sysID |
. |
sysReset |
. |
sysTrapPort |
. |
els10-27hwDiagCode |
. |
els10-27hwManufData |
. |
els10-27hwPortCount |
. |
els10-27hwPortEntry |
. |
els10-27hwUpLink |
. |
Specifies whether the Up-Link I/O module is existed
els10-27hwUpLinkManufData |
. |
This is a 32-byte array which contains the part number,
serial number, and hardware revision level of the Up-Link
I/O module. This array is valid only when the els10-27hwUplink
is true. If els10-27hwUplink is false, it returns an error
els10-27swNumber |
. |
els10-27swFilesetEntry |
. |
els10-27adminFatalErr |
. |
Information about last reset:
First byte, cause of reset, values:
00: power failure
01: WatchDog Timeout
02: Software Reset
03: NMS Shutdown
04-255: Fatal Error
Second byte, Hw/Sw component that failed
Remaining bytes, description of fault.
els10-27adminAnyPass |
. |
els10-27adminGetPass |
. |
els10-27adminNMSIPAddr |
. |
els10-27adminStorageFailure |
. |
els10-27adminAuthenticationFailure |
. |
els10-27adminNAMReceiveCongests |
. |
els10-27adminArpEntries |
. |
els10-27adminArpStatics |
. |
els10-27adminArpOverflows |
. |
els10-27adminIpEntries |
. |
els10-27adminIpStatics |
. |
els10-27adminStaticPreference |
. |
els10-27adminRipPreference |
. |
els10-27adminRipRouteDiscards |
. |
els10-27adminRebootConfig |
. |
els10-27adminDisableButton |
. |
els10-27adminButtonSelection |
. |
els10-27adminLEDProgramOption |
. |
els10-27swdisDesc |
. |
The description (0-32 bytes) of the software set currently
being downloaded, or a description of the software set last
downloaded since the FN1026 booted.
els10-27swdisAccess |
. |
The version of software that may be downloaded. Attempts to
download other versions of software will be rejected. The
value for swdisAccess is embedded within the software files
that are to be distributed via TFTP. Its value may be
derived from the names of the software files. the NMS operator
may wish to use the following special values:
protected (1) No software downloads will be accepted
any-software (2) A software download of any version of new
software will be accepted - this is the factory default
els10-27swdisWriteStatus |
. |
The status of the erase/write operation.
els10-27swdisConfigIp |
. |
The IP address of the NMS (i.e., any IP host) that is allowed
to use TFTP to send/retrieve the configuration file of the
FN1026. A value of (which is the factory specified
default) prevents any NMS from obtaining access, while a
value of gives every NMS permission.
els10-27swdisConfigRetryTime |
. |
The number of seconds that the FN1026 will wait for an
acknowledgment before it retransmits an unacknowledged TFTP
data block. The factory specified default is 5 seconds.
els10-27swdisConfigTotalTimeout |
. |
The number of seconds that the FN1026 will wait for an
acknowledgment to a data block before it cancels a TFTP
session. The factory specified default is 25 seconds.
els10-27addrStatics |
. |
els10-27addrDynamics |
. |
els10-27addrDynamicMax |
. |
els10-27addrDynamicOverflows |
. |
els10-27addrFlags |
. |
els10-27addrMAC |
. |
els10-27addrPort |
. |
els10-27addrOperation |
. |
els10-27addrIndex |
. |
els10-27addrNext |
. |
els10-27addrBlockSize |
. |
els10-27addrBlock |
. |
els10-27ifEntry |
. |
els10-27dot3Entry |
. |
els10-27uartEntry |
. |
els10-27debugStringID |
. |
els10-27debugString |
. |
els10-27debugEntry |
. |
els10-27lpbkEntry |
. |
els10-27protoEntry |
. |
Each entry in this table specifies which protocols are
used by a particular port in the ES/1.
els10-27trunkEntry |
. |
An entry exists in this table for each physical interface
(port) that is configured for trunking.
els10-27WorkGroupNextNumber |
. |
The next available workgroup number to be used. When creating
a new workgroup, it is recommended to read the value of the variable
and use it to key into the workgroup table.
els10-27WorkGroupCurrentCount |
. |
The total number of workgroups currently defined.
els10-27WorkGroupMaxCount |
. |
The maximum number of workgroups allowed.
