gsmCsTrunkGrpIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmCs tables.
gsmCsRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmCs components.
These components can be added and deleted.
gsmCsComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmCsStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmCs tables.
gsmCsCommentText |
. |
Use of this attribute is at the discretion of the system administrator.
Typically, this attribute specifies the name of the trunk group at the
Mobile Services-switching Center (MSC) configured for this
GsmIwfCallServer plus any other commentary information.
gsmCsMscIpAddress |
. |
This attribute specifies the Internetwork Protocol (IP) Address of
the Mobile Services-switching Center (MSC) Control Module (CM)
that is permitted to set up GSM InterWorking Function (IWF) calls
using this GsmIwfCallServer. This address must be specified in
order for this GsmIwfCallServer to provide service. If call setups
are attempted from an MSC which does not have this address, those
calls are rejected.
The callsRequested statistic of this GsmIwfCallServer is
incremented, but the callsSetup statistic of this GsmIwfCallServer is
not, when call setup attempts are rejected. Also, at the MSC,
appropriate call failure logs are generated.
gsmCsVirtualRouterName |
. |
This attribute specifies the VirtualRouter that this
GsmIwfCallServer uses to transmit signaling messages to and
receive signaling messages from the Mobile Services-switching
Center (MSC) that utilizes this GsmIwfCallServer.
gsmCsVoiceLaw |
. |
This attribute specifies the voice law to be established for the IWF
to Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) modem link for
calls established by this GsmIwfCallServer. Valid values are:
aLaw, a protocol for encoding voice-band audio, Pulse Code
Modulation (PCM).
muLaw, a protocol for encoding voice-band audio, PCM.
Note that this value must match the voice law used at the Mobile
Services-switching Center (MSC) connected to this
gsmCsCustomerIdentifier |
. |
This attribute holds the Customer Identifier (CID).
Every component has a CID. If a component has a cid attribute, the
component's CID is the provisioned value of that attribute;
otherwise the component inherits the CID of its parent. The top-
level component has a CID of 0.
Every operator session also has a CID, which is the CID
provisioned for the operator's user ID. An operator will see only the
stream data for components having a matching CID. Also, the
operator will be allowed to issue commands for only those
components which have a matching CID.
An operator CID of 0 is used to identify the Network Manager
(referred to as 'NetMan' in DPN). This CID matches the CID of
any component. Values 1 to 8191 inclusive (equivalent to 'basic
CIDs' in DPN) may be assigned to specific customers.
gsmCsAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
gsmCsOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
gsmCsUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
gsmCsCurrentCalls |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of active calls currently serviced
by this particular GsmIwfCallServer.
gsmCsCallsRequested |
. |
This attribute counts the number of IWF call setup requests received
at this particular GsmIwfCallServer from the Mobile Services-
switching Center (MSC). The counter wraps when it exceeds the
maximum value.
gsmCsCallsSetup |
. |
This attribute counts the number of IWF calls successfully setup by
this particular GsmIwfCallServer. A call is considered setup when
the IWF-Setup-Request message is received, indicating a request
for a data communications service, and the IWF has successfully
allocated the necessary resources to fulfill the request. The counter
wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmCsCallsActivated |
. |
This attribute counts the number of IWF calls successfully activated
by this particular GsmIwfCallServer. A call is considered activated
when the IWF receives an IWF-Activate-Request, indicating that
the call parties are connected and that data communications must
begin. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmCsCallsReleasedNormal |
. |
This attribute counts the number of IWF calls that have completed
successfully on this particular GsmIwfCallServer. The counter
wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmCsCallsReleasedAbnormal |
. |
This attribute counts the number of IWF calls that have been
released due to error conditions at this particular GsmIwfCallServer
or one if its GsmIwfBearerChannels. The counter wraps when it
exceeds the maximum value.
gsmCsChannelConfigChanges |
. |
This attribute counts the number of channel configuration requests
from the Mobile-services Switching Center (MSC) that have been
received at this GsmIwfCallServer and have resulted in successful
responses. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmCsChannelModeModifyRequests |
. |
This attribute counts the number of channel mode modify requests
that have been generated by fax calls serviced by this particular
GsmIwfCallServer. The counter wraps when it exceeds the
maximum value.
gsmCsStatusMessagesRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of status messages received from
the Mobile Services-switching Center (MSC). The counter wraps
when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmCsErroredMipFrames |
. |
This attribute counts the number of MSC/IWF Interface Protocol
(MIP) messages received from the Mobile Services-switching
Center (MSC) that were in error. The counter wraps when it
exceeds the maximum value.
gsmCsModemIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmCsModem tables.
gsmCsModemRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmCsModem components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
gsmCsModemComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmCsModemStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmCsModem tables.
gsmCsRlpIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmCsRlp tables.
gsmCsRlpRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmCsRlp components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
gsmCsRlpComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmCsRlpStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmCsRlp tables.
gsmCsRlpHighestVersion |
. |
This attribute specifies the highest version of the Radio Link
Protocol (RLP) protocol supported on this GsmIwfCallServer. Valid
values are:
0, Single-link basic version.
1, Single-link extended version (for example, extended by data
During the Exchange Information (XID) negotiation at the start of
the call, both RLP entities (mobile station and IWF) can agree to
use a particular RLP version. The IWF attempts to negotiate the
value specified by this attribute.
Note that if V.42bis data compression is be established between the
mobile station and IWF, both entities must agree to use version 1
(or higher).
The default value for highestVersion is 1 to enable support for
V.42bis data compression. The negotiated value can be viewed in
the component GsmIwfRlpOp attribute highestVersion.
Changes to this attribute do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsRlpIwfToMsWindowSize |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum number of sequentially
numbered Information (I) frames that may be outstanding (that is,
unacknowledged) at any given time from the IWF to the mobile
station. GSM specification 4.22 defines the range as 0 to 61.
During the Exchange Information (XID) negotiation, both Radio
Link Protocol (RLP) entities (mobile station and IWF) can agree to
use a specific window size. The IWF attempts to negotiate to the
value specified by this attribute.
The negotiated value can be viewed in the component
GsmIwfRlpOp attribute iwfToMsWindowSize.
Changes to this attribute do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsRlpMsToIwfWindowSize |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum number of sequentially
numbered Information (I) frames that may be outstanding (that is,
unacknowledged) at any given time from the mobile station to IWF.
GSM specification 4.22 defines the range as 0-61.
During the Exchange Information (XID) negotiation, both Radio
Link Protocol (RLP) entities (mobile station and IWF) can agree to
use a specific window size. The IWF attempts to negotiate to the
value specified by this attribute.
The negotiated value can be viewed in the component
GsmIwfRlpOp attribute msToIwfWindowSize. Changes to this
attribute do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsRlpT1AckTimer |
. |
This attribute specifies the time in milliseconds within which an
acknowledgment of a sent frame must be received. Once this timer
expires, the transmitting Radio Link Protocol (RLP) entity shall
assume that the frame was lost.
During the Exchange Information (XID) negotiation, both RLP
entities (mobile station and IWF) can agree to use specific value for
this timer (T1). The IWF attempts to negotiate to the value specified
by this attribute.
The default value for t1AckTimer is 520 msec for the full14k5Rate
instance of this component, 480 msec for full12kRate, 540 msec for
full6kRate, and 780 msec for half6kRate. The negotiated value can
be viewed in the component GsmIwfRlpOp attribute t1AckTimer.
