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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Enterasys-Networks-Inc » CTRON-SFPS-ESYS-MIB » Objects

CTRON-SFPS-ESYS-MIB.mib object view, vendor Enterasys-Networks-Inc


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CTRON-SFPS-ESYS-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

CTRON-SFPS-ESYS-MIB file content

Object view of CTRON-SFPS-ESYS-MIB:

Scalar Object
sfpsSysConfigEntry .
Each entry specifies the SFPS configuration for the SFPS instance.
sfpsSysStatsEntry .
Each entry contains the SFPS statistics for the SFPS instance.
sfpsVccPortEntry .
sfpsATMResolveSystemLearnTableSize .
sfpsATMResolveCountersVerb .
sfpsATMResolveCountersUptime .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryMACReq .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryMACFail .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryMACGood .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryMACDaSaChecks .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryMACDaSaHits .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryMACDaSaMissess .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryMACVdirChecks .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryMACVdirHits .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryMACVdirMisses .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryMACErrors .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryMACLecPortSuppress .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryMACStandbyDrops .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryDaSaRequests .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryDaSaHits .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryDaSaMisses .
sfpsATMResolveCountersQueryDaSaErrors .
sfpsATMResolveDiagAPIVerb .
sfpsATMResolveDiagAPIInDA .
sfpsATMResolveDiagAPIInSA .
sfpsATMResolveDiagAPIInSrcLecPort .
sfpsATMResolveDiagAPIOutStatus .
sfpsATMResolveDiagAPIOutPort .
sfpsPoolTableEntry .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsTableEntry .
sfpsMemHeapStatsHeapInit .
sfpsMemHeapStatsHeapMax .
sfpsMemHeapStatsHeapEnd .
sfpsMemHeapStatsHeapSize .
sfpsMemHeapStatsFragCount .
sfpsMemHeapStatsFragLargest .
sfpsMemHeapStatsFragBytes .
sfpsMemHeapStatsHeapUsed .
sfpsMemHeapStatsHeapAvail .
sfpsMemHeapStatsHeapUseMax .
sfpsMemHeapStatsHeapUsePercent .
sfpsATMPortsTableEntry .
sfpsATMPortsMgrVerb .
sfpsATMPortsMgrPhysIntf .
sfpsATMPortsMgrTotalLECPorts .
sfpsATMPortsMgrTotalPVCPorts .
sfpsATMPortsMgrTotalSVCPorts .
sfpsATMPortsMgrVerbStatus .
sfpsATMLecPortTableEntry .
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventTableEntry .
sfpsATMSvcHistoryMgrVerb .
allows you to reset the SvcHistoryEvent table disable logging so no new entries are compiled in the SvcHistoryEvent table enable logging so new entries are added to the SvcHistoryEvent table enable logging in the SvcHistoryEvent table so that when the max number of entries is reached the table is full and doesn't wrap around and continue adding entries
sfpsATMSvcHistoryMgrSvcHistoryWraps .
displays if the table is going to wrap
sfpsATMSvcHistoryMgrLogState .
displays whether the table is enabled to log new entries or not and if it is enabled whether the table will wrap
sfpsATMSvcHistoryMgrEntriesCount .
displays the number of current entries from the beginnning of the table (not from before it wrapped)
Tabular Object
sfpsSysConfigSwitchInstance .
Switch Identifier to designate the instance of this entry.
sfpsSysConfigAdminStatus .
The administrative status of the switch.
sfpsSysConfigAdminReset .
Setting reset will cause a soft reset of the switch.
sfpsSysConfigOperStatus .
Displays the operational status of the switch.
sfpsSysConfigOperTime .
Displays the operation uptime of the switch.
sfpsSysConfigLastChange .
Displays the number of time ticks since the last operational status change.
sfpsSysConfigVersion .
Displays the version of this image.
sfpsSysConfigMIBRev .
Displays the MIB version of the Engine component.
sfpsSysConfigHostMgmtPort .
Displays the Host Management port.
sfpsSysConfigHostCtrlPort .
Displays the logical port number for the Host Control Port. The Host Control Port is the port that unknown packets are sent to for call processing.
sfpsSysConfigHostDataPort .
sfpsSysConfigHostCtrlThrottleCount .
sfpsSysConfigHostDataThrottleCount .
sfpsSysConfigTrunkSwitch .
sfpsSysConfigSwitchMode .
Displays the mode that the switch is running.
sfpsSysConfigSwitchMAC .
Displays the Switch's Base MAC address.
sfpsSysConfigMgmtAccessType .
Determines whether the port can be used for management only or to be also used as an Access port.
sfpsSysConfigChassisMAC .
sfpsSysConfigChassisIP .
sfpsSysStatsSwitchInstance .
The primary index to the SFPS switch table. This identifies the SFPS switch for which the entry exists.
sfpsSysStatsAdminStatus .
Sets the administrative state of the SFPS switch statistics. Writing a value of enabled(3) causes these counters to become active for this SFPS switch instance. Writing a value of disabled(2) causes these counters to become inactive for this SFPS switch instance.
