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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » RFC » Finisher-MIB

Finisher-MIB device MIB details by RFC

Finisher-MIB file content

The SNMP protocol is used to for conveying information and commands between agents and managing entities. SNMP uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the transport protocol for passing data between managers and agents. The reasons for using UDP for SNMP are, firstly it has low overheads in comparison to TCP, which uses a 3-way hand shake for connection. Secondly, in congested networks, SNMP over TCP is a bad idea because TCP in order to maintain reliability will flood the network with retransmissions.

Management information (MIB) is represented as a collection of managed objects. These objects together form a virtual information base called MIB. An agent may implement many MIBs, but all agents must implement a particular MIB called MIB-II [16]. This standard defines variables for things such as interface statistics (interface speeds, MTU, octets sent, octets received, etc.) as well as various other things pertaining to the system itself (system location, system contact, etc.). The main goal of MIB-II is to provide general TCP/IP management information.

Use ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 to import vendor-specific MIB files, inclusing Finisher-MIB.

Vendor: RFC
Mib: Finisher-MIB  [download]  [view objects]
Tool: ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 [download]    (ships with advanced SNMP/MIB tools)
-- WinAgents MIB Extraction Wizard
-- Extracted from rfc3806.txt 16.03.2005 20:22:02


    MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, mib-2
        FROM SNMPv2-SMI                                  -- [RFC2578]
        FROM SNMPv2-CONF                                 -- [RFC2580]
        FROM HOST-RESOURCES-MIB                          -- [RFC2790]
    PrtInputTypeTC, PrtMarkerSuppliesTypeTC
        FROM IANA-PRINTER-MIB                            -- [RFC3805]
    printmib, PrtSubUnitStatusTC, PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC,
        PrtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnitTC, PrtMediaUnitTC,
        PrtCapacityUnitTC, PrtMarkerSuppliesClassTC,
        PresentOnOff, prtMIBConformance
        FROM Printer-MIB                                 -- [RFC3805]
    FinDeviceTypeTC, FinAttributeTypeTC

    LAST-UPDATED "200406020000Z"
    ORGANIZATION "PWG IEEE/ISTO Printer Working Group"

        "Harry Lewis
        Phone (303) 924-5337

        Send comments to the printmib WG using the Finisher MIB
        Project (FIN) Mailing List:

        For further information, access the PWG web page under 'Finisher

        Implementers of this specification are encouraged to join the
        fin mailing list in order to participate in discussions on any
        clarifications needed and registration proposals being reviewed
        in order to achieve consensus."
        "The MIB module for management of printers.
         Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004). This
         version of this MIB module was published

         in RFC 3806. For full legal notices see the RFC itself."
    REVISION "200406020000Z"
        "The original version of this MIB."
    ::= { mib-2  111 }

 -- Finisher Device Group (Mandatory)
-- A printer may support zero or more finishing subunits.  A
-- finishing device subunit may be associated with one or more
-- output subunits and one or more media path subunits.

finDevice  OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::=  { printmib 30 }

finDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF FinDeviceEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
      "This table defines the finishing device subunits,
       including information regarding possible configuration
       options and the status for each finisher device subunit."
    ::= { finDevice 1 }

finDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      FinDeviceEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
      "There is an entry in the finishing device table for each
       possible finisher process.  Each individual finisher process is
       implemented by a finishing device represented in this table."
    INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, finDeviceIndex }
    ::= { finDeviceTable 1 }

FinDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      finDeviceIndex                 Integer32,
      finDeviceType                  FinDeviceTypeTC,
      finDevicePresentOnOff          PresentOnOff,
      finDeviceCapacityUnit          PrtCapacityUnitTC,
      finDeviceMaxCapacity           Integer32,
      finDeviceCurrentCapacity       Integer32,
      finDeviceAssociatedMediaPaths  OCTET STRING,
      finDeviceAssociatedOutputs     OCTET STRING,
      finDeviceStatus                PrtSubUnitStatusTC,
      finDeviceDescription           PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC

finDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
      "A unique value used to identify a finisher process.
       Although these values may change due to a major
       reconfiguration of the printer system (e.g., the addition
       of new finishing processes), the values are normally
       expected to remain stable across successive power cycles."
    ::= { finDeviceEntry 1 }

finDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      FinDeviceTypeTC
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "Defines the type of finishing process associated with this
       table row entry."
    ::= { finDeviceEntry 2 }

finDevicePresentOnOff OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PresentOnOff
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
      "Indicates if this finishing device subunit is available
       and whether the device subunit is enabled."
    DEFVAL      { notPresent }
    ::= { finDeviceEntry 3 }

finDeviceCapacityUnit OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PrtCapacityUnitTC
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "The unit of measure for specifying the capacity of this
       finisher device subunit."
    ::= { finDeviceEntry 4 }

finDeviceMaxCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
      "The maximum capacity of this finisher device subunit in
       finDeviceCapacityUnits.  If the device can reliably sense
       this value, the value is sensed by the finisher device

       and is read-only: otherwise the value may be written by a
       management or control console application.  The value (-1)
       means other and specifically indicates that the device
       places no restrictions on this parameter.  The value (-2)
       means unknown."
    DEFVAL      { -2 }      -- unknown

    ::= { finDeviceEntry 5 }

finDeviceCurrentCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
      "The current capacity of this finisher device subunit in
       finDeviceCapacityUnits.  If the device can reliably sense
       this value, the value is sensed by the finisher and is
       read-only: otherwise the value may be written by a
       management or control console application.  The value (-1)
       means other and specifically indicates that the device
       places no restrictions on this parameter.  The value (-2)
       means unknown."
    DEFVAL      { -2 }      -- unknown

    ::= { finDeviceEntry 6 }

finDeviceAssociatedMediaPaths OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..63))
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "Indicates the media paths which can supply media for this
       finisher device.  The value of this object is a bit map in an
       octet string with each position representing the value of a
       prtMediaPathIndex.  For a media path that can be a source
       for this finisher device subunit, the bit position equal
       to one less than the value of prtMediaPathIndex will be set.
       The bits are numbered starting with the most significant bit of
       the first byte being bit 0, the least significant bit of the
       first byte being bit 7, the most significant of the second byte
       being bit 8, and so on."
    ::= { finDeviceEntry 7 }

finDeviceAssociatedOutputs OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..63))
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "Indicates the printer output subunits this finisher device
       subunit services.  The value of this object is a bit map in an

       octet string with each position representing the value of a
       prtOutputIndex.  For an output subunit that is serviced
       by this finisher device subunit, the bit position equal
       to one less than the value of prtOutputIndex will be set.
       The bits are numbered starting with the most significant bit of
       the first byte being bit 0, the least significant bit of the
       first byte being bit 7, the most significant of the second byte
       being bit 8, and so on."
    ::= { finDeviceEntry 8 }

finDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PrtSubUnitStatusTC
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "Indicates the current status of this finisher device
    DEFVAL      { 5 }      -- unknown

    ::= { finDeviceEntry 9 }

finDeviceDescription OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "A free form text description of this device subunit in the
       localization specified by prtGeneralCurrentLocalization."
    ::= { finDeviceEntry 10 }

-- Finisher Supply Group (Mandatory)
-- A finisher device, but not all finisher devices, may have one or more
-- supplies associated with it.  For example a finisher may use both
-- binding tape and stitching wire supplies. A finisher may also have
-- more than one source for a given type of supply e.g., multiple supply
-- sources of ink for imprinters.

finSupply  OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::=  { printmib 31 }

finSupplyTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF FinSupplyEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
      "Each unique source of supply is an entry in the finisher
       supply table. Each supply entry has its own
       characteristics associated with it such as colorant and

       current supply level."
    ::= { finSupply 1 }

finSupplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     FinSupplyEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
      "A list of finisher devices, with their associated
       supplies and supplies characteristics."
    INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, finSupplyIndex }
    ::= { finSupplyTable 1 }

FinSupplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      finSupplyIndex               Integer32,
      finSupplyDeviceIndex         Integer32,
      finSupplyClass               PrtMarkerSuppliesClassTC,
      finSupplyType                PrtMarkerSuppliesTypeTC,
      finSupplyDescription         PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC,
      finSupplyUnit                PrtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnitTC,
      finSupplyMaxCapacity         Integer32,
      finSupplyCurrentLevel        Integer32,
      finSupplyColorName           OCTET STRING

finSupplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
      "A unique value used by a finisher to identify this supply
       container/receptacle.  Although these values may change
       due to a major reconfiguration of the finisher (e.g., the
       addition of new supply sources to the finisher), values
       are normally expected to remain stable across successive
       power cycles."
    ::= { finSupplyEntry 1 }

finSupplyDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "The value of finDeviceIndex corresponding to the finishing
       device subunit with which this finisher supply is associated.
       The value zero indicates the associated finishing device is
    ::= { finSupplyEntry 2 }

finSupplyClass OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PrtMarkerSuppliesClassTC
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "This value indicates whether this supply entity
       represents a supply that is consumed or a container that
       is filled."
    ::= { finSupplyEntry 3 }

finSupplyType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PrtMarkerSuppliesTypeTC
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "The type of this supply."
    ::= { finSupplyEntry 4 }

finSupplyDescription OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "The description of this supply/receptacle in text useful
       for operators and management applications and in the
       localization specified by prtGeneralCurrentLocalization."
    ::= { finSupplyEntry 5 }

finSupplyUnit OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PrtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnitTC
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "Unit of measure of this finisher supply container or
    ::= { finSupplyEntry 6 }

finSupplyMaxCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
      "The maximum capacity of this supply container/receptacle
       expressed in Supply Units.  If this supply container/
       receptacle can reliably sense this value, the value is
       sensed  and is read-only; otherwise the value may be
       written by a control panel or management application.  The
       value (-1) means other and places no restrictions on this

       parameter.  The value (-2) means unknown."
    DEFVAL      { -2 }      -- unknown

    ::= { finSupplyEntry 7 }

finSupplyCurrentLevel OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (-3..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
      "The current level if this supply is a container; the
       remaining space if this supply is a receptacle. If this
       supply container/receptacle can reliably sense this value,
       the value is sensed and is read-only; otherwise the value
       may be written by a control panel or management
       application.  The value (-1) means other and places no
       restrictions on this parameter. The value (-2) means
       unknown.  A value of (-3) means that the printer knows there
       is some supply or remaining space."
    DEFVAL      { -2 }      -- unknown

    ::= { finSupplyEntry 8 }

--             Capacity Attribute Relationships
--                 MEDIA INPUT MEASUREMENT
--     _______ |                   |
--      |      |                   |
--      |      |                   |                   |
--      |      |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| ________________  |direction
--      |      |                   |      |            v
-- MaxCapacity |                   |      |
--      |      | Sheets remaining  | CurrentLevel
--      |      |                   |      |
--      v      |                   |      v
--     _______ +___________________+ _______

finSupplyColorName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "The name of the color associated with this supply."

       "The PWG Standardized Media Names specification [PWGMEDIA],
        section 4 Media Color Names, contains the recommended values

        for this object. Implementers may add additional string values.
        The naming conventions in ISO 9070 are recommended in order to
        avoid potential name clashes."
    ::= { finSupplyEntry 9 }

-- Finisher Supply, Media Input Group (Conditionally Mandatory)
-- A finisher device may have one or more associated supply media
-- inputs.  Each entry in this table defines an input for a
-- supply media type such as inserts, covers, etc.
-- This group is mandatory only if the printer system contains a
-- finisher device that requires a media supply used exclusively by a
-- finishing process.  Examples are inserts or covers that are not
-- supplied by an input subunit that provides media to the marker.

