Wellfleet-IKE-MIB.mib object view, vendor Wellfleet
Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers).
This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file Wellfleet-IKE-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.
Wellfleet-IKE-MIB file content
Object view of Wellfleet-IKE-MIB:
Scalar Object |
wfIkeDescriptorEntry |
. |
An Internet Key Exchange Descriptor
wfIkeTransformEntry |
. |
An Internet Key Exchange Transform
wfIkeSlotEntry |
. |
Defines per slot cfg info such as log level
wfIkeSaEntry |
. |
Entry in IKE security association table
Tabular Object |
wfIkeDescriptorLocalIpAddr |
. |
The address of the local IP interface to which this
instance applies.
wfIkeDescriptorPeerIpAddr |
. |
The address of the remote IP interface to which this
instance applies.
wfIkeDescriptorIndex |
. |
Differentiates instances with same peer IP addr
wfIkeDescriptorCreate |
. |
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created.
wfIkeDescriptorStatus |
. |
wfIkeDescriptorExchange |
. |
wfIkeDescriptorProposals |
. |
an ordered, logically OR'ed list of IKE proposals
wfIkeDescriptorName |
. |
Name of Ike Descriptor Entry
wfIkeDescriptorPreSharedSecret |
. |
IKE Pre shared secret
wfIkeDescriptorExpiryMinutes |
. |
The value used to determine when the keys for this SA
expire due to the passage of time.
wfIkeDescriptorExpiryKBytes |
. |
The value used to determine when the keys for this SA
expire due to the number of bytes processed. The units are
wfIkeDescriptorExpiryPref |
. |
wfIkeTransformNumber |
. |
wfIkeTransformCreate |
. |
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created.
wfIkeTransformStatus |
. |
wfIkeTransformCipherAlg |
. |
wfIkeTransformDesKeyStrength |
. |
wfIkeTransformIntegrityAlg |
. |
wfIkeSlotNum |
. |
The slot number
wfIkeSlotCreate |
. |
Specifies wfIkeEntry instantiation status
wfIkeSlotLogLevel |
. |
Specifies the level(s) of log messages specified
wfIkeSaSrc |
. |
The IP address of the SA's source.
wfIkeSaDest |
. |
The IP address of the SA's destination.
wfIkeSaIndex |
. |
The index that differentiates IKE SAs
wfIkeSaCreate |
. |
Create/Delete parameter.
wfIkeSaCipherAlg |
. |
Identifies cipher algorithm for this SA.
wfIkeSaIntegrityAlg |
. |
The algorithm for ESP Auth.
wfIkeSaExpiryUnits |
. |
The units used to interpret the expiry value.
wfIkeSaExpiryValue |
. |
The value used to determine when the keys for this SA
wfIkeSaBadDecrypt |
. |
The number of received packets that could
not be properly decrypted.
wfIkeSaBadPad |
. |
The number of received packets that contained
bad padding information.
wfIkeSaTxPkts |
. |
The number of packets sent.
wfIkeSaRxPkts |
. |
The number of packets received.
wfIkeSaTxOctets |
. |
The number of octets transmitted.
wfIkeSaRxOctets |
. |
The number of octets received.
Table |
wfIkeDescriptorTable |
. |
Table of Internet Key Exchange descriptors.
The descriptors correspond to IKE Proposals
in the IKE RFC.
wfIkeTransformTable |
. |
Table of Internet Key Exchange Transforms
wfIkeSlotTable |
. |
Per slot IKE configuration information
wfIkeSaTable |
. |
The IKE security association table