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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Wellfleet » Wellfleet-IP-MIB » Objects

Wellfleet-IP-MIB.mib object view, vendor Wellfleet


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file Wellfleet-IP-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

Wellfleet-IP-MIB file content

Object view of Wellfleet-IP-MIB:

Scalar Object
wfIpBaseCreate .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete IP.
wfIpBaseEnable .
Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enabled. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disable IP.
wfIpBaseState .
The current state of the entire IP.
wfIpBaseForwarding .
The indication of whether this entity is acting as an IP gateway in respect to the forwarding of datagrams received by, but not addressed to, this entity. IP gateways forward datagrams. IP hosts do not (except those source-routed via the host). Note that for some managed nodes, this object may take on only a subset of the values possible. Accordingly, it is appropriate for an agent to return a `badValue' response if a management station attempts to change this object to an inappropriate value.
wfIpBaseDefaultTTL .
The default value inserted into the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of datagrams originated at this entity, whenever a TTL value is not supplied by the transport layer protocol.
wfIpBaseRipDiameter .
The Diameter of the RIP network. 1 less than 'infinity
wfIpBaseRouteCache .
The interval at which routing entries are flushed from the forwarding tables.
wfIpBaseMibTables .
Configures which routing MIB tables are maintained by IP. Previously, only the wfIpBaseRtTable was maintained. In order to support variable length subnets, the wfIpForwardTable was implemented. Supporting both these tables requires memory usage. The user can now configure which tables to maintain to reduce memory usage if needed. In the absence of variable length subnetting, these tables would maintain identical information.
wfIpBaseNetworks .
The number of networks (including subnets) in the routing table
wfIpBaseZeroSubnetEnable .
This parameter indicates whether or not 0 subnets are allowed. If they are not allowed, interfaces configured with a 0 subnet will not be allowed. Value 'rip1onasb' implies 'enabled' also RIP1 support on all one or zero subnet
wfIpBaseEstimatedNetworks .
This parameter indicates the estimated number of networks that the router will need to keep in its routing table.
wfIpBaseHosts .
This parameter indicates the number of hosts resolved by IP. This parameter will be equal to the number of instances of wfIpNetToMediaEntry
wfIpBaseEstimatedHosts .
This parameter indicates the estimated number of hosts that the router will need to keep in its hosts table.
wfIpBaseDefaultOverSubnetEnable .
This parameter indicates whether or not default route for subnets in subnetted network is allowed.
wfIpBaseMaxPolicyRules .
This parameter indicates the maximum number of policy rules that can be configured per type (ACCEPT or ANNOUNCE) per protocol. In order to configure more policy rules, this parameter must be changed.
wfIpBaseRouteFilterSupport .
This parameter indicates whether or not route filters are supported.
wfRipMaximumPath .
Maximum number of equal cost paths allowed for a network installed by RIP.
wfIpMultipathMethod .
Method to use to choose next hop when more than one is available. The round-robin method will send each packet destined for a given destination to a different nexthop until all have been used, then repeat its iteration through the list. src-dest-hash will use a single nexthop for all traffic originating at one given IP address and addressed to another given IP address. dest-hash is similar but uses only the destination's IP address to compute the nexthop. round-robin provides greater usage of network resources, but increases the chance for out of order packet delivery and similar problems. src-dest-hash increases the chances that packets will be delivered in order, but fails to take full advantage of the capabilities of the network. dest-hash makes the forwarding algorithm compatible with RSVP when the latter is enabled on the router.
wfIpBaseIspMode .
This parameter indicates whether or not ISP features are supported: i.e. BGP soloist, etc.
wfIpBaseExtendedTrafficFilterSupport .
This parameter indicates whether or not extended traffic filters are supported.
wfIpOspfMaximumPath .
Maximum number of equal cost paths allowed for a network installed by OSPF.
wfIpBaseIcmpErrorLimit .
The maximum number of ICMP messages that is allowed to be transmitted within 1 second interval out of any individual interface. Disabled if set to 0.
wfIpBaseIbgpEcmp .
IBGP ECMP mode allows BGP to select route to IBGP next hop using available ECMP inter-domain routing information.
wfIpBaseRtbBalanceInterval .
Time interval (in minutes) to re-balance route pool. If this value is 0, then 'periodical re-balance' functionality is considered to be disabled.
wfIpBaseRtblP1 .
Controls the number of indexes in IP routing RTBL. If this value is 0, a value based on the number of hosts and the number of nets will be calculated. This parameter is closely linked with wfIpBaseRtblP2 in terms of balancing the rtbl
wfIpBaseRtblP2 .
Controls the deviation of nodes per index from the average number of nodes per index. If this value is 0, a value based on the number of hosts and the number of nets will be calculated. This parameter is closely linked with wfIpBaseRtblP1 in terms of balancing the rtbl
wfIpBaseArpBufLimitPrcnt .
Defines the upper limit (in percent) of buffers that can be used by ARP for saving buffers when resolving ARP request
wfIpBaseDirectedBcastEnable .
Boxwide directed broadcast Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enabled.
wfIpBaseHostOnlyRip .
Whether or not listen RIPs in Host Only Mode.
wfIpBaseRtEntry .
A description of a route
wfIpBaseHostEntry .
A description of a resolved host
wfIpInterfaceEntry .
An IP interface description
wfIpStaticRouteEntry .
A static route definition
wfIpAdjacentHostEntry .
A description of an adjacent host
wfIpTrafficFilterEntry .
A traffic filter definition
wfIpForwardEntry .
A forwarding entry
wfIpNetToMediaEntry .
A description of a resolved host
wfUdpInDatagrams .
The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP users.
wfUdpNoPorts .
The total number of received UDP datagrams for which there was no application at the destination port.
wfUdpInErrors .
The number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port.
wfUdpOutDatagrams .
The total number of UDP datagrams sent from this entity.
wfUdpEntry .
A particular entry
wfUdpMprCreate .
Create/Delete parameter for SIAC MPR. The default is created.
wfUdpMprEnable .
Enables/Disables router wide MPR functionality.
wfUdpMprStartPort .
Starting UDP port number for MPR address resolution.
wfUdpMprNumberOfPorts .
Max number of UDP ports in mapping table.
wfUdpMprStatisticsEnable .
Enable/Disable parameter for global MPR statistics collection.
wfUdpMprInPkts .
Total number of packets received by MPR
wfUdpMprOutPkts .
Total number of packets sent by MPR
wfUdpMprGenPkts .
Total number of packets generated by MPR.
wfUdpMprLookupDrops .
Total number of packets dropped due to mcast address lokup failure.
wfUdpMprDisableDrops .
Total number of packets dropped due to mapping entry being disabled.
wfUdpMprMappingEntry .
A particular entry
wfRipIntfEntry .
A description of a RIP interface
wfRipInterfaceEntry .
A description of a RIP interface
wfRdiscIntfEntry .
A description of a RDISC interface
wfIpAccCtrlFilterEntry .
Each entry corresponds to one filter.
wfIpAccCtrlNetworkEntry .
An entry for the IP access control network table.
wfIpAccCtrlUserHostEntry .
An entry for the IP access control user/host Table.
wfIpAddrEntry .
The addressing information for one of this entity's IP addresses.
wfIpInternalHostEntry .
An internal host table entry.
wfIpIntfStatsEntry .
An IP stats interface description
wfIpIntfCfgEntry .
An IP cfg interface description
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpEntry .
An IP interface icmp stats description
wfIpFilterRuleEntry .
Each entry contains the definition of a traffic filter
wfIpFilterConfigEntry .
A traffic filter definition of configuration information
wfIpFilterStatsEntry .
A traffic filter definition of statistical information
wfIpTosTemplateCfgEntry .
A ToS/DS byte interpretation/mapping
wfIpTosTemplateEntry .
A ToS/DS byte interpretation/mapping
wfIpGreTnlEntry .
A GRE tunnel definition
wfIpGreConnEntry .
A GRE tunnel connection definition
wfIpBaseDbgCreate .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete IP base debug.
wfIpBaseDbgOptions .
wfIpBaseDbgAddress .
wfIpBaseDbgAddressMask .
wfIpBaseDbgMisc .
wfIpFilterTemplateEntry .
An IP Traffic Filter definition
Tabular Object
wfIpBaseRouteDest .
The destination IP address of this route. An entry with a value of is considered a default route. Multiple routes to a single destination can appear in the table, but access to such multiple entries is dependent on the table- access mechanisms defined by the network management protocol in use.
wfIpBaseRouteIfIndex .
The index value which uniquely identifies the local interface through which the next hop of this route should be reached. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by the same value of ifIndex.
wfIpBaseRouteMetric1 .
The primary routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1.
wfIpBaseRouteMetric2 .
An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1.
wfIpBaseRouteMetric3 .
An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1.
wfIpBaseRouteMetric4 .
An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1.
wfIpBaseRouteNextHop .
The IP address of the next hop of this route. (In the case of a route bound to an interface which is realized via a broadcast media, the value of this field is the agent's IP address on that interface.)
wfIpBaseRouteType .
The type of route. Note that the values direct(3) and indirect(4) refer to the notion of direct and indirect routing in the IP architecture. Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry in the ipRouteTable object. That is, it effectively dissasociates the destination identified with said entry from the route identified with said entry. It is an implementation-specific matter as to whether the agent removes an invalidated entry from the table. nagement stations must be prepared to receive tabular information from agents that corresponds to entries not currently in use. Proper interpretation of such entries requires examination of the relevant ipRouteType object.
wfIpBaseRouteProto .
The routing mechanism via which this route was learned. Inclusion of values for gateway routing protocols is not intended to imply that hosts should support those protocols.
wfIpBaseRouteAge .
The number of seconds since this route was last updated or otherwise determined to be correct. Note that no semantics of `too old' can be implied except through knowledge of the routing protocol by which the route was learned.
wfIpBaseRouteMask .
Indicate the mask to be logical-ANDed with the destination address before being compared to the value in the ipRouteDest field. For those systems that do not support arbitrary subnet masks, an agent constructs the value of the ipRouteMask by determining whether the value of the correspondent ipRouteDest field belong to a class-A, B, or C network, and then using one of: mask network class-A class-B class-C If the value of the ipRouteDest is (a default route), then the mask value is also It should be noted that all IP routing subsystems implicitly use this mechanism.
wfIpBaseRouteMetric5 .
