wfIisisGeneralDelete |
. |
'This value determines whether I-ISIS is configured'
wfIisisGeneralDisable |
. |
'The administrative status of I-ISIS in the router. The
value 'enabled' denotes that the I-ISIS Process is active
on at least one interface; 'disabled' disables it on
all interfaces.'
wfIisisGeneralState |
. |
'The state of I-ISIS'
wfIisisRouterId |
. |
This value contains the system ID of this Intermediate System.
wfIisisVersion |
. |
This read-only parameter identifies the version number of the
IS-IS protocol to which this node conforms to.
wfIisisRouterType |
. |
This value determines whether this system is L1 only router
L2 only router or L1-L2 IS.
wfIisisSpfHoldDown |
. |
Hold Down Timer for the SPF (in seconds). The SPF will
run at most once per hold down timer value. A value of 0
means no hold down.
wfIisisPrimaryLogMask |
. |
A parameter to specify which I-ISIS log messages should be logged.
This will only effect the Primary I-ISIS gate.
Each bit represents a message as defined below. A 1 in that
bit location means to log it and a 0 means not to put that
log message in the log. Changing this value will NOT restart
I-ISIS, but will take effct immediately(if there are any messages
to be logged.
bit 31 bit 0
| |
bit0 Trace Messages
bit1 INFO Level messages
bit2 debug level messages
bit3 I-ISIS interface state change messages
bit4 Nbr state changes
bit5 self-origination of LSA's
bit6 receipt of new LSA's
bit7 changes to I-ISIS`s Routing Table
bit8 Bad LS requests, Ack's, or updates
bit9 receipt of less recent LSA's
bit10 receipt of more recent self-originated LSA's
bit11 receipt of MAxAge LSA's (i.e. LSA's being flushed)
bit12 - 31 reserved
wfIisisMaximumPath |
. |
Maximum number of equal cost paths allowed for a network installed
by OSPF.
wfIisisMaxAreas |
. |
This value defines the maximum allowable number of areas addresses
for the domain that this router exists in.
wfIisisNumL1Lsps |
. |
Number of L2 LSPS stored in the database
wfIisisNumL2Lsps |
. |
Number of L2 LSPS stored in the database
wfIisisCksumIsPdus |
. |
This value indicates whether ISIS PDUs will carry a checksum.
wfIisisL1LspPassword |
. |
This assigns a password such that only L1 Lsps with the matching
password will be accepted. All L1 Lsps generated
by this system will contain this string in the password option.
wfIisisL2LspPassword |
. |
This assigns a password such that only L2 Lsps with the matching
password will be accepted. All L2 Lsps generated
by this system will contain this string in the password option.
wfIisisAreaAddr |
. |
This Assigns the area address for this router.
This field must be filled in.
If the user doesn't enter a value, then assign 0x470005.
Site Manager must force the user to enter at least a 3-byte
value for this field.
wfIisisAreaAddrAlias1 |
. |
This Assigns the first area address alias for this router.
This field does no have to be filled in, but if the user
tries to enter a value, Site Manager must make sure that
it is at least 3-bytes in length.
wfIisisAreaAddrAlias2 |
. |
This Assigns the second area address alias for this router.
This field does no have to be filled in, but if the user
tries to enter a value, Site Manager must make sure that
it is at least 3-bytes in length.
wfIisisL1CorruptedLsps |
. |
Number of Corrupted L1-Lsps Detected.
wfIisisL2CorruptedLsps |
. |
Number of Corrupted L2-Lsps Detected.
wfIisisL1LspDbOverLoads |
. |
Number of times the L1 Lsp Database Overload event has been
wfIisisL2LspDbOverLoads |
. |
Number of times the L2Lsp Database Overload event has been
wfIisisNearestL2Is |
. |
This is the ID of the nearest L2 system in this area.
wfIisisNumL1Routes |
. |
Number of L1 Routes.
wfIisisNumL2Routes |
. |
Number of L2 Routes.
wfIisisMinLSPGenerationInterval |
. |
Min time interval(in secs) before LSP generation
wfIisisMaxLSPGenerationInterval |
. |
Max time interval(in secs) before LSP generation
wfIisisMaxAge |
. |
The lifetime of the lsp after which it will be considered expired
wfIisisMinLSPXmtInterval |
. |
wfIisisPartialSNPInterval |
. |
wfIisisZeroAgeLifetime |
. |
If the remaining lifetime of an LSP reaches zero, the
expired LSP will be kept in the database for this time (in
wfIisisAgePend |
. |
The number of entries processed before this gate pends
wfIisisCsnpBuildInterval |
. |
The interval at which CSNPs are generated by the Designated IS
wfIisisL2LspBufferSize |
. |
The max size of the LSP generated by system
wfIisisL1SpfCnt |
. |
The number of times the L1 I-ISIS SPF algorithm
has been run for this area.
