st2AgentCopyright |
. |
provider of (company which wrote) the ST-II agent code, code release info and copyright info
st2ProtoVersion |
. |
version of ST-II running; RFC-1190 for starters
st2FlowSpecVersion |
. |
registered version number of Flow Spec
st2AgentType |
. |
whether this system performs ST-II end-system or intermediate-system functions or both
st2RoutingDerived |
. |
where does ST-II get routes from, whether IP routing tables or some other means
st2ToAccept |
. |
Initial hop-by-hop timeout for acknowledgment of ACCEPT
st2NAccept |
. |
number of ACCEPT retries before returning a failure
st2ToConnect |
. |
Initial hop-by-hop timeout for acknowledgment of CONNECT
st2NConnect |
. |
number of CONNECT retries before returning a failure
st2ToDisconnect |
. |
Initial hop-by-hop timeout for acknowledgment of DISCONNECT
st2NDisconnect |
. |
number of DISCONNECT retries before returning a failure
st2ToHidAck |
. |
Initial hop-by-hop timeout for acknowledgment of HID-CHANGE-REQUEST
st2NHidAck |
. |
number of HID-CHANGE-REQUEST retries before returning a failure
st2ToHidChange |
. |
Initial hop-by-hop timeout for acknowledgment of HID-CHANGE
st2NHidChange |
. |
number of HID-CHANGE retries before returning a failure
st2ToNotify |
. |
Initial hop-by-hop timeout for acknowledgment of NOTIFY
st2NNotify |
. |
number of NOTIFY retries before returning a failure
st2ToRefuse |
. |
Initial hop-by-hop timeout for acknowledgment of REFUSE
st2NRefuse |
. |
number of REFUSE retries before returning a failure
st2ToReroute |
. |
Timeout for receipt of ACCEPT or REFUSE from targets during failure recovery, allowing intermediate systems time to try recovery
st2NReroute |
. |
number of CONNECT retries before returning a failure from targets
st2ToEnd2End |
. |
End-to-end timeout for receipt of ACCEPT or REFUSE from targets by origin during failure recovery, allowing intermediate systems time to try recovery
st2NEnd2End |
. |
number of CONNECT retries before origin returns a failure from targets
st2NHidAbort |
. |
Number of rejected HID proposals before aborting the HID negotiation process
st2HelloTimerHoldDown |
. |
Interval that Restarted bit must be set after ST Agent restart
st2HelloLossFactor |
. |
Number of consecutively missed HELLO messages before declaring link failure to neighbor
st2DefaultRecoveryTimeout |
. |
Default for interval between successive HELLOs to/from active neighbors
st2DefaultHelloFactor |
. |
HELLO filtering function factor
st2ScmpRcvdOctets |
. |
Total octets of SCMP messages received
st2ScmpSentOctets |
. |
Total octets of SCMP messages sent
st2ScmpRcvdBadTypes |
. |
Count of SCMP messages received with bad type field
st2ScmpRcvdBadCks |
. |
Count of SCMP messages received with bad checksum
st2ScmpSentAccepts |
. |
Count of SCMP ACCEPT messages sent
st2ScmpSentAcks |
. |
Count of SCMP ACK messages sent
st2ScmpSentChanges |
. |
Count of SCMP CHANGE messages sent
st2ScmpSentChangeReqs |
. |
Count of SCMP CHANGE-REQUEST messages sent
st2ScmpSentConnects |
. |
Count of SCMP CONNECT messages sent
st2ScmpSentDisconnects |
. |
Count of SCMP DISCONNECT messages sent
st2ScmpSentErrorInReqs |
. |
Count of SCMP ERROR-IN-REQUEST messages sent
st2ScmpSentErrorInResps |
. |
Count of SCMP ERROR-IN-RESPONSE messages sent
st2ScmpSentHellos |
. |
Count of SCMP HELLO messages sent
st2ScmpSentHidApproves |
. |
Count of SCMP HID-APPROVE messages sent
st2ScmpSentHidChanges |
. |
Count of SCMP HID-CHANGE messages sent
st2ScmpSentHidChangeReqs |
. |
Count of SCMP HID-CHANGE-REQUEST messages sent
st2ScmpSentHidRejects |
. |
Count of SCMP HID-REJECT messages sent
st2ScmpSentNotifys |
. |
Count of SCMP NOTIFY messages sent
st2ScmpSentRefuses |
. |
Count of SCMP REFUSE messages sent
st2ScmpSentStatus |
. |
Count of SCMP STATUS messages sent
st2ScmpSentStatusResps |
. |
Count of SCMP STATUS-RESPONSE messages sent
st2ScmpRcvdAccepts |
. |
Count of SCMP ACCEPT messages received
st2ScmpRcvdAcks |
. |
Count of SCMP ACK messages received
st2ScmpRcvdChanges |
. |
Count of SCMP CHANGE messages received
st2ScmpRcvdChangeReqs |
. |
Count of SCMP CHANGE-REQUEST messages received
st2ScmpRcvdConnects |
