ctNatPublicIfIndex |
. |
This is the value of the MIB II ifindex which identifies
the router port connected to the public network.
ctNatPublicIP |
. |
This is the IP address of the interface which
is selected by ctNatPublicIfIndex.
ctNatPublicMask |
. |
This is the subnet mask of the interface which
is selected by ctNatPublicIfIndex.
ctNatMaxConn |
. |
This is the value of the maximum number of simultaneous
connections allowed, using the Network Address
Translator application. The default value is 200.
Acceptable values are from 40 to 1000.
ctNatTcpTimeout |
. |
This is the value in seconds after which an idle
TCP connection will be deleted. The default value
is 300. Acceptable values are from 60 to 3600.
ctNatUdpTimeout |
. |
This is the value in seconds after which an idle
UDP connection will be deleted. The default value
is 120. Acceptable values are from 60 to 3600.
ctNatPktsL2I |
. |
This is the number of packets which have been forwarded
from the private network to the public network since the
last reset.
ctNatPktsI2L |
. |
This is the number of packets which have been forwarded
from the public network to the private network since the
last reset.
ctNatBytesL2I |
. |
This is the number of bytes which have been forwarded
from the private network to the public network since the
last reset.
ctNatBytesI2L |
. |
This is the number of bytes which have been forwarded
from the public network to the private network since the
last reset.
ctNatTcpConn |
. |
This is the number of active TCP connections using
the Network Address Translator application.
ctNatUdpConn |
. |
This is the number of active UDP connections using
the Network Address Translator application.
ctNatIcmpConn |
. |
This is the number of active ICMP connections using
the Network Address Translator application.
ctNatRetries |
. |
This is the number of detected TCP retries in both
directions since the last reset.
ctNatBadSums |
. |
This is the number of detected checksum errors in both
directions since the last reset.
ctNatTotalPkts |
. |
This is the total number of packets by the application
since the last reset.
ctNatBadPkts |
. |
This is the total number of packets detected with an
invalid format since the last reset.
ctNatResPkts |
. |
This is the total number of packets detected with a
reserved address since the last reset.
ctNatTotTcpConn |
. |
This is the number of TCP connections made
using the Network Address Translator application
since the last reset.
ctNatTotUdpConn |
. |
This is the number of UDP connections made
using the Network Address Translator application
since the last reset.
ctNatTotIcmpConn |
. |
This is the number of ICMP connections made
using the Network Address Translator application
since the last reset.
ctNatConfigEntry |
. |
A description of a single server entry.
ctNatTotServerEntries |
. |
This is the total number of server assignments.
ctNatServerListEntry |
. |
A description of a single server entry.
ctNatTotActiveConn |
. |
This is the total number of active connections.
ctNatConnStatsEntry |
. |
A description of a single server entry.
ctNatConfigId |
. |
A unique value identifying an element in a sequence of
groups which belong to the NAT configuration table.
ctNatAdminStatus |
. |
Used to enable and disable the Network Address
Translator method for this instance. This object must
be set to enabled for the translation to occur on
ctNatOperStatus |
. |
Indicates the current operating status of the Network
Address Translator feature.
ctNatLocalIfIndex |
. |
This is the value of the MIB II ifindex which identifies
the router port connected to the private network.
ctNatLocalIP |
. |
This is the IP address of the interface which
serves as the gateway for the private network.
With ctNatLocalMask, it serves to define the subnet
of the hosts on the network. The preferred address
is, part of the class C net reserved
by RFC1597.
ctNatLocalMask |
. |
This is the subnet mask of the interface which
serves as the gateway for the private network.
With ctNatLocalIP, it serves to define the subnet
of the hosts on the network. The preferred mask is, part of the class C net reserved
by RFC1597.
ctNatServerId |
. |
A unique value identifying an element in a sequence of
groups which belong to the NAT Server List. This value
ranges from 1 to 16.
ctNatProxyServer |
. |
A description of a proxy server assignment. The format
is private IP address of the server, followed by the
public port number, followed by the private port number,
followed by the protocol to be handled by the server.
The fields are delimited by commas. Each record must be
31 chars or less. Protocol choices are TCP and UDP.
ctNatConnStatsID |
. |
A unique value identifying an element in a sequence of
active connections which belong to the NAT Connection
Statistics Group.
ctNatConnStatsForeignIP |
. |
This is the IP address of the foreign host during
this active connection.
ctNatConnStatsLocalIP |
. |
This is the IP address of the local host during
this active connection.
ctNatConnStatsPublicPort |
. |
This is the port number addressed by an external
device. It is also substituted for the local port
by NAT on outbound packets.
ctNatConnStatsLocalPort |
. |
This is the local host's port for TCP or UDP
for this active connection.
ctNatConnStatsForeignPort |
. |
This is the source port number used by the
foreign host for this active connection.
ctNatConnStatsOutgoingPkts |
. |
This is the number of packets that have been sent
from the local net to the public net by this
active connection.
ctNatConnStatsOutgoingBytes |
. |
This is the number of bytes that have been sent
from the local net to the public net by this
active connection.
ctNatConnStatsIncomingPkts |
. |
This is the number of packets that have been sent from
the public net to the local net by this active connection.
ctNatConnStatsIncomingBytes |
. |
This is the number of bytes that have been sent from
the public net to the local net by this active connection.
ctNatConnStatsTimeSinceUse |
. |
This is the time in seconds since the last packet
was sent or received on this active connection.
ctNatConnStatsProtocol |
. |
This is the type of IP protocol used by this
active connection. Options are 1 = ICMP, 6 = TCP
and 17 = UDP.
ctNatConnStatsTCPSeq |
. |
This is the last TCP sequence number of local host
sent on this active connection.
ctNatConnStatsTCPAck |
. |
This is the last TCP acknowledgement number of
local host sent on this active connection.
ctNatConnStatsTCPState |
. |
This is the TCP connection state value on this
active connection.
ctNatConnStatsLocalRetrys |
. |
This is the number of TCP retries by the local host
on this active connection.
ctNatConnStatsForeignRetrys |
. |
This is the number of TCP retries by the foreign host
on this active connection.
ctNatConnStatsLocalChecksum |
. |
This is the number of times checksum failed in a
packet from the local host on this active connection.
ctNatConnStatsForeignChecksum |
. |
This is the number of times checksum failed in a
packet from the foreign host on this active connection.