgr
                 ipConfMgr (272)    - IP Config Manager
                 ipfc (280)         - IP Over FC
                 xBarMgr (288)      - Xbar Manager
                 fcDns (296)        - Fibre Channel DNS
                 fabricConfMgr (304)- Fabric Config Server
                 aclMgr (312)       - AccessControlList Mgr
                 tlPortMgr (320)    - TL Port Manager
                 portMgr (328)      - Port Manager    
                 fportServer (336)  - FPort Server
                 portChMgr (344)    - Port Channel Mgr
                 mpls (352)         - MPLS
                 tftpLib (360)      - TFTP Library
                 wwnMgr (368)       - WWN Mgr  
                 fcc (376),         - FCC Process
                 qosMgr (384)       - QOS Mgr  
                 vhba (392)         - VHBA
                 procMgr (400)      - Proc Mgr  
                 vedbMgr (408)      - VEBD Mgr  
                 span (416)         - SPAN
                 vrrpMgr (424)      - VRRP Mgr   
                 fcfwd (432)        - FCFWD
                 ntp (440)          - NTP
                 pltmfmMgr (448)    - Platform Mgr  
                 xbarClient (456)   - XBAR Client  
                 vrrpEngine (464)   - VRRP Engine
                 callhome (472)     - Callhome  
                 ipsMgr (480)       - IPS Mgr  
                 fc2 (488)          - FC2
                 debugLib (496)     - Debug Library
                 vpm (504)          - VPM
                 mcast (512)        - Multicast
                 rdl (520)          - RDL
                 rscn (536)         - RSCN
                 bootvar (552)      - BootVar
                 pss (576)          - Persistent Storage System
                 snmp (584)         - SNMP
                 security (592)     - Security
                 vhbad (608)        - VHBAD
                 dns (648)          - DNS
                 rib (656)          - RIB
                 vshd (672)         - VSH Daemon
                 fvpd (688)         - Fabric Virtual Port Daemon
                 mplsTunnel (816)   - MPLS Tunnel
                 cdpd (848)         - CDP Daemon
                 ohmsd (920)        - OHMs Daemon
                 portSec (960)      - Port Security Manager
                 ethPortMgr (976)   - Ethernet Port Manager
                 ipaclMgr (1016)    - IP ACL Manager
                 ficonMgr (1064)    - FICON Manager
                 ficonContDev (1096)- Ficon Control Device
                 rlir (1128)        - RLIR Module
                 fdmi (1136)        - Fabric Device  Management Interface
                 licmgr (1152)      - License Manager
                 fcspmgr (1160)     - FCSP Manager
                 confCheck (1192)   - Configuration Check
                 ivr (1232)         - Inter-VSAN Routing
                 aaad (1240)        - AAA Daemon
                 tacacsd (1248)     - TACACS Daemon
                 radiusd (1256)     - Radius Daemon
                 fc2d (1320)        - FC2 Daemon
                 lcohmsd (1336)     - LC Ohms Daemon
                 isns (1344)        - iSNS
                 ficonStat (1352)   - FICON Statistics,
                 featureMgr (1360)  - Feature Manager
                 lttd (1376)        - LTT Daemon
                 fccLc (1392)       - linecard FCC
                 cfs (1432)         - Cisco Fabric Services 
                 dstats (1448)      - Delta Statistics
                 ipsec (1456)       - IP Sec
                 dpvm  (1480)       - Dynamic Port Vsan Mgr
                 ike (1488)         - IKE
                 ddas (1504)        - DDAS
                 scheduler (1512)   - scheduler 
                 sanExtTuner (1520) - SAN extension Tuner." 
               "RFC 3164 - The BSD Syslog Protocol, Section 4."
                          kernel (0),         -- Kernel
                          user (8),           -- User Level     
                          mail (16),          -- Mail System
                          daemon(24),         -- System Daemon
                          auth  (32),         -- Security/Authorization
                          syslog (40),        -- Internal Syslogd 
                          lpr (48),           -- Line Printer subsystem
                          news (56),          -- Network New subsystem
                          uucp (64),          -- UUCP subsystem
                          cron (72),          -- Clock Daemon
                          authPriv (80),      -- Security/Auth(private)
                          ftp (88),           -- FTP Daemon
                          local0 (128),       -- Reserved local use
                          local1 (136),       -- Reserved local use
                          local2 (144),       -- Reserved local use
                          local3 (152),       -- Reserved local use
                          local4 (160),       -- Reserved local use
                          local5 (168),       -- Reserved local use
                          local6 (176),       -- Reserved local use
                          local7 (184),       -- Reserved local use
                          vsanMgr (200),      -- VSAN Manager