. |
Count of SCMP CONNECT messages received
st2ScmpRcvdDisconnects |
. |
Count of SCMP DISCONNECT messages received
st2ScmpRcvdErrorInReqs |
. |
Count of SCMP ERROR-IN-REQUEST messages received
st2ScmpRcvdErrorInResps |
. |
Count of SCMP ERROR-IN-RESPONSE messages received
st2ScmpRcvdHellos |
. |
Count of SCMP HELLO messages received
st2ScmpRcvdHidApproves |
. |
Count of SCMP HID-APPROVE messages received
st2ScmpRcvdHidChanges |
. |
Count of SCMP HID-CHANGE messages received
st2ScmpRcvdHidChangeReqs |
. |
Count of SCMP HID-CHANGE-REQUEST messages received
st2ScmpRcvdHidRejects |
. |
Count of SCMP HID-REJECT messages received
st2ScmpRcvdNotifys |
. |
Count of SCMP NOTIFY messages received
st2ScmpRcvdRefuses |
. |
Count of SCMP REFUSE messages received
st2ScmpRcvdStatus |
. |
Count of SCMP STATUS messages received
st2ScmpRcvdStatusResps |
. |
Count of SCMP STATUS-RESPONSE messages received
st2ScmpRcvdErrorSnap |
. |
Contents from last SCMP packet received with error
st2ScmpRcvdBadTypeTime |
. |
Time that last SCMP packet was received with bad Type field
st2ScmpRcvdBadCksTime |
. |
Time that last SCMP packet was received with bad checksum
st2OriginOpens |
. |
Count of streams opened with this agent as origin, but they may have since been closed
st2IntermedOpens |
. |
Count of streams opened with this agent as intermediate system
st2TargetOpens |
. |
Count of streams opened with this agent as target (destination) - may also be counted in intermediate
st2FailOpens |
. |
Count of stream opens attempted which did not complete
st2AcceptTimeouts |
. |
Count of stream opens failed because ACCEPT did not get acknowledged
st2ParamChangeFails |
. |
Count of stream parameter changes which failed
st2NumStreamEntries |
. |
Count of stream table entries (extent of streams table)
st2NumOpenStreams |
. |
Count of streams which are open (number of table entries for them)
st2NumOpenOriginStreams |
. |
Count of current open streams which were originated here
st2NumHops |
. |
Count of Hop entries (extent of next-hop table)
st2NumNeighbors |
. |
Count of Neighbor entries (extent of neighbor table)
st2NumTargets |
. |
Count of target entries (extent of target table)
st2NumGroups |
. |
count of group entries (extent of groups table)
st2NumSubgroups |
. |
Count of subgroup entries (extent of subgroups table)
st2RouteFailures |
. |
Count of stream opens failed because no route found
st2RouteLoops |
. |
Count of stream opens failed because route inconsistency found, e.g. potential or actual loop
st2ScmpRetrans |
. |
count of SCMP control timeout and retransmissions
st2StreamEntry |
. |
st2HopEntry |
. |
st2NeighborEntry |
. |
st2TargetEntry |
. |
st2GroupEntry |
. |
st2SubgroupEntry |
. |
st2InterfaceEntry |
. |
st2LastCloseStreamName |
. |
Last close stream name
st2LastClosePrevHopIpAddr |
. |
Last close previous hop Ip address
st2LastCloseReasonCode |
. |
Reason code field from the last close message
st2LastCloseDetectorIpAddress |
. |
detector address from the last close message
st2LastCloseTime |
. |
sysuptime when the last close received
st2StreamName |
. |
internal format name of this stream
st2StreamPrevHopAddr |
. |
previous hop entry which feeds data to this node
st2StreamPrevHopVlid |
. |
virtual link identifier of the previous hop
st2StreamStartTime |
. |
timestamp when this stream was first entered in this table
st2StreamState |
. |
current state of this stream at this node
st2StreamStateTime |
. |
time this stream entered its current state
st2StreamRole |
. |
role that this agent performs for this stream
st2StreamGroup |
. |
group (if any) which this stream is in
st2StreamNumSubgroups |
. |
number of subgroups which this stream is in (get info from subgroup table)
st2StreamNumNextHops |
. |
number of nexthops to which this stream feeds data (get info from hop table)
st2StreamNumTargets |
. |
number of targets to which this stream feeds data (get info from target table)
st2StreamRefuses |
. |
number of times this stream has suffered the ignominy of getting changes refused
st2StreamFlowspecChanges |
. |
number of times this flowspec has been changed over the duration of this stream.
