envPresent |
. |
Is there an environmental monitor card in
this box?, 0 - No, 1-AGS card present, wrong
firmware, 2-AGS CARD present, firmware ok,
3-7000 support
envTestPt1Descr |
. |
Description of the test point 1. Typically
ambient air or the temperature of air
entering the router
envTestPt1Measure |
. |
Current value of test point 1. Typically a
temperature in centigrade.
envTestPt2Descr |
. |
Description of the test point 2. Typically
airflow or the temperature of air leaving the
envTestPt2Measure |
. |
Current value of test point 2. Typically a
temperature in centigrade.
envTestPt3Descr |
. |
Description of the test point 3. Typically
+5 volt
envTestPt3Measure |
. |
Current value of test point 3. Typically the
value in millivolts of the +5v supply
envTestPt4Descr |
. |
Description of the test point 4. Typically
+12 volt
envTestPt4Measure |
. |
Current value of test point 4. Typically the
value in millivolts of the +12v supply
envTestPt5Descr |
. |
Description of the test point 5. Typically
-12 volt
envTestPt5Measure |
. |
Current value of test point 5. Typically the
value in millivolts of the -12v supply
envTestPt6Descr |
. |
Description of the test point 6. Typically
-5 volt
envTestPt6Measure |
. |
Current value of test point 6. Typically the
value in millivolts of the -5v supply
envTestPt1MarginVal |
. |
Value at which the router will shutdown.
Typically the ambient air temperature that
will shut the router down. (e.g. 43)
envTestPt2MarginVal |
. |
Value at which the router will shutdown.
Typically the airflow air temperature that
will shut the router down. (e.g. 58)
envTestPt3MarginPercent |
. |
+/- Percentage that will shut the router
down, (e.g. 10%) typically +5 volt
envTestPt4MarginPercent |
. |
+/- Percentage that will shut the router
down, (e.g. 15%) typically +12 volt
envTestPt5MarginPercent |
. |
+/- Percentage that will shut the router
down, (e.g. 15%) typically -12 volt
envTestPt6MarginPercent |
. |
+/- Percentage that will shut the router
down, (e.g. 10%) typically -5 volt
envTestPt1last |
. |
Value of TestPt1 when last shutdown
envTestPt2last |
. |
Value of TestPt2 when last shutdown
envTestPt3last |
. |
Value of TestPt3 when last shutdown
envTestPt4last |
. |
Value of TestPt4 when last shutdown
envTestPt5last |
. |
Value of TestPt5 when last shutdown
envTestPt6last |
. |
Value of TestPt6 when last shutdown
envTestPt1warn |
. |
Is this test point at a warning level?
envTestPt2warn |
. |
Is this test point at a warning level?
envTestPt3warn |
. |
Is this test point at a warning level?
envTestPt4warn |
. |
Is this test point at a warning level?
envTestPt5warn |
. |
Is this test point at a warning level?
envTestPt6warn |
. |
Is this test point at a warning level?
envFirmVersion |
. |
Description of Environmental Card firmware
envTechnicianID |
. |
Technician ID
envType |
. |
The type of environmental card
envBurnDate |
. |
The calibration / burn in date
envSerialNumber |
. |
Serial Number of environmental monitor card