rs232PortIndex |
. |
The value of ifIndex for the port. By convention
and if possible, hardware port numbers map directly
to external connectors. The value for each port must
remain constant at least from one re-initialization
of the network management agent to the next.
rs232PortType |
. |
The port's hardware type.
rs232PortInSigNumber |
. |
The number of input signals for the port in the
input signal table (rs232PortInSigTable). The table
contains entries only for those signals the software
can detect and that are useful to observe.
rs232PortOutSigNumber |
. |
The number of output signals for the port in the
output signal table (rs232PortOutSigTable). The
table contains entries only for those signals the
software can assert and that are useful to observe.
rs232PortInSpeed |
. |
The port's input speed in bits per second. Note that
non-standard values, such as 9612, are probably not allowed
on most implementations.
rs232PortOutSpeed |
. |
The port's output speed in bits per second. Note that
non-standard values, such as 9612, are probably not allowed
on most implementations.
rs232PortInFlowType |
. |
The port's type of input flow control. 'none'
indicates no flow control at this level.
'ctsRts' and 'dsrDtr' indicate use of the indicated
hardware signals.
rs232PortOutFlowType |
. |
The port's type of output flow control. 'none'
indicates no flow control at this level.
'ctsRts' and 'dsrDtr' indicate use of the indicated
hardware signals.
rs232AsyncPortIndex |
. |
A unique value for each port. Its value is the
same as rs232PortIndex for the port.
rs232AsyncPortBits |
. |
The port's number of bits in a character.
rs232AsyncPortStopBits |
. |
The port's number of stop bits.
rs232AsyncPortParity |
. |
The port's sense of a character parity bit.
rs232AsyncPortAutobaud |
. |
A control for the port's ability to automatically
sense input speed.
When rs232PortAutoBaud is 'enabled', a port may
autobaud to values different from the set values for
speed, parity, and character size. As a result a
network management system may temporarily observe
values different from what was previously set.
rs232AsyncPortParityErrs |
. |
Total number of characters with a parity error,
input from the port since system re-initialization
and while the port state was 'up' or 'test'.
rs232AsyncPortFramingErrs |
. |
Total number of characters with a framing error,
input from the port since system re-initialization
and while the port state was 'up' or 'test'.
rs232AsyncPortOverrunErrs |
. |
Total number of characters with an overrun error,
input from the port since system re-initialization
and while the port state was 'up' or 'test'.
rs232SyncPortIndex |
. |
A unique value for each port. Its value is the
same as rs232PortIndex for the port.
rs232SyncPortClockSource |
. |
Source of the port's bit rate clock. 'split' means
the tranmit clock is internal and the receive clock
is external.
rs232SyncPortFrameCheckErrs |
. |
Total number of frames with an invalid frame check
sequence, input from the port since system
re-initialization and while the port state was 'up'
or 'test'.
rs232SyncPortTransmitUnderrunErrs |
. |
Total number of frames that failed to be
transmitted on the port since system
re-initialization and while the port state was 'up'
or 'test' because data was not available to the
transmitter in time.
rs232SyncPortReceiveOverrunErrs |
. |
Total number of frames that failed to be received
on the port since system re-initialization and while
the port state was 'up' or 'test' because the
receiver did not accept the data in time.
rs232SyncPortInterruptedFrames |
. |
Total number of frames that failed to be received
or transmitted on the port due to loss of modem
signals since system re-initialization and while the
port state was 'up' or 'test'.
rs232SyncPortAbortedFrames |
. |
Number of frames aborted on the port due to
receiving an abort sequence since system
re-initialization and while the port state was 'up'
or 'test'.
rs232SyncPortRole |
. |
The role the device is playing that is using this port.
dte means the device is performing the role of
data terminal equipment
dce means the device is performing the role of
data circuit-terminating equipment.
rs232SyncPortEncoding |
. |
The bit stream encoding technique that is in effect
for this port.
nrz for Non-Return to Zero encoding
nrzi for Non-Return to Zero Inverted encoding.
rs232SyncPortRTSControl |
. |
The method used to control the Request To Send (RTS)
controlled when the DTE is asserts RTS each time
data needs to be transmitted and drops
RTS at some point after data
transmission begins.
If rs232SyncPortRole is 'dte', the
RTS is an output signal. The device
will issue a RTS and wait for a CTS
from the DCE before starting to
If rs232SyncPortRole is 'dce', the
RTS is an input signal. The device
will issue a CTS only after having
received RTS and waiting the
rs232SyncPortRTSCTSDelay interval.
constant when the DTE constantly asserts RTS.
rs232SyncPortRTSCTSDelay |
. |
The interval (in milliseconds) that the DCE must wait
after it sees RTS asserted before asserting CTS. This
object exists in support of older synchronous devices
that cannot recognize CTS within a certain interval
after it asserts RTS.
rs232SyncPortMode |
. |
The mode of operation of the port with respect to the
direction and simultaneity of data transfer.
fdx when frames on the data link can be
transmitted and received at the same
hdx when frames can either be received
from the data link or transmitted
onto the data link but not at the
same time.
simplex-receive when frames can only be received on
this data link.
simplex-send when frames can only be sent on this
data link.
rs232SyncPortIdlePattern |
. |
The bit pattern used to indicate an idle line.
rs232SyncPortMinFlags |
. |
The minimum number of flag patterns this port needs in
order to recognize the end of one frame and the start
of the next. Plausible values are 1 and 2.
rs232InSigPortIndex |
. |
The value of rs232PortIndex for the port to which
this entry belongs.
rs232InSigName |
. |
Identification of a hardware signal, as follows:
rts Request to Send
cts Clear to Send
dsr Data Set Ready
dtr Data Terminal Ready
ri Ring Indicator
dcd Received Line Signal Detector
sq Signal Quality Detector
srs Data Signaling Rate Selector
srts Secondary Request to Send
scts Secondary Clear to Send
sdcd Secondary Received Line Signal Detector
rs232InSigState |
. |
The current signal state.
rs232InSigChanges |
. |
The number of times the signal has changed from
'on' to 'off' or from 'off' to 'on'.
rs232OutSigPortIndex |
. |
The value of rs232PortIndex for the port to which
this entry belongs.
rs232OutSigName |
. |
Identification of a hardware signal, as follows:
rts Request to Send
cts Clear to Send
dsr Data Set Ready
dtr Data Terminal Ready
ri Ring Indicator
dcd Received Line Signal Detector
sq Signal Quality Detector
srs Data Signaling Rate Selector
srts Secondary Request to Send
scts Secondary Clear to Send
sdcd Secondary Received Line Signal Detector
rs232OutSigState |
. |
The current signal state.
rs232OutSigChanges |
. |
The number of times the signal has changed from
'on' to 'off' or from 'off' to 'on'.