sfpsSysConfigSwitchInstance |
. |
Switch Identifier to designate the instance of this entry.
sfpsSysConfigAdminStatus |
. |
The administrative status of the switch.
sfpsSysConfigAdminReset |
. |
Setting reset will cause a soft reset of the switch.
sfpsSysConfigOperStatus |
. |
Displays the operational status of the switch.
sfpsSysConfigOperTime |
. |
Displays the operation uptime of the switch.
sfpsSysConfigLastChange |
. |
Displays the number of time ticks since the last operational
status change.
sfpsSysConfigVersion |
. |
Displays the version of this image.
sfpsSysConfigMIBRev |
. |
Displays the MIB version of the Engine component.
sfpsSysConfigHostMgmtPort |
. |
Displays the Host Management port.
sfpsSysConfigHostCtrlPort |
. |
Displays the logical port number for the Host Control Port.
The Host Control Port is the port that unknown packets are
sent to for call processing.
sfpsSysConfigHostDataPort |
. |
sfpsSysConfigHostCtrlThrottleCount |
. |
sfpsSysConfigHostDataThrottleCount |
. |
sfpsSysConfigTrunkSwitch |
. |
sfpsSysConfigSwitchMode |
. |
Displays the mode that the switch is running.
sfpsSysConfigSwitchMAC |
. |
Displays the Switch's Base MAC address.
sfpsSysConfigMgmtAccessType |
. |
Determines whether the port can be used for management only
or to be also used as an Access port.
sfpsSysConfigChassisMAC |
. |
sfpsSysConfigChassisIP |
. |
sfpsSysStatsSwitchInstance |
. |
The primary index to the SFPS switch table. This
identifies the SFPS switch for which the entry
sfpsSysStatsAdminStatus |
. |
Sets the administrative state of the SFPS switch
statistics. Writing a value of enabled(3) causes
these counters to become active for this SFPS switch
instance. Writing a value of disabled(2) causes
these counters to become inactive for this SFPS
switch instance.
sfpsSysStatsReset |
. |
Resets the SFPS switch counters for this SFPS switch
instance. Writing a value of reset(2) resets the SFPS
switch counters to 0 and causes sfpsSysStatsOperTime
to also be reset to 0.
sfpsSysStatsOperTime |
. |
Indicates the amount of time (# of time ticks) that
the SFPS switch statistics have been active for this
SFPS swtich instance.
sfpsSysStatsInPkts |
. |
Indicates the total number of SFPS packets that have
been received, on this SFPS switch instance, during
the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsSysStatsOutPkts |
. |
Indicates the total number of SFPS packets that have
been switched, on this SFPS switch instance, during
the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsSysStatsDiscardPkts |
. |
Indicates the total number of SFPS packets that have
been discarded, on this SFPS switch instance, during
the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsSysStatsFilteredPkts |
. |
Indicates the total number of SFPS packets that have
been filtered, on this SFPS switch instance, during
the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsSysStatsInOctets |
. |
Indicates the total number of SFPS octets that have
been received, on this SFPS switch instance, during
the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsSysStatsOutOctets |
. |
Indicates the total number of SFPS octets that have
been switched, on this SFPS switch instance, during
the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsSysStatsDiscardOctets |
. |
Indicates the total number of SFPS octets that have
been discarded, on this SFPS switch instance, during
the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsSysStatsFilteredOctets |
. |
Indicates the total number of SFPS octets that have
been filtered, on this SFPS switch instance, during
the time of sfpsSysStatsOperTime.
sfpsVccPortLogPort |
. |
sfpsVccPortPhyPort |
. |
sfpsVccPortVpi |
. |
sfpsVccPortVci |
. |
sfpsVccPortPortType |
. |
sfpsVccPortLogPortType |
. |
sfpsVccPortPhyLinkState |
. |
sfpsPoolTableIndex |
. |
sfpsPoolTableName |
. |
sfpsPoolTableRAM |
. |
sfpsPoolTableBlockSize |
. |
sfpsPoolTableBlockCount |
. |
sfpsPoolTableBlockMax |
. |
sfpsPoolTableObjSize |
. |
sfpsPoolTableObjInUse |
. |
sfpsPoolTableObjMax |
. |
sfpsPoolTableObjInBlock |
. |
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPhysIntf |
. |
sfpsAnibIfoStatsCtrlMessages |
. |
sfpsAnibIfoStatsIlmiMessages |
. |
sfpsAnibIfoStatsUniMessages |
. |
sfpsAnibIfoStatsLaneMessages |
. |
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPCSPoolSize |
. |
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPCSPoolDrops |
. |
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPoolIlmiDrops |
. |
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPoolUniDrops |
. |
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPoolLaneDrops |
. |
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPCSAvail |
. |
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPCSInUse |
. |
sfpsAnibIfoStatsStandbyLeArpsDrops |
. |
sfpsAnibIfoStatsStandbyUnknownsDrops |
. |
sfpsAnibIfoStatsStandbyANIBUnknownsDrops |
. |
sfpsATMPortsPhysIntf |
. |
sfpsATMPortsTotalLECPorts |
. |
sfpsATMPortsTotalPVCPorts |
. |
sfpsATMPortsTotalSVCPorts |
. |
sfpsATMPortsBaseIntfNum |
. |
sfpsATMPortsInUse |
. |
sfpsATMLecPortLogPort |
. |
sfpsATMLecPortPhyPort |
. |
sfpsATMLecPortElanName |
. |
sfpsATMLecPortPhyLinkState |
. |
sfpsATMLecPortLECType |
. |
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventIndex |
. |
incrementing value based on number of events
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventATMAddr |
. |
the atm address for the port manager port based on the lec
client mib.
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventPortNumber |
. |
port manager port
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventEvent |
. |
state change logged to the Event Log
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventEventChange |
. |
reason for the Event
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventVccHand |
. |
value associated with a connection on Port Number
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventVpi |
. |
vpi associated with connection on Port Number
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventVci |
. |
vci associated with connection on Port Number
sfpsATMSvcHistoryEventTime |
. |
system time when Event occurs