modVcsIndex |
. |
This variable represents the index for the modVcs tables.
modVcsRowStatus |
. |
This variable is used as the basis for SNMP naming of
modVcs components.
These components can be added and deleted.
modVcsComponentName |
. |
This variable provides the component's string name for
use with the ASCII Console Interface
modVcsStorageType |
. |
This variable represents the storage type value for the
modVcs tables.
modVcsSegmentSize |
. |
This attribute specifies the segment size for accounting of national
calls. Minimum allowed segment size is 1. If data segment is sent
which is less than segmentSize it is still counted as one segment.
modVcsUnitsCounted |
. |
This attribute specifies what is counted by frame services. If set to
frames, frames are counted, else segments are counted.
modVcsAccountingFax |
. |
Each value corresponds to an accounting facility code, of which
there are currently 10 facility codes defined with codes H.00 to
H.09, and corresponding to the above 10 facilities.
Each of the above facilities may or may not be present and stored in
the Vc for accounting purposes, depending on the nature of the call.
For example, only those Vcs where a NUI (Network User Identifier)
is used for charging or identification purposes will have a NUI
stored in the Vc.
Description of bits:
modVcsGenerationMode |
. |
This attribute specifies part of the rules by which the network
generates accounting records. If set to bothEnds, then both ends of
the Vc generate accounting records. If set to singleEnd, then the
charged end of the Vc generates accounting records. In single end
generation mode, if the call does not clear gracefully, both ends of
the Vc will generate accounting record.
modVcsDefaultNumberingPlan |
. |
This attribute specifies the numbering plan used which determines
the address format: X.121-- the international numbering plan for
public packet switched data networks or E.164-- the international
numbering plan for ISDN and PSTN.
The default numbering plan does not need to be consistent across all
of the nodes in the network.
modVcsNetworkIdType |
. |
This attribute specifies whether the network uses a DNIC or INIC. It
is used by X.75 Gateways to indicate whether in network the DNIC
or INIC is used in various utilities. If it is DNIC it can be DNIC or
DCC type. If it is INIC it can be 4 digits only.
modVcsX121Type |
. |
This attribute specifies whether DNIC mode or DCC mode is used
in X.121 address of international calls.
If DCC is specified, then the first 3 digits of each DNA must be the
Network ID Code.
If this attribute is changed all Dnas in the network must start with
this code. Numbering plan is affected by the change.
modVcsNetworkIdCode |
. |
This attribute specifies the DNIC (Data Network ID Code) of the
network or DCC code.
modVcsX121IntlAddresses |
. |
This attribute indicates if any DTE is allowed to signal international
modVcsX121IntllPrefixDigit |
. |
This attribute indicates the prefix digit to be used for X.121
international calls. When this digit is provided the call will have full
international address.
modVcsX121MinAddressLength |
. |
This attribute indicates minimum length of x121 address.
modVcsX121MaxAddressLength |
. |
This attribute indicates maximum length of x121 address.
modVcsX121ToE164EscapeSignificance |
. |
This attribute specifies whether an X.121 to E.164 escape digit has
significance in selecting an X.32 (analog) or an ISDN switched
path. If two values are significant (the value 0 or the value 9) then
yes is set to this attribute. If the value of the originally entered
escape digit is not significant in routing the call then value of no is
assigned to this attribute.
modVcsE164IntlFormatAllowed |
. |
This attribute indicates whether or not to allow national format
E.164 addresses. If this attribute is set to a value of Yes (=1) then
national format E.164 addresses are not allowed and international
format addresses only are allowed. If this attribute is set to a value
of No (=0), then national format E.164 addresses are allowed.
If only international format E.164 addresses are allowed, then the
'e164NatlPrefixDigit' attribute is not required, nor is the
'e164IntlPrefixDigits' required.
modVcsE164IntlPrefixDigits |
. |
This attribute specifies the E.164 international prefix digits. If
applicable, it is specified as 1 to 3 BCD digits.
The 3 BCD digits are stored with the length of the international
prefix in the low order nibble, nibble [0] followed by the most
significant digit of the international prefix in the next low order
nibble, nibble [1], etc.
