wfAsyncSlot |
. |
Instance ID Slot, filled in by driver
wfAsyncConnector |
. |
Instance ID Connector, filled in by driver. For the ASN
this attribute is an encoded value and is equal to
'module'*10 + 'connector'. Where 'module' is defined in
attribute 86 and 'connector' is defined in attribute 78
of this table. For non-ASN platforms this attribute is
the physical connector number on the slot.
wfAsyncDelete |
. |
Create/Delete parameter
wfAsyncDisable |
. |
Enable/Disable parameter
wfAsyncState |
. |
Line Driver state variable, Not Present, DSR Wait,
Init, Down, Up
wfAsyncCct |
. |
CCT number for this line instance
wfAsyncMtu |
. |
MTU parameter, this is buffer size for ASYNC media, fixed
wfAsyncMadr |
. |
Line MAC address, fixed - line driver fills in from the 48 bit
address stored in the serial number prom for this connector.
wfAsyncStartProtocol |
. |
Start protocol selection is provided via this parameter. The
supported protocols can be selected per interface.
wfAsyncRxOctets |
. |
Number of octets received without error
wfAsyncTxOctets |
. |
Number of octets transmitted without error
wfAsyncRxErrors |
. |
Number of receive errors
wfAsyncTxErrors |
. |
Number of transmission errors
wfAsyncRxLackRescs |
. |
Number of Rx frames dropped due to lack of buffer resources
wfAsyncTxLackRescs |
. |
Number of frames clipped in driver's transmit routine due to transmit
wfAsyncTxUnderFlows |
. |
Number of transmission underflows, device FIFO went empty before
next DMA request was granted.
wfAsyncTxRejects |
. |
Number of reject frames which were transmitted
wfAsyncRxRejects |
. |
Number of reject frames which were received
wfAsyncRxOverFlows |
. |
Number of receive overflows, device FIFO overflowed before next
DMA cycle granted. No buffer resources available.
wfAsyncRxBadOctets |
. |
Number of bad receive frames, caused by FCS errors or non octet aligned.
wfAsyncRxRunts |
. |
Number of runt frames received
wfAsyncTxQueueLength |
. |
Current Transmit Queue Length.
wfAsyncRxQueueLength |
. |
Current Receive Queue Length.
wfAsyncRxReplenMisses |
. |
Number of packet buffer misses while attempting to replenish driver
receive ring.
wfAsyncLineNumber |
. |
line number for this line instance
wfAsyncRemoteAddress |
. |
Remote TCP host IP address
wfAsyncRemotePort |
. |
Remote port for TCP connection
wfAsyncLocalPort |
. |
Local port for TCP connection
wfAsyncBaud |
. |
Async line speed
wfAsyncIdleTimer |
. |
Async line Idle timer
wfAsyncRxWindow |
. |
Configured TCP receive window
wfAsyncMinRxWindows |
. |
Low-water mark of receive window (for latest connection)
wfASyncSecTxQmaxs |
. |
secondary TX queue hi-water mark (for this connection)
wfASyncSecTxQlens |
. |
secondary TX queue present value
wfAsyncTCPKeepalive |
. |
Keepalive timer. A keepalive (probe) message is sent out
if there is no activity in this number of seconds.
wfAsyncTCPInactivityLimit |
. |
Inactivity limit. Connection (eligable for) reset
if no activity in this number of seconds.
wfAsyncCfgTxQueueLength |
. |
Configured Transmit Queue Length. Values other than zero over-ride the
router selected values. A value of zero has a special meaning. Zero
causes router based default values to be used. Values larger than the
compiled ring size are truncated to the compiled ring size.
wfAsyncCfgRxQueueLength |
. |
Configured Receive Queue Length. Values other than zero over-ride the
router selected values. A value of zero has a special meaning. Zero
causes router based default values to be used. Values larger than the
compiled ring size are truncated to the compiled ring size.