els10-27WorkGroupEntry |
. |
Each entry in this table contains a definition of a work group.
els10-27trapControlEntry |
. |
els10-27trapSeverityControlEntry |
. |
els10-27trapIncludeText |
. |
Whether or not a formatted text string is included in the trap
els10-27trapTime |
. |
The time, in centiseconds, which should expire between the sending
of traps.
els10-27trapRetry |
. |
The number of times any enterprise-specific trap is to be sent for
a given event. PDUs are retried using a truncated exponential backoff:
2 seconds, 4 seoncs, 8 seconds, 16 seconds, and then 32 seconds for
all succeeding intervals.
els10-27trapNumber |
. |
The number of traps that are in the els10-27trapTable.
els10-27trapEntry |
. |
els10-27pingDataTimeout |
. |
The time, in centiseconds, from the last ping activity (a send
or receive of an ECHO_RESPONSE or ECHO_REQUEST
message), to when the els10-27pingEntry information for that ping
request will be deleted.
els10-27pingEntry |
. |
The parameters, state, and results of a ping request.
els10-27traceDataTimeout |
. |
The time, in centiseconds, from the last traceroute activity (the
response to or timeout of the last probe sent), to when the
els10-27traceEntry information for that traceroute request will be
els10-27traceEntry |
. |
The parameters, state, and results of a traceroute request.
els10-27volmirrorMode |
. |
To turn port mirroring on or off.
els10-27volmirrorPort |
. |
The number of the port whose data will be mirrored to a
special monitor or analyzer port.
els10-27volmonitorPort |
. |
Identifies the monitor or analyzer port to receive
frames from the special mirror port.
els10-27volmirrorMacEntry |
. |
Information about specific unicast MAC addresses
for which mirroring will act upon.
els10-27VlanVersionNumber |
. |
Specifies the version IEEE 802.1Q VLAN that has been implemented to.
els10-27VlanOperatingMode |
. |
Selects the mode of operation. The switch can operate as simply an 802.1d switch,
or an 802.1d switch with IEEE VLAN capability (802.1Q). A read of this object will return
the current operating mode.
els10-27VlanResetDefaults |
. |
To reset the specified bridge. The filtering database is cleared and initialized
with the entries specified in the Permananent database, and the Bridge protocol Entity is
initialized. While initializing a read will return a value of reset (2). While
operational a read will return a value of operating (2).
els10-27VlanGVRPEnable |
. |
If the switch is operating in 802.1Q mode, this selects whether GVRP protocol
messages should be processed and VLANs configured accordingly for each
port on the switch. Each octet within the value of this object specifies a set of eight
ports, with the first octet specifying ports 1 through 8, the next octet specifying ports
9 through 16, etc. Within each octet, the least significant bit represents the
lowest numbered port, and the most significant bit represents the highest numbered port.
Thus, each port of the VLAN bridge is represented by single bit
within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then that port is
included in the set of ports; the port is not included if its bit has a value of '0'
els10-27VlanAccessList |
. |
A list of ports that should act as 'Access Ports'. These ports will strip all tags
on egress and also make use of a shared database that will automatically be kept by the
firmware. Each octet within the value of this object specifies a set of eight ports, with
the first octet specifying ports 1 through 8, the next octet specifying ports 9 through
16, etc. Within each octet, the least significant bit represents the lowest numbered
port, and the most significant bit represents the highest numbered port. Thus, each port
of the VLAN bridge is represented by single bit within the value of this object. If that
bit has a value of '1' then that port is included in the set of ports; the port is not
included if its bit has a value of '0'
els10-27VlanNumActiveEntries |
. |
The number of active VLAN entries for the device. This includes both static and
dynamic VLANs.
els10-27VlanNumConfiguredEntries |
. |
The number of configured VLAN entries for the device.
els10-27VlanMaxNumEntries |
. |
The maximum number of VLAN entries for the device.
els10-27VlanConfigEntry |
. |
Allows for configuration of specific VLAN entries.
els10-27VlanConfigEgressEntry |
. |
Allows for configuration of specific VLAN entries.
els10-27VlanFilterGVRPEntry |
. |
Allows for configuration of specific entries.
els10-27VlanStaticEntry |
. |
Allows for specifying specific entries.
els10-27IPMulticastStatus |
. |
Parameter to enable or disable IP multicast filtering
on the device. When enabled, the device will examine IP
Multicast data packets and dynamically set up filter
ports to prevent flooding.
