cvcmModuleIndex |
. |
This object uniquely identifies the card/ module
where this table resides. It could be the slot
number of the module or be 1 where 'module' is
not applicable.
cvcmCasTemplateIndex |
. |
This object will index into the template that
is configured in this table.
cvcmABCDPatternIndex |
. |
Will be used to index into a particular pattern
mapping in the template that is configured.
Since there are only 4 signaling bits (A, B, C, D),
there can only be (2^4) or 16 patterns per
cvcmModulePhysicalIndex |
. |
This object represents the entPhysicalIndex of
the module where this table is being configured.
If the entPhysicalTable is not supported on the
SNMP agent, then the value of this object will
be zero.
cvcmCasTemplateName |
. |
This object identifies the name of the template
This object needs to be unique among all the
instances of the cvcmABCDBitTemplateConfigTable.
The SNMP agent will need to validate this value
for uniqueness.
cvcmABCDIncomingPattern |
. |
This object identifies the ABCD signaling bits
that are received by the module. The actions
specified in 'cvcmCasABitAction', 'cvcmCasBBitAction',
'cvcmCasCBitAction' and 'cvcmCasDBitAction' are applied
to this object.
cvcmABCDOutgoingPattern |
. |
This object identifies the ABCD signaling bits
defined by user, and downloaded to DSP signaling
This pattern is derived from the actions specified in
'cvcmCasABitAction', 'cvcmCasBBitAction', 'cvcmCasCBitAction'
and 'cvcmCasDBitAction'.
The same pattern can map to different
cvcmABCDIncomingPattern depending on the set of actions.
This pattern is mapped to input ABCD bit pattern
received and reported to the TDM or network side.
cvcmCasABitAction |
. |
This object identifies the action on the
'A' bit of the incoming ABCD bit pattern
specified in cvcmABCDIncomingPattern.
For this object,
'cvcmInvertBit' is same as 'cvcmInvertABit',
'cvcmNoAction' is same as 'cvcmABit'.
cvcmCasBBitAction |
. |
This object identifies the action on the
'B' bit of the incoming ABCD bit pattern
specified in cvcmABCDIncomingPattern.
For this object,
'cvcmInvertBit' is same as 'cvcmInvertBBit',
'cvcmNoAction' is same as 'cvcmBBit'.
cvcmCasCBitAction |
. |
This object identifies the action on the
'C' bit of the incoming ABCD bit pattern
specified in cvcmABCDIncomingPattern.
For this object,
'cvcmInvertBit' is same as 'cvcmInvertCBit',
'cvcmNoAction' is same as 'cvcmCBit'.
cvcmCasDBitAction |
. |
This object identifies the action on the
'D' bit of the incoming ABCD bit pattern
specified in cvcmABCDIncomingPattern.
For this object,
'cvcmInvertBit' is same as 'cvcmInvertDBit',
'cvcmNoAction' is same as 'cvcmDBit'.
cvcmCasBitRowStatus |
. |
An entry may be created using the 'createAndGo'
option. When the row is successfully created,
the object will be set to 'active' by the agent.
An entry may be deleted by setting the object
to 'destroy'.
cvcmABCDBitTemplateConfigTable |
. |
This table is used to configure templates
on the module/card. These templates provide
mapping information between the incoming CAS
ABCD signaling bit patterns and the outgoing
ABCD signaling bit patterns. The outgoing
bit patterns are derived from the incoming
bit patterns by applying a set of actions to
each incoming bit.
Thus, this table essentially contains
configuration information about CAS ABCD
signaling bits.
The ABCD bit carries signaling information
describing off-hook, on-hook event etc on a
T1 or E1. The pattern representations
differ in CAS variants on a T1 and E1.
For example:
On T1:
E&M protocol ABCD seized is 1100
On E1:
CAS-R2 signaling ABCD seized is 0001
This table is configured on a per module/ card
Further, one can have multiple different actions
performed on the different bits (A, B, C or D)
consecutively for the same incoming ABCD bit
index. However, a given bit position can only
have one action being performed on it for a given
incoming bit pattern.
For example, for a given incoming bit index,
one can define the 'A' bit to be set to 0, the 'B'
bit to be swapped with the 'C' bit, the 'C' bit to be
swapped with the 'B' bit and the 'D' bit to be inverted.
Thus, using this table, the user can create a template
with name (cvcmCasTemplateName) 'Template1' where for
incoming pattern (cvcmABCDIncomingPattern) '0000',
the action on the A bit (cvcmCasABitAction) is
'casBitSetToZero', the action on the B bit
(cvcmCasBBitAction) is 'casBitCBit', the action on the
C bit (cvcmCasCBitAction) is 'casBitBBit' and the action
on the D bit (cvcmCasDBitAction) is 'casBitInvertBit'.
This will create one entry in 'Template1' where the
resultant outgoing pattern (cvcmABCDOutgoingPattern)
will be '0001'.