sonetLineNum |
. |
This object is the identifier of a SONET
Interface on a managed device.
For MGX8850(For example PXM1 Module):
OC-3 : sonetLineNum in a range 1..4
OC-12: sonetLineNum = 1 is the ONLY valid number
For Other: sonetLineNum = 1 is the ONLY valid number
sonetLineType |
. |
This variable indicates the cell framing.
Defaults to Sts-3c
sonetLineLoopbackCommand |
. |
This variable represents the loopback configuration
of the SONET interface.
The values mean:
Not in the loopback state. A device that is
not capable of performing a loopback on
the interface shall always return this as
it's value.
Near End loops back Remote data
Near End loops back Local data.
sonetHCSmasking |
. |
HCS masking. Defaults to enable.
sonetPayloadScrambling |
. |
STS3c or STM-1 payload scrambling. Defaults to enable.
sonetFrameScrambling |
. |
STS3c or STM-1 frame scrambling. Defaults to enable.
sonetLineEnable |
. |
This variable indicates if the line is enabled or not
defaults to disable
sonetLineXmtClkSrc |
. |
This represents the type of transmit clock source.
backplaneClk: clock source is from the controller card,
transmitted via the backplane to the service module.
recoverClk: clock is recovered from the received signal.
localClk: clock is from a local oscillator on the card.
Default is backplaneClk.
sonetRDIVType |
. |
This variable represents the type of RDI-V
sent by this NE to remote NE.
onebit: use 1 bit RDI-V. Compatible with older equipment.
threebit: use 3 bit, enhanced RDI-V.
Defaults to onebit.
sonetRDIPType |
. |
This variable represents the type of RDI-P
sent by this NE to remote NE.
onebit: use 1 bit RDI-P. Compatible with older equipment.
threebit: use 3 bit, enhanced RDI-P.
Defaults to onebit.
sonetTributaryType |
. |
Type of tributary carried within the
Sonet/Sdh signal.
vt15vc11: carries T1 signals (VT15 or VC11)
vt2vc12: carries E1 signals (VT2 or VC12)
Default is vt15vc11 for Sonet interfaces and
vt2vc12 for SDH interfaces.
sonetTributaryMappingType |
. |
Type of VT/VC mapping.
asynchronous: In this mode, the channel structure
of the DS1/E1 is neither visible nor preserved.
byteSynchronous: In this mode, the DS0 channels inside
the VC/VT can be found and extracted.
Default is asynchronous.
sonetTributaryFramingFormat |
. |
Type of vt framing format. Is applicable
only in byte-sync mapping mode for T1 tributaries.
notApplicable: if VT mapping is not byte-sync.
sf: superframe format.
esf: extended superframe format.
Default is esf if sonetTributaryMappingType is set to
byteSynchronous, else the default is notApplicable.
sonetSignallingTransportMode |
. |
The mode used to transport DS0 signalling
information for T1 byte-sync mapping.
notApplicable: if byte-sync mapping is not used.
signallingTransferMode: the robbed bit signalling
is transferred into the S bits of the VT header
and framing bit is discarded.
clearMode: only the framing bit is transferred to
VT header. The signalling bits are left intact
in the VT payload.
Default is signallingTransferMode if sonetTributaryMappingType
is set to byteSynchronous, else the default is notApplicable.
sonetTributaryGroupingType |
. |
This variable indicates the method used to group
VCs into an STM-1 signal. Applicable only to SDH.
notApplicable: for sonet interfaces.
au3Grouping: STM-1 <- AU-3 <- TUG-2 <- TU-12 <- VC12 or
STM-1 <- AU-3 <- TUG-2 <- TU-11 <- VC11.
au4Grouping: STM-1 <- AU-4 <- TUG-3 <- TUG-2 <- TU-12 <- VC12 or
STM-1 <- AU-4 <- TUG-3 <- TUG-2 <- TU-11 <- VC11.
Defaults to au3Grouping for SDH interfaces and notApplicable for
Sonet interfaces.
cwSonetMediumType |
. |
This variable identifies whether a SONET
or a SDH signal is used across this interface.
cwSonetMediumTimeElapsed |
. |
The number of seconds, including partial
seconds, that have elapsed since the beginning of
the mandatory error-measurement period.
cwSonetMediumValidIntervals |
. |
The number of previous intervals for which valid
data has been stored. A SONET device must support
at least n intervals.
