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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Synernetics-Inc » LANPLEX-MIB-1-2-9 » Objects

LANPLEX-MIB-1-2-9.mib object view, vendor Synernetics-Inc


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file LANPLEX-MIB-1-2-9 and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

LANPLEX-MIB-1-2-9 file content

Object view of LANPLEX-MIB-1-2-9:

Scalar Object
chassisId .
The unique identifier assigned to this station during manufacturing.
chassisType .
The type of the LANplex chassis.
chassisRevision .
The revision number of the LANplex chassis.
chassisName .
The text string describing this chassis.
chassisNameAbbrev .
The text string describing the generic name for this chassis.
chassisManufacturer .
The text string describing the manufacturer of this chassis.
chassisSlotCount .
The number of slots in the LANplex chassis.
chassisBuildTime .
The build time of the LANplex system software.
chassisSoftwareRevision .
The revision number of the LANplex system software. Each byte indicates the following: byte 0: major release number. byte 1: minor release number. byte 2: update number. byte 3: bits 7-6: release type. bits 5-0: supplemental idenrtifier.
chassisControlPanelColumns .
The number of columns in the control panel display.
chassisControlPanelLines .
The number of lines in the control panel display.
chassisControlPanelText .
The currently displayed text in the control panel display.
chassisAction .
This object, when read, always returns the value other (1). The behavior of setting this object to each of the acceptable values is as follows: reset: resets the LANplex system.
slotEntry .
A slot entry contains information common to a given slot within a LANplex system Note that this object has been marked as deprecated and is included here for backward compatibilty. It will be removed from the next revision of the lanplex MIB. The objects defined in this table are now available via the lpSlot table.
spmEntry .
A SPM entry contains information common to a single System Processor Module (SPM) within a LANplex system.
feamEntry .
A FEAM entry contains information common to a single FDDI Enterprise Access Module (FEAM) within a LANplex system.
fcmEntry .
An FCM entry contains information common to a single FDDI Concentration Module (FCM) within a LANplex system.
portEntry .
A Port entry contains information common to a particular port located on a particular board within the LANplex system.
eemEntry .
An EEM entry contains information common to a single Ethernet Express Module (EEM) within a LANplex system.
eemFddiMACEntry .
An EEM FDDI MAC entry contains information common to an FDDI MAC located on an EEM within a LANplex system.
eemEthernetPortEntry .
An EEM Ethernet Express Port entry contains information common to an Ethenet Port located on an Ethernet Express Module (EEM) within a LANplex system.
eemEthernetMACAddressEntry .
A collection of information describing a remote Ethernet MAC detected to be attached to an Ethernet Express port.
lpSystemId .
The unique identifier assigned to this system during manufacturing.
lpSystemType .
The type of the LANplex system.
lpSystemName .
The text string describing this system.
lpSystemManufacturer .
The text string describing the manufacturer of this system.
lpSystemBackplaneRevision .
The revision level of the system backplane. Bits 6 and 7 indicate the artwork revision. Bits 0 through 5 indicate the rework level.
lpSystemSlotCount .
The number of slots in the system.
lpSystemMemorySize .
The amount of memory (RAM), in bytes, present on the system processor board.
lpSystemFlashMemorySize .
The amount of flash memory, in bytes, present on the system processor board.
lpSystemNvMemorySize .
The amount of non-volatile memory, in bytes, present on the system processor board.
lpSystemSoftwareRevision .
The revision number of the LANplex system software. Each byte indicates the following: byte 0: major release number. byte 1: minor release number. byte 2: update number. byte 3: bits 7-6: release type. bits 5-0: supplemental identifier.
lpSystemBuildTime .
The build time of the system software.
lpSystemControlPanelHardwareRevision .
An 8-bit value specifying the revision level of the control panel hardware.
lpSystemControlPanelSoftwareRevision .
An 8-bit value specifying the revision level of the control panel software.
lpSystemControlPanelLines .
The number of lines in the control panel display.
lpSystemControlPanelColumns .
The number of columns in the control panel display.
lpSystemControlPanelText .
The currently displayed text in the control panel display.
lpSystemFddiMacCount .
The number of FDDI MAC's present in the system.
lpSystemFddiPortCount .
The number of FDDI ports present in the system.
lpSystemEthernetPortCount .
The number of ethernet ports present in the system.
lpSystemExpressFunctionCount .
The number of Ethernet Express functions present in the system. Curently this value is equal to the number of Express boards present in the system.
lpSystemExpressFddiPortCount .
The number of Ethernet Express FDDI ports present in the system.
lpSystemExpressEthernetPortCount .
The number of Ethernet Express ethernet ports present in the system.
lpSystemPowerSupplyCount .