                          fspf (208),         -- FSPF
                          domainMgr (216),    -- Domain Manager
                          mtsDaemon (224),    -- MTS Daemon
                          linecardMgr (232),  -- Line Card Mgr
                          sysMgr (240),       -- System Manager
                          sysMgrLib (248),    -- System Mgr Library
                          zoneServer (256),   -- Zone Server
                          virtualIfMgr (264), -- VirtualInterface Mgr
                          ipConfMgr (272),    -- IP Config Manager
                          ipfc (280),         -- IP Over FC
                          xBarMgr (288),      -- Xbar Manager
                          fcDns (296),        -- Fibre Channel DNS
                          fabricConfMgr (304),-- Fabric Config Server
                          aclMgr (312),       -- AccessControlList Mgr
                          tlPortMgr (320),    -- TL Port Manager
                          portMgr (328),      -- Port Manager    
                          fportServer (336),  -- FPort Server
                          portChMgr (344),    -- Port Channel Mgr
                          mpls (352),         -- MPLS
                          tftpLib (360),      -- TFTP Library
                          wwnMgr (368),       -- WWN Mgr  
                          fcc (376),          -- FCC Process
                          qosMgr (384),       -- QOS Mgr  
                          vhba (392),         -- VHBA
                          procMgr (400),      -- Proc Mgr  
                          vedbMgr (408),      -- VEBD Mgr  
                          span (416),         -- SPAN
                          vrrpMgr (424),      -- VRRP Mgr   
                          fcfwd (432),        -- FCFWD
                          ntp (440),          -- NTP
                          pltmfmMgr (448),    -- Platform Mgr  
                          xbarClient (456),   -- XBAR Client  
                          vrrpEngine (464),   -- VRRP Engine
                          callhome (472),     -- Callhome  
                          ipsMgr (480),       -- IPS Mgr  
                          fc2 (488),          -- FC2
                          debugLib (496),     -- Debug Library
                          vpm (504),          -- VPM
                          mcast (512),        -- Multicast
                          rdl (520),          -- RDL
                          rscn (536),         -- RSCN
                          bootvar (552),      -- BootVar
                          pss (576),          -- Persistent Storage 
                                              -- System
                          snmp (584),         -- SNMP
                          security (592),     -- Security
                          vhbad (608),        -- VHBAD
                          dns (648),          -- DNS
                          rib (656),          -- RIB
                          vshd (672),         -- VSH Daemon
                          fvpd (688),         -- Fabric Virtual Port 
                                              -- Daemon
                          mplsTunnel (816),   -- MPLS Tunnel
                          cdpd (848),         -- CDP Daemon
                          ohmsd (920),        -- OHMs Daemon
                          portSec (960),      -- Port Security Manager
                          ethPortMgr (976),   -- Ethernet Port Manager
                          ipaclMgr (1016),    -- IP ACL Manager
                          ficonMgr (1064),    -- FICON Manager
                          ficonContDev (1096),-- Ficon Control Device
                          rlir (1128),        -- RLIR Module
                          fdmi (1136),        -- Fabric Device 
                                              -- Management Interface
                          licmgr (1152),      -- License Manager
                          fcspmgr (1160),     -- FCSP Manager
                          confCheck (1192),   -- Configuration Check
                          ivr (1232),         -- Inter-VSAN Routing
                          aaad (1240),        -- AAA Daemon
                          tacacsd (1248),     -- TACACS Daemon
                          radiusd (1256),     -- Radius Daemon
                          fc2d (1320),        -- FC2 Daemon
                          lcohmsd (1336),     -- LC Ohms Daemon
                          isns (1344),        -- iSNS
                          ficonStat (1352),   -- FICON Statistics,
                          featureMgr (1360),  -- Feature Manager
                          lttd (1376),        -- LTT Daemon
                          fccLc (1392),       -- linecard FCC
                          cfs (1432),         -- Cisco Fabric Services 
                          dstats (1448),      -- Delta Statistics
                          ipsec (1456),       -- IP Sec
                          dpvm  (1480),       -- Dynamic Port Vsan Mgr
                          ike (1488),         -- IKE
                          ddas (1504),        -- DDAS
                          scheduler (1512),   -- scheduler 
                          sanExtTuner (1520)  -- SAN extension Tuner