Changes to this attribute do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsRlpT2AckDelayTimer |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum time in milliseconds the
receiving Radio Link Protocol (RLP) entity shall wait before
sending an acknowledgment for a received information frame.
During the Exchange Information (XID) negotiation, both RLP
entities (mobile station and IWF) can agree to use specific value for
this timer (T2). The IWF attempts to negotiate to the value specified
by this attribute.
The negotiated value can be viewed in the component
GsmIwfRlpOp attribute t2AckDelayTimer.
Changes to this attribute do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsRlpN2RetransmitCount |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum number of times a Radio Link
Protocol (RLP) entity shall retransmit an individual frame following
the expiry of timer T1.
During the Exchange Information (XID) negotiation, both RLP
entities (mobile station and InterWorking Function (IWF)) can
agree to use specific value for N2 (Retransmit Count). The IWF
attempts to negotiate to the value specified by this attribute.
The negotiated value can be viewed in the component
GsmIwfRlpOp attribute n2RetransmitCount.
Changes to this attribute do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsFaxIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmCsFax tables.
gsmCsFaxRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmCsFax components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
gsmCsFaxComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmCsFaxStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmCsFax tables.
gsmCsFaxT1CalledToneTimer |
. |
This attribute specifies the delay to generate a Called (CED) tone at
the IWF after the called station is connected to the line for mobile
terminated calls. Changes to this attribute do not effect existing
gsmCsV42Index |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmCsV42 tables.
gsmCsV42RowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmCsV42 components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
gsmCsV42ComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmCsV42StorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmCsV42 tables.
gsmCsV42T400DetectTimer |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum amount of time that the IWF
waits for an Originator Detection Pattern (ODP) or Answerer
Detection Pattern (ADP). ODP/ADP is a series of special bit
patterns used during the call setup procedures.
If the IWF is the Originator of the call, it starts sending ODP
patterns and waits for an ADP for the duration of T400 milliseconds
from the answerer at call setup time.
If the IWF is the Answerer of the call, it waits for an ODP for T400
seconds from the originator and if it receives during that time it
sends an ADP pattern to the originator at the call setup time. Since
both sides operate with different values of T400 timer, a higher
value increases the chance of a successful call setup.
Changes to this attribute do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsV42T401AckTimer |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum amount of time that the IWF
waits for an acknowledgment before retransmitting a frame. Since
information about the T401 timer is not carried in the Exchange
Identification (XID) negotiations at call setup time, both sides
operate with different timer values. The value for T401 depends on
many factors, such as propagation delay or frame processing time.
A frame is retransmitted up to N400 times if the timer T401 expires
before an acknowledgment for a frame is actually received. The
performance of the data link layer can be impacted by the value of
this timer as retransmissions of frames occur on expiry of timer
Changes to this attribute do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsV42T402AckDelayTimer |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum amount of time that the IWF
may wait following the receipt of any frame requiring a reply before
it initiates transmission of an appropriate reply in order to ensure
that the reply frame is received by the remote error-correcting entity
prior to expiration of the T401 timer of the remote error-correcting
entity. Since information about the T402 timer is not carried in the
Exchange Identification (XID) negotiations at call setup, both sides
operate with different timer values. If this timer expires, then the
reply that would have been returned prior to its expiration is not
sent. The performance of the data link layer can be impacted by the
value of this timer as retransmissions of frames occur on expiry of
timer T401. For better performance, a value of t402AckDelayTimer
(T402) equal to half the value of t401AckTimer (T401) is
Changes to this attribute do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsV42T403IdleProbeTimer |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum amount of time that the IWF
allows to elapse without frames being exchanged. The link is
permitted to remain idle with no frames being exchanged on the
data link. Upon expiry of this timer, the IWF polls its peer for
status. Since information about the T403 timer is not carried in the
Exchange Identification (XID) negotiations at call setup time, both
sides operate with different timer values.
Changes to this attribute do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsV42TxN401FrameSize |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum number of octets that can be
carried in the information field of an Information (I) frame,
Exchange Identification (XID) frame, and a Unnumbered
Information (UI) frame from the IWF to the remote entity. The
default value is 128 octets, and no XID negotiations required for
txN401FrameSize. If the value for txN401FrameSize value is set to
other than 128 octets, then XID frames are exchanged to negotiate a
value. The value provided for txN401FrameSize sets up the bounds
during XID negotiations. The IWF performs XID negotiations with
this value as a minimum or maximum value. If a value greater than
128 is specified, then the IWF negotiates or attempts to negotiate a
value between the 128 (as a minimum) and the given value (as a
maximum). If a value less than 128 is specified, then the IWF
attempts to negotiate a value between the given value (as a
minimum) and 128 (as a maximum). Any value can be specified as
long as it is within the provisionable limits. However, a value equal
to or close to 128 is recommended.
The negotiated value can be viewed in the component
GsmIwfV42Op attribute txN401FrameSize. Changes to this attribute
do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsV42RxN401FrameSize |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum number of octets that can be
carried in the information field of an Information (I) frame,
Exchange Identification (XID) frame, and a Unnumbered
Information (UI) frame from the remote entity to the IWF. The
default value is 128 octets, and no XID negotiations are required for
rxN401FrameSize. If the value set for rxN401FrameSize is other
than 128, XID frames are exchanged to negotiate a value. The value
provided for rxN401FrameSize sets up the bounds during XID
negotiations. The IWF performs XID negotiations with this value as
a minimum or maximum value. If a value greater than 128 is
specified, then the IWF attempts to negotiate for a value between
128 (as a minimum) and the given value (as a maximum). If a value
less than 128 value is specified, then the IWF attempts to negotiate
for a value between the given value (as a minimum) and 128 (as a
maximum). Any value can be specified as long as it is within the
provisionable limits. However, a value equal to or close to the
default is recommended.
The negotiated value can be viewed in the component
GsmIwfV42Op attribute rxN401FrameSize. Changes to this attribute
do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsV42TxKwindowSize |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum number of outstanding
unacknowledged sequenced Information (I) frames from the IWF to
the remote entity. The default value is 15 frames, and if this value is
used then no Exchange Identification (XID) negotiations are
required for txKwindowSize. If the value set for txKwindowSize is
other than 15, then XID frames are exchanged to negotiate a value.
The value provided for txKwindowSize sets up the bounds during
XID negotiations. The IWF performs XID negotiations with this
value as a minimum or maximum value. If a value greater than 15 is
specified, then the IWF attempts to negotiate a value between 15 (as
a minimum) and the given value (as a maximum). If a value less
than 15 is specified, then the IWF attempts to negotiate for a value
between the given value (as a minimum) and 15 (as a maximum).
Any value can be specified as long at it is within the provisionable
limits. However, a value equal to or close to the default is
The negotiated value can be viewed in the component
GsmIwfV42Op attribute txKwindowSize. Changes to this attribute do
not effect existing calls.
gsmCsV42RxKwindowSize |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum number of outstanding
unacknowledged sequenced Information (I) frames from the remote
entity to the IWF. The default value is 15 frames, and if this value is
used then no Exchange Identification (XID) negotiations are
required for rxKwindowSize. If the value set for rxKwindowSize is
other than 15, then XID frames are exchanged to negotiate a value.
The value provided for rxKwindowSize sets up the bounds during
XID negotiations. The IWF performs XID negotiations with this
value as a minimum or maximum value. If a value greater than 15 is
specified, then the IWF attempts to negotiate a value between 15 (as
a minimum) and the given value (as a maximum). If a value less
than 15 is specified, then the IWF attempts to negotiate for a value
between the given value (as a minimum) and 15 (as a maximum).