The default is disabled.
els10-27ipmInterfaceRtr |
. |
Parameter to enable or disable the inclusion of this
interface in all Multicast filters. When enabled, all
IP Multicast packets for all group filters will be
transmitted over this interface. Value is a bit mask.
els10-27igmpStatus |
. |
Parameter to enable or disable IGMP snooping on
the device. When enabled, the device will examine IGMP
packets and set up filters for IGMP ports.
The default is enabled.
els10-27igmpQueryStatus |
. |
Parameter to enable or disable the device to act as a
Querier. If enabled, the device will send out a Query
as a Proxy to solicit reports. The device will not
become an IGMP router.
The default is disabled.
els10-27igmpQueryCount |
. |
Maximum number of queries that have not been heard on the
system before the system starts taking action to solicit
reports (default is 5).
els10-27igmpPortDelay |
. |
Timeout value (mins) between IGMP Reports or IGMP Queries
received on a port before the system times out the entry
from the Multicast Address Filter (default is 5 minutes).
els10-27igmpCacheEntry |
. |
An entry (conceptual row) in the els10-27igmpCacheTable.
els10-27FlowControlBackPressure |
. |
Control back pressure on a system wide basis.
On (1),
Off (2)
els10-27FlowControlThresholdValue |
. |
A value specified as a percent of the available buffers.
When fewer than the percent of the avaialable buffers
is detected, flow control will be initiated. Flow control
will cease when the free buffer count meets or exceeds
this percent.
els10-27FlowControlPauseInteval |
. |
A value between 10 and 65535. Each pause interval is equal
to '5.12 microseconds'. A value of 10 will equal '51.2
els10-27FlowControlEntry |
. |
Defines a particular entry containing objects pertaining to
definition and control over flow control ports.
els10-27hwPortIndex |
. |
els10-27hwPortType |
. |
els10-27hwPortSubType |
. |
els10-27hwPortDiagPassed |
. |
els10-27hwAddr |
. |
els10-27swIndex |
. |
els10-27swDesc |
. |
els10-27swCount |
. |
els10-27swType |
. |
els10-27swSizes |
. |
els10-27swStarts |
. |
els10-27swBases |
. |
els10-27swFlashBank |
. |
els10-27ifIndex |
. |
els10-27ifThreshold |
. |
els10-27ifThresholdTime |
. |
els10-27ifRxQueueThresh |
. |
els10-27ifRxQueueThreshTime |
. |
els10-27ifTxStormCnt |
. |
els10-27ifTxStormTime |
. |
els10-27ifFunction |
. |
els10-27ifRxHwFCSs |
. |
els10-27ifRxQueues |
. |
els10-27ifStatisticsTime |
. |
els10-27ifForwardedChars |
. |
els10-27ifDescr |
. |
els10-27ifGoodRxFrames |
. |
els10-27ifGoodTxFrames |
. |
els10-27dot3Index |
. |
els10-27dot3TPLinkOK |
. |
els10-27dot3LedOn |
. |
els10-27dot3RxCollisions |
. |
els10-27dot3RxRunts |
. |
els10-27dot3RxLateColls |
. |
els10-27dot3TxJabbers |
. |
els10-27dot3TxBabbles |
. |
els10-27dot3TxCollisions |
. |
els10-27dot3SpeedSelection |
. |
els10-27dot3DuplexSelection |
. |
els10-27uartIndex |
. |
els10-27uartBaud |
. |
els10-27uartAlignmentErrors |
. |
els10-27uartOverrunErrors |
. |
els10-27debugIndex |
. |
els10-27debugOperation |
. |
els10-27debugBase |
. |
els10-27debugLength |
. |
els10-27debugData |
. |
els10-27lpbkIndex |
. |
els10-27lpbkOperation |
. |
els10-27lpbkDestAddr |
. |
els10-27lpbkPktNum |
. |
els10-27lpbkInterval |
. |
els10-27lpbkPktLength |
. |
els10-27lpbkIncrements |
. |
els10-27lpbkGoods |
. |
els10-27lpbkErrorNoReceives |
. |
els10-27lpbkErrorBadReceives |
. |
els10-27lpbkErrorSize |
. |
els10-27lpbkErrorSent |
. |
els10-27lpbkErrorReceived |
. |
els10-27lpbkErrorOffset |
. |
els10-27protoIfIndex |
. |
Identifies the interface (port) to which this entry's
information belongs. The value of this variable
corresponds to ifIndex, as well as most of the other
port identification values in related MIBs.
