t38vismDs1Number |
. |
This object identifies the unique DS1 value for
a T1/E1 interface.
t38MaxFaxTxRate |
. |
This object is used for configuring the maximum fax
transmission rate.
'fx2400bps' - maximum transmission rate in 2400 bps.
'fx4800bps' - maximum transmission rate in 4800 bps.
'fx7200bps' - maximum transmission rate in 7200 bps.
'fx9600bps' - maximum transmission rate in 9600 bps.
'fx12000bps' - maximum transmission rate in 12000 bps.
'fx14400bps' - maximum transmission rate in 14400 bps.
t38FaxInfoFieldSize |
. |
This object is used to configure the fax information
field size in bytes.
t38HsDataPacketSize |
. |
This object specifies the size of primary high speed(HS)
- the data packet transmitted after the first phase of a T.38
'tenms' - size of the HS in 10 millisecond.
'twentyms' - size of the HS in 20 millisecond.
'thirtyms' - size of the HS in 30 millisecond.
'fortyms' - size of the HS in 40 millisecond.
t38LsDataRedundancy |
. |
This object determines the extent of the internet fax
protocol(IFP) packet transmission redundancy for the
low-speed control information exchanged during the
first phase of a T.38 fax relay connection.
Depending on whether forward error correction(FEC)
is enabled via the t38ErrorCorrection object,
t38LsDataRedundancy has different meaning.
If FEC is disabled, then t38LsDataRedundancy is the
maximum number of prior IFP packets within an unnumbered
datagram protocol transport layer (UDPTL) packet carrying
low speed information, not counting the primary or current
IFP packet.
If FEC is enabled, then t38LsDataRedundancy is the maximum
number of FEC messages within a UDPTL packet carrying low
speed information.
t38HsDataRedundancy |
. |
This object determines the extent of the IFP packet
transmission redundancy for the high-speed control
and image information exchanged following the initial
low-speed phase of a T.38 fax relay connection.
Depending on whether FEC is enabled via the
t38ErrorCorrection object, t38HsDataRedundancy
has different meanings.
If FEC is disabled, then t38HsDataRedundancy is the
maximum number of prior IFP packets within a UDPTL packet
carrying high speed information, not counting the primary
or current IFP packet.
If FEC is enabled, then t38HsDataRedundancy is the
maximum number of FEC messages within a UDPTL packet
carrying high speed information.
t38TCFmethod |
. |
This object determines the method used to verify
the TCF(Training Check Field).
For UDP-based fax transport, its value should be set
to networkTCF. For TCP-based fax transport, its value
should be set to localTCF. A value of localTCF may be
used in rare circumstances for UDP-based fax transport.
A value of networkTCF implies that date rate management
is done end-to-end between the group 3 fax terminals,
in a manner similar to the PSTN(Public Switched
Telephone Network). In this case, the TCF training
signal is passed transparently by the IP network.
A value of localTCF implies that media gateways are actively
involved in the training and data rate management procedure,
including the generation of the TCF training signal.
Data rate management is done by one of the media gateways on
the basis of local results and results forwarded over the IP
network by the other gateway. The other gateway generates
the TCF training signal towards its group 3 fax terminal.
t38ErrCorrection |
. |
This object is used to enable/disable the FEC
scheme for UDP-based fax transport.
t38NSFOverride |
. |
This object is used to enable/disable the gateway to
override the NSF(Non-Standard Facilities) code in the
following T.30 signals: NSF, NSC (Non-Standard Facilities
Command) and NSS (Non-Standard Facilities Set-up). The
NSF code is overridden to prevent the group 3 fax
machines from synchronizing with each other on the basis
of a protocol other the ITU T-series recommendations.