An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1.
wfIpBaseRouteInfo .
A user-defined string which describes this Route entry
wfIpBaseNetToMediaIfIndex .
The interface on which this entry's equivalence is effective. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by the same value of ifIndex.
wfIpBaseNetToMediaNetAddress .
The IpAddress corresponding to the media-dependent `physical' address.
wfIpBaseNetToMediaPhysAddress .
The media-dependent `physical' address.
wfIpBaseNetToMediaType .
The type of mapping. Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry in the ipNetToMediaTable. That is, it effectively dissasociates the interface identified with said entry from the mapping identified with said entry. It is an implementation-specific matter as to whether the agent removes an invalidated entry from the table. Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to receive tabular information from agents that corresponds to entries not currently in use. Proper interpretation of such entries requires examination of the relevant ipNetToMediaType object.
wfIpInterfaceAddr .
The IP Address to which this entry's addressing information pertains
wfIpInterfaceCircuit .
The Circuit Number that this interface runs over
wfIpInterfaceCreate .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete an IP interface.
wfIpInterfaceEnable .
Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enabled. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disable an IP interface.
wfIpInterfaceState .
INvalid indicates an error in processing the cfg record
wfIpInterfaceMask .
The subnet mask associated with the IP address of this entry. The value of the mask is an IP address with all the network bits set to 1 and all the hosts bits set to 0.
wfIpInterfaceCost .
The Cost metric associated with the IP Address of this entry
wfIpInterfaceCfgBcastAddr .
The user can specifcy a broadcast address for a NWIF
wfIpInterfaceBcastAddr .
The value of the broadcast address used for sending datagrams on the (logical) interface associated with the IP address of this entry. This value applies to both the subnet and network broadcasts addresses used by the entity on this (logical) interface. This is value used by the software
wfIpInterfaceMTUDiscovery .
Whether MTU discovery option is on/off
wfIpInterfaceAMR .
Whether Address Mask Reply is ON/OFF
wfIpInterfaceASB .
Whether All-Subnet Broadcasts Are excepted and Sent out this NWIF
wfIpInterfaceAddressResolutionType .
Indicates which Address Resolution Type to use
wfIpInterfaceProxy .
Indicates Whether Proxy is on this Interface or not
wfIpInterfaceHostCache .
Whether the Host Cache (Address Aging) is on or not. A Range of discrete values is specified as well as a value meaning don't age
wfIpInterfaceUdpXsumOn .
Whether to turn UDP checksum verification on for UDP packets recieved and transmitted by this router
wfIpInterfaceCfgMacAddress .
The desired mac set by the user
wfIpInterfaceMacAddress .
The MAC Address for this Interface- actual one used
wfIpInterfaceReasmMaxSize .
The size of the largest IP datagram which this entity can re-assemble from incoming IP fragmented datagrams received on this interface.
wfIpInterfaceMaxInfo .
The maximum size of the INFO (non-MAC) field that this port will receive or transmit.
wfIpInterfaceInReceives .
The total number of input datagrams received from interfaces, including those received in error.
wfIpInterfaceInHdrErrors .
The number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP headers, including bad checksums, version number mismatch, other format errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered in processing their IP options, etc.
wfIpInterfaceInAddrErrors .
The number of input datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header's destination field was not a valid address to be received at this entity. This count includes invalid addresses (e.g., and addresses of unsupported Classes (e.g., Class E). For entities which are not IP Gateways and therefore do not forward datagrams, this counter includes datagrams discarded because the destination address was not a local address.
wfIpInterfaceForwDatagrams .
The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination, as a result of which an attempt was made to find a route to forward them to that final destination. In entities which do not act as IP Gateways, this counter will include only those packets which were Source-Routed via this entity, and the Source- Route option processing was successful.
wfIpInterfaceInUnknownProtos .
The number of locally-addressed datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.
wfIpInterfaceInDiscards .
The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were encountered to prevent their continued processing, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space). Note that this counter does not include any datagrams discarded while awaiting re-assembly.
wfIpInterfaceInDelivers .
The total number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP).
wfIpInterfaceOutRequests .
The total number of IP datagrams which local IP user-protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transmission. Note that this counter does not include any datagrams counted in ipForwDatagrams.
wfIpInterfaceOutDiscards .
The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent their transmission to their destination, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space). Note that this counter would include datagrams counted in ipForwDatagrams if any such packets met this (discretionary) discard criterion.
wfIpInterfaceOutNoRoutes .
The number of IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination. Note that this counter includes any packets counted in ipForwDatagrams which meet this `no-route' criterion. Note that this includes any datagarms which a host cannot route because all of its default gateways are down.
wfIpInterfaceReasmTimeout .
The maximum number of seconds which received fragments are held while they are awaiting reassembly at this entity.
wfIpInterfaceReasmReqds .
The number of IP fragments received which needed to be reassembled at this entity.
wfIpInterfaceReasmOKs .
The number of IP datagrams successfully reassembled.
wfIpInterfaceReasmFails .
The number of failures detected by the IP re- assembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors, etc). Note that this is not necessarily a count of discarded IP fragments since some algorithms (notably the algorithm in RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments by combining them as they are received.
wfIpInterfaceFragOKs .
The number of IP datagrams that have been successfully fragmented at this entity.
wfIpInterfaceFragFails .
The number of IP datagrams that have been discarded because they needed to be fragmented at this entity but could not be, e.g., because their Don't Fragment flag was set.
wfIpInterfaceFragCreates .
The number of IP datagram fragments that have been generated as a result of fragmentation at this entity.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpInMsgs .
The total number of ICMP messages which includes all those counted by wfIpInterfaceIcmpInErrors.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpInErrors .
The number of ICMP messages which the entity received but determined as having ICMP-specific errors (bad ICMP checksums, bad length, etc.).
wfIpInterfaceIcmpInDestUnreachs .
The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpInTimeExcds .
The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpInParmProbs .
The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages received.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpInSrcQuenchs .
The number of ICMP Source Quench messages received.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpInRedirects .
The number of ICMP Redirect messages received.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpInEchos .
The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpInEchoReps .
The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpInTimestamps .
The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages received.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpInTimestampReps .
The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages received.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpInAddrMasks .
The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages received.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpInAddrMaskReps .
The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages received.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpOutMsgs .
The total number of ICMP messages which this entity attempted to send. Note that this counter includes all those counted by icmpOutErrors.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpOutErrors .
The number of ICMP messages which this entity did not send due to problems discovered within ICMP such as a lack of buffers. This value should not include errors discovered outside the ICMP layer such as the inability of IP to route the resultant datagram. In some implementations there may be no types of error which contribute to this counter's value.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpOutDestUnreachs .
The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages sent.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpOutTimeExcds .
The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpOutParmProbs .
The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages sent.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpOutSrcQuenchs .
The number of ICMP Source Quench messages sent.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpOutRedirects .
The number of ICMP Redirect messages sent. For a host, this object will always be zero, since hosts do not send redirects.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpOutEchos .
The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpOutEchoReps .
The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpOutTimestamps .
The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages sent.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpOutTimestampReps .
The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages sent.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpOutAddrMasks .
The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages sent.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpOutAddrMaskReps .
The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages sent.
wfIpInterfaceTrEndStation .
Use Source Routing over token ring selection. Only applies if pam type is TRING.
wfIpInterfaceSMDSGroupAddress .
The SMDS group address
wfIpInterfaceSMDSArpReqAddress .
The SMDS arp req address
wfIpInterfaceFRBcastDlci .
Frame Relay broadcast dlci
wfIpInterfaceFRMcast1Dlci .
Frame Relay multicast dlci #1
wfIpInterfaceFRMcast2Dlci .
Frame Relay multicast dlci #2
wfIpInterfaceRedirect .
Indicates Whether we're sending out redirects on this Interface or not
wfIpInterfaceEnetArpEncaps .
The data link encapsulation type to use for ARP packets if the the media is ethernet.
wfIpInterfaceCacheMisses .
The number of FFT cache misses (i.e how many times did the cache gate have to do a look up in the RNP because the FFT didn't have the destination network
wfIpInterfaceCacheNetworks .
Between 0 and wfIpInterfaceFwdCacheSize
wfIpInterfaceCacheRemoves .
The number of networks which have been flushed from the FFT because of aging
wfIpInterfaceSlotMask .
Slot mask for which slots a circuit-less interface is eligible to run on. The most significant bit represents slot 1, the next most significant bit represents slot 2, and so on... Slots can be 1-14. This is only valid if wfIpInterfaceCircuit is 0.
wfIpInterfaceEnableSecurity .
Enables RIPSO on this interface
wfIpInterfaceStripSecurity .
Defines which packets will have security option removed. This is a bit mask.
wfIpInterfaceRequireOutSecurity .
Defines which types of outbound packets are required to have a security option. This is a bit mask.
wfIpInterfaceRequireInSecurity .
Defines whether or not incoming packets must have security option. This is a bit mask.
wfIpInterfaceMinLevel .
Defines the minimum level allowed for packets transmitted or received via this interface. IP_NWIF_LEVEL_UNCLASSIFIED 171 0x000000AB IP_NWIF_LEVEL_CONFIDENTIAL 150 0x00000096 IP_NWIF_LEVEL_SECRET 90 0x0000005A IP_NWIF_LEVEL_TOPSECRET 61 0x0000003D
wfIpInterfaceMaxLevel .
Defines the maximum level allowed for packets transmitted or received via this interface. IP_NWIF_LEVEL_UNCLASSIFIED 171 0x000000AB IP_NWIF_LEVEL_CONFIDENTIAL 150 0x00000096 IP_NWIF_LEVEL_SECRET 90 0x0000005A IP_NWIF_LEVEL_TOPSECRET 61 0x0000003D
wfIpInterfaceMustOutAuthority .
