vrPpIpPortIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrPpIpPort tables.
vrPpIpPortRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrPpIpPort components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrPpIpPortComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrPpIpPortStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrPpIpPort tables.
vrPpIpPortMaxTxUnit |
. |
This attribute specifies the IP MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit)
supported by this IpPort. The specified MTU must be within the valid
range for the IpPort media type.
vrPpIpPortArpStatus |
. |
This attribute specifies whether ARP is enabled or disabled on this
IpPort. If auto is specified, an appropriate value will be selected based
on the IpPort media type.
vrPpIpPortProxyArpStatus |
. |
This attribute specifies whether Proxy ARP is enabled or disabled for
this IpPort.
vrPpIpPortArpNoLearn |
. |
This attribute specifies whether or not dynamic host entries will be
installed in the ARP table when ARP packets are received on this
vrPpIpPortSendRedirect |
. |
This attribute specifies whether or not ICMP host redirects will be sent
out this IpPort.
vrPpIpPortMulticastStatus |
. |
This attribute specifies whether or not IP multicast packets can be sent
out this IpPort. If auto is specified, an appropriate value will be selected
based on the IpPort media type.
vrPpIpPortRelayAddress |
. |
This attribute specifies a relay broadcast address for this IpPort. Each
packet, received on this IpPort, meeting the relay broadcast criteria will
be forwarded to the specified relay broadcast address. An relay address
of all zero's indicates no relay broadcast address.
vrPpIpPortRelayBroadcast |
. |
This attribute specifies how packets, received on other IpPorts, meeting
the relay broadcast criteria, will be forwarded out this IpPort. The three
options are described as follows:
enabled: packets will be forwarded out this IpPort.
disabled: packets will not be forwarded out this IpPort.
auto: packets will be forwarded out this IpPort only when the bridge
state is forwarding.
vrPpIpPortLinkModel |
. |
This attribute specifies the link model to use when the media type for
this IpPort is PPP (Point to Point Protocol). A value of
localAreaNetwork causes IP to treat this IpPort like a LAN. A value of
pointToPoint causes IP to treat this IpPort like two directly connected
IP hosts. A value of loopback causes IP to treat this IpPort similar to a
point-to-point, but the destination and source points are the same
providing an always up interface.
vrPpIpPortLanModel |
. |
This attribute specifies the lan model to use for this IpPort.
vrPpIpPortEncap |
. |
This attribute specifies the encapsulation type to be used when sending
packets out this IpPort. If auto is specified, an appropriate value is
selected based on the IpPort media type. The values ieee8023 and
ethernet can only be specified if the media type is ethernet. Otherwise,
auto must be specified. For ethernet media type, the default
encapsulation is ethernet.
vrPpIpPortIcmpMaskReply |
. |
This attribute specifies whether or not replies will be generated in
response to ICMP Address Mask Requests received on this IpPort.
vrPpIpPortDirectedBroadcast |
. |
This attribute specifies whether or not directed broadcast to physical
broadcast translation is enabled for incoming traffic on this IpPort. The
IP router requirement (RFC1812) says this translation should be
enabled; however, in some network environments, setting this attribute
to disabled may prevent operational problem such as broadcast storms.
Note that in some configuration, setting this attribute to disabled may
cause Bootp to fail.
vrPpIpPortAssignedQos |
. |
This attribute specifies the initial Class of Service (CoS) given to each
packet received on the IpPort. The CoS value n is used to select Vr/
<string> QosP/n. which determines the QualityofService-Profile to be
used when the packet is forwarded.
The intial CoS given to a packet by the assignedQoS attribute may be
overriden under certain circumstances (see the description of the Vr
Qosp component, the cosPolicyAssignment attribute on the IpPort and Ip
components, and the ipCos attribute on any of the frameRelayDte
staticDlci, frameRelayDte dynamicDlciDefaults, and atmMpe
atmConnection components).
vrPpIpPortAllowMcastMacDest |
. |
This attribute specifies whether a multicast destination MAC address is
valid on this IpPort or not. Enabling it is non-standard. It can be used for
applications such as transparent server backup. Multicast destination
MAC address is only supported on LAN media.
vrPpIpPortCosPolicyAssignment |
. |
This attribute specifies the CosPolicyGroup component this IpPort
component is using. Assigning a particular policy group to the IpPort
may override the effect of the assignedQos; this depends on the actual
policies provisioned under the policy group.
vrPpIpPortMcastDomain |
. |
This attribute specifies the multicast domain index which all traffic
coming in from this IpPort use. The numerical value of this attribute
selects Vr/<string> Ip Mcast Domain/n.
vrPpIpPortMcastPolicyAssignment |
. |
This attribute specifies the policyGroup component that this
IpPort component is using.
vrPpIpPortSourceRouteEndStationSupport |
. |
This attribute is used to enable or disable support for
SourceRouteEndStation (Sres). If set to enable, Sres will be supported
on this protocol on this ProtocolPort (Pp). If set to disable, it will not be
supported. An Sres component must be provisioned under the
VirtualRouter if this attribute is set to enable. If this attribute is set to
enable and this Pp has its linkToMedia attribute set, it must be linked to
a LanApplication (La) that has its Framer interfaceName linked to a
Fddi or TokenRing component.
vrPpIpPortSnmpAdminStatus |
. |
The desired state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and packet forwarding is allowed. The down
state indicates the interface is not operational and packet forwarding
is unavailable. The testing state indicates that no operational
packets can be passed.
vrPpIpPortMediaType |
. |
This attribute indicates the media type of this IpPort.
vrPpIpPortOperMtu |
. |
This attribute indicates the current operational IP MTU for this IpPort.
Note that this value may be different than the provisioned maxTxUnit.
vrPpIpPortOperArpStatus |
. |
This attribute indicates the current operational ARP status. If the
provisioned arpStatus is set to auto, then the IP application
automatically determines the operArpStatus based on the IpPort media
vrPpIpPortOperMulticastStatus |
. |
This attribute indicates the current operational Multicast status. If the
provisioned multicastStatus is set to auto, then the IP application
automatically determines the operMulticastStatus based on the IpPort
media type.
vrPpIpPortOperEncap |
. |
This attribute indicates the current operational encapsulation type. If the
provisioned encap is set to auto, then the IP application automatically
determines the operEncap based on the IpPort media type.
vrPpIpPortOperCosPolicyAssignment |
. |
This attribute specifies the CosPolicyGroup component this IpPort
component is using.
vrPpIpPortRelayAddressCount |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of frames received on this IpPort
which were forwarded to the provisioned relayAddress for this port. This
counter wraps to zero when it reaches it's maximum.
vrPpIpPortRelayBcCount |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of frames received on this port which
were forwarded to the broadcastAddress on other IpPorts. This counter
is incremented once for every frame received on this port regardless of
how many other ports it was sent on. This counter wraps to zero when it
reaches it's maximum.
vrPpIpPortAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
vrPpIpPortOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
vrPpIpPortUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
vrPpIpPortSnmpOperStatus |
. |
The current state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and capable of forwarding packets. The
down state indicates the interface is not operational, thus unable to
forward packets. testing state indicates that no operational packets
can be passed.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrPpIpPortLogicalIf tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIf components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrPpIpPortLogicalIf tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfNetMask |
. |
This attribute specifies the subnet mask for this IpLogicalIf. This
attribute must be specified because the IP application will not
automatically provide a default value.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfBroadcastAddress |
. |
This attribute specifies the broadcast address for this IpLogicalIf. This
attribute is ignored if the IpPort mediaType is ppp (Point to Point
Protocol). If the value is, the actual broadcast address will be
derived from the IP address of this LogicalIf and the netmask attribute.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfLinkDestinationAddress |
. |
This attribute specifies the address for the link destination for this
IpLogicalIf. This attribute is only required if the IpPort media type is
PPP (Point to Point Protocol).
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfLinkToPimSmCandidateRp |
. |
This attribute specifies a link to the CandidateRendezvousPoint
component which uses this logicalIf as it's RendezvousPoint (Rp).
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfLinkToPimSmCandidateBsr |
. |
This attribute specifies a link to the CandidateBootstrapRouter
component which uses this logicalIf as it's BootstrapRouter Interface.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfLinkToMulStaticGpValue |
. |
This variable represents both the value and the index for the
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfLinkToMulStaticGpRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used to control the addition and deletion
of individual values of the vrPpIpPortLogicalIfLinkToMulStaticGpTable.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIf tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIf components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIf tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfAreaId |
. |
The area Id this Ospf interface belongs to.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfIfType |
. |
This attribute indicates the type of this Ospf interface. This interface
type does not necessarily correlate with the type of the interface set on
the logicalIf entry under IpPort.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfSnmpAdminStatus |
. |
The administrative status of this Ospf interface.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfRtrPriority |
. |
The priority of this interface. Used in multi-access networks, this field is
used in the designated router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies
that the router is not eligible to become the designated router on this
particular protocol port. In the event of a tie in this value, routers will
use their routerId as a tie breaker.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfTransitDelay |
. |
The estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link-state update
packet over this interface.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfRetransInterval |
. |
The number of seconds between link-state advertisements
retransmissions, for adjacencies belonging to this interface. This value is
also used when retransmitting database description and link-state
request packets.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfHelloInterval |
. |
The length of time, in seconds, between the Hello packets that the router
sends on the interface. This value must be the same for all routers
attached to a common network.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfRtrDeadInterval |
. |
The number of seconds that a router's hello packets have not been seen
before it's neighbors declare the router down. This should be some
multiple of the helloIntereval. This value must be the same for all
routers attached to a common network.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfPollInterval |
. |
The largest time interval, in seconds, between the hello packets sent to
an inactive non-broadcast multi-access neighbor.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfAuthKey |
. |
The Authentication Key. If the value of the attribute authType of an
AreaEntry is simplePassword, and the authKey length is shorter than 8
octets, then the value of authKey will be left adjusted zero-filled to 8
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfMulticastForwarding |
. |
The way multicasts should be forwarded on this interface; non
forwarded, forwarded as data-link multicasts, or forwarded as data-link
unicasts. Data-link multicasting is not meaningful on point-to-point and
NBMA(No Broadcast Multi Access) interfaces, and setting this attribute
to blocked effectively disables all multicast forwarding.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfState |
. |
The state of the OSPF interface.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfDesignatedRouter |
. |
The Ip address of the designated router.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfBackupDesignatedRouter |
. |
The Ip address of the backup designated router
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfEvents |
. |
The number of times this OSPF interface has changed its state or an
error has occurred.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfMetric |
. |
This attribute indicates the metric being used by this OspfIf. The metric
is derived in one of two ways:
1. If there is a TypeOfService component provisioned under this OspfIf
component, then the value of the metric attribute is copied from the
provisionable attribute tosMetric.
2. Otherwise, the metric is computed based on the interface speed. If the
interface speed is greater than 100 Mbit/s, then the metric is 1. If the
interface speed is less than 100 Mbit/s, then the metric is 100 Mbit/s
divided by the interface speed. If the interface speed is unknown, then it
is treated as 1.54 Mbit/s during the calculation.
The value of interface speed is available by displaying the ifSpeed
attribute of the corresponding IfTableEntry component.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfTOSMetricTosIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfTOS tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfTOSRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfTOS components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfTOSComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfTOSStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfTOS tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfTOSTosMetric |
. |
The metric using this typeOfService on this interface.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbrAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbr tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbrRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbr components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbrComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbrStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbr tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbrPriority |
. |
The priority of this neighbor in the designated router election algorithm.
The value 0 signifies that the neighbor is not eligible to become the
designated router on this particular network. The higher the number, the
better are the chances of being a designated router.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbrRtrId |
. |
An Ip Address uniquely identifying the neighboring router in the
Autonomous System.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbrOptions |
. |
A bit mask corresponding to the neighbor's options field. Bit 0, if set,
indicates that the area accepts and operates on external information, if
zero, it is a stub area. Bit 1, if set, indicates that the system will operate
on Type of Service metrics other than TOS 0. If zero, the neighbor will
ignore all metrics except the TOS 0 metric. Bit 2, if set, indicates that
the system is Network Multicast capable; i.e., that it implements OSPF
Multicast Routing.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbrState |
. |
The state of the relationship with this neighbor.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbrEvents |
. |
The number of times this neighbor relationship has changed state, or an
error has occurred.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbrLsRetransQlen |
. |
The current length of the Retransmission queue.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbrExchangeStatus |
. |
Indicates the exchange status for a neighbor Entry.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbrPermanance |
. |
This attribute displays how the neighbor became an entry.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIf tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIf components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIf tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfSnmpAdminStatus |
. |
Identifies the administrative status of this RipInterface. Setting this value
to disabled will have the effect of rendering it inactive.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfMetric |
. |
This attribute is the RIP metric for this logical interface.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfSilentFlag |
. |
If the value of this attribute is set to true, the protocol will only listen to
RIP updates, If set to false, then Rip will listen and send RIP
updates.This attribute has been migrated to ifConfSend.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfPoisonReverseFlag |
. |
If the value of this attribute is set to true, then poison reverse algorithm
is used when sending out the updates otherwise use split horizon only.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfFlashUpdateFlag |
. |
This attribute when set to true will send updates when updates are
received; otherwise RIP will wait till the next update period.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfNetworkRouteStatus |
. |
This attribute determines what type of network routes will be sent and
whether a default route will be generated for this RipInterface.
Generated default routes will not go into the routing table, but are sent in
the updates going out on the interface. The possible values for this
attribute are:
naturalNetWithOutDefaultRoute - This value will cause normal RIP
network routes to be put in the update. This means that the address of
logicalIf pertaining to this RipInterface knowledge is taken into account
in determining if the subnetted network or the natural network is sent for
any route going into this update.
naturalNetWithDefaultRoute - Selecting this value will cause a default
route to be generated with the value of the metric selected for the
attribute defaultRouteMetric.
defaultRouteOnly - Selection of this value causes the default route to be
generated with the value of the metric selected for the attribute
NOTE: No other routes will go in the update.
subnetsOnly - selection of this value will cause only subnet information
to be put in the update. No default routes will be generated or passed on.
Only subnetted routes that are part of the same subnetted network that
this logicalInterface is on will be put in the update.