Any value can be specified as long as it is within the provisionable
limits. However, a value equal to or close to the default is
The negotiated value can be viewed in the component
GsmIwfV42Op attribute rxKwindowSize. Changes to this attribute
do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsV42N400RetransLimit |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum number of times the IWF
retransmits a frame upon expiry of t401AckTimer before
appropriate recovery action is taken. Information about N400
(Retransmission Limit) is not carried in the Exchange Identification
(XID) negotiation at call setup time so both sides operate with
different N400 values.
Changes to this attribute do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsV42bisIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmCsV42bis tables.
gsmCsV42bisRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmCsV42bis components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
gsmCsV42bisComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmCsV42bisStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmCsV42bis tables.
gsmCsV42bisCompressionDirection |
. |
This attribute specifies the V.42bis data compression direction to be
supported. The value for compression direction is negotiated at link
setup by the data link protocol by way of the Exchange
Identification (XID) negotiation of parameter P0 (compression
During XID negotiation of parameter P0, both sides (IWF and
mobile or IWF and Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN))
agree on the compression direction.
Valid values are:
none, No compression is present.
encode, The data sent by the IWF to the other entity is compressed.
decode, The data received by the IWF from the other entity is
both, The data sent and received by the IWF is compressed.
The negotiated value can be viewed in the component
GsmIwfV42bisOp attribute compressionDirection. Changes to this
attribute do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsV42bisMaximumCodewords |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum number of V.42bis codewords
the IWF supports. A codeword is a binary number that represents a
string of characters in compressed form. V.42bis keeps a dictionary
of codewords for each compression direction. During Exchange
Identification (XID) negotiation of parameter P1 (number of
codewords), both sides (IWF and mobile or IWF and Public
Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)) agree on the total number of
codewords in the dictionaries. Changes to this attribute impact the
compression ratio for the encoder (component GsmV42BisOp
attribute compRatioEncoder). Changes also impact the amount of
memory used (more memory is used when increasing the attribute).
The gain in performance obtained from the selection of a larger
dictionary may be offset by the larger codeword size needed, and
for certain types of data, better performance may be obtained by
using a smaller dictionary.
The negotiated value can be viewed in the component
GsmIwfV42bisOp attribute maximumCodewords . Changes to this
attribute do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsV42bisMaximumStringSize |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum number of characters allowed
in a string represented by a codeword that the IWF supports. Each
codeword in a V.42bis dictionary represents a string of characters.
During Exchange Identification (XID) negotiation of parameter P2
(maximum string size), both sides (IWF and mobile or IWF and
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)) agree on the
maximum string length to be used in the dictionaries. Changes to
this attribute impact the compression ratio for the encoder
(component GsmIwfV42bisOp attribute compRatioEncoder).
The negotiated value can be viewed in the component
GsmIwfV42bisOp attribute maximumStringSize. Changes to this
attribute do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsV42bisActionOnError |
. |
This attribute specifies whether or not V.42bis takes down the call
or resets the link when any of the following errors occur:
1.Receipt of STEPUP (step up codeword size) codeword when it
would cause C2 (current code word size) to exceed N1 (maximum
code word size).
2. Receipt of a codeword, at any time, equal to C1 (next empty
dictionary entry).
3. Receipt of a codeword representing an empty dictionary entry.
4. Receipt of a reserved command code.
5. Receipt of any other error.
If the value is resetLink, the error corrected connection and V.42bis
dictionaries are reset. Some data is lost but the call continues. If the
value is takeDownCall, the call is taken down.
Changes to this attribute do not effect existing calls.
gsmCsLpIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmCsLp tables.
gsmCsLpRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmCsLp components.
These components can be added and deleted.
gsmCsLpComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmCsLpStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmCsLp tables.
gsmCsLpConfiguredBearerChannels |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of GsmIwfBearerChannel
components provisioned for the Logical Processor represented by
this component.
gsmCsLpActiveCalls |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of GsmIwfBearerChannel
components currently active on this LogicalProcessor.
gsmCsLpAssignedCapacity |
. |
This attribute indicates what percentage (0 to 100%) of a given
LogicalProcessor has been reserved for the data calls which are
currently active. When the assignedCapacity reaches 100%, no new
calls are established on the given LogicalProcessor. During the life
of a call, the compute requirements will vary. The compute capacity
required for a given call type depends on the type of call established
including such factors as connection type, data compression, user
rate, error correction, flow control; therefore, at call establishment
the compute capacity is added to the assignedCapacity for a
LogicalProcessor. When the call is released, it's compute capacity
is subtracted from the assigned capacity for the Lp.The
GsmIwfCallServer uses this information to balance the distribution
of data calls across the logical processors.
gsmCsLpModemsSupported |
. |
This attribute indicates if modems are supported with this
gsmBcTrunkGrpIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the gsmBc tables.
gsmBcCicIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the gsmBc tables.
gsmBcRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmBc components.
These components can be added and deleted.
gsmBcComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmBcStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmBc tables.
gsmBcMipState |
. |
This attribute indicates the current state of the MSC/IWF Interface
Protocol (MIP) for an IWF element. Valid values are:
idle, Startup state of IWF element.
pendingSetup, Pending initial state of IWF element.
setup, Initial state of IWF element.
pendingActivation, Synchronization has been requested, but the
IWF element is not yet in the Synchronization state.
activated, Synchronization state.
holdDisconnect, Flush buffer state, during call clearing the MSC is
responsible for holding the network connection towards the
disconnected party while the IWF completes the data transmission
(flushing any buffered data towards the disconnected party; any
buffered data towards the disconnecting party is discarded.)
currentlySuspended, The call is temporarily switched to speech
phase during a dual services call.
gsmBcMaxUserDataRate |
. |
This attribute indicates the user rate which is in affect between the
IWF and the fixed network. A user rate of 1200_75 is 75 bit/s in the
receive direction 1200 bit/s in the transmit direction.
gsmBcConnectionType |
. |
This attribute indicates the connection types between the terminal
equipment or terminal adaptor and mobile and between the IWF
and the network. Valid connection types are:
asynchronous, Transmission of data which does not require
clocking of the data signal.
synchronous, Transmission of data which requires clocking of the
data signal.
gsmBcDataBits |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of data bits encoded between
start and stop bits in an asynchronous data call connection data
stream. This attribute is set to notApplicable for a synchronous data
gsmBcStopBits |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of stop bits (a mark (binary 1)
placed at the end of each data byte) inserted between the data bits in
an asynchronous data call connection data stream, this marks the
end of the character. This attribute is set to notApplicable for a
synchronous data call.
gsmBcParity |
. |
This attribute indicates the type of parity for the data bits in an
asynchronous data call connection data stream. Parity is a redundant
bit that is added to each data byte to aid in error detection. If odd
parity is used, all data bytes have an odd number of 1s, and if even
parity is used, all data bytes have an even number of 1s. Also parity
may be forced to 0, forced to 1, or may not be used at all (required
for sending 8-bit data). This attribute will be set to notApplicable
for a synchronouse data call. Valid values are:
none, No parity.
odd, Odd parity.
even, Even parity.
forced0, Parity forced to 0.
forced1, Parity forced to 1.
notApplicable, Parity not applicable.