Defines the authority bits that must be set in packets transmitted via this interface. This is a bit map. Zero is valid. Authorities have been defined for the first octet. This is represented by the following 'bit mask' values. IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE 0 (0x00) IP_NWIF_AUTH_GENSER 128 (0x80) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SIOPESI 64 (0x40) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SCI 32 (0x20) IP_NWIF_AUTH_NSA 16 (0x10) IP_NWIF_AUTH_DOE 8 (0x08) IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL 248 (0xF8) If no value is specified, the software will default to IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE.
wfIpInterfaceMayOutAuthority .
Defines the authority bits that may be set in packets transmitted via this interface. This is a bit map. Zero is valid. Authorities have been defined for the first octet. This is represented by the following 'bit mask' values. IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE 0 (0x00) IP_NWIF_AUTH_GENSER 128 (0x80) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SIOPESI 64 (0x40) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SCI 32 (0x20) IP_NWIF_AUTH_NSA 16 (0x10) IP_NWIF_AUTH_DOE 8 (0x08) IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL 248 (0xF8) If no value is specified, the software will default to IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL.
wfIpInterfaceMustInAuthority .
Defines the authority bits that must be set in packets received via this interface. This is a bit map. Zero is valid. Authorities have been defined for the first octet. This is represented by the following 'bit mask' values. IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE 0 (0x00) IP_NWIF_AUTH_GENSER 128 (0x80) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SIOPESI 64 (0x40) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SCI 32 (0x20) IP_NWIF_AUTH_NSA 16 (0x10) IP_NWIF_AUTH_DOE 8 (0x08) IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL 248 (0xF8) If no value is specified, the software will default to IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE.
wfIpInterfaceMayInAuthority .
Defines the authority bits that may be set in packets received via this interface. This is a bit map. Zero is valid. Authorities have been defined for the first octet. This is represented by the following 'bit mask' values. IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE 0 (0x00) IP_NWIF_AUTH_GENSER 128 (0x80) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SIOPESI 64 (0x40) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SCI 32 (0x20) IP_NWIF_AUTH_NSA 16 (0x10) IP_NWIF_AUTH_DOE 8 (0x08) IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL 248 (0xF8) If no value is specified, the software will default to IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL.
wfIpInterfaceImplicitLabelEnabled .
Should an implicit label be associated with any inbound unlabelled datagrams?
wfIpInterfaceImplicitAuth .
Defines the authority bits in the implicit label associated with an unlabelled inbound datagram. This is a bit map. 'NONE' means that a 3-byte option label (no authority byte) is used. This field only has meaning if implicit labelling is enabled (wfIpInterfaceImplicitLabelEnabled = IP_NWIF_LABEL_ENABLED). The octets indicate auth values. Authorities have been defined for the first octet. This is represented by the following 'bit mask' values: IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE 0 (0x00) IP_NWIF_AUTH_GENSER 128 (0x80) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SIOPESI 64 (0x40) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SCI 32 (0x20) IP_NWIF_AUTH_NSA 16 (0x10) IP_NWIF_AUTH_DOE 8 (0x08) IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL 248 (0xF8) If no value is specified and implicit labelling is enabled, the software defaults to IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE.
wfIpInterfaceImplicitLevel .
Defines the classification level byte in the implicit label associated with an unlabelled inbound datagram. IP_NWIF_LEVEL_UNCLASSIFIED 171 0x000000AB IP_NWIF_LEVEL_CONFIDENTIAL 150 0x00000096 IP_NWIF_LEVEL_SECRET 90 0x0000005A IP_NWIF_LEVEL_TOPSECRET 61 0x0000003D
wfIpInterfaceDefaultLabelEnabled .
Should a default label be associated with any not-yet-labelled oubound datagrams?
wfIpInterfaceDefaultAuth .
Defines the authority bits in the default label associated with a not-yet-labelled outbound datagram. This is a bit map. 'NONE' means that a 3-byte option label (no authority byte) is used. This field only has meaning if default labelling is enabled (wfIpInterfaceDefaultLabelEnabled = IP_NWIF_LABEL_ENABLED). The octets indicate auth values. Authorities have been defined for the first octet. This is represented by the following 'bit mask' values: IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE 0 (0x00) IP_NWIF_AUTH_GENSER 128 (0x80) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SIOPESI 64 (0x40) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SCI 32 (0x20) IP_NWIF_AUTH_NSA 16 (0x10) IP_NWIF_AUTH_DOE 8 (0x08) IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL 248 (0xF8) If no value is specified and default labelling is enabled, the software defaults to IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE.
wfIpInterfaceDefaultLevel .
Defines the classification level byte to use in the default label associated with a not-yet-labelled outbound datagram. IP_NWIF_LEVEL_UNCLASSIFIED 171 0x000000AB IP_NWIF_LEVEL_CONFIDENTIAL 150 0x00000096 IP_NWIF_LEVEL_SECRET 90 0x0000005A IP_NWIF_LEVEL_TOPSECRET 61 0x0000003D
wfIpInterfaceErrorLabelEnabled .
Should an error label be associated with any outbound ICMP error packets?
wfIpInterfaceErrorAuth .
Defines the authority bits in the error label associated with any outbount ICMP error packets. This is a bit map. 'NONE' means that a 3-byte option label (no authority byte) is used. This field only has meaning if error labelling is enabled (wfIpInterfaceErrorLabelEnabled = IP_NWIF_LABEL_ENABLED). The octets indicate auth values. Authorities have been defined for the first octet. This is represented by the following 'bit mask' values: IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE 0 (0x00) IP_NWIF_AUTH_GENSER 128 (0x80) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SIOPESI 64 (0x40) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SCI 32 (0x20) IP_NWIF_AUTH_NSA 16 (0x10) IP_NWIF_AUTH_DOE 8 (0x08) IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL 248 (0xF8) If no value is specified and error labelling is enabled, the software defaults to IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE
wfIpInterfaceDropRxAuths .
Number of received packets dropped because the authority flag(s) were not sufficient. This could mean that the 'must' flags were not all there, or that the flags other than the 'may' flags were specified.
wfIpInterfaceDropRxFormats .
Number of received packets dropped because the security option format was invalid.
wfIpInterfaceDropRxLevels .
Number of received packets dropped because the classification level was out of range.
wfIpInterfaceDropRxNoIpsos .
Number of received packets dropped because no IP security label was present.
wfIpInterfaceDropTxAuths .
Number of transmitted packets dropped because the authority flag(s) were not sufficient. This could mean that the 'must' flags were not all there, or that the flags other than the 'may' flags were specified.
wfIpInterfaceDropTxLevels .
Number of transmitted packets dropped because the classification level was out of range.
wfIpInterfaceDropTxNoIpsos .
Number of packets not transmitted because no IP security label was present.
wfIpInterfaceDropTxNoIpsoRooms .
Number of packets not transmitted because there was not enough space left in the IP header to insert an IP security option.
wfIpInterfaceICMPInAdminProhib .
Number of ICMP dest unreachable/communication administratively prohibited messages received. Note: may be sent by BFE or another system
wfIpInterfaceICMPOutAdminProhib .
Number of ICMP dest unreachable/communication administratively prohibited messages sent.
wfIpInterfaceFwdCacheSize .
Maximum number of entries allowed in the Forwarding Table at one time. There is a forwarding table per interface.
wfIpInterfaceTunnelInfo .
If non-null and if wfIpInterfaceCircuit is zero, this string contains encoded information for setting up this interface as a tunnel endpoint. Currently, no underlying code has been implemented for this feature.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpInRdiscSolicit .
The number of ICMP Router Discovery Solicit messages received.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpInRdiscAdvert .
The number of ICMP Router Discovery Advertisement messages received.
wfIpInterfaceIcmpOutRdiscAdvert .
The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages sent.
wfIpInterfaceRoutingDiscards .
The number of routing entries which were chosen to be discarded even though they are valid
wfIpInterfaceUnnumAssocAddr .
The Associated IP address used by unnumbered interfaces when sourcing a packet. Rip also uses this attribute to make decisions about advertising subnets over unnumbered interfaces. Rip will advertise subnets over the unnumbered interface if they have the same mask as the associated address.
wfIpInterfaceUnnumAssocAlt .
Enable/Disable parameter. Default is disabled. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disable the option to automatically assign an alternate unnumbered associated address in the event that the primary associated address interface has gone down
wfIpInterfaceAtmArpMode .
Indicates whether ATMARP is a client or running as a server. A value of 'none' is for ATM WAN SVCs feature
wfIpInterfaceAtmArpServerAddress .
The ATMARP server address
wfIpInterfaceAtmArpServerVcAgingEnable .
Indicates whether the ATMARP server VC should be aged (for client operation)
wfIpInterfaceAtmArpServerRegInterval .
For client operation, the interval between registration refreshes. For a server. this will be the duration a registration is valid. (in seconds)
wfIpInterfaceAtmArpServerConnState .
Indicates the state of the connection to the ATMARP server. This field should be interpreted as follows (bit 31 is msb, bit 0 is lsb): bits 0-3 are bits for determining ATMARP initialization, client/server, and if the client has ARP requests to send to the server: 0x001 INIT 0x002 WERESERVER 0x--4 CLIENT 0x--8 HAVEARPTOSEND bits 4-7 represent the state of the VC to the server: 0x-0- CLOSED 0x-1- OPENING 0x-2- OPEN 0x-3- OPENFAILED bits 8-11 represent the state of registration to the server: 0x0-- NOTREGISTERED 0x1-- REGISTERING 0x2-- REGISTERED 0x3-- REGISTRATIONFAILED 0x4-- NOSERVER
wfIpInterfaceAtmArpAttemptedCalls .
Indicates the number of calls ATMARP has attempted
wfIpInterfaceAtmArpFailRetryCalls .
Indicates the number of attempted calls that have failed, but were retried
wfIpInterfaceAtmArpFailNoRetryCalls .
Indicates the number of attempted calls that have failed, and were not retried
wfIpInterfaceAtmArpSuccessfulCalls .
Indicates the number of originated calls completed successfully
wfIpInterfaceAtmArpAcceptedCalls .
Indicates the number of received calls that were accepted
wfIpInterfaceAtmArpOpenSvcs .
Indicates the number of currently open calls
wfIpInterfaceAtmArpMisc .