els10-27protoBridge |
. |
Defines the bridging method to be applied to frames
received at, or destined for, this port. Ethernet and
FDDI ports may be configured for transparent, srt, or
none. Token Ring ports may be configured for any of
the four options. The UART may only be configured to
els10-27protoSuppressBpdu |
. |
Allows transmission of spanning tree protocol packets
to be suppressed. If normal(1), 802.1d spanning tree
packets are
transmitted as usual. If suppressed(2), these packets
are not transmitted. This option may be needed for in-
teroperability with non-802.1d spanning tree protocols
(e.g., DEC LanBridge 100).
els10-27protoRipListen |
. |
Specifies whether the port should listen for internet
Routing Information Protocol (RFC-1058) packets, in order to
build the routing table for the unit.
els10-27protoTrunking |
. |
Specifies whether SMC's trunking protocol (an extension
to the standard Spanning Tree) is to be used over this port.
els10-27sprotoTransmitPacing |
. |
When enabled, introduces delays into normal transmission of frames, to
reduce the probability of collisions during heavy traffic.
els10-27trunkIfIndex |
. |
Identifies a physical interface (port) which is
configured for LAN trunking. The value of this variable
corresponds to ifIndex, as well as most of the other
port identification values in related MIBs.
els10-27trunkState |
. |
If off(1) then this link has not been enabled for trunking.
If closed(2) then this link has not yet received any Trunking
PDUs. If oneway(3) then incoming Trunking PDUs do not indicate
that our PDUs are being successfully received by the far end.
If joined(4) then this link is actively participating in the
trunk group. If perturbed(5) then this link is actively
participating in the trunk group; however, the transmission of
data packets has been temporarily stopped due to a change in
membership of the group. If helddown(6) then an error has been
detected and the link is being held out-of-service until the error
clears. If broken(7) then this link has been configured for trunking,
but the port is physically non-operational.
els10-27trunkRemoteBridgeAddr |
. |
The MAC address portion of the bridge ID of the remote bridge.
els10-27trunkRemoteIp |
. |
The IP address of the remote bridge, as reported by that
bridge for administrative purposes.
els10-27trunkLastError |
. |
The last reason for failure when the link is in closed, oneway, or helddown state.
els10-27trunkLinkOrdinal |
. |
The position of this link within the trunk group.
els10-27trunkLinkCount |
. |
The number of links within the trunk group.
els10-27trunkLastChange |
. |
The number of seconds since els10-27trunkState changed.
els10-27WorkGroupNumber |
. |
An integer that identifies the work group, used as an index
to this table.
els10-27WorkGroupName |
. |
A 1-16 character work group name.
els10-27WorkGroupPorts |
. |
A list of all ports within the group. The first
octet specified ports 1-8, the second 9-16, etc.
els10-27WorkGroupType |
. |
The type of work group:
all - no additional information needs to be supplied.
els10-27trapIndex |
. |
The specific trap number.
els10-27trapEnabled |
. |
Enable or disable the generation of this trap.
els10-27trapSeverity |
. |
A user-definable severity, indicating the importance of the
els10-27trapText |
. |
A description of the trap.
els10-27trapSeverityControlSeverity |
. |
A user-definable severity, indicating the importance of the
els10-27trapSeverityEnable |
. |
Enable or disable all traps of a given severity level.
els10-27trapEntryIndex |
. |
A number representing the order in which the trap occurred
in time. This 32 bit number can wrap.
els10-27trapEntryTimeStamp |
. |
The time at which the trap occurred.
els10-27trapEntryText |
. |
A description of the trap.
els10-27trapEntryNumber |
. |
The specific trap number, as specified in the TRAP PDU.
els10-27trapEntrySeverity |
. |
A user-definable severity, indicating the importance of the
els10-27pingNMSAddr |
. |
The IP address of the NMS, used to determine which ping
request to return information on.
els10-27pingDestAddr |
. |
The IP address which is to be the destination of the ping
ECHO_REQUEST. This variable cannot be set while
els10-27pingOperation is on.