gsmBcFlowControl |
. |
This attribute indicates the current flow control status of this
GsmIwfBearerChannel for an asynchronous call. For a synchronous
data call this attribute will be set to noFlowControlActive. Valid
values are:
noFlowControlActive, There is no flow control active over the air
interface and network interfaces. The applications at the end points
handle flow control.
inband, Embedded characters in the data stream indicate flow
v110FlowCtnrl, Utilization of V.110 flow control.
errorCntrl, Flow control is handle by datalink protocols.
gsmBcCallType |
. |
This attribute indicates the current call type. Valid values are:
faxG3, group 3 fax calls
cda31khz, asynchronous 3.1kHz modem
cdaUdi, asynchronous unrestricted digital data call
cdsUdi, synchronous unrestricted digital data call
cds31khz, synchronous 3.1kHz modem
gsmBcLastResponseCode |
. |
This attribute indicates the MSC/IWF Interface Protocol (MIP)
response code returned for the last call which was active on this
particular GsmIwfBearerChannel. Valid values are:
requestDone, the call was terminated normally.
systemError, the call was terminated due to a base system problem.
applicationError, the call was terminated due to an application
level problem.
noResources, the call was terminated due to a lack of available
msgSizeMismatch, Message length does not match length defined
by the MSC/IWF Interface Protocol for the particular message type.
protocolViolation, Failed to perform the request because the coding
of the request message was invalid; message was not understood.
requestNotSupported, Message was understood but not supported
by the IWF or MSC.
requestDenied, Message was understood and supported by the IWF
or MSC but the request is denied.
invalidMessage, Message received is invalid for the current state of
the IWF's state machine or the MSC data call state machine. The
message is ignored.
bufferNotFlushed, Message from the Iwf to the MSC indicating
that the buffers are not flushed as requested by the MSC.
notApplicable, this attribute is not applicable for this call. This is
the default value for this attribute.
gsmBcMateBearerChannel |
. |
This attribute contains the name of the mate GsmIwfBearerChannel
that this GsmIwfBearerChannel is involved with in the currently
active call.
gsmBcCustomerIdentifier |
. |
This attribute holds the Customer Identifier (CID).
Every component has a CID. If a component has a cid attribute, the
component's CID is the provisioned value of that attribute;
otherwise the component inherits the CID of its parent. The top-
level component has a CID of 0.
Every operator session also has a CID, which is the CID
provisioned for the operator's user ID. An operator will see only the
stream data for components having a matching CID. Also, the
operator will be allowed to issue commands for only those
components which have a matching CID.
An operator CID of 0 is used to identify the Network Manager
(referred to as 'NetMan' in DPN). This CID matches the CID of
any component. Values 1 to 8191 inclusive (equivalent to 'basic
CIDs' in DPN) may be assigned to specific customers.
gsmBcAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
gsmBcOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
gsmBcUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
gsmBcFramerIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmBcFramer tables.
gsmBcFramerRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmBcFramer components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
gsmBcFramerComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmBcFramerStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmBcFramer tables.
gsmBcFramerInterfaceName |
. |
This attribute contains a hardware component name.
The attribute associates the application with a specific link. This
defines the module processor on which Framer's parent component
(as well as Framer itself) will run.
gsmBcFramerFrmToIf |
. |
This attribute counts the number of frames transmitted to the link
interface by Framer. The counter wraps when it exceeds the
maximum value.
gsmBcFramerFrmFromIf |
. |
This attribute counts the number of frames received from the link
interface by Framer. The counter wraps when it exceeds the
maximum value.
gsmBcFramerOctetFromIf |
. |
This attribute counts the number of bytes received from the link
interface by Framer. The counter wraps when it exceeds the
maximum value.
gsmBcFramerCrcErrors |
. |
This attribute coutns the the total number of frames with CRC
errors, occurring in the receive direction from the link. The counter
wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcFramerLrcErrors |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of frames with LRC errors,
occurring in the Tx link prior to transmission onto the link. The
counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcFramerNonOctetErrors |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of frames that were non octet
aligned. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcFramerOverruns |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of frames received from the
link for which overruns occurred. The counter wraps when it
exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcFramerUnderruns |
. |
This attributecounts the total number of frames transmitted to the
link for which underruns occurred. The counter wraps when it
exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcFramerFramingType |
. |
This attribute indicates the type of framing for the link layer data
received and transmitted on this channel. Valid values are:
BtdsFraming, bit transparent framing required for the
GsmIwfBearerChannel components on MVP cards.
GsmFraming, GSM framing for the GsmIwfBearerChannel
components on DS1C/E1C cards.
gsmBcFramerAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
gsmBcFramerOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
gsmBcFramerUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
gsmBcLayer1Index |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmBcLayer1 tables.
gsmBcLayer1RowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmBcLayer1 components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
gsmBcLayer1ComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmBcLayer1StorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmBcLayer1 tables.
gsmBcLayer1ActiveMode |
. |
This attribute indicates the active physical layer protocol between
the mobile and the IWF. Valid values are:
v110, GSM V.110 rate adaptation scheme for interworking V-series
connections to an Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN).
aTrau, GSM A-Transcoder/Rate Adaptor (A-TRAU).
gsmBcLayer1Connection |
. |
This attribute indicates the connection between the mobile and the
IWF. Valid values are:
transparent, Constant throughput, constant transit delay, and
variable error rate (does not use Radio Link Protocol).
nonTransparent, Improved error rate with variable transit delay and
variable throughput (uses Radio Link Protocol).
gsmBcLayer1DataRate |
. |
This attribute indicates the layer 1 user data rate for the currently
active call for this GsmIwfBearerChannel. This is the data rate
between the mobile and IWF.
gsmBcLayer1IntermediateRate |
. |
This attribute indicates the intermediate rate used in the physical
layer rate adaptation process. This field is valid between the mobile
and the IWF. For user data rates of 300 bit/s - 4800 bit/s the
intermediate rate is 8 kbit/s. For user data rates 9600 bit/s and above
the intermediate rate is 16 kbit/s.
gsmBcLayer1FramesTx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of frames transmitted on the link.
The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcLayer1FramesRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of frames received on the link.
Discarded frames are not included in this count. The counter wraps
when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcLayer1BytesTx |
. |
This attribute counts number of bytes transmitted on the link. The
counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcLayer1BytesRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of bytes received on the link. Bytes
from discarded frames are not included in this count. The counter
wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcLayer1UnderRunsTx |
. |
This attribute counts number of underruns, on a per-call basis, in the
transmit direction reported by the hardware on the mobile-side..
These frames are not counted towards the number of frames
transmitted (framesTx). The counter wraps when it exceeds the
maximum value.
gsmBcLayer1OverRunsRx |
. |
This attribute counts number of overruns, on a per-call basis, in the
receive direction reported by the hardware on the mobile-side.
These frames are discarded. These frames are not counted towards
the number of frames received (framesRx). The counter wraps when
it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcLayer1NonOctetErrorsRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of non-octet synchronous frame
errors, on a per-call basis, received on the link reported by the
hardware. This is when a frame whose bit content was not divisible
by eight was detected. These frames are discarded. These frames
are not counted towards the number of frames received (framesRx).
