shelfEntry |
. |
An entry for the slot
shelfNumOfValidEntries |
. |
Number of rows in shelfTable.
In some MGX series, it is equal to the number of slots
in the shelf.
shelfNodeName |
. |
Has the node name of BASIS for MGX8220 only.
For others NodeName supplied by PAR will be returned,
A set on this MIB is not allowed.
The NodeName of the shelf can be set using
the PAR MIB.
shelfDate |
. |
This object sets/gets the DATE. The syntax is mm/dd/yyyy
shelfTime |
. |
This object sets/gets the TIME. The syntax is hh:mm:ss
shelfTmZn |
. |
Object defines standard time. GMT for greenwich mean time,
est for Eastern std time (USA EST).
cst for Central std time (USA CST).
mst for Mountain std time (USA MST).
pst for Pacific std time (USA PST).
edt for Eastern daylight time (USA EDT).
cdt for Central daylight time (USA CDT).
mdt for Mountain daylight time (USA MDT).
pdt for Pacific daylight time (USA PDT).
To define a std time that are not defined in here use the
GMT and set the offset from the GMT in the shelfTmZnGMTOff object.
shelfTmZnGMTOff |
. |
This object contains the offset from greenwich mean time in
hours, if configuring for std time in shelfTmZn object, set this
object to 0. If configuring for non standard times use this
object as an offset from the GMT.
shelfBkPlnType |
. |
This object contains the back plane type.
The possible values are :
1 - For 336Mbps backplane
2 - For 1.2Gbps backplane
3 - For 45Gbps backplane
shelfBkplnSerialNum |
. |
A unique value for each shelf, entered in nvram
by manf. The serial No. is on the non-volatile RAM on the
statsMasterIpAddress |
. |
IP address of the Stats Master.
statsCollectionInterval |
. |
Statistics collection interval (in minutes).
statsBucketInterval |
. |
Statistics bucket interval (in minutes).
userName |
. |
username of the person logging in or logging out. used only in traps
currently only limit to 12 chars
shelfIntegratedAlarm |
. |
Alarm status of the shelf.An implementation may not support
all the values.
possible values are :
clear (1) : shelf is not in alarm
minor (2) : Indicates that a non-service affecting condition
has occurred and that corrective action should
be taken in order to prevent a more serious fault.
major (3) : Indicates that a service affecting condition
has occurred and urgent corrective action is
critical (4) : Indicates that a service affecting condition has
occurred and immediate corrective action is required.
The definition for minor(2),major(3),critical(4) are taken from
Bell Core document : GR-1248-CORE.
shelfAlarmCardBitMap |
. |
default value is 0, none of the cards is in alarm
bit position represents the card physical slot
number which is in alarm
apsIpAddress |
. |
the IP address of the APS
redundantApsIpAddress |
. |
the IP address of the redundant APS
axisFeederTkNo |
. |
ASC creates its cell/frame file based on the feeder trunk number.
axisSvcBillingColInterval |
. |
SVC billing collection interval (in 0, 15, 30 minute steps).
axisSvcBillingBucketInterval |
. |
SVC billing bucket interval (in 0, 5, 15, 30 minute steps).
axisSvcBilling |
. |
SVC billing feature.
shelfCBClkRateEntry |
. |
An entry for the Cell Bus
shelfPowerSupplyVoltage |
. |
Power Supply voltage rating for some selected
MGX Series.
two-twenty (1): 220Volts AC.
one-ten (2): 110Volts AC.
smRedMapEntry |
. |
An entry for module(Service Module,Core-Card set) redundancy.
Some implementations might have entries for the core-card set.
The entries for core-card set may not be added , modified or deleted.
An entry has to be created in this table to configure Service Modules
in redundant configuration.
For a 1:1 (Y cable ) redundancy configuration,an entry exists for
each redundant pair with redPrimarySlotNum as the index.
For 1:N Redundancy configuration,an entry exists with different
primary slot numbers(redPrimarySlot value) with the same
secondary slot numbers(redSecondarySlot value).
shelfNum |
. |
A unique value for each shelf. Its value
ranges between 1 and the maxvalue of shelfNumber.
shelfSlotNum |
. |
Slot number of a card.
BASIS can have maximum 16 slots in one shelf.
17 is used to reset the whole shelf.
Some MGX Series can have maximum 32 slots in one shelf.
33 is used to reset the whole shelf.
For MGX8220:
INTEGER (1..17)
For other selected MGX series:
INTEGER (1..33)
shelfBkplnSerialNumDeprecated |
. |
This entry has been deprecated. It is available as the 9th
entry in basisShelf. It is included here to prevent a hole
in the shelfEntry table.
shelfFunctionModuleState |
. |
This object holds the status of a card in a particular shelf-slot.
The hold state is applicable only to MGX8800 Platform.
The Slave PXM assumes the hold state during PXM Upgrades. In this
state the Slave PXM will be running a different fw but will be
receiving all Standby updates(BRAM and Database).