The number of power supply units present in the system.
lpSystemAction .
This object, when read, always returns the value other (1). The behavior of setting this object to each of the acceptable values is as follows: reset: resets the LANplex system.
lpSystemBridgeFunctionCount .
The number of bridge functions present in the system. Curently this value is equal to the sum of the number of Express and Switching modules in the system.
lpSystemSmtProxyTimeoutBase .
The initial timeout value, in seconds, before the SMT proxy attempts to backoff and retry. Since the SMT proxy will attempt three retries before determining that the proxied station is not answering, with the timeout doubling for each retry, the total time for a request to time out is equal to seven times the base timeout value.
lpSystemSmtProxyEvents .
This object determines if the SMT proxy will generate traps for SMT events occuring at other stations. If enabled, the SMT proxy will generate traps for all SMT events, those that occur locally, and those that occur at other stations. If disabled, the SMT proxy will only generate traps for events which occur locally. The default value for this object is enabled(1).
lpSlotEntry .
A slot entry contains information common to a given slot within a LANplex system.
lpFddiMacEntry .
An FDDI MAC entry contains information common to a particular FDDI MAC within the system.
lpEthernetPortEntry .
An ethernet port entry contains information common to a particular ethernet port within the system.
lpFddiPortEntry .
A Port entry contains information common to a particular FDDI port in the system.
lpExpressEntry .
An Express entry contains information common to a particular Express function in a given system.
lpExpressFddiPortEntry .
A Port entry contains information for a particular Express FDDI port in a given system.
lpExpressEthernetPortEntry .
An Expres ethernet port entry contains information common to a particular Express ethernet port located in the system.
lpExpressEthernetPortAddressEntry .
An entry contains information describing a remote Ethernet MAC detected to be attached to an Express port.
lpPowerSupplyEntry .
A power supply entry contains information common for a particular power supply unit in the system.
lpBridgeEntry .
A bridge entry contains information common to a particular bridge function in a given system.
lpBridgePortEntry .
A Port entry contains information for a particular bridge port in a given system.
lpBridgePortForwardedToEntry .
A bridge port forwarded-to entry contains information on the count of frames forwarded from the receiving port indicated by the corresponding lpBridgePortForwardedToReceivePortIndex, to the destination port indicated by the corresponding lpBridgePortForwardedToDstPortIndex. Note that no entries exist which are indexed with the same values for both the lpBridgePortForwardedToReceivePortIndex and the lpBridgePortForwardedToDstPortIndex objects.
lpBridgePortFilteredToEntry .
A bridge port filtered-to entry contains information on the count of frames filtered from the receiving port indicated by the corresponding lpBridgePortFilteredToReceivePortIndex, to the destination port indicated by the corresponding lpBridgePortFilteredToDstPortIndex. Note that no entries exist which are indexed with the same values for both the lpBridgePortFilteredToReceivePortIndex and the lpBridgePortFilteredToDstPortIndex objects.
lpBridgePortAddressEntry .
An bridge port address entry contains information about particular bridge port address in a given system.
lpTrapEnterpriseTableEntry .
Information relating a specific trap enterprise OID with a trap enterprise index.
lpTrapDestTableEntry .
Information relating a trap with a destination address to which the trap will be sent when it is generated.
Tabular Object
slotIndex .
The physical slot number of this slot within the LANplex chassis.
slotBoardType .
The type of board residing in this slot.
slotBoardRevision .
The revision number of the board in this slot.
slotBoardStatus .
The status of the board in this slot.
slotBoardName .
The text string describing this board type.
slotBoardNameAbbrev .
The abbreviation used to describe this board type.
slotBoardAction .
This object, when read, always returns the value other (1). The behavior of setting this object to each of the acceptable values is as follows: runDiagnostics: runs the board's offline diagnostics.
spmSlotIndex .
The physical slot number of this slot within the LANplex chassis.
spmEthernetPortCount .
The number of ethernet ports on this board.
spmBaseEthernetPortIndex .
The system-wide index for the first ethernet port on this board.
feamSlotIndex .
The physical slot number of this slot within the LANplex chassis.
feamMACCount .
The number of FDDI MAC's present on this board.
feamBaseMACIndex .
The system-wide index of the first FDDI MAC on this board. Additional MAC's on this board will have consecutively increasing MAC indices following this index.
feamPortCount .
The number of FDDI ports present on this board.
feamBasePortIndex .
The system-wide index of the first FDDI port on this board. Additional ports on this board will have consecutively increasing Port indices following this index.
fcmSlotIndex .
The physical slot number of this slot within the LANplex chassis.
fcmPortCount .
The number of FDDI ports present on this board.
fcmBasePortIndex .