The minimum value of n is 4.
The default of n is 32.
The maximum value of n is 96.
The value of this object will be n unless
the device was brought online within the last
(nx15) minutes, in which case the value will be the
number of complete 15 minute intervals the device has
been online.
cwSonetMediumLineCoding |
. |
This variable describes the line coding for
this interface. The B3ZS and CMI are used for
electrical SONET/SDH signals (STS-1 and STS-3).
The Non-Return to Zero (NRZ) and the Return
to Zero are used for optical SONET/SDH signals.
cwSonetMediumLineType |
. |
This variable describes the line type for
this interface. The line types are
Short and Long Range
Single Mode fiber or Multi-Mode fiber interfaces,
and coax and UTP for electrical interfaces. The
value sonetOther should be used when the Line Type is
not one of the listed values.
cwSonetMediumCircuitIdentifier |
. |
This variable contains the transmission
vendor's circuit identifier, for the
purpose of facilitating troubleshooting.
cwSonetSectionCurrentLineNum |
. |
line number.
There are Max 1 line Num
cwSonetSectionCurrentStatus |
. |
This variable indicates the status of the sonet section layer.
The cwSonetSectionCurrentStatus is a bit map represented
as a sum, therefore, it can represent multiple defects
The sonetSectionNoDefect should be set if and only if
no other flag is set.
The various bit positions are:
bit 1 = sonetSectionNoDefect
bit 2 = sonetSectionLOS
bit 3 = sonetSectionLOF
cwSonetSectionCurrentValidFlag |
. |
Indicates if the current 15min bucket is valid or not.
cwSonetSectionCurrent15minTimeElapsed |
. |
The number of seconds, including partial seconds,
that have elapsed since the beginning of the 15min
error-measurement period.
cwSonetSectionCurrentESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Errored
Seconds encountered by a SONET/SDH
Section in the current 15 minute interval.
cwSonetSectionCurrentSESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Severely Errored Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Section in the current 15
minute interval.
cwSonetSectionCurrentSEFSs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Severely Errored Framing Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Section in the current
15 minute interval.
cwSonetSectionCurrentCVs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Coding
Violations encountered by a
SONET/SDH Section in the current 15 minute interval.
cwSonetSectionCurrentClrButton |
. |
Clears all the Section's Current15min counters.
sonetSectionCurrentDayLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
sonetSectionCurrentDayValidFlag |
. |
Indicates if the current day bucket is valid or not.
sonetSectionCurrentDayESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Errored
Seconds encountered by a SONET/SDH
Section in the CurrentDay one day interval.
sonetSectionCurrentDaySESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Severely Errored Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Section in the CurrentDay
minute interval.
sonetSectionCurrentDaySEFSs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Severely Errored Framing Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Section in the CurrentDay
one day interval.
sonetSectionCurrentDayCVs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Coding
Violations encountered by a
SONET/SDH Section in the CurrentDay one day interval.
sonetSectionCurrentDayClrButton |
. |
Clears all the Section's Current Day counters.
cwSonetSectionIntervalLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
cwSonetSectionIntervalNumber |
. |
A number between 1 and 96, which identifies the
interval for which the set of statistics is available.
The interval identified by 1 is the most recently
completed 15 minute interval,
and the interval identified
by N is the interval immediately preceding the
one identified
by N-1.
cwSonetSectionIntervalValidFlag |
. |
Indicates if the bucket specified by the interval
is valid or not.
cwSonetSectionIntervalESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Errored Seconds encountered
by a SONET/SDH Section in a
particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetSectionIntervalSESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Severely Errored Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Section in a
particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetSectionIntervalSEFss |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Severely Errored Framing Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Section in a
particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetSectionIntervalCVs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Coding
Violations encountered by a
SONET/SDH Section in a particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
sectionAlarmLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has 1 line
sonetSectionStatisticalAlarmSeverity |
. |
When any statistical threshold is exceeded.
sonetSectionCurrent15minESsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 20.
sonetSectionCurrentDayESsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 200.
sonetSectionCurrent15minSESsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 3.
sonetSectionCurrentDaySESsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 7.
sonetSectionCurrent15minSEFSsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 3.
sonetSectionCurrentDaySEFSsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 7.
sonetSectionCurrent15minCVsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 25.
sonetSectionCurrentDayCVsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 250.
sonetSectionTraceSelection |
. |
Sonet Section Trace Selection.
sonetSectionTraceToTransmit |
. |
Sonet Section Trace To Transmit. 16-64 bytes String.