Not in use.
wfIpInterfaceAtmArpMisc2 .
Not in use.
wfIpInterfaceMcastInPkts .
The number of multicast packets received by the interface
wfIpInterfaceMcastOutPkts .
the number of multicast packets transmitted by the interface
wfIpInterfaceTrEsArpType .
Token Ring End Station ARP type ARE / STE
wfIpSrIpAddress .
The Address of this static route
wfIpSrIpNetMask .
The IP Network Mask for this Static Route
wfIpSrIpAddressRt .
The Route Identifier Which numbered route this is to be
wfIpSrCreate .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete the IP Static Route.
wfIpSrEnable .
Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enabled. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disable this IP Static Route.
wfIpSrCost .
The Cost of this Static Route
wfIpSrNextHopAddr .
The Next Hop IP Address
wfIpSrNextHopMask .
The Next Hop IP Netmask
wfIpSrPreference .
This Routes Preference
wfIpSrValid .
Whether this Static Route is valid or not
wfIpSrUnnumCct .
static route over the Unnumbered interface
wfIpAdjHostIpAddress .
The IP address of this Adjacent Host
wfIpAdjHostCreate .
Whether to Delete this Adjacent Host
wfIpAdjHostEnable .
Whether to Disable this Host
wfIpAdjHostIntf .
The Interface for this Adjacent Host
wfIpAdjHostIntfMask .
The Network Mask of this Intf
wfIpAdjHostMacAddr .
The LAN Address for this HOST
wfIpAdjHostEncaps .
The encapsulation type of this entry
wfIpAdjHostValid .
Whether the record passed validation or not
wfIpAdjHostX121Addr .
WAN address (X.121, E.164, etc.) used to establish an SVC to the adjacent host.
wfIpAdjHostSubaddr .
The subaddress used to establish an SVC to the adjacent host.
wfIpAdjHostTypeOfNumber .
The type of number used to establish an SVC to the adjacent host.
wfIpAdjHostType .
The type of adjacent host.
wfIpAdjHostGreConnName .
The name of the remote GRE connection to which an adjacent host is configured.
wfIpTrafficFilterInterface .
The network address of the IP interface to which this filter is applied.
wfIpTrafficFilterCircuit .
The ID of the Circuit to which the filter is applied.
wfIpTrafficFilterRuleNumber .
ID for the rule.
wfIpTrafficFilterFragment .
Fragment number - for large rules.
wfIpTrafficFilterCreate .
Defines the existence of the traffic filter rule: created - traffic filter exists delete - traffic filter does not exist and can be deleted.
wfIpTrafficFilterEnable .
Defines whether or not the traffic filter rule should be used: enabled - activate the rule. disabled - inactivate the rule.
wfIpTrafficFilterStatus .
Defines the current status of the traffic filter: inactive - the rule is not in use. active - the rule is being used. error - the application detected an error in the rule.
wfIpTrafficFilterCounter .
The number of received packets that have matched this rule.
wfIpTrafficFilterDefinition .
The filter rule definition.
wfIpTrafficFilterReserved .
Reserved field.
wfIpTrafficFilterName .
name of the rule number
wfIpTrafficFilterPrecedence .
Precedence of the filter. If 2 or more rules match the one with higher precedence will be applied.
wfIpTrafficFilterType .
Type of this filter.
wfIpTrafficFilterDSOopCounter .
DiffServ Police out-of-profile packet counter.
wfIpTrafficFilterDSPrecedence .
Precedence of the filter. If 2 or more rules match the one with higher precedence will be applied. The lower the value of this field the higher the precedebnce.
wfIpTrafficFilterDSBytes .
Total number of bytes this DS filter was applied to. This is the sum of lengths of all the packets that matched this filter
wfIpTrafficFilterDSOopBytes .
Number of bytes counted as out-of profile.
wfIpForwardDest .
The destination IP address of this route. An entry with a value of is considered a default route. This object may not take a Multicast (Class D) address value. Any assignment (implicit or otherwise) of an instance of this object to a value x must be rejected if the bitwise logical-AND of x with the value of the corresponding instance of the wfIpForwardMask object is not equal to x.
wfIpForwardMask .
Indicates the mask to be logical-ANDed with the destination address before being compared to the value in the wfIpForwardDest field. For those systems that do not support arbitrary subnet masks, an agent constructs the value of the ipForwardMask by reference to the IP Address Class. Any assignment (implicit or otherwise) of an instance of this object to a value x must be rejected if the bitwise logical-AND of x with the value of the corresponding instance of the wfIpForwardDest object is not equal to wfIpForwardDest.
wfIpForwardProto .
The routing mechanism via which this route was learned. Inclusion of values for gateway routing protocols is not intended to imply that hosts should support those protocols.
wfIpForwardPolicy .
The general set of conditions that would cause the selection of one multipath route (set of next hops for a given destination) is referred to as 'policy'. Unless the mechanism indicated by wfIpForwardProtocol specified otherwise, the policy specifier is the IP TOS field. The encoding of IP TOS is ans specified by the following convention. Zero indicated the default path if no more specific policy applies. +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | PRECEDENCE | TYPE OF SERVICE | 0 | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ IP TOS IP TOS Field Policy Field Policy Contents Code Contents Code 0 0 0 0 ==> 0 0 0 0 1 ==> 2 0 0 1 0 ==> 4 0 0 1 1 ==> 6 0 1 0 0 ==> 8 0 1 0 1 ==> 10 0 1 1 0 ==> 12 0 1 1 1 ==> 14 1 0 0 0 ==> 16 1 0 0 1 ==> 18 1 0 1 0 ==> 20 1 0 1 1 ==> 22 1 1 0 0 ==> 24 1 1 0 1 ==> 26 1 1 1 0 ==> 28 1 1 1 1 ==> 30 Protocols defining 'policy' otherwise must ei- ther define a set of values which are valid for this object or must implement an integer- instanced policy table for which this object's value acts as an index.
wfIpForwardNextHop .
On remote routes, the address of the next system en route; Otherwise,
wfIpForwardIfIndex .
The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies the local interface through which the next hop of this route should be reached.
wfIpForwardType .
The type of route. Note that local(3) refers to a route for which the next hop is the final destination; remote(4) refers to a route for which the next hop is not the final destination.
wfIpForwardAge .
The number of seconds since this route was last updated or otherwise determined to be correct. Note that no semantics of `too old' can be implied except through knowledge of the routing protocol by which the route was learned.
wfIpForwardInfo .
A reference to MIB definitions specific to the particular routing protocol which is responsible for this route, as determined by the value specified in the route's wfIpForwardProto value. If this information is not present, its value should be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }, which is a syntactically valid object identifier, and any implementation conforming to ASN.1 and the Basic Encoding Rules must be able to generate and recognize this value.
wfIpForwardNextHopAS .
The Autonomous System Number of the Next Hop. When this is unknown or not relevant to the protocol indicated by ipForwardProto, zero.
wfIpForwardMetric1 .
The primary routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's wfIpRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1.
wfIpForwardMetric2 .
An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's wfIpRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1.
wfIpForwardMetric3 .
An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's wfIpRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1.
wfIpForwardMetric4 .
An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's wfIpRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1.
wfIpForwardMetric5 .
An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's wfIpRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1.
wfIpNetToMediaIfIndex .
The interface on which this entry's equivalence is effective. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by the same value of ifIndex.
wfIpNetToMediaNetAddress .
The IpAddress corresponding to the media-dependent `physical' address.
wfIpNetToMediaPhysAddress .
The media-dependent `physical' address.
wfIpNetToMediaType .
The type of mapping. Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the effect of invalidating the corresponding entry in the ipNetToMediaTable. That is, it effectively dissasociates the interface identified with said entry from the mapping identified with said entry. It is an implementation-specific matter as to whether the agent removes an invalidated entry from the table. Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to receive tabular information from agents that corresponds to entries not currently in use. Proper interpretation of such entries requires examination of the relevant ipNetToMediaType object.
wfUdpLocalAddress .
The local IP address for this UDP listener. In the case of a UDP listener which is willing to accept datagrams for any IP interface asociated with the node, the value is used.
wfUdpLocalPort .
The port value
wfUdpMprMapPort .
The relative (relative to start port) port number of the MPR mapping entry.
wfUdpMprMapCreate .
Mapping entry create/delete attribute.
wfUdpMprMapEnable .
Mapping entry enable/disable attribute.
wfUdpMprMapMcastAddr .
IP multicast address associated with this port.
wfUdpMprMapStatisticsEnable .
MPR mapping entry specific statistics collection enable/disable attribute.
wfUdpMprMapInPkts .
Total number of MPR packets received for this port.
wfUdpMprMapOutPkts .
Total number of MPR packets sent with this port number.
wfUdpMprMapGenPkts .
Total number of MPR packets generated by MPR with this port number.
wfUdpMprMapLookupDrops .
Total number of MPR packets dropped for this port because mcast address lookups failed.
wfUdpMprMapDisableDrops .
Total number of MPR packets dropped for this port because the mapping record is disabled.
wfRipInterfaceIndex .
The IP interface to run RIP on.
wfRipInterfaceCreate .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete an RIP Interface instance.
wfRipInterfaceEnable .
Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enabled. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disable a RIP interface.
wfRipInterfaceState .
The current state of RIP on this interface.
wfRipInterfaceSupply .
Transmit RIP packets.
wfRipInterfaceListen .
Whether to listen to RIP packets
wfRipInterfaceDefaultRouteSupply .
Transmit the default route,, in RIP packets.
wfRipInterfaceDefaultRouteListen .
Receive the default route,, in RIP packets.
wfRipInterfacePoisonedReversed .
Specifies how the router advertises routes it has learned from a neighboring router in periodic updates subsequently sent to the neighbor. If 'Poisoned', the node implements poisoned reverse. The router now advertises routes learned from a neighbor in RIP updates subsequently sent to that neighbor with a hop count of wfRipBaseRipNetworkDiameter plus 1, (thus declaring the destination unreachable). If 'Split', the router implements a split-horizon, and omits routes learned from a neighbor in RIP updates subsequently sent to that neighbor. If 'Actual', the learned cost of the route is advertised.
wfRipIntfIndex .