The description for the two new states is as follows:
'notResponding' - Response from the Service module has become slow
probably due to overloading of CPU.
No recovery action is required on user part.
At present, this state is implemented only for RPM card.
'cardinit' - When the physical presence of card has been detected
but the communication hasn't yet been established between the
controller card (PXM) and Service Module.
shelfFunctionModuleType |
. |
This object holds the type of a card in
a particular shelf-slot.
shelfFunctionModuleHoldReset |
. |
This object holds the card in
a particular shelf-slot, in reset,
If the object is set to holdInReset.
If the object is set to doNotHold, then
it only reset the card in the specified
slot, if slot number is 17 then it'll
reset the whole shelf.
cBNum |
. |
The number (1-8) designation for the Cell Bus.
clkRate |
. |
The Cell Bus Clock Rate designation.
redPrimarySlotNum |
. |
The index to the table. This is the slot number of the
primary module in the redundant configuration.
For MGX8850 Release 1.x,skip PXM slot 7,8,23,24, SRM slot 15,16,31,32.
For MGX8220(Formerly known as AXIS), values 5-14 are supported.
For systems, where the entries are created by the agent
for the Core-Card set, the implied slot numbers are used
for this object. The implied slot number values are depend
on the system.
redRowStatus |
. |
This will add, delete or modify the redundancy
Note that mod is NOT used but it is there for consistency.
This object is for creating and deleting an entry in
This object is set to add(1) to create an entry in the table.
The values of redPrimarySlot and redSecondarySlot objects
constitute the redundant Pairs. The slot numbers specified for
redPrimarySlot and redSecondarySlot should be in the same half
of the shelf for half-height service modules.
This object is set to del(2) to delete an entry from the table.
redPrimaryType |
. |
This object holds the type of the primary card
Some of the card types are not supported in the table but
they are defined here for consistency with the shelf card types.
redPrimaryState |
. |
This object holds the state of the primary card
Some of the states are not supported in the table but
they are defined here for consistency with the cardStates.
heldInReset, boot and unknown are not supported.
Supported values are :
nocard (1) : Module not present in the slot
standby (2) : Module is in 'standby' state
active (3) : Module is in 'active' state
failed (4) : Module is in 'failed' state due to some condition
selfTest(5) : Module is performing selftest
mismatch(8) : Module is not compatible with the current configuration
or a wrong type of back-card/line-module is plugged in.
notResponding(14) : Response from the Service module has become slow
probably due to overloading of CPU.
No recovery action is required on user part.
At present, this state is implemented only for RPM card.
cardinit(17) : When the physical presence of card has been detected
but the communication hasn't yet been established between the
controller card (PXM) and Service Module.
redSecondarySlotNum |
. |
This is the slot number of the redundant card for the
primary card. SecondarySlotNum will be 0 when no secondary
card covering the primary card. SecondarySlotNum in case
of MGX8850 shloud be from the same half of the shelf. Like
if primary card is in the top then secondary card also
should be in the top and will be covered by top SRM.
redSecondaryType |
. |
This object holds the type of the redundant card
Note that redSecondaryType is the same as redPrimaryType
unless it is changed for a new service module.
Some of the card types are not supported in the table but
they are defined here for consistency with the shelf card types.
redSecondaryState |
. |
This object holds the state of the secondary card
Supported values are :
nocard (1) : Module not present in the slot
standby (2) : Module is in 'standby' state
active (3) : Module is in 'active' state
failed (4) : Module is in 'failed' state due to some condition
selfTest(5) : Module is performing selftest
mismatch(8) : Module is not compatible with the current configuration
or a wrong type of back-card/line-module is plugged in.
notResponding(14) : Response from the Service module has become slow
probably due to overloading of CPU.
No recovery action is required on user part.
At present, this state is implemented only for RPM card.
cardinit(17) : When the physical presence of card has been detected
but the communication hasn't yet been established between the
controller card (PXM) and Service Module.
redType |
. |
This object describes the type of redundancy.
The supported values are :
yCable (1) : 1:1 (y cable) redundancy configuration. In this
configuration,there is only one module which acts
as the backup for the other.
oneToN (2) : 1:N redundancy configuration. In this configuration,
there is one module(secondary)which acts as the
backup for other primary modules. There are multiple
primary modules and one secondary module in this
configuration. At any point of time, the secondary
module is backup for only one failed primary
module. If more than one primary module fails,
then the failed primary modules are not covered
by the secondary module.
redCoveringSlot |
. |
This is the slot number of the primary card for which
the secondary card is covering
Note that redCoveringSlot is set to 0 when the primary
is not being protected. If this primary card is being
protected by its redundant card then this object would
be the primary slot number.
redFeature |
. |
This is the feature of the primary card.
redLineModuleType |
. |
This is the line module type for the primary card.
This object is NOT configurable and it only has the type
of the current line module that is present in this slot.
Note that the types that end with a -R are of redundant
back card type which do not have a connector on the
its faceplate and they are used for the redundant card
but they can be plugged into the primary by mistake and
this object would show its type.