wfBgpDelete |
. |
Create/Delete parameter for determining whether or not BGP is
configured on this router.
wfBgpDisable |
. |
Enable/Disable parameter for determining whether or not to allow any
versions of BGP to start up.
wfBgpState |
. |
the administrative state of BGP
wfBgpIdentifier |
. |
The BGP Identifier for this router.
wfBgpLocalAs |
. |
The Autonomous System (AS) that this router belongs to.
wfBgpEbgpDebugSwitch |
. |
If this debug switch is enabled, BGP will not enforce the rule
that requires each EBGP peer to be on a directly attached network.
wfBgpVersion |
. |
Vector of supported BGP protocol version numbers.
Each peer negotiates the version from this vector.
Versions are identified via the string of bits
contained within this attribute. The first octet
contains bits 0 to 7, the second octet contains
bits 8 to 15, and so on, with the most significant
bit referring to the lowest bit number in the octet
(e.g., the MSB of the first octet refers to bit 0).
If a bit, i, is present and set, then the version (i+1)
of the BGP is supported.
wfBgpIntraAsIbgpRouting |
. |
If this switch is enabled, BGP will perform
Intra-AS IBGP routing.
wfIbgpFromProtocols |
. |
if Intra-AS IBGP routing is enabled, this attribute
spcifies if non-BGP external routes can be propogated
via IBGP.
wfBgpIntAdvTimer |
. |
the minimum time interval, in seconds, between injections
of EBGP routes into the IP routing table. default is 5.
Can't be zero
wfBgpUsedRoutes |
. |
the number of received BGP routes that have been submitted
for possible inclusion in the IP routing table.
wfBgpTotalRoutes |
. |
the total number of BGP routes currently maintained.
wfBgpTotalPaths |
. |
the total number of BGP path attributes blocks currently
wfBgpMaxRedundantIbgpRoutes |
. |
Specifies the maximum number of IBGP routes
to the same destination to be stored. At this
point at least one route is stored even if
zero is specified.
no limit will be imposed.
wfBgpRouteRequestSwitch |
. |
If this switch is enabled and at least one
connection to IBGP route server is enabled,
alternate routes to a destination which became
unreachable will be requested from the Route
wfBgpConnCollisionDetect |
. |
If this switch is enabled, redundant BGP connections
to the same router will be detected and disallowed,
i.e. only one BGP connection to the same router will
be maintained.
wfBgpRsTopology |
. |
Specifies IBGP Route Server connection topology:
none(Non-RS), RC, full-mesh, or tree. To enable Route Server mode
full-mesh or tree topology must be selected.
wfBgpClusterIdentifier |
. |
If RS Server, cluster Identifer for this server
wfBgpDynamicPolChangeSupport |
. |
If this switch is enabled, when a BGP policy rule changes
all affected routes are dynamically re-evaluated according
to the new policy specification.
If this switch is disabled, all bgp connections are restarted.
wfBgpSoloistSlots |
. |
Slot mask for which slots BGP is eligible
to run on. The MSBit represents slot 1, the
next most significant bit represents slot 2,
and so on... Slots can be 1-14.
Default is all slots on a BCN.
wfBgpSoloistSlot |
. |
Slot on which BGP runs in Soloist mode. Slots
can be 1-14. Zero means that BGP is not in a
Soloist mode. Default is zero.
wfBgpSubnetAggregation |
. |
If this switch is enabled, non-BGP originated subnet
routes are aggregated to their corresponding natural
network routes for advertisement to bgp peers.
Advertisement of BGP originated routes is not affected
by this switch.
wfBgpBlackHoleSupport |
. |
If this switch is disabled BGP doesn't submit a 'black-hole' route
into IP routing table for an aggregate route advertised
to a BGP peer. For action 'drop' packet will be dropped and for
'reject' - 'ICMP Destination Unreachable' will be send back.
wfBgpMedComparison |
. |
If this switch is disabled BGP, the Multi-Exit Discriminator (MED)
route attribute is not considered in the route selection
wfBgpIbgpReflection |
. |
Enables/Disables reflecting of BGP routes to IBGP peers.
wfBgpIbgpEcmpMethod |
. |
Method to use IGP ECMP routing information for an IBGP peering.
route-balance method distributes a set of destination networks
that share the same IBGP Next Hop among available ECMP routes.
