sfpsServiceCenterTopologyEntry |
. |
Each entry contains the configuration of the Topology Entry.
sfpsHistoryTopologyServerEntry |
. |
sfpsTPMPortEntry |
. |
sfpsTPMPortTableAPIInVerb |
. |
Action to take
sfpsTPMPortTableAPIInLogicalPort |
. |
TPM Port Table entry specifier
sfpsTPMPortTableAPIInTopologyAgent |
. |
Modifies topologyAgent of the specified entry
sfpsTPMPortTableAPIInAdminPortUp |
. |
Modifies adminPortUp of the specified entry
sfpsTPMPortTableAPIInAdminPortDown |
. |
Modifies adminPortDown of the specified entry
sfpsTPMPortTableAPIInCorePortVID |
. |
sfpsTPMPortTableAPIOutLogicalPort |
. |
TPMPortTable entry specifier
sfpsTPMPortTableAPIOutTopologyAgent |
. |
Displays topologyAgent of the specified entry
sfpsCommonNeighborEntry |
. |
sfpsTopologyFCLEntry |
. |
sfpsNeighborEventsFoundEvents |
. |
number of VLAN neighbors found
sfpsNeighborEventsLostEvents |
. |
number of VLAN neighbors lost
sfpsRATopAgentNeighborEntry |
. |
sfpsRATopAgentPortEntry |
. |
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIInVerb |
. |
Action to take
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIInLogicalPort |
. |
RATopAgentPortTable entry specifier
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIInHelloVersion |
. |
Modifies helloVersion of the specified entry
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIInSendFrequency |
. |
Modifies sendFrequency of the specified entry
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIInRecvFrequency |
. |
modified receiveFrequency of the specified entry
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIInPriority |
. |
Modifies priority of the specified entry
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIInNetHelloRecvFreq |
. |
Modifies NetHelloRecvFreq of the specified entry
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIOutLogicalPort |
. |
RATopAgentPortTable entry specifier
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIOutHelloVersion |
. |
RAHelloVersion of the specified entry
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIOutSendFrequency |
. |
Modifies sendFrequency of specified entry
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIOutRecvFrequency |
. |
Modifies receiveFrequency of specified entry
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIOutPriority |
. |
Priority of the specified entry
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIOutPortState |
. |
RAPortState of the specified entry
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIOutPrimarySwitch |
. |
BaseMAC address of switch providing connectivity
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIOutNetHelloRecvFreq |
. |
NetHelloRecvFreq of the specified entry
sfpsRATopAgentPortTableAPIOutPortStateChangeCount |
. |
PortStateChangeCount of the specified entry
sfpsVMTopServerDeltaEntry |
. |
Logical port neighboring switch was discovered on
sfpsVMTopServerDeltaCount |
. |
Number of entries in Delta Table
sfpsVMTopServerTableLock |
. |
Table update prevention while table is read
sfpsVMTopServerPortChange |
. |
Port state change indictor
sfpsVMTopServerTableFull |
. |
sfpsVMTopServerChangeCnt |
. |
sfpsTAPITestInVerb |
. |
Action input indicator
sfpsTAPITestInLogicalPort |
. |
Logical port input value
sfpsTAPITestInSwitchID |
. |
SwitchID or portName input value
sfpsTAPITestInMAC |
. |
MAC Address input value
sfpsTAPITestInPortTypeState |
. |
PortTypeState input value
sfpsTAPITestInTopologyAgentID |
. |
sfpsTAPITestInUNIT321 |
. |
sfpsTAPITestOutOutputInteger |
. |
Integer output value
sfpsTAPITestOutOutPutString |
. |
String output value
sfpsTopologyServerTestInVerb |
. |
Action input indicator
sfpsTopologyServerTestInServer |
. |
Topology server to send toprelays to
sfpsTopologyServerTestInNumberOfRelays |
. |
Number of linked toprelays to send
sfpsTopologyServerTestEntry |
. |
A toprelay plus its index
sfpsVLANTopAgentNeighborEntry |
. |
Neighboring switch descriptors
sfpsVLANTopAgentPortEntry |
. |
Entry into VLANTopAgentPortTable - Logical port information
sfpsVLANTopAgentPortTableAPIInVerb |
. |
Action input indicator
sfpsVLANTopAgentPortTableAPIInLogicalPort |
. |
Logical port of switch
sfpsVLANTopAgentPortTableAPIInHelloVersion |
. |
Version of hello sent on the port
sfpsVLANTopAgentPortTableAPIInSendFrequency |
. |
Number of seconds between hellos sent
sfpsVLANTopAgentPortTableAPIInRecvFrequency |
. |
Number of seconds without hello reception
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborEntry |
. |
sfpsDirViolationEntry |
. |
sfpsDirViolationAPIVerb |
. |
Specifies the action to be initiated as a result of setting this leaf.
sfpsDirViolationAPIViolType |
. |
Specifies the violation type.
sfpsDirViolationAPISourcePort |
. |
Specifies source port
sfpsDirViolationAPIAOType |
. |
Specifies AO type
sfpsDirViolationAPIAOValue |
. |
Specifies AO value
sfpsDirViolationAPIChangeCount |
. |
sfpsDirViolationAPICPId |
. |
sfpsDirViolationDeltaEntry |
. |
sfpsDirViolationDeltaAPINumEntries |
. |
Specifies the number of entries in the Directory Violation Delta Table
sfpsDirViolationDeltaAPIVerb |
. |
Set the state of the Violation Table. When the table is locked,
no changes to the Violation Table will be allowed. Events that occur
while the table is locked will not be logged when the table is
subsequently unlocked.
sfpsRestrictedPortEntry |
. |
sfpsDirLockStatsNumViolators |
. |
sfpsDirLockStatsNumNodeLocked |
. |
sfpsDirLockStatsNumAliasLocked |
. |
sfpsDirLockStatsNumRestrictedPort |
. |
sfpsDirLockStatsNumRestrictMob |
. |
sfpsDirLockStatsViolationTblSize |
. |
sfpsDirLockStatsRestrictPortTblSize |
. |
sfpsDirLockStatsRestrictMobTblSize |
. |
sfpsDirLockConfigUserLocking |
. |
sfpsDirLockConfigRestrictedPort |
. |
sfpsDirLockConfigRouterPortLock |
. |
sfpsDirLockConfigRAPortLock |
. |
sfpsDapiNvramStatsVerb |
. |
sfpsDapiNvramStatsTotalEntries |
. |
sfpsDapiNvramStatsMacEntries |
. |
sfpsDapiNvramStatsAliasEntries |
. |
sfpsDapiNvramStatsMaxEntries |
. |
sfpsDapiNvramStatsNvramUsed |
. |
sfpsESPTopAgentPortEntry |
. |
sfpsTopologyServerTestTopRelayEntry |
. |
A top relay plus its index
sfpsRestrictedMobilityEntry |
. |
sfpsRestrictedMobilityAPIVerb |
. |
sfpsRestrictedMobilityAPISourcePort |
. |
sfpsRestrictedMobilityAPISrcMac |
. |
sfpsRestrictedMobilityAPISwitch |
. |
sfpsTopologyServerPortEventRelayLogicalPort |
. |
sfpsTopologyServerPortEventRelayOldState |
. |
sfpsTopologyServerPortEventRelayNewState |
. |
sfpsServiceCenterTopologyHashLeaf |
. |
Server hash, part of instance key.
sfpsServiceCenterTopologyMetric |
. |
Defines order servers are called low to high.
sfpsServiceCenterTopologyName |
. |
Server name.
sfpsServiceCenterTopologyOperStatus |
. |
Operational state of entry.
sfpsServiceCenterTopologyAdminStatus |
. |
Administrative State of Entry.
sfpsServiceCenterTopologyStatusTime |
. |
Time Tick of last operStatus change.
sfpsServiceCenterTopologyRequests |
. |
Requests made to server.
sfpsServiceCenterTopologyResponses |
. |
GOOD replies by server.
sfpsHistoryTopologyServerIndex |
. |
sfpsHistoryTopologyServerLogicalPort |
. |
Logical port neighbor was discovered on
sfpsHistoryTopologyServerSwitchID |
. |
neighboring switch's switchID or portName
sfpsHistoryTopologyServerEvent |
. |
sfpsHistoryTopologyServerSwitchIP |
. |
neighboring switch's IP
sfpsHistoryTopologyServerChassisMAC |
. |
Chassis MAC address
sfpsHistoryTopologyServerChassisIP |
. |
Chassis IP address
sfpsHistoryTopologyServerAgent |
. |
topology agent that discovered neighbor
sfpsHistoryTopologyServerDeltaOptionsMask |
. |
switch's delta options mask
sfpsHistoryTopologyServerCurrentOptionsMask |
. |
Current options mask
sfpsHistoryTopologyServerFCL |
. |
systime of options mask change
sfpsHistoryTopologyServerSysTime |
. |
systime of switch
sfpsTPMPortLogicalPort |
. |
sfpsTPMPortMediaType |
. |
Gapi media type
sfpsTPMPortTopologyAgent |
. |
TopologyAgent of the port - NVRAM
sfpsTPMPortVlanAttributes |
. |
Port Vlan attributes
sfpsTPMPortNVRAMStatus |
. |
NVRAM Status - set/unset
sfpsTPMPortCorePortVID |
. |
sfpsCommonNeighborLogicalPort |
. |
sfpsCommonNeighborSwitchID |
. |
sfpsCommonNeighborSwitchIP |
. |
IP address of neighboring switch
sfpsCommonNeighborSwitchMAC |
. |
Interface mac address of neighboring switch
sfpsCommonNeighborSwitchType |
. |
Type of SecureFast switch
sfpsCommonNeighborHellosReceived |
. |
Hello packet counter
sfpsCommonNeighborFirstHeard |
. |
Time stamp of first hello received
sfpsCommonNeighborLastHeard |
. |
Time stamp of last hello received
sfpsCommonNeighborReceiveFrequency |
. |
Allows CommonNeighborTable to age entries
sfpsCommonNeighborTopologyAgent |
. |
Owner of entry
sfpsCommonNeighborChassisMAC |
. |
Not currently used
sfpsCommonNeighborCommState |
. |
Neighbor communication state
sfpsCommonNeighborNotifyState |
. |
Topology server notification state
sfpsCommonNeighborTwoWayLossCount |
. |
Two-way communication loss count
sfpsCommonNeighborTwoWayLossTime |
. |
Time stamp of last two-way communication loss
sfpsCommonNeighborSeqNumLossCount |
. |
Sequence number loss count
sfpsCommonNeighborSeqNumLossTime |
. |
Timestamp of last sequence number loss
sfpsCommonNeighborFalseAgingCount |
. |
False aging loss count
sfpsCommonNeighborFalseAgingTime |
. |
Timestamp of last false aging loss
sfpsCommonNeighborChassisIP |
. |
IP address of the switch chassis
sfpsCommonNeighborFCL |
. |
Functional Capability Level
sfpsCommonNeighborOptionsMask |
. |
Bit encoded list of switch features
sfpsCommonNeighborRcvdPortState |
. |
sfpsCommonNeighborSendPortState |
. |
sfpsCommonNeighborCompatibility |
. |
Neighbor compatibility state
sfpsCommonNeighborCorePortVID |
. |
sfpsTopologyFCLFunctionalLevel |
. |
functional compatability level
sfpsTopologyFCLCompatability |
. |
compatability to this switch's FCL
sfpsTopologyFCLThisPortState |
. |
This switch's port state when neighboring a switch of this FCL
sfpsTopologyFCLSendPortState |
. |
Sending switch's port state when neighboring a switch of this FCL
sfpsRATopAgentNeighborInPort |
. |
sfpsRATopAgentNeighborSwitchID |
. |
sfpsRATopAgentNeighborPriority |
. |
Neighbor switch priority
sfpsRATopAgentNeighborNetworkPort |
. |
sfpsRATopAgentNeighborCallTag |
. |
sfpsRATopAgentNeighborNetHellosRcvd |
. |
sfpsRATopAgentNeighborSeqNumMismatch |
. |
sfpsRATopAgentNeighborNetHelloAgeTimeOuts |
. |
sfpsRATopAgentNeighborNetHelloNetPortLosses |
. |
sfpsRATopAgentNeighborNetHelloNetPortChanges |
. |
sfpsRATopAgentPortLogicalPort |
. |
sfpsRATopAgentPortHelloVersion |
. |
RAHello version of the port
sfpsRATopAgentPortSendFrequency |
. |
RAHello transmission frequency of the port
sfpsRATopAgentPortRecvFrequency |
. |
RAHello reception frequency of the port (used for aging neighbors)
sfpsRATopAgentPortPriority |
. |
Priority of the port (used for primary switch election)
sfpsRATopAgentPortPortState |
. |
RAPortState of the port
sfpsRATopAgentPortPrimarySwitch |
. |
BaseMAC Address of switch providing connectivity
sfpsRATopAgentPortNetHelloRecvFreq |
. |
NetHelloRecvFreq of the port
sfpsRATopAgentPortStateChangeCount |
. |
PortStateChangeCount of the port
sfpsRATopAgentPortNVRAMStatus |
. |
NVRAM status - set/unset
sfpsVMTopServerDeltaIndex |
. |
Table index
sfpsVMTopServerDeltaInPort |
. |
Logical port neighboring switch was discovered on
sfpsVMTopServerDeltaSwitchID |
. |
Switch ID or PortName of neighboring switch
sfpsVMTopServerDeltaState |
. |
Status of neighboring switch - lost or found
sfpsVMTopServerDeltaIPAddress |
. |
IP address of switch of neighboring switch
sfpsVMTopServerDeltaAgent |
. |
Topology agent that discovered neighboring switch
sfpsTopologyServerTestRelayNumber |
. |
Toprelay index
sfpsTopologyServerTestServerFlavor |
. |
Type of neighbor/event relayed
sfpsTopologyServerTestPortNumber |
. |
Logical port
sfpsTopologyServerTestPortName |
. |
SwitchId or PortName of neighboring switch
sfpsTopologyServerTestIpAddr |
. |
IP address of neighboring switch
sfpsTopologyServerTestLostPort |
. |
Electrical loss of port indicator
sfpsTopologyServerTestOldState |
. |
Previous port type state of port
sfpsTopologyServerTestNewState |
. |
Current port type state of port
sfpsTopologyServerTestTopologyAgent |
. |
Topology agent that discovered neighboring switch
sfpsVLANTopAgentNeighborInPort |
. |
Logical port neighbor was discovered on
sfpsVLANTopAgentNeighborSwitchID |
. |
SwitchID or PortName of switch
sfpsVLANTopAgentNeighborOptions |
. |
Functional capabilities of switch in bitmask
sfpsVLANTopAgentPortPort |
. |
Logical port of switch
sfpsVLANTopAgentPortHelloVersion |
. |
Version of hello sent on the port
sfpsVLANTopAgentPortSendFrequency |
. |
Number of seconds between hellos sent
sfpsVLANTopAgentPortRecvFrequency |
. |
Number of seconds without hello reception
sfpsVLANTopAgentPortPortOptions |
. |
Port options
sfpsVLANTopAgentPortNVRAMStatus |
. |
Status of NVRAM - set/unset
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborLogicalPort |
. |
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborSwitchID |
. |
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborSwitchIP |
. |
IP address of neighboring switch
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborSwitchMAC |
. |
Interface mac address of neighboring switch
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborSwitchType |
. |
Type of SecureFast switch
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborHellosReceived |
. |
Hello packet counter
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborFirstHeard |
. |
Time stamp of first hello received
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborLastHeard |
. |
Time stamp of last hello received
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborReceiveFrequency |
. |
Allows IncompatibleNeighborTable to age entries
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborTopologyAgent |
. |
Owner of entry
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborChassisMAC |
. |
Not currently used
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborCommState |
. |
Neighbor communication state
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborNotifyState |
. |
Topology server notification state
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborTwoWayLossCount |
. |
Two-way communication loss count
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborTwoWayLossTime |
. |
Time stamp of last two-way communication loss
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborSeqNumLossCount |
. |
Sequence number loss count
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborSeqNumLossTime |
. |
Timestamp of last sequence number loss
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborFalseAgingCount |
. |
False aging loss count
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborFalseAgingTime |
. |
Timestamp of last false aging loss
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborChassisIP |
. |
IP address of the switch chassis
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborFCL |
. |
Functional Capability Level
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborOptionsMask |
. |
Bit encoded list of switch features
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborLocalPortState |
. |
Neighbor's idea of what our port should be
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborRemotePortState |
. |
This switch's idea of what the neighbor's port should be
sfpsIncompatibleNeighborCompatibility |
. |
Neighbor compatibility state
sfpsDirViolationHash |
. |
sfpsDirViolationHashIndex |
. |
sfpsDirViolationType |
. |
sfpsDirViolationSrcPort |
. |
sfpsDirViolationAOType |
. |
sfpsDirViolationAOValue |
. |
sfpsDirViolationLocalPort |
. |
sfpsDirViolationCount |
. |
sfpsDirViolationLastSeen |
. |
sfpsDirViolationFirstSeen |
. |
sfpsDirViolationSrcMac |
. |
sfpsDirViolationCPId |
. |
sfpsDirViolationDeltaIndex |
. |
sfpsDirViolationDeltaSrcPort |
. |
sfpsDirViolationDeltaAOType |
. |
sfpsDirViolationDeltaAOValue |
. |
sfpsDirViolationDeltaEntryType |
. |
sfpsRestrictedPortPort |
. |
sfpsRestrictedPortHash |
. |
sfpsRestrictedPortHashIndex |
. |
sfpsRestrictedPortSrcMac |
. |
sfpsESPTopAgentPortPort |
. |
sfpsESPTopAgentPortHelloVersion |
. |
sfpsESPTopAgentPortSendFrequency |
. |
sfpsESPTopAgentPortRecvFrequency |
. |
sfpsTopologyServerTestTopRelayRelayNumber |
. |
Toprelay index
sfpsTopologyServerTestTopRelayEvent |
. |
sfpsTopologyServerTestTopRelayDeltaOptions |
. |
sfpsTopologyServerTestTopRelayCurrentOptions |
. |
sfpsTopologyServerTestTopRelayLogicalPort |
. |
sfpsTopologyServerTestTopRelayPortName |
. |
sfpsTopologyServerTestTopRelayIPAddr |
. |
sfpsTopologyServerTestTopRelayChassisMAC |
. |
sfpsTopologyServerTestTopRelayChassisIP |
. |
sfpsTopologyServerTestTopRelayFLevel |
. |
sfpsTopologyServerTestTopRelayTopologyAgent |
. |
sfpsRestrictedMobilityHash |
. |
sfpsRestrictedMobilityPort |
. |
sfpsRestrictedMobilityHashIndex |
. |
sfpsRestrictedMobilitySrcMac |
. |
sfpsRestrictedMobilitySwitch |
. |