If 16 byte trace is selected, FW will only
use bytes 0-15 of the string.
sonetSectionTraceToExpect |
. |
Sonet Section Trace To Expect. 16-64 bytes String.
If 16 byte trace is selected, FW will only
use bytes 0-15 of the string.
sonetSectionTraceReceived |
. |
Sonet Section Trace Received. 16-64 bytes String.
The write option is for debugging only.
sonetSectionStatAlarmStatus |
. |
This variable indicates the
status of the interface.
The sonetSectionStatAlarmStatus
is a bit map represented
as a sum, therefore,
it can represent multiple defects
The sonetLineStatAlarmNoDefect should be
set if and only if
no other flag is set.
The various bit positions are:
1 sonetSectionStatAlarmNoDefect
2 sonetSectionCurrent15minESs
3 sonetSectionCurrent15minSESs
4 sonetSectionCurrent15minSEFSs
5 sonetSectionCurrent15minCVs
6 sonetSectionCurrentDayESs
7 sonetSectionCurrentDaySESs
8 sonetSectionCurrentDaySEFSs
9 sonetSectionCurrentDayCVs
sectionCounterLineNum |
. |
line number.
There are Max 1 line on the BNM
sonetSectionCounterLOSs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of LOSs
encountered by a SONET/SDH.
sonetSectionCounterLOFs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
LOFs encountered by a SONET/SDH Section.
sonetSectionCounterClrButton |
. |
Clears all the Section's counters.
cwSonetLineCurrentLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
cwSonetLineCurrentStatus |
. |
This variable indicates the status of the sonet line layer.
The cwSonetLineCurrentStatus is a bit map represented
as a sum, therefore, it can represent multiple defects
The sonetLineNoDefect should be set if and only if
no other flag is set.
The various bit positions are:
bit 1 = sonetLineNoDefect
bit 2 = sonetLineRcvAIS
bit 3 = sonetLineRcvRDI
bit 4 = sonetLineXmtAis
bit 5 = sonetLineXmtRdi
cwSonetLineCurrentValidFlag |
. |
Indicates if the current 15min bucket is valid or not.
cwSonetLineCurrent15minTimeElapsed |
. |
The number of seconds, including partial seconds,
that have elapsed since the beginning of the 15min
error-measurement period.
cwSonetLineCurrentESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Errored
Seconds encountered by a SONET/SDH
Line in the current 15 minute interval.
cwSonetLineCurrentSESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Severely Errored Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Line in the current 15
cwSonetLineCurrentCVs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Coding
Violations encountered by a
SONET/SDH Line in the current 15 minute interval.
cwSonetLineCurrentUASs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Unavailable Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Line in the current 15
cwSonetLineCurrentClrButton |
. |
Clears all the SONET Line's Current15min counters.
lineCurrentDayLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has 1 line
sonetLineCurrentDayValidFlag |
. |
Indicates if the current day bucket is valid or not.
sonetLineCurrentDayESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Errored
Seconds encountered by a SONET/SDH
Line in the current day interval.
sonetLineCurrentDaySESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Severely Errored Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Line in the current
day interval.
sonetLineCurrentDayCVs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Coding
Violations (BIP-8*N for STS-N) encountered by a
SONET/SDH Line in the current day interval.
sonetLineCurrentDayFCs |
. |
Number of times that line was in AIS alarm in the
current day interval.
sonetLineCurrentDayUASs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Unavailable Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Line in the current
day interval.
sonetLineCurrentDayClrButton |
. |
Clears all the SONET Line's CurrentDay counters.
cwSonetLineIntervalLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
cwSonetLineIntervalNumber |
. |
A number between 1 and 96, which identifies the
interval for which the set of statistics is available.