The system-wide index of the first FDDI port on this board. Additional ports on this board will have consecutively increasing Port indices following this index.
portSlotIndex .
The physical slot number of this slot within the LANplex chassis.
portIndex .
The index of the port on a particular slot.
portLabel .
An ASCII text string describing this port.
eemSlotIndex .
The physical slot number of this slot within the LANplex chassis.
eemFddiMACCount .
The number of FDDI MAC's present on this board.
eemBaseFddiMACIndex .
The system-wide index of the first FDDI MAC on this board. Additional FDDI MAC's on this board will have consecutively increasing MAC indices following this index.
eemEthernetPortCount .
The number of Ethernet ports present on this board.
eemBaseEthernetPortIndex .
The system-wide index of the first ethernet port on this board. Additional ports on this board will have consecutively increasing Port indices following this index.
eemAddressThreshold .
A reporting threshold for the total number of Ethernet Addresses known for this board. When this threshold is reached the event eemAddressThresholdEvent is generated.
eemFddiSlotIndex .
The physical slot number of this board.
eemFddiMACIndex .
A unique value for each FDDI MAC on this board.
eemFddiMACForwardedCts .
A counter indicating the number of frames forwarded by a MAC from an ethernet port to the FDDI network.
eemFddiMACDroppedCts .
A counter indicating the number of frames that were dropped by a MAC due to local resource limitation or unknown destination MAC address.
eemEthernetPortSlotIndex .
The physical slot number of the slot containing this port within the LANplex chassis.
eemEthernetPortIndex .
The index of the port on a particular EEM board. This index ranges from 1 to eemEthernetPortCount.
eemEthernetPortLabel .
An ASCII text string describing this ethernet port.
eemEthernetPortForwardedCts .
A counter indicating the number of frames forwarded from this ethernet port on to the FDDI network.
eemEthernetPortDroppedCts .
A counter indicating the numer of frames received on this port that were dropped due to the fact that the destination MAC address was determined to be on the same ethernet segment as the source MAC address. .
eemEthernetPortUTurnCts .
A counter indicating the number of frames received on this ethernet port and directed to another ethernet port.
eemEthernetPortState .
The state of the Ethernet Express port.
eemEthernetPortAction .
This object, when read, always returns the value other (1). The behavior of setting this object to each of the acceptable values is as follows: freezeAddress: causes all the learned dynamic addresses to be converted into static addresses. flushAddress: causes all the addresses to be flushed from a port's address list. flushDynamicAddress: causes all the port's dynamic addresses to be flushed from a port's address list.
eemEthernetMACAddressSlotIndex .
The physical slot number of the slot containing this EEM within the LANplex chassis.
eemEthernetMACAddressPortIndex .
The port index of this address entry within the table. This index ranges from 1 to eemEthernetPortCount.
eemEthernetMACAddressIndex .
The index of this address entry within the table.
eemEthernetMACAddressType .
This object, when read, always returns the value other (1). Setting this object to invalid (2) will remove the corresponding address entry from the table.
eemEthernetMACAddressRemoteAddress .
The remote MAC address detected on this Ethernet Express port.
eemEthernetMACAddressIsStatic .
A value indicating whether this MAC address was statically configured or was dynamically learned on this port.
eemEthernetMACAddressStaticPort .
If the object eemEthernetMACAddressIsStatic has value isStatic(1), this object indicates the port for which this MAC address was statically configured.
eemEthernetMACAddressAge .
This object indicates the time elapsed since this MAC address was added to this port's address table.
lpSlotIndex .
The physical slot number of this slot within the system.
lpSlotBoardType .
The type of board residing in this slot.
lpSlotBoardRevision .
The revision number of the board in this slot.
lpSlotBoardStatus .
The status of the board in this slot.
lpSlotBoardName .
The text string describing this board.
lpSlotBoardNameAbbrev .
The abbreviation used to describe this board.
lpSlotFddiMacCount .
The number of FDDI MAC's present in this slot.
lpSlotFddiMacBaseIndex .
The index of the first FDDI MAC in this slot.
lpSlotFddiPortCount .
The number of FDDI ports present in this slot.
lpSlotFddiPortBaseIndex .
The index of the first FDDI port in this slot.
lpSlotEthernetPortCount .
The number of ethernet ports present in this slot.
lpSlotEthernetPortBaseIndex .
The index of the first ethernet port in this slot.
lpSlotExpressFunctionCount .
The number of Express functions present in this slot.
lpSlotExpressFunctionBaseIndex .
The index of the first Express function in this slot.
lpSlotExpressFddiPortCount .
The number of Express FDDI ports present in this slot.
lpSlotExpressFddiPortBaseIndex .