Each IBGP network has one route submitted to IP RTM.
traffic-balance uses all avaiable IGP ECMP routes. Each IBGP
network submitted to IP RTM number of times equal to number
IGP ECMP routes to IBGP Next Hop.
wfBgpLocalPrefCalc |
. |
Enable/disable local_pref calculation
wfBgpConfedIdentifier |
. |
The BGP Confederation Identifier for this router.
NIL means this AS is not a member of any confederation
wfBgpConfedPeers |
. |
Peer list of this BGP speaker to other member sub_ASs
within the same confederation, NIL means no peer from
this speaker to neighbor ASs that are members of this
local confederation
wfBgp3Delete |
. |
Create/Delete parameter for determining whether or not BGP3 is
configured on this router.
wfBgp3Disable |
. |
Enable/Disable parameter for determining whether or not to start-up
wfBgp3State |
. |
the administrative state of BGP-3
wfBgp3IntraAsIbgpRouting |
. |
If this switch is enabled, BGP-3 will perform
Intra-AS IBGP routing.
wfBgp3IntAdvTimer |
. |
the minimum time interval, in seconds, between injections
of EBGP routes into the IP routing table. default is 5.
can't be zero
wfBgp3RipRules |
. |
if enabled, IBGP routes that are also reachable via
a RIP route will be consider 'reachable' and will be used.
the use of this is highly discouraged.
wfBgp3UsedRoutes |
. |
the number of received BGP-3 routes that have been submitted
for possible inclusion in the IP routing table.
wfBgp3TotalRoutes |
. |
the total number of BGP-3 routes currently maintained.
wfBgp4Delete |
. |
Create/Delete parameter for determining whether or not BGP-4 is
configured on this router.
wfBgp4Disable |
. |
Enable/Disable parameter for determining whether or
not to start-up BGP-4.
wfBgp4State |
. |
the administrative state of BGP-4
wfBgpPeerEntry |
. |
An entry in the BGP-Peer table
wfBgpVirtualPeerEntry |
. |
An entry in the BGP-Virtual-Peer table
wfBgpAsWeightEntry |
. |
An entry in the BGP AS weight table
wfBgp3PathAttrEntry |
. |
An entry in the BGP-3 Path Attribute Table
wfBgpPathAttrEntry |
. |
An entry in the BGP Path Attribute Table
wfBgpDbgEntry |
. |
a table entry
wfBgpPathAttributeEntry |
. |
An entry in the BGP Path Attribute Table
wfBgpRouteFlapDampeningEntry |
. |
An entry in the Route Flap Dampening table
wfBgpPeerLocalAddr |
. |
the local interface address
wfBgpPeerRemoteAddr |
. |
the peer's interface address
wfBgpPeerDelete |
. |
Create/Delete: if set to delete, the peer connection is removed
wfBgpPeerDisable |
. |
Enable/Disable: controls whether the peer connection is enabled
or disabled
wfBgpPeerState |
. |
the administrative state of the peer connection on this interface
wfBgpPeerLocalPort |
. |
the local TCP port number
wfBgpPeerRemotePort |
. |
the peer's TCP port number
wfBgpPeerMinVersion |
. |
the minimum BGP version number supported on this connection.