The interval identified by 1 is the most recently
completed 15 minute interval,
and the interval identified
by N is the interval immediately preceding the
one identified
by N-1.
cwSonetLineIntervalValidFlag |
. |
Indicates if the bucket specified by the interval
is valid or not.
cwSonetLineIntervalESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Errored Seconds encountered
by a SONET/SDH Line in a
particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetLineIntervalSESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Severely Errored Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Line in a
particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetLineIntervalCVs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Coding
Violations (BIP-8*N) encountered by a
SONET/SDH Line in a
particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetLineIntervalFCs |
. |
Number of times that line was in AIS alarm in the
particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetLineIntervalUASs |
. |
The counter associated with the
number of Unavailable Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Line in
a particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetFELineCurrentLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
cwSonetFarEndLineCurrentValidFlag |
. |
Indicates if the Far End current 15min bucket is
valid or not.
cwSonetFarEndLineCurrentTimeElapsed |
. |
The number of seconds, including partial seconds,
that have elapsed since the beginning of the 15min
error-measurement period.
cwSonetFarEndLineCurrentESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Far
Far End Errored Seconds encountered by a SONET/SDH
interface in the current 15 minute interval.
cwSonetFarEndLineCurrentSESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Severely Errored Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Medium/Section/Line
interface in the current 15 minute
cwSonetFarEndLineCurrentCVs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Coding Violations reported via
the far end block error (FEBE) count
encountered by a
SONET/SDH Medium/Section/Line
interface in the current 15 minute interval.
cwSonetFarEndLineCurrentFCs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
RFI failures occurred in the current 15 min.
cwSonetFarEndLineCurrentUASs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Unavailable Seconds
encountered by a
SONET/SDH Medium/Section/Line
interface in the current 15 minute interval.
cwSonetFarEndLineCurrentClrButton |
. |
Clears all the SONET Far End
Line's Current 15min counters.
sonetFELineCurrentDayLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
sonetFarEndLineCurrentDayValidFlag |
. |
Indicates if the Far End current day bucket is valid
or not.
sonetFarEndLineCurrentDayESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Far
Far End Errored Seconds encountered by a SONET/SDH
interface in the current day interval.
sonetFarEndLineCurrentDaySESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Severely Errored Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Medium/Section/Line
interface in the current day interval.
sonetFarEndLineCurrentDayCVs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Coding Violations reported via
the far end block error (FEBE) count
encountered by a
SONET/SDH Medium/Section/Line
interface in the current day interval.
sonetFarEndLineCurrentDayFCs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
RFI failures occurred in the current day interval.
sonetFarEndLineCurrentDayUASs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Unavailable Seconds
encountered by a
SONET/SDH Medium/Section/Line
interface in the current day interval.
sonetFarEndLineCurrentDayClrButton |
. |
Clears all the SONET Far End
Line's Current Day counters.
cwSonetFELineIntervalLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
cwSonetFarEndLineIntervalNumber |
. |
A number between 1 and 96, which identifies the
interval for which the set of statistics is available.
The interval identified by 1 is the most recently
completed 15 minute interval,
and the interval identified
by N is the interval immediately preceding the
one identified
by N-1.
cwSonetFarEndLineIntervalValidFlag |
. |
Indicates if the bucket specified by the interval
is valid or not.
cwSonetFarEndLineIntervalESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Errored Seconds encountered
by a SONET/SDH Line
interface in a particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetFarEndLineIntervalSESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Severely Errored Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Line
interface in a particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetFarEndLineIntervalCVs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Coding Violations reported via
the far end block error count
encountered by a
interface in a particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetFarEndLineIntervalFCs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
RFI failures in a particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetFarEndLineIntervalUASs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Unavailable Seconds
encountered by a
interface in a particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
sonetLineAlarmLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
sonetLineStatisticalAlarmSeverity |
. |
When any statistical threshold is exceeded.
sonetLineCurrent15minESsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 20.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetLineCurrentDayESsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 200.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetLineCurrent15minSESsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 3.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetLineCurrentDaySESsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 7.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetLineCurrent15minCVsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 25.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetLineCurrentDayCVsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 250.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetLineCurrent15minUASsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 10.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetLineCurrentDayUASsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 10.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetLineStatAlarmStatus |
. |
This variable indicates the
status of the interface.