els10-27pingState |
. |
The current state of the ping request.
els10-27pingCount |
. |
The number of ping requests which are to be sent. This
variable cannot be set while els10-27pingOperation is on.
els10-27pingDataSize |
. |
The datagram packet size which will be sent with the
ECHO_REQUEST, in bytes. This variable cannot be set while
els10-27pingOperation is on.
els10-27pingWait |
. |
The time, in centiseconds, between the sending of each
ECHO_REQUEST message. This variable cannot be set while
els10-27pingOperation is on.
els10-27pingTimeOut |
. |
The time, in centiseconds, since the last ECHO_RESPONSE
was received (or the last ECHO_REQUEST was sent, if there
have been no responses) when the ping request will time out.
This variable cannot be set while els10-27pingOperation is on.
els10-27pingOperation |
. |
Setting els10-27pingOperation to on will begin the ping request.
Setting els10-27pingOperation to off will terminate the ping request.
els10-27pingMin |
. |
The minimum round trip time for the ping requests and
responses, in centiseconds.
els10-27pingMax |
. |
The maximum round trip for the ping requests and
responses, in centiseconds.
els10-27pingAvg |
. |
The average round trip time for the ping requests and
responses, in centiseconds.
els10-27pingNumTransmitted |
. |
The number of ICMP ECHO_REQUEST messages that have
been transmitted during this ping request.
els10-27pingNumReceived |
. |
The number of ICMP ECHO_RESPONSE messages that have
been received as a result of this ping request.
els10-27traceNMSAddr |
. |
The IP address of the NMS, used to determine which traceroute
request to return information on.
els10-27traceDestAddr |
. |
The IP address which is to be the destination of the traceroute
request.This variable cannot be set while els10-27traceOperation is on.
els10-27traceHop |
. |
The hop count for a set of probes with a particular TTL.
els10-27traceProbe |
. |
The probe instance for a particular hop.
els10-27traceMaxTTL |
. |
The maximum time-to-live for outgoing traceroute probe
packets. This determines the number of hops that can be in a
traceroute. This variable cannot be set while els10-27traceOperation
is on.
els10-27traceDataSize |
. |
The size of the datagram sent with each probe. This variable
cannot be set while els10-27traceOperation is on.
els10-27traceNumProbes |
. |
The number of probes which are sent for each hop. This
variable cannot be set while els10-27traceOperation is on.
els10-27traceWait |
. |
The time to wait in response to a probe. This variable cannot be
set while els10-27traceOperation is on.
els10-27traceOperation |
. |
Setting els10-27traceOperation to on will begin the traceroute request.
Setting els10-27traceOperation to off will terminate the traceroute
els10-27traceHopAddr |
. |
The IP address of the host which responded for a probe with a
particular TTL.
els10-27traceState |
. |
The current state of the trace probe.
els10-27traceTime |
. |
Round trip time of a probe for a particular hop.
els10-27volmirrorIndex |
. |
Entry Index
els10-27volmirrorMac1 |
. |
First MAC address for mirroring.
els10-27VlanConfigVID |
. |
The 12 bit VLAN Identifier associated with the configured VLAN.
els10-27VlanConfigIndex |
. |
The interface being configured.
els10-27VlanConfigPorts |
. |
Each octet within the value of this object specifies
a set of eight ports, with the first octet specifying
ports 1 through 8, the next octet specifying ports 9
through 16, etc. Within each octet, the least significant
bit represents the lowest numbered port, and the most
significant bit represents the highest numbered port.
Thus, each port of the VLAN bridge is represented by
single bit within the value of this object. If that bit
has a value of '1' then that port is included in the set
of ports; the port is not included if its bit has a value of '0'.
els10-27VlanConfigIP |
. |
The IP address to be used to access the unit on this Vlan. This must be a
valid host address.
els10-27VlanConfigIPMask |
. |
The IP subnet mask to be used with this Ip address.
els10-27VlanConfigName |
. |
The ASCII name associated with the configured VLAN.
A set of this object prior to creating an entry by
setting els10-27VlanEstablish will fail with a NO-INSTANCE error.
els10-27VlanConfigStatus |
. |
A set with the value of enable(1), enables all associated entries
in els10-27VlanConfigVID table for the specified VLAN. A set of
disable(2), disables all els10-27VlanConfigVID entries associated with
the specified VLAN. A set of this object prior to creating an entry by
setting els10-27VlanConfigEstablish will fail with a NO-INSTANCE error.
els10-27VlanConfigEstablish |
. |
A set of the value create(1), causes an entry to be created in
the els10-27VlanConfigTable as specified by the instancing information
of els10-27VlanConfigVID, els10-27VlanConfigName, and els10-27VlanConfigPorts.