The IP interface to run RIP on.
wfRipIntfCct .
Circuit number of the IP interface
wfRipIntfCreate .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete an RIP Interface instance.
wfRipIntfEnable .
Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enabled. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disable a RIP interface.
wfRipIntfState .
The current state of RIP on this interface.
wfRipIntfSupply .
Transmit RIP packets.
wfRipIntfListen .
Whether to listen to RIP packets
wfRipIntfDefaultRouteSupply .
Transmit the default route,, in RIP packets.
wfRipIntfDefaultRouteListen .
Receive the default route,, in RIP packets.
wfRipIntfPoisonedReversed .
Specifies how the router advertises routes it has learned from a neighboring router in periodic updates subsequently sent to the neighbor. If 'Poisoned', the node implements poisoned reverse. The router now advertises routes learned from a neighbor in RIP updates subsequently sent to that neighbor with a hop count of wfRipBaseRipNetworkDiameter plus 1, (thus declaring the destination unreachable). If 'Split', the router implements a split-horizon, and omits routes learned from a neighbor in RIP updates subsequently sent to that neighbor. If 'Actual', the learned cost of the route is advertised.
wfRipIntfTTL .
Time To Live in the IP Header for RIP updates
wfRipIntfBroadcastTimer .
This parameter allows the user to configure the frequency of full RIP updates. The default is per the standard. If DOR ( Dial Optimized Routing ) is not configured, the minimum would be every 5 seconds, with a maximum of 24 hours. If DOR is configured the minimum could be zero the maximum ( also is default ) could be two weeks (1209600);
wfRipIntfTimeoutTimer .
This parameter allows the user to configure the time period which RIP will wait before timing out a route. This time is typically 3 x the broadcast timer. The default is 90 seconds with a maximum of 72 hours if DOR ( Dial Optimized Routing ) is not configured. Otherwise it could be 6 weeks( 3628800 ) as maximum value and two weeks as default value ( 1209600 ).
wfRipIntfHolddownTimer .
This parameter allows the user to configure the time period which unreachable routes will be held in the Routing Pool. This time is typically 3 x the broadcast timer. It allows RIP to advertise the unreachable routes to help convergence time. If DOR ( Dial Optimized Routing ) is configured the default value would be 1209600 two weeks , and maximum value of 3628800 ( 6 weeks ).
wfRipIntfCompSwitch .
This parameter allows the user to configure which mode of RIP to run. The default is to run RIP1. RIP2 mode runs RIP2. This does not do automatic aggregation of subnets like RIP1 does. RIP2_AGGR provides the automatic aggregation of subnets for RIP2.
wfRipIntfTriggeredUpdates .
This parameter allows the user to configure triggered updates. By default this parameter is disabled to conform with previous release action.
wfRipIntfAuthType .
Specifies the type of Authentication to be used with RIP. This is only valid when running RIP2
wfRipIntfAuthentication .
Contains the authentication if the Authentication Type is set to simple password. This field contains up to 16 characters.
wfRipIntfInitStabilizationTimer .
This parameter allows the user to cofigure the time period which RIP will use as its initial stabilization time length. It allows RIP to learn all routes from its neighbors before sending full updates.
wfRipIntfSVCBroadcast .
Defines whether Frame Relay SVCs should be established for all adjacent hosts before sending an update.
wfRdiscInterfaceIndex .
The IP interface to run RDISC on.
wfRdiscInterfaceCreate .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete an RDISC Interface instance.
wfRdiscInterfaceEnable .
Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enabled. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disable a RDISC interface.
wfRdiscInterfaceState .
The current state of RDISC on this interface.
wfRdiscInterfaceBcast .
Type of broadcast addr to use in sending advertisements
wfRdiscInterfaceMinIntrvl .
Min time Interval between RDisc Advertisements (seconds)
wfRdiscInterfaceMaxIntrvl .
Max time Interval between RDisc Advertisements (seconds)
wfRdiscInterfaceLifetime .
Max time Interval between RDisc Advertisements (seconds)
wfRdiscInterfacePref .
Interface preference level (Higher is more prefered
wfRdiscInterfaceUnicastAdvt .
Couter for number of unicast advertisements
wfRdiscInterfaceMulticastAdvt .
Couter for number of multicast advertisements
wfRdiscInterfaceDynamicPref .
Interface dynamic preference level (Higher is more prefered
wfIpAccCtrlFilterIndex .
Access Control Filter index number
wfIpAccCtrlFilterCreate .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete the IP Access Control Filter.
wfIpAccCtrlFilterEnable .
Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enabled. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disable this IP Access Control Filter.
wfIpAccCtrlFilterName .
Access Control Filter name - user specified name for this filter
wfIpAccCtrlFilterNetwork .
The network
wfIpAccCtrlFilterNetworkMask .
The network mask
wfIpAccCtrlFilterAction .
Filter action.
wfIpAccCtrlFilterServiceMask .
IP upper layer services access mask. Possible values: telnet 0x01 ftp 0x02 tftp 0x04 snmp 0x08 ntp 0x10 rcmds 0x20 http 0x40
wfIpAccCtrlFilterDenyLog .
Enable/Disable log parameter. Default is enabled. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disable log message when access is denied.
wfIpAccCtrlFilterPrecedence .
precedence. This is a metric to be used to compare this access policy filter to other filters that a given route may match. A filter with a higher precedence value will be chosen over one with a smaller value. In the case of a tie, the filter index is used (larger wins).
wfIpAccCtrlFilterId .
Filter ID. This is an assocation of the access control filter entry with the access control network entry and the access control user/host entry.
wfIpAccCtrlNetworkIndex .
Access Control Network Network Filter index number
wfIpAccCtrlNetworkCreate .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete the IP Access Control Network Filter.
wfIpAccCtrlNetworkEnable .
Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enabled. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disable this IP Access Control Network Filter.
wfIpAccCtrlNetworkNetwork .
The network
wfIpAccCtrlNetworkNetworkMask .
The network mask
wfIpAccCtrlNetworkId .
Filter ID. This is an assocation of the access control filter entry with the access control network entry and the access control user/host entry.
wfIpAccCtrlUserHostIndex .
Access Control User/Host Filter index number
wfIpAccCtrlUserHostCreate .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete the IP Access Control User/Host Filter.
wfIpAccCtrlUserHostEnable .
Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enabled. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disable this IP Access Control User/Host Filter.
wfIpAccCtrlUserHostUser .
The user ID
wfIpAccCtrlUserHostHost .
The host ID
wfIpAccCtrlUserHostId .
Filter ID. This is an assocation of the access control filter entry with the access control network entry and the access control user/host entry.
wfIpAdEntAddr .
The IP address to which this entry's addressing information pertains.
wfIpAdEntIfIndex .
The index value which uniquely identifies the interface to which this entry is applicable. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by the same value of ifIndex.
wfIpAdEntNetMask .
The subnet mask associated with the IP address of this entry. The value of the mask is an IP address with all the network bits set to 1 and all the hosts bits set to 0.
wfIpAdEntBcastAddr .
The value of the least-significant bit in the IP broadcast address used for sending datagrams on the (logical) interface associated with the IP address of this entry. For example, when the Internet standard all-ones broadcast address is used, the value will be 1. This value applies to both the subnet and network broadcasts addresses used by the entity on this (logical) interface.
wfIpAdEntReasmMaxSize .
The size of the largest IP datagram which this entity can re-assemble from incoming IP fragmented datagrams received on this interface.
wfIpInternHtIpAddress .
IP address of the internal host.
wfIpInternHtReceives .
The number of datagrams received by the internal host.
wfIpInternHtInDelivers .
The number of packets delivered to reassmbly clients.
wfIpInternHtUnknownProtos .
The number of packets for which there was no client to deliver to.
wfIpInternHtReasmReqds .
The number of IP fragments received which needed to be reassembled at this internal host.
wfIpInternHtReasmFails .
The number of failures detected by the IP re- assembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors, etc). Note that this is not necessarily a count of discarded IP fragments since some algorithms (notably the algorithm in RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments by combining them as they are received.
wfIpInternHtReasmOKs .
The number of IP datagrams successfully reassembled.
wfIpInternHtInHdrErrors .
The number of IP datagrams with errors in IP headers.
wfIpIntfStatsAddr .
The IP Address to which this entry's addressing information pertains
wfIpIntfStatsCircuit .
The Circuit Number that this interface runs over
wfIpIntfStatsReasmMaxSize .
The size of the largest IP datagram which this entity can re-assemble from incoming IP fragmented datagrams received on this interface.
wfIpIntfStatsMaxInfo .
The maximum size of the INFO (non-MAC) field that this port will receive or transmit.
wfIpIntfStatsInReceives .
The total number of input datagrams received from interfaces, including those received in error.
wfIpIntfStatsInHdrErrors .
The number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP headers, including bad checksums, version number mismatch, other format errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered in processing their IP options, etc.
wfIpIntfStatsInAddrErrors .
The number of input datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header's destination field was not a valid address to be received at this entity. This count includes invalid addresses (e.g., and addresses of unsupported Classes (e.g., Class E). For entities which are not IP Gateways and therefore do not forward datagrams, this counter includes datagrams discarded because the destination address was not a local address.
wfIpIntfStatsForwDatagrams .
The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination, as a result of which an attempt was made to find a route to forward them to that final destination. In entities which do not act as IP Gateways, this counter will include only those packets which were Source-Routed via this entity, and the Source- Route option processing was successful.
wfIpIntfStatsInUnknownProtos .
The number of locally-addressed datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.
wfIpIntfStatsInDiscards .
The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were encountered to prevent their continued processing, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space). Note that this counter does not include any datagrams discarded while awaiting re-assembly.
wfIpIntfStatsInDelivers .
The total number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP).
wfIpIntfStatsOutRequests .
The total number of IP datagrams which local IP user-protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transmission. Note that this counter does not include any datagrams counted in ipForwDatagrams.
wfIpIntfStatsOutDiscards .
The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent their transmission to their destination, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space). Note that this counter would include datagrams counted in ipForwDatagrams if any such packets met this (discretionary) discard criterion.
wfIpIntfStatsOutNoRoutes .