finSupplyMediaInput  OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::=  { printmib 32 }

finSupplyMediaInputTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF FinSupplyMediaInputEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
      "The input subunits associated with a finisher supply media
       are each represented by an entry in this table."
::= { finSupplyMediaInput 1 }

finSupplyMediaInputEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     FinSupplyMediaInputEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
      "A list of finisher supply media input subunit features and
    INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, finSupplyMediaInputIndex }
    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputTable 1 }

FinSupplyMediaInputEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      finSupplyMediaInputIndex            Integer32,
      finSupplyMediaInputDeviceIndex      Integer32,
      finSupplyMediaInputSupplyIndex      Integer32,
      finSupplyMediaInputType             PrtInputTypeTC,
      finSupplyMediaInputDimUnit          PrtMediaUnitTC,
      finSupplyMediaInputMediaDimFeedDir  Integer32,
      finSupplyMediaInputMediaDimXFeedDir Integer32,
      finSupplyMediaInputStatus           PrtSubUnitStatusTC,
      finSupplyMediaInputMediaName      OCTET STRING,

      finSupplyMediaInputName           OCTET STRING,
      finSupplyMediaInputDescription    PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC,
      finSupplyMediaInputSecurity       PresentOnOff,
      finSupplyMediaInputMediaWeight    Integer32,
      finSupplyMediaInputMediaThickness Integer32,
      finSupplyMediaInputMediaType      OCTET STRING

finSupplyMediaInputIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
      "A unique value used by a finisher to identify this supply
       media input subunit.  Although these values may change
       due to a major reconfiguration of the finisher (e.g., the
       addition of new supply media input sources to the
       finisher), values are normally expected to remain stable
       across successive power cycles."
    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputEntry 1 }

finSupplyMediaInputDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "The value of finDeviceIndex corresponding to the finishing
       device subunit with which this finisher media supply is
       associated.  The value zero indicates the associated device
       is unknown."
    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputEntry 2 }

finSupplyMediaInputSupplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "The value of finSupplyIndex corresponding to the finishing
       supply subunit with which this finisher media supply is
       associated.  The value zero indicates the associated finishing
       supply is unknown or there is no applicable finisher supply
       table entry."
    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputEntry 3 }

finSupplyMediaInputType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PrtInputTypeTC
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current

      "The type of technology (discriminated primarily according
       to the feeder mechanism type) employed by the input
    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputEntry 4 }

finSupplyMediaInputDimUnit OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PrtMediaUnitTC
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "The unit of measure for specifying dimensional values for
       this input device."
    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputEntry 5 }

finSupplyMediaInputMediaDimFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
      "This object provides the value of the dimension in the
       feed direction of the media that is placed or will be
       placed in this input device.  Feed dimension measurements
       are taken parallel to the feed direction of the device and
       measured in finSupplyMediaInputDimUnits.  If this input
       device can reliably sense this value, the value is sensed
       and is read-only access. Otherwise the value is read-write
       access and may be written by management or control panel
       applications. The value (-1) means other and specifically
       indicates that this device places no restrictions on this
       parameter. The value (-2) indicates unknown. "
    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputEntry 6 }

finSupplyMediaInputMediaDimXFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
      "This object provides the value of the dimension across the
       feed direction of the media that is placed or will be
       placed in this input device.  The cross feed direction is
       ninety degrees relative to the feed direction on this
       device and measured in finSupplyMediaInputDimUnits.  If
       this input device can reliably sense this value, the value
       is sensed and is read-only access. Otherwise the value is
       read-write access and may be written by management or
       control panel applications. The value (-1) means other and
       specifically indicates that this device places no

       restrictions on this parameter. The value (-2) indicates
       unknown. "
    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputEntry 7 }

finSupplyMediaInputStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PrtSubUnitStatusTC
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "This value indicates the current status of this input
    DEFVAL      { 5 }      -- unknown

