arcIndex |
. |
This object uniquely identifies a resource, which is under the
arcState's control for the associated arcAlarmType.
For example, if the resource is an interface, this object will
point to an instance of interface, e.g., ifIndex.1.
arcAlarmType |
. |
This object identifies the alarm condition type controlled by the
arcState. It specifies the value 0 or a value of
IANAItuProbableCause that is applicable to the resource.
IANAItuProbableCause is defined in the IANA-ITU-ALARM-TC
module in the Alarm MIB document.
The value of zero (0) implies any probable causes that are
applicable to the resource. Usually, the applicable probable
causes of a resource are specified in the resource-specific mib.
arcNotificationId |
. |
This object identifies the type of notification to be suppressed.
The notification type identified should be the one normally used
by the resource for reporting its alarms. When the value of 0.0 is
specified for this object, it implies all applicable notification
arcState |
. |
Defined in M.3100 Amendment 3 [M.3100 Amd3], there are five
ARC states: alm, nalm, nalmQI, nalmQICD, and nalmTI.
alm: Alarm reporting is turned on (i.e., is allowed).
nalm: Alarm reporting is turned off (i.e., not allowed).
nalmQI: nalm - Qualified Inhibit. Alarm reporting is
turned off until the managed entity is qualified
problem-free for an optional persistence interval.
Problem-free means that the condition corresponding
to the specified alarm type is cleared.
nalmQICD: nalmQI - Count down. This is a substate of nalmQI
and performs the persistence timing countdown
function after the managed entity is qualified
nalmTI: nalm - Timed Inhibit. Alarm reporting is turned
off for a specified time interval.
alm may transition to nalm, nalmQI or nalmTI by management request.
nalm may transition to alm, nalmQI or nalmTI by management request.
nalmQI may transition to nalm or alm by management request.
nalmQI may transition to alm automatically
if qualified problem-free (if nalmQICD is not supported) or
if the CD timer expired (if nalmQICD is supported)
nalmTI may transition to alm or nalm by management request.
nalmTI may transition to alm automatically if the TI timer expired.
Further details of ARC state transitions are defined in Figure 3
of M.3100 Amd3 [M.3100 Amd3].
According to the requirements in M.3100 Amd3, a resource
supporting the ARC feature shall support the alm state and at
least one of the nalm, nalmTI, and nalmQI states. The nalmQICD
state is an optional substate of nalmQI.
The arcState object controls the alarm reporting state of a
resource. Note that the state alm (alarm reporting is allowed) is
not listed in the enumeration of the value of this object. However,
this state is implicitly supported by the mib.
Once a resource enters the normal reporting mode (i.e., in the alm
state) for the specified alarm type, the corresponding
row will be automatically deleted from the arc table.
Also the manual setting of arcState to alm can be achieved through
setting the RowStatus object to 'destroy'.
The nalamQICD state is a transitional state from nalmQI to alm. It
is optional depending on the resource type and the implementation
of the resource. If it is supported, before the state
transitions from nalmQI to alm, a count down period is activated
for a duration set by the object arcNalmCDTimeInterval. When the
time is up, the arcState transitions to alm.
arcNalmTimeRemaining |
. |
This variable indicates the time remaining in the nalmTI state
or the nalmQICD state, in units of second.
At the moment the resource enters the nalmTI state, this variable
will have the initial value equal to the value of
arcNalmTITimeInterval and then starts decrementing as time goes by.
Similarly at the moment the resource enters the nalmQICD state,
this variable will have the initial value equal to the value of
arcNalmCDTimeInterval and then starts decrementing as time goes by.
This variable is read-create and thus will allow the manager to
write (extend or shorten), as needed, the remaining time when the
resource is in the nalmTI or nalmQICD state.
If this variable is supported and the resource is currently not in
the nalmTI nor nalmQICD state, the value of this variable shall
equal to zero.
arcRowStatus |
. |
This columnar object is used for creating and deleting a conceptual
row of the arcTable. It is used to create and delete an arc
Setting RowStatus to createAndGo or createAndWait implies creating
a new ARC setting for the specified resource and alarm type.
Setting RowStatus to destroy implies removing the ARC setting and
thus has the effect of resuming normal reporting behaviour of the
resource for the alarm type.
Only the objects arcState, arcNalmTimeRemaining, and arcRowStatus
can be updated when a row is active. All the objects, except
arcNalmTimeRemaining, must be set before the row can be activated.
arcStorageType |
. |
The storage type for this conceptual row.
Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' must
allow write-access at a minimum to arcState.
Note that arcState must allow change by management request.
Therefore, no row can be created with 'readOnly'.
If a set operation tries to set the value to 'readOnly',
then an 'inconsistentValue' error must be returned.