wfIisisL2SpfCnt |
. |
The number of times the L2 I-ISIS SPF algorithm
has been run for this area.
wfIisisAreaEntry |
. |
'Information describing the configured parameters and
cumulative statistics of one of the router's attached
wfIisisL1LspHdrEntry |
. |
A Record in the Level 1 Lsp Header Table
wfIisisL2LspHdrEntry |
. |
A Record in the Lsp Header Table
wfIisisIfEntry |
. |
'The I-ISIS Interface Entry describes one interface from
the viewpoint of I-ISIS.'
wfIisisIfStatsEntry |
. |
'The information regarding a interface'.
wfIisisDynNbrEntry |
. |
'The information regarding a single neighbor.'
'I-ISIS Version 2, Section 10 The Neighbor Data
wfIisisAreaId |
. |
A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying an area. Area
ID is used for the I-ISIS backbone.
wfIisisAreaDelete |
. |
This value determines if the I-ISIS router is configured with
this area.
wfIisisAreaDisable |
. |
This value indicates the state of this area on the I-ISIS
wfIisisAreaState |
. |
This value indicates the state of the I-ISIS Area.
wfIisisSpfCnt |
. |
The number of times the I-ISIS SPF algorithm
has been run for this area.
wfIisisL1LspHdrLspId |
. |
LSPID = Source ID + Pseudo-node ID + LSP number
wfIisisL1LspHdrLifetime |
. |
Lsp Lifetime
wfIisisL1LspHdrSeqnum |
. |
Lsp sequence number
wfIisisL1LspHdrFlags |
. |
Flags: P/ATT/LSPDBOL/IS type
wfIisisL1LspHdrCksum |
. |
wfIisisL2LspHdrLspId |
. |
LSPID = Source ID + Pseudo-node ID + LSP number
wfIisisL2LspHdrLifetime |
. |
Lsp Lifetime
wfIisisL2LspHdrSeqnum |
. |
Lsp sequence number
wfIisisL2LspHdrFlags |
. |
Flags: P/ATT/LSPDBOL/IS type
wfIisisL2LspHdrCksum |
. |
wfIisisIfIpAddress |
. |
'The IP address of this I-ISIS interface.'
wfIisisAddressLessIf |
. |
'For the purpose of easing the instancing of addressed
and addressless interfaces; This variable takes the
value 0 on interfaces with IP Addresses, and the
corresponding value of ifIndex for interfaces having no
IP Address.'
wfIisisIfDelete |
. |
This variable determines in an I-ISIS Interface has been
configured on the router.
wfIisisIfDisable |
. |
'The I-ISIS interface's administrative status. The value
'enabled' denotes that neighbor relationships may be
formed on the interface, and the interface will be
advertised as an internal route to some area. The
value 'disabled' denotes that the interface is external
to I-ISIS.'
wfIisisIfRouterLevel |
. |
This is the level protocol that the circuit runs.
Its a bit mask to allow for some combination of
L1, L2, External, ES-IS-only.
wfIisisIfL1DefaultMetric |
. |
This is the default cost of using this circuit for L1 traffic.
wfIisisIfL2DefaultMetric |
. |
This is the default cost of using this circuit for L2 traffic.
wfIisisIfL1DrPriority |
. |
This is the priority for this system to become L1 designated
router on this LAN circuit.
wfIisisIfL2DrPriority |
. |
This is the priority for this system to become L2 designated
router on this LAN circuit.
wfIisisIfHelloTimer |
. |
This is the period (secs) between IIH hello transmissions.
wfIisisIfPassword |
. |
This is Circuit Password for this circuit. Used to filter
out Hellos from systems without the correct password.
wfIisisIfHelloMtuSize |
. |
Configure Hello MTU size per I-ISIS interface
This parameter has the following values/meanings:
1 - Use the MTU specified by IP
2 - Use the MTU of ethernet, regardless of what IP
> 2 - Use this value as the actual MTU.
If the value is smaller than what I-ISIS needs as
a minimum then the mtu specified by IP is used.