The number of IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination. Note that this counter includes any packets counted in ipForwDatagrams which meet this `no-route' criterion. Note that this includes any datagarms which a host cannot route because all of its default gateways are down.
wfIpIntfStatsReasmTimeout .
The maximum number of seconds which received fragments are held while they are awaiting reassembly at this entity.
wfIpIntfStatsReasmReqds .
The number of IP fragments received which needed to be reassembled at this entity.
wfIpIntfStatsReasmOKs .
The number of IP datagrams successfully reassembled.
wfIpIntfStatsReasmFails .
The number of failures detected by the IP re- assembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors, etc). Note that this is not necessarily a count of discarded IP fragments since some algorithms (notably the algorithm in RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments by combining them as they are received.
wfIpIntfStatsFragOKs .
The number of IP datagrams that have been successfully fragmented at this entity.
wfIpIntfStatsFragFails .
The number of IP datagrams that have been discarded because they needed to be fragmented at this entity but could not be, e.g., because their Don't Fragment flag was set.
wfIpIntfStatsFragCreates .
The number of IP datagram fragments that have been generated as a result of fragmentation at this entity.
wfIpIntfStatsCacheMisses .
The number of FFT cache misses (i.e how many times did the cache gate have to do a look up in the RNP because the FFT didn't have the destination network
wfIpIntfStatsCacheNetworks .
Between 0 and wfIpInterfaceFwdCacheSize
wfIpIntfStatsCacheRemoves .
The number of networks which have been flushed from the FFT because of aging
wfIpIntfStatsDropRxAuths .
Number of received packets dropped because the authority flag(s) were not sufficient. This could mean that the 'must' flags were not all there, or that the flags other than the 'may' flags were specified.
wfIpIntfStatsDropRxFormats .
Number of received packets dropped because the security option format was invalid.
wfIpIntfStatsDropRxLevels .
Number of received packets dropped because the classification level was out of range.
wfIpIntfStatsDropRxNoIpsos .
Number of received packets dropped because no IP security label was present.
wfIpIntfStatsDropTxAuths .
Number of transmitted packets dropped because the authority flag(s) were not sufficient. This could mean that the 'must' flags were not all there, or that the flags other than the 'may' flags were specified.
wfIpIntfStatsDropTxLevels .
Number of transmitted packets dropped because the classification level was out of range.
wfIpIntfStatsDropTxNoIpsos .
Number of packets not transmitted because no IP security label was present.
wfIpIntfStatsDropTxNoIpsoRooms .
Number of packets not transmitted because there was not enough space left in the IP header to insert an IP security option.
wfIpIntfStatsRoutingDiscards .
The number of routing entries which were chosen to be discarded even though they are valid
wfIpIntfStatsAtmArpAttemptedCalls .
Indicates the number of calls ATMARP has attempted
wfIpIntfStatsAtmArpFailRetryCalls .
Indicates the number of attempted calls that have failed, but were retried
wfIpIntfStatsAtmArpFailNoRetryCalls .
Indicates the number of attempted calls that have failed, and were not retried
wfIpIntfStatsAtmArpSuccessfulCalls .
Indicates the number of originated calls completed successfully
wfIpIntfStatsAtmArpAcceptedCalls .
Indicates the number of received calls that were accepted
wfIpIntfStatsAtmArpOpenSvcs .
Indicates the number of currently open calls
wfIpIntfStatsMcastInPkts .
The number of multicast packets received by the interface
wfIpIntfStatsMcastOutPkts .
the number of multicast packets transmitted by the interface
wfIpIntfStatsMcastInDataPkts .
The number of multicast data packets received by the interface
wfIpIntfStatsControlPathInPkts .
the number of control path packets received by the interface
wfIpIntfStatsControlPathOutPkts .
the number of control path packets transmitted by the interface
wfIpIntfCfgAddr .
The IP Address to which this entry's addressing information pertains
wfIpIntfCfgCircuit .
The Circuit Number that this interface runs over
wfIpIntfCfgCreate .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete an IP interface.
wfIpIntfCfgEnable .
Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enabled. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disable an IP interface.
wfIpIntfCfgState .
INvalid indicates an error in processing the cfg record
wfIpIntfCfgMask .
The subnet mask associated with the IP address of this entry. The value of the mask is an IP address with all the network bits set to 1 and all the hosts bits set to 0.
wfIpIntfCfgCost .
The Cost metric associated with the IP Address of this entry
wfIpIntfCfgCfgBcastAddr .
The user can specifcy a broadcast address for a NWIF
wfIpIntfCfgBcastAddr .
The value of the broadcast address used for sending datagrams on the (logical) interface associated with the IP address of this entry. This value applies to both the subnet and network broadcasts addresses used by the entity on this (logical) interface. This is value used by the software
wfIpIntfCfgCfgMacAddress .
The desired mac set by the user
wfIpIntfCfgMacAddress .
The MAC Address for this Interface- actual one used
wfIpIntfCfgMTUDiscovery .
Whether MTU discovery option is on/off
wfIpIntfCfgAMR .
Whether Address Mask Reply is ON/OFF
wfIpIntfCfgASB .
Whether All-Subnet Broadcasts Are excepted and Sent out this NWIF
wfIpIntfCfgAddressResolutionType .
Indicates which Address Resolution Type to use
wfIpIntfCfgProxy .
Indicates Whether Proxy is on this Interface or not
wfIpIntfCfgHostCache .
Whether the Host Cache (Address Aging) is on or not. A Range of discrete values is specified as well as a value meaning don't age
wfIpIntfCfgUdpXsumOn .
Whether to turn UDP checksum verification on for UDP packets recieved and transmitted by this router
wfIpIntfCfgTrEndStation .
Use Source Routing over token ring selection. Only applies if pam type is TRING.
wfIpIntfCfgSMDSGroupAddress .
The SMDS group address
wfIpIntfCfgSMDSArpReqAddress .
The SMDS arp req address
wfIpIntfCfgFRBcastDlci .
Frame Relay broadcast dlci
wfIpIntfCfgFRMcast1Dlci .
Frame Relay multicast dlci #1
wfIpIntfCfgFRMcast2Dlci .
Frame Relay multicast dlci #2
wfIpIntfCfgRedirect .
Indicates Whether we're sending out redirects on this Interface or not
wfIpIntfCfgEnetArpEncaps .
The data link encapsulation type to use for ARP packets if the the media is ethernet.
wfIpIntfCfgSlotMask .
Slot mask for which slots a circuit-less interface is eligible to run on. The most significant bit represents slot 1, the next most significant bit represents slot 2, and so on... Slots can be 1-14. This is only valid if wfIpInterfaceCircuit is 0.
wfIpIntfCfgEnableSecurity .
Enables RIPSO on this interface
wfIpIntfCfgStripSecurity .
Defines which packets will have security option removed. This is a bit mask.
wfIpIntfCfgRequireOutSecurity .
Defines which types of outbound packets are required to have a security option. This is a bit mask.
wfIpIntfCfgRequireInSecurity .
Defines whether or not incoming packets must have security option. This is a bit mask.
wfIpIntfCfgMinLevel .
Defines the minimum level allowed for packets transmitted or received via this interface. IP_NWIF_LEVEL_UNCLASSIFIED 171 0x000000AB IP_NWIF_LEVEL_CONFIDENTIAL 150 0x00000096 IP_NWIF_LEVEL_SECRET 90 0x0000005A IP_NWIF_LEVEL_TOPSECRET 61 0x0000003D
wfIpIntfCfgMaxLevel .
Defines the maximum level allowed for packets transmitted or received via this interface. IP_NWIF_LEVEL_UNCLASSIFIED 171 0x000000AB IP_NWIF_LEVEL_CONFIDENTIAL 150 0x00000096 IP_NWIF_LEVEL_SECRET 90 0x0000005A IP_NWIF_LEVEL_TOPSECRET 61 0x0000003D
wfIpIntfCfgMustOutAuthority .
Defines the authority bits that must be set in packets transmitted via this interface. This is a bit map. Zero is valid. Authorities have been defined for the first octet. This is represented by the following 'bit mask' values. IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE 0 (0x00) IP_NWIF_AUTH_GENSER 128 (0x80) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SIOPESI 64 (0x40) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SCI 32 (0x20) IP_NWIF_AUTH_NSA 16 (0x10) IP_NWIF_AUTH_DOE 8 (0x08) IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL 248 (0xF8) If no value is specified, the software will default to IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE.
wfIpIntfCfgMayOutAuthority .
Defines the authority bits that may be set in packets transmitted via this interface. This is a bit map. Zero is valid. Authorities have been defined for the first octet. This is represented by the following 'bit mask' values. IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE 0 (0x00) IP_NWIF_AUTH_GENSER 128 (0x80) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SIOPESI 64 (0x40) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SCI 32 (0x20) IP_NWIF_AUTH_NSA 16 (0x10) IP_NWIF_AUTH_DOE 8 (0x08) IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL 248 (0xF8) If no value is specified, the software will default to IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL.
wfIpIntfCfgMustInAuthority .
Defines the authority bits that must be set in packets received via this interface. This is a bit map. Zero is valid. Authorities have been defined for the first octet. This is represented by the following 'bit mask' values. IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE 0 (0x00) IP_NWIF_AUTH_GENSER 128 (0x80) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SIOPESI 64 (0x40) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SCI 32 (0x20) IP_NWIF_AUTH_NSA 16 (0x10) IP_NWIF_AUTH_DOE 8 (0x08) IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL 248 (0xF8) If no value is specified, the software will default to IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE.
wfIpIntfCfgMayInAuthority .
Defines the authority bits that may be set in packets received via this interface. This is a bit map. Zero is valid. Authorities have been defined for the first octet. This is represented by the following 'bit mask' values. IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE 0 (0x00) IP_NWIF_AUTH_GENSER 128 (0x80) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SIOPESI 64 (0x40) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SCI 32 (0x20) IP_NWIF_AUTH_NSA 16 (0x10) IP_NWIF_AUTH_DOE 8 (0x08) IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL 248 (0xF8) If no value is specified, the software will default to IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL.
wfIpIntfCfgImplicitLabelEnabled .