    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputEntry 8 }

finSupplyMediaInputMediaName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
      "The name of the current media contained in this input
       device. Examples are Engineering Manual Cover, Section A Tab
       Divider or any ISO standard names."
    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputEntry 9 }

finSupplyMediaInputName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
      "The name assigned to this input subunit."
    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputEntry 10 }

finSupplyMediaInputDescription OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
      "A free form text description of this input subunit in the
       localization specified by prtGeneralCurrentLocalization."
    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputEntry 11 }

finSupplyMediaInputSecurity OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PresentOnOff
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
      "Indicates if this subunit has some security associated
       with it."

    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputEntry 12 }

finSupplyMediaInputMediaWeight OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
      "The weight of the media associated with this Input device
       in grams per meter squared.  The value (-1) means other
       and specifically indicates that the device places no
       restriction on this parameter.  The value (-2) means
       unknown.  This object can be used to calculate the weight
       of individual pages processed by the document finisher.
       This value, when multiplied by the number of pages in a
       finished set, can be used to calculate the weight of a set
       before it is inserted into a mailing envelope."
    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputEntry 13 }

finSupplyMediaInputMediaThickness OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
      "This object identifies the thickness of the input media
       processed by this document input subunit measured in
       micrometers.  This value may be used by devices (or
       operators) to set up proper machine tolerances for the
       feeder operation.  The value (-2) indicates that the media
       thickness is unknown or not used in the setup for this
       input subunit."
    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputEntry 14 }

finSupplyMediaInputMediaType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
      "The name of the type of medium associated with this input
       subunit. "

       "The PWG Standardized Media Names specification [PWGMEDIA],
        section 3 Media Type Names, contains the recommended values
        for this object. Implementers may add additional string values.
        The naming conventions in ISO 9070 are recommended in order to
        avoid potential name clashes."
    ::= { finSupplyMediaInputEntry 15 }

-- Finisher Device Attribute Group (Mandatory)
-- A finisher device subunit may have one or more parameters that
-- cannot be specified by any other objects in the MIB.  The
-- Device Attribute group facilitates the definition of these
-- parameters.  The objects which define the attributes are
-- read-write, to allow both Set and Get operations.
-- At least one table entry must exist for each finisher device defined
-- by the MIB.  If no other entry is possible for a finisher device, the
-- deviceName(3) attribute MUST be returned.

finDeviceAttribute  OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::=  { printmib 33 }

finDeviceAttributeTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF FinDeviceAttributeEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
      "The attribute table defines special parameters that are
       applicable only to a minority of the finisher devices.
       An attribute table entry is used, rather than unique
       objects, to minimize the number of MIB objects and to
       allow for expansion without the addition of MIB objects.
       Each finisher device is represented by a separate row
       in the device subunit attribute table."
::= { finDeviceAttribute 1 }

finDeviceAttributeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     FinDeviceAttributeEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
      "Each entry defines a finisher function parameter that
       cannot be represented by an object in the finisher
       device subunit table."
    INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, finDeviceIndex,
             finDeviceAttributeInstanceIndex }
::= { finDeviceAttributeTable 1 }

FinDeviceAttributeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      finDeviceAttributeTypeIndex        FinAttributeTypeTC,
      finDeviceAttributeInstanceIndex    Integer32,
      finDeviceAttributeValueAsInteger   Integer32,
      finDeviceAttributeValueAsOctets    OCTET STRING

finDeviceAttributeTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      FinAttributeTypeTC
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
      "Defines the attribute type represented by this row."
    ::= { finDeviceAttributeEntry 1 }

finDeviceAttributeInstanceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
      "An index that allows the discrimination of an attribute
       instance when the same attribute occurs multiple times for
       a specific instance of a finisher function.  The value of
       this index shall be 1 if only a single instance of the
       attribute occurs for the specific finisher function.
       Additional values shall be assigned in a contiguous manner."
    ::= { finDeviceAttributeEntry 2 }

finDeviceAttributeValueAsInteger OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
      "Defines the integer value of the attribute.  The value of
       the attribute is represented as an integer if the
       finAttributeTypeTC description for the attribute has the
       tag 'INTEGER:'.

