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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Cisco » CISCO-VPDN-MGMT-EXT-MIB » Objects

CISCO-VPDN-MGMT-EXT-MIB.mib object view, vendor Cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-VPDN-MGMT-EXT-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.



Scalar Object
cvpdnTunnelExtEntry .
Please notice that this entry is a supplement to CvpdnTunnelEntry in CISCO-VPDN-MGMT-MIB for the L2TP tunnels. Here more objects are used to reflect tunnel parameters. Included are tunnel statistics, UDP port numbers and the time of last state (cvpdnTunnelState) change.
cvpdnSessionExtEntry .
Please notice that this entry is a supplement to CvpdnTunnelSessionEntry in CISCO-VPDN-MGMT-MIB for the L2TP sessions. Here more objects are used to reflect session parameters.
Tabular Object
cvpdnTunnelLocalPort .
The local port number of the tunnel. This is the UDP port of the interface at the local end of the tunnel.
cvpdnTunnelRemotePort .
The remote port number of the tunnel. This is the UDP port of the interface at the remote end of the tunnel.
cvpdnTunnelLastChange .
The time of last state change reflected in cvpdnTunnelState.
cvpdnTunnelPacketsOut .
The total number of output packets through the tunnel.
cvpdnTunnelBytesOut .
The total number of output bytes through the tunnel.
cvpdnTunnelPacketsIn .
The total number of input packets through the tunnel.
cvpdnTunnelBytesIn .
The total number of input bytes through the tunnel.
cvpdnSessionRemoteId .
The remote end ID of an active VPN tunnel user session.
cvpdnSessionInterfaceName .
The interface name (description) of the user session.
cvpdnSessionLastChange .
The time stamp of last change in cvpdnTunnelSessionState.
cvpdnSessionOutOfOrderPackets .
The total number of out of order packets through this active user session.
cvpdnSessionSequencing .
The object indicates whether sequencing is on or not.
cvpdnSessionSendSequence .
This object contains the next send sequence number for for this session.
cvpdnSessionRecvSequence .
This object contains the next receive sequence number expected to be received on this session.
cvpdnSessionRemoteSendSequence .
This object contains the next send sequence number for for this session.
cvpdnSessionRemoteRecvSequence .
This object contains the next receive sequence number expected to be received on this session.
cvpdnSessionSentZLB .
This object returns the total number of Zero Length Body acknowledgement packets transmitted on this session.
cvpdnSessionRecvZLB .
This object returns the total number of Zero Length Body acknowlegement payload packets received for this session.
cvpdnSessionSentRBits .
This object contains the total number of sequence number resets (payload packets with the R-bit set) received on this session.
cvpdnSessionRecvRBits .
This object contains the total number of sequence number resets (payload packets with the R-bit set) received on this session.
cvpdnSessionLocalWindowSize .
This object returns the local send window size for this session. If the value of the object cvpdnSessionSequencing is false, then this object should return value zero.
cvpdnSessionRemoteWindowSize .
This object returns the initial remote send window size for this session. If the value of the object cvpdnSessionSequencingState is none(1) then this object should not be interpreted.
cvpdnSessionCurrentWindowSize .
This object returns the local send window size for this session. If the value of the object cvpdnSessionSequencingState is none(1) then this object should not be interpreted.
cvpdnSessionMinimumWindowSize .
This object returns the initial remote send window size for this session. If the value of the object cvpdnSessionSequencingState is none(1) then this object should not be interpreted.
cvpdnSessionATOTimeouts .
The object reflects the current adaptive timeout the system is using.
cvpdnSessionOutGoingQueueSize .
The object reflects the queue size of out going queue.
cvpdnSessionCalculationType .
The object reflects the round trip time calculation type.
cvpdnSessionAdaptiveTimeOut .
The object reflects the configured session adaptive timeout.
cvpdnSessionRoundTripTime .
The object reflects the round trip time.
cvpdnSessionPktProcessingDelay .
The object reflects the number of packets in processing delay for this session.
cvpdnSessionZLBTime .
The object reflects the zero length body time interval.
cvpdnTunnelExtTable .
Vpn Tunnel table includes all tunnels configured.
cvpdnSessionExtTable .
Session table includes all Sessions currently active.
Object Identifier
ciscoVpdnMgmtExtMIB .
Cisco VPDN management MIB extension Module. This MIB is a supplement to The main enhancements are: 1. Added cvpdnTunnelExtTable for more tunnel information. 2. Added cvpdnSessionExtTable for more session information. Please notice that objects in CvpdnTunnelEntry and CvpdnTunnelSessionEntry are still appliable to the corresponding tunnels and sessions.
ciscoVpdnMgmtExtMIBObjects .
cvpdnTunnelExtInfo .
cvpdnSessionExtInfo .
ciscoVpdnMgtExtMIBNotificationPrefix .
ciscoVpdnMgmtExtMIBConformance .
ciscoVpdnMgmtExtMIBCompliances .
ciscoVpdnMgmtExtMIBGroups .
cvpdnTunnelExtGroup .
VPN Tunnel Group.
cvpdnSessionExtGroup .
VPDP Session Group.