Should an implicit label be associated with any inbound unlabelled datagrams?
wfIpIntfCfgImplicitAuth .
Defines the authority bits in the implicit label associated with an unlabelled inbound datagram. This is a bit map. 'NONE' means that a 3-byte option label (no authority byte) is used. This field only has meaning if implicit labelling is enabled (wfIpIntfImplicitLabelEnabled =IP_NWIF_LABEL_ENABLED). The octets indicate auth values. Authorities have been defined for the first octet. This is represented by the following 'bit mask' values: IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE 0 (0x00) IP_NWIF_AUTH_GENSER 128 (0x80) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SIOPESI 64 (0x40) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SCI 32 (0x20) IP_NWIF_AUTH_NSA 16 (0x10) IP_NWIF_AUTH_DOE 8 (0x08) IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL 248 (0xF8) If no value is specified and implicit labelling is enabled, the software defaults to IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE.
wfIpIntfCfgImplicitLevel .
Defines the classification level byte in the implicit label associated with an unlabelled inbound datagram. IP_NWIF_LEVEL_UNCLASSIFIED 171 0x000000AB IP_NWIF_LEVEL_CONFIDENTIAL 150 0x00000096 IP_NWIF_LEVEL_SECRET 90 0x0000005A IP_NWIF_LEVEL_TOPSECRET 61 0x0000003D
wfIpIntfCfgDefaultLabelEnabled .
Should a default label be associated with any not-yet-labelled oubound datagrams?
wfIpIntfCfgDefaultAuth .
Defines the authority bits in the default label associated with a not-yet-labelled outbound datagram. This is a bit map. 'NONE' means that a 3-byte option label (no authority byte) is used. This field only has meaning if default labelling is enabled (wfIpInterfaceDefaultLabelEnabled = IP_NWIF_LABEL_ENABLED). The octets indicate auth values. Authorities have been defined for the first octet. This is represented by the following 'bit mask' values: IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE 0 (0x00) IP_NWIF_AUTH_GENSER 128 (0x80) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SIOPESI 64 (0x40) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SCI 32 (0x20) IP_NWIF_AUTH_NSA 16 (0x10) IP_NWIF_AUTH_DOE 8 (0x08) IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL 248 (0xF8) If no value is specified and default labelling is enabled, the software defaults to IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE.
wfIpIntfCfgDefaultLevel .
Defines the classification level byte to use in the default label associated with a not-yet-labelled outbound datagram. IP_NWIF_LEVEL_UNCLASSIFIED 171 0x000000AB IP_NWIF_LEVEL_CONFIDENTIAL 150 0x00000096 IP_NWIF_LEVEL_SECRET 90 0x0000005A IP_NWIF_LEVEL_TOPSECRET 61 0x0000003D
wfIpIntfCfgErrorLabelEnabled .
Should an error label be associated with any outbound ICMP error packets?
wfIpIntfCfgErrorAuth .
Defines the authority bits in the error label associated with any outbount ICMP error packets. This is a bit map. 'NONE' means that a 3-byte option label (no authority byte) is used. This field only has meaning if error labelling is enabled (wfIpInterfaceError LabelEnabled = IP_NWIF_LABEL_ENABLED ). The octets indicate auth values. Authorities have been defined for the first octet. This is represented by the following 'bit mask' values: IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE 0 (0x00) IP_NWIF_AUTH_GENSER 128 (0x80) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SIOPESI 64 (0x40) IP_NWIF_AUTH_SCI 32 (0x20) IP_NWIF_AUTH_NSA 16 (0x10) IP_NWIF_AUTH_DOE 8 (0x08) IP_NWIF_AUTH_ALL 248 (0xF8) If no value is specified and error labelling is enabled, the software defaults to IP_NWIF_AUTH_NONE
wfIpIntfCfgFwdCacheSize .
Maximum number of entries allowed in the Forwarding Table at one time. There is a forwarding table per interface.
wfIpIntfCfgUnnumAsocAddr .
The Associated IP address used by unnumbered interfaces when sourcing a packet. Rip also uses this attribute to make decisions about advertising subnets over unnumbered interfaces. Rip will advertise subnets over the unnumbered interface if they have the same mask as the associated address.
wfIpIntfCfgUnnumAsocAlt .
Enable/Disable parameter. Default is disabled. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disable the option to automatically assign an alternate unnumbered associated address in the event that the primary associated address interface has gone down
wfIpIntfCfgAtmArpMode .
Indicates whether ATMARP is a client or running as a server. A value of 'none' is for ATM WAN SVCs feature
wfIpIntfCfgAtmArpSrvAddress .
The ATMARP server address
wfIpIntfCfgAtmArpSrvVcAgingEnable .
Indicates whether the ATMARP server VC should be aged (for client operation)
wfIpIntfCfgAtmArpSrvRegInterval .
For client operation, the interval between registration refreshes. For a server. this will be the duration a registration is valid. (in seconds)
wfIpIntfCfgAtmArpMisc .
Not in use.
wfIpIntfCfgAtmArpMisc2 .
Not in use.
wfIpIntfCfgAtmArpSrvConnState .
Indicates the state of the connection to the ATMARP server. This field should be interpreted as follows (bit 31 is msb, bit 0 is lsb): bits 0-3 are bits for determining ATMARP initialization, client/server, and if the client has ARP requests to send to the server: 0x001 INIT 0x002 WERESERVER 0x--4 CLIENT 0x--8 HAVEARPTOSEND bits 4-7 represent the state of the VC to the server: 0x-0- CLOSED 0x-1- OPENING 0x-2- OPEN 0x-3- OPENFAILED bits 8-11 represent the state of registration to the server: 0x0-- NOTREGISTERED 0x1-- REGISTERING 0x2-- REGISTERED 0x3-- REGISTRATIONFAILED 0x4-- NOSERVER
wfIpIntfCfgTrEsArpType .
Token Ring End Station ARP type ARE / STE
wfIpIntfCfgMprMode .
Multicast Packet Replicator activation mode
wfIpIntfCfgMprState .
Invalid indicates an error in processing the MPR record
wfIpIntfCfgIPSecEnable .
If this IP interface is enabled for IPSec, it will provide security services to IP packets forwarded through this interface as well as IPSec packets meant for this interface.
wfIpIntfCfgIPSecLogLevel .
32-bit integer used to tune the level of IPSec logging.
wfIpIntfCfgTosTemplate .
The instance ID of the ToS template (from wfIpTosTemplateTable being used by this interface
wfIpIntfCfgMsgLevel .
IP Interface log messages level. To control level of log messages DBG_MSG_ALL 0x001f0000 - 2031616 DBG_MSG_DEBUG 0x00010000 - 65536 DBG_MSG_INFO 0x00020000 - 131072 DBG_MSG_WARNING 0x00040000 - 262144 DBG_MSG_FAULT 0x00080000 - 524288 DBG_MSG_TRACE 0x00100000 - 1048576
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpAddr .
The IP Address to which this entry's addressing information pertains
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpCircuit .
The Circuit Number that this interface runs over
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInMsgs .
The total number of ICMP messages which includes all those counted by wfIpInterfaceIcmpInErrors.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInErrors .
The number of ICMP messages which the entity received but determined as having ICMP-specific errors (bad ICMP checksums, bad length, etc.).
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInDestUnreachs .
The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInTimeExcds .
The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInParmProbs .
The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages received.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInSrcQuenchs .
The number of ICMP Source Quench messages received.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInRedirects .
The number of ICMP Redirect messages received.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInEchos .
The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInEchoReps .
The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInTimestamps .
The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages received.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInTimestampReps .
The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages received.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInAddrMasks .
The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages received.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInAddrMaskReps .
The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages received.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpOutMsgs .
The total number of ICMP messages which this entity attempted to send. Note that this counter includes all those counted by icmpOutErrors.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpOutErrors .
The number of ICMP messages which this entity did not send due to problems discovered within ICMP such as a lack of buffers. This value should not include errors discovered outside the ICMP layer such as the inability of IP to route the resultant datagram. In some implementations there may be no types of error which contribute to this counter's value.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpOutDestUnreachs .
The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages sent.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpOutTimeExcds .
The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpOutParmProbs .
The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages sent.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpOutSrcQuenchs .
The number of ICMP Source Quench messages sent.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpOutRedirects .
The number of ICMP Redirect messages sent. For a host, this object will always be zero, since hosts do not send redirects.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpOutEchos .
The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpOutEchoReps .
The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpOutTimestamps .
The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages sent.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpOutTimestampReps .
The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages sent.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpOutAddrMasks .
The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages sent.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpOutAddrMaskReps .
The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages sent.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInAdminProhib .
Number of ICMP dest unreachable/communication administratively prohibited messages received. Note: may be sent by BFE or another system
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpOutAdminProhib .
Number of ICMP dest unreachable/communication administratively prohibited messages sent.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInRdiscSolicit .
The number of ICMP Router Discovery Solicit messages received.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpInRdiscAdvert .
The number of ICMP Router Discovery Advertisement messages received.
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpOutRdiscAdvert .
The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages sent.
wfIpFilterRuleNumber .
The rule number for this rule.
wfIpFilterRuleFragment .
Fragment number for large rules.
wfIpFilterRuleCreate .
The row (object) creation/deletion attribute for this filter
wfIpFilterRuleName .
The name of this filter rule.
wfIpFilterRuleDescription .
The filter rule definition.
wfIpFilterRuleNewTosValue .
The new TOS value to apply to packets that match the filter.
wfIpFilterRuleNewTosValueMask .
The mask to apply to the new TOS value to not change other bits in the TOS field.
wfIpFilterRuleAction .
The action to take if the packet matches the filter.
wfIpFilterRuleClassifyAction .
The action to take to classify the packet if it matches the filter.
wfIpFilterRuleDropPreference .
The drop preference for packets matching this rule.
wfIpFilterConfigInterface .
The network address of the IP interface to which this filter is applied.
wfIpFilterConfigCircuit .
The ID of the Circuit to which the filter is applied.
wfIpFilterConfigIndex .
Index for the rule.
wfIpFilterConfigCreate .
Defines the existence of the traffic filter rule: created - traffic filter exists deleted - traffic filter does not exist and can be deleted.
wfIpFilterConfigEnable .
