vinesInput |
. |
Total input count of number of Vines
vinesOutput |
. |
Total count of number of Vines output
vinesLocaldest |
. |
Total count of Vines input packets for this
vinesForwarded |
. |
Total count of number of Vines packets
vinesBcastin |
. |
Total count of number of Vines input
broadcast packets.
vinesBcastout |
. |
Total count of number of Vines output
broadcast packets.
vinesBcastfwd |
. |
Total count of number of Vines broadcast
packets forwarded.
vinesNotlan |
. |
Total count of number of Vines broadcast
packets not forwarded to all interfaces
because the LAN ONLY bit was set.
vinesNotgt4800 |
. |
Total count of number of Vines broadcast
packets not forwarded to all interfaces
because the OVER 4800 BPS bit was set.
vinesNocharges |
. |
Total count of number of Vines broadcast
packets not forwarded to all interfaces
because the NO CHARGES only bit was set.
vinesFormaterror |
. |
Total count of number of Vines input packets
with header errors.
vinesCksumerr |
. |
Total count of number of Vines input packets
with checksum errors.
vinesHopcount |
. |
Total count of number of Vines input packets
that have exceeded the maximum hop count.
vinesNoroute |
. |
Total count of number of Vines packets
dropped due to no route.
vinesEncapsfailed |
. |
Total count of number of Vines packets
dropped due to output encapsulation failed.
vinesUnknown |
. |
Total count of number of unknown Vines input
vinesIcpIn |
. |
Total count of number of Vines ICP packets
vinesIcpOut |
. |
Total count of number of Vines ICP packets
vinesMetricOut |
. |
Total count of number of Vines ICP Metric
Notification packets generated.
vinesMacEchoIn |
. |
Total count of number of Vines MAC level
Echo packets received.
vinesMacEchoOut |
. |
Total count of number of Vines MAC level
Echo packets generated.
vinesEchoIn |
. |
Total count of number of Vines Echo packets
vinesEchoOut |
. |
Total count of number of Vines Echo packets
vinesProxyCnt |
. |
Total count of proxy packets sent.
vinesProxyReplyCnt |
. |
Total count of responses to proxy packets.
vinesNet |
. |
Vines network number of this router.
vinesSubNet |
. |
Vines sub-network number of this router.
vinesClient |
. |
Next Vines client sub-network number to be
assigned by this router.
vinesIfTableEntry |
. |
VINES interface table
vinesIfMetric |
. |
Vines protocol metric value.
vinesIfEnctype |
. |
Vines protocol default encapsulation
vinesIfAccesslist |
. |
Vines protocol outgoing access list number.
vinesIfPropagate |
. |
Vines protocol 'propagate' enabled.
vinesIfArpEnabled |
. |
Vines protocol arp replies enabled.
vinesIfServerless |
. |
Vines protocol serverless support enabled.
vinesIfRedirectInterval |
. |
Vines protocol redirect interval (in ms).
vinesIfSplitDisabled |
. |
Vines protocol split horizon disabled
vinesIfLineup |
. |
Vines protocol line up/down.
vinesIfFastokay |
. |
Vines protocol fast switching supported.
vinesIfRouteCache |
. |
Vines protocol fast switching requested
vinesIfRxNotEnabledCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input packets
discarded because interface not configured.
vinesIfRxFormatErrorCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input packets with
format errors.
vinesIfRxLocalDestCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input packets
destined for this router.
vinesIfRxBcastinCnt |
. |
Vines protocol input broadcast count.
vinesIfRxForwardedCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input packets
forwarded to another interface.
vinesIfRxNoRouteCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input packets
dropped because there was no route to the
vinesIfRxZeroHopCountCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input packets
dropped due to a zero hop count.
vinesIfRxChecksumErrorCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input packets with
checksum errors.
vinesIfRxArp0Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input ARP Query
Request messages.
vinesIfRxArp1Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input ARP Query
Response messages.
vinesIfRxArp2Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input ARP Assignment
Request messages.