-- Syslog Configuration Group       
-- This group provides the System log (Syslog) configuration options.

cseSyslogConsoleEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
               "Indicate whether the Syslog messages should be 
               sent to the console."
        DEFVAL { false }
        ::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 1 }

cseSyslogConsoleMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SyslogSeverity
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
               "Minimum severity of the message that are sent to 
                the Console."
        DEFVAL { debug }
        ::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 2 }

cseSyslogLogFileName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..255))
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
               "Name of file to which the Syslog messages are 
               logged. Set operation with a zero length will 
        DEFVAL      { "messages" }  
        ::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 3 }

cseSyslogLogFileMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SyslogSeverity
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
               "Minimum severity of the message that are sent to 
                the log file (cseSyslogLogFileName)."
        DEFVAL { debug }
        ::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 4 }

cseSyslogFileLoggingDisable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        INTEGER {
                         true (1),
                         noOp (2)
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write 
        STATUS        current
               "Indicates whether the Syslog messages should be
               sent to the file indicated by cseSyslogLogFileName.
               Once this object is set to 'true', the Syslog messages 
               are no longer sent to the file. The value of 
               'cseSyslogLogFileName' is set to zero length string.
               To restart the file logging, the cseSyslogLogFileName 
               should be set to a valid file name.

               No action is taken if this object is set to 'noOp'.
               The value of the object when read is always 'noOp'."  
        ::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 5 }

cseSyslogServerTableMaxEntries OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..65535)
        MAX-ACCESS    read-only
        STATUS        current
               "The maximum number of entries that the agent supports 
               in the cseSyslogServerTable."
        ::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 6 }
-- cseSyslogServerTable
cseSyslogServerTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF CseSyslogServerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
               "This table contains all the Syslog servers which are
        ::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 7 }

cseSyslogServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        CseSyslogServerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
               "An entry containing information about a 
               Syslog server." 
        INDEX         { cseSyslogServerIndex}
        ::= { cseSyslogServerTable 1 }

CseSyslogServerEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {   
              cseSyslogServerIndex            Unsigned32,   
              cseSyslogServerAddressType      InetAddressType,
              cseSyslogServerAddress          InetAddress, 
              cseSyslogServerMsgSeverity      SyslogSeverity,
              cseSyslogServerStatus           RowStatus,
              cseSyslogServerFacility         SyslogFacility 

cseSyslogServerIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (1..65535)
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
               "An arbitrary integer value, greater than zero, and 
               less than and equal to cseSyslogServerTableMaxEntries, 
               which identifies a Syslog server row in this table." 
        ::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 1 }

cseSyslogServerAddressType   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     InetAddressType
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS     current
               "The type of the address of the Syslog server which is
               given by the corresponding value of 
        ::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 2 }

cseSyslogServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     InetAddress 
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS     current
                "The address of the Syslog server."
        ::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 3 }

cseSyslogServerMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SyslogSeverity 
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS     current
                "Minimum severity of the message that are sent to 
                this Syslog server."
        DEFVAL    {debug}
        ::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 4 }

cseSyslogServerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        RowStatus 
        MAX-ACCESS    read-create
        STATUS        current
               "The status of this row.

