provIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the prov tables.
provRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
prov components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
provComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
provStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
prov tables.
provAdminState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the
The value locked indicates that the component is administratively
prohibited from providing services for its users. A Lock or Lock -
force command has been previously issued for this component.
When the value is locked, the value of usageState must be idle.
The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is
administratively permitted to provide service to its existing users
only. A Lock command was issued against the component and it is
in the process of shutting down.
The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively
permitted to provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue
an Unlock command to this component.
provOperationalState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.
The value enabled indicates that the component is available for
operation. Note that if adminState is locked, it would still not be
providing service.
The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for
operation. For example, something is wrong with the component
itself, or with another component on which this one depends. If the
value is disabled, the usageState must be idle.
provUsageState |
. |
This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.
The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.
The value active indicates that the component is in use and has
spare capacity to provide for additional users.
The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no
spare operating capacity for additional users at this time.
provProvisioningActivity |
. |
This attribute describes the type of provisioning activity that the
ProvisioningSystem component is performing.
provActivityProgress |
. |
This attribute indicates the status relating to a long-running
command handled by the ProvisioningSystem. It is usually
expressed as a percentage of the number of elements (for example,
components) processed with respect to the total set of elements that
need to be processed for that activity. Note that, one cannot assume
that the percentage implies how much time the task may still take.
The time to complete the activity is dependent on many things
which are beyond the control of the ProvisioningSystem itself.
provCommittedFileName |
. |
This attribute contains the name of the committed file. This is the
file that will be used to obtain the provisioning data if the module
Immediately after system power-up, this attribute contains the name
of the file used during initial loading.
provCurrentViewFileName |
. |
This attribute contains the name of the provisioning file that
contains the current view provisioning data.
After system power-up, this attribute contains the name of the file
used during initial loading.
If the current view data has not been saved, this attribute is empty.
provLastUsedFileName |
. |
This attribute contains the last saved, loaded or committed file
Immediately after system power-up, this attribute contains the name
of the file used during initial loading.
provProvisioningSession |
. |
This attribute contains the component name of the operator session
which is currently in provisioning mode. For example,
NMIS Telnet Session/2
If no session is in provisioning mode, this attribute will be empty.
provProvisioningUser |
. |
This attribute contains the userid of the operator who is currently
provisioning the module. If no session is in provisioning mode, this
attribute will be empty.
provCheckRequired |
. |
This attribute indicates whether semantic checking is required
before activating the edit view.
provNextFileSequenceNumber |
. |
This attribute is no longer supported.
provConfirmRequired |
. |
This attribute indicates whether the operator must enter a
Confirm Prov
command in order to keep a newly activated current view in effect.
If an activation is not confirmed within 20 minutes of its
completion, the module will restart using the committed
provisioning data.
provProvisioningDirectory |
. |
This attribute indicates the name of the provisioning directory.
provEditViewName |
. |
This attribute indicates the name of the provisioning view that
represents the edit view provisioning data.
If the edit view data has not been saved, this attribute is empty.
provEditViewAddedComponents |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of provisioning components that
have been added to the edit view with respect to the current view.
provEditViewDeletedComponents |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of provisioned components that
have been deleted from the edit view with respect to the current
provEditViewChangedComponents |
. |
This attribute indicates the number of provisioned components
whose attributes differ between the edit and current views.
provStandbyCpActivity |
. |
This attribute descibes the type of provisionin activity, which
ProvisioningSystem is performing on standby CP.
provStandbyCpActivityProgress |
. |
This attribute indicates status of a provisioning activity, which
ProvisioningSystem is performing on standby CP.
provViewIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the provView tables.
provViewRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
provView components.
These components cannot be added nor deleted.
provViewComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
provViewStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
provView tables.
provViewUser |
. |
This attribute indicates the userid of the operator who first saved
this view. It may be empty if unknown or if the view has not been
provViewCheckState |
. |
This attribute indicates the semantic check state of the view when it
was saved. The values are described in worst to best order.
The failed state indicates that the view has failed a semantic check
and cannot be activated.
The unknown state indicates that semantic checks have not been
run and the view cannot be activated.
The partial state indicates that the view has passed incomplete
checks, that is Check -changed Prov has succeeded. This is also the
best state value for a partial view. Thew view cannot be activated
until it has been fully checked.
The softwareChanged state indicates that the view has passed
complete checks, but by software other than that to be activated,
that is, either the application versions have changed, or features
have been added. After activation, the new software may detect
semantic errors. After correcting these errors, if any, the view will
need to be re-saved or re-committed as appropriate.
The full state indicates that the view has passed complete checks,
that is, it has been fully verified. It can be activated.
provViewComponents |
. |
This attributes indicates the number of provisioned components that
have been (or could be) saved.
provViewFormats |
. |
This attribute indicates the formats of the saved information. Each
serves a different purpose.
The ascii format is readable by operators and can be easily parsed
and generated by scripts. NMS makes use of this format. Note that
the syntax is subject to change without notice. This format is
generated via Save -ascii Prov. A view with an ascii format can be
loaded and activated.
The commit format is generated via Commit Prov and allows for
fast activation, that is, a shorter service outage time. The system
will never leave a view with only this format, as it cannot be loaded.
The delta format contains the changes made between the current
view and the edit view. It is, therefore, much smaller and faster to
Load or Save than the other formats. A view containing this format
can be loaded or have the changes applied to the edit view. This
provides a mechanism to propagate a set of changes from one view
to another. A view containing only this format can be activated if
this would not require a system reload. To generate this format,
issue Save Prov without the -ascii or portable options.
The part format is generated via Save component() Prov. The part
format can be loaded. The syntax of this format is subject to change
without notice.
The portable format is a compact representation that can be quickly
loaded. It can be transported from one Passport to another, or to an
NMS. It is generated via Save -portable Prov. The portable format
can be loaded and activated.
Description of bits:
provViewBaseView |
. |
This attribute indicates the name of the view upon which this view's
changes are based (even if the delta format does not exists). In other
words, it indicates the name of the current view that existed at the
time that this view was saved. This may not be the name of the
current view that is running now.
This attribute is empty when the view is unsaved or if the current
view was saved.
provViewVersion |
. |
This attribute represents the version of base software that saved this
It is empty if unknown.
provViewCreationDate |
. |
This attribute indicates the creation date of this view.