A set of delete(2) causes the specified entry to be removed from the table.
A read of this object will always return create(1).
els10-27VlanEgressVID |
. |
The 12 bit VLAN Identifier associated with the configured VLAN.
els10-27VlanEgressIndex |
. |
The index into the Vlan table. A port must be a member of this Vlan prior
to assigning this Id as the default.
els10-27VlanEgressList |
. |
The set of ports to which traffic destined for
the VLAN specified by els10-27VlanEgressVID
on the device will have this tag stripped on
egress. Each octet within the value of
this object specifies a set of eight ports, with thee
first octet specifying ports 1 through 8, the second
octet specifying ports 9 through 16, etc. Within each
octet, the least significant bit represents the lowest
numbered port, and the most significant bit represents
the highest numbered port. Thus, each port of the VLAN
bridge is represented by a single bit within the value
of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then
that port is included in the set of ports; the port is
not included if its bit has a value of '0'.
els10-27VlanEgressStatus |
. |
A set with the value of enable(1), enables all associated entries
in els10-27VlanEgressVID table for the specified VLAN. A set of
disable(2), disables all els10-27VlanEgressVID entries associated with
the specified VLAN. A set of this object prior to creating an entry by
setting els10-27VlanEgressEstablish will fail with a NO-INSTANCE error.
els10-27VlanFilterGVRPVID |
. |
The 12 bit VLAN Identifier associated with the configured VLAN.
els10-27VlanFilterGVRPIndex |
. |
The index into the Vlan Filter table. A maximum of 32
Vlan ID can be restricted from being learnt via GVRP.
els10-27VlanFilterGVRPList |
. |
The set of ports that will be restricted from leaning
of a VLAN ID from a GVRP message. The VLAN ID
is specified by els10-27VlanFilterGVRPVID.
Each octet within the value of
this object specifies a set of eight ports, with thee
first octet specifying ports 1 through 8, the second
octet specifying ports 9 through 16, etc. Within each
octet, the least significant bit represents the lowest
numbered port, and the most significant bit represents
the highest numbered port. Thus, each port of the VLAN
bridge is represented by a single bit within the value
of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then
that port is included in the set of ports; the port is
not included if its bit has a value of '0'.
els10-27VlanFilterGVRPStatus |
. |
A set with the value of enable(1), enables all associated entries
in els10-27VlanFilterGVRPVID table for the specified VLAN. A set of
disable(2), disables all els10-27VlanFilterGVRPVID entries associated with
the specified VLAN. A set of this object prior to creating an entry by
setting els10-27VlanConfigEstablish will fail with a NO-INSTANCE error.
els10-27VlanFilterGVRPEstablishVID |
. |
A set of the value create(1), causes an entry to be created in
the els10-27VlanFilterGVRPTable as specified by the instancing information
of els10-27VlanFilterGVRpVID, and els10-27VlanFilterGVRPPorts.
A set of delete(2) causes the specified entry to be removed from the table.
A read of this object will always return create(1).
els10-27VlanStaticVID |
. |
The 12 bit VLAN Identifier associated with the configured VLAN.
els10-27VlanStaticMAC |
. |
The media dependent physical address.
els10-27VlanStaticPort |
. |
An integer designating the port number to associate this address to.
els10-27VlanStaticEstablish |
. |
A set of the value create(1), causes an entry to be created as specified by the instancing
information of els10-27VlanSaticVID, els10-27VlanStaticMAC, and els10-27VlanStaticPorts. A set of
delete(2) causes the specified entry to be removed from thetable.
A read of this object will always return create(1).
els10-27igmpCacheAddress |
. |
The IP multicast group address for which this entry
contains information.
els10-27igmpCacheIfIndex |
. |
The interface for which this entry contains infor-
mation for an IP multicast group address.
els10-27igmpCacheExpiryTime |
. |
The minimum amount of time remaining before this
entry will be aged out.
els10-27FlowControlInterface |
. |
The MIB2 interface for which this flow control information pertains
els10-27FlowControlEnable |
. |
Control 802.3x flow control on a per interface basis.