The index of the first Express FDDI port in this slot.
lpSlotExpressEthernetPortCount .
The number of Express ethernet ports present in this slot.
lpSlotExpressEthernetPortBaseIndex .
The index of the first Express ethernet port in this slot.
lpSlotBoardAction .
This object, when read, always returns the value other (1). The behavior of setting this object to each of the acceptable values is as follows: runDiagnostics: runs the board's offline diagnostics.
lpSlotBridgeFunctionCount .
The number of bridge functions present in this slot.
lpSlotBridgeFunctionBaseIndex .
The index of the first bridge function in this slot.
lpFddiMacIndex .
A unique value for each FDDI MAC in the system. The MAC identified by a particular value of this index is the same MAC as identified by the same value of ifIndex.
lpFddiMacSlotIndex .
The slot number corresponding to the physical location of this MAC.
lpFddiMacLocalIndex .
The index of this MAC relative to the slot on which it is physically present.
lpFddiMacByteReceiveRate .
The average number of bytes received per second by this MAC during the most recent sampling period.
lpFddiMacPeakByteReceiveRate .
The peak value of lpFddiMacByteReceiveRate for this MAC since the system was last initialized.
lpFddiMacFrameReceiveRate .
The average number of frames received per second by this MAC during the most recent sampling period.
lpFddiMacPeakFrameReceiveRate .
The peak value of lpFddiMacFrameReceiveRate for this MAC since the system was last initialized.
lpFddiMacByteTransmitRate .
The average number of bytes transmitted per second by this MAC during the most recent sampling period.
lpFddiMacPeakByteTransmitRate .
The peak value of lpFddiMacByteTransmitRate for this MAC since the system was last initialized.
lpFddiMacFrameTransmitRate .
The average number of frames transmitted per second by this MAC during the most recent sampling period.
lpFddiMacPeakFrameTransmitRate .
The peak value of lpFddiMacFrameTransmitRate for this MAC since the system was last initialized.
lpFddiMacReceiveMulticastThreshold .
The maximum number of multicast frames per second that can be received in the sample interval. The sample interval is one second. The default value for this object is zero which implies an infinite rate.
lpFddiMacBeaconHistory .
This object gives a history of the most recent beacon information received on this MAC. It can contain up to a maximum of eight records. Each record is of the form: source MAC: 6 bytes beacon data length: 2 bytes. beacon data: 0-16 bytes.
lpEthernetPortIndex .
A unique value for each ethernet port in the system. The port identified by a particular value of this index is the same port as identified by the same value of ifIndex.
lpEthernetPortSlotIndex .
The slot number corresponding to the physical location of this port.
lpEthernetPortLocalIndex .
The index of this port relative to the slot on which it is physically present.
lpEthernetPortLabel .
An ASCII text string describing this port.
lpEthernetPortChipsetType .
The type of chipset used to implement this port.
lpEthernetPortLinkStatus .
The current value of the link status for this port.
lpEthernetPortByteReceiveRate .
The average number of bytes received per second by this port during the most recent sampling period.
lpEthernetPortPeakByteReceiveRate .
The peak value of lpEthernetPortByteReceiveRate for this port since the system was last initialized.
lpEthernetPortFrameReceiveRate .
The average number of frames received per second by this port during the most recent sampling period.
lpEthernetPortPeakFrameReceiveRate .
The peak value of lpEthernetPortFrameReceiveRate for this port since the system was last initialized.
lpEthernetPortByteTransmitRate .
The average number of bytes transmitted per second by this port during the most recent sampling period.
lpEthernetPortPeakByteTransmitRate .
The peak value of lpEthernetPortByteTransmitRate for this port since the system was last initialized.
lpEthernetPortFrameTransmitRate .
The average number of frames transmitted per second by this port during the most recent sampling period.
lpEthernetPortPeakFrameTransmitRate .
The peak value of lpEthernetPortFrameTransmitRate for this port since the system was last initialized.
lpEthernetPortReceiveMulticastThreshold .
The maximum number of multicast frames per second that can be received in the sample interval. The sample interval is four seconds. The default value for this object is zero which implies an infinite rate.
lpEthernetPortType .
Specific description of this port's type.
lpFddiPortIndex .
A unique value for each FDDI port in the system. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpSystemFddiPortCount.
lpFddiPortSlotIndex .
The slot number corresponding to the physical location of this port.
lpFddiPortLocalIndex .
The index of this port relative to the slot on which it is physically present.
lpFddiPortLabel .
An ASCII text string describing this port.
lpExpressIndex .
A unique value for each Express function in the system. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpSystemExpressFunctionCount.
lpExpressSlotIndex .
The slot number corresponding to the physical location of this function.
lpExpressLocalIndex .
