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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » RFC » SNMPv2-SMI

SNMPv2-SMI device MIB details by RFC

SNMPv2-SMI file content

The SNMP protocol is used to for conveying information and commands between agents and managing entities. SNMP uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the transport protocol for passing data between managers and agents. The reasons for using UDP for SNMP are, firstly it has low overheads in comparison to TCP, which uses a 3-way hand shake for connection. Secondly, in congested networks, SNMP over TCP is a bad idea because TCP in order to maintain reliability will flood the network with retransmissions.

Management information (MIB) is represented as a collection of managed objects. These objects together form a virtual information base called MIB. An agent may implement many MIBs, but all agents must implement a particular MIB called MIB-II [16]. This standard defines variables for things such as interface statistics (interface speeds, MTU, octets sent, octets received, etc.) as well as various other things pertaining to the system itself (system location, system contact, etc.). The main goal of MIB-II is to provide general TCP/IP management information.

Use ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 to import vendor-specific MIB files, inclusing SNMPv2-SMI.

Vendor: RFC
Mib: SNMPv2-SMI  [download]  [view objects]
Tool: ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 [download]    (ships with advanced SNMP/MIB tools)
-- WinAgents MIB Extraction Wizard
-- Extracted from rfc2578.txt 16.03.2005 20:21:49


-- the path to the root

org            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso 3 }  --  "iso" = 1
dod            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { org 6 }
internet       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dod 1 }

directory      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 1 }

mgmt           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 2 }
mib-2          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgmt 1 }
transmission   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 10 }

experimental   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 3 }

private        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 }
enterprises    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { private 1 }

security       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 5 }

snmpV2         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 6 }

-- transport domains
snmpDomains    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpV2 1 }

-- transport proxies
snmpProxys     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpV2 2 }

-- module identities
snmpModules    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpV2 3 }

-- Extended UTCTime, to allow dates with four-digit years
-- (Note that this definition of ExtUTCTime is not to be IMPORTed
--  by MIB modules.)
ExtUTCTime ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(11 | 13))
    --   where: YY   - last two digits of year (only years
    --                 between 1900-1999)
    --          YYYY - last four digits of the year (any year)
    --          MM   - month (01 through 12)
    --          DD   - day of month (01 through 31)
    --          HH   - hours (00 through 23)
    --          MM   - minutes (00 through 59)
    --          Z    - denotes GMT (the ASCII character Z)
    -- For example, "9502192015Z" and "199502192015Z" represent
    -- 8:15pm GMT on 19 February 1995. Years after 1999 must use
    -- the four digit year format. Years 1900-1999 may use the
    -- two or four digit format.

-- definitions for information modules

-- MIB Extraction: All MACRO definitions are predefined by compiler
-- commented by MIB Extraction: MODULE-IDENTITY MACRO ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction: BEGIN
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     TYPE NOTATION ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "LAST-UPDATED" value(Update ExtUTCTime)
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "ORGANIZATION" Text
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "CONTACT-INFO" Text
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "DESCRIPTION" Text
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   RevisionPart
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     VALUE NOTATION ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   value(VALUE OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     RevisionPart ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   Revisions
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | empty
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Revisions ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   Revision
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | Revisions Revision
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Revision ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "REVISION" value(Update ExtUTCTime)
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "DESCRIPTION" Text
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:      a character string as defined in section 3.1.1
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Text ::= value(IA5String)
-- commented by MIB Extraction: END

-- MIB Extraction: All MACRO definitions are predefined by compiler
-- commented by MIB Extraction: OBJECT-IDENTITY MACRO ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction: BEGIN
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     TYPE NOTATION ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "STATUS" Status
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "DESCRIPTION" Text
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   ReferPart
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     VALUE NOTATION ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   value(VALUE OBJECT IDENTIFIER)
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Status ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "current"
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | "deprecated"
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | "obsolete"
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     ReferPart ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "REFERENCE" Text
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | empty
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:      a character string as defined in section 3.1.1
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Text ::= value(IA5String)
-- commented by MIB Extraction: END

-- names of objects
-- (Note that these definitions of ObjectName and NotificationName
--  are not to be IMPORTed by MIB modules.)

ObjectName ::=

NotificationName ::=

-- syntax of objects

-- the "base types" defined here are:
--   8 application-defined types: Integer32, IpAddress, Counter32,
--              Gauge32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks, Opaque, and Counter64

ObjectSyntax ::=
    CHOICE {

          -- note that SEQUENCEs for conceptual tables and
          -- rows are not mentioned here...