st2StreamFlowPrecedence |
. |
flowspec precedence field (8 bits) -- NOTE: THIS MOVES DOWN BELOW ERROR RATE
st2StreamFlowDutyFactor |
. |
flowspec dutyfactor field (8 bits)
st2StreamFlowErrorRate |
. |
flowspec error rate field (8 bits)
st2StreamFlowReliability |
. |
flowspec reliability field (8 bits)
st2StreamFlowTradeoffs |
. |
flowspec tradeoffs field (16 bits)
st2StreamFlowRecoveryTimeout |
. |
flowspec recovery timeout field (16 bits)
st2StreamFlowLimitOnCost |
. |
flowspec limit on cost field (16 bits)
st2StreamFlowLimitOnDelay |
. |
flowspec limit on delay field (16 bits)
st2StreamFlowLimitOnPduBytes |
. |
flowspec LIMIT ON PDU BYTES (pdu size in octets) field (16 bits)
st2StreamFlowLimitOnPduRate |
. |
flowspec limit on pdu rate field (16 bits)
st2StreamFlowMinBytesXRate |
. |
flowspec min bytes x rate field (product gives bandwidth in bytes per 10 seconds; divide by 1250 for Kbits per second) (32 bits)
st2StreamFlowMeanDelay |
. |
flowspec accumulated mean delay field (32 bits)
st2StreamFlowDelayVariance |
. |
flowspec accumulated delay variance field (32 bits)
st2StreamFlowDesPduBytes |
. |
flowspec desired pdu bytes (size) field (16 bits)
st2StreamFlowDesPduRate |
. |
flowspec desired pdu rate field (16 bits)
st2StreamOptionPtp |
. |
true if POINT TO POINT option specified on this stream
st2StreamOptionFdx |
. |
true if FULL DUPLEX option specified on this stream; reverse stream is the same but takes a separate stream table entry in this MIB
st2StreamOptionRecover |
. |
false if NO RECOVERY option specified for this stream
st2StreamOptionReverseCharge |
. |
true if REVERSE CHARGE option specified for this stream
st2StreamOptionTimestamp |
. |
the TIMESTAMP option specified for this stream
st2HopNeighborAddr |
. |
ip address of neighbor which is this next hop (it has the info rfc1190 to all next hops for streams which go through that node)
st2HopHid |
. |
HID which this node has negotiated with this next hop (and all others on a multicast)
st2HopMyVlid |
. |
VLID (table index or something) by which this next hop addresses me
st2HopYourVlid |
. |
VLID (table index or something) by which I address this next hop
st2HopState |
. |
state of negotiation for this stream to this hop
st2HopStateTime |
. |
time this state was entered
st2HopNumTargets |
. |
number of targets reached via this next hop
st2HopMcastAddr |
. |
multicast address, if any, used to reach this hop and others on same net (for current ST-II, this does not work here)(this should be an IP multicast address, or some magic IP address which translates into local-net multicast
st2HopErrorCode |
. |
refuse code or other error indicator received from next hop
st2HopDetectorAddr |
. |
detector address field from error message received from next hop
st2HopStreamName |
. |
back pointer to stream for which this is a hop
st2HopPkts |
. |
count of packets received from this hop in this stream, or sent in this stream to this hop, depending on st2HopRole
st2HopOctets |
. |
count of octets received from this hop in this stream, or sent in this stream to this hop, depending on st2HopRole
st2HopDiscards |
. |
count of packets received from this hop in this stream and not processed, or not able to be sent in this stream to this hop, depending on st2HopRole
st2HopIpEncap |
. |
true if data for this stream is sent with IP encapsulation to this next hop
st2HopIpAddr |
. |
if ip encapsulation is on, this is the direct (local) next hop IP address of the next router on the path. the ST agent next hop can be further away. Implementations might store this so as to bypass the IP routing function.
st2HopRole |
. |
tells whether this hop entry is a previous-hop for this stream or a next-hop. this is to help identify whether the packet, octet and discard counters are for input from a prev-hop or output to a next-hop.
