snmpPollDestination |
. |
The IP address of the host/device to be polled.
snmpPollOwner |
. |
The IP address of the client which created this poll
request entry.
snmpPollCommunity |
. |
The value of the community string to be used in the SNMP
REQUEST PDU when actively polling. Note that this community
name string should be defined for the Cabletron hub device
as well as in the destination host/device; otherwise polls
can fail due to authenication failures.
snmpPollInterval |
. |
The value of the interval (in seconds) on which to poll the
destination address with the OIDs defined in the OID table
assigned to this poll entry. This interval defines how often
an SNMP GET REQUEST PDU will be originated from this host
device to the polled address.
snmpPollRetry |
. |
The value of the number of times to retry a failed poll request
prior to considering it a failure.
snmpPollAction |
. |
The indication of the action to take when a poll request is
considered to have failed. A value of 'no-action' will allow
the poll to reset and retry without sending any alarms. A value
of 'send-trap' will cause a SNMP TRAP PDU to be generated and
sent to the specified trap address for this entry.
snmpPollTrapAddress |
. |
The IP address to which to send the SNMP TRAP if the poll is
considered a failure and the action is defined as send-trap.
The default trap address is the owner address for this entry.
snmpPollType |
. |
The administrative control of this poll request entry. This
leaf is used to trigure an active request (begin polling),
suspend polling (stop polling but leave this poll entry intact)
on an active request, or to delete an entry (stop polling and
remove entry).
snmpPollStatus |
. |
The operational status of this poll request entry. This leaf
is used to indicate the state of the last valid poll request.
snmpPollRequests |
. |
Indicates the number of poll requests (SNMP GET REQUEST PDUs)
have been issued for this poll entry.
snmpPollLastContact |
. |
Indicates the value of the sysUpTime when the last poll
response was received from the polled host/device for which
this poll entry exists.
snmpPollLastAlarm |
. |
Indicates the value of the sysUpTime when the last alarm
was generated for this poll request entry.
snmpPollAlarmWait |
. |
Indicates the number of seconds to wait prior to sending
another alarm. This is to ensure that alarms do not flood
out upon device contact lost.
snmpPollTrapCommunity |
. |
The value of the community string to be used in the SNMP
TRAP PDU when a trap is generated.
snmpPollProtocol |
. |
Indicates the protocol to use to poll the host/device. If
snmp is chosen, there must be at least one corresponding
OID Table Entry or a general-failure will result. A
corresponding OID Table Entry is an entry with the same
Destination and Owner indices.
snmpOIDDestination |
. |
The IP address of the host/device to be polled.
snmpOIDOwner |
. |
The IP address of the client which created this OID
request entry.
snmpOIDSequence |
. |
The sequence number which uniquely idenifies this OID entry
entry within a particular SNMP poll request. This number is
incremented each time an OID as added to the poll list for a
particular destination/owner pair.
snmpOIDObject |
. |
Identifies the Object Identifier to be polled. This OID value
will be placed in a SNMP GET REQUEST PDU on each poll interval.
snmpOIDComparator |
. |
Indicates the type of comparison to be performed on the value
portion of the OID being polled. This comparator will be used
to compare the OID value with the threshold value defined in
this entry. A value of 'dont-compare' causes no comparison to
be performed. Comparison failures will trigger an alarm
snmpOIDEnumType |
. |
Indicates the type of value to expect from the OID being polled
such that the correct interpretation of the threshold value can
be used to do the comparison.
snmpOIDThresholdInteger |
. |
The threshold value to be used when polling an integer-valued
Object Identifier.
snmpOIDThresholdCounter |
. |
The threshold value to be used when polling a Counter-type
Object Identifier.
snmpOIDThresholdGauge |
. |
The threshold value to be used when polling a Gauge-type
Object Identifier.
snmpOIDThresholdTicks |
. |
The threshold value to be used when polling a TimeTicks-type
Object Identifier.
snmpOIDType |
. |
The administrative control of this Object Identifier entry.
This leaf is used to control adding, using, and deleting OIDs
from the OID poll list.
snmpOIDStatus |
. |
The status of the last poll of this Object ID.
snmpOIDLastValue |
. |
The value of the last poll entry treated as an integer value.
This field is used to allow RMON alarms to monitor the polled