-- built-in ASN.1 types

SimpleSyntax ::=
    CHOICE {
        -- INTEGERs with a more restrictive range
        -- may also be used
        integer-value               -- includes Integer32
            INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647),

        -- OCTET STRINGs with a more restrictive size
        -- may also be used
            OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..65535)),


-- indistinguishable from INTEGER, but never needs more than
-- 32-bits for a two's complement representation
Integer32 ::=
        INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647)

-- application-wide types

ApplicationSyntax ::=
    CHOICE {





        unsigned-integer-value  -- includes Gauge32

-- in network-byte order
-- (this is a tagged type for historical reasons)
IpAddress ::=

-- this wraps
Counter32 ::=
        IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)

-- this doesn't wrap
Gauge32 ::=
        IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)

-- an unsigned 32-bit quantity
-- indistinguishable from Gauge32
Unsigned32 ::=
        IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)

-- hundredths of seconds since an epoch
TimeTicks ::=
        IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)

-- for backward-compatibility only
Opaque ::=

-- for counters that wrap in less than one hour with only 32 bits
Counter64 ::=
        IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..18446744073709551615)

-- definition for objects

-- MIB Extraction: All MACRO definitions are predefined by compiler
-- commented by MIB Extraction: OBJECT-TYPE MACRO ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction: BEGIN
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     TYPE NOTATION ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "SYNTAX" Syntax
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   UnitsPart
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "MAX-ACCESS" Access
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "STATUS" Status
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "DESCRIPTION" Text
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   ReferPart
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   IndexPart
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   DefValPart
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     VALUE NOTATION ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   value(VALUE ObjectName)
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Syntax ::=    Must be one of the following:
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                         a base type (or its refinement),
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                         a textual convention (or its refinement), or
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                         a BITS pseudo-type
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                    type
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | "BITS" "{" NamedBits "}"
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     NamedBits ::= NamedBit
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | NamedBits "," NamedBit
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     NamedBit ::=  identifier "(" number ")"  number is nonnegative
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     UnitsPart ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "UNITS" Text
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | empty
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Access ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "not-accessible"
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | "accessible-for-notify"
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | "read-only"
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | "read-write"
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | "read-create"
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Status ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "current"
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | "deprecated"
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | "obsolete"
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     ReferPart ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "REFERENCE" Text
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | empty
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     IndexPart ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "INDEX"    "{" IndexTypes "}"
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | "AUGMENTS" "{" Entry      "}"
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | empty
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     IndexTypes ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   IndexType
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | IndexTypes "," IndexType
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     IndexType ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "IMPLIED" Index
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | Index
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Index ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                      use the SYNTAX value of the
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                      correspondent OBJECT-TYPE invocation
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   value(ObjectName)
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Entry ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                      use the INDEX value of the
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                      correspondent OBJECT-TYPE invocation
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   value(ObjectName)
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     DefValPart ::= "DEFVAL" "{" Defvalue "}"
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | empty
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Defvalue ::=   must be valid for the type specified in
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                    SYNTAX clause of same OBJECT-TYPE macro
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   value(ObjectSyntax)
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | "{" BitsValue "}"
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     BitsValue ::= BitNames
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | empty
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     BitNames ::=  BitName
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | BitNames "," BitName
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     BitName ::= identifier
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:      a character string as defined in section 3.1.1
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Text ::= value(IA5String)
-- commented by MIB Extraction: END

-- definitions for notifications

-- MIB Extraction: All MACRO definitions are predefined by compiler
-- commented by MIB Extraction: NOTIFICATION-TYPE MACRO ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction: BEGIN
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     TYPE NOTATION ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   ObjectsPart
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "STATUS" Status
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "DESCRIPTION" Text
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   ReferPart
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     VALUE NOTATION ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   value(VALUE NotificationName)
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     ObjectsPart ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "OBJECTS" "{" Objects "}"
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | empty
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Objects ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   Object
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | Objects "," Object
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Object ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   value(ObjectName)
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Status ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "current"
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | "deprecated"
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | "obsolete"
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     ReferPart ::=
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                   "REFERENCE" Text
-- commented by MIB Extraction:                 | empty
-- commented by MIB Extraction: 
-- commented by MIB Extraction:      a character string as defined in section 3.1.1
-- commented by MIB Extraction:     Text ::= value(IA5String)
-- commented by MIB Extraction: END

-- definitions of administrative identifiers

    STATUS     current
            "A value used for null identifiers."
    ::= { 0 0 }