st2HopInterfaceIndex |
. |
Interface Index
st2HopErrorTime |
. |
Time when refuse code or other error occurs
st2NeighborAddr |
. |
address of neighbor ST Agent serving as nexthop or previous hop for one or more streams
st2NeighborState |
. |
state of neighbor ST Agent w.r.t. hellos and data
st2NeighborStateTime |
. |
time entered this state of neighbor ST Agent
st2NeighborNumHops |
. |
number of hops using this neighbor for next or prev
st2NeighborHelloTimer |
. |
min of hello times based on RecoveryTimeout for all streams via this neighbor - or possibly default. Note: ST specifies this in milliseconds
st2NeighborHelloRcvdTime |
. |
timestamp when most recent hello received from this neighbor
st2NeighborDataRcvdTime |
. |
timestamp when most recent ST data received from this neighbor - this may be updated infrequently, perhaps every couple of seconds
st2NeighborAckRequested |
. |
I have requested an ACK from this neighbor, still outstanding - for RTT estimation
st2NeighborRestarted |
. |
hello received from this neighbor with the restart bit on indicating neighbor has restarted recently
st2NeighborSentHellos |
. |
count of hellos sent to this neighbor
st2NeighborRcvdHellos |
. |
count of hellos received from this neighbor
st2NeighborMissedHellos |
. |
count of hellos expected which were not received from this neighbor
st2NeighborRoundTripTime |
. |
current estimate of round trip time to this neighbor based on hello exchanges
st2NeighborInterfaceIdx |
. |
internal index of interface which reaches this neighbor
st2NeighborStBadMsgs |
. |
count of bad stream data messages received from this neighbor
st2NeighborScmpBadMsgs |
. |
count of bad stream control messages received from this neighbor
st2TargetAddr |
. |
ip address of target
st2TargetHop |
. |
ip address of the nexthop which gets to this target
st2TargetStreamName |
. |
name of the stream this target is a member of
st2GroupName |
. |
the ST-II name of this group of streams
st2GroupId |
. |
a group identifier
st2GroupNumStreams |
. |
number of streams which are members of this group
st2GroupNumSubgroups |
. |
number of subgroups in this group
st2SubgroupIndex |
. |
internal index into sub-group table
st2SubgroupGroup |
. |
group which this subgroup is a member
st2SubgroupNumStreams |
. |
number of streams in this subgroup
st2InterfaceIndex |
. |
interface index of this interface - like ifIndex from main MIB
st2InterfaceNumInStreams |
. |
number of streams coming in this interface
st2InterfaceNumOutStreams |
. |
number of streams going out this interface
st2InterfaceNumNeighbors |
. |
number of neighbors on this interface being used as prev or next hop
st2InterfaceInBwReserved |
. |
total of flowspec (bytes x rate) into this interface in units of bits-per-second
st2InterfaceInBwReservable |
. |
amount of bandwidth remaining able to be reserved for input into this interface in units of bits-per-second
st2InterfaceOutBwReserved |
. |
total of flowspec (bytes x rate) out of this interface in units of bits-per-second
st2InterfaceOutBwReservable |
. |
amount of bandwidth remaining able to be reserved for output out of this interface in units of bits-per-second
st2InterfaceTotRcvdPkts |
. |
Count of stream data packets received overall (for streams both current and expired)
st2InterfaceTotSentPkts |
. |
Count of stream data packets sent overall (??) including replications for multiple output interfaces and multiple next-hops when multicast is not used ( make this per interface ??)
st2InterfaceTotRcvdOctets |
. |
Count of stream data octets received overall
st2InterfaceTotSentOctets |
. |
Count of stream data octets sent
st2InterfaceRcvdHdrErrors |
. |
Count of stream data packets received with header format errors
st2InterfaceRcvdHidErrors |
. |
Count of stream data packets received with errors in HID
st2InterfaceRcvdLenErrors |
. |
Count of stream data packets received with errors in length
st2InterfaceRcvdHdrErrorTime |
. |
Time of last stream data packet received with header format errors
st2InterfaceRcvdHidErrorTime |
. |
Time of last stream data packet received with errors in HID
st2InterfaceRcvdLenErrorTime |
. |
Time of last stream data packet received with errors in length
st2InterfaceRcvdErrorSnap |
. |
Contents from last stream data packet received with error
st2InterfaceRcvdPktDrops |
. |
Count of stream data packets received and dropped due to resource limitations
st2InterfaceSentPktDrops |
. |
Count of stream data packets sent and dropped due to resource limitations
st2InterfaceIpAddr |
. |
Interface Ip address