The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcLayer1LargeFrameErrorsRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of frames, on a per-call basis,
received on the link that exceeded internal buffer limits reported by
the hardware. A large number of these errors could indicate a bad
physical medium. These frames are discarded. These frames are not
counted towards the number of frames received (framesRx). The
counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcLayer1FramesDiscarded |
. |
This attribute counts the number of frames discarded, on a per-call
basis, in the receive direction by software due to frame errors. The
counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcLayer1LrcErrorsTx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of corrupted frames, on a per-call
basis, due to memory inconsistencies found by Longitude
Redundancy Check (LRC) checks at the IWF. These frames are not
counted towards the number of frames transmitted (framesTx). The
counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcModemIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmBcModem tables.
gsmBcModemRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmBcModem components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
gsmBcModemComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmBcModemStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmBcModem tables.
gsmBcModemRate |
. |
This attribute indicates the transmission rate of the current modem
in use. A rate of 1200_75 is 75 bit/s in the transmit direction and
1200 bit/s in the receive direction. All other rates are the same in
both the transmit and receive directions.
gsmBcModemAlgorithmInUse |
. |
This attribute indicates the current modem algorithm(s) active for
the channel. Valid values are:
v17, V.17 is active.V.17 is an ITU-T 14400bit/s modem standard.
v27ter, V.27ter is active. V.27ter is an ITU-T 7200bit/s modem
v29, V.29 is active. V.29 an ITU-T 9600bit/s modem standard.
v21, V.21 active. V.21 is an ITU-4 300bit/s modem standard.
v22bis, V.22 or V.22bis active. V.22 ia an ITU-T modem standard
that operates at 1200bit/s and 600 baud. V.22bis is an ITU-T
modem standard that operates at 2400bit/s and 600 baud.
v23, V.23 active. V.23 is an ITU-T modem standard that operates at
a speed of 1200bit/s.
v26ter, V.26ter active. V.26ter is an ITU-T modem standard that
operates at a speed of 2400bit/s.
v32bis, V.32 or V.32bis active. V.32 is an ITU-T modem standard
that operates at 9600bit/s and 2400 baud. V.32bis is an ITU-T
modem standard that operates at a speed of 14.4kbit/s.
v34, V.34 active. V.34 is an ITU-T modem standard that operates at
a speed of up to 28.8kbit/s.
Description of bits:
gsmBcModemProtocolState |
. |
This attribute indicates the active protocol state of the modem in
use.Valid values are:
idle, Modem is in an inactive state and has no current connection
training, Modem is attempting to establish a connection with the far
end modem via handshaking.
connected, Modem has establish a connection with the far end
gsmBcModemReceiverTransmitter |
. |
This attribute indicates whether the fax data modem is in receive or
transmit mode. If this is not a fax data modem call, then the value is
set to notApplicable. Valid values are:
notApplicable, Not an applicable field.
rxOnTxOff, Receiver is on, transmitter is off.
rxOffTxOn, Receiver is off, transmitter is on.
rxTxOn, Reciever is on, transmitter is on.
gsmBcModemTraining |
. |
This attribute indicates the training procedure used by the V.17
modems. ITU-T defines two training procedures. A longer training
procedure used at call setup, and a short training procedure is used
during the fax call when switching from the V.21 modem to the
V.17 modem. A value of notApplicable indicates that the attribute is
not applicable for the modem.
gsmBcModemToUpperFlowControlActive |
. |
This attribute indicates whether flow control was requested and an
indication was sent to an upper layer protocol.
gsmBcModemToDspFlowControlActive |
. |
This attribute indicates whether an upper layer protocol requested
flow control and an indication was sent to the Digital Signal
gsmBcModemAsyncMode |
. |
This attribute indicates whether conversion between synchronous
and asynchronous data format (specifacally, the stripping or
insertion of start and stop bits) is being performed. The value will
be on unless the V.42 layer is active or it is a fax call.
gsmBcModemAutoHdlcMode |
. |
This attribute indicates whether High-Level Data Link Control
(HDLC) functions are being performed by the modem to support
HDLC applications (V.42 for example).
gsmBcModemOutbandFlowControl |
. |
This attribute indicates whether inband or outband flow control
conversions are being performed. The modem performs either
inband or outband flow control unless V.42 layer is active, it is a fax
call, or no flow control was specified by the MSC.
gsmBcModemOutbandBreak |
. |
This attribute indicates whether inband or outband break control
conversions are being performed. This is when the modem detects a
break condition as defined by ITU-T X.28 and reports it. When a
break condition is discovered all subsequent incoming data is
discarded until a start bit is received.
gsmBcModemAutobaud |
. |
This attribute indicates whether autobaud is active.
The modem is instructed at call setup time by the MSC on:
What is the initial modem data rate value and
Whether a modem is allowed to perform autobauding (on) or not
(off). With Autobauding on, the modem is allowed to connect using
a valid modem data rate less than or equal to the initial rate
specified to the modem by the MSC. If a modem can not perform
autobauding and the carrier can not be established at the initial data
rate, the modem is disabled.
gsmBcModemBytesTx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of payload bytes transmitted. The
counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcModemBytesRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of payload bytes received. The
counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcModemFramingErrors |
. |
This attribute counts the number of framing errors detected by the
hardware. This is the absence of a stop bit after a start bit and eight
bits of data. All incoming data is discarded until the next start bit is
received. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV110Index |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmBcV110 tables.
gsmBcV110RowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmBcV110 components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
gsmBcV110ComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmBcV110StorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmBcV110 tables.
gsmBcV110DataRate |
. |
This attribute contains the layer 1 user data rate for the currently
active call for this GsmIwfBearerChannel. This is the data rate
between the IWF and the fixed network.
gsmBcV110IntermediateRate |
. |
This attribute indicates the intermediate rate used in the physical
layer rate adaptation process. This field is valid between the
network and the IWF. For user data rates of 300 bit/s to 4800 bit/s
the intermediate rate is 8 kbit/s. For a user data rate of 9600 bit/s the
intermediate rate is 16 kbit/s. For user data rates of 1200 bit/s to
19200 bit/s the intermediate rate is 32 kbit/s. Data rates above this
have no intermediate rate.
gsmBcV110FramesTx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of frames transmitted on the link.
The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV110FramesRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of frames received on the link.
Discarded frames are not included in this count. The counter wraps
when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV110BytesTx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of bytes transmitted on the link.
The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV110BytesRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of bytes received on the link. Bytes
from discarded frames are not included in this count. The counter
wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV110UnderRunsTx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of underruns, on a per-call basis, in
the transmit direction reported by the hardware on the network side.
These frames are not counted towards the number of frames
transmitted (framesTx). The counter wraps when it exceeds the
maximum value.
gsmBcV110OverRunsRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of overruns, on a per-call basis, in
the receive direction reported by the hardware on the network side.