       Depending upon the attribute enum definition, this object
       may be either an integer, a counter, an index, or an enum.
       Attributes for which the concept of an integer value is
       not meaningful SHALL return a value of -1 for this
    DEFVAL      { -2 }      -- unknown

    ::= { finDeviceAttributeEntry 3 }

finDeviceAttributeValueAsOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..63))
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
      "Contains the octet string value of the attribute.  The
       value of the attribute is represented as a string if the
       finAttributeTypeTC description for the attribute has the
       tag 'OCTETS:'.

       Depending upon the attribute enum definition, this object
       may be either a coded character set string (text) or a
       binary octet string.  Attributes for which the concept of
       an octet string value is not meaningful SHALL contain a
       zero length string."
    DEFVAL      { ''H }      -- empty string

    ::= { finDeviceAttributeEntry 4 }

-- Conformance Information

-- compliance statements

    STATUS  current
        "The compliance statement for agents that implement the
        finisher MIB."
    MODULE -- this module
    MANDATORY-GROUPS { finDeviceGroup, finSupplyGroup,
                       finDeviceAttributeGroup }

        OBJECT      finDevicePresentOnOff
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        OBJECT      finDeviceMaxCapacity
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        OBJECT      finDeviceCurrentCapacity
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        OBJECT      finSupplyMaxCapacity
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        OBJECT      finSupplyCurrentLevel
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        OBJECT      finSupplyMediaInputMediaDimFeedDir

        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        OBJECT      finSupplyMediaInputMediaDimXFeedDir
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        OBJECT      finSupplyMediaInputMediaName
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        OBJECT      finSupplyMediaInputName
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        OBJECT      finSupplyMediaInputSecurity
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        OBJECT      finSupplyMediaInputMediaWeight
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        OBJECT      finSupplyMediaInputMediaThickness
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        OBJECT      finSupplyMediaInputMediaType
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        OBJECT      finDeviceAttributeValueAsInteger
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        OBJECT      finDeviceAttributeValueAsOctets
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        GROUP       finSupplyMediaInputGroup
            "This group is conditionally mandatory and must be included
             if a finisher device requires a media supply that is used
             exclusively by a finishing process."

    ::= { prtMIBConformance 5 }

finMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prtMIBConformance 6 }

finDeviceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { finDeviceType, finDevicePresentOnOff,
              finDeviceCapacityUnit, finDeviceMaxCapacity,
              finDeviceCurrentCapacity, finDeviceAssociatedMediaPaths,
              finDeviceAssociatedOutputs, finDeviceStatus,
              finDeviceDescription }
    STATUS  current
        "The finisher device group."
    ::= { finMIBGroups 1 }

finSupplyGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { finSupplyDeviceIndex, finSupplyClass, finSupplyType,
              finSupplyDescription, finSupplyUnit, finSupplyMaxCapacity,
              finSupplyCurrentLevel, finSupplyColorName }
    STATUS  current
        "The finisher supply group."
    ::= { finMIBGroups 2 }

finSupplyMediaInputGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { finSupplyMediaInputDeviceIndex,
              finSupplyMediaInputSupplyIndex, finSupplyMediaInputType,
              finSupplyMediaInputStatus, finSupplyMediaInputMediaName,
              finSupplyMediaInputName, finSupplyMediaInputDescription,
              finSupplyMediaInputMediaType }
    STATUS  current
        "The finisher supply, media input group."
    ::= { finMIBGroups 3 }

finDeviceAttributeGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { finDeviceAttributeValueAsInteger,
              finDeviceAttributeValueAsOctets }
    STATUS  current
        "The finisher device attribute group.  This group is mandatory
         for a finisher device that contains an inserter subunit."
    ::= { finMIBGroups 4 }