vinesIfRxArp3Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input ARP Assignment
Response messages.
vinesIfRxArpIllegalCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input illegal ARP
vinesIfRxIcpErrorCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input ICP error
vinesIfRxIcpMetricCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input ICP metric
vinesIfRxIcpIllegalCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input illegal ICP
vinesIfRxIpcCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input IPC messages.
vinesIfRxRtp0Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input RTP type 0
vinesIfRxRtp1Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input RTP Request
vinesIfRxRtp2Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input RTP type 2
vinesIfRxRtp3Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input RTP type 3
vinesIfRxRtp4Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input RTP Update
vinesIfRxRtp5Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input RTP Response
vinesIfRxRtp6Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input RTP Redirect
vinesIfRxRtpIllegalCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input illegal RTP
vinesIfRxSppCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input SPP messages.
vinesIfRxIpUnknownCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input packets of
unknown Vines protocols.
vinesIfRxIpcUnknownCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input packets of
unknown Vines IPC ports.
vinesIfRxBcastHelperedCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input packets
helpered to another server.
vinesIfRxBcastForwardedCnt |
. |
Vines protocol input broadcast forwarded to
other interface(s).
vinesIfRxBcastDuplicateCnt |
. |
Vines protocol input duplicate broadcast
vinesIfRxEchoCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input IPC echo
vinesIfRxMacEchoCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input MAC layer echo
vinesIfRxProxyReplyCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of responses to proxy
vinesIfTxUnicastCnt |
. |
Vines protocol unicast packets generated.
vinesIfTxBcastCnt |
. |
Vines protocol broadcast packets
vinesIfTxForwardedCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of forwarded packets.
vinesIfTxFailedEncapsCnt |
. |
Vines protocol output encapsulation
vinesIfTxFailedAccessCnt |
. |
Vines protocol output access list failures.
vinesIfTxFailedDownCnt |
. |
Vines protocol output interface down count.
vinesIfTxNotBcastToSourceCnt |
. |
Vines protocol output broadcast not sent
because interfaceleads back to the source.
vinesIfTxNotBcastNotlanCnt |
. |
Vines protocol output broadcast not sent due
to 'Lan Only' class.
vinesIfTxNotBcastNotgt4800Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol output broadcast not sent due
to 'High Speed' class.
vinesIfTxNotBcastPpchargeCnt |
. |
Vines protocol output broadcast not sent due
to 'No Charges' class.
vinesIfTxBcastForwardedCnt |
. |
Vines protocol output broadcast forwarded
from another interface.
vinesIfTxBcastHelperedCnt |
. |
Vines protocol output broadcast helpered to
a vines server.
vinesIfTxArp0Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output ARP Query
Request messages.
vinesIfTxArp1Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output ARP Query
Response messages.
vinesIfTxArp2Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output ARP
Assignment Request messages.
vinesIfTxArp3Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of input ARP Assignment
Response messages.
vinesIfTxIcpErrorCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output IPC Error
vinesIfTxIcpMetricCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output IPC metric
vinesIfTxIpcCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output ICP
vinesIfTxRtp0Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output RTP type 0
vinesIfTxRtp1Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output RTP Request
vinesIfTxRtp2Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output RTP type 2
vinesIfTxRtp3Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output RTP type 3
vinesIfTxRtp4Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output RTP Update
vinesIfTxRtp5Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output RTP Response
vinesIfTxRtp6Cnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output RTP Redirect
vinesIfTxSppCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output SPP
vinesIfTxEchoCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output IPC echo
vinesIfTxMacEchoCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of output IPCMAC layer
echo frames.
vinesIfTxProxyCnt |
. |
Vines protocol count of proxy packets sent.
vinesIfInputRouterFilter |
. |
Vines protocol filter on received routing
information source address.
vinesIfInputNetworkFilter |
. |
Vines protocol filter on received routing
information content.
vinesIfOutputNetworkFilter |
. |
Vines protocol filter on transmitted routing
information content.