Default is 4.
wfBgpPeerMaxVersion |
. |
the maximum BGP version number supported on this connection
Default is 4.
wfBgpPeerRemoteAs |
. |
the configured peer's AS number. this must be filled in.
the AS received in the open message must match this one.
wfBgpPeerExtAdvTimer |
. |
Time interval in seconds for the MinRouteAdvertisementInterval
BGP timer. Default is 30. Can't be zero
wfBgpPeerConnectRetry |
. |
the ConnectRetry timer, in seconds. this is the time between
TCP connection attempts.
wfBgpPeerCfgHoldtime |
. |
the configured Holdtime timer, in seconds. this is the maximum
time that the peer can wait without receiving a KEEPALIVE from
this speaker. if no hold timer is to be used (for an SVC), zero
should be entered. otherwise, the value must be 3 or greater.
this value is sent in the OPEN message. upon receipt of an
OPEN, the received hold time is compared to this value.
if both are zero, no hold timer will be run and periodic
keepalives will not be sent. otherwise, the minimum
of the two timers will be used. if this results in a
hold timer of less than 3, 3 will be used.
wfBgpPeerHoldtime |
. |
the Holdtime timer value that was negotiated and is in use
wfBgpPeerCfgKeepAlive |
. |
the configured KeepAlive timer, in seconds. this is the interval
between sending KEEPALIVE messages. if the hold timer was set to
zero, this is ignored. otherwise, the KeepAlive timer will
be set to the minimum of this value and 1/3 of the hold timer.
wfBgpPeerKeepAlive |
. |
the value used for the KeepAlive timer
wfBgpPeerPathAttrSwitch |
. |
controls whether the wfBgp3PathAttrTable (and the
bgpRcvdPathAttrTable) will be maintained.
wfBgpPeerIdentifier |
. |
the BGP ID of the Peer
wfBgpPeerConnState |
. |
the state of the BGP connection FSM
wfBgpPeerNegotiatedVersion |
. |
the negotiated version of BGP running between the two peers
wfBgpPeerInUpdates |
. |
the number of BGP UPDATE messages received on this connection.
This object should be initialized to zero when the connection
is established.
wfBgpPeerOutUpdates |
. |
the number of BGP UPDATE messages transmitted on this connection.
This object should be initialized to zero when the connection is
wfBgpPeerInTotalMessages |
. |
the total number of messages received from the remote peer on this
connection. This object should be initialized to zero when the
connection is established.
wfBgpPeerOutTotalMessages |
. |
the total number of messages transmitted from the remote peer
on this connection. This object should be initialized to zero
when the connection is established.
wfBgpPeerLastError |
. |
the last error code and subcode seen by this peer on this
connection. If no error has occurred, this field is zero.
Otherwise, the first byte of this two byte OCTET STRING contains
the error code; the second contains the subcode.
wfBgpPeerTotalRoutes |
. |
the total number of routes that were received from this
peer that we are currently maintaining.
wfBgpPeerFsmEstablishedTransitions |
. |
The total number of times the BGP FSM transitioned into
the established state.
wfBgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime |
. |
This timer indicates how long (in seconds) this peer has been
in the Established state or how long since this peer was last
in the Established state. It is set to zero when a new peer is
configured or the router is booted.
wfBgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime |
. |
Elapsed time in seconds since the last BGP UPDATE message was
received from the peer. Each time wfBgpPeerInUpdates is
incremented, the value of this object is set to zero (0).
wfBgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval |
. |
Time interval in seconds for the MinASOriginationInterval timer.
The default value for this timer is 15 seconds. Can't be zero.
wfBgpPeerLocalAS |
. |
If configured, specifies the AS Number that is sent in OPEN message
to this peer. If zero, the AS Number specified with wfBgpLocalAS
attribute is used.
wfBgpPeerMaxUpdateSize |
. |
Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) of UPDATE message that can be
sent to this peer. Note that, if the message size that is needed
to advertise a single route is greater than the configured maximum
message size, the acctual message size can exceed the configured
wfBgpPeerRouteEchoSwitch |
. |
The switch controls route echoing. If enabled, a BGP route
that is selected for forwarding is advertised back to
the peer from which the route was received.
wfBgpPeerDiscardDuplicateRouteSwitch |
. |
Indicates if duplicate routes with the identical path attributes
should be discarded. Should be enabled only when peering with
an IBGP Route Server.