These frames are discarded. These frames are not counted towards
the number of frames received (framesRx). The counter wraps when
it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV110NonOctetErrorsRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of non-octet synchronous frame
errors, on a per-call basis, received on the link reported by the
hardware. These frames are discarded. These frames are not
counted towards the number of frames received (framesRx). The
counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV110LargeFrameErrorsRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of frames received on the link that
exceeded internal buffer limits reported by the hardware, on a per-
call basis. These frames are discarded. These frames are not
counted towards the number of frames received (framesRx). The
counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV110FramesDiscarded |
. |
This attribute counts the number of frames discarded, on a per-call
basis, in the receive direction by software due to frame errors. The
counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV110LrcErrorsTx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of corrupted frames, on a per-call
basis, due to memory inconsistencies found by Longitude
Redundancy Check (LRC) checks at the IWF. The counter wraps
when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcFaxIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmBcFax tables.
gsmBcFaxRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmBcFax components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
gsmBcFaxComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmBcFaxStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmBcFax tables.
gsmBcFaxActiveMode |
. |
This attribute indicates the mode of the fax T.30 protocol,
determined during Exchange Identification (XID) negotiations. The
following modes are supported:
normal, normal T.30 protocol, Error Correction Mode (ECM) not
ecm, Error Correction Mode used. Fax error correction is done
using a half-duplex page selective repeat technique.
gsmBcFaxProtocolState |
. |
This attribute indicates the protocol state of the fax adaptor. The
values are:
setup, call setup state
idle, idle state only transmitting Synchronize (SYNC) frames
bcsRx, receiving Binary Coded Signal (BCS) packet from modem
bcsTx, transmitting BCS packet to modem
msgRx, receiving fax message from modem
msgTx, transmitting fax message to modem
gsmBcFaxMessageRate |
. |
This attribute indicates the fax message rate used for sending fax
gsmBcFaxMessageFramesRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of fax message frames received
from the mobile. One fax message frame is an eight byte DATA
frame defined in GSM 3.45. The counter wraps when it exceeds the
maximum value.
gsmBcFaxMessageFramesTx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of fax message frames transmitted
to the mobile. One fax message frame is an eight byte DATA frame
defined in GSM 3.45. The counter wraps when it exceeds the
maximum value.
gsmBcFaxBcsFramesRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of fax Binary Coded Signal (BCS)
frames received from the mobile. A fax BCS frame is an 8-byte
STATUS frame, which carries T.30 BCS data as defined in GSM
3.45. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcFaxBcsFramesTx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of fax Binary Coded Signal (BCS)
frames transmitted to the mobile. A fax BCS frame is an 8-byte
STATUS frame, which carries T.30 BCS data as defined in GSM
3.45. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcFaxPagesRxFromMobile |
. |
This attribute counts the number of fax pages received from the
mobile. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcFaxPagesTxToMobile |
. |
The attribute counts the number of fax pages transmitted to the
mobile. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcFaxChannelModeModify |
. |
This attribute counts the number of Channel Mode Modify (CMM)
requests initiated by the IWF.
For transparent fax calls, the transmission speed is determined by
the two fax machines at call setup. The speed may change during
the transmission to satisfy the T.30 protocol. The CMM request is
used by the GSM IWF to request that the T.30 requested speed
change can be propagated throughout the network. The counter
wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcFaxBcsFrameErrors |
. |
This attribute counts the number of fax Binary Coded Signal (BCS)
frames in error. This attribute indicates the count of corrupted fax
BCS frames over the GSM radio channel. The counter wraps when
it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcRlpIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmBcRlp tables.
gsmBcRlpRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmBcRlp components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
gsmBcRlpComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmBcRlpStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmBcRlp tables.
gsmBcRlpProtocolState |
. |
This attribute indicates the last Radio Link Protocol (RLP) state
before call take down. The following are the states:
detached, Initial State. The call has not even started.
disconnected, Asynchronous Disconnected Mode (ADM).
connPending, In ADM, but sent Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode
(SABM) and waiting for a response.
discPending, Sent Disconnect (DISC), waiting for a response.
connectEstablished, In Asynchronous Balanced Mode (ABM),
Information frames can be exchanged.
synchronized, Synchronization state entered after a change of
channel coding. Handles REMAP procedure.
gsmBcRlpFrameSize |
. |
This attribute indicates the current Radio Link Protocol (RLP)
frame size transmitted. The size of the frame depends on the radio
channel type. The frames can be 240 bits long for 12 kbit/s and 6
kbit/s or 576 bits long for 14.5 kbit/s.
gsmBcRlpHighestVersion |
. |
This attribute indicates the current highest version of the Radio Link
Protocol (RLP) protocol negotiated by the Radio Link Protocol
(RLP), during Exchange Information (XID). Valid values are:
0, Single-link basic version.
1, Single-link extended version (for example, extended by data
The value used for XID negotiations can be provisioned by
component GsmIwfRadioLinkProtocol attribute highestVersion.
gsmBcRlpIwfToMsWindowSize |
. |
This attribute indicates the current IWF to mobile window size
negotiated by the Radio Link Protocol (RLP) during Exchange
Information (XID). The window size is the maximum number of
sequentially numbered Information (I) frames that may be
unacknowledged at any given time. GSM specification 4.22 defines
the range as 0 to 61. The value used for XID negotiations can be
provisioned by component GsmIwfRadioLinkProtocol attribute
gsmBcRlpMsToIwfWindowSize |
. |
This attribute indicates the current mobile to IWF window size
negotiated by the Radio Link Protocol (RLP), during Exchange
Information (XID). The window size is the maximum number of
sequentially numbered Information (I) frames that may be
unacknowledged at any given time. GSM specification 4.22 defines
the range as 0 to 61. The value used for XID negotiations can be
provisioned by component GsmIwfRadioLinkProtocol attribute
gsmBcRlpT1AckTimer |
. |
This attribute indicates the current T1 timer negotiated by the Radio
Link Protocol (RLP), during Exchange Information (XID). This is
the period in milliseconds within which an acknowledgment of a
sent frame must be received. Once this timer expires, the
transmitting RLP entity shall assume that the frame was lost. The
value used for XID negotiations can be provisioned by component
GsmIwfRadioLinkProtocol attribute t1AckTimer.
gsmBcRlpT2AckDelayTimer |
. |
This attribute indicates the current T2 timer negotiated by the Radio
Link Protocol (RLP), during Exchange Information (XID). This is
the maximum period in milliseconds the receiving RLP entity shall
wait before sending an acknowledgment for a received in sequenced
frame. The value used for XID negotiations can be provisioned by
component GsmIwfRadioLinkProtocol attribute t2AckDelayTimer.
gsmBcRlpN2RetransmitCount |
. |
This attribute indicates the current value of N2 negotiated by the
Radio Link Protocol (RLP), during Exchange Information (XID).
This is the maximum number of times a RLP entity shall retransmit
an individual frame following the expiry of timer T1. The value
used for XID negotiations can be provisioned by component
GsmIwfRadioLinkProtocol attribute n2RetransmitCount.
gsmBcRlpIFramesTx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of valid Information frames
transmitted. This count does not include the Information frames
discarded. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcRlpIFramesRx |
. |
This attributes counts the number of valid Information (I) frames
received. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcRlpFramesRetransmitted |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of frames retransmitted.
Frames that are not acknowledged within the T1 timer are
retransmitted. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum
gsmBcRlpT1AckTimeouts |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of T1 timer time-outs.
Retransmission of all unacknowledged frames is started after T1
timer expiry. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum
gsmBcRlpInvalidFrames |
. |
This attribute counts the number of invalid frames received. These
invalid frames are frames received from the mobile which contain
errors in the header information. This count does not include the
number of frames with Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) errors or
out-of-sequence Frame Errors. The counter wraps when it exceeds
the maximum value.
gsmBcRlpCrcErrorsRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of frames with Cyclic Redundancy
Check (CRC) errors received by the IWF Radio Link Protocol
(RLP) entity. CRC is a type of block check character that is very
effective in detecting communications errors. CRCs are commonly
16 or 32 bits long (though, in GSM non-transparent services, a 24-
bit CRC is used). The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum
gsmBcRlpOutOfSequenceFrames |
. |
This attribute counts the number of out-of-sequence Information
frames received by the IWF Radio Link Protocol (RLP) entity. The
counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcRlpRemoteBusyIndications |
. |
This attribute counts the number of times the mobile Radio Link
Protocol (RLP) entity is busy (that is, it is in Asynchronous
Balanced Mode (ABM) and is not ready to receive Information
frames). The RLP entity is considered to be not ready to receive
information frames if the mobile sends a flow control indication
RNR (Receive Not Ready). A Receive Ready is sent to the RLP
entity when the mobile is ready to receive data. The counter wraps
when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcRlpLocalBusyIndications |
. |
This attribute counts the number of times the IWF RLP entity is
busy (that is it is in Asynchronous Balanced Mode (ABM) and is
not ready to receive Information frames). When the network side
introduces flow control towards the mobile and a Receive Not
Ready (RNR) is sent to the mobile to stop the mobile from sending
any more data frames. A Receive Ready (RR) is sent to the mobile
when the RLP entity is ready to receive data. The counter wraps
when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcRlpIFramesTxDiscarded |
. |
This attribute counts the number of frames discarded by the IWF.
Untransmitted and unacknowledged frames are discarded when a
Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode (SABM) or Disconnect (DISC)
is received or sent in Asynchronous Balanced Mode (ABM) mode.
The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcRlpResetsRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of resets sent by the mobile. Loss
of information may occur when a reset is issued. A reset is issued
by the mobile on failure of checkpoint recovery. That is if the
mobile does not receive acknowledgment for its information frame,
it does checkpoint recovery (it sends a supervisory frame requesting
the status of the other entity. If the responding entity fails to respond
to N2 of this checkpoint frame a reset is initiated by the originating
entity. A reset can also be issued by the mobile during handover
where a loss of connection or synchronization occurs. The counter
wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV42Index |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmBcV42 tables.
gsmBcV42RowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmBcV42 components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
gsmBcV42ComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmBcV42StorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmBcV42 tables.
gsmBcV42ProtocolState |
. |
This attribute indicates the state of V.42. Valid states are:
notActive, The V.42 link connection with the Public Switched
Telephoned Network) PSTN modem is not established. None of the
V.42 functions including the error detection, error correction, and
flow control is provided to the data call. This is the initial state of
disconnected, This means that the V42 link is disconnected.
linksetup, The V.42 operation enters this state from the
disconnected state after the V.42 sends to the PSTN modem a Set
Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended (SABME) frame in an
attempt to establish the error control connection with the PSTN
frameReject, The V.42 operation enters into this state after it
identifies an invalid frame sent by the peer and it sends back a frame
reject (FRMR) frame to the peer.
disconnectRequest, The V.42 operation enters into this state after it
sends to the peer a disconnect (DISC) frame with the attempt to
disconnect the V.42 error control link.
informationTransfer, The V.42 enters into this state after it receives
a UA (unnumbered acknowledgment) frame which the peer sent
upon receipt of the SAMBE frame from IWF V.42. Once in this
state, the V.42 can exchange data and supervisory information with
its peer.
waitingAck, The V.42 enters this state after it sends polling enquiry
to its peer. The V.42 sends the polling enquiry when it receives a
reject frame (REJ) from its peer or either its acknowledgment timer
or inactivity timer timed out on the information frames sent out.
gsmBcV42TxN401FrameSize |
. |
This attribute indicates the current value of parameter N401 for
V.42 which is negotiated during Exchange Information (XID). This
is the maximum number of octets that can be carried in the
information field of an information frame that the IWF V.42
transmits to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
modem. The IWF V.42 puts this or even smaller size of data into the
outgoing information frame. The value used for XID negotiations
can be provisioned by component GsmIwfV42 attribute
gsmBcV42RxN401FrameSize |
. |
This attribute indicates the current value of N401, that is negotiated
during Exchange Identification (XID). This is the maximum number
of octets that can be carried in the information field of an
information frame received from the Public Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN) modem. An incoming information frame carrying
data octets more than this size shall be rejected by the IWF V.42.
The value used for XID negotiations can be provisioned by
component GsmIwfV42 attribute rxN401FrameSize.
gsmBcV42TxKwindowSize |
. |
This attribute indicates the current value of k, that is negotiated
during Exchange Identification (XID). This is the size of flow
control sliding window used for the information frames that the
V.42 transmits to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
modem. This size governs the maximum number of information
frames that the IWF V.42 error-correcting entity can have
outstanding (that is, unacknowledged). The value used for XID
negotiations can be provisioned by component GsmIwfV42 attribute
gsmBcV42RxKwindowSize |
. |
This attribute indicates the current value of k that is negotiated
during Exchange Identification (XID). This is the size of flow
control sliding window used for information frames transmitted
from the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) modem. This
size governs the maximum number of information frames that the
peer of the IWF V.42 error-correcting entity can have outstanding
(that is, unacknowledged). The value used for XID negotiations can
be provisioned by component GsmIwfV42 attribute rxKwindowSize.
gsmBcV42IBytesRx |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of bytes that the V.42 actually
received from the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
modem in a data call. The counter wraps when it exceeds the
maximum value.
gsmBcV42IBytesTx |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of bytes that the V.42
transmitted to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
modem in a data call. The counter wraps when it exceeds the
maximum value.
gsmBcV42IFramesRx |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of Information (I) frames that
the V.42 received from the Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN) modem in a data call. The counter wraps when it exceeds
the maximum value.
gsmBcV42IFramesTx |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of information frames that the
V.42 transmitted to the Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN) modem in a data call. The counter wraps when it exceeds
the maximum value.
gsmBcV42FramesRetransmitted |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of frames retransmitted by the
IWF V.42 entity in a data call. The V.42 retransmits the same frame
when the associated T401 acknowledgment timer time-outs or when
a Reject (REJ) supervisory frame has been received from the Public
Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) modem. The counter wraps
when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV42T1AckTimeouts |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of times that the T401 timer
has timed out within a data call. If this timer times-out frequently,
the operator may need to adjust the provisional parameter T401
acknowledgment timer to a larger time amount, since every time
that V.42 sends out a frame it sets the T401 timer to wait for the
peer's acknowledgment of the frame. When the timer times-out and
no acknowledgment has been received, the V.42 sends the same
frame to its peer. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum
gsmBcV42RemoteBusyIndications |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of times the Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN) modem enters a busy state (the IWF
has received a Receive Not Ready message) and asks the IWF V.42
not to send Information (I) frames to it until it is ready to receive
information frames again (indicated by receipt of a Receive Ready
message or a data message). The counter wraps when it exceeds the
maximum value.
gsmBcV42LocalBusyIndications |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of times the IWF V.42 enters
in a busy condition and asks the peer to stop sending information
frames until it has cleared up from the busy condition. The V.42
enters busy condition when its data buffer is about to be overflowed
by the incoming Information (I) frames. The counter wraps when it
exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV42BadFramesRx |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of bad frames the IWF V.42
has received from the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
remote modem within the data call. In this instance, 'bad frames'
refer to the V.42 protocol error frames other than the check
sequence error frames. The counter wraps when it exceeds the
maximum value.
gsmBcV42CrcErrorsRx |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of frames received from the
remote Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) modem that
contain incorrect frame check sequence. A high value signifies the
condition of the physical medium is poor. The counter wraps when
it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV42bisIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmBcV42bis tables.
gsmBcV42bisRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmBcV42bis components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
gsmBcV42bisComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmBcV42bisStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmBcV42bis tables.
gsmBcV42bisProtocolModeEncoder |
. |
This attribute indicates the current mode of the V.42bis encoder.
This mode can be either:
transparent - A mode of operation in which compression has been
selected but data is being transmitted in uncompressed form.
Transparent mode command sequences may be inserted into the
data stream.
compressed - A mode of operation in which data is transmitted in
The encoder switches between the two modes depending on
whether the data coming from the Date Terminal Equipment (DTE)
is suitable for compression. The data comression function
periodically determines the compressibility of the data based on a
comparison of the number of bits required to represent a segment of
the data stream before and after compression.
gsmBcV42bisProtocolModeDecoder |
. |
This attribute indicates the current mode of the V.42bis decoder.
This mode can be either:
transparent - A mode of operation in which compression has been
selected but data is being transmitted in uncompressed form.
Transparent mode command sequences may be inserted into the
data stream.
compressed - A mode of operation in which data is transmitted in
The encoder (at the mobile or Public Switched Telephone Network)
switches between the two modes depending on whether the data
coming from the Date Terminal Equipment (DTE) is suitable for
compression. The data comression function periodically determines
the compressibility of the data based on a comparison of the number
of bits required to represent a segment of the data stream before and
after compression.
gsmBcV42bisCompressionDirection |
. |
This attribute indicates the direction in which V.42bis is active,
negotiated at link setup by the data link protocol through Exchange
Identification (XID) negotiation of parameter P0 (compression
direction). The value used for XID negotiations can be provisioned
by component GsmIwfV42bisProv attribute compressionDirection.
Valid values are:
none, No compression is present.
encode, The data sent by the IWF to the other entity is compressed.
decode, The data received by the IWF from the other entity is
both, The data sent and received by the IWF is compressed.
gsmBcV42bisMaximumCodewords |
. |
This attribute indicates the maximum number of codewords in the
dictionary negotiated at link setup by the data link protocol by way
of the Exchange Identification (XID) negotiation of parameter P1
(number of codewords). The value used for XID negotiations can be
provisioned by component GsmIwfV42bisProv attribute
gsmBcV42bisMaximumStringSize |
. |
This attribute indicates the maximum number of characters allowed
in a string represented by a codeword negotiated at link setup by the
data link protocol by way of the Exchange Identification (XID)
negotiation of parameter P2 (maximum string size). The value used
for XID negotiations can be provisioned by component
GsmIwfV42bisProv attribute maximumStringSize.
gsmBcV42bisLastDecodeError |
. |
This attribute indicates last error found by the decoder. Error values
none, No errors found.
badStepup, Receipt of STEPUP (step up codeword size) codeword
when it would cause C2 (current code word size) to exceed N1
(maximum code word size).
codewordEqC1, Receipt of a codeword, at any time, equal to C1
(next empty dictionary entry).
emptyCodeword, Receipt of a codeword representing an empty
dictionary entry.
reservedCommand, Receipt of a reserved command code.
generalError, Receipt of any other error.
The action taken by V.42bis on detecting an error is provisioned by
component GsmIwfV42bis attribute actionOnError.
gsmBcV42bisCompRatioEncoder |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of uncompressed bytes divided
by the number of compressed bytes. A value greater than one means
that the data is being compressed. This is the compression ratio
achieved by the V.42bis encoder running on the Passport. This
attribute is relevant for both protocol modes transparent and
compressed as the encoder switches between the two modes.
gsmBcV42bisCompRatioDecoder |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of uncompressed bytes divided
by the number of compressed bytes. A value greater than one means
that the data is being compressed. This is the compression ratio
achieved by the V.42bis encoder at the mobile or Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN). This attribute is relevant for both
protocol modes transparent and compressed as the encoder switches
between the two modes.
gsmBcV42bisModeChangesEncode |
. |
This attribute counts the number of mode changes (from transparent
to compressed or from compressed to transparent) by the encoder.
The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV42bisModeChangesDecode |
. |
This attribute counts the number of mode changes (from transparent
to compressed or from compressed to transparent) by the decoder.
The mode changes are determined by the encoder at the mobile or
the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). The counter
wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV42bisResetsEncode |
. |
This attribute counts the number of resets sent by the encoder. A
reset is a command code sent by the encoder to force dictionary
reinitialization. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum
gsmBcV42bisResetsDecode |
. |
This attribute counts the number of resets received by the decoder.
A reset is a command code sent by the encoder to force dictionary
reinitialization. The resets of the decoder are determined by the
encoder at the mobile or Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN). The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcV42bisReInitializations |
. |
This attribute counts the number of times V.42bis is reinitialized
because of a destructive break (a destructive break is a break that
causes data to be discarded) occurring on the error-corrected
connection initiatated by either the mobile or Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN). The counter wraps when it exceeds the
maximum value.
gsmBcV42bisErrorsInDecode |
. |
This attribute counts the number of errors found by the decoder.
The errors could be any of the following:
1.Receipt of STEPUP (step up codeword size) codeword when it
would cause C2 (current code word size) to exceed N1 (maximum
code word size).
2. Receipt of a codeword, at any time, equal to C1 (next empty
dictionary entry).
3. Receipt of a codeword representing an empty dictionary entry.
4. Receipt of a reserved command code.
5. Receipt of any other error.
The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
The action taken by V.42bis on detecting any of these errors is
provisioned by component GsmIwfV42bis attribute actionOnError.
gsmBcL2RCopIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmBcL2RCop tables.
gsmBcL2RCopRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmBcL2RCop components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
gsmBcL2RCopComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmBcL2RCopStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmBcL2RCop tables.
gsmBcL2RCopFlowControlStateTx |
. |
This attribute indicates whether flow control is active in the transmit
direction (towards the network side) for Layer2 Relay.
gsmBcL2RCopFlowControlStateRx |
. |
This attribute indicates whether flow control is active in the receive
direction (towards the mobile) for Layer2 Relay.
gsmBcL2RCopBytesTx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of data bytes relayed by Layer2
Relay in the transmit direction (towards the network). The counter
wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcL2RCopBytesRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of data bytes relayed by Layer2
Relay in the receive direction (towards the mobile). The counter
wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcL2RCopBreakCountRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of breaks received from the
mobile. A break received from the mobile results in the V.42bis
function being reset and the break condition forwarded to the
network. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcL2RCopBreakCountTx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of breaks transmitted to the mobile
(a break was received from the network). A break received from the
network results in the V.42bis function being reset and the break
condition forwarded to the mobile. The counter wraps when it
exceeds the maximum value.
gsmBcUpperRelayIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the gsmBcUpperRelay tables.
gsmBcUpperRelayRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
gsmBcUpperRelay components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
gsmBcUpperRelayComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
gsmBcUpperRelayStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
gsmBcUpperRelay tables.
gsmBcUpperRelayBufferSize |
. |
This attribute indicates the size of the transmit and receive flow
control buffers.
gsmBcUpperRelayFlowControlStateTx |
. |
This attribute indicates whether the transmit flow control is active or
gsmBcUpperRelayFlowControlStateRx |
. |
This attribute indicates whether the receive flow control is active or
gsmBcUpperRelayFramesTx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of frames that are sent in the
transmit direction. The counter wraps when it exceeds the
maximum value.
gsmBcUpperRelayFramesRx |
. |
This attribute counts the number of frames that are sent in the
receive direction. The counter wraps when it exceeds the maximum
gsmBcUpperRelayUnacknowledgedFrames |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of current frames sent that have
not been acknowledged.