The index of this function relative to the slot on which it is physically present.
lpExpressAddressThreshold .
A reporting threshold for the total number of Ethernet Addresses known for this board. When this threshold is reached, the event lpEemAddressThresholdEvent is generated.
lpExpressFddiPortIndex .
A unique value for each Express port in the system. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpSystemExpressFddiPortCount.
lpExpressFddiPortSlotIndex .
The slot number corresponding to the physical location of this port.
lpExpressFddiPortLocalIndex .
The index of this port relative to the slot on which it is physically present.
lpExpressFddiPortForwardedCts .
The number of frames forwarded by this MAC from an ethernet port to the FDDI network.
lpExpressFddiPortDroppedCts .
The number of frames received by this MAC that were not forwarded.
lpExpressEthernetPortIndex .
A unique value for each Express ethernet port in the system. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpSystemExpressEthernetPortCount.
lpExpressEthernetPortSlotIndex .
The slot number corresponding to the physical location of this port.
lpExpressEthernetPortLocalIndex .
The index of this port relative to the slot on which it is physically present.
lpExpressEthernetPortForwardedCts .
The number of frames forwarded from this ethernet port to the FDDI network.
lpExpressEthernetPortDroppedCts .
The number of frames received by this ethernet port that were not forwarded or u-turned.
lpExpressEthernetPortUTurnCts .
The number of frames received by this ethernet port that were directed to another ethernet port.
lpExpressEthernetPortAction .
This object, when read, always returns the value other (1). The behavior of setting this object to each of the acceptable values is as follows: freezeAddress: causes all the learned dynamic addresses to be converted into static addresses. flushAddress: causes all the addresses to be flushed from a port's address list. flushDynamicAddress: causes all the port's dynamic addresses to be flushed from a port's address list.
lpExpressEthernetPortAddressPortIndex .
A unique value for each Express ethernet port in the system. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpSystemExpressEthernetPortCount.
lpExpressEthernetPortAddressIndex .
The index of this address entry within the address table.
lpExpressEthernetPortAddressSlotIndex .
The slot number corresponding to the physical location of this port.
lpExpressEthernetPortAddressType .
This object, when read, always returns the value other (1). Setting this object to invalid (2) will remove the corresponding address entry from the table.
lpExpressEthernetPortAddressRemoteAddress .
The remote MAC address detected on this port.
lpExpressEthernetPortAddressIsStatic .
A value indicating whether this MAC address was statically configured or was dynamically learned on this port.
lpExpressEthernetPortAddressStaticPort .
If the object lpExpressEthernetPortAddressIsStatic has value isStatic(1), this object indicates the port for which this MAC address was statically configured.
lpExpressEthernetPortAddressAge .
This object indicates the time, in seconds, elapsed since this MAC address was added to this port's address table.
lpPowerSupplyIndex .
A unique value for each power supply in the system. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpSystemPowerSupplyCount.
lpPowerSupplyLocation .
The physical slot in which this power supply unit resides in the system.
lpPowerSupplyStatus .
The status of the power supply. A value of 0 indicates a working unit. A non-zero value represents a bit mask of the possible failure types. Each set bit indicates the following failure type: bit0: systemAcFailure bit1: systemPlus5Failure bit2: systemPlus12Failure bit3: systemOverTemperatureFailure.
lpPowerSupplyFailureType .
This object is sent in the varlist when the lpPowerSupplyFailureEvent trap is generated. It indicates the particular failure type that caused this trap to be generated.
lpPowerSupplyLastFailure .
This object represents the most recent power supply failure type. If no failure has occured, the value of this object is none. This object is included in the varlist when the lpPowerSupplyFailureEvent trap is generated. It indicates the failure type that caused the trap to be generated.
lpBridgeIndex .
A unique value for each bridge function in the system. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpSystemBridgeFunctionCount.
lpBridgeBaseSlotIndex .
The slot number of the lowest numbered slot which contains a physical port that this bridge function controls.
lpBridgePortCount .
The number of ports that this bridge function controls.
lpBridgeAddressTableSize .
The size of the address table for this bridge function.
lpBridgeAddressThreshold .
A reporting threshold for the total number of addresses known for this board. When this threshold is reached, the event lpBridgeAddressThresholdEvent is generated. The range of valid values for setting this object is between 1 and the value reported by lpBridgeAddressTableSize + 1 (Note that this range applies to values issued in set requests. The current value may be outside this range, for example if the value of lpBridgeMode is changed). Setting this object to one greater than the address table size disables the generation of lpBridgeAddressThresholdEvents since the limit will never be reached.
lpBridgeMode .