For example, 3 would never be used as an MTU.
wfIisisIfIihHoldMultiplier |
. |
This is the multiplier value used to compute the hold time
set in the IIH PDUs transmitted from this router. Hold time
equals IIH Timer times IIH Hold Multiplier.
wfIisisIfIshHoldMultiplier |
. |
This is the multiplier value used to compute the hold time
set in the ISH PDUs transmitted from this router. Hold time
equals IIH Timer times IIH Hold Multiplier.
wfIisisIfType |
. |
The IISIS interface type.
wfIisisIfCsnpTimer |
. |
This is the period (in seconds) between CSNP transmissions.
wfIisisIfStatsIpAddress |
. |
'The IP address of this I-ISIS interface.'
wfIisisStatsAddressLessIf |
. |
'For the purpose of easing the instancing of addressed
and addressless interfaces; This variable takes the
value 0 on interfaces with IP Addresses, and the
corresponding value of ifIndex for interfaces having no
IP Address.'
wfIisisIfStatsState |
. |
This indicates whether the circuit state is up or down.
wfIisisIfStatsCct |
. |
A unique value for each known circuit.
wfIisisIfStatsL1TxHellos |
. |
Number of I-ISIS Hello packets transmitted.
wfIisisIfStatsL2TxHellos |
. |
Number of I-ISIS Hello packets transmitted.
wfIisisIfStatsL1RxHellos |
. |
Number of I-ISIS Hello packets received.
wfIisisIfStatsL2RxHellos |
. |
Number of I-ISIS Hello packets received.
wfIisisIfStatsL1Drops |
. |
Number of I-ISIS packets dropped because of invalid information
in the packet.
wfIisisIfStatsL2Drops |
. |
Number of I-ISIS packets dropped because of invalid information
in the packet.
wfIisisIfStatsL1DesignatedRouter |
. |
This is the ID of the L1 Designated Router on this
wfIisisIfStatsL2DesignatedRouter |
. |
This is the ID of the L2 Designated Router on this
wfIisisIfStatsTxL1Lsp |
. |
Number of L1 LSPs(Link State Packet) transmitted.
wfIisisIfStatsTxL2Lsp |
. |
Number of L2 LSPs(Link State Packet) transmitted.
wfIisisIfStatsTxL1Csnp |
. |
Number of L1 CSNPs(Complete sequence no. packet) transmitted.
wfIisisIfStatsTxL2Csnp |
. |
Number of L2 CSNPs(Complete sequence no. packet) transmitted.
wfIisisIfStatsTxL1Psnp |
. |
Number of L1 PSNPs(Partial sequence no. packet) transmitted.
wfIisisIfStatsTxL2Psnp |
. |
Number of L2 PSNPs(Partial sequence no. packet) transmitted.
wfIisisIfStatsRxL1Lsp |
. |
Number of L1 LSPs(Link State Packet) received.
wfIisisIfStatsRxL2Lsp |
. |
Number of L2 LSPs(Link State Packet) received.
wfIisisIfStatsRxL1Csnp |
. |
Number of L1 CSNPs(Complete sequence no. packet) received.
wfIisisIfStatsRxL2Csnp |
. |
Number of L2 CSNPs(Complete sequence no. packet) received.
wfIisisIfStatsRxL1Psnp |
. |
Number of L1 PSNPs(Partial sequence no. packet) received.
wfIisisIfStatsRxL2Psnp |
. |
Number of L2 PSNPs(Partial sequence no. packet) received.
wfIisisIfStatsL1NbrCount |
. |
Count of neighbors with any state.
wfIisisIfStatsL2NbrCount |
. |
Count of neighbors with any state.
wfIisisIfStatsL1AdjCount |
. |
Count of neighbors with state UP.
wfIisisIfStatsL2AdjCount |
. |
Count of neighbors with state UP.
wfIisisDynNbrIpAddr |
. |
'The IP address of this neighbor.'
wfIisisDynNbrAddressLessIndex |
. |
'The circuit over which this neighbor is learnt.'
wfIisisDynNbrState |
. |
'The State of the relationship with this Neighbor.'
wfIisisDynNbrIfAddr |
. |
'Our Interface IP address for this neighbor.'
wfIisisDynNbrRtrId |
. |
'A 6 byte field representing the Intermediate
system Id.'
wfIisisDynNbrDatabase |
. |
Database into which the Adjacency is stored,
1=ES, 2=Level 1 IS, 3=Level 2 IS.
wfIisisDynNbrType |
. |
The type of adjacency.
wfIisisDynNbrPseudonodeId |
. |
A unique value for each known circuit.
wfIisisDynNbrHoldTime |
. |
Hold Time received from neighbor.
wfIisisDynNbrPriority |
. |
Priority to become designated router. IS only.
wfIisisDynNbrSnpaAddr |
. |
SNPA address for neighbor.
wfIisisDynNbrLanId |
. |
LAN ID of Designated IS of this interface.