wfBgpPeerRSMode |
. |
Indicates the Route Reflector / Route Server Mode of BGP peer:
(1) - not a Route Server or Route Reflector connection;
(2) - peer is a Route Server client;
(3) - peer is a Route Server in the same RS cluster;
(4) - peer is a Route Server in a different RS cluster;
(5) - peer is a Route Reflector client;
(6) - peer is a Route Reflector in the same RR cluster;
(7) - peer is a Route Reflector in a different RR cluster.
wfBgpPeerRSIdentifier |
. |
BGP_PEER_RS_MODE_RS_EXTERNAL, specifies the RS Identifier
that is send in IDENTIFICATION message.
wfBgpPeerCfgDelayGranularity |
. |
the configured delay granularity in seconds.
wfBgpPeerDelayGranularity |
. |
the delay granularity in use
wfBgpPeerLastErrorSrc |
. |
The source of the last error notification received/sent \n( 1 = recv / 2 = sent ). A null is present if no errors \nhave occured.
wfBgpPeerNexthopSelf |
. |
Disable the use of third party advertisements
wfBgpPeerASLoopDetect |
. |
Designates whether the router will kill a peering \nsession if a Loop is detected in the AS Path.
wfBgpPeerBgpEcmpMethod |
. |
Defines a method to use IGP ECMP routing information.
route-balance method distributes a set of destination networks
that share the same BGP Next Hop among available ECMP routes.
Each BGP network has one route submitted to IP RTM.
traffic-balance uses all avaiable IGP ECMP routes. Each BGP
network submitted to IP RTM number of times equal to number
IGP ECMP routes to BGP Next Hop.
This parameter is similar to wfBgpIbgpEcmpMethod but
is applicable only to EBGP peer connections. IBGP
peer connection selects ECMP method according to
wfBgpIbgpEcmpMethod value.
wfBgpPeerDampenedRoutes |
. |
Number of routes from this peer that are suppressed due to
flap dampening.
wfBgpPeerTTL |
. |
Configurable Time-To-Live field to be used for this
peer connection. Unless wfBgpEbgpDebugSwitch is set,
a TTL of 1 is used for external BGP connections.
A value of zero (default) indicate to use wfIpBaseDefaultTTL
as the TTL value for this peer connection.
wfBgpPeerTcpAuthentication |
. |
Indicates if BGP TCP Authentication is enabled\nnone(1) - no authentication\nmd5(2) - MD5 authentication enabled
wfBgpPeerTcpMd5KeyStorage |
. |
Indicates how the wfBgpPeerTcpMd5Key is stored \nin the MIB and configuration file. \nclear-text(1) - the key is stored unencrypted \nencrypted(2) - the key is stored encrypted
wfBgpPeerTcpMd5Key |
. |
if nil, no key configured\nif not nil, BGP TCP MD5 authentication key stored in \nwfBgpPeerTcpMd5KeyStorage format
wfBgpVirtualPeerIdentifier |
. |
the BGP ID of the Peer
wfBgpVirtualPeerLocalAddr |
. |
the local interface address
wfBgpVirtualPeerRemoteAddr |
. |
the peer's interface address
wfBgpVirtualPeerInUpdates |
. |
the number of BGP UPDATE messages received on this connection.
This object should be initialized to zero when the connection
is established.
wfBgpVirtualPeerTotalRoutes |
. |
the total number of routes that were received from this
peer that we are currently maintaining.
wfBgpVirtualPeerInUpdateElapsedTime |
. |
Elapsed time in seconds since the last BGP UPDATE message was
received from the peer. Each time wfBgpVirtualPeerInUpdates is
incremented, the value of this object is set to zero (0).