The operational mode of this bridge function. Note that bridges which report notSupported(3) will not support sets of this object, and that the value notSupported(3) is not a valid value for a set operation.
lpBridgeLocalIndex .
The index of this bridge function relative to the slot on which it is physically present.
lpBridgePortBridgeIndex .
A unique value for each bridge function in the system. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpSystemBridgeFunctionCount.
lpBridgePortIndex .
A unique value for each bridge port controlled by a given bridge function. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpBridgePortCount for the bridge function which this entry references.
lpBridgePortSlotIndex .
The slot number corresponding to the physical location of this port.
lpBridgePortLocalIndex .
The index of this port relative to the slot on which it is physically present and its port type. For example FDDI ports in a slot are identified with local indices from 1 to the number of FDDI ports in that slot, and the Ethernet ports in the same slot are identified with local indices from 1 to the number of Ethernet ports in that slot.
lpBridgePortType .
The type of this port.
lpBridgePortIpFragmentationEnabled .
A flag indicating whether or not IP fragmentation is enabled on this bridge port. Note that bridges which report notSupported(3) will not support sets of this object, and that the value notSupported(3) is not a valid value for a set operation.
lpBridgePortReceiveMulticastLimit .
The maximum number of multicast frames per second that can be received in the sample interval. The sample interval is one second. The default value for this object is zero which implies an infinite rate.
lpBridgePortAddressAction .
This object, when read, always returns the value other (1). The behavior of setting this object to each of the acceptable values is as follows: freezeAddress: causes all the learned dynamic addresses to be converted into static addresses. flushAddress: causes all the addresses to be flushed from the port's address list. flushDynamicAddress: causes all dynamic addresses to be flushed from the port's address list.
lpBridgePortTotalForwardedCts .
The total number of frames forwarded from this port to all other ports of this bridge. Note that the total forwarded count is NOT equal to the receive count minus the discard count, as a single received multicast/broadcast frame can be forwarded to multiple bridge ports. Also frames which are 'flooded' because of unknown destination addresses account for multiple forwarding as well. The total forwarding count is the instantaneous sumation of the 'forwarded to' counts to all other ports of the bridge.
lpBridgePortManagementFramesReceived .
The number of bridge management frames received by this port.
lpBridgePortTotalDiscards .
The total number of frames discarded by this port.
lpBridgePortReceiveBlockedDiscards .
The number of frames discarded by this port because the the receiving bridge port was not in the 'forwarding' state.
lpBridgePortReceiveMulticastLimitExceededs .
The number of multicast/broadcast frames discarded by this port because the lpBridgePortReceiveMulticastLimit was exceeded.
lpBridgePortReceiveSecurityDiscards .
The number of frames discarded by this port because they contained source addresses which were statically configured on another bridge port. A statically configured address (station), which is not allowed to move, appears to have moved.
lpBridgePortReceiveUnknownDiscards .
The number of frames discarded by this port because the destination address was unknown. Note that this counter is only valid for FDDI ports, and only when the bridge is an EEM, or an ESM operating in express mode.
lpBridgePortReceiveOtherDiscards .
The number of frames discarded by this port because they contained either invalid (group) source addresses or source addresses belonging to this bridge (indicative of network loops).
lpBridgePortReceiveErrorDiscards .
The number of frames discarded by this port because of internal bridge system errors (e.g., hardware and software address table discrepencies).
lpBridgePortSameSegmentDiscards .
The number of frames discarded by this port because the destination address is known on the same network segment as the source address, i.e., the frame does not need to be bridged.
lpBridgePortTransmitBlockedDiscards .
The number of frames discarded by this port because the the transmitting bridge port was not in the 'forwarding' state.
lpBridgePortTotalFiltered .
The total number of frames discarded by this port due to user defined filters.
lpBridgePortReceiveUnicastFiltered .
The number of frames discarded by this port due to user defined receive path filters.
lpBridgePortReceiveMulticastFiltered .
The number of frames discarded by this port due to user defined receive multicast path filters.
lpBridgePortTransmitUnicastFiltered .
The number of frames discarded by this port due to user defined transmit path filters.
lpBridgePortTransmitMulticastFiltered .
The number of frames discarded by this port due to user defined transmit multicast path filters.
lpBridgePortReceiveMulticastLimitExceededCount .
The number of times the lpBridgePortReceiveMulticastLimit was exceeded.
lpBridgePortForwardedToBridgeIndex .
A unique value for each bridge function in the system. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpSystemBridgeFunctionCount.
lpBridgePortForwardedToReceivePortIndex .
A unique value for each bridge port controlled by a given bridge function. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpBridgePortCount for the bridge function which this entry references. This port index refers to the receiving port which is forwarding frames.
lpBridgePortForwardedToDstPortIndex .