Defines whether or not the traffic filter rule should be used: enabled - activate the rule. disabled - inactivate the rule.
wfIpFilterConfigStatus .
Defines the current status of the traffic filter: inactive - the rule is not in use. active - the rule is being used. error - the application detected an error in the rule.
wfIpFilterConfigRuleNumber .
The number of the rule from the table wfIpFilterRuleEntry.
wfIpFilterConfigRulePrecedence .
The precedence of this rule in relation to other rules configured for this interface.
wfIpFilterConfigFilterType .
The type of filter.
wfIpFilterConfigLogFilterInfo .
When enabled, this attribute will log a message to the log with information about the filter.
wfIpFilterConfigReserved .
Reserved field.
wfIpFilterStatsInterface .
The network address of the IP interface to which this filter is applied.
wfIpFilterStatsCircuit .
The ID of the Circuit to which the filter is applied.
wfIpFilterStatsIndex .
Index for the rule.
wfIpFilterStatsCounter .
The number of received packets that have matched this rule.
wfIpTosTemplateCfgIndex .
The identifier of this ToS/DS byte interpretation/mapping
wfIpTosTemplateCfgCreate .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete a ToS template.
wfIpTosTemplateCfgName .
User-specified name of this ToS/DS byte interpretation/ mapping template
wfIpTosTemplateCfgStatus .
The status of this entry in the table. valid(1) indicates the template has been configured correctly. invalid(2) indicates there is a problem with the entry. notconfigurable(3) indicates an attempt has been made to modify a reserved, built-in template.
wfIpTosTemplateCfgRxEnable .
Indicates if the ToS/DS byte is interpreted for packets received on IP interfaces using this template. disabled - The ToS field is ignored. All received packets have the lowest service class. enabled - convert the ToS byte to an internal service class. The internal service class is 'carried' with the packet through the forwarding path, affecting various internal mechanisms (e.g. queueing, policing, clipping) and then possibly used at the egress interface to affect changes to the ToS value, which VC, etc.
wfIpTosTemplateCfgRxMapping .
RxMapping controls the mapping of the ToS/DS byte to an internal service class (ISC). It consists of a list of (pattern, mask, ISC, DP) tuples. If the ToS byte contains the indicated pattern after being bit-wise ANDed with the mask, then the packet will be given the specified ISC. Each tuple is represented by four octets: one each for pattern, mask, and ISC, and DP in that order. e.g. for these two tuples of (pattern, mask, ISC, DP): (0x24, 0x7f, 5, 0) and (0x36, 0x7f, 2, 0) the octet string would have a length of eight and contain: 0x24, 0x7f, 0x05, 0x00, 0x36, 0x7f, 0x02, 0x00 Values greater than 7 for the ISC octet are reserved, as are values greater than 1 for the DP octet
wfIpTosTemplateCfgTxEnable .
TxHandling Indicates how the ToS/DS byte is handled for packets transmitted on IP interfaces using this interpretation/mapping template: disable - no changes is made to the IP header. enable - convert the internal service class to a new ToS octet, based on the mappings configured in wfIpTosTemplateCfgTxMapping.
wfIpTosTemplateCfgTxMapping .
TxMapping controls the mapping of the Internal Service Class (ISC) to the ToS/DS byte. It consists of a list of (pattern, mask, ISC, DP) tuples stored in the same format as wfIpTosTemplateCfgRxMapping. For a packet with a given ISC and DP, the bits selected by 'mask' in the the packet's ToS byte will be modified to contain 'pattern'.
wfIpTosTemplateIndex .
The identifier of this ToS/DS byte interpretation/mapping
wfIpTosTemplateName .
User-specified name of this ToS/DS byte interpretation/ mapping template
wfIpTosTemplateStatus .
The status of this entry in the table. valid(1) indicates the template has been configured correctly. invalid(2) indicates there is a problem with the entry. builtin(3) indicates that this instance is a built-in template that can not be modified.
wfIpTosTemplateRxEnable .
Indicates if the ToS/DS byte is interpreted for packets received on IP interfaces using this template. disabled - The ToS field is ignored. All received packets have the lowest service class. enabled - convert the ToS byte to an internal service class. The internal service class is 'carried' with the packet through the forwarding path, affecting various internal mechanisms (e.g. queueing, policing, clipping) and then possibly used at the egress interface to affect changes to the ToS value, which VC, etc.
wfIpTosTemplateRxMapping .
RxMapping controls the mapping of the ToS/DS byte to an internal service class (ISC). It consists of a list of (pattern, mask, ISC, DP) tuples. If the ToS byte contains the indicated pattern after being bit-wise ANDed with the mask, then the packet will be given the specified ISC. Each tuple is represented by four octets: one each for pattern, mask, and ISC, and DP in that order. e.g. for these two tuples of (pattern, mask, ISC, DP): (0x24, 0x7f, 5, 0) and (0x36, 0x7f, 2, 0) the octet string would have a length of eight and contain: 0x24, 0x7f, 0x05, 0x00, 0x36, 0x7f, 0x02, 0x00 Values greater than 7 for the ISC octet are reserved, as are values greater than 1 for the DP octet
wfIpTosTemplateTxEnable .
TxHandling Indicates how the ToS/DS byte is handled for packets transmitted on IP interfaces using this interpretation/mapping template: disable - no changes is made to the IP header. enable - convert the internal service class to a new ToS octet, based on the mappings configured in wfIpTosTemplateTxMapping.
wfIpTosTemplateTxMapping .
TxMapping controls the mapping of the Internal Service Class (ISC) to the ToS/DS byte. It consists of a list of (pattern, mask, ISC, DP) tuples stored in the same format as wfIpTosTemplateRxMapping. For a packet with a given ISC and DP, the bits selected by 'mask' in the the packet's ToS byte will be modified to contain 'pattern'.
wfIpGreTnlNum .
GRE tunnel number
wfIpGreTnlCreate .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete a GRE tunnel.
wfIpGreTnlEnable .
Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enableded. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disablea GRE tunnel.
wfIpGreTnlState .
State of the GRE tunnel
wfIpGreTnlName .
GRE tunnel name
wfIpGreTnlCctNum .
Circuit number associated with GRE tunnel
wfIpGreTnlLocIpAddr .
GRE tunnel local IP address
wfIpGreTnlMinMtu .
Minimum MTU for GRE tunnel
wfIpGreConnTnlNum .
GRE tunnel number for this connection. This ties the connection to a local endpoint.
wfIpGreConnNum .
GRE tunnel connection number.
wfIpGreConnCreate .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete a GRE connection.
wfIpGreConnEnable .
Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enableded. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disablea GRE connection.
wfIpGreConnName .
GRE connection name
wfIpGreConnRemIpAddr .
GRE tunnel connection remote IP address
wfIpGreConnProtoMap .
wfIpFilterTemplateRuleNumber .
ID for the template.
wfIpFilterTemplateFragment .
Fragment number - for large rules.
wfIpFilterTemplateCreate .
Defines the existence of the traffic filter template; created - traffic filter template exists; deleted - traffic filter template does not exist and can be deleted.
wfIpFilterTemplateDefinition .
The criteria, actions and action data that defines the filter template.
wfIpFilterTemplateName .
The name of this filter template.
wfIpBaseRtEntryTable .
The list of elements in IP's routing table
wfIpBaseHostEntryTable .
The list of elements in IP's host table
wfIpInterfaceTable .
The list of configured IP interface
wfIpStaticRouteTable .
The list of static routes
wfIpAdjacentHostTable .
The list of Adjacent Hosts (static IP-Mac resolutions)
wfIpTrafficFilterTable .
IP Traffic Filters
wfIpForwardTable .
IP Forwarding table The IP Forwarding Table obsoletes and replaces the wfIpBaseRt Table It adds knowledge of the autonomous system of the next hop, multiple next hop support, policy routing support, and supernetting. This is based on the IP Forwarding MIB presented in RFC 1354. It adds the network mask to the index.
wfIpNetToMediaEntryTable .
The list of elements in IP's host table
wfUdpTable .
The UDP listener table contains information about this entity's UDP end-points on which a local application is currently accepting datagrams.
wfUdpMprMappingTable .
The MPR Mapping table contains information regarding UDP port to IP multicast address resolution.
wfRipIntfTable .
The list of configured RIP interfaces
wfRipInterfaceTable .
The list of configured RIP interfaces
wfRdiscIntfTable .
The list of configured RDISC interfaces
wfIpAccCtrlFilterTable .
IP Access Control Filter Table
wfIpAccCtrlNetworkTable .
IP Access Control Network Entry Table
wfIpAccCtrlUserHostTable .
IP Access Control User Host Entry Table
wfIpAddrTable .
The table of addressing information relevant to this entity's IP addresses. This table is used to directly map to the ipAddrTable in rfc1213
wfIpInternalHostTable .
Table of internal IP hosts. Maintains counts of received, delivered and reassembled packets.
wfIpIntfStatsTable .
The list of configured IP interface stats
wfIpIntfCfgTable .
The list of configured IP interface
wfIpIntfStatsIcmpTable .
The list of configured IP icmp stats interface
wfIpFilterRuleTable .
Definition of filter rules
wfIpFilterConfigTable .
Configuration information for IP Traffic Filters
wfIpFilterStatsTable .
Statistical information for IP Traffic Filters
wfIpTosTemplateCfgTable .
The list of user configured ToS/DS byte interpretation/mapping templates
wfIpTosTemplateTable .
The list of ToS/DS byte interpretation/mapping templates
wfIpGreTnlTable .
GRE tunnel definitions
wfIpGreConnTable .
Definitions of GRE tunnel connections. Each point to multipoint tunnel is a group (possibly with only 1 member) of point to point connections which share local configuration parameters.
wfIpFilterTemplateTable .
Defines the criteria, actions and action data of an IP Traffic Filter. An entry in this table will be pointed to by the wfIpTrafficFilterDefinition attribute of a wfIpTrafficFilter table entry if a template was used to define the filter definition. This feature was added to 13.20 for BCC support.
Object Identifier
wfIpBase .
wfUdp .
wfUdpMpr .
wfIpBaseDbg .