On (1),
Off (2)
els10-27FlowControlRxPauseFrames |
. |
The number of pause frames received on this interface.
els10-27FlowControlTxPauseFrames |
. |
The number of pause frames transmitted on this interface.
els10-27WriteStatusTrap |
2 |
Sent when a bank of Flash EPROM has been erased. If
els10-27swdisWriteStatus indicates success, then the unit is ready
to be downloaded with the new software.
els10-27PortFunctionsTrap |
3 |
Sent whenever the current functional state (active
protocols) of the port has changed.
els10-27RxQueuesTrap |
4 |
Sent whenever the number of times that the port's receiver
has stopped receiving packets due to buffer space shortages
has exceeded the port's limit.
els10-27RxStormFlagTrap |
5 |
Sent whenever broadcast/multicast storm protection has been invoked
for the port.
els10-27TxCongestsTrap |
6 |
Sent whenever packets destined for the unit itself were
discarded due to lack of buffer space.
els10-27DebugStringIdTrap |
8 |
Sent whenever the unit has a debug text string to be
displayed. The text strings are sent in a stream-like
els10-27LpbkOperationTrap |
9 |
Send whenever the unit has finished a loop back test, or
a loop back error has been detected.
els10-27TrunkStateTrap |
10 |
A trunking state change transition has occurred. The possible
transitions are:
els10-27TrunkBridgeAddrTrap |
11 |
The associated trunking MAC address of the bridge ID of the remote
bridge has changed.
els10-27TrunkIPAddrTrap |
12 |
The associated trunking IP address of the remote bridge has changed.
els10-27TrunkErrorTrap |
13 |
An error has occurred in trunking.
els10-27TrunkLinkOrdinalTrap |
14 |
The port's index in the trunking group has changed.
els10-27TrunkLinkCountTrap |
15 |
The number of ports in the trunking group has changed.
els10-27DiagUnitBootedTrap |
16 |
The unit has booted. els10-27adminFatalErr contains information about
why the unit rebooted.
els10-27StorageFailureTrap |
17 |
Sent if the unit's Configuration EEPROM has failed. The unit
will not be able to reboot, and must be returned to the
els10-27PortCongestedTrap |
18 |
Sent whenever outbound congestion control has been invoked
for the port.
els10-27TopChangeBegunTrap |
19 |
The spanning tree topology has begun to change.
els10-27TopChangeEndTrap |
20 |
The spanning tree topology has stopped changing.
els10-27IfErrorsTrap |
21 |
Sent whenever the number of hardware errors in received and
transmitted packets has exceeded the port's limit.
els10-27StRootIDTrap |
22 |
The spanning tree root bridge ID for the unit has changed.
els10-27StRootCostTrap |
23 |
The unit's spanning tree cost to the root bridge has changed.
els10-27StRootPortTrap |
24 |
The unit's spanning tree root port has changed.
els10-27StMaxAgeTrap |
25 |
The unit's spanning tree maximum age has changed.
els10-27StHelloTimeTrap |
26 |
The unit's spanning tree hello time has changed.
els10-27StForwardDelayTrap |
27 |
The unit's spanning tree forward delay time has changed.
els10-27StDesigRootTrap |
28 |
The Root Bridge ID in received Spanning Tree Configuration BPDUs
from the port has changed.
els10-27StPortDesigBridgeTrap |
29 |
The bridge ID of the spanning tree designated bridge of the LAN/WAN
to which the port is attached has changed.
els10-27StPortDesigCostTrap |
30 |
The cost to the spanning tree root bridge from the designated port of
the LAN/WAN to which the port is attached has changed.
els10-27StPortDesigPortTrap |
31 |
The port ID of the spanning tree designated port of the LAN/WAN
to which the port is attached has changed.
els10-27StPortStateTrap |
32 |
The spanning tree state of the port has changed.
els10-27hwDiagTrap |
100 |
Sent whenever the unit's diagnostics have indicated an error.
els10-27InvalidConfigurationFileTrap |
34 |
Diagnostics has detected corrupted configuration data.
Default parameter values have been restored.
els10-27StInvalidFlashCodeImageTrap |
35 |
An invalid code image was detected in flash memory.
An attempt will be made to obtain a valid image.