NOTE: this also effects receiving of updates on this interface. Only
subnetted routes that are part of the same subnetted network that this
logicalInterface is on will be accepted on a received RIP update on this
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfDefaultRouteMetric |
. |
This attribute identifies the metric value for the default route. This value
is only used if the attribute networkRouteStatus is configured with a
value of either naturalNetWithDefaultRoute or defaultRouteOnly
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfAcceptDefault |
. |
If this attribute is set to true, then accept the default route from this
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfIfConfSend |
. |
This attribute identifies what the router sends on this RipIf. ripVersion1
implies sending RIP updates compliant with RFC 1058.
rip1Compatible implies broadcasting RIP-2 updates according to RFC
1058. ripVersion2 implies multicasting RIP-2 updates.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfIfConfReceive |
. |
This attribute identifies which version of RIP updates are to be accepted
on this RipIf. Note that rip2 and rip1OrRip2 implies reception of
multicast packets.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfIfBadPacketRcv |
. |
This attribute counts the number of RIP response packets recieved by
the RIP process which were subsequently discarded for any reason.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfIfBadRouteRcv |
. |
This attribute counts how many routes, in valid RIP packets, were
ignored for any reason.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfIfTriggeredUpdates |
. |
This attribute counts the number of triggered updates actually sent on
this interface. This explicitly does NOT include full updates sent
containing new information.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfNbrIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfNbr tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfNbrRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfNbr components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfNbrComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfNbrStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfNbr tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIfIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIf tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIfRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIf components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIfComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIfStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIf tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIfVersion |
. |
This attribute specifies the IGMP protocol version running on this
interface. v2 is the only supported version at this time.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIfQueryInterval |
. |
This attribute specifies the frequency at which IGMP Host-Query
packets are transmitted on this interface.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIfQueryMaxRespTime |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum query response time
advertised in IGMPv2 queries on this interface. The number of
seconds represented by the queryMaxRespTime must be less than
the Query Interval.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIfQuerier |
. |
This attribute indicates the address of the IGMP Querier on the IP
subnet to which this interface is attached.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIfWrongVersionQuery |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of queries received whose IGMP
version does not match that configured for this interface. IGMP
requires that all routers on a LAN be configured to run the same
version of IGMP.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIfJoins |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of times a group membership
has been added on this interface.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIfGroups |
. |
This attribute indicates the current number of entries for this
interface in the cache table.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIfQuerierExpiryTime |
. |
This attribute indicates the amount of time remaining before the
other querier present timer expires. If the local system is the querier,
the value of this object is zero.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfPimSmIfIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrPpIpPortLogicalIfPimSmIf tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfPimSmIfRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfPimSmIf components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfPimSmIfComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfPimSmIfStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfPimSmIf tables.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfPimSmIfHelloInterval |
. |
This attribute specifies the frequency at which PIM-SM hello
messages are transmitted on this interface.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfPimSmIfDesignatedRouter |
. |
This attribute indicates the Designated Router on this PIM-SM
interface. For point-to-point interfaces(wan media), this attribute
has the value
vrPpIpPortNsIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrPpIpPortNs tables.
vrPpIpPortNsRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrPpIpPortNs components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrPpIpPortNsComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrPpIpPortNsStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrPpIpPortNs tables.
vrPpIpPortNsIncomingFilter |
. |
An ASCII string which provides the name of the NetSentry filter which
will be applied to all IP datagrams arriving from this IpPort.
vrPpIpPortNsOutgoingFilter |
. |
An ASCII string which provides the name of NetSentry filter which will
be applied to all IP datagrams sent to this IpPort.
vrPpIpPortBootpPIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrPpIpPortBootpP tables.
vrPpIpPortBootpPRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrPpIpPortBootpP components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrPpIpPortBootpPComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrPpIpPortBootpPStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrPpIpPortBootpP tables.
vrPpIpPortBootpPRelayForwardStatus |
. |
This attribute controls how BOOTP request packets, received on another
port, will be flooded out this port. If relayForwardStatus is enabled,
BOOTP requests received on another port will be broadcast out this port.
When relayForwardStatus is disabled, BOOTP requests will not be
broadcast out this port. If auto is used, the bridge spanning tree database
is used to determine if BOOTP requests should be broadcast out this
Note that when using enabled, it is possible to create misconfigurations
which will result in broadcast storms. When using this feature with
multiple routers, make sure there are no broadcast forwarding loops.
Using auto with bridge spanning tree is safer to use if the network is
running bridge spanning tree.
Note that for auto to have effect, bridge spanning tree must be running
on the corresponding VirtualRouter ProtocolPort.
vrPpIpPortBootpPBootpLogicalInterface |
. |
This attribute identifies the logical interface whose address is to be the
GIADDR of this BOOTP port. If not set, the address of the first logical
port is chosen.
vrPpIpPortBootpPSnmpAdminStatus |
. |
The desired state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and packet forwarding is allowed. The down
state indicates the interface is not operational and packet forwarding
is unavailable. The testing state indicates that no operational
packets can be passed.
vrPpIpPortBootpPSnmpOperStatus |
. |
The current state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and capable of forwarding packets. The
down state indicates the interface is not operational, thus unable to
forward packets. testing state indicates that no operational packets
can be passed.
vrPpIpPortBootpPAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
vrPpIpPortBootpPOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
vrPpIpPortBootpPUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
vrPpIpPortBootpPInRequests |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of BOOTP Request messages
received on this port.
vrPpIpPortBootpPInReplies |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of BOOTP Reply messages
received on this port.
vrPpIpPortBootpPOutRequests |
. |
This attribute counts total the number of BOOTP Request messages
broadcast out on this port.
vrPpIpPortBootpPOutReplies |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of BOOTP Reply messages sent
out on this port.
vrPpIpPortBootpPInRequestErrors |
. |
This attribute counts the number of BOOTP Request messages received
on this port but not forwarded due to an error. An error occurs if the
BOOTP hop limit has been exceeded.
vrPpIpPortBootpPInReplyErrors |
. |
This attribute counts the number of BOOTP Reply messages received on
this port but not forwarded due to an error. An error occurs if the giaddr
field in the BOOTP reply does not match an IP address assigned to this
VirtualRouter, or if the output IpPort for the BOOTP reply is not
provisioned for BOOTP.
vrPpIpPortBootpPAddrValue |
. |
This variable represents both the value and the index for the
vrPpIpPortBootpPAddrRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used to control the addition and deletion
of individual values of the vrPpIpPortBootpPAddrTable.
vrIpIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIp tables.
vrIpRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIp components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIp tables.
vrIpForwarding |
. |
This attribute indicates whether or not this VR is acting as an IP gateway
in respect to the forwarding of datagrams received by, but not addressed
to, this VR
vrIpDefaultTtl |
. |
This attribute is the default value inserted into the Time-To-Live field of
the IP header of datagrams originated at this entity, whenever a Time-
To-Live value is not supplied by the transport layer protocol.
The value of this attribute deviates from the MIB requirement that it will
always have a value of 255.
vrIpCosPolicyAssignment |
. |
This attribute specifies the default cosPolicyGroup component that is
associated with the IpPort of every protocol port on the vrirtual router.
An individual IpPort can override this default using its own
cosPolicyAssignment attribute.
If this attribute is empty, CoS policy groups are assigned to only those
IP ports where the cosPolicyAssignment attribute under the IpPort
component is non-empty.
vrIpInReceives |
. |
This is the number of input datagrams received from the interfaces,
including those received in error . inReceives wraps to zero if reaches its
maximum defined value.
vrIpInHdrErrors |
. |
The number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP
headers, including bad checksums, version number mismatch, other
format errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered in processing
their IP options, etc. inHdrErrors wraps to zero if reaches its maximum
defined value.
vrIpInAddrErrors |
. |
The number of input datagrams discarded due to errors such as invalid
address, unsupported address class. inAddrErrors wraps to zero if
reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpForwDatagrams |
. |
The number of input datagrams for which this router was not their final
IP destination, as a result of which an attempt was made to find a route
to forward them to that final destination. forwDatagrams wraps to zero
if reaches it's maximum defined value.
vrIpInUnknownProtos |
. |
The number of locally-addressed datagrams received successfully but
discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol
inUnknownProtos wraps to zero if reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpInDiscards |
. |
The number of input datagrams for which no problems were
encountered to prevent their continued processing, but which were
discarded due to the lack of buffers. This does not include any datagram
discarded while awaiting for re-assembly. inDiscards wraps to zero if
reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpInDelivers |
. |
The number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-
protocols (including ICMP). inDelivers wraps to zero if reaches its
maximum defined value.
vrIpOutRequests |
. |
The number of datagrams which local IP user-protocols (including
ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transmission. This sum does not
include datagrams counted in ForwDatagrams. outRequests wraps to
zero if reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpOutDiscards |
. |
The number of outbound datagrams that were discarded due to the lack
of buffers. This sum also includes datagrams counted in forwDatagrams
if any such packets met the discard criterion. outDiscards wraps to zero
if reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpOutNoRoutes |
. |
The number of outbound datagrams discarded because no route could be
found to transmit them to their destination. This counter includes any
datagrams counted in forwDatagrams. outNoRoutes wraps to zero if
reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpReasmTimeOut |
. |
The maximum number of seconds, which received fragments are held
while they are awaiting reassembly at this gateway.
vrIpReasmReqds |
. |
The number of the IP fragments received by this gateway which needed
to be reassembled. reasmReqds wraps to zero if reaches its maximum
defined value.
vrIpReasmOks |
. |
The number of IP fragments successfully reassembled by this gateway.
reasmOks wraps to zero if reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpReasmFails |
. |
The number of times this gateway is unabled to assemble IP-fragments
for whatever reasons. reasmFails wraps to zero if reaches its maximum
defined value.
vrIpFragOks |
. |
The number of IP datagrams that have been successfully fragmented by
this gateway. fragOks wraps to zero if reaches its maximum defined
vrIpFragFails |
. |
The number of IP-fragments that have been discarded because they
needed to be fragmented but could not be. For example, their Don't
Fragment flag was set. fragFails wraps to zero if reaches its maximum
defined value.
vrIpFragCreates |
. |
This number of IP fragments that have been generated as a result of
fragmentation by this gateway. fragCreates wraps to zero if reaches its
maximum defined value.
vrIpRoutingDiscards |
. |
The number of routing entries which were chosen to be discarded even
though they are valid. One possible reason for discarding such an entry
could be to free -up buffer space for other routing entries. In this
implementation, this number is always zero because IP never deletes a
valid routing entry.
vrIpSnmpAdminStatus |
. |
The desired state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and packet forwarding is allowed. The down
state indicates the interface is not operational and packet forwarding
is unavailable. The testing state indicates that no operational
packets can be passed.
vrIpAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
vrIpOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
vrIpUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
vrIpSnmpOperStatus |
. |
The current state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and capable of forwarding packets. The
down state indicates the interface is not operational, thus unable to
forward packets. testing state indicates that no operational packets
can be passed.
vrIpCtsIndex |
. |
This variable represents the vrIpCtsTable
specific index for the vrIpCtsTable.
vrIpCtsValue |
. |
This variable represents an individual value for the
vrIpFwdDestAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpFwd tables.
vrIpFwdDestMaskIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpFwd tables.
vrIpFwdTypeOfServiceIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpFwd tables.
vrIpFwdGatewayIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpFwd tables.
vrIpFwdRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpFwd components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpFwdComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpFwdStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpFwd tables.
vrIpFwdIfIndex |
. |
This attribute specifies the SNMP index associated with the
protocol port represented by the attribute protocolPortName, which
identifies the local interface through which the next hop of this route
should be reached.
vrIpFwdType |
. |
Specifies the type of the route,
vrIpFwdProtocol |
. |
This Attribute identifies the routing mechanism by which this route was
vrIpFwdAge |
. |
This attribute specifies the number of seconds since this route was last
updated or otherwise determined to be correct.
vrIpFwdProtocolPortName |
. |
Indicates the name of the protocol port by which the next hop of this
route should be reached.
vrIpFwdNextHopAs |
. |
This attribute specifies the Autonomous System number of the Next
Hop. If unknown or not relevant to the protocol indicated by the attribute
protocol, the value should be zero.
vrIpFwdMetric |
. |
This attribute specifies the primary routing metric for this route. The
semantics of this metric are determined by the routing protocol specified
by the value of the attribute protocol. If this metric is not used, its value
should be set to -1.
vrIpRdbDestAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpRdb tables.
vrIpRdbDestMaskIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpRdb tables.
vrIpRdbProtocolIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpRdb tables.
vrIpRdbGatewayIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpRdb tables.
vrIpRdbRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpRdb components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpRdbComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpRdbStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpRdb tables.
vrIpRdbMetric |
. |
This attribute specifies the primary routing metric for this route. The
semantics of this metric are determined by the routing protocol specified
by the value of the index to this entry protocol. If this metric is not used,
its value should be set to -1.
vrIpRdbPreference |
. |
This attribute specifies the the preference value of this particular
entry. The value of this attribute affects the way the routeEntries in this
database are selected for installing it in the forwardingTable. The lower
the preference value of this entry, the higher are the chances that this
entry will be selected to install in the ForwardTable.
vrIpRdbAge |
. |
This attribute specifies the number of seconds since this route was last
updated or otherwise determined to be correct.
vrIpIfInterfaceAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpIf tables.
vrIpIfRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpIf components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpIfComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpIfStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpIf tables.
vrIpIfInterfaceMask |
. |
This attribute indicates the mask for this interface entry.
vrIpIfStatus |
. |
This attribute specifies the status of the provisioned Ip
logicalInterface entry. A value of disabled is used when the parent
components Vr, Ip or ipPort is in a disabled state. A value of up is used
when the interface is in an operational state. A state of down is used if
the media associated with this interface is not ready or disabled.
vrIpIfPPName |
. |
Indicates the name of the protocol port this logicalIfEntry belongs to.
vrIpIfMediaType |
. |
This attribute indicates the media type of interface. When the
interface is down, a value of none indicates the media stays
down from the beginning. When the interface is down, a value
of some valid media type indicates the media is brought down
after it was up. Otherwise, when the interface is up or
disabled, this attribute should reflect the proper media type of
the interface.
vrIpIfHardwareAddress |
. |
This attribute specifies the hardware address of the media in canonical
form if applicable. The non-canonical version of this address is
indicated in ncHardwareAddress.
vrIpIfMtu |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum transmission unit applicable for
this logicalInterface. A value of 0 is used for the interfaces where all the
necessary information is not available to compute the mtu applicable for
this interface.
vrIpIfBroadcastAddress |
. |
This attribute indicates the destination IP address to be used by any
application which needs to broadcast on this interface. The value is
determined by the corresponding LogicalIf component's
broadcastAddress attribute.
vrIpIfNcHardwareAddress |
. |
This attribute is the non-canonical version of hardwareAddress. This
attribute is not displayed for interfaces on non-LAN media.
vrIpEgpIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpEgp tables.
vrIpEgpRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpEgp components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpEgpComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpEgpStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpEgp tables.
vrIpEgpAsId |
. |
The autonomous system identifier for this EGP entity. The
value of this asId can not be equal to the value of
EgpNeighborEntry asId.