wfBgpAsWeightNumber |
. |
the AS number
wfBgpAsWeightDelete |
. |
Create/Delete: if set to delete, the AS entry is
removed from this table
wfBgpAsWeightDisable |
. |
Enable/Disable: controls whether the AS entry is
enabled or disabled
wfBgpAsWeightState |
. |
the state of this AS weight entry
wfBgpAsWeightValue |
. |
the class-1 value to assign to this AS
wfBgpAsWeightValue2 |
. |
the class-2 value to assign to this AS
wfBgpAsWeightValue3 |
. |
the class-3 value to assign to this AS
wfBgpAsWeightValue4 |
. |
the class-4 value to assign to this AS
wfBgpAsWeightValue5 |
. |
the class-5 value to assign to this AS
wfBgpAsWeightValue6 |
. |
the class-6 value to assign to this AS
wfBgpAsWeightValue7 |
. |
the class-7 value to assign to this AS
wfBgpAsWeightValue8 |
. |
the class-8 value to assign to this AS
wfBgp3PathAttrDestNetwork |
. |
the address of the destination network.
wfBgp3PathAttrPeer |
. |
the BGP identifier of the peer where the path information was
wfBgp3PathAttrOrigin |
. |
the ultimate origin of the path information:
igp (1) -- network is interior;
egp (2) -- network learned via EGP;
incomplete (3) -- undetermined.
wfBgp3PathAttrASPath |
. |
the set of ASes that must be traversed to reach the network. Each AS
is represented as a pair of octets according to the following
first-byte-of-pair = ASNumber / 256;
second-byte-of-pair = ASNumber & 255;
wfBgp3PathAttrNextHop |
. |
the address of the border router that should be used as the
next-hop for the destination network.
wfBgp3PathAttrInterASMetric |
. |
the optional inter-AS metric. if this attribute has not been
provided for this route, the value for this object is 0.
wfBgp3PathAttrASPathWeight |
. |
the calculated AS path weight
wfBgp3PathAttrBgpPreference |
. |
the preference that is used to calculate this route with
other BGP routes to the same destination
wfBgp3PathAttrBest |
. |
an indication of whether or not this was chosen as the best route
to the destination
wfBgpPathAttrIpAddrPrefix |
. |
the IP address of the destination (sub)network.
wfBgpPathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen |
. |
Length in bits of the IP address prefix in
the destination (sub)network address.
wfBgpPathAttrPeer |
. |
the IP address of the peer where the path information was
wfBgpPathAttrOrigin |
. |
the ultimate origin of the path information:
igp (1) -- network is interior;
egp (2) -- network learned via EGP;
incomplete (3) -- undetermined.
wfBgpPathAttrASPathSegment |
. |
The sequence of AS path segments. Each AS path
segment is represented by a triple <type, length, value>.
The type is a 1-octet field which has two possible values:
1 AS_SET: unordered set of ASs a route in the UPDATE
message has traversed
2 AS_SEQUENCE: ordered set of ASs a route in the UPDATE
message has traversed.
The length is a 1-octet field containing the number of ASs
in the value field.
The value field contains one or more AS numbers, each AS is
represented in the octet string as a pair of octets according
to the following algorithm:
first-byte-of-pair = ASNumber / 256;
second-byte-of-pair = ASNumber & 255;
wfBgpPathAttrNextHop |
. |
the address of the border router that should be used as the
next-hop for the destination network.
wfBgpPathAttrMultiExitDisc |
. |
The optional inter-AS metric. If this attribute has not been
provided for this route, the value for this object is -1.
wfBgpPathAttrLocalPref |
. |
the originating BGP speaker's degree of preference
for advertised route (-1..2147483647); if this attribute
has not been provided for this route, the value for this
object is -1.
wfBgpPathAttrAtomicAggregate |
. |
indicates whether or not the local system has selected a less
specific route without selecting a more specific route
wfBgpPathAttrAggregatorAS |
. |
The AS number of the last BGP speaker that performed route
aggregation. A value of zero (0) indicates the absence of
this attribute.
wfBgpPathAttrAggregatorAddr |
. |
The BGP ID of the last BGP speaker that performed route
aggregation. A value of indicates the absence
of this attribute.
wfBgpPathAttrCalcLocalPref |
. |
The degree of preference calculated by the receiving
BGP speaker for an advertised route (-1..2147483647).
