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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Wellfleet » BayNetworks-NTP-MIB » Objects

BayNetworks-NTP-MIB.mib object view, vendor Wellfleet


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file BayNetworks-NTP-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

BayNetworks-NTP-MIB file content

Object view of BayNetworks-NTP-MIB:

Scalar Object
wfNtpEntry .
An NTP base entry description
wfNtpAccessEntry .
An access control entry description
wfNtpPeerEntry .
An NTP peer description
Tabular Object
wfNtpIndex .
Index of this entry. Index could only be one
wfNtpDelete .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete NTP.
wfNtpDisable .
Enable/Disable NTP
wfNtpMode .
Enable/Disable NTP
wfNtpDebugFlag .
Flag for setting debug level
wfNtpState .
The current state of NTP.
wfNtpVersion .
The NTP version on the Router NTP client/server software
wfNtpStratum .
Router NTP client software stratum
wfNtpRootDelay .
Delay from synchronization server this could be another secondary server or primary server in seconds
wfNtpReferenceId .
Reference ID of time synchronozition source
wfNtpClockPrec .
An 8 bit number indicating the precision of the router clock in seconds to the nearest power of two.
wfNtpLeapHappened .
Flag indicating whether leap occurred or not leap: a leap second is added / subtracted from the last second of a particular day for e.g. the time of a particular day will end with 23:59:60 instead of 23:59:59. This is done to conform with Universal Standard Time conventions
wfNtpLeapTime .
Next leap adjustment in 1/100 second
wfNtpUpdateTimer .
Number of seconds in powers of 2 between NTP polls.
wfNtpAccessIpAddr .
Source Ip address of Peer the rule applies to
wfNtpAccessDelete .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete an NTP access control record
wfNtpAccessFilterType .
Could be restrict or prefer
wfNtpAccessIpMask .
Mask of subnet if rule applies to peers from a specific subnet
wfNtpPeerIpAddress .
Source IP address of Peer
wfNtpPeerDelete .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete an IP interface.
wfNtpPeerState .
State of peer
wfNtpCfgPeerMode .
The configured as peer or server
wfNtpPeerMode .
The mode peer of operation
wfNtpPeerHostMode .
Router NTP mode
wfNtpSourceIpAddress .
Source IP address of Peer
wfNtpPeerPref .
Peer Preference: Preference assigned to this peer. Will override NTP peer selection algorithm if greater than default value
wfNtpPeerRefId .
Peer Reference clock IP address
wfNtpPeerVersion .
Peers NTP version number
wfNtpPeerPrecision .
Peers clock precision
wfNtpPeerStratum .
Peer stratum
wfNtpPeerRootDelay .
Delay from syncronization clock in seconds
wfNtpPeerDispersion .
Peer clock dispersion
wfNtpPeerOffset .
Peer clock offset
wfNtpPeerPolls .
Number of times this peer has been polled
wfNtpPeerFrameReceives .
Number of times this peer has been polled
wfNtpEntryTable .
NTP base entry table.
wfNtpAccessTable .
List of peers we restrict/prefer time synchronization based on source IP address or the source subnet
wfNtpPeerTable .
The list of configured NTP peers