The sonetLineStatAlarmStatus
is a bit map represented
as a sum, therefore,
it can represent multiple defects
The sonetLineStatAlarmNoDefect should be
set if and only if
no other flag is set.
The various bit positions are:
1 sonetLineStatAlarmNoDefect
2 sonetLineCurrent15minESs
3 sonetLineCurrent15minSESs
4 sonetLineCurrent15minCVs
5 sonetLineCurrent15minUASs
6 sonetFarEndLineCurrent15minESs
7 sonetFarEndLineCurrent15minSESs
8 sonetFarEndLineCurrent15minCVs
9 sonetFarEndLineCurrent15minUASs
10 sonetLineCurrentDayESs
11 sonetLineCurrentDaySESs
12 sonetLineCurrentDayCVs
13 sonetLineCurrentDayUASs
14 sonetFarEndLineCurrentDayESs
15 sonetFarEndLineCurrentDaySESs
16 sonetFarEndLineCurrentDayCVs
17 sonetFarEndLineCurrentDayUASs
sonetLineCounterLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
sonetLineCounterAISs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of AISs
encountered by a SONET/SDH.
sonetLineCounterRFIs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
RFIs encountered by a SONET/SDH Line.
sonetLineCounterClrButton |
. |
Clears all the Line's counters.
cwSonetPathCurrentLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has 1 line
cwSonetPathCurrentStatus |
. |
This variable indicates the status of the sonet path layer.
The cwSonetPathCurrentStatus is a bit map represented
as a sum, therefore, it can represent multiple defects
The sonetPathNoDefect should be set if and only if
no other flag is set.
The various bit positions are:
bit 1 = sonetPathNoDefect
bit 2 = sonetPathRcvLOP
bit 3 = sonetPathRcvAIS
bit 4 = sonetPathRcvRDI
bit 5 = sonetPathUnequipted
bit 6 = sonetPathSignalLabelMismatch
bit 7 = sonetPathTraceFailure
bit 8 = sonetPathXmtAis
bit 9 = sonetPathXmtRdi
bit 10 = sonetPathRcvLOCD
cwSonetPathCurrentValidFlag |
. |
Indicates if the current 15min bucket is valid or not.
cwSonetPathCurrentTimeElapsed |
. |
The number of seconds, including partial seconds,
that have elapsed since the beginning of the 15min
error-measurement period.
cwSonetPathCurrentESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Errored
Seconds encountered by a SONET/SDH
Path in the current 15 minute interval.
cwSonetPathCurrentSESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Severely Errored Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Path in the current 15
cwSonetPathCurrentCVs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Coding
Violations (BIP-8) encountered by a
SONET/SDH Path in the current 15 minute interval.
cwSonetPathCurrentFCs |
. |
Number of times that Path was in AIS or LOP
alarm in the current 15 minute interval.
cwSonetPathCurrentUASs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Unavailable Seconds
encountered by a Path in the current
15 minute, interval.
cwSonetPathCurrentClrButton |
. |
Clears all the SONET Path's Current counters.
sonetPathCurrentDayLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
sonetPathCurrentDayValidFlag |
. |
Indicates if the current day bucket is valid or not.
sonetPathCurrentDayESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Errored
Seconds encountered by a SONET/SDH
Path in the Current day interval.
sonetPathCurrentDaySESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Severely Errored Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Path in the Current
day interval.
sonetPathCurrentDayCVs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Coding
Violations (BIP-8) encountered by a
SONET/SDH Path in the Current day interval.
sonetPathCurrentDayFCs |
. |
Number of times that Path was in AIS or LOP
alarm in the Current interval.
sonetPathCurrentDayUASs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Unavailable Seconds
encountered by a Path in the Current
day, interval.
sonetPathCurrentDayClrButton |
. |
Clears all the SONET Path's CurrentDay counters.
cwSonetPathIntervalLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
cwSonetPathIntervalNumber |
. |
A number between 1 and 96, which identifies the
interval for which the set of statistics is available.