A value of -1 indicates the absence of this attribute
wfBgpPathAttrBest |
. |
an indication of whether or not this was chosen as
the best bgp rout to the destination and whether or not
it was chosen as a forwarding IP route
wfBgpPathAttrUnknown |
. |
One or more path attributes not understood
by this BGP speaker. Size zero (0) indicates
the absence of such attribute(s). Octets
beyond the maximum size (255), if any, are not
recorded by this object.
wfBgpPathAttrImporterID |
. |
For RS, the BGP ID of the border router that imported this route
wfBgpPathAttrClusterID |
. |
For RS, the sequence of Cluter IDs of the Clusters.
Size zero (0) indicates the absence of such attribute(s).
wfBgpPathAttrCommunity |
. |
List of BGP communities. Each community is
4 bytes long. Size zero (0) indicates
the absence of community attribute. Octets
beyond the maximum size (255), if any, are not
recorded by this object.
wfBgpPathAttrCalcMED |
. |
The Multi Exit Disc. calculated by the receiving
BGP speaker for an advertised route (-1...2G)
wfBgpDbgLocAddr |
. |
The peer's local address.
If, debug attributes are applied to all peers
to specified Remote Address or with specified BGP version
wfBgpDbgRemoteAddr |
. |
The peer's Remote Address .
If, debug attrubutes are applied to all configured
peers from specified Local Address;
if, debug attrubutes are applied to BGP4 gate
wfBgpDbgCreate |
. |
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created.
wfBgpDbgMsgLevel |
. |
BGP log messages level.
To control certain level of log messages
BGP_DBG_MSG_ALL 0x001f0000 - 2031616
BGP_DBG_MSG_DEBUG 0x00010000 - 65536
BGP_DBG_MSG_INFO 0x00020000 - 131072
BGP_DBG_MSG_WARNING 0x00040000 - 262144
BGP_DBG_MSG_FAULT 0x00080000 - 524288
BGP_DBG_MSG_TRACE 0x00100000 - 1048576
wfBgpDbgMsgTraceSwitch |
. |
controls whether BGP messages that are exchanged on this
connection are dumped to the log.
BGP_DBG_MSG_DUMP_REC_OPEN enables tracing of OPEN messages
on logical OR basis
wfBgpDbgLogCode |
. |
Indicates that a debug log message which corresponds
to the value of this attributes should be or should be not
sent to the log.
Affects wfBgpDbgCodes only. In order to save combined
list of messages you have to set wfBgpDbgBootCodes directly
as copy of wfBgpDbgCodes
wfBgpDbgLogCodeDisable |
. |
Indicates that a debug log message defined in wfBgpDbgCode
will be or will be not logged
wfBgpDbgCodes |
. |
Vector of enabled debug messages (to check only).
Messages are identified via the string of bits
contained within this attribute. The first octet
contains bits 0 to 7, the second octet contains
bits 8 to 15, and so on, with the most significant
bit referring to the lowest bit number in the octet
(e.g., the MSB of the first octet refers to bit 0).
If a bit, i, is present and set, then the DEBUG log
message with the code (i) is enabled.
wfBgpDbgBootCodes |
. |
User-defined vector of enabled debug messages at boot moment.
Coded as instance above
wfBgpPathAttributeIpAddrPrefix |
. |
the IP address of the destination (sub)network.
wfBgpPathAttributeIpAddrPrefixLen |
. |
Length in bits of the IP address prefix in
the destination (sub)network address.
wfBgpPathAttributeImporterID |
. |
For RS, the BGP ID of the border router that imported this route
wfBgpPathAttributePeer |
. |
the IP address of the peer where the path information was
wfBgpPathAttributeOrigin |
. |
the ultimate origin of the path information:
igp (1) -- network is interior;
egp (2) -- network learned via EGP;
incomplete (3) -- undetermined.
wfBgpPathAttributeASPathSegment |
. |
The sequence of AS path segments. Each AS path
segment is represented by a triple <type, length, value>.
The type is a 1-octet field which has two possible values:
1 AS_SET: unordered set of ASs a route in the UPDATE
message has traversed
2 AS_SEQUENCE: ordered set of ASs a route in the UPDATE
message has traversed.
