wfNtpIndex |
. |
Index of this entry. Index could only be one
wfNtpDelete |
. |
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created.
Users perform a set operation on this
object in order to create/delete NTP.
wfNtpDisable |
. |
Enable/Disable NTP
wfNtpMode |
. |
Enable/Disable NTP
wfNtpDebugFlag |
. |
Flag for setting debug level
wfNtpState |
. |
The current state of NTP.
wfNtpVersion |
. |
The NTP version on the Router NTP client/server
wfNtpStratum |
. |
Router NTP client software stratum
wfNtpRootDelay |
. |
Delay from synchronization server
this could be another secondary server or
primary server in seconds
wfNtpReferenceId |
. |
Reference ID of time synchronozition source
wfNtpClockPrec |
. |
An 8 bit number indicating the precision
of the router clock in seconds to the nearest
power of two.
wfNtpLeapHappened |
. |
Flag indicating whether leap occurred or not
leap: a leap second is added / subtracted from the
last second of a particular day for e.g. the time
of a particular day will end with 23:59:60 instead
of 23:59:59. This is done to conform with Universal
Standard Time conventions
wfNtpLeapTime |
. |
Next leap adjustment in 1/100 second
wfNtpUpdateTimer |
. |
Number of seconds in powers of 2 between NTP polls.
wfNtpAccessIpAddr |
. |
Source Ip address of Peer the rule applies to
wfNtpAccessDelete |
. |
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created.
Users perform a set operation on this
object in order to create/delete an NTP access control record
wfNtpAccessFilterType |
. |
Could be restrict or prefer
wfNtpAccessIpMask |
. |
Mask of subnet if rule applies to peers from
a specific subnet
wfNtpPeerIpAddress |
. |
Source IP address of Peer
wfNtpPeerDelete |
. |
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created.
Users perform a set operation on this
object in order to create/delete an IP interface.
wfNtpPeerState |
. |
State of peer
wfNtpCfgPeerMode |
. |
The configured as peer or server
wfNtpPeerMode |
. |
The mode peer of operation
wfNtpPeerHostMode |
. |
Router NTP mode
wfNtpSourceIpAddress |
. |
Source IP address of Peer
wfNtpPeerPref |
. |
Peer Preference: Preference assigned to this peer. Will override
NTP peer selection algorithm if greater than default value
wfNtpPeerRefId |
. |
Peer Reference clock IP address
wfNtpPeerVersion |
. |
Peers NTP version number
wfNtpPeerPrecision |
. |
Peers clock precision
wfNtpPeerStratum |
. |
Peer stratum
wfNtpPeerRootDelay |
. |
Delay from syncronization clock in seconds
wfNtpPeerDispersion |
. |
Peer clock dispersion
wfNtpPeerOffset |
. |
Peer clock offset
wfNtpPeerPolls |
. |
Number of times this peer has been polled
wfNtpPeerFrameReceives |
. |
Number of times this peer has been polled