A unique value for each bridge port controlled by a given bridge function. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpBridgePortCount for the bridge function which this entry references. This port index refers to the destination port to which frames are being forwarded.
lpBridgePortForwardedToCount .
The count of frames forwarded from the receiving port to the destination port.
lpBridgePortFilteredToBridgeIndex .
A unique value for each bridge function in the system. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpSystemBridgeFunctionCount.
lpBridgePortFilteredToReceivePortIndex .
A unique value for each bridge port controlled by a given bridge function. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpBridgePortCount for the bridge function which this entry references. This port index refers to the receiving port which is filtering frames.
lpBridgePortFilteredToDstPortIndex .
A unique value for each bridge port controlled by a given bridge function. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpBridgePortCount for the bridge function which this entry references. This port index refers to the destination port to which frames are being filtered.
lpBridgePortFilteredToCount .
The count of frames filtered from the receiving port to the destination port.
lpBridgePortAddressBridgeIndex .
A unique value for each bridge function in the system. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpSystemBridgeFunctionCount.
lpBridgePortAddressPortIndex .
A unique value for each bridge port controlled by a given bridge function. It's value ranges between 1 and the value of lpBridgePortCount for the bridge function which this entry references.
lpBridgePortAddressIndex .
The index of this address entry within the bridge address table.
lpBridgePortAddressRemoteAddress .
The remote MAC address detected on the port corresponding to this entry. Setting this object attempts to create a new entry in the table. Since the value of lpBridgePortAddressIndex is determined automatically internal to the bridge, a set is only successful if the index value specified for lpBridgePortAddressIndex is zero. A get-next using the values of lpBridgePortAddressBridgeIndex and lpBridgePortAddressPortIndex can be used to determine the address index assigned to the newly added address entry.
lpBridgePortAddressType .
This object, when read, always returns the value other (1). Setting this object to invalid (2) will remove the corresponding address entry from the table.
lpBridgePortAddressIsStatic .
A value indicating whether this MAC address was statically configured or was dynamically learned.
lpBridgePortAddressStaticPort .
If the object lpBridgePortAddressIsStatic has value isStatic(1), this object indicates the local port index (as reported by lpBridgePortLocalIndex) for which this MAC address was statically configured. If the object lpBridgePortAddressIsStatic has the value isDynamic(2), the value of this object is 0.
lpBridgePortAddressAge .
This object indicates the time, in seconds, elapsed since a packet containing this address as a source was last seen on the port corresponding to this entry.
lpTrapEnterpriseIndex .
A unique index corresponding to a particular enterprise OID under which traps are defined. This value of this object corresponding to a particular enterprise OID will remain constant accross system resets.
lpTrapEnterpriseOID .
An enterpise OID under which traps are defined.
lpTrapDestAddr .
The network address to which the trap identified by this entry is to be transmitted.
lpTrapDestEnterpriseIndex .
The enterprise index of the enterprise identified in this entry. The value of this object is the same as the lpTrapEnterpriseIndex value for a given enterprise.
lpTrapNumber .
The number of the trap within the corresponding enterprise for this entry.
lpTrapEntryStatus .
The status of the trap destination table entry. Setting this object to valid has the effect of attempting to add the row corresponding to the instance specified. If the instance already exists, the set is successful (with no new entry added). If the instance specified is invalid, the set fails, otherwise the set succeeds and results in a new entry being added to the table. Setting this object to invalid has the effect of removing the corresponding entry from the table.
slotTable .
A list of slot entries. A single instance of this object exists for each slot in the LANplex chassis.
spmTable .
A list of System Processor Module (SPM) entries. An entry exists for each Slot Table Entry whose board type is SPM. This table is indexed by the physical slot number of this SPM within the LANplex chassis. The entries may not have consecutive Slot Indices. Note that this object has been marked as deprecated and is included here for backward compatibilty. It will be removed from the next revision of the lanplex MIB. The objects defined in this table are now available via the lpSlot table.
feamTable .
A list of FDDI Enterprise Access Module (FEAM) entries. An entry exists for each Slot Table Entry whose board type is FEAM. This table is indexed by the physical slot number of this FEAM within the LANplex chassis. The entries may not have consecutive Slot Indices. Note that this object has been marked as deprecated and is included here for backward compatibilty. It will be removed from the next revision of the lanplex MIB. The objects defined in this table are now available via the lpSlot table.
fcmTable .
A list of FDDI Concentration Module (FCM) entries. An entry exists for each Slot Table Entry whose board type is FCM. This table is indexed by the physical slot number of this FCM within the LANplex chassis. The entries may not have consecutive Slot Indices. Note that this object has been marked as deprecated and is included here for backward compatibilty. It will be removed from the next revision of the lanplex MIB. The objects defined in this table are now available via the lpSlot table.
portTable .