If this proprietary synchronization is prevented, the
group 3 fax machines will synchronize to the standard
T-series protocol. This action is necessary if the fax
relay capability of the media gateway is limited
to the T-series recommendations. As defined in T.35, the NSF
code consists of a one-byte Country Code, a two-byte
Terminal Provider Code (also called the Vendor Code), and a
variable-length (up to 255 bytes) Terminal Provider-Oriented
Code. If t38NSFOverride is enabled, the Country Code and
Terminal Provider Code are overridden with the values of the
t38NSFCountryCode and t38NSFVendorCode respectively, while
the Terminal Provider-Oriented Code (which is a bit-map of
manufacturer-specific capabilities) is set to all-zeros.
t38NSFCountryCode |
. |
The Country Code in the NSF code is a
single-byte field identifying the country where
the group 3 fax equipment with non-standard
capabilities were manufactured.
There are un ratified proposals on the table to extend
this to a two-byte field. If the fax relay capability of the
gateway is limited to the ITU T-series protocol, the value
of the t38NSFCountryCode object is to be written into the
Country Code field to preclude non-standard synchronization
of the group 3 faxs terminals.
Since a value of 0x00 refers to Japan, and a value of 0xFF
is a Country Code extension mechanism, these cannot be used
to disable non-standard synchronization.
The t38NSFCountryCode value used to override NSF-based
synchronization is 0xAD (173).
If the Country Code is extended to two bytes in the future,
the second byte will be set to 0x00. In conjunction with
this Country Code, a t38NSFVendorCode value of 0x0051
is used for NSF suppression. It is not possible to use a
value of 0x0000 for this suppression since it refers to
Compression Labs.
To realize NSF suppression, all bytes in the Terminal
Provider-Oriented Code field, which describes the
manufacturer-specific capabilities, are set to zeros.
t38NSFVendorCode |
. |
The Vendor Code (also called the Terminal
Provider Code) in the NSF code is a two-byte
field identifying the manufacturer of the group
3 fax equipment with non-standard capabilities.
If the fax relay capability of the gateway is limited to
the ITU T-series protocol, the value of the t38NSFVendorCode
object is to be written into the Vendor Code
(Terminal Provider Code) field to preclude non-standard
synchronization of the group 3 fax terminals.
Since a value of 0x0000 refers to Compression Labs, it
cannot be used to disable non-standard synchronization.
The t38NSFVendorCode value used to override NSF-based
synchronization is 0x0051 (81).
To realize NSF suppression, this is used in conjunction with
the appropriate Country Code referring to the United States,
and in conjunction with the setting of all bytes in the
Terminal Provider-Oriented Code field, which describes the
manufacturer-specific capabilities, to zeros.
t38NseAckTimeOut |
. |
This object defines a timeout value in milliseconds for a
provision able timer. This timer is started after sending a
NSE(Named Signal Event) 200 while waiting for the NSE 201
acknowledgement or NSE 202 negative acknowledgement.
Expiration of the response timer will indicate that the
request to switch to T.38 has been rejected or discarded
by the far end.
The default value is 1 second (1000 ms) and this value
can only be set in the increments of 250 ms.
t38FxLCO |
. |
This object is a configurable default value for the
fx(fax option) in LCO(Local Connection Option). In
the absence of the MGCP fx LCO, this default value
will be used. The MGCP fx LCO will always override
this object.
The meanings of these enumerated types are:
'gwAndPt': means gateway controlled fax relay is preferred
over fax pass through.
'gw': means gateway controlled fax relay (using NSEs).
'ptAndGw': means fax pass through is preferred over gateway
controlled fax relay.
'pt': means fax pass through.
'off': means Do not do gateway controlled T.38 fax relay.
This does not preclude upspeeding or alteration of silence
suppression or echo cancellation settings for the
t38Redundancy |
. |
This object is used to enable/disable the Redundancy
scheme for UDP-based fax transport.
t38T30ECM |
. |
This object is used to enable/disable T.30
Error Correcting Mode(ECM). ECM is a feature
implemented by many new fax devices which
improves image quality and page compression
capabilities through a reliable image data
transmission protocol -- ECM. If fax calls
are failing due to high packet loss then disabling
T.30 ECM may improve the success rate.