This attribute is not required if the corresponding attribute,
'e164IntlFormatOnly' is set to a value of Yes (=1).
modVcsE164NatlPrefixDigit |
. |
This attribute contains the E.164 national prefix which may be
added in front of E.164 local or national call. If
e164IntlFormatOnly is set to 1, this attribute is not needed.
modVcsE164LocalAddressLength |
. |
This attribute indicates the length of a local E.164 DNA on this
module. This attribute is not required if the corresponding attribute,
e164IntlFormatOnly is set to a value of yes.
This attribute does not need to be consistent across all of the nodes
in the network.
modVcsE164TeleCountryCode |
. |
This attribute specifies the E.164 Telephone Country Code (TCC)
for the country in which the network resides. If applicable, it is
specified as 1 to 3 BCD digits.
The 3 BCD digits are stored with the length of the TCC in the low
order nibble, nibble [0] followed by the most significant digit of the
TCC in the next low order nibble, nibble [1], etc.
modVcsE164NatlMinAddressLength |
. |
This attribute indicates minimum length of e164 national address.
modVcsE164NatlMaxAddressLength |
. |
This attribute indicates maximum length of e164 national address.
modVcsE164IntlMinAddressLength |
. |
This attribute indicates minimum length of e164 international
modVcsE164IntlMaxAddressLength |
. |
This attribute indicates maximum length of e164 international
modVcsE164LocalMinAddressLength |
. |
This attribute indicates minimum length of e164 local address.
modVcsE164LocalMaxAddressLength |
. |
This attribute indicates maximum length of e164 local address.
modVcsHighPriorityPacketSizes |
. |
This attribute indicates which packet sizes are supported for high
priority calls within the network.
Description of bits:
modVcsMaxSubnetPacketSize |
. |
This attribute specifies the maximum subnet packet size used for the
connections originating or terminating on this module. All modules
in the same network should have the same maxSubnetPacketSize.
If this value is not identical throughout the network, the following
points need to be considered:
a) When Passport and DPN switches are connected in the same
network, the maxSubnetPacketSize on a DPN switch can be at most
2048 and the DPN part of the network must be configured with
hardware which supports this size:
- Dedicated PE386 Network link/Trunk
- Minimum measured link speed of 256Kbits/sec
This hardware has to be present on every potential data path
between connecting end points!
b) The calling end of the connection signals the
maxSubnetPacketSize value to the called end. The called end then
compares this value to its own provisioned value and selects the
smaller value. Note that this smaller value is not signalled back to
the calling end. The calling and called ends can therefore have
different maxSubnetPacketSize values.
modVcsCallSetupTimer |
. |
This attribute specifies the Vc callSetupTimer in units of 1 second
ticks. This timer specifies how long the Vc will wait, after sending
a subnet Call Request packet into the network, for a response from
the remote end of the Vc (in the form of a subnet Raccept packet).
If, after sending a subnet Call packet into the network, a response is
not received within this time period, the Vc will time out, clearing
the call in the assumption that the remote end is unreachable. This
timer must be long enough to take into account the time required for
routing the subnet Call Request through the Source Call Routing
and the Destination Call Routing systems in order to be delivered to
the final destination.
modVcsCallRetryTimer |
. |
This attribute specifies, for Vc implementing Direct Calls with the
auto-call retry feature (including PVCs), the Vc callRetryTimer in
units of 1 second ticks. This timer specifies how long the Vc will
wait between unsuccessful call attempts.
modVcsDelaySubnetAcks |
. |
This attribute specifies delay acknowledgment timer mechanism.
If this attribute is set to no, then the Vc will automatically return
acknowledgment packets without delay. If this attribute is set to yes,
then the Vc will wait for one second in an attempt to piggyback the
acknowledgment packet on another credit or data packet. If the Vc
cannot piggyback the acknowledgment packet within this time, then
the packet is returned without piggybacking.
modVcsWinsPktIndex |
. |
This variable represents the next to last index for the
modVcsWinsTptIndex |
. |
This variable represents the final index for the
modVcsWinsValue |
. |
This variable represents an individual value for the