The interval identified by 1 is the most recently
completed 15 minute interval,
and the interval identified
by N is the interval immediately preceding the
one identified
by N-1.
cwSonetPathIntervalValidFlag |
. |
Indicates if the bucket specified by the interval
is valid or not.
cwSonetPathIntervalESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Errored Seconds encountered
by a SONET/SDH Path in a
particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetPathIntervalSESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Severely Errored Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Path in
a particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetPathIntervalCVs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Coding
Violations encountered by a
SONET/SDH Path in a particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetPathIntervalFCs |
. |
Number of times that Path was in AIS or LOP
alarm in a particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetPathIntervalUASs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Unavailable Seconds
encountered by a Path in a
particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetFEPathCurrentLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
cwSonetFarEndPathCurrentValidFlag |
. |
Indicates if the Far End current 15min bucket is
valid or not.
cwSonetFarEndPathCurrentTimeElapsed |
. |
The number of seconds, including partial seconds,
that have elapsed since the beginning of the 15min
error-measurement period.
cwSonetFarEndPathCurrentESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Far
Far End Errored Seconds encountered by a SONET/SDH
interface in the current 15 minute interval.
cwSonetFarEndPathCurrentSESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Severely Errored Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Path
interface in the current 15 minute
cwSonetFarEndPathCurrentCVs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Coding Violations reported via
the far end block error (FEBE) count
encountered by a
SONET/SDH Path interface in
the current 15 minute interval.
cwSonetFarEndPathCurrentFCs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
RFIs in the current 15 minute interval.
cwSonetFarEndPathCurrentUASs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Unavailable Seconds
encountered by a
SONET/SDH Path interface in
the current 15 minute interval.
cwSonetFarEndPathCurrentClrButton |
. |
Clears all the Far End Path Current counters.
sonetFEPathCurrentDayLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
sonetFarEndPathCurrentDayValidFlag |
. |
Indicates if the Far End current day bucket is valid
or not.
sonetFarEndPathCurrentDayESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of Far
Far End Errored Seconds encountered by a SONET/SDH
interface in the Current day interval.
sonetFarEndPathCurrentDaySESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Severely Errored Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Path
interface in the Current day interval.
sonetFarEndPathCurrentDayCVs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Coding Violations reported via
the far end block error (FEBE) count
encountered by a
SONET/SDH Path interface in
the Current day interval.
sonetFarEndPathCurrentDayFCs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
RFIs in the Current day interval.
sonetFarEndPathCurrentDayUASs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Unavailable Seconds
encountered by a
SONET/SDH Path interface in
the Current day interval.
sonetFarEndPathCurrentDayClrButton |
. |
Clears all the Far End Path CurrentDay counters.
cwSonetFEPathIntervalLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
cwSonetFarEndPathIntervalNumber |
. |
A number between 1 and 96, which identifies the
interval for which the set of statistics is available.
The interval identified by 1 is the most recently
completed 15 minute interval,
and the interval identified
by N is the interval immediately preceding the
one identified
by N-1.
cwSonetFarEndPathIntervalValidFlag |
. |
Indicates if the bucket specified by the interval
is valid or not.
cwSonetFarEndPathIntervalESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Errored Seconds encountered
by a SONET/SDH Path interface in a
particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetFarEndPathIntervalSESs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Severely Errored Seconds
encountered by a SONET/SDH Path interface
in a particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetFarEndPathIntervalCVs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Coding Violations reported via
the far end block error count
encountered by a
SONET/SDH Path interface
in a particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetFarEndPathIntervalFCs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
RFIs in in a particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
cwSonetFarEndPathIntervalUASs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
Far End Unavailable Seconds
encountered by a
SONET/SDH Path interface in
a particular 15-minute interval
in the past 24 hours.
sonetPathAlarmLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
sonetPathStatisticalAlarmSeverity |
. |
When any statistical threshold is exceeded.
sonetPathCurrent15minESsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 20.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetPathCurrentDayESsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 200.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetPathCurrent15minSESsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 3.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetPathCurrentDaySESsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 7.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetPathCurrent15minCVsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 25.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetPathCurrentDayCVsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 250.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetPathCurrent15minUASsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 10.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetPathCurrentDayUASsThreshold |
. |
The default is set to 10.
This threshold is the same for Far End and
Near End.
sonetPathTraceSelection |
. |
Sonet Path Trace Selection.
sonetPathTraceToTransmit |
. |
Sonet Path Trace To Transmit. 64-bytes String.