vrIpEgpDefaultHelloInterval |
. |
This attribute is used to configure the default hello interval for each
neighbor. This attribute's value is used by the application for each
EgpNeighbor whose helloInterval has not been set.
vrIpEgpDefaultPollInterval |
. |
This attribute is used to configure the default polling interval for the
EGP Neighbor. This attribute's value is used by the application for each
EgpNeighbor whose pollInterval has not been set.
vrIpEgpMaxNatNets |
. |
This attribute is used to configure the maximum number of external
natural networks this virtual router will be advertising via EGP.
vrIpEgpMaxBufferSize |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum buffer size (in 1024 byte memory
blocks) to be used for an EGP update to be sent.
vrIpEgpInMsgs |
. |
Identifies the number of EGP messages received without error. This
counter will wraparound once the value reaches the maximum value.
vrIpEgpInErrorMsgs |
. |
Identifies the sum of EGP error messages from all the neighbors. This
counter will wraparound once the value reaches the maximum value.
vrIpEgpOutErrorMsgs |
. |
Indicates the sum of Egp error messages sent to all the neighbors. This
counter will wraparound once the value reaches the maximum value.
vrIpEgpInErrors |
. |
Identifies the number of EGP messages that proved to be in error. This
counter will wraparound once the value reaches the maximum value.
vrIpEgpOutMsgs |
. |
The total number of locally generated EGP messages. This counter will
wraparound once the value reaches the maximum value.
vrIpEgpOutErrors |
. |
The number of EGP messages that were locally generated but were not
sent out due to resource limitations within an EGP entity.This counter
will wraparound once the value reaches the maximum value.
vrIpEgpAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
vrIpEgpOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
vrIpEgpUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
vrIpEgpSnmpAdminStatus |
. |
The desired state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and packet forwarding is allowed. The down
state indicates the interface is not operational and packet forwarding
is unavailable. The testing state indicates that no operational
packets can be passed.
vrIpEgpSnmpOperStatus |
. |
The current state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and capable of forwarding packets. The
down state indicates the interface is not operational, thus unable to
forward packets. testing state indicates that no operational packets
can be passed.
vrIpEgpNbrNeighborAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpEgpNbr tables.
vrIpEgpNbrRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpEgpNbr components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpEgpNbrComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpEgpNbrStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpEgpNbr tables.
vrIpEgpNbrAsId |
. |
The autonomous system identifier of this EGP peer.
The value of this neighbor's asId should not be equal to the asId value
of Egp entity
vrIpEgpNbrMode |
. |
This attribute will indicate whether this neighbor is being configured as
an active or passive neighbor.
vrIpEgpNbrGenerateDefaultRoute |
. |
This attribute distinguishes whether or not the default route should be
generated. This route is put in the EGP update along with the normal
EGP update routes when updates are sent to this EGP neighbor
vrIpEgpNbrDefaultRouteMetric |
. |
This attribute identifies the Metric to be used for propagating the
'Default Route'. The value of defaultRouteMetric is used only in the
case where the value of the attribute generateDefaultRoute is set to yes.
vrIpEgpNbrDefaultMetric |
. |
This attribute identifies the default metric value for routes that are
exported to this EgpNeighbor. This value is used when exporting routes
to this neighbor and no Export policy applies a different metric.
vrIpEgpNbrHelloInterval |
. |
This attribute identifies the interval in seconds, between EGP hello
command retransmissions. This is the P1 timer in the RFC904. This
value may change in operation due to negotiations.
vrIpEgpNbrPollInterval |
. |
This attribute identifies the interval in seconds, between EGP poll
command retransmissions. This is the P2 timer in the RFC904. This
value may change in operation due to negotiations.
vrIpEgpNbrState |
. |
This attribute describes the state of the local system with respect to this
entry's EGP Neighbor.
vrIpEgpNbrInMsgs |
. |
The number of EGP messages received without error from the EGP
peer. This counter will wraparound once the value reaches the maximum
vrIpEgpNbrInErrors |
. |
The number of messages received from this EGP peer that proved to be
in error. This counter will wraparound once the value reaches the
maximum value.
vrIpEgpNbrOutMsgs |
. |
The number of locally generated EGP messages for this EGP peer. This
counter will wraparound once the value reaches the maximum value.
vrIpEgpNbrOutErrors |
. |
The number of locally generated EGP messages not sent to this EGP
peer due to resource limitations within an EGP entity.This counter will
wraparound once the value reaches the maximum value.
vrIpEgpNbrInErrorMsgs |
. |
The number of EGP-defined error messages received from this EGP
peer.This counter will wraparound once the value reaches the maximum
vrIpEgpNbrOutErrorMsgs |
. |
The number of EGP-defined error messages sent to this EGP peer.This
counter will wraparound once the value reaches the maximum value.
vrIpEgpNbrStateUps |
. |
The number of EGP state transitions to the UP state with this EGP peer.
This counter will wraparound once the value reaches the maximum
vrIpEgpNbrStateDowns |
. |
The number of EGP state transitions from the UP state to any other state
with this EGP peer. This counter will wraparound once the value reaches
the maximum value.
vrIpEgpNbrEventTrigger |
. |
This attribute is used to control the state of the Neighbor. It is not
allowed to change.
This attribute from SNMP perspective deviates from MIB that it is made
vrIpEgpImportIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpEgpImport tables.
vrIpEgpImportRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpEgpImport components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpEgpImportComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpEgpImportStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpEgpImport tables.
vrIpEgpImportUsageFlag |
. |
This flag will determine whether or not EGP will use or ignore
information in updates received. If the attribute nbrAsId is not specified
or any of the NetworkList components are not added, then this attribute
when set to ignore will ignore all incoming information.
vrIpEgpImportImportMetric |
. |
This attribute is used to set the metric value to be included in the routing
table for any routes sent because this particular import instance was it's
'best match' policy.
However this attribute is not a selection key. It should not use or ignore
a particular metric value. If the value for this attribute is not specified,
then the metric value received in an Egp update will be used.
When setting this value, caution should be taken to set the metric value
in all relevant Import components to make sure that all matching
policies for a given route have the same metric set. This will insure that
there are no situations where a specific metric was desired, but doesn't
get used in the update because the 'best match' policy for that situation
did not set the metric parameter.
If the attribute usageFlag for this import policy is set to ignore, then the
importMetric value will be ignored by the application. The importMetric
value is not used to select which routes to use or ignore but is used to set
the metric value for the routes being imported. A value of zero indicates
that the metric
received in the update will be used.
vrIpEgpImportNbrAsId |
. |
The autonomous system Id this import policy will apply to.
Note: The Valid value of an asId is from 1 to 65,535.
This attribute's value when set to 0 will be ignored.
vrIpEgpImportNetIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpEgpImportNet tables.
vrIpEgpImportNetRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpEgpImportNet components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpEgpImportNetComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpEgpImportNetStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpEgpImportNet tables.
vrIpEgpImportNetIpAddress |
. |
This attribute identifies the IP address that needs to be matched against
in this network list for the Import policy to be applied to.
vrIpEgpExportIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpEgpExport tables.
vrIpEgpExportRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpEgpExport components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpEgpExportComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpEgpExportStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpEgpExport tables.
vrIpEgpExportAdvertiseStatus |
. |
This attribute specifies if the routes that match this export policy are
advertised (send) or not advertised (block).
vrIpEgpExportExportMetric |
. |
This attribute specifies the metric to be used on the routes being
exported as a result of matching this export policy.
If the attribute advertiseStatus is set to block, then the value of
exportMetric is ignored. The exportMetric value is not used to select
which routes to block or send, but rather the metric value advertised for
the routes.
A value of 0 indicates that the metric associated with the route in the
forwarding table is used.
vrIpEgpExportProtocol |
. |
This attribute specifies the routes to which this export policy applies
based on the routing protocol of how the routes are learned. If it is set to
all, this export policy applies to all routes in the forwarding table.
vrIpEgpExportRipInterface |
. |
This attribute specifies the RIP learned routes to which this export policy
applies, based on the RIP interface from which the routes are learned.
This attribute can only be non zero when the protocol is set to rip. The
value of implies any RIP interface on the same virtual router;
otherwise the value of this attribute must match the interface address of
a LogicalIf that has a RipIf on the same virtual router.
vrIpEgpExportRipNeighbor |
. |
This attribute specifies the RIP learned routes to which this export policy
applies, based on the RIP neighbor of which the routes are learned from.
This attribute can only be non zero when the protocol is set to rip. The
value of implies any RIP neighbor.
vrIpEgpExportInEgpAsId |
. |
This attribute specifies the EGP learned routes to which this export
policy applies, based on the EGP autonomous system identifier of which
the routes are learned from.
This attribute can only be non zero when protocol is set to egp. The
value of 0 implies any EGP autonomous system; otherwise the value of
this attribute must match the asId of an EGP neighbor on the same
virtual router.
vrIpEgpExportOspfTag |
. |
This attribute specifies the OSPF learned external routes to which this
export policy applies, based on the learned OSPF tag of the routes.
This attribute can only be set to a non default value when protocol is set
to ospfExternal. The value of 4294967295 implies any tag.
vrIpEgpExportOutAutonomousSystem |
. |
This attribute specifies the EGP autonomous system to which routes are
exported to as a result of matching this export policy.
If the attribute advertiseStatus is set to block, then the value of
outAutonomousSystem is ignored. The outAutonomousSystem value is
not used to select which routes to block or send but where to export the
A value of 0 indicates that the routes are exported to all EGP
autonomous systems of which the virtual router is a neighbor.
Otherwise, the value of this attribute must match the asId of an EGP
neighbor on the same virtual router.
vrIpEgpExportNetIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpEgpExportNet tables.
vrIpEgpExportNetRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpEgpExportNet components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpEgpExportNetComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpEgpExportNetStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpEgpExportNet tables.
vrIpEgpExportNetIpAddress |
. |
This attribute identifies the 32 bit IP address to match against.
vrIpOspfIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpOspf tables.
vrIpOspfRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpOspf components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpOspfComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpOspfStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpOspf tables.
vrIpOspfRouterId |
. |
This attribute is an Ip Address that uniquely identifies the router in the
autonomous system.
vrIpOspfSnmpAdminStatus |
. |
The administrative status of the OSPF Component in this Virtual Router.
vrIpOspfAsBdrRtrStatus |
. |
This attribute is a flag to note whether this router is an autonomous
system border router. If this router is configured to export any routes
learned from other than OSPF-internal protocol, this attribute should be
configured as autonomous system border router.
vrIpOspfTosSupport |
. |
The router's support for type-of-service routing. Only one value will be
allowed. This is a deviation from supporting the MIB.
vrIpOspfExtLsdbLimit |
. |
The maximum number of external link-state entries that can be stored in
the link-state database. If the value is -1, then there is no limit,
that is the maximum number of external OSPF routes that this
autonomous system border router will originate.
It will begin to flush LSA(Link State Advertisement)s, if an ASBR
might receive bursts of external routes (for example, a regional
network), then the parameter should be configured to a reasonable level.
If there are less than two thousand routes and large bursts are unlikely,
then the default should be adequate. This parameter will not affect the
number of external OSPF routes a router will store in it's database.
vrIpOspfMulticastForward |
. |
A bit mask indicating the limits on Network Layer Multicast(class D)
forwarding. It is represented as a sum of the following:
if intra-Area forwarding is permitted, 1; else 0
if inter-Area forwarding is permitted 2; else 0
if inter-AS forwarding is permitted, 4; else 0
Only the value of 0 is being supported and this is a MIB deviation.
vrIpOspfMigrateRip |
. |
This Attribute sets the preference level of OSPF-internal routes to be
less preferred than RIP.
This Parameter should only be used when starting migration of network
from RIP to OSPF. When ready to cutover to OSPF, set this attribute
disabled and run under normal preferences. All OSPF routers in the
Autonomous System should be running with migraterip enabled or with
migraterip disabled to prevent routing loops. It is important that the
changeover period from RIP to OSPF be performed quickly on all OSPF
routers so that no routing loops are formed. These routing loops could
be caused by conflicts in the internal RIP and OSPF databases.
vrIpOspfGenerateDefaultRouteMetric |
. |
If this router is configured as an autonomous system border router, then
this attribute causes the default route to be generated with a metric value
equal to generateDefaultRouteMetric value. This route is put in the
OSPF update along with the normal update routes when updates are sent
to the neighbors. No default route will be generated if the value is 0.
vrIpOspfVersionNumber |
. |
The Current Version number of the OSPF Protocol. (2).
vrIpOspfAreaBdrRtrStatus |
. |
This attribute is used to specify whether this router is configured as an
area border router.
vrIpOspfExternLsaCount |
. |
The number of external (LS type 5) link-state advertisements in the link-
state database.
vrIpOspfExternLsaChecksumSum |
. |
The 32-bit unsigned sum of the LS checksums of the external link-state
database. This sum can be used to determine if there has been a change
in a router's link state database, and to compare the link-state database
of two routers.
vrIpOspfOriginateNewLsas |
. |
The number of new link-state advertisements that have been originated.
This number is incremented each time the router originates a new LSA.
vrIpOspfRxNewLsas |
. |
The number of link-state advertisements received determined to be new
instantiations. This number does not include newer instantiations of self-
originated link-state advertisements.
vrIpOspfAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
vrIpOspfOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
vrIpOspfUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
vrIpOspfSnmpOperStatus |
. |
The current state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and capable of forwarding packets. The
down state indicates the interface is not operational, thus unable to
forward packets. testing state indicates that no operational packets
can be passed.
vrIpOspfAreaAreaIdIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpOspfArea tables.
vrIpOspfAreaRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpOspfArea components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpOspfAreaComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpOspfAreaStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpOspfArea tables.
vrIpOspfAreaAuthType |
. |
The authentication type specified for this area.
vrIpOspfAreaImportAsExtern |
. |
The area's support for importing AS external link-state advertisements.
For backbone area (that is, areaId, this attribute must be set to
vrIpOspfAreaAreaSummary |
. |
This variable controls the import of summary LSAs into stub areas. If it
is noAreaSummary, the router will neither originate nor propagate
summary LSAs into the stub areas. It will rely entirely on its default
route. If it is sendAreaSummary, the router will both summarize and
propagate summary LSAs.
vrIpOspfAreaSpfRuns |
. |
The number of times that the intra-area route table has been calculated
using this area's link-state database since the protocol became
vrIpOspfAreaAreaBdrRtrCount |
. |
The total number of area border routers reachable within this area. This
is initially zero, and is calculated in each Shortest Path First Pass.
vrIpOspfAreaAsBdrRtrCount |
. |
The total number of Autonomous System border routers reachable
within this area. This is initially zero, and is calculated in each Shortest
Path First Pass.
vrIpOspfAreaLsaCount |
. |
The total number of link-state advertisements in this area's link-state
database, excluding AS External LSA's.
vrIpOspfAreaAreaLsaCksumSum |
. |
The 32-bit unsigned sum of the link-state advertisement's LS checksums
contained in this area's link-state database. This sum excludes external
(LS type 5) link-state advertisements. The sum can be used to determine
if there has been a change in a router's link state database, and to
compare the link-state database of two routers.
vrIpOspfStubAreaIdIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfStub tables.
vrIpOspfStubTosIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfStub tables.
vrIpOspfStubRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpOspfStub components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpOspfStubComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpOspfStubStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpOspfStub tables.
vrIpOspfStubMetric |
. |
The metric value applied at the indicated type of service.
vrIpOspfStubMetricType |
. |
This type of the metric advertised as a default route.
vrIpOspfStubAdvertiseDefault |
. |
This attribute determines whether or not the default routing information
will be advertised, depending on other criterion. Setting this value to no
can prevent advertising default routing information.
If the value of the attribute is set to yes, then the value of the attribute
importAsExtern for that particular AreaEntry should be set to
vrIpOspfAggregateAreaIdIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfAggregate tables.
vrIpOspfAggregateLsdbTypeIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfAggregate tables.
vrIpOspfAggregateAggregateNetIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfAggregate tables.
vrIpOspfAggregateAggregateMaskIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfAggregate tables.
vrIpOspfAggregateRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpOspfAggregate components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpOspfAggregateComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpOspfAggregateStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpOspfAggregate tables.
vrIpOspfAggregateEffect |
. |
This attribute determines whether or not the routing information will be
advertised, depending on other criterion. Setting this value to
doNotAdvertiseMatching can prevent advertising routing information
for the address and mask values specified as the indices for this entry.
vrIpOspfHostAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfHost tables.
vrIpOspfHostTosIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfHost tables.
vrIpOspfHostRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpOspfHost components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpOspfHostComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpOspfHostStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpOspfHost tables.
vrIpOspfHostAreaId |
. |
This is an Ip address for the Host Entry that indicates the area it belongs
vrIpOspfHostMetric |
. |
The metric to be advertised.
vrIpOspfVirtIfAreaIdIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfVirtIf tables.
vrIpOspfVirtIfNbrRouterIdIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfVirtIf tables.
vrIpOspfVirtIfRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpOspfVirtIf components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpOspfVirtIfComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpOspfVirtIfStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpOspfVirtIf tables.
vrIpOspfVirtIfTransitDelay |
. |
The estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link-state update
packet over this interface.
vrIpOspfVirtIfRetransInterval |
. |
The number of seconds between link-state advertisement
retransmissions, for adjacencies belonging to this interface. This value is
also used when retransmitting database description
and link-state request packets. This value would be well over the
expected round-trip time.
vrIpOspfVirtIfHelloInterval |
. |
The length of time, in seconds, between the Hello packets that the router
sends on the interface. This value must be the same for the virtual
vrIpOspfVirtIfRtrDeadInterval |
. |
The number of seconds that a router's Hello packets have not been seen
before its neighbors declare the router down. This should be some
multiple of the Hello interval. This value must be the same for the
virtual neighbor.
vrIpOspfVirtIfAuthKey |
. |
If authentication type is simple password, the password for this virtual
circuit. If the value of the attribute is not set, then this attribute is
ignored by the application.
If the value of this attribute is set, then the value of the attribute
authType under this particular Area should be set to simplePassword,
otherwise the application will ignore this authentication key.
vrIpOspfVirtIfState |
. |
The state of the OSPF virtual interface.
vrIpOspfVirtIfEvents |
. |
The number of state changes or error events on the virtual link.
vrIpOspfExportIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpOspfExport tables.
vrIpOspfExportRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpOspfExport components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpOspfExportComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpOspfExportStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpOspfExport tables.
vrIpOspfExportAdvertiseStatus |
. |
This attribute specifies if the routes that match this export policy are
advertised (send) or not advertised (block).
vrIpOspfExportMetric |
. |
This attribute specifies the metric to be used on the routes being
exported as a result of matching this export policy.
If the attribute advertiseStatus is set to block, then the value of metric is
ignored. The metric value is not used to select which routes to block or
send, but rather the metric value advertised for the routes.
A value of -1 indicates that the metric associated with the route in the
forwarding table is used.
vrIpOspfExportProtocol |
. |
This attribute specifies the routes to which this export policy applies
based on the routing protocol of how the routes are learned. If it is set to
all, this export policy applies to all routes in the forwarding table.
vrIpOspfExportRipInterface |
. |
This attribute specifies the RIP learned routes to which this export policy
applies, based on the RIP interface from which the routes are learned.
This attribute can only be non zero when the protocol is set to rip. The
value of implies any RIP interface on the same virtual router;
otherwise the value of this attribute must match the interface address of
a LogicalIf that has a RipIf on the same virtual router.
vrIpOspfExportRipNeighbor |
. |
This attribute specifies the RIP learned routes to which this export policy
applies, based on the RIP neighbor of which the routes are learned from.
This attribute can only be non zero when the protocol is set to rip. The
value of implies any RIP neighbor.
vrIpOspfExportEgpAsId |
. |
This attribute specifies the EGP learned routes to which this export
policy applies, based on the EGP autonomous system identifier of which
the routes are learned from.
This attribute can only be non zero when protocol is set to egp. The
value of 0 implies any EGP autonomous system; otherwise the value of
this attribute must match the asId of an EGP neighbor on the same
virtual router.
vrIpOspfExportTag |
. |
This attribute specifies the OSPF tag to be used on the routes being
exported as a result of matching this export policy.
If the attribute advertiseStatus is set to block, then the value of tag is
ignored. The tag value is not used to select which routes to block or
send, but rather the tag value advertised for the routes.
A value of 4294967295 indicates that the tag associated with the route in
the forwarding table is used.
vrIpOspfExportExtLsaMetricType |
. |
This attribute specifies the metric type in the OSPF external link state
advertisement of the routes being exported as a result of matching this
export policy.
If the attribute advertiseStatus is set to block, then the value of
extLsaMetricType is ignored. The extLsaMetricType value is not used to
select which routes to block or send, but rather the metric value
advertised for the routes.
The value useProtocolDefault indicates the metric type is automatically
chosen based on the routing protocol which the route was learned from.
vrIpOspfExportBgpAsId |
. |
This key attribute specifies the bgp AS from which a bgp route is
learned from. This key is used only if the protocol is bgpExternal.
bgpAsId of value 0 mathces all ASs.
vrIpOspfExportBgpPeerIp |
. |
This key attribute specifies the bgp peer where the routes were learned
from. bgpPeerIp of 0 matches all bgp peers. This attribute is used as a
key when protocol is set to bgpInternal or bgpExternal.
vrIpOspfExportNetListIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpOspfExportNetList tables.
vrIpOspfExportNetListRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpOspfExportNetList components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpOspfExportNetListComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpOspfExportNetListStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpOspfExportNetList tables.
vrIpOspfExportNetListIpAddress |
. |
This attribute identifies the 32 bit IP address to match against.
vrIpOspfExportNetListIpMask |
. |
This attribute is the IP Mask to be used with the IP Address to match
vrIpOspfVirtNbrAreaIdIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfVirtNbr tables.
vrIpOspfVirtNbrNbrRouterIdIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfVirtNbr tables.
vrIpOspfVirtNbrRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpOspfVirtNbr components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpOspfVirtNbrComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpOspfVirtNbrStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpOspfVirtNbr tables.
vrIpOspfVirtNbrNbrIpAddress |
. |
Indicates the Ip address this interface this virtual neighbor is using.
vrIpOspfVirtNbrOptions |
. |
A bit mask corresponding to the neighbor's options field. Bit 1, if set
indicates that the system will operate on Type of Service metrics other
than TOS 0. If zero, the neighbor will ignore all metrics except the TOS
0 metric. Bit 2, if set, indicates that the system is Network Multicast
capable; i.e., that it implements OSPF Multicast Routing.
vrIpOspfVirtNbrState |
. |
The state of the virtual neighbor relationship.
vrIpOspfVirtNbrEvents |
. |
The number of times this virtual link has changed its state, or an error
has occurred.
vrIpOspfVirtNbrLsRetransQlen |
. |
The current length of the Retransmission queue.
vrIpOspfVirtNbrExchangeStatus |
. |
Indicates the exchange status of the entry in this table.
vrIpOspfNbrAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfNbr tables.
vrIpOspfNbrAddressLessIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfNbr tables.
vrIpOspfNbrRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpOspfNbr components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpOspfNbrComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpOspfNbrStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpOspfNbr tables.
vrIpOspfNbrRtrId |
. |
An Ip Address that uniquely identifies the neighboring router in the
autonomous system.
vrIpOspfNbrOptions |
. |
A bit mask corresponding to the neighbor's options field. Bit 0, if set,
indicates that the area accepts and operates on external information, if
zero, it is a stub area. Bit 1, if set, indicates that the system will operate
on Type of Service metrics other than TOS 0. If zero, the neighbor will
ignore all metrics except the TOS 0 metric. Bit 2, if set, indicates that
the system is Network Multicast capable; i.e., that it implements OSPF
Multicast Routing.
vrIpOspfNbrPriority |
. |
The priority of this neighbor in the designated router election algorithm.
The value 0 signifies that the neighbor is not eligible to become the
designated router on this particular network.
vrIpOspfNbrState |
. |
The state of the relationship with this neighbor.
vrIpOspfNbrEvents |
. |
The number of times this neighbor relationship has changed state, or an
error has occurred.
vrIpOspfNbrLsRetransQlen |
. |
The current length of the Retransmission queue.
vrIpOspfNbrNbmaNbrStatus |
. |
This attribute describes the status of the entry.
vrIpOspfNbrExchangeStatus |
. |
Indicates the exchange status for a neighbor entry.
vrIpOspfNbrPermanence |
. |
This attribute displays how the neighbor became an entry.
vrIpOspfLsdbAreaIdIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfLsdb tables.
vrIpOspfLsdbLsdbTypeIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfLsdb tables.
vrIpOspfLsdbLsIdIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfLsdb tables.
vrIpOspfLsdbRouterIdIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfLsdb tables.
vrIpOspfLsdbRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpOspfLsdb components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpOspfLsdbComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpOspfLsdbStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpOspfLsdb tables.
vrIpOspfLsdbSequence |
. |
A signed 32-bit integer, used to detect old and duplicate LSAs. The
space of sequence numbers is linearly ordered. The larger the sequence
number, the more recent the advertisement.
vrIpOspfLsdbAge |
. |
The age of the Link State Advertisement in seconds.
vrIpOspfLsdbChecksum |
. |
The checksum of the complete contents of the advertisement, excepting
the age field. The checksum used is the Fletcher checksum.
vrIpOspfLsdbAdvertisement |
. |
The entire LSA including its header.
vrIpOspfExtLsdbLsdbTypeIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfExtLsdb tables.
vrIpOspfExtLsdbLsIdIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfExtLsdb tables.
vrIpOspfExtLsdbRouterIdIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpOspfExtLsdb tables.
vrIpOspfExtLsdbRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpOspfExtLsdb components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpOspfExtLsdbComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpOspfExtLsdbStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpOspfExtLsdb tables.
vrIpOspfExtLsdbSequence |
. |
A signed 32-bit integer, used to detect old and duplicate
LSAs. The space of sequence numbers is linearly ordered.
The larger the sequence number, the more recent the
vrIpOspfExtLsdbAge |
. |
The age of the Link State Advertisement in seconds.
vrIpOspfExtLsdbChecksum |
. |
The checksum of the complete contents of the
advertisement, excepting the age field. The checksum
used is the Fletcher checksum.
vrIpOspfExtLsdbAdvertisement |
. |
The entire LSA including its header.
vrIpRipIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpRip tables.
vrIpRipRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpRip components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpRipComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpRipStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpRip tables.
vrIpRipMigrateRip |
. |
This attribute sets the preference level of OSPF-internal routes to be less
preferred than RIP.
This parameter should only be used when starting migration of network
from RIP to OSPF. When ready to cutover to OSPF, set this attribute
value to disabled and run under normal preferences. All OSPF routers in
the Autonomous System should be running with migrateRip enabled or
with migrateRip disabled to prevent routing loops. It is important that
the changeover period from RIP to OSPF be performed quickly on all
OSPF routers so that no routing loops are formed. These routing loops
could be caused by conflicts in the internal RIP and OSPF databases.
vrIpRipRfc1058MetricUsage |
. |
This attribute determines the metric usage for this RIP instance.
This flag is used to determine the way metrics are incremented.
RFC1058 way :
Sending Update: This is to use the metric for the route from the routing
table as the advertised metric to be sent for that route. Nothing is ever
added to this value from the sending side. The only special case
handling is that if the route being advertised is the network route of a
directly connectednetwork, the metric in the routing table will be zero.
Then the RipIf interface metric for the interface being advertised is used
as the advertise metric. If the interface being advertised is not a Rip
interface, then metric value of 1 is used.
Receiving Update: Add receiving interface's RIP metric to the metric for
the route in the received advertisement and install the result in the
receiver's routing table as the metric for that route.
Older way:
Sending Updates: Add the out going interfaces rip metric to the metric
for a route in the routing table to form the metric to be advertised for
that route.
Receiving Updates: The metric received in the advertisement for a route
is put directly in the routing table as the metric for that route.
Note: It is recommended that, all the routers in this autonomous system
should be following the rfc1058 metric system.
Setting this flag to disabled will have the effect of running the RIP with
old metric incrementing system.
vrIpRipGenerateDiscardRoute |
. |
This attribute when set to yes will add network disacrd routes to the
routing and forwarding table for the subnetted interfaces that are running
vrIpRipRipUpdate |
. |
This attribute sets the interval for sending updates bewteen RIP
neighbours. Set this attribute with a value less than that of the timeout
and garbage collect timers. The ripUpdate timer starts when a route
comes up and when updates are received.
vrIpRipRipTimeout |
. |
This attribute sets the RIP timeout interval. If this timer expires, the
route is no longer valid. The ripTimeout timer starts when a route comes
up and when updates are received.
vrIpRipGarbageCollectTimer |
. |
This attribute sets the interval between a route's timeout expiring and the
deletion of that route's information from the routing table. The garbage
collect timer starts when the ripTimeout period expires.
vrIpRipAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
vrIpRipOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
vrIpRipUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
vrIpRipSnmpAdminStatus |
. |
The desired state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and packet forwarding is allowed. The down
state indicates the interface is not operational and packet forwarding
is unavailable. The testing state indicates that no operational
packets can be passed.
vrIpRipSnmpOperStatus |
. |
The current state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and capable of forwarding packets. The
down state indicates the interface is not operational, thus unable to
forward packets. testing state indicates that no operational packets
can be passed.
vrIpRipRouteChangesMade |
. |
This attribute counts the route changes made to the IP Route Database
by Rip. This does not include the refresh of the route's age.
vrIpRipQueryResponses |
. |
This attribute counts the responses sent to RIP queries from other
vrIpRipImportIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpRipImport tables.
vrIpRipImportRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpRipImport components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpRipImportComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpRipImportStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpRipImport tables.
vrIpRipImportUsageFlag |
. |
This flag when set to ignore indicates the routes that are not used and if
set to use, indicates the routes which are used.
vrIpRipImportImportMetric |
. |
This attribute is used to override the default import metric for the RIP
protocol. This value is not used to select which routes to use or ignore,
rather it is the metric to be used in the routing table for the routes
imported for this import policy. A value of zero indicates that the metric
received in the update will be used.
vrIpRipImportNeighbor |
. |
This attribute indicates the IP Address of the neighbor this policy will
apply to.
vrIpRipImportInterface |
. |
This attribute specifies the RIP interface to which this import policy
The value of implies any RIP interface on the virtual router;
otherwise the value of this attribute must match the interface address of
a LogicalIf that has a RipIf on the same virtual router.
vrIpRipImportNetIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpRipImportNet tables.
vrIpRipImportNetRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpRipImportNet components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpRipImportNetComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpRipImportNetStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpRipImportNet tables.
vrIpRipImportNetIpAddress |
. |
This attribute specifies the IP address that needs to be matched against in
this network list for the Import Policy to be applied to.
vrIpRipImportNetIpMask |
. |
This attribute specifies the IP mask for the attribute ipAddress.
vrIpRipExportIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpRipExport tables.
vrIpRipExportRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpRipExport components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpRipExportComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpRipExportStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpRipExport tables.
vrIpRipExportAdvertiseStatus |
. |
This attribute specifies if the routes that match this export policy are
advertised (send) or not advertised (block).
vrIpRipExportExportMetric |
. |
This attribute specifies the metric to be used on the routes being
exported as a result of matching this export policy.
If the attribute advertiseStatus is set to block, then the value of
exportMetric is ignored. The exportMetric value is not used to select
which routes to block or send, but rather the metric value advertised for
the routes.
A value of 0 indicates that the metric associated with the route in the
forwarding table is used.
vrIpRipExportProtocol |
. |
This attribute specifies the routes to which this export policy applies
based on the routing protocol of how the routes are learned. If it is set to
all, this export policy applies to all routes in the forwarding table.
vrIpRipExportRipInterface |
. |
This attribute specifies the RIP learned routes to which this export policy
applies, based on the RIP interface from which the routes are learned.
This attribute can only be non zero when the protocol is set to rip. The
value of implies any RIP interface on the same virtual router;
otherwise the value of this attribute must match the interface address of
a LogicalIf that has a RipIf on the same virtual router.
vrIpRipExportEgpAsId |
. |
This attribute specifies the EGP learned routes to which this export
policy applies, based on the EGP autonomous system identifier of which
the routes are learned from.
This attribute can only be non zero when protocol is set to egp. The
value of 0 implies any EGP autonomous system; otherwise the value of
this attribute must match the asId of an EGP neighbor on the same
virtual router.
vrIpRipExportOspfTag |
. |
This attribute specifies the OSPF learned external routes to which this
export policy applies, based on the learned OSPF tag of the routes.
This attribute can only be set to a non default value when protocol is set
to ospfExternal. The default value of 4294967295 implies any tag.
vrIpRipExportOutInterface |
. |
This attribute specifies the RIP interface on the virtual router which
routes are exported onto as a result of matching this export policy.
If the attribute advertiseStatus is set to block, then the value of
outInterface is ignored. The outInterface value is not used to select
which routes to block or send, but rather where to export the routes.
A value of indicates that the routes are exported to all RIP
interfaces on the virtual router. Otherwise, the value of this attribute
must match the interface address of a LogicalIf that has a RipIf on the
same virtual router.
vrIpRipExportBgpAsId |
. |
This key attribute specifies the BGP AS from which the routes are
learned. This key will be used only when the protocol is set to
bgpExternal. bgpAsId of 0 matches all BGP ASs.
vrIpRipExportNetIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpRipExportNet tables.
vrIpRipExportNetRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpRipExportNet components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpRipExportNetComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpRipExportNetStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpRipExportNet tables.
vrIpRipExportNetIpAddress |
. |
This attribute identifies the 32 bit IP address to match against.
vrIpRipExportNetIpMask |
. |
This attribute is the IP Mask to be used with the IP Address to match
vrIpStaticIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpStatic tables.
vrIpStaticRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpStatic components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpStaticComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpStaticStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpStatic tables.
vrIpStaticAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
vrIpStaticOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
vrIpStaticUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
vrIpStaticRouteDestAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpStaticRoute tables.
vrIpStaticRouteDestMaskIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpStaticRoute tables.
vrIpStaticRouteTypeOfServiceIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpStaticRoute tables.
vrIpStaticRouteRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpStaticRoute components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpStaticRouteComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpStaticRouteStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpStaticRoute tables.
vrIpStaticRoutePreferredOver |
. |
This attribute indicates the preference of the static route in comparison
with the OSPF route. intOspf means that the static route is chosen over
the OSPF internal route, while extOspf means that the OSPF internal
route is chosen over the static route. The default static route preference
is set to extOspf .
vrIpStaticRouteNhIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpStaticRouteNh tables.
vrIpStaticRouteNhRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpStaticRouteNh components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpStaticRouteNhComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpStaticRouteNhStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpStaticRouteNh tables.
vrIpStaticRouteNhMetric |
. |
This attribute specifies the primary routing metric for this NextHop.
vrIpStaticDiscardDestAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpStaticDiscard tables.
vrIpStaticDiscardDestMaskIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpStaticDiscard tables.
vrIpStaticDiscardRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpStaticDiscard components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpStaticDiscardComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpStaticDiscardStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpStaticDiscard tables.
vrIpNsIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpNs tables.
vrIpNsRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpNs components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpNsComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpNsStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpNs tables.
vrIpNsFirstFilter |
. |
The firstFilter is the first filter point which affects all IP packets before
they have been examined in any way for their origin and destination.
The most common use of a firstFilter point is to collect statistis for all
packets arriving at the route on any interface, before any subsequent
filter processing changes their direction or disposition.
vrIpNsLocalInFilter |
. |
The localInFilter is the second filter point which uses by network
administrator to perform a common action on all IP packets that
physically arrive over a specific logical interface, regardless of the
packet's stated source or destination. Typical uses for a localInFilter
include verifying that known Ethernet media source addresses match
known IP addresses, or confirming that the IP packet source addresses of
received IP packet fall within a narrow range.
vrIpNsLocalOutFilter |
. |
The localOutFilter is the third filter point which applies to any IP packet
that will be transmitted from the router to the medium associated with
the interface, regardless of its source, destination, or what type of
decision was made to cause the datagram to be transmitted on this
interface. localOutFilter generally used to ensure that certain paterns of
traffic do not enter the network or reach a second IP router on that
network. For example, localOutFilter can be used as the exclusion of all
IP packets above a certain security classification, or collecting statistics
on the amount of IP fragments performed on an outgoing interface.
vrIpNsLastFilter |
. |
lastFilter is the fourth and last filter point to be excecuted after all other
routing and filtering decisions have been made on the IP packet, and
transmission of the information is imminent. lastFilter is generally used
to collect statistics on traffic after all previous control and routing
decisions have been made.
vrIpNsApplyIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpNsApply tables.
vrIpNsApplyRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpNsApply components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpNsApplyComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpNsApplyStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpNsApply tables.
vrIpNsApplyFilter |
. |
The name of the filter to be applied to packet matching the
conditions in this entry.
vrIpNsApplyIpAddress1 |
. |
The first IP address used to compare.
vrIpNsApplyIpMask1 |
. |
The first netmask associated with ipAddress1 used to compare.
vrIpNsApplyIpAddress2 |
. |
This second IP address used to compare.
vrIpNsApplyIpMask2 |
. |
This second netmask associated with ipAddress2 used to compare.
vrIpNsApplyDirection |
. |
Indicates the direction a packet must be moving between the first and
second apply list entries in order for the entries to match. First 'to'
second, first 'from' second, or first 'tofrom' second (either direction).
vrIpArpIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpArp tables.
vrIpArpRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpArp components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpArpComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpArpStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpArp tables.
vrIpArpAutoRefresh |
. |
This attribute is used to enable or disable the ARP refresh feature.
vrIpArpAutoRefreshTimeout |
. |
This attribute defines the timeout value, in minutes, which is assigned to
updated ARP entries, or newly created ARP entries. The range for the
timeout is 1 minute to 1440 minutes (24 hours).
vrIpArpHostHostAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpArpHost tables.
vrIpArpHostRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpArpHost components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpArpHostComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpArpHostStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpArpHost tables.
vrIpArpHostPhysAddress |
. |
This attribute identifies the physical address of the host being defined.
The value for this attribute should only be specified for media types
supporting physical addresses (eg. ethernet, fddi, tokenRing etc.)
vrIpArpHostMaxTxUnit |
. |
Specify the maximum transmit unit (MTU) size that can be accepted by
the host. If this value is not specified, the value for the media interface is
used. The specified MTU must be less than or equal to the interface's
MTU size.
vrIpArpHostPermanentVirtualCircuitNumber |
. |
Specify a permanent virtual circuit number to the remote host on X.25
or frame relay media.
The value for this attribute can only be specified for X.25 or
frame relay media.
vrIpArpHostEncap |
. |
Specify the encapsulation type for the host.
The value for this attribute should only be specified for the hosts on the
ethernet media. If a value of auto is specified, the application based on
the media will determine the proper applicable encapsulation type.
vrIpArpHostOperMaxTxUnit |
. |
This attribute indicates the operational value of the maximum
transmission unit.
vrIpArpHostOperEncap |
. |
This attribute indicates the operational encapsulation type. if the value of
the attribute encap is set to auto, then the application will determine the
encapsulation type based on the media being used and assigns the
appropriate value.
vrIpArpDynHostHostAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpArpDynHost tables.
vrIpArpDynHostCosIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpArpDynHost tables.
vrIpArpDynHostRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpArpDynHost components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpArpDynHostComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpArpDynHostStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpArpDynHost tables.
vrIpArpDynHostPhysAddress |
. |
This attribute indicates the physical address of the host in canonical
vrIpArpDynHostMaxTxUnit |
. |
This attribute indicates the maximum MTU size that can be accepted by
the host.
vrIpArpDynHostEncapsulationType |
. |
This attribute indicates the encapsulation type of the host.
vrIpArpDynHostPermanentVirtualCircuitNumber |
. |
This attribute indicates the permanent virtual circuit number to the
remote host.
vrIpArpDynHostIfIndex |
. |
This attribute indicates the ifIndex of the protocol port that is associated
with this entry.
vrIpArpDynHostType |
. |
This attribute indicates how this entry was learned.
vrIpArpDynHostNcPhysAddress |
. |
This attribute indicates the physical address of the host in non-canonical
form. This attribute is not displayed for hosts on non-LAN media.
vrIpIcmpIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpIcmp tables.
vrIpIcmpRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpIcmp components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpIcmpComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpIcmpStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpIcmp tables.
vrIpIcmpSendRedirect |
. |
This attribute specifies whether an ICMP redirect will be sent. If
enabled, the router may send an ICMP redirect if a an Ip packet is being
routed out the same logicalInterface as it was received on. The router
will only send host ICMP redirects. If disabled, the router will never
send a ICMP redirect.
vrIpIcmpSendHostUnreachable |
. |
This attribute specifies whether host unreachable will be sent or not.
vrIpIcmpInMsgs |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP messages received by this
gateway. This number includes inErrors. inMsgs wraps to zero if it
reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpInErrors |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP messages received by this
gateway but determined as having ICMP specific errors such as bad
ICMP checksums or bad length. inErrors wraps to zero if it reaches its
maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpInDestUnreachs |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP destination unreachable
messages received by this gateway. inDestUnreachs wraps to zero if it
reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpInTimeExcds |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP time exceeded messages
received by this gateway. inTimeExcds wraps to zero if it reaches its
maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpInParmProbs |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP parameter problem
messages received by this gateway. inParmProbs wraps to zero if it
reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpInSrcQuenchs |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP source quench messages
received by this gateway. inSrcQuenchs wraps to zero if it reaches its
maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpInRedirects |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP redirect messages received
by this gateway. inRedirects wraps to zero if it reaches its maximum
defined value.
vrIpIcmpInEchos |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP echo request messages
received by this gateway. inEchos wraps to zero if it reaches its
maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpInEchoReps |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP echo reply messages
received by this gateway. inEchoReps wraps to zero if it reaches its
maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpInTimestamps |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP timestamp request
messages received by this gateway. inTimeStamps wraps to zero if it
reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpInTimestampReps |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP timestamp reply messages
received by this gateway. inTimeStampReps wraps to zero if it reaches
its maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpInAddrMasks |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP address mask request
messages received by this gateway. inAddrMasks wraps to zero if it
reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpInAddrMaskReps |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP address mask reply
messages received by this gateway. inAddrMaskReps wraps to zero if it
reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpOutMsgs |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP messages which this
gateway attempted to send. This number includes outErrors. outMsgs
wraps to zero if it reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpOutErrors |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP messages which this
gateway did not send due to problems discovered within ICMP such as a
lack of buffers. outErrors does not included errors discovered outside
the ICMP layer such as the inability of IP to route the resultant
datagram. outErrors wraps to zero if it reaches its maximum defined
vrIpIcmpOutDestUnreachs |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP destination unreachable
messages sent by this gateway. outDestUnreachs wraps to zero if it
reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpOutTimeExcds |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP time exceeded messages
sent by this gateway. outTimeExcds wraps to zero if it reaches its
maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpOutParmProbs |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP parameter problem
messages sent by this gateway. outParmProbs wraps to zero if it reaches
its maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpOutSrcQuenchs |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP source quench messages
sent by this gateway. ourSrcQuench wraps to zero if it reaches its
maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpOutRedirects |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP redirect messages sent by
this gateway. outRedirects wraps to zero if it reaches its maximum
defined value.
vrIpIcmpOutEchos |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP echo request messages sent
by this gateway. outEchos wraps to zero if it reaches its maximum
defined value.
vrIpIcmpOutEchoReps |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP echo reply messages sent
by this gateway. outEchoReps wraps to zero if it reaches its maximum
defined value.
vrIpIcmpOutTimestamps |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP timestamp request
messages sent by this gateway. outTimeStamps wraps to zero if it
reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpOutTimestampReps |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP timestamp reply messages
sent by this gateway. outTimeStampReps wraps to zero if it reaches its
maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpOutAddrMasks |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP address mask request
messages sent by this gateway. outAddrMasks wraps to zero if it reaches
its maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpOutAddrMaskReps |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP address mask reply
message sent by this gateway. outAddrMaskReps wraps to zero if it
reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpInRtrAdvs |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP router advertisement
messages received by this gateway. inRtrAdvs wraps to zero if it reaches
its maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpInRtrSolicits |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP router solicitation messages
received by this gateway. inRtrSolicits wraps to zero if it reaches its
maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpOutRtrAdvs |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP router advertisement
messages sent by this gateway. outRtrAdvs wraps to zero if it reaches its
maximum defined value.
vrIpIcmpOutRtrSolicits |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of ICMP router solicitation messages
sent by this gateway. outRtrSolicits wraps to zero if it reaches its
maximum defined value.
vrIpRelayBCIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpRelayBC tables.
vrIpRelayBCRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpRelayBC components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpRelayBCComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpRelayBCStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpRelayBC tables.
vrIpRelayBCRelayStatus |
. |
Specifies whether or not IP will forward IP broadcast packets that were
received as Link-Layer broadcasts.
vrIpRelayBCRelayNdStatus |
. |
Specifies whether or not IP will forward broadcast packets whose
protocol is Sun ND.
vrIpRelayBCRelayNdCount |
. |
Indicates the number of Sun ND packets received by this router which
were forwarded. relayNdCount wraps to zero if reached its maximum.
vrIpRelayBCPortPortNumIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpRelayBCPort tables.
vrIpRelayBCPortRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpRelayBCPort components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpRelayBCPortComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpRelayBCPortStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpRelayBCPort tables.
vrIpRelayBCPortRelayBcUdpCount |
. |
Indicates the number of forwarded packets with this destination UDP
port number. relayBcUdpCount wraps to zero if reached its maximum.
vrIpUdpIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpUdp tables.
vrIpUdpRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpUdp components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpUdpComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpUdpStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpUdp tables.
vrIpUdpInDatagrams |
. |
The number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP users. inDatagrams
wraps to zero if reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpUdpNoPorts |
. |
The number of UDP datagrams received for which there was no
application at the destination port. noPorts wraps to zero if reaches its
maximum defined value.
vrIpUdpInErrors |
. |
The number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for
reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port.
inErrors wraps to zero if reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpUdpOutDatagrams |
. |
The number of UDP datagrams sent from this gateway. outDatagrams
wraps to zero if reaches its maximum defined value.
vrIpUdpListenEntryLocalAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpUdpListenEntry tables.
vrIpUdpListenEntryLocalPortIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpUdpListenEntry tables.
vrIpUdpListenEntryRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpUdpListenEntry components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpUdpListenEntryComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpUdpListenEntryStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpUdpListenEntry tables.
vrIpTcpIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpTcp tables.
vrIpTcpRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpTcp components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpTcpComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpTcpStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpTcp tables.
vrIpTcpRToAlgorithm |
. |
Indicate which algorithm was used to calculate the timeout value used
for retransmitting unackowledged octet.
vrIpTcpRToMin |
. |
Indicate the minimum value, measured in milliseconds, allowed for
retransmission timeout.
vrIpTcpRToMax |
. |
Indicates the maximun value, measured in milliseconds, allowed for
retransmission timeout.
vrIpTcpMaxConn |
. |
Limit on number of connections the TCP can support. The value is
always -1 which indicates that the number of connections supported is
dynamic (limited by memory in the system).
vrIpTcpActiveOpens |
. |
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to
the synSent state from the closed state.
vrIpTcpPassiveOpens |
. |
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to
the synRcvd state from the listen state.
vrIpTcpAttemptFails |
. |
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to
the closed state from either the synSent state or the synRcvd state, plus
the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to
the listen state from the synRcvd state.
vrIpTcpEstabResets |
. |
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to
the closed state from either the established state or the closedWait state.
vrIpTcpCurrEstab |
. |
The number of TCP connections for which the current state is either
established or closedWait.
vrIpTcpInSegs |
. |
The number of segments received, including those received in error.
This count includes segments received on currently established
vrIpTcpOutSegs |
. |
The number of segments sent, including those on current connections
but excluding those containing only retransmitted octets.
vrIpTcpRetransSegs |
. |
The number of segments retransmitted that is, the number of TCP
segments transmitted containing one or more previously transmitted
vrIpTcpInErrs |
. |
Total number of segments received in error, for example bad TCP
vrIpTcpOutRsts |
. |
Number of TCP segments sent containing the RST flag.
vrIpTcpTcpEntryLocalAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpTcpTcpEntry tables.
vrIpTcpTcpEntryLocalPortIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpTcpTcpEntry tables.
vrIpTcpTcpEntryRemoteAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpTcpTcpEntry tables.
vrIpTcpTcpEntryRemotePortIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpTcpTcpEntry tables.
vrIpTcpTcpEntryRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpTcpTcpEntry components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpTcpTcpEntryComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpTcpTcpEntryStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpTcpTcpEntry tables.
vrIpTcpTcpEntryState |
. |
This attribute reflects the current state of this Tcp connection.
vrIpBootpIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpBootp tables.
vrIpBootpRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpBootp components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpBootpComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpBootpStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpBootp tables.
vrIpBootpSnmpAdminStatus |
. |
The desired state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and packet forwarding is allowed. The down
state indicates the interface is not operational and packet forwarding
is unavailable. The testing state indicates that no operational
packets can be passed.
vrIpBootpHopDiscardThreshold |
. |
BOOTP packets contain a 'hops' field which is used to limit the number
of relay agents that can process the packet (each relay agent increments
the 'hops' field by one). This attribute is used by the relay agent to
determine when to discard a BOOTP packet. If the 'hops' field exceeds
the hopDiscardThreshold the BOOTP packet will be discarded.
vrIpBootpAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
vrIpBootpOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
vrIpBootpUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
vrIpBootpSnmpOperStatus |
. |
The current state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and capable of forwarding packets. The
down state indicates the interface is not operational, thus unable to
forward packets. testing state indicates that no operational packets
can be passed.
vrIpBootpPpEIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpBootpPpE tables.
vrIpBootpPpERowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpBootpPpE components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpBootpPpEComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpBootpPpEStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpBootpPpE tables.
vrIpBootpPpEStatus |
. |
This attribute indicates the status of the provisioned BootpPortEntry
component. A value of disabled is used when the parent components,
Vr, Ip, IpPort, or BootpRelayAgent is in a disabled state. A value of up
is used when the BootpPortEntry is in an operational state. A state of
down is used if the media associated with the BootpPortEntry is not
ready or disabled.
vrIpBootpPpEInRequests |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of BOOTP Request messages
received on this port.
vrIpBootpPpEInReplies |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of BOOTP Reply messages
received on this port.
vrIpBootpPpEOutRequests |
. |
This attribute counts total the number of BOOTP Request messages
broadcast out on this port.
vrIpBootpPpEOutReplies |
. |
This attribute counts the total number of BOOTP Reply messages sent
out on this port.
vrIpBootpPpEInRequestErrors |
. |
This attribute counts the number of BOOTP Request messages received
on this port but not forwarded due to an error. An error occurs if the
BOOTP hop limit has been exceeded.
vrIpBootpPpEInReplyErrors |
. |
This attribute counts the number of BOOTP Reply messages received on
this port but not forwarded due to an error. An error occurs if the giaddr
field in the BOOTP reply does not match an IP address assigned to this
VirtualRouter, or if the output IpPort for the BOOTP reply is not
provisioned for BOOTP.
vrIpCacheIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpCache tables.
vrIpCacheRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpCache components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpCacheComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpCacheStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpCache tables.
vrIpCacheAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
vrIpCacheOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
vrIpCacheUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
vrIpCacheEntriesFree |
. |
This attribute is indicative of the number of free Ip cache table entries.
A consistently high value for this attribute indicates that there is a
resource surplus of the memory requirements for cache table. This
surplus could be utilized elsewhere if needed by adjusting the
cacheTableMaxEntries under the Ip component.
vrIpCacheTotalLookups |
. |
This attribute indicates the total number of local cache lookups. It wraps
around to 0 when it reaches the maximum value of 4294967295.
vrIpCacheLookupMisses |
. |
This attribute indicates the total number of local cache lookup misses. It
wraps around to 0 when it reaches the maximum value of 4294967295.
vrIpCacheCacheTableMaxEntries |
. |
This attribute indicates the current maximum number of entries that can
exist in the IP local cache table on each LP.
vrIpTunnelIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpTunnel tables.
vrIpTunnelRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpTunnel components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpTunnelComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpTunnelStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpTunnel tables.
vrIpTunnelAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
vrIpTunnelOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
vrIpTunnelUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
vrIpTunnelSepIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpTunnelSep tables.
vrIpTunnelSepRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpTunnelSep components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpTunnelSepComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpTunnelSepStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpTunnelSep tables.
vrIpTunnelSepIfAdminStatus |
. |
The desired state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational. The down state indicates the interface is not
operational. The testing state indicates that no operational packets
can be passed.
vrIpTunnelSepIfIndex |
. |
This is the index for the IfEntry. Its value is automatically initialized
during the provisioning process.
vrIpTunnelSepLinkToProtocolPort |
. |
This attribute specifies the ProtocolPort to which this interface is
linked to. The protocol port is the logical interface to the network.
The protocol port component describes the logical characteristics of
this interface.
vrIpTunnelSepEncapType |
. |
There are two types of encapsulation techniques for IP tunnel, IP in
IP (RFC 2003) and GRE over IP (RFC 1701). This attributes
specifies the encapsulation type of the IP tunnel. It defaults to
ipInIp: As defined in RFC 2003, it can be used to encapsulated IP
and IP payload only. If IP is the only type of payload to be
encapsulated by the tunnel, this type of encapsulation is
recommended as it requires less processing and uses less
greIp: As defined in RFC 1701, it can be used to encapsulate IP or
IPX payload. To encapsulate IPX payload, this encapsulation type
must be used.
vrIpTunnelSepSourceAddress |
. |
This attribute specifies the IP address of the local end of the tunnel.
The source address must be an address in the shared domain, and it
must equal to an interface address on its own Virtual Router (under
Vr/<string> Pp/<string> IpPort LogicalIf/<IpAddress>).
However, it must not be the interface address of the linked protocol
port's IpPort.
vrIpTunnelSepDestinationAddress |
. |
This attribute specifies the IP address of the far end of the tunnel. It
must not match any of the IP interface addresses on this Virtual
vrIpTunnelSepPathMtu |
. |
This attribute indicates the latest learned Path MTU of the tunnel.
MTU is the maximum transmission unit of an arbitrary internet
path. When a large amount of IP datagrams are to be transmitted, it
is usually preferable that the datagrams be of the largest size that
does not require fragmentation anywhere along the path from the
source to the destination. This datagram size is referred to as the
Path MTU (PMTU), and it is equal to the minimum of the MTUs of
each hop in the path.
vrIpMcastIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpMcast tables.
vrIpMcastRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcast components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpMcastComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcast tables.
vrIpMcastSnmpAdminStatus |
. |
The desired state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and packet forwarding is allowed. The down
state indicates the interface is not operational and packet forwarding
is unavailable. The testing state indicates that no operational
packets can be passed.
vrIpMcastAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
vrIpMcastOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
vrIpMcastUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
vrIpMcastSnmpOperStatus |
. |
The current state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and capable of forwarding packets. The
down state indicates the interface is not operational, thus unable to
forward packets. testing state indicates that no operational packets
can be passed.
vrIpMcastCtsIndex |
. |
This variable represents the vrIpMcastCtsTable
specific index for the vrIpMcastCtsTable.
vrIpMcastCtsValue |
. |
This variable represents an individual value for the
vrIpMcastIgmpIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpMcastIgmp tables.
vrIpMcastIgmpRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastIgmp components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpMcastIgmpComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastIgmpStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastIgmp tables.
vrIpMcastIgmpSnmpAdminStatus |
. |
The desired state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and packet forwarding is allowed. The down
state indicates the interface is not operational and packet forwarding
is unavailable. The testing state indicates that no operational
packets can be passed.
vrIpMcastIgmpAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
vrIpMcastIgmpOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
vrIpMcastIgmpUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
vrIpMcastIgmpSnmpOperStatus |
. |
The current state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and capable of forwarding packets. The
down state indicates the interface is not operational, thus unable to
forward packets. testing state indicates that no operational packets
can be passed.
vrIpMcastIgmpGcGAddrIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastIgmpGc tables.
vrIpMcastIgmpGcDomainIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastIgmpGc tables.
vrIpMcastIgmpGcProtocolportStringIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastIgmpGc tables.
vrIpMcastIgmpGcRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastIgmpGc components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpMcastIgmpGcComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastIgmpGcStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastIgmpGc tables.
vrIpMcastIgmpGcUpTime |
. |
This attribute indicates the time elapsed since this entry was
vrIpMcastIgmpGcExpiryTime |
. |
This attribute indicates the minimum amount of time reamining
before this entry will be aged out.
vrIpMcastIgmpGcLastReporter |
. |
This attribute indicates the IP address of the source of the last
membership report received for this IP Multicast group address on
this interface. If no membership report has been received, this
attribute has the value
vrIpMcastIgmpGcVersion1HostTimer |
. |
This attribute indicates the time remaining until the local router will
assume that there are no longer any IGMPv1 members on the IP
subnet attached to this interface. Upon hearing any IGMPv1
Membership Report, this value is reset to the group membership
vrIpMcastStaticIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpMcastStatic tables.
vrIpMcastStaticRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastStatic components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpMcastStaticComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastStaticStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastStatic tables.
vrIpMcastStaticAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
vrIpMcastStaticOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
vrIpMcastStaticUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
vrIpMcastStaticRouteGAddrIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastStaticRoute tables.
vrIpMcastStaticRouteDomainIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastStaticRoute tables.
vrIpMcastStaticRouteRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastStaticRoute components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpMcastStaticRouteComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastStaticRouteStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastStaticRoute tables.
vrIpMcastStaticRouteOifsValue |
. |
This variable represents both the value and the index for the
vrIpMcastStaticRouteOifsRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used to control the addition and deletion
of individual values of the vrIpMcastStaticRouteOifsTable.
vrIpMcastPgIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpMcastPg tables.
vrIpMcastPgRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastPg components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpMcastPgComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastPgStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastPg tables.
vrIpMcastPgAction |
. |
This attribute specifies the action to be taken if a join request is
received for any of the multicast group addresses configured as part
of this policy. The default action is to deny the join request.
vrIpMcastPgLinkToPolicyUserValue |
. |
This variable represents both the value and the index for the
vrIpMcastPgLinkToPolicyUserRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used to control the addition and deletion
of individual values of the vrIpMcastPgLinkToPolicyUserTable.
vrIpMcastPgGrpGAddrIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastPgGrp tables.
vrIpMcastPgGrpGMaskIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastPgGrp tables.
vrIpMcastPgGrpRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastPgGrp components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpMcastPgGrpComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastPgGrpStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastPgGrp tables.
vrIpMcastDomainIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpMcastDomain tables.
vrIpMcastDomainRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastDomain components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpMcastDomainComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastDomainStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastDomain tables.
vrIpMcastDomainProtocolActive |
. |
This attribute indicates the multicast protocol active in this domain.
vrIpMcastFwdGAddrIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastFwd tables.
vrIpMcastFwdDomainIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastFwd tables.
vrIpMcastFwdSrcAddrIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastFwd tables.
vrIpMcastFwdSrcMaskIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastFwd tables.
vrIpMcastFwdRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastFwd components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpMcastFwdComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastFwdStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastFwd tables.
vrIpMcastFwdAge |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of seconds since this route was
last updated.
vrIpMcastFwdInProtocolPortName |
. |
This attribute indicates the name of the (incoming) protocol port
from which the route was learned.
vrIpMcastFwdProtocol |
. |
This attribute indicates the multicast routing protocol via which this
multicast forwarding entry was learned.
vrIpMcastFwdReversePathForwardingNeighbor |
. |
This attribute indicates the address of the upstream neighbor (RPF
neighbor) from which IP datagrams from these sources to this
multicast address are received, or if the upstream is
unknown (e.g., in CBT).
vrIpMcastFwdFlags |
. |
This attribute indicates information concerning the forwarding
entry. In particular, the flag information indicates wildcard, SPT,
RPT, and Reg entries.
vrIpMcastFwdOifOutIfAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastFwdOif tables.
vrIpMcastFwdOifConnectionIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastFwdOif tables.
vrIpMcastFwdOifRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastFwdOif components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpMcastFwdOifComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastFwdOifStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastFwdOif tables.
vrIpMcastFwdOifIfIndex |
. |
This attribute indicates the ifIndex value of this outgoing
interface entry.
vrIpMcastFwdOifProtocol |
. |
This attribute indicates the multicast routing protocol via which this
multicast forwarding outinterface entry was learned.
vrIpMcastFwdOifAge |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of seconds since this route was
last updated
vrIpMcastFwdOifOutProtocolPortName |
. |
This attribute indicates the name of the protocol port by which the
next hop of this route should be reached.
vrIpMcastCacheStatsIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpMcastCacheStats tables.
vrIpMcastCacheStatsRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastCacheStats components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpMcastCacheStatsComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastCacheStatsStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastCacheStats tables.
vrIpMcastCacheStatsAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
vrIpMcastCacheStatsOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
vrIpMcastCacheStatsUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
vrIpMcastCacheStatsEntriesFree |
. |
This attribute is indicative of the number of free Ip cache table entries.
A consistently high value for this attribute indicates that there is a
resource surplus of the memory requirements for cache table. This
surplus could be utilized elsewhere if needed by adjusting the
cacheTableMaxEntries under the Ip component.
vrIpMcastCacheStatsTotalLookups |
. |
This attribute indicates the total number of local cache lookups. It wraps
around to 0 when it reaches the maximum value of 4294967295.
vrIpMcastCacheStatsLookupMisses |
. |
This attribute indicates the total number of local cache lookup misses. It
wraps around to 0 when it reaches the maximum value of 4294967295.
vrIpMcastCacheStatsCacheTableMaxEntries |
. |
This attribute indicates the current maximum number of entries that can
exist in the IP local cache table on each LP.
vrIpMcastPimSmIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpMcastPimSm tables.
vrIpMcastPimSmRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastPimSm components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpMcastPimSmComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastPimSmStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastPimSm tables.
vrIpMcastPimSmSnmpAdminStatus |
. |
The desired state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and packet forwarding is allowed. The down
state indicates the interface is not operational and packet forwarding
is unavailable. The testing state indicates that no operational
packets can be passed.
vrIpMcastPimSmAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
vrIpMcastPimSmOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
vrIpMcastPimSmUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
vrIpMcastPimSmSnmpOperStatus |
. |
The current state of the interface. The up state indicates the
interface is operational and capable of forwarding packets. The
down state indicates the interface is not operational, thus unable to
forward packets. testing state indicates that no operational packets
can be passed.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpMcastPimSmDomain tables.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastPimSmDomain components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastPimSmDomain tables.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainJoinPruneInterval |
. |
This attribute specifies the frequency at which PIM Join/Prune
messages are transmitted on this PIM interface.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainSptJoinThreshold |
. |
The attribute specifies the threshold at which the last-hop router
joins the shortest-path tree. If 0 is selected then the router
immediately joins the shortest path tree upon receipt of the first data
packet. If infinity is selected then the router never joins the shortest
path tree.
1 = infinity
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainBsrAddress |
. |
This attribute indicates the IP address of the bootstrap router (BSR)
for this PIM domain.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainBsrExpiryTimer |
. |
This attribute indicates the minimum time remaining before the
bootstrap router in this domain will be declared down.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainTxBsrMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the Bootstrap Message transmitted by the
bootstrap router (BSR) for this pim domain.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRxBsrMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the Bootstrap Message received by this pim
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainTxCRpAdvMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the Candidate-RP advertisement Message
transmitted by the configured CRp for this pim domain.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRxCRpAdvMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the Candidate-RP advertisement Message
received by the bootstrap router (BSR) for this pim domain.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainTxHelloMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the Hello Message transmitted from PimIf
belonging to this pim domain.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRxHelloMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the Hello Message received from pimif
belonging to this pim domain.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainTxRegisterMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the Register Message transmitted by the
Designated Router (DR) for this pim domain.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRxRegisterMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the Register Message received by the RP for
this pim domain.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainTxRegisterStopMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the RegisterStop Message transmitted by the
RP for this pim domain.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRxRegisterStopMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the RegisterStop Message received by the
Designated router (DR) for this pim domain.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainTxAssertMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the assert Message transmitted from this pim
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRxAssertMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the Assert Message received by this pim
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainTxJPMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the JP Message transmitted for this pim
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRxJPMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the JP Message received by this pim domain.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainDiscardBsrMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the Bootstrap Message discarded by this pim
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainDiscardCRpAdvMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the Candidate-RP advertisement Message
discarded by the bootstrap router (BSR) for this pim domain.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainDiscardHelloMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the Hello Message discarded if it is not
destined for us.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainDiscardRegisterMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the Register Message discarded if we are not
RP for this Pim domain.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainDiscardRegisterStopMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the RegisterStop Message discarded.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainDiscardAssertMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the Assert Message discarded if we are not
expecting it.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainDiscardJPMsg |
. |
This attribute counts the JP Message discarded by this pim domain
if it is not destined for us.
This counter wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRp tables.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRp components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRp tables.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpCandidateRpAddress |
. |
This attribute specifies a link to a logical interface component which
specifies an IP address to be used as the local identifier in CRP
advertisement messages.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpCandidateRpPreference |
. |
This attribute specifies the preference value to be used in CRP
advertisement messages. Lower values indicate higher preference.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpGrpGrpAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpGrp tables.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpGrpGrpMaskIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpGrp tables.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpGrpRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpGrp components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpGrpComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpGrpStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpGrp tables.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSetGrpAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSet tables.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSetGrpMaskIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSet tables.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSetRpAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSet tables.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSetRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSet components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSetComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSetStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSet tables.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSetRpSetHoldTime |
. |
This attribute indicates the holdtime of a Candidate-RP. If the local
router is not the BSR, this value is 0.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSetRpSetExpiryTime |
. |
This attribute indicates the minimum time remaining before the
Candidate-RP will be declared down. If the local router is not the
BSR, this value is 0.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSetRpSetPriority |
. |
This attribute indicates the priority advertised by BSR for this CRP.
If the local router is the BSR, this value specifies the priority
advertised by CRP.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCBsrIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCBsr tables.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCBsrRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCBsr components.
These components can be added and deleted.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCBsrComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCBsrStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCBsr tables.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCBsrCandidateBsrAddress |
. |
This attribute specifies a link to a logical interface component which
specifies an IP address to use as the local system identifier in
bootstrap messages.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCBsrCandidateBsrPreference |
. |
This attribute specifies the preference value used in bootstrap
messages. Higher values indicate higher priority.
vrIpMcastPimNbrNbrAddressIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastPimNbr tables.
vrIpMcastPimNbrDomainIndex |
. |
This variable represents an index for the vrIpMcastPimNbr tables.
vrIpMcastPimNbrRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
vrIpMcastPimNbr components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
vrIpMcastPimNbrComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
vrIpMcastPimNbrStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
vrIpMcastPimNbr tables.
vrIpMcastPimNbrIfIndex |
. |
This attribute indicates the value of ifIndex for the interface used to
reach this PIM neighbor.
vrIpMcastPimNbrUpTime |
. |
This attribute indicates the time since this PIM neighbor became a
neighbor of this local router.
vrIpMcastPimNbrExpiryTimer |
. |
This attribute indicates the minimum time remaining before this
PIM neighbor will be aged out.
vrPpIpPortRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrPpIpPort components.
vrPpIpPortProvTable |
. |
This group contains provisionable attributes for IP ports.
vrPpIpPortSresProvTable |
. |
This group contains the provisioned attributes for
SourceRouteEndStation support.
vrPpIpPortAdminControlTable |
. |
This group includes the Administrative Control attribute. This
attribute defines the current administrative state of this component.
vrPpIpPortOperTable |
. |
This group contains operational attributes for an IpPort.
vrPpIpPortRelayBcOperTable |
. |
This group contains operational attributes for an IpPort's RelayBc
vrPpIpPortStateTable |
. |
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions
generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the
component. Note that not all the values and state combinations
described here are supported by every component which uses this
group. For component-specific information and the valid state
combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and
Maintenance Guide.
vrPpIpPortOperStatusTable |
. |
This group includes the Operational Status attribute. This attribute
defines the current operational state of this component.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIf components.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfProvTable |
. |
This group contains attributes required to define an IpLogicalIf.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfLinkToMulStaticGpTable |
. |
This attribute specifies a link to the component InwStaticRouteEntry
which uses this logicalIf as it's OutInterface.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIf components.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfProvTable |
. |
This group of attributes identifies a provisionable set of attributes.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfOperTable |
. |
This group of attributes identifies operational state that this interface is
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfMetricTable |
. |
This group contains the operational metric attribute of this interface.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfTOSRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfTOS components.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfTOSProvTable |
. |
Identifies a provisionable set of attributes.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbrRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbr components.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbrProvTable |
. |
Identifies a group of Provisionable attributes.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfOspfIfNbrOperTable |
. |
Contains the Operational set of attributes for the Neighbor.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIf components.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfProvTable |
. |
This group contains the provisionable attributes of the RipIf component.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfStatTable |
. |
This group contains operational attributes of the RipIf component. These
attributes are statistical data corresponding to the RIP-2 standard MIB
(rfc 1724) rip2Status table.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfNbrRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfRipIfNbr components.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIfRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIf components.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIfProvTable |
. |
This group contains the provisionable attributes for the InwIpIgmpIf
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfIgmpIfOperTable |
. |
This group contains the operational attributes of InwIpIgmpIf
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfPimSmIfRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfPimSmIf components.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfPimSmIfProvTable |
. |
This group contains the provisionable attributes for the
InwIpPimSmIf component.
vrPpIpPortLogicalIfPimSmIfOperTable |
. |
This group contains the operational attributes for the
InwIpPimSmIf component.
vrPpIpPortNsRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrPpIpPortNs components.
vrPpIpPortNsProvTable |
. |
This group contains the attributes required by NetSentry to be applied to
all IP packets going through this IpPort.
vrPpIpPortBootpPRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrPpIpPortBootpP components.
vrPpIpPortBootpPProvTable |
. |
This group contains provisionable attributes for the BootpPort
vrPpIpPortBootpPAdminControlTable |
. |
This group includes the Administrative Control attribute. This
attribute defines the current administrative state of this component.
vrPpIpPortBootpPOperStatusTable |
. |
This group includes the Operational Status attribute. This attribute
defines the current operational state of this component.
vrPpIpPortBootpPStateTable |
. |
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions
generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the
component. Note that not all the values and state combinations
described here are supported by every component which uses this
group. For component-specific information and the valid state
combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and
Maintenance Guide.
vrPpIpPortBootpPStatsTable |
. |
This group contains BootpPortEntry component statistics.
vrPpIpPortBootpPAddrTable |
. |
This attribute identifies a list of relay addresses. When a BOOTP request
message is received on this port, the request will be forwarded to the IP
addresses provisioned in relayAddress. Note that BOOTP requests are
also broadcast out all other BootpPort's according to the
relayForwardStatus of the outgoing port.
vrIpRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIp components.
vrIpProvTable |
. |
This group contains global attributes for IP.
vrIpStatsTable |
. |
This is the GROUP holding the struct which contains statistical
attributes for IP.
vrIpAdminControlTable |
. |
This group includes the Administrative Control attribute. This
attribute defines the current administrative state of this component.
vrIpStateTable |
. |
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions
generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the
component. Note that not all the values and state combinations
described here are supported by every component which uses this
group. For component-specific information and the valid state
combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and
Maintenance Guide.
vrIpOperStatusTable |
. |
This group includes the Operational Status attribute. This attribute
defines the current operational state of this component.
vrIpCtsTable |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum number of entries that can exist in
the IP local cache table on each LP. This attribute provides a way to
control the resources allocated to the IP cache tables.
The default cache table size is 3000 for an FP and 100 for a CP, is used
if this attribute is not specified explicitly. The attribute value must be
multiple of 100.
vrIpFwdRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpFwd components.
vrIpFwdOperTable |
. |
Identifies a group of operational attributes associated with each entry in
the Forward Table.
vrIpRdbRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpRdb components.
vrIpRdbOperTable |
. |
Identifies a group of operational attributes associated with each entry in
the routing database.
vrIpIfRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpIf components.
vrIpIfOperTable |
. |
Identifies a group of operational attributes associated with each entry in
the Ip interface table.
vrIpEgpRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpEgp components.
vrIpEgpProvTable |
. |
This group contains the provisionable attributes for the EGP component
vrIpEgpStatsTable |
. |
These set of attributes identifies the statistics for the EGP component.
vrIpEgpStateTable |
. |
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions
generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the
component. Note that not all the values and state combinations
described here are supported by every component which uses this
group. For component-specific information and the valid state
combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and
Maintenance Guide.
vrIpEgpAdminControlTable |
. |
This group includes the Administrative Control attribute. This
attribute defines the current administrative state of this component.
vrIpEgpOperStatusTable |
. |
This group includes the Operational Status attribute. This attribute
defines the current operational state of this component.
vrIpEgpNbrRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpEgpNbr components.
vrIpEgpNbrProvTable |
. |
This group of attributes identify the provisionable attributes for this EGP
vrIpEgpNbrOperTable |
. |
This group of attributes identifies the operational set of attributes for the
NeighborEntry component.
vrIpEgpImportRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpEgpImport components.
vrIpEgpImportProvTable |
. |
These set of attributes describe the provisionable attributes for the
import component.
vrIpEgpImportNetRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpEgpImportNet components.
vrIpEgpImportNetProvTable |
. |
This group identifies attributes for the NetworkList component for
which the import policy will be applied to
vrIpEgpExportRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpEgpExport components.
vrIpEgpExportProvTable |
. |
This group contains all the provisioned attributes for the Export
vrIpEgpExportNetRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpEgpExportNet components.
vrIpEgpExportNetProvTable |
. |
This group identifies the set of provisionable attributes for the
ExportNetworkList component.
vrIpOspfRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpOspf components.
vrIpOspfProvTable |
. |
This group of attributes are used to configure the OSPF component.
vrIpOspfOperTable |
. |
These group of attributes identifies the operational attributes for this
OSPF Component.
vrIpOspfStateTable |
. |
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions
generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the
component. Note that not all the values and state combinations
described here are supported by every component which uses this
group. For component-specific information and the valid state
combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and
Maintenance Guide.
vrIpOspfOperStatusTable |
. |
This group includes the Operational Status attribute. This attribute
defines the current operational state of this component.
vrIpOspfAreaRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpOspfArea components.
vrIpOspfAreaProvTable |
. |
This group describes the set of provisionable attributes for the
AreaEntry Component.
vrIpOspfAreaOperTable |
. |
This group of attributes describes the Operational set of attributes for the
AreaEntry component.
vrIpOspfStubRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpOspfStub components.
vrIpOspfStubProvTable |
. |
These set of attributes explain the provisionable group for the
vrIpOspfAggregateRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpOspfAggregate components.
vrIpOspfAggregateProvTable |
. |
Identifies a group of provisionable attributes.
vrIpOspfHostRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpOspfHost components.
vrIpOspfHostProvTable |
. |
Provisionable set of attributes for the Host entry.
vrIpOspfVirtIfRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpOspfVirtIf components.
vrIpOspfVirtIfProvTable |
. |
This group of attributes provide provisioning data for the VirtIfEntry.
vrIpOspfVirtIfOperTable |
. |
Represents a group of operational attributes for the VirtIfEntry
vrIpOspfExportRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpOspfExport components.
vrIpOspfExportProvTable |
. |
This Group contains all the Provisioned attributes for the Export
vrIpOspfExportNetListRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpOspfExportNetList components.
vrIpOspfExportNetListProvTable |
. |
This group identifies the set of provisionable attributes for the
ExportNetworkList component.
vrIpOspfVirtNbrRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpOspfVirtNbr components.
vrIpOspfVirtNbrOperTable |
. |
This group identifies a set of operational attributes.
vrIpOspfNbrRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpOspfNbr components.
vrIpOspfNbrOperTable |
. |
This group identifies the operational set of attributes for the
vrIpOspfLsdbRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpOspfLsdb components.
vrIpOspfLsdbOperTable |
. |
This group describes the Operational set of attributes for the LsdbEntry.
vrIpOspfExtLsdbRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpOspfExtLsdb components.
vrIpOspfExtLsdbOperTable |
. |
This group describes the operational set of attributes
for the ExtLsdbEntry.
vrIpRipRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpRip components.
vrIpRipProvTable |
. |
This group contains the provisionable attributes for the RIP component
vrIpRipStateTable |
. |
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions
generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the
component. Note that not all the values and state combinations
described here are supported by every component which uses this
group. For component-specific information and the valid state
combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and
Maintenance Guide.
vrIpRipAdminControlTable |
. |
This group includes the Administrative Control attribute. This
attribute defines the current administrative state of this component.
vrIpRipOperStatusTable |
. |
This group includes the Operational Status attribute. This attribute
defines the current operational state of this component.
vrIpRipOperTable |
. |
This group defines a set of operational attributes belonging to the RIP
component. It corresponds to the rip2Globals table in the RIP-2 standard
vrIpRipImportRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpRipImport components.
vrIpRipImportProvTable |
. |
This is the group of provisionable attributes for the XXXX Import
vrIpRipImportNetRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpRipImportNet components.
vrIpRipImportNetProvTable |
. |
This group contains attributes for the XXXX NetworkList component
for the Import Policy to be applied to
vrIpRipExportRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpRipExport components.
vrIpRipExportProvTable |
. |
This group contains all the provisioned attributes for the Export
vrIpRipExportNetRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpRipExportNet components.
vrIpRipExportNetProvTable |
. |
This group identifies the set of Provisionable attributes for the
ExportNetworkList component.
vrIpStaticRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpStatic components.
vrIpStaticStateTable |
. |
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions
generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the
component. Note that not all the values and state combinations
described here are supported by every component which uses this
group. For component-specific information and the valid state
combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and
Maintenance Guide.
vrIpStaticRouteRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpStaticRoute components.
vrIpStaticRouteProvTable |
. |
This group contains a provisionable set of attributes for the static route
entry component.
vrIpStaticRouteNhRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpStaticRouteNh components.
vrIpStaticRouteNhProvTable |
. |
This group contains a provisionable set of attributes for the Static
RouteEntry NextHop component.
vrIpStaticDiscardRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpStaticDiscard components.
vrIpNsRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpNs components.
vrIpNsProvTable |
. |
This group contains provisionable attributes for the NetSentry
vrIpNsApplyRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpNsApply components.
vrIpNsApplyProvisionedTable |
. |
The instance of provisioned information relating to a filter application to
IP packet.
vrIpArpRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpArp components.
vrIpArpProvTable |
. |
The ARP refresh feature allows the router to periodically verify ARP
table entries. Whenever the router updates an ARP entry, or creates a
new entry, a timeout value is assigned to the entry. When the timeout for
an entry expires, the router will send a unicast ARP request to the
currently-known physical address. If an ARP response comes back, the
entry will be assigned a new timeout. If, however, the host has gone
away or been assigned a new physical address, the host will not respond
to the unicast ARP, and the entry will be removed from the ARP table.
The new physical address will be discovered through the normal ARP
mechanism when the next communication is attempted to the host.
vrIpArpHostRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpArpHost components.
vrIpArpHostProvTable |
. |
This group contains the provisionable attributes of the HostEntry
vrIpArpHostOperTable |
. |
This group contains the operational attributes of the HostEntry
vrIpArpDynHostRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpArpDynHost components.
vrIpArpDynHostOperTable |
. |
This group contains the operational attributes of the DynHostEntry
vrIpIcmpRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpIcmp components.
vrIpIcmpProvTable |
. |
This group holds provisioned attributes for ICMP.
vrIpIcmpStatsTable |
. |
This group holds statistics for ICMP.
vrIpRelayBCRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpRelayBC components.
vrIpRelayBCProvTable |
. |
This group contains global configuration attributes for the Relay
Broadcast component.
vrIpRelayBCOperTable |
. |
This group contains RelayBroadcast component statistics.
vrIpRelayBCPortRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpRelayBCPort components.
vrIpRelayBCPortOperTable |
. |
This group contains statistics related to InwPortEntry.
vrIpUdpRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpUdp components.
vrIpUdpStatsTable |
. |
This group holds statictics for UDP.
vrIpUdpListenEntryRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpUdpListenEntry components.
vrIpTcpRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpTcp components.
vrIpTcpStatsTable |
. |
This group contains statistics for TCP.
vrIpTcpTcpEntryRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpTcpTcpEntry components.
vrIpTcpTcpEntryOperTable |
. |
This group contains columnar entries for each end-point on the TCP.
vrIpBootpRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpBootp components.
vrIpBootpAdminControlTable |
. |
This group includes the Administrative Control attribute. This
attribute defines the current administrative state of this component.
vrIpBootpProvTable |
. |
This group contains provisionable attributes for the BootpRelayAgent
vrIpBootpStateTable |
. |
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions
generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the
component. Note that not all the values and state combinations
described here are supported by every component which uses this
group. For component-specific information and the valid state
combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and
Maintenance Guide.
vrIpBootpOperStatusTable |
. |
This group includes the Operational Status attribute. This attribute
defines the current operational state of this component.
vrIpBootpPpERowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpBootpPpE components.
vrIpBootpPpEOperTable |
. |
This group contains BootpPortEntry component operational data.
vrIpBootpPpEStatsTable |
. |
This group contains BootpPortEntry component statistics.
vrIpCacheRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpCache components.
vrIpCacheStateTable |
. |
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions
generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the
component. Note that not all the values and state combinations
described here are supported by every component which uses this
group. For component-specific information and the valid state
combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and
Maintenance Guide.
vrIpCacheOperTable |
. |
This group houses all the operational attributes of an Ip cache table.
vrIpTunnelRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpTunnel components.
vrIpTunnelStateTable |
. |
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions
generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the
component. Note that not all the values and state combinations
described here are supported by every component which uses this
group. For component-specific information and the valid state
combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and
Maintenance Guide.
vrIpTunnelSepRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpTunnelSep components.
vrIpTunnelSepIfEntryTable |
. |
This group contains the provisionable attributes for the ifEntry.
vrIpTunnelSepMpTable |
. |
This group contains the base provisioning data for the media base
vrIpTunnelSepProvTable |
. |
This group contains the provisionable attributes for the
StaticEndPoint component.
vrIpTunnelSepOperTable |
. |
This group contains the operational status attributes of the
StaticEndPoint component.
vrIpMcastRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcast components.
vrIpMcastAdminControlTable |
. |
This group includes the Administrative Control attribute. This
attribute defines the current administrative state of this component.
vrIpMcastStateTable |
. |
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions
generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the
component. Note that not all the values and state combinations
described here are supported by every component which uses this
group. For component-specific information and the valid state
combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and
Maintenance Guide.
vrIpMcastOperStatusTable |
. |
This group includes the Operational Status attribute. This attribute
defines the current operational state of this component.
vrIpMcastCtsTable |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum number of entries supported in
the IP Multicast cache table on each LP. The default is 100 for a CP
and 200 for an FP. The value must be multiple of 100.
vrIpMcastIgmpRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastIgmp components.
vrIpMcastIgmpAdminControlTable |
. |
This group includes the Administrative Control attribute. This
attribute defines the current administrative state of this component.
vrIpMcastIgmpStateTable |
. |
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions
generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the
component. Note that not all the values and state combinations
described here are supported by every component which uses this
group. For component-specific information and the valid state
combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and
Maintenance Guide.
vrIpMcastIgmpOperStatusTable |
. |
This group includes the Operational Status attribute. This attribute
defines the current operational state of this component.
vrIpMcastIgmpGcRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastIgmpGc components.
vrIpMcastIgmpGcOperTable |
. |
This group contains the operational attributes of the CacheEntry
vrIpMcastStaticRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastStatic components.
vrIpMcastStaticStateTable |
. |
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions
generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the
component. Note that not all the values and state combinations
described here are supported by every component which uses this
group. For component-specific information and the valid state
combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and
Maintenance Guide.
vrIpMcastStaticRouteRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastStaticRoute components.
vrIpMcastStaticRouteOifsTable |
. |
This attribute specifies a list of links to logicalInterfaces
representing the outgoing interfaces for this multicast static route
vrIpMcastPgRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastPg components.
vrIpMcastPgProvTable |
. |
This group contains the provisionable attributes for the PolicyGroup
vrIpMcastPgLinkToPolicyUserTable |
. |
This attribute specifies a list of IpPorts on which this policy group is
vrIpMcastPgGrpRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastPgGrp components.
vrIpMcastDomainRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastDomain components.
vrIpMcastDomainOperTable |
. |
This group contains the operational attributes for the Domain
vrIpMcastFwdRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastFwd components.
vrIpMcastFwdOperTable |
. |
This group contains the operational attributes associated with a
multicast forwarding entry.
vrIpMcastFwdOifRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastFwdOif components.
vrIpMcastFwdOifOperTable |
. |
This group contains the operational attributes for the
InwIpOutInterface component.
vrIpMcastCacheStatsRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastCacheStats components.
vrIpMcastCacheStatsStateTable |
. |
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions
generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the
component. Note that not all the values and state combinations
described here are supported by every component which uses this
group. For component-specific information and the valid state
combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and
Maintenance Guide.
vrIpMcastCacheStatsOperTable |
. |
This group houses all the operational attributes of an Ip cache table.
vrIpMcastPimSmRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastPimSm components.
vrIpMcastPimSmAdminControlTable |
. |
This group includes the Administrative Control attribute. This
attribute defines the current administrative state of this component.
vrIpMcastPimSmStateTable |
. |
This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions
generically indicate what each state attribute implies about the
component. Note that not all the values and state combinations
described here are supported by every component which uses this
group. For component-specific information and the valid state
combinations, refer to NTP 241-7001-150, Passport Operations and
Maintenance Guide.
vrIpMcastPimSmOperStatusTable |
. |
This group includes the Operational Status attribute. This attribute
defines the current operational state of this component.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastPimSmDomain components.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainProvTable |
. |
This group contains the provisionable attributes of the Domain
component under the PimSm component.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainOperTable |
. |
This group contains the operational attributes of the Domain
component under the PimSm component.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainStatsTable |
. |
This group contains the statistics attributes of the Domain
component under the PimSm component.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRp components.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpProvTable |
. |
This group specifies all the attributes for component
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpGrpRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCRpGrp components.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSetRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSet components.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainRpSetOperTable |
. |
This group contains the operational attributes for a candidate RP.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCBsrRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCBsr components.
vrIpMcastPimSmDomainCBsrProvTable |
. |
This group contains all the provisionable attributes for component
vrIpMcastPimNbrRowStatusTable |
. |
This entry controls the addition and deletion of
vrIpMcastPimNbr components.
vrIpMcastPimNbrOperTable |
. |
This group contains the operational attributes of the
PimNeighborEntry componnent.