sfpsSysStatsReset .
Resets the SFPS switch counters for this SFPS switch instance. Writing a value of reset(2) resets the SFPS switch counters to 0 and causes sfpsSysStatsOperTime to also be reset to 0.
sfpsSysStatsOperTime .
Indicates the amount of time (# of time ticks) that the SFPS switch statistics have been active for this SFPS swtich instance.
sfpsSysStatsInPkts .
Indicates the total number of SFPS packets that have been received, on this SFPS switch instance, during the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsSysStatsOutPkts .
Indicates the total number of SFPS packets that have been switched, on this SFPS switch instance, during the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsSysStatsDiscardPkts .
Indicates the total number of SFPS packets that have been discarded, on this SFPS switch instance, during the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsSysStatsFilteredPkts .
Indicates the total number of SFPS packets that have been filtered, on this SFPS switch instance, during the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsSysStatsInOctets .
Indicates the total number of SFPS octets that have been received, on this SFPS switch instance, during the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsSysStatsOutOctets .
Indicates the total number of SFPS octets that have been switched, on this SFPS switch instance, during the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsSysStatsDiscardOctets .
Indicates the total number of SFPS octets that have been discarded, on this SFPS switch instance, during the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsSysStatsFilteredOctets .
Indicates the total number of SFPS octets that have been filtered, on this SFPS switch instance, during the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsVccPortLogPort .
sfpsVccPortPhyPort .
sfpsVccPortVpi .
sfpsVccPortVci .
sfpsVccPortPortType .
sfpsVccPortLogPortType .
sfpsVccPortPhyLinkState .
sfpsPoolTableIndex .
sfpsPoolTableName .
sfpsPoolTableRAM .
sfpsPoolTableBlockSize .
sfpsPoolTableBlockCount .
sfpsPoolTableBlockMax .
sfpsPoolTableObjSize .
sfpsPoolTableObjInUse .
sfpsPoolTableObjMax .
sfpsPoolTableObjInBlock .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPhysIntf .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsCtrlMessages .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsIlmiMessages .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsUniMessages .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsLaneMessages .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPCSPoolSize .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPCSPoolDrops .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPoolIlmiDrops .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPoolUniDrops .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPoolLaneDrops .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPCSAvail .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPCSInUse .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsStandbyLeArpsDrops .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsStandbyUnknownsDrops .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsStandbyANIBUnknownsDrops .
sfpsATMPortsPhysIntf .
sfpsATMPortsTotalLECPorts .
sfpsATMPortsTotalPVCPorts .
sfpsATMPortsTotalSVCPorts .
sfpsATMPortsBaseIntfNum .
sfpsATMPortsInUse .
sfpsATMLecPortLogPort .
sfpsATMLecPortPhyPort .
sfpsATMLecPortElanName .
sfpsATMLecPortPhyLinkState .
sfpsATMLecPortLECType .
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventIndex .
incrementing value based on number of events
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventATMAddr .
the atm address for the port manager port based on the lec client mib.
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventPortNumber .
port manager port
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventEvent .
state change logged to the Event Log
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventEventChange .
reason for the Event
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventVccHand .
value associated with a connection on Port Number
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventVpi .
vpi associated with connection on Port Number
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventVci .
vci associated with connection on Port Number
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventTime .
system time when Event occurs
sfpsSysConfigTable .
This table contains the configuration and aministrative information of each SFPS instance. Essentially, a separate SFPS instance exists for each switch module. If SFPS is not configured on a module, than an entry will not exist.
sfpsSysStatsTable .
This table contains the statistics information fo each SFPS switch instance. Essentially, a separate SFPS instance exists for each switch module. If SFPS is not configured on a module, than an entry will not exist.
sfpsVccPortTable .
sfpsPoolTable .
sfpsAnibIfoStatsTable .
sfpsATMPortsTable .
sfpsATMLecPortTable .
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventTable .