sfpsVAPIVerb |
. |
Specifies the action to be initiated as a result of setting
this leaf.
sfpsVAPIInPort |
. |
Specifies the ingress port of the Virtual LAN if mapping a connection.
Specifies the source port of a user when mapping a user
sfpsVAPIVlanName |
. |
Specifies the Virtual LAN ID.
sfpsVAPIOutPort |
. |
Specifies the egress port of the Virtual LAN if mapping a connection.
sfpsVAPIUserMAC |
. |
Specifies the actual user's MAC value for the action.
sfpsVAPIUserAliasTag |
. |
Indicates the Alias Value of the user. Not yet supported.
sfpsVAPIUserAlias |
. |
Indicates the Alias Value of the user.
sfpsVAPIAdminStatus |
. |
Sets the administrative state of the object.
sfpsVAPIAutoRegisterRule |
. |
Specifies the AMR rule in which to perform the action on.
sfpsVAPIAutoRegMask |
. |
Indicates the mask to apply when the IP-Subnet
rule is invoked.
sfpsVAPIAutoRegValue |
. |
Indicates the Alias Value of the user.
sfpsVAPIUnicastPolicy |
. |
Sets the vlan policy type.
sfpsVAPIPortPolicy |
. |
Sets the port mode type.
sfpsVAPIFloodPolicy |
. |
Sets the flood mode type.
sfpsVAPIRouterPort |
. |
Sets router port
sfpsVAPIVlanId |
. |
Indicates the Vlan Id.
sfpsVAPINvramId |
. |
Indicates the Nvram Id
sfpsVAPIRelayAgent |
. |
Indicates the Relay Agent.
sfpsVAPILayer3Learning |
. |
Indicates layer 3 learning enabled/disabled
vlanNameEntry |
. |
Each entry specifies the configuration for the Vlan instance.
vlanSystemEntry |
. |
Each entry specifies the VLAN configuration for the
VLAN instance.
vlanTestAPIVerb |
. |
Specifies the action to be initiated as a result of setting
this leaf.
vlanTestAPIVlanName |
. |
Specifies the Virtual LAN to be acted upon.
vlanTestAPIPort |
. |
Specifies the Port to be acted upon.
vlanTestAPIVlanId |
. |
Specifies the ID.
vlanTestAPIOutputEntry |
. |
Each entry specifies one output result of the VlanAPI action.
vlanCountAPITotal |
. |
vlanCountAPIAdmin |
. |
vlanCountAPIAutoreg |
. |
vlanAMRRulesEntry |
. |
vlanAMRStatsNumRulesEnabled |
. |
Refers to the number of rules that are on in the AmrRules
vlanAMRStatsSingleMask |
. |
Displays the mask that is used with the IP-Subnet AMR rule
vlanAMRSubnetsPrefix |
. |
vlanAMRSubnetsMask |
. |
vlanPortEntry |
. |
vlanNameNHash |
. |
The primary index to the VlanName table.
vlanNameIndex |
. |
The secondary index to the VlanName table.
vlanNameVlanName |
. |
The Virual LAN ID.
vlanNameAdminStatus |
. |
The administrative state of the Vlan.
vlanNameOperStatus |
. |
The operational state of the Vlan.
vlanNameUniPolicy |
. |
The communication policy with respect to other Vlans.
vlanNameFloodPolicy |
. |
The multicast and unknown destination flood policy.
vlanNameStatusTime |
. |
The amount of time that this Vlan has been in its
current operational state.
vlanNameNumUsers |
. |
The number of users per port
vlanNameEnabledPorts |
. |
The list of ports which have are enabled for this Vlan.
vlanNameMappedPorts |
. |
The list of ports which have this Vlan mapped to it.
vlanNameVlanRule |
. |
vlanNameFloodPorts |
. |
vlanNameVlanId |
. |
vlanNameRelayAgent |
. |
vlanSystemSwitchInstance |
. |
The primary index to the VLAN switch table. This
identifies the VLAN switch for which the entry
vlanSystemAdminStatus |
. |
Sets the administrative state of the VLAN switching
services for this VLAN instance. This controls the
VLAN state at a module level. Regardless of the
per-port state of each VLAN switching port and the
state of active connections, writing the value
disabled(2) will cause the VLAN to immediately
shutdown. A gracefull shutdown will be attempted.
vlanSystemAdminReset |
. |
Resets this VLAN switch instance. Writing a vlue of
reset(2) will force a soft restart of the VLAN
without any graceful shutdown. Any active
connections or services will be interrupted.
vlanSystemOperStatus |
. |
Indicates the current operating condition of the VLAN
vlanSystemOperTime |
. |
Indicates the amount of time (# of time ticks) that
this VLAN switch instance has been in its current
operational state.
vlanSystemLastChange |
. |
Indicates the last time a change was made to the
configuration entry for this VLAN switch instance.
vlanSystemVersion |
. |
Indicates the current revision level of the VLAN firmware
for this VLAN switch instance.
vlanSystemMibRev |
. |
Indicates in textual format the current revision
level of the Cabletron VLAN MIB implemeted by the
agent for this VLAN switch instance.
vlanSystemAgentIP |
. |
IP Address of VLAN Manager who owns this switch.
vlanSystemDomainName |
. |
Indicates domain name
vlanSystemPollCount |
. |
Number of polls
vlanSystemFirstPollTime |
. |
System time when first polled
vlanSystemLastPollTime |
. |
Last time polled
vlanSystemPriorPollTime |
. |
Poll time one before the last poll time
vlanSystemDeltaPollTime |
. |
Time difference between last poll time and prior poll time
vlanTestAPIOutputIndex |
. |
The primary index to the VLAN Test API Output table.
vlanTestAPIOutputVlanName |
. |
Specifies the Virtual LAN by name.
vlanTestAPIOutputUserCnt |
. |
Specifies the number of users on this Vlan.
vlanTestAPIOutputStatus |
. |
Specifies the operational state of this Vlan.
vlanTestAPIOutputPolicy |
. |
Specifies the uni-cast policy of this Vlan.
vlanTestAPIOutputPort |
. |
Specifies the Vlan port.
vlanTestAPIOutputMap |
. |
Specifies whether the Vlan is mapped.
vlanTestAPIOutputAble |
. |
Specifies whether the Vlan is enabled.
vlanTestAPIOutputTap |
. |
Specifies whether the Vlan is tapped.
vlanTestAPIOutputVlanId |
. |
Specifies the Vlan Id.
vlanAMRRulesRule |
. |
Refers to the enumerated value corresponding to each AMR rule
vlanAMRRulesStatus |
. |
Displays whether the rule is currently on or off
vlanPortPortNum |
. |
The primary index to the VlanPort table.
vlanPortPortStatus |
. |
vlanPortPortPolicy |
. |
vlanPortVlanName |
. |
vlanPortAdminStatus |
. |
vlanPortUniPolicy |
. |
vlanPortFloodPolicy |
. |
vlanPortRouterPort |
. |
vlanPortVlanId |
. |
vlanPortRelayAgent |
. |
vlanPortLayer3Learning |
. |