If 16 byte trace is selected, FW will only
use bytes 0-15 of the string.
sonetPathTraceToExpect |
. |
Sonet Path Trace To Expect. 64-bytes String.
If 16 byte trace is selected, FW will only
use bytes 0-15 of the string.
sonetPathTraceReceived |
. |
Sonet Path Trace Received. 64-bytes String.
The write option is for debugging only.
sonetPathStatAlarmStatus |
. |
This variable indicates the
status of the interface.
The sonetPathStatAlarmStatus
is a bit map represented
as a sum, therefore,
it can represent multiple defects
The sonetPathStatAlarmNoDefect should be
set if and only if
no other flag is set.
The various bit positions are:
1 sonetPathStatAlarmNoDefect
2 sonetPathCurrent15minESs
3 sonetPathCurrent15minSESs
4 sonetPathCurrent15minCVs
5 sonetPathCurrent15minUASs
6 sonetFarEndPathCurrent15minESs
7 sonetFarEndPathCurrent15minSESs
8 sonetFarEndPathCurrent15minCVs
9 sonetFarEndPathCurrent15minUASs
10 sonetPathCurrentDayESs
11 sonetPathCurrentDaySESs
12 sonetPathCurrentDayCVs
13 sonetPathCurrentDayUASs
14 sonetFarEndPathCurrentDayESs
15 sonetFarEndPathCurrentDaySESs
16 sonetFarEndPathCurrentDayCVs
17 sonetFarEndPathCurrentDayUASs
sonetPathCounterLineNum |
. |
line number.
BNM has one line
sonetPathCounterAISs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of AISs
encountered by a SONET/SDH.
sonetPathCounterRFIs |
. |
The counter associated with the number of
RFIs encountered by a SONET/SDH Path.
sonetPathCounterClrButton |
. |
Clears all the Path's counters.
apsWorkingLine |
. |
This object is the line number of the working line
OC-3 : sonetLineNum in a range 1..4
OC-12: sonetLineNum = 1 is the ONLY valid number
apsWorkingSlot |
. |
This object is the chassis slot number of the working line
MGX 8x50 PXM: can only be slot 7 or 8.
MGX 8x30 PXM: can only be slot 1 or 2.
MGX 8x50 SRME: can only be slot 15,16,31 or 32
MGX 8x30 SRME: can only be slot 7 or 14
apsProtectionSlot |
. |
This object is the chassis slot number of the protection line
MGX 8x50 PXM: can only be slot 7 or 8.
MGX 8x30 PXM: can only be slot 1 or 2.
MGX 8x50 SRME: can only be slot 15,16,31 or 32
MGX 8x30 SRME: can only be slot 7 or 14
apsProtectionLine |
. |
This object is the line number of the working line
OC-3 : sonetLineNum in a range 1..4
OC-12: sonetLineNum = 1 is the ONLY valid number
apsEnable |
. |
This object is used to enable or disable APS feature
on the working/protection line pairs.
apsArchMode |
. |
This object is used to configure APS architecture mode
on the working/protection line pairs. The architecture
modes currently supported are 'dualCardonePlusOne'
(for GR-253) and 'anexAOnePlusOne (for G.783 Annex A).
apsActiveLine |
. |
This object indicates which line is currently active
ob the trunk line.
apsSFBER |
. |
This object contains the Bit Error Rate threshold for
Signal Fault detection on the working line.
apsSDBER |
. |
This object contains the Bit Error Rate threshold for
Signal Degrade detection on the working line. If set to
5, it means SDBER rate = 10 ^^ -5.
apsWtr |
. |
This object contains interval (in minute) to wait before
attempting to switch back to working line. Not applicable
if the line configure in non-revertive mode.
apsdirection |
. |
This object is used to configure the switching direction
which this APS line support. Unidirectional switch only one
direction. Bidirectional switch in both ends of the line.
apsRevertive |
. |
This object is used to configure the APS revertive or
nonrevertive option. Revertive allows the line to be
switch back to working line after the Wait-To-restore interval
has expired and the working line SF/SD has been cleared.
apsK1K2Disable |
. |
This object is used to enable or disable the K1/K2 inband
interface on the protection line.