The length is a 1-octet field containing the number of ASs
in the value field.
The value field contains one or more AS numbers, each AS is
represented in the octet string as a pair of octets according
to the following algorithm:
first-byte-of-pair = ASNumber / 256;
second-byte-of-pair = ASNumber & 255;
wfBgpPathAttributeNextHop |
. |
the address of the border router that should be used as the
next-hop for the destination network.
wfBgpPathAttributeMultiExitDisc |
. |
The optional inter-AS metric. If this attribute has not been
provided for this route, the value for this object is -1.
wfBgpPathAttributeLocalPref |
. |
the originating BGP speaker's degree of preference
for advertised route (-1..2147483647); if this attribute
has not been provided for this route, the value for this
object is -1.
wfBgpPathAttributeAtomicAggregate |
. |
indicates whether or not the local system has selected a less
specific route without selecting a more specific route
wfBgpPathAttributeAggregatorAS |
. |
The AS number of the last BGP speaker that performed route
aggregation. A value of zero (0) indicates the absence of
this attribute.
wfBgpPathAttributeAggregatorAddr |
. |
The BGP ID of the last BGP speaker that performed route
aggregation. A value of indicates the absence
of this attribute.
wfBgpPathAttributeCalcLocalPref |
. |
The degree of preference calculated by the receiving
BGP speaker for an advertised route (-1..2147483647).
A value of -1 indicates the absence of this attribute
wfBgpPathAttributeBest |
. |
an indication of whether or not this was chosen as
the best bgp rout to the destination and whether or not
it was chosen as a forwarding IP route
wfBgpPathAttributeUnknown |
. |
One or more path attributes not understood
by this BGP speaker. Size zero (0) indicates
the absence of such attribute(s). Octets
beyond the maximum size (255), if any, are not
recorded by this object.
wfBgpPathAttributeClusterID |
. |
For RS, the sequence of Cluter IDs of the Clusters.
Size zero (0) indicates the absence of such attribute(s).
wfBgpPathAttributeCommunity |
. |
List of BGP communities. Each community is
4 bytes long. Size zero (0) indicates
the absence of community attribute. Octets
beyond the maximum size (255), if any, are not
recorded by this object.
wfBgpPathAttributeCalcMED |
. |
The Multi Exit Disc. calculated by the receiving
BGP speaker for an advertised route (-1...2G)
wfBgpPathAttributeFlapPenalty |
. |
Penalty value based on number of route flaps
wfBgpPathAttributeFlapCount |
. |
Number of times a route flapped since the last time the penaltywas reset to zero
wfBgpPathAttributeRouteDampened |
. |
Shows whether this route is currently suppressed from being announced
wfBgpRouteFlapDampeningIndex |
. |
Index number of this entry in wfBgpRouteFlapDampeningTable
wfBgpRouteFlapDampeningDelete |
. |
Create/Delete: if set to delete, the entry is removed
wfBgpRouteFlapDampeningName |
. |
Name of this template
wfBgpRouteFlapDampeningCutoffThreshold |
. |
Value of penalty over which a route is suppressed.
Expressed in number of withdrawals
wfBgpRouteFlapDampeningReuseThreshold |
. |
Value of penalty below which a route is unsuppressed.
Expressed in number of withdrawals
wfBgpRouteFlapDampeningReachableDecay |
. |
Duration in minutes after which the penalty value is
reduced to half when the route is reachable.
Default is 5 minutes
wfBgpRouteFlapDampeningUnreachableDecay |
. |
Duration in minutes after which the penalty value is
reduced to half when the route is unreachable.
Default is 15 minutes.
wfBgpRouteFlapDampeningMaxHoldDown |
. |
Maximum time a route remains suppressed.
Expressed in number seconds. Default is 45 minutes
wfBgpRouteFlapDampeningMemoryLimit |
. |
If the state of a route(reachable/unreachable)
remains stable for this duration, the penalty is cleared
and the route unsuppressed.
Expressed in number of minutes. Default is 45 minutes