              A row can not become 'active' until the values for
              cseSyslogServerAddressType and cseSyslogServerAddress in
              that row have both been set.

              A row cannot be created until corresponding instances
               of following objects are instantiated.
              - cseSyslogServerAddressType
              - cseSyslogServerAddress

              The following objects may not be modified while the
              value of this object is active (1):
              - cseSyslogServerAddressType
              - cseSyslogServerAddress."
        ::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 5 }

cseSyslogServerFacility OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SyslogFacility
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS     current
               "The facility to be used when sending Syslog messages to
               this server."
        DEFVAL    {local7}
        ::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 6 }
-- cseSyslogMessageControlTable

cseSyslogMessageControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF CseSyslogMessageControlEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
               "This table contains the information about what system
               log messages should be sent to Syslog host, console, 
               log file, and/or logged into the internal buffer."
        ::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 8 }

cseSyslogMessageControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        CseSyslogMessageControlEntry
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
               "A system log message control table entry.
               Each entry specifies a severity for a particular 
               'facility' which generates Syslog messages.  Any 
               generated message which is at least as severe as 
               the specified severity will be logged."
        INDEX         { cseSyslogMessageFacility }
        ::= { cseSyslogMessageControlTable 1 }

CseSyslogMessageControlEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {

cseSyslogMessageFacility OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SyslogExFacility
        MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
        STATUS        current
               "System log message facility."
        ::= { cseSyslogMessageControlEntry 1 }

cseSyslogMessageSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SyslogSeverity
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
               "Minimum severity of the message that are generated by 
               this Syslog message facility."
        ::= { cseSyslogMessageControlEntry 2 }

cseSyslogTerminalEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
               "Indicate whether the Syslog messages should be 
               sent to the terminals."
        DEFVAL { false }
        ::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 9 }

cseSyslogTerminalMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SyslogSeverity
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
               "Minimum severity of the message that are sent to 
                the terminals."
        DEFVAL { debug }
        ::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 10 }

cseSyslogLinecardEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
               "Indicate whether the Syslog messages should be 
               generated at the line cards."
        DEFVAL { false }
        ::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 11 }

cseSyslogLinecardMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX        SyslogSeverity
        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
        STATUS        current
               "Minimum severity of the message that are sent from 
        DEFVAL { debug }
        ::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 12 }

-- Conformance

       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIB 2 }

       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIBConformance 1 }

       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIBConformance 2 }

ciscoSyslogExtMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
        STATUS   current
                "The compliance statement for entities which
                 implement the CISCO-SYSLOG-EXT-MIB."
        MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoSyslogExtGroup }

        OBJECT cseSyslogServerAddressType             
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                   ipv4 (1),
                   dns (16)                                     
                "Only dns and ipv4 addresses are need to be 
        OBJECT cseSyslogServerStatus             
        SYNTAX     INTEGER {             
                     active (1),
                     createAndGo (4),
                     destroy (6)}
                "Only three values 'createAndGo', 'destroy' and 
                'active' need to be supported."

        OBJECT cseSyslogLinecardEnable             
        MIN-ACCESS read-only
                "Write access is not required."

        OBJECT cseSyslogLinecardMsgSeverity             
        MIN-ACCESS read-only
                "Write access is not required."

--        OBJECT cseSyslogMessageFacility
--        SYNTAX     SyslogFacility
--        DESCRIPTION 
--                "Only the standard facilities need to be supported."
        ::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIBCompliances 1 }

-- Units of Conformance

ciscoSyslogExtGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS  { cseSyslogConsoleEnable, 
        STATUS   current
                "A collection of objects for Syslog management."
        ::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIBGroups 1 }