h323MpConfigMaxAudioMixCount |
. |
Maximum number of participants allowed in the audio mix.
h323MpConfigMaxVideoMixCount |
. |
Maximum number of participants allowed in the video mix.
h323MpConferenceConferenceId |
. |
The conference identifier as specified in ITU-T H.323V2 specification.
h323MpConferenceAudioNoiseThreshold |
. |
This value represents the audio power level
above which the signal is detected as speech.
h323MpConferenceLipSyncEnable |
. |
This value indicates whether the lip
syncronization adjustments are performed.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsTableIndex |
. |
An arbitrary index to this table. This index is one for the
first participant for every given conference. It is incremented by one
for each subsequent participant of the same conference. The last index
for a particular conference is equal to the number of participants for
that conference.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsEndpointId |
. |
The H.323 id of this participant as described in ITU-T H.323V2 specification.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsTransmitAudioState |
. |
This value indicates the state of transmitted audio:
normal - transmit normal audio
toneGeneration - transmit test tone
mute - transmit silence audio
off - no audio is transmitted
h323MpConferenceParticipantsReceiveAudioState |
. |
This value indicates the state of received audio:
normal - receive normal audio
loopBack - received audio presented unchanged to the transmitter
block - received audio is not part of the mix
off - no audio is received
h323MpConferenceParticipantsTransmitVideoState |
. |
This value indicates the state of transmitted video:
on - normal video is transmitted
off - no video is transmitted.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsReceiveVideoState |
. |
This value indicates the state of transmitted video:
normal - normal video is received
block - received video is not displayed
off - no video is transmitted.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsLoudnessMeasurement |
. |
This is the current loudness measurement value in dB.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsVoiceActivity |
. |
This value is True when the speech is detected.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsInputAudioGain |
. |
This value reflects the current input volume adjustment in dB.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsOutputAudioGain |
. |
This value reflects the current output volume adjustment in dB.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsMaxAudioEncoderPayloadSize |
. |
The maximum size of payload in ms.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsMaxAudioDecoderPayloadSize |
. |
The maximum size of payload in ms.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsTotalPacketsTransmitted |
. |
The total number of transmitted packets.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsTotalPacketsReceived |
. |
The total number of received packets.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsInvalidPacketErrors |
. |
The total number of packets with invalid packet errors.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsLateAudioPacketsDropped |
. |
The total number of packets that arrived too late to be processed.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsReceivedSilencePackets |
. |
The total number of silence packets that were received.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsSilencePacketsGenerated |
. |
The total number of silence packets that were generated.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsVideoFrameRate |
. |
This value represents the current measured frame rate received.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsVideoResolution |
. |
Received video resolution.
h323MpConferenceParticipantsFullPictureCounter |
. |
This value represents the number of full image pictures received.
h323MpConferenceGlobalAudioMixTableIndex |
. |
An arbitrary index to this table. This index is one for the
first participant for every given conference. It is incremented by one
for each subsequent participant of the same conference. The last index
for a particular conference is equal to the number of participants for
that conference.
h323MpConferenceGlobalAudioMixTerminalIdentifier |
. |
The H.323 id of this participant as described in ITU-T H.323V2 specification.
h323MpConferenceGlobalVideoMixTableIndex |
. |
An arbitrary index to this table. This index is one for the
first participant for every given conference. It is incremented by one
for each subsequent participant of the same conference. The last index
for a particular conference is equal to the number of participants for
that conference.
h323MpConferenceGlobalVideoMixTerminalIdentifier |
. |
The H.323 id of this participant as described in ITU-T H.323V2 specification.