A list of port entries. A single instance of this object exists for each port (excluding ethernet ports) in the LANplex system. Note that this object has been marked as deprecated and is included here for backward compatibilty. It will be removed from the next revision of the lanplex MIB. The objects defined in this table are now available either via the fddiPort group or the enetPort group.
eemTable .
A list of Ethernet Express Module (EEM) entries. An entry exists for each Slot Table Entry whose board type is EEM. This table is indexed by the physical slot number of this EEM within the LANplex chassis. The entries may not have consecutive Slot Indices. Note that this object has been marked as deprecated and is included here for backward compatibilty. It will be removed from the next revision of the lanplex MIB. The objects defined in this table are now available either via the slot group or the express group.
eemFddiMACTable .
A list of EEM FDDI MAC entries. The entries may not have consecutive slot indices. Note that this object has been marked as deprecated and is included here for backward compatibilty. It will be removed from the next revision of the lanplex MIB. The objects defined in this table are now available via the expressFddiPort group.
eemEthernetPortTable .
A list of EEM Ethernet Express Port entries. The slot indices may not be consecutive. The MAC indices will be consecutive. Note that this object has been marked as deprecated and is included here for backward compatibilty. It will be removed from the next revision of the lanplex MIB. The objects defined in this table are now available via the expressEthernetPort group.
eemEthernetMACAddressTable .
A list of EEM Ethernet Express Remote MAC Address entries. The slot indices may not be consecutive. The port indices will be consecutive. Note that this object has been marked as deprecated and is included here for backward compatibilty. It will be removed from the next revision of the lanplex MIB. The objects defined in this table are now available via the expressEthernetPort group.
lpSlotTable .
A list of slot entries. A single instance of this object exists for each slot in the LANplex system.
lpFddiMacTable .
A list of FDDI MAC entries. A single instance of this object exists for each FDDI MAC present in the system.
lpEthernetPortTable .
A list of ethernet port entries. A single instance of this object exists for each ethernet port present in the system.
lpFddiPortTable .
A list of FDDI port entries. A single instance of this object exists for each FDDI port in the system.
lpExpressTable .
A list of Express function entries.
lpExpressFddiPortTable .
A list of Express FDDI port entries.
lpExpressEthernetPortTable .
A list of Express ethernet port entries.
lpExpressEthernetPortAddressTable .
A list of Express Remote MAC Address entries.
lpPowerSupplyTable .
A list of power supply entries.
lpBridgeTable .
A list of bridge function entries.
lpBridgePortTable .
A list of bridge port entries.
lpBridgePortForwardedToTable .
A list of port forwarding count information.
lpBridgePortFilteredToTable .
A list of port filtering count information.
lpBridgePortAddressTable .
A list of bridge port address entries.
lpTrapEnterpriseTable .
This table contains a listing of enterprises under which various traps are defined. In all cases except for the MIB-II generic traps, the enterprise under which a trap is defined is the same as that appearing in the ENTERPRISE portion of the trap. Associated with each trap enterprise is a trap enterprise index.
lpTrapDestTable .
This table contains information specifying which traps will be transmitted by the LANplex to a given destination address. The table is indexed by the destination address, the index of the enterprise which generates the trap, and the trap number. Each entry in the table with a status of valid identifies a trap which, when generated, will be transmitted to the corresponding destination address listed in that entry.
lpSlotInsertEvent 1
The SNMP trap that is generated when a board is inserted into a particular slot in the chassis.
lpSlotExtractEvent 2
The SNMP trap that is generated when a board is extracted from a particular slot in the chassis.
lpBridgeAddressThresholdEvent 3
The SNMP trap that is generated when the number of addresses stored in the bridge reaches lpBridgeAddressThreshold.
lpSystemOverTemperatureEvent 6
The SNMP trap that is generated when the system temperature exceeds a certain threshold.
lpSlotOverTemperatureEvent 7
The SNMP trap that is generated when the temperature of a board in a particular slot exceeds a certain threshold.
lpPowerSupplyFailureEvent 8
The SNMP trap that is generated when a power supply unit fails in the system.
Object Identifier
synernetics .
lanplex .
lanplexMib .
chassis .
slot .
spm .
feam .
fcm .
port .
eem .
eemFddiMAC .
eemEthernetPort .
eemMACAddress .
lpSystem .
lpSlot .
lpFddiMac .
lpEthernetPort .
lpFddiPort .
lpExpress .
lpExpressFddiPort .
lpExpressEthernetPort .
lpExpressEthernetPortAddress .
lpPowerSupply .
lpBridge .
lpTrapEnterprise .
lpTrapDest .