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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » RFC » ETHER-WIS » Objects

ETHER-WIS.mib object view, vendor RFC


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file ETHER-WIS and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

ETHER-WIS file content

Object view of ETHER-WIS:

Scalar Object
etherWisDeviceEntry .
An entry in the Ethernet WIS device table. For each instance of this object there MUST be a corresponding instance of sonetMediumEntry.
etherWisSectionCurrentEntry .
An entry in the etherWisSectionCurrentTable. For each instance of this object there MUST be a corresponding instance of sonetSectionCurrentEntry.
etherWisPathCurrentEntry .
An entry in the etherWisPathCurrentTable. For each instance of this object there MUST be a corresponding instance of sonetPathCurrentEntry.
etherWisFarEndPathCurrentEntry .
An entry in the etherWisFarEndPathCurrentTable. For each instance of this object there MUST be a corresponding instance of sonetFarEndPathCurrentEntry.
Tabular Object
etherWisDeviceTxTestPatternMode .
This variable controls the transmit test pattern mode. The value none(1) puts the the WIS transmit path into the normal operating mode. The value squareWave(2) puts the WIS transmit path into the square wave test pattern mode described in [IEEE 802.3 Std.] subclause The value prbs31(3) puts the WIS transmit path into the PRBS31 test pattern mode described in [IEEE 802.3 Std.] subclause The value mixedFrequency(4) puts the WIS transmit path into the mixed frequency test pattern mode described in [IEEE 802.3 Std.] subclause Any attempt to set this object to a value other than none(1) when the corresponding instance of ifAdminStatus has the value up(1) MUST be rejected with the error inconsistentValue, and any attempt to set the corresponding instance of ifAdminStatus to the value up(1) when an instance of this object has a value other than none(1) MUST be rejected with the error inconsistentValue.
etherWisDeviceRxTestPatternMode .
This variable controls the receive test pattern mode. The value none(1) puts the the WIS receive path into the normal operating mode. The value prbs31(3) puts the WIS receive path into the PRBS31 test pattern mode described in [IEEE 802.3 Std.] subclause The value mixedFrequency(4) puts the WIS receive path into the mixed frequency test pattern mode described in [IEEE 802.3 Std.] subclause Any attempt to set this object to a value other than none(1) when the corresponding instance of ifAdminStatus has the value up(1) MUST be rejected with the error inconsistentValue, and any attempt to set the corresponding instance of ifAdminStatus to the value up(1) when an instance of this object has a value other than none(1) MUST be rejected with the error inconsistentValue.
etherWisDeviceRxTestPatternErrors .
This object counts the number of errors detected when the WIS receive path is operating in the PRBS31 test pattern mode. It is reset to zero when the WIS receive path initially enters that mode, and it increments each time the PRBS pattern checker detects an error as described in [IEEE 802.3 Std.] subclause unless its value is 65535, in which case it remains unchanged. This object is writeable so that it may be reset upon explicit request of a command generator application while the WIS receive path continues to operate in PRBS31 test pattern mode.
etherWisSectionCurrentJ0Transmitted .
This is the 16-octet section trace message that is transmitted in the J0 byte. The value SHOULD be '89'h followed by fifteen octets of '00'h (or some cyclic shift thereof) when the section trace function is not used, and the implementation SHOULD use that value (or a cyclic shift thereof) as a default if no other value has been set.
etherWisSectionCurrentJ0Received .
This is the 16-octet section trace message that was most recently received in the J0 byte.
etherWisPathCurrentStatus .
This variable indicates the current status of the path payload with a bit map that can indicate multiple defects at once. The bit positions are assigned as follows: etherWisPathLOP(0) This bit is set to indicate that an LOP-P (Loss of Pointer - Path) defect is being experienced. Note: when this bit is set, sonetPathSTSLOP MUST be set in the corresponding instance of sonetPathCurrentStatus. etherWisPathAIS(1) This bit is set to indicate that an AIS-P (Alarm Indication Signal - Path) defect is being experienced. Note: when this bit is set, sonetPathSTSAIS MUST be set in the corresponding instance of sonetPathCurrentStatus. etherWisPathPLM(1) This bit is set to indicate that a PLM-P (Payload Label Mismatch - Path) defect is being experienced. Note: when this bit is set, sonetPathSignalLabelMismatch MUST be set in the corresponding instance of sonetPathCurrentStatus. etherWisPathLCD(3) This bit is set to indicate that an LCD-P (Loss of Codegroup Delination - Path) defect is being experienced. Since this defect is detected by the PCS and not by the path layer itself, there is no corresponding bit in sonetPathCurrentStatus.
etherWisPathCurrentJ1Transmitted .
This is the 16-octet path trace message that is transmitted in the J1 byte. The value SHOULD be '89'h followed by fifteen octets of '00'h (or some cyclic shift thereof) when the path trace function is not used, and the implementation SHOULD use that value (or a cyclic shift thereof) as a default if no other value has been set.
etherWisPathCurrentJ1Received .
This is the 16-octet path trace message that was most recently received in the J1 byte.
etherWisFarEndPathCurrentStatus .
This variable indicates the current status at the far end of the path using a bit map that can indicate multiple defects at once. The bit positions are assigned as follows: etherWisFarEndPayloadDefect(0) A far end payload defect (i.e., far end PLM-P or LCD-P) is currently being signaled in G1 bits 5-7. etherWisFarEndServerDefect(1) A far end server defect (i.e., far end LOP-P or AIS-P) is currently being signaled in G1 bits 5-7. Note: when this bit is set, sonetPathSTSRDI MUST be set in the corresponding instance of sonetPathCurrentStatus.
etherWisDeviceTable .
The table for Ethernet WIS devices
etherWisSectionCurrentTable .
The table for the current state of Ethernet WIS sections.
etherWisPathCurrentTable .
The table for the current state of Ethernet WIS paths.
etherWisFarEndPathCurrentTable .
The table for the current far-end state of Ethernet WIS paths.
Object Identifier
etherWisMIB .
The objects in this MIB module are used in conjunction with objects in the SONET-MIB and the MAU-MIB to manage the Ethernet WAN Interface Sublayer (WIS). The following reference is used throughout this MIB module: [IEEE 802.3 Std] refers to: IEEE Std 802.3, 2000 Edition: 'IEEE Standard for Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer specifications', as amended by IEEE Std 802.3ae-2002, 'IEEE Standard for Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications - Media Access Control (MAC) Parameters, Physical Layer and Management Parameters for 10 Gb/s Operation', 30 August 2002. Of particular interest are Clause 50, 'WAN Interface Sublayer (WIS), type 10GBASE-W', Clause 30, '10Mb/s, 100Mb/s, 1000Mb/s, and 10Gb/s MAC Control, and Link Aggregation Management', and Clause 45, 'Management Data Input/Output (MDIO) Interface'. Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). This version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3637; see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
etherWisObjects .
etherWisObjectsPath .
etherWisConformance .
etherWisDevice .
etherWisSection .
etherWisPath .
etherWisFarEndPath .
etherWisGroups .
etherWisCompliances .
etherWisDeviceGroupBasic .
A collection of objects that support test features required of all WIS devices.
etherWisDeviceGroupExtra .
A collection of objects that support optional WIS device test features.
etherWisSectionGroup .
A collection of objects that provide required information about a WIS section.
etherWisPathGroup .
A collection of objects that provide required information about a WIS path.
etherWisFarEndPathGroup .